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2018-05-20, 08:49 PM
Second Darkness

You all arrive at different times, perhaps separated by a few minutes. Your reactions, though, to seeing the place, are quite similar to each other. It looks... vibrant. Just inside the main doors, two sultry beauties scantily clad and wearing faux bat wings, devil horns, and tails play the part of alluring succubi. Both are employees of the Gold Goblin, and they cheerfully register contestants for the tournament and process entry fees. Armed guards stand nearby to either side of an immense treasure chest into which each patron’s entry fee is added. The guards are on hand to not only protect the money, but to prevent any overzealous admirers from trying to dare the infamous touch of a succubus.
Beyond the registration table is the hall’s game floor. Dozens of gamblers, waitresses dressed as succubi, and bouncers mill about the room, wandering amid tables offering various games while dealers shuffle cards, roll dice, and spin wheels. Moving through this throng are a dozen more of the barely clad, bat- winged vixens serving drinks and batting coal-black eyelashes flirtatiously for tips. In the center of the chamber is a short podium atop which sits a massive gold chest affixed to the floor by similarly gaudy chains. On either side of it stands a bare- chested bouncer in the exotic garb of some foreign sultan’s court. Each stands with muscled arms crossed over his chest and with a naked scimitar of prodigious size tucked through his waistband. High above them, from the hall’s cloth-draped ceiling, hangs a brass birdcage within which crouches a small, bat-winged, pointy-tailed devilish creature that sulks as it gazes over the room and occasionally rattles the bars threateningly.

What do you do?

2018-05-20, 09:06 PM
Ralleck Nom arrived at the Gold Goblin. He was no gambler, really, he found the practice to be on the whole rather silly and wasteful. As such, he hadn’t really been sure what to expect here, but, it certainly hadn’t been… this. Alas, he had a job to do, and this was as good a place as any to begin looking into this whole Blot business. And so, with some trepidation, he paid the entry fee, and entered the tavern, hoping that he would not come to regret this. He glanced up at the strange creature in the cage… surely those in charge here had not been so stupid as to bring a real devil to this farce, had they?

Taking 10 on an untrained Knowledge Planes check for a total of 10, on the off chance that's sufficient to determine whether that's an actual devil up there.

2018-05-20, 11:10 PM
As Dolok stepped into the Gold Goblin, he held his hands up to the guards to show he meant no harm and wasn't trying to touch the "succubi" or anything perverse. No sense in getting into trouble with the law, especially since he was supposed to encourage people to follow it.

Dolok petted the small monkey hanging at his belt, partially in trying to look natural, partially trying to get a sense of comfort. The rumors of Riddleport at made him frightened that he was going to get mugged at any moment, and the gambling areas didn't make him feel any better. Still, he needed to find the owner. He figured he may be able to get a job here, perhaps as a guard, so that way he could keep an eye on things and make sure there weren't any truly demonic beings. Though the thing hanging in the cage was not a good sign.

Suddenly he felt a boost on confidence. He glanced down at Coins, and noticed his hands had glowed for a moment. He smiled, knowing the monkey was with him. Still feeling the confidence, he quickly began to ask about for the owner, starting with the guards.

Diplomacy Bonus = +7
Guidance from Coins = +1

2018-05-21, 04:25 AM
Lesh walks into the bar wearing his his typical black and green cloths with his sword on his hip. Look around he's a little wide eye'd at all the beauties, but his focus changes once he sees the piles of gold. Though, with a shake of his head, he frees himself of those tempting thoughts of quick riches. He proceeds through the crowd, taking it all in. While looking around he sees the creature in the bird cage and stares for a second trying to determine if in fact this Saul guy was actually able to catch and house a little demon in his party. After a few minutes he refocuses on what he came here for and proceeds to go to try and find Saul about the possibilities of getting a job by going person by person, interupting whatever they were doing and asking where he is.

