View Full Version : DM Help Need help stating a DMPC!

2018-05-19, 04:15 PM
This may sound unorthodox, but I tend to have a DMPC in my campaigns who aids players as a support role. Since most of the people in my campaigns play brobarian beat-sticks, they tend to lack healers or supporters of any kind, but also tend to love the characters I send their way to aid them personality wise, meaning they actually like the DMPC I give them for that campaign.

For my newest one, however, I've run into a creator's block. The players fell in love with a character of mine (Let's call him 'Robert', for now) and absolutely adore him: in fact, I was never intending him to be the DMPC, but they tried to hard to convince Robert to join them I couldn't say no! So, I allowed them to add the guy to their party.

Problem is, since he wasn't intended to be their 'ally' per-se, I never actually stated him. So, I'm at a loss as to what to do.

I like to build my DMPC's like player characters, so I have them level alongside the party at the same pace, always the same level as the character in the party with the lowest level so that they can't carry them to victory. With that in mind, I'd like to ask you guys for help in stating this NPC to be my party's DMPC so that I can prevent him from becoming a burden while also not making him the star.

As for how I'd like him to actually be, I'll tell you who he is so you know what to expect: Robert is a Duergar (yes, one of those dark dwarf dudes) who is rambunctious, loud, and criminally insane by his race's standards. He is a Golden Hand of Vergadain (The Dwarf Deity of Trickery, Wealth and Luck), dresses like some kind of drunk shirtless luchador, and is skilled in alchemy, brewery, and showmanship (i.e; he's intended to basically be a conman who's very skilled at convincing people that the ale they just bought is the best in the world when it's really more like 90% Alcohol and 10% stuff he found in the grass on his lawn). He's Chaotic Neutral, obviously. Good to his friends and not willing to scam people who are poor or destitute, but totally, absolutely going to be the guy who find the richest d-bag in town and then use the friends/disguise person combo to ruin his rep just because it'd amuse him. Not the nicest guy, but better than most Duergar.

In battle, I'd imagine him to fight through darkness and deceit, using magical powers to blind/silence/etc his enemies before either A: Robbing them for everything they're worth, B: Pummeling them to death with his bare damn hands, C: Grappling them and then beating them up with his fists, or D: All of the above.

I'm currently thinking something along the lines of a Shadow Monk, Arcane Trickster, or some kind of Bard (though I'm torn between Lore and Valor, since the former would help his conman side while the latter would aid in his Cheesy 80's Wrestler Vibe in combat).

Would you guys be willing to aid me in bringing this character to life? I want to make him a DMPC to remember me by, someone my players will love! I greatly appreciate any and all attempts to aid me my this quest!

Honest Tiefling
2018-05-19, 04:20 PM
This may sound unorthodox, but I tend to have a DMPC in my campaigns who aids players as a support role. Since most of the people in my campaigns play brobarian beat-sticks, they tend to lack healers or supporters of any kind, but also tend to love the characters I send their way to aid them personality wise, meaning they actually like the DMPC I give them for that campaign.

Sounds more like an NPC than an DMPC, even if he has class levels. Which has never really bothered me, especially in smaller groups.

As for the build, I'd go Lore Bard. Fluff his performances as potions (or just give him potions since you are the DM and just dole them out as you think will add tension). Perhaps I am wrong, but I rather like the idea that despite acting and dressing like a luchador he's actually really only okay in fighting and relies on his potions/cheap tricks to succeed, such as pocket sand. Bard will grant lovely lovely support that can be fluffed as his brews to aid the party. A Monk is a skirmisher and a rogue is DPR, so few are going to really shine as the support the party wants.

2018-05-19, 04:31 PM
I'd suggest taking 1 level of Monk for the Unarmoured Defence (because of his habit to walk around shirtless) and Martial Arts (because of his wrestling/brawling tendencies). Maybe 2 if you want him to have ki points for flurry of blows. Then, put the rest of the levels in Bard and go for Glamour college (because he's a conman).

2018-05-19, 06:29 PM
This may sound unorthodox, but I tend to have a DMPC in my campaigns who aids players as a support role. Since most of the people in my campaigns play brobarian beat-sticks, they tend to lack healers or supporters of any kind, but also tend to love the characters I send their way to aid them personality wise, meaning they actually like the DMPC I give them for that campaign.

For my newest one, however, I've run into a creator's block. The players fell in love with a character of mine (Let's call him 'Robert', for now) and absolutely adore him: in fact, I was never intending him to be the DMPC, but they tried to hard to convince Robert to join them I couldn't say no! So, I allowed them to add the guy to their party.

