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Darth Ultron
2018-05-20, 09:52 PM
Aluendale Maendellyn "I'm sure Ioluk Clubfoots owner snatched him away. You want to be a bit mindful as you grow in power. It's not just the gladiators you need to worry about, but also the owners. They don't want to see their property stolen, hurt or killed. Even more so if they are winners. "

2018-05-21, 12:10 PM
Alton the Axe thinks: Yeah, that's what I figured, too. I never seen it before now, though. Wonder if maybe I'm the reason owners are beginning to invest in corpse-recall magics.

Alton is pleased. Notoriety satisfies his ego.

Alton feels a rush of pleasure as life surges back into him, his wounds healing without scar. He drinks 2 more honey potions then runs towards the goblin store.

Once at the goblin store, Alton looks around to see if there are any Blood Foots loitering nearby.

HP rises by 34 from 6 to 40/69.

Drink 2 more honey potions from Thujune Stoutcask. Number is reduced from 6 to 4.

Please roll healing for me, unless you want me to assume that all those honey potions are CMW.

Thanks for the new thread.

How much XP did Alton earn for defeating the shadow fetch of Vargash the Black and also Ioluk Clubfoot?

Also, is it okay with you if I pick Blind-Fight for Alton's next feat at character level 9?

Darth Ultron
2018-05-21, 08:56 PM
Aluendale Maendellyn "Well, it's not just you. It's not like you are the first gladiator to attack another. "


The area around the store is full of people, but there are no Blood Foot halflings around the immediate area.


Yup page 101...

Sure, you can pick any feat.

2018-05-23, 04:36 AM
Alton the Axe watches his wounds vanish as the 2 honey potions wipe out the rest of his injuries. He feels great, and he grins.

He takes off one of his Gauntlets of Many Weapons and removes the Ring of Lesser Unholy Aura. He puts it in his pouch and puts the greater Ring of Protection on his finger.

He thinks: Aluendale, would Tempus look with disfavor on me if me and my allies incited and tricked my enemies into fighting each other?

I ask because I have a bard with skill in illusion on my side now. We could play a game of Let's You and Him Fight.

As Alton puts the Gauntlet back on, covering the greater Ring of Protection, he feels a surge of power in his soul, and for a moment an aura of flickering and inconstant yellow light covers him. Then it vanishes, but he still feels it there.

He thinks: Wow.

HP is back up to full, 69/69.

As per above, take off ring of lesser unholy aura and put on ring of protection +2.

Ring of lesser unholy aura is expended for today, so no point in wearing it until it recovers.

Hit Points: [roll0]

Alton is now character level 9, with a 2nd level in Divine Disciple.

Alton's BAB is now +6, so he has a second attack per round at -5 to hit even without Haste or Divine Power.

Courtesy of level 2 divine disciple, he now has Sacred Defense +1. That's what the flickering yellow aura signifies. Protects him against divine spells and effects from outsiders.

New feat is Blind-Fight. It's not a super-classy feat, and it doesn't lead to any overarching goal, but it's what Alton needs right now since he made enemies of the Sharrans. And unlike Darksight or Darkvision, it works all the time.

4 skill points used as follows:

1 rank in Knowledge (Dungeoneering), because Alton's been fighting a lot of oozes lately courtesy of Oughlyee of the Slime, and he talked to Vitelius the Vile. Costs 2 skill points, and his bonus still sucks because he only has 1 rank in it, but at least now he has a chance to recognize oozes and slimes.

1 rank in Knowledge (Nature), which is a class skill for Divine Disciples.

1 more rank in Knowledge (The Planes). Now has 3 ranks in it.

FYI, the old links to the character sheet don't work anymore because I changed Alton's sheet name to Alton the Axe.

Alton the Axe (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=186291)
Male Chaotic Neutral Human Cleric 7 / Divine Disciple 2, Level 9, Init 7, HP 74/74, Speed 20
AC 21, Touch 11, Flat-footed 20, Fort 11, Ref 3, Will 11, Base Attack Bonus 6
+1 vicious battleaxe +10 (1d8+3, x3)
+1 dissolving club +9 (1d6+3, x2)
+1 venomous dagger +9 (1d4+3, 19-20/x2)
Leather Armor of Death Ward, Heavy wooden shield (+8 Armor, +2 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 11
Condition None

Darth Ultron
2018-05-23, 06:22 PM
Aluendale Maendellyn "Of course, trickery and deception are a part of fights and wars. As long as you don't go to far."