Knowledge Planes untrained 10
Diplomacy to find Saul [roll0]

2018-05-21, 09:30 AM
Myzmadra arrives to the Gold Goblin late. She had debated going at all, to be honest, but in the end, she owed it to herself to have some free time every once in a while. Besides, Lesh was participating. She had first met the young man when he'd landed himself in prison. She had been following him first out of professional interest (as a mercenary, catching him if he slipped was extra money), but later it's grown into something like friendship. After he'd picked up an interest in arcane, they'd been meeting every once in a while. Having a friend that she could talk to about arcane arts was a bright spot to her life.

She had left her gendarme gear home, wearing a plain gambeson, her sword hanging loosely from her belt. She had altered the colour from a drab grey to a vibrant red and white for the evening. She did love how magic allowed for a much smaller wardrobe, though she knew she'd need more practice before she could work on a pattern.

She wanders in past the bouncers, scanning the crowd for any familiar faces. She expected to see some, beside Lesh. Seeing the big chest of gold, she went to deposit her own fee. She proceeded to get something to drink from one of waitresses, trying to give a kind and not condescending smile.

2018-05-26, 09:41 PM
As the windows begin darkening with twilight, several gamehall employees enter, carrying torches shaped like pitchforks skewering burning heads made of straw and cloth to light several large braziers, giving the hall a more infernal hue. A hush falls over the gathered crowd as a short man climbs to the central podium, accompanied by two gorgeous “succubi,” and stands before the gold, chain-shrouded chest there with demoness on either side. He wears a formal suit, and his thinning black hair is slicked back. His left arm ends in a stump just above the wrist, and affixed to it is a bronze cap from which protrudes an oddly shaped key. This is Saul Vancaskerkin, the owner of the Gold Goblin and host of the tournament. He bows before the crowd and clears his throat before speaking.

“Welcome, one and all, to the Gold Goblin Gambling Hall and your chance to cheat the Devil and win back not only your soul but all of his gold as well.” He says this last as he pats the large chest before which he stands. “I hope you found your reception by the Devil’s lovely temptresses suitably entertaining.”
This is met by a general murmur of laughter and a few catcalls.

“Let’s take this moment to thank Old Scratch himself for attending this event. Not only did he loan us these lovely, dark angels, but he also emptied the deepest vaults of Hell itself to provide the gold for this tournament.” With this, Saul directs the crowd’s attention up to the imp in the birdcage. At the sudden attention, Old Scratch flies into a flurry of rage, banging the cage bars, spitting, howling, and screaming vile epithets in Infernal at all assembled. His theatrics are received with guffaws and even a smattering of applause. As the crowd dies down, Vancaskerkin continues.

“Of course, he plans on replacing what he loses in gold with the souls of those of you who don’t win. The tournament rules are quite simple—as you play, you’ll earn more chips. And with those chips, you’ll be able to bribe your way out of the current Hell you’re trapped in, working your way down deeper until you get to Old Scratch’s treasury. Currently, all of you are Old Scratch’s prisoners in the first of the Hells, Avernus. If you want
to work your way down to the ninth circle, you need to win games. Each time you win, you’ll be awarded a golden eye. If you come in second, you’ll get a silver tooth. And third place wins a copper heart. These bits of flesh and bone are what the devils use in Hell for currency, and they’re what you’ll need to pay in order to bribe your way into the next layer of hell. The first player to win a game after reaching Nessus not only keeps his winnings for that game,but also earns back his soul and the ten thousand silver coins that the Devil put up for this tournament. You can, of course, decide to cash out your winnings at any time you want, but if you do, or if you run out of money entirely... well, that means Old Scratch gets you.”

Vancaskerkin grins evilly and the caged imp cuts loose with another profane tirade. “And that earns you the Devil’s Mark and an escort out of the game hall until the tournament is over. What, you ask, exactly is this Devil’s Mark? Well, it’s something too utterly horrible to even contemplate. The forfeiture of your very soul, it is. But I suppose I can show you what it is— gods know I more than deserve the Devil’s Mark. In fact, better make it two, girls!”

With that, the two succubi accompanying him lean over and each firmly plants a kiss on Saul’s cheek with her ruby-red lips. When they pull away, their lip rouge has left clearly visible prints in the same shocking red on his cheeks. Saul beams as he cries out, “The Devil’s Mark, everyone!” which is greeted by a flurry of shouts, catcalls, and hoots. “Now, let’s cheat the Devil and take his gold!” which prompts one more rabid flurry from the imprisoned fiend above, and with that, the tournament begins.