Problem is, since he wasn't intended to be their 'ally' per-se, I never actually stated him. So, I'm at a loss as to what to do.

I like to build my DMPC's like player characters, so I have them level alongside the party at the same pace, always the same level as the character in the party with the lowest level so that they can't carry them to victory. With that in mind, I'd like to ask you guys for help in stating this NPC to be my party's DMPC so that I can prevent him from becoming a burden while also not making him the star.

As for how I'd like him to actually be, I'll tell you who he is so you know what to expect: Robert is a Duergar (yes, one of those dark dwarf dudes) who is rambunctious, loud, and criminally insane by his race's standards. He is a Golden Hand of Vergadain (The Dwarf Deity of Trickery, Wealth and Luck), dresses like some kind of drunk shirtless luchador, and is skilled in alchemy, brewery, and showmanship (i.e; he's intended to basically be a conman who's very skilled at convincing people that the ale they just bought is the best in the world when it's really more like 90% Alcohol and 10% stuff he found in the grass on his lawn). He's Chaotic Neutral, obviously. Good to his friends and not willing to scam people who are poor or destitute, but totally, absolutely going to be the guy who find the richest d-bag in town and then use the friends/disguise person combo to ruin his rep just because it'd amuse him. Not the nicest guy, but better than most Duergar.

In battle, I'd imagine him to fight through darkness and deceit, using magical powers to blind/silence/etc his enemies before either A: Robbing them for everything they're worth, B: Pummeling them to death with his bare damn hands, C: Grappling them and then beating them up with his fists, or D: All of the above.

I'm currently thinking something along the lines of a Shadow Monk, Arcane Trickster, or some kind of Bard (though I'm torn between Lore and Valor, since the former would help his conman side while the latter would aid in his Cheesy 80's Wrestler Vibe in combat).

Would you guys be willing to aid me in bringing this character to life? I want to make him a DMPC to remember me by, someone my players will love! I greatly appreciate any and all attempts to aid me my this quest!

Well, if you don't want your DMPC to shine, there are many ways to do that, with the first being attentive of it (which you are already so risk is low ^^). Another way is to make him really subpar in term of instant power but having enough to make him a valuable addition (in mechanic words, abuse the multiclass ^^).

From your description, I'd say myself that the guy...
- relies on his own power (so Warlock, Cleric, Druid, Paladin out).
- uses a fairly limited amount of magic, mainly when bare fists or tongue won't suffice (so "half-caster" at best, maybe even less than third-caster).
- will prefer manipulation over direct confrontation.

Barbarian, I'd like to suggest one level mainly because hey, he's a dwarf, he must lose nerves sometimes no? That one is purely a push from me (although it would bring a kind of Unarmored Defense).
From what you say otherwise, the quickest way to get Darkness would be Sorcerer, Warlock or Shadow Monk. Warlock is out, Sorcerer may very well work, also while it's a full caster, the limited number of spell known, and the fact its "innate magic" suits it well.
Grabbing Shadow Sorcerer would allow it to see through, while going Divine Soul would allow him to poach the important Healing Words. and he also would get Enhance Ability, which is imo a) suiting it well too (like, he's just pushing his natural talent at manipulation) b) extremely useful for party whatever situation they may encounter.

Monk's forte is getting short-rest based array of stealth spells, including the great Pass Without Trace and Silence, but you'd need at least 4 levels to get it really working correctly. So unless you really want to help players be stealthy (which is great for them, may give more work for you ^^), I'd actually recommend Sorcerer over it.

As for the rest, the "martial" part, if you didn't pick Monk already I'd tend to say a Rogue or plain Fighter would do the trick. Rogue having Expertise helps though, for the social skills part. But on that note, Bard screams social interaction, and it gets many great spells, plus Bardic Inspiration which is always helpful. ;)

Where does all that exploration lead us?
Anywhere you go I'd say. :)

My take for a level 7 character.
1. Shadow Sorcerer.
2. Bard.
3. Barbarian or Monk for Unarmored.
4. Shadow Sorcerer.
5. Shadow Sorcerer.
6&7a: if Monk, then Shadow Monk.
6&7b: if Barbarian, then Lore Bard.
6&7c: if neither, Rogue.
The important bits are Expertise in Persuasion and Deception (or proficient + Enhance Ability: don't be too good at this ^^), Healing Words, Enhance Ability, Darkness, Comprehend Languages, decent AC.