Blind fight is a decent feat for a martial character...lots of stuff can block sight.

And...5th level spells :)

Aluendale Maendellyn tosses over a scroll

Surge of Fortune

Transmutation Level: Cleric 5, Components: V, S, DF, Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 round/level or until discharged

The power of your deity flows through you, guiding your movements and honing your instincts. Upon casting this spell, you gain a +2 luck bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, ability checks, and spell penetration checks, as well as to Armor Class. At any point before the spell expires, you can channel some of its remaining power into a single instant of perfect fortune as an immediate action. The result of the next attack roll, saving throw, skill check, ability check, or spell penetration check you attempt is treated as a natural 20, as long as it occurs within 1 round of the time you invoked this power. (If you use it for an attack roll, you must still roll to confirm the critical hit normally). Using this option instantly ends the spell

2018-05-24, 09:55 AM
Alton the Axe gapes in awe at the scroll as it effervesces in his hands and he breathes in the knowledge. That's an amazing spell!

He explains: I just hope to, you know, start off a gang war between the Blood Foots and either the Silent Sands or the Violet Rose. For fun and also to get the Blood Foots distracted and off my back.

Or would you advise me against such? I'm not sure if the magics around this arena or that are common to gladiators or their owners would prevent such deception.

He also asks more questions: Am I correct in guessing that the arena or even the entire city of Eltabbar is warded against planar travel? Because it seems I can cast Plane Shift now.

Do the arena owners or audience have any problem with using size-increasing spells like Enlarge Person or Righteous Might during gladiatorial matches? I've never used Enlarge Person because it's so obvious, but it seems a shame not to use Righteous Might.

I agree Blind-Fight is a worthwhile feat for someone in Alton's situation, because he's surrounded by magic. He'd be bound to use it regularly, too.

On the other hand, I don't recall ever seeing Blind-Fight in an optimized or planned high-level PC's feat list. And it doesn't turn up very often in unofficial or official handbooks.

Which I guess is one reason that I like organically grown PCs like Alton as opposed to PCs that start out high level. To get to high level, an organic PC has to survive first, which often means making unusual choices.

Darth Ultron
2018-05-24, 03:03 PM
Aluendale Maendellyn "Well, you can never really know if a gang war is going to work. Even more so in the arena, all the owners can put a stop to it...or anything really...quick.

And even if you did get a war going, it might not stop them from coming after you anyway. You'd just be another fight in the war, after all.

You might be better off just appeasing them somehow.

The arena is warded against anything that might let a gladiator escape, of course. Not the whole city...at least I don't think so. There are lots of portal alarms to detect plane shiftings.

No one cares about size enlargement. After all, it does make you easier to see. It is popular enough. Half orcs use enlarge a lot. "

2018-05-24, 03:28 PM
Alton frowns. Do Tempurans do appeasing?

If you're inclined to get on your knees once, it can become a habit, and worse, the one you kneel to might get the impression he can make demands of you and make you kneel again.[

It's different in the slave/owner relationship, of course. I have no choice but to kneel. But for some other bozos? I don't like it.

He is pleased by the revelation that Righteous Might is usable, though. Or maybe he'd just pray for Extended Divine Power instead.

Darth Ultron
2018-05-24, 04:09 PM
Aluendale Maendellyn "Well....it's not popular, and it's not done often. But, occasionally in war or life ones has to do such things. You can't always fight. The wise warrior does need to know when to fight, and when not too. "

2018-05-27, 12:03 AM
Alton the Axe thinks long and hard about what Aluendale told him. A shadow of nausea and even disgust twists his hairy features.

Eventually, he thinks: They're not going to be very open to diplomacy, I think. I've killed too many Blood Foots over the past month. I doubt the Blood Foots will remember or care that they started the feud, with their nighttime attack and those freaking corpse-fireballs.