There is traditional gambling and four other unusual games you can participate in, and (of course) Cheat The Devil And Take His Gold. I’ll post the rules for anyone who’s interested.

2018-05-27, 10:05 AM
What wonderful spectacle and pageantry, though a bit gloom and doom Lesh thought to himself as he started to walk towards Saul to all about a job, but with all the excitement and people cheering Bounders, Bounders, Bounders, he couldn't resist the urg to throw his last gold piece on the table for 1 big bet. He tosses the coin to the table, grabs the die, and with a shout, "Show me the one eyed, Succubi" throws the die: [roll0]

2018-05-27, 11:23 AM
A rather bemused Ralleck watched as Vancaskerkin gave his speech. He couldn’t help but think it was all terribly over the top. But, he was not here to judge silly speeches given by a rather silly man. Well, he wasn’t going to be finding out anything interesting by sitting in a corner, so, Ralleck proceeded over to the Bounders table, placing down a 1 sp bet. No need to go overboard, after all, he was hardly here to gamble away his cash. Sending a silent prayer to Nethys, he rolled the dice.


2018-06-01, 03:09 PM
That was quite a show. Just what was promised. She idly wondered if the imp was real. Whether it was or not, it wasn't her business. Not until she put on her uniform again. For the moment, Myzmadra figured she should try to enjoy herself. Besides, she had a good head for taking risks. This was just a way to practice… she catches herself mid-thought. This was an opportunity to unwind. She sits down at the table for Bounders. She made a bet of five silver pieces, grabbing the dice and eyeing her opponents.

[roll0] Roll 1
[roll1] the second roll

2018-06-04, 07:57 PM
Fortun had just arrived a bit late but he was glad he didnt miss the main event. Afterall, he couldnt let Vancaskerkin down on his promise. Hopefully he didnt notice. Fortun was quite enjoying his dramatic presentation though he guessed that it was all just part of the big show. "I am not sure if I should do this. I think I will just watch for the moment." he mutters to himself.

2018-06-11, 10:56 PM
The night goes on, and tankards fill and refill. Lesh does quite well, earning back his entry and then winning 2 more gp. Ralleck doesn’t do as well, losing his entry fee and winning nothing. And Myzmadra breaks even. Fortun, undistracted by the gambling, notices some shifty folks over in the corner. You see them close their eyes, and then a man walks out of a lavatory holding a scroll, which he casts. Suddenly, there is a blinding flash of light that comes from one of the braziers, stabbing at the eyes of everyone in the room.

Everyone, roll initiative and a Will save. Fortun is the only one who can act in the surprise round.

2018-06-11, 11:03 PM
And this is why I don't bother with these silly games, Ralleck thought to himself, just before the blinding light filled the room.

Initiative: [roll0]
Will: [roll1]

2018-06-11, 11:07 PM
Spellcraft to try and identify spell: [roll0]

2018-06-11, 11:10 PM
Lesh enjoying his triple-up, was still able to stave off the blinding flash and is plenty ready for whatever villainy about to come for his vast winnings.

Initiative [roll0]
Will Save [roll1]

2018-06-11, 11:18 PM
Spellcraft [roll0]

2018-06-12, 09:44 AM
It was developing to be an exciting night, but she'd had enough excitement. She was even now, and about to gather up her earnings and cash out when she spots the suspicious figure coming from the lavatory holding a scroll. It was out of place enough that she noticed it, but not fast enough. Nowhere near fast enough. She was still staring as the flash went off.

Rolled on Discord: Will save 4 (2+2), Initiative 6 (2+4)

2018-06-12, 10:11 AM
Fortun wonders what this could mean. He thinks about telling the owner Vancaskerkin but before he could act, he is surprised by the the flash of light.

Initiative: [roll0]
Will Save: [roll1]

Seeing the situation, he is in. He prepares to face the challenge ahead.

My action will be to draw my sword (move action).