Even if they care to listen, they'd probably just claim that they were paid by Kuort, that it was just business, that I should be blaming Kuort, not them.

But I guess I can try to be diplomatic, even if it makes me wanna puke.

He also thinks: Would anyone in authority or any magics notice or care if I used Stone Shape or Wall of Stone to make the entrance to our sleeping place narrower, to make it easier to defend?

It may be hubristic to change the architecture of the arena I'm a slave in, just to make it harder for someone to sneak in and kill me, but it seems I have the power to do that now.

Relevant posts from long long ago:

Just as the second fight of the evening starts......five halflings break from the crowd and head your way. Each is wearing leather armor and has a short sword. They advance, ready to attack...

Baelon Crowblade's hair is quite short and well cut.

"Sure, I'm the guy that hooked up Kuort and the Blood Foots. I owed Kuort a favor. Though Govart was not part of it. Haplo Shortwolf is the lead assassin guy, I put him in touch with. And yes, final runes, such an old trick. Take something of value and put explosive runes in it, tied with a twist to that persons life force. They die, and a couple seconds later boom, lots of fire. Almost any Red Wizard short robe can cast it. Though guess it did not work out, you being here and all."

Darth Ultron
2018-05-27, 04:51 PM
Aluendale Maendellyn "The arena is definitely warded and protected against transmutations. And they will notice.

Though you might be able to use magic to get out of this. I doubt the Blodfoots have a cleric in the arena with your power, but they might...and even if they do, you provide magic outside the gang structure. "

Wow, going back in time like forever....

2018-05-29, 12:06 AM
Alton the Axe looks grumpy, then nods. Makes sense. Stone-shaping and stone-making spells could undo the maze between the arena and the outside. They'd be ideal for a mass escape attempt. If they functioned here.

He staggers for a moment when Aluendale mentions offering his power. I... never thought of that.

Alton spends a few moments thinking, calculating the odds. I've kept Tempus' power hidden for so long. But that was way back when, when I was a novice and had little strength to hide.

Now Tempus grants me enormous strength, and it will become increasingly difficult to hide my capabilities. I can raise the freaking dead now! And a lot of people already know anyway. Anyone with Spellcraft or who can detect magic.

So I guess it wouldn't hurt too much. And it might even work.

Alton waits for the Invisibility to fade as he steps into the line for the goblin store.

If he is not attacked in the interim, and he reaches the counter, he asks the goblin store clerk, "How strong is the strongest belt of giant strength you got? And how much does it cost?"

Alton has decided that he doesn't want to depend only on Tempus' magic to make himself mighty, not when he is expecting to be attacked and every heartbeat counts. He'd rather be strong all the time.

This is the longest game I've ever been in, and the only one where I've gone from levels 1 to 9. It's great.

Invisibility expires after 3 minutes.

I only noticed a few days ago that Wall of Stone is a cleric spell in 3.5.

Darth Ultron
2018-05-29, 08:52 PM
Aluendale Maendellyn "As allways, anyone with the knowladge and power....and money...knows whatever they want to know. Even then though, a lot of people just don't bother to know things. And many are just not so smart."

Goblin clerk "Storm giant strength. Of course. The most powerful. 40,000 gold if you want one. "

2018-05-30, 01:02 PM
Alton the Axe marvels that he ever considered purchasing that Cloak of the Ooze for 60,000, when he could have gotten a Belt of Storm Giant Strength for two-thirds the amount.

Gods, I'm dumb. Dumb dumb dumb.

He nods to the goblin clerk. "Sounds good." Then he changes the subject.

"Is there anyone in this arena who has a suit of soulfire armor besides Vargash the Black, or a Talisman of Undying Fortitude besides Ioluk Clubfoot?"

"I want something that will protect against death effects more than once per day, like this Leather Armor of Death Ward does." He taps his armor. "How much must I pay for the information?"

Darth Ultron
2018-05-30, 05:16 PM
Goblin Clerk looks over some scrolls "I do see one other that has one Talisman of Undying Fortitude. 1,000 gold and the name is all yours. " the goblin says with a smile.

2018-05-31, 03:14 AM
Alton the Axe's heart leaps with joy. 1000 is a small price to pay for extra insurance against the Sharrans when they send something nasty after him.

Then he remembers seeing Ioluk Clubfoot disappear as he died, and his lips turn downwards at the corner.

I'll have to be smarter and wilier about getting this Talisman from its current owner. Maybe ask or hire Baolo to help steal it, before I engage him in holy battle.

He says to the goblin clerk, "The owner currently is in this arena? You're sure?"

"What else can you tell me about the owner besides his or her name, and how much would it cost me?"

Darth Ultron
2018-05-31, 02:57 PM
Goblin Clerk "Well, nothing. We only care about the magic items. You are lucky we even write down names. All you gladiators are the same anyway." goblin says with a shrug of his shoulders.

2018-05-31, 03:44 PM
Alton the Axe thinks some more, but then decides he doesn't know enough about cloaks and helms and other headgear to make a wise choice on what to buy.

"Fine. 40 thou for the Belt of Storm Giant Strength, and 1 thou for the name of the gladiator who carries the other Talisman of Undying Fortitude."

He signs his signature where necessary, and shudders in horror at the exorbitant price he is paying for everlasting improved strength. He reminds himself: It's worth it.

As soon as he is handed the Belt of Storm Giant Strength, Alton wraps it around his waist and buckles it, waiting for the surge to his muscle.

Store credit gold reduced by 41,000 from 127,665 to 86,665.

Late Edit: Found a mistake in my calculations. Off by 10,000, which Alton had withdrawn to bet with Zelandra of Myrkul.

Store credit gold actually reduced by 41,000 from 117,665 to 76,665.

Put on the Belt of Storm Giant Strength as soon as given.

How much bonus does the belt give to Strength, please?

Darth Ultron
2018-05-31, 03:57 PM
Goblin clerk nods and notes on the scrolls and then hands over a girdle and a small note that says 'Erlok Spinepuller'.

Belt of Storm Giant Strgenth is +6 enhancement to strength.

2018-05-31, 11:27 PM
Alton the Axe glances at the note and raises his eyebrows in surprise. Spinepuller. Ominous name.

He's about to leave the counter and walk away from the store when he remembers something. "Hey, clerk. You got any tough cords I can use to tie a weapon hilt to my wrist or belt, so it doesn't get lost if I drop it?"

"How many cords can I get for 1 gold?"

Like weapon cords in Pathfinder.

One of the reasons why Alton doesn't use his venomous dagger +1 more often is because he's afraid of losing it if he drops it to draw his vicious battleaxe.

A weapon cord tying the dagger to his belt so it could not be lost would be ideal and very simple.

Darth Ultron
2018-05-31, 11:56 PM
A weapon cord does not seem to be what you'd want:

Weapon cords are 2-foot-long leather straps that attach your weapon to your wrist. If you drop your weapon or are disarmed, you can recover it as a move action, and it never moves any farther away from you than an adjacent square. However, you cannot switch to a different weapon without first untying the cord (a full-round action) or cutting it (a move action or an attack, hardness 0, 1 hit point). Unlike with a locked gauntlet, you can still use a hand with a weapon cord, though a dangling weapon may interfere with finer actions.

2018-06-01, 01:07 AM
Alton the Axe tells the goblin clerk, "Never mind. Thanks."

As he walks away from the goblin store, Alton feels a spring in his step. He feels mighty. And he knows he'll keep on feeling mighty, not like his fleeting experience of Bull's Strength and Divine Power spells.

Is this how gods and giants feel? I think I could crush a stone with my bare freaking hand.

I could get addicted to this. I'll have to watch myself, lest I become overconfident. I don't want to die foolishly.

He seeks out Llaars Nirum, even as he watches for any Blood Foots congregating to attack him.

All right.

Darth Ultron
2018-06-01, 12:06 PM
The areas around seem a bit empty of halflings with red dyed feet hairs. You only see a couple, here and there, but they don't look towards you or react in any way at all.

Llaars Nirum is eventually found helping to hold up a wall over in a hallway by himself.

2018-06-01, 12:32 PM
Alton the Axe is tense every time he spots a halfling. He is jittery with nerves, and yet he knows he can't just sit in the defensive spot and wait for his enemies to come after him.

Alton is proactive. Like a shark, a fish he has never seen swimming in a sea he has never seen, Alton must keep swimming, must keep moving, must keep hunting.

As he approaches Llaars, Alton's smile is uneasy and his eyes are too bright, not like his usual relaxed air.

"Hey, Llaars. Any news?"

As he listens to Llaars' response, he dips into his pouch and counts out 50 gold. He hands the gold to Llaars.

"I'd appreciate any warning you or the other guards can give me, if someone comes after me over the next few days and nights."

"Also, could you please point out to me which gladiator is Erlok Spinepuller?"

Give Llaars 50 gold.

On-hand gold reduces from 200 to 150.

Updated stat block, reflecting Alton's acquisition of the Belt of Storm Giant Strength.

Speed is increased from 20 to 30, since Alton now is strong enough all his gear without encumbrance.

Alton the Axe (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=186291)
Male Chaotic Neutral Human Cleric 7 / Divine Disciple 2, Level 9, Init 7, HP 74/74, Speed 30
AC 21, Touch 11, Flat-footed 20, Fort 11, Ref 3, Will 11, Base Attack Bonus 6
+1 vicious battleaxe +13 (1d8+6, x3)
+1 dissolving club +12 (1d6+6, x2)
+1 venomous dagger +12 (1d4+6, 19-20/x2)
Leather Armor of Death Ward, Heavy wooden shield (+8 Armor, +2 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 11
Condition None

Darth Ultron
2018-06-02, 09:48 PM
Llaars Nirum takes the gold and slips it into his belt pouch.

Llaars Nirum "It's mostly quiet. No real news happening around here. Guess everyone is being nice, or at least not focusing on the arena much.

I have not heard of any one coming directly after you.

Erlok Spinepuller? You can't miss him, he is the only half-ogre in here. He has a big glave and a spiked chain. I don't see him around. He does not fight too much any more. I think he is just waiting for a big freedom fight."

2018-06-02, 11:56 PM
Alton the Axe nods and smiles, and he says, "Thanks, Llaars." He turns and walks away.

Inside, however, he thinks differently. Everyone being nice? No one coming after me? I don't believe it.

He next goes to Jevin Oarthon. If he is not attacked and interrupted on the way, he says to Jevin, "Hope you're doing well, Jevin."

Like he did with Llaars Nirum, he gave Jevin 50 gold.

He asks, "Could you tell me who Erlok Spinepuller's owner is?"

Alton wonders why he is giving arena guards gold. Why the sudden spate of generosity?

He figures it might be because he is expecting to fighting multiple battles soon, attacks from the Blood Foots and the Sharrans, and he could either die or triumph and become even stronger than before. In either case, he wants to be generous to the little people, the guards, who helped him along the way.

Give Jevin Oarthon 50 gold. On-hand gold reduces from 150 to 100.

I'll alter the character sheet after Alton finishes talking and giving gold to the guards.

Darth Ultron
2018-06-03, 04:21 PM
Jevin Oarthon takes the gold and slips it into a pocket. "No complaints. Just really normal work days.

Erlok Spinepuller? Well, yea, that is Hannis Drelev, the Grand Guard General of the Arena. My boss, all the guards boss. "

2018-06-04, 12:05 PM
Alton the Axe tries to conceal a shudder. It's bad enough that Spinepuller is so experienced a gladiator that he is close to his freedom fight. Having Spinepuller be the property of Hannis Drevel, Grand Guard General of the Arena, makes attacking him suicidal.

Besides, Alton treasures freedom as an important aspect of Chaos. He wouldn't kill a man or half-ogre who was so close to achieving his own freedom.

Trying to figure out ways he might persuade Erlok Spinepuller, he asks Jevin, "Is a freedom fight likely to be easy-peasy, hard, or the hardest ever?"

"Do you think Hannis Drelev likes Spinepuller? If he does, maybe he'll give him an easier time for his freedom fight."

Darth Ultron
2018-06-04, 04:23 PM
Jevin Oarthon shrugs his shoulders "guess it depends a lot. Could be anything. Yea, they get along great, as far as I know.

A lot of freedom fights are hard...I guess...as win or loose people like to go out with a show.

Erlok Spinepuller has not fought much then green matches in like a while though. "

2018-06-04, 04:39 PM
Alton the Axe looks crestfallen when he hears that Erlok Spinepuller gets along well with his owner and that he hasn't fought anything but green matches for a long while now.

Great. He probably doesn't want or need Tempus' help to win his freedom fight then.

But then he perks up as another thought strikes him: But that also means he probably doesn't need his Talisman of Undying Fortitude to survive. I might actually be able to buy the thing from him.

Distracted with his schemes, he says to Jevin, "Thanks, man."

Alton walks around, looking for the half-ogre Erlok Spinepuller, just so he can identify where the half-ogre is.

How do you do Diplomacy in this game? Are you OK with up to 2 people giving Aid Another?

Do you want Alton to be Diplomacy primary or is it okay to ask a more proficient NPC to be primary?

Also: Alton doesn't feel the need to talk to Toka anymore, so sheet is updated. On-hand gold remains at 100.

Darth Ultron
2018-06-04, 09:11 PM
Erlok Spinepuller is not hard to find, as he is the tallest and biggest person in the arena. He is sitting and talking with a group of guards.

Diplomancy I use the GitP one: http://www.giantitp.com/articles/jFppYwv7OUkegKhONNF.html

Aid Another has no limit in the rules as to how many can help, but it does greatly depend on the check and what is being done.

2018-06-04, 11:51 PM
Alton the Axe takes note of where Spinepuller is.

He then heads back to the defensive spot to look for Astar Stormsword, Tomok Ghastsplitter, Kemlal Kyrgam, and Baolo Riverspeaker.

He asks them all (even Tomok the tiefling), "Who's the best of you at persuading other people to do things you want?"

"I ask because I need a favor. I'm good enough at smooth talk, but I'm not that good, and I need someone persuaded to sell something."

I assume that a bunch of people, knowing each other, can judge each other's relative Diplomacy bonuses and figure out who has the highest one.

Alton has 5 ranks in Diplomacy and his Diplomacy bonus is only +5. Mediocre.

Darth Ultron
2018-06-05, 01:41 PM
Kemlal Kyrgam "That would be me."

Baolo Riverspeaker "I don't 'ask' people much, so I only have a little skill."

Tomok Ghastsplitter "I can Intimidate people."

2018-06-05, 11:48 PM
Alton the Axe nods to Kemlal. He gives a little nod to Baolo to acknowledge his answer, then says to Tomok, "Thanks, man, but this guy we can't intimidate. We shouldn't anyway."

He asks Astar, "What about you, Astar? Can you help persuade?"

After he elicits Astar's response, if any, Alton says, "The favor I ask of you, Kemlal, is to persuade this half-ogre to sell his Talisman of Undying Fortitude, a magical device I need pretty badly to improve my survival chances. The half-ogre's name is Erlok Spinepuller."

"We can't intimidate this guy because he's the property of the Grand Guard General of this arena. It would be suicide to piss him off. And he's nearing his freedom fight anyway. I don't want to get in the way of Spinepuller's achieving it."

"Spinepuller's probably a really good fighter, and he's on good terms with his owner, so I'm betting he doesn't really need the Talisman to survive and win. I'd like you to begin by offering 15,000 gold for it."

"I'll try to help you persuade him. I'll offer to lend him the help of Tempus, through which he is certain to prevail."

Then he asks Kemlal (and maybe Astar), "What do you say? Will you help me?"

Darth Ultron
2018-06-06, 11:53 AM
Astar Stormsword "I can help if you need it, but diplomacy is not one of the strengths. I do a bit more aggressive negotiations with a sword. Diplomacy is for the priests."

Kemlal Kyrgam "Sounds simple enough."

2018-06-06, 01:28 PM
Alton the Axe says to Astar, "That's fine. Please come along and back up Kemlal's entreaty."

He nods gratefully to Kemlal and offers him his own Amulet of Allure. "Here. I lend you this to wear, for this purpose. It will help."

Once Kemlal is wearing the Amulet of Allure, Alton leads Astar and Kemlal to where Erlok Spinepuller is. He whispers, "That's him. The big guy."

He also whispers, "Oh, I should mention: I don't have the money on me right this moment. It's at the goblin store account. So we'd have to go there to transfer the money from me to him."

Alton prepares to back up Kemlal's spiel.

Hand over to Kemlal the amulet of allure.

Darth Ultron
2018-06-10, 08:40 PM
Kemlal Kyrgam approaches and talks to Erlok Spinepuller.


Astar Stormsword's Aid [roll1]

2018-06-11, 12:13 PM
Alton the Axe waits for Kemlal to finish talking, then steps forward and speaks in a low voice.

"In addition to the 15,000 Kemlal offered for the Talisman of Undying Fortitude you got, I'm offering this to sweeten the deal."

"You're coming up to your freedom fight, correct? Might be an easy fight, or it might be the hardest you ever fought, right?"

"Well, if you take this deal, I offer you the favor and blessings of Mighty Tempus, god of battle. I'll load you up with so many protections and augmentations, you'll be sure to CRUSH your opposition and win your freedom."

"Only exception is if your designated opponent is me, Kemlal here, Astar Stormsword, the halfling Baolo Riverspeaker, or the tiefling Tomok Ghastsplitter. They're my allies and I won't help against them."

"So take Kemlal's excellent deal."

Aid Another to Kemlal's Diplomacy check: Diplomacy: [roll0]

Hopefully the offer of empowering Erlok for his freedom fight helps also.

Darth Ultron
2018-06-11, 12:26 PM
Erlok Spinepuller smiles and looks down at the three of you.

Erlok Spinepuller "Well, that is right generous and nice of all of you.

But I can't do it. I don't own any of this stuff. I don't even own me. I can't sell or give away what is not mine.

Plus my owner has everything trapped, curses and evil ghosts and such.

But if they were mine to sell I'd sure take your offer!"

2018-06-13, 01:15 AM
Alton the Axe goes still, then he struggles to control his reaction.

He wants to scream in rage. He wants to howl vile epithets, especially against the goblin clerk who, in retrospect, sold him 1000 gold worth of entirely useless information.

He thinks angrily: Aluendale, is there any chance at all that a slave like me will have any chance of approaching and persuading the Great Guard General?

I'm guessing there isn't, but feel free to tell me otherwise.

Darth Ultron
2018-06-13, 10:15 PM
Aluendale Maendellyn "I doubt it.

Like, you might want to try and buy it from the owner....but he likely does not need the money.

And you don't have much to offer that he can't get.

Really, you might have just as much of a chance buying the item from your owner."

2018-06-14, 11:29 PM
Alton the Axe sighs. Aloud, he says to Erlok, "Thanks anyway for hearing our offer."

He says to Astar and Kemlal, "Let's go, men."

He goes back to the defensive spot and says to Baolo and Tomok, "No go." He lies down and sulks a bit, trying to figure out what next to do.

Alton waits until sundown, which is when he expects Irella Kymeri and Zelandra Duskmoon to arrive.

Darth Ultron
2018-06-15, 10:42 PM
A couple of red fur footed halflings are walking around, but they don't look your way or do anything that you can see.

As evening comes, of course the usual crowds start coming in.

Zelandra Duskmoon stands out a bit in her black and white robes.

2018-06-18, 12:56 AM
Alton the Axe goes to Zelandra. Around 5 paces away, he bows to her deeply. "Lady Zelandra Duskmoon of Myrkul. Greetings."

"I've come to collect my portion of the winnings for Baolo Riverspeaker's victory in the arena."

He waits hopefully, and he tactfully does not mention the amount owed.

Alton withdrew from the goblin store 10,000 and bet it with Zelandra at 2:1 odds. In the event of his winning his bet, she collects a third.

Not sure if Zelandra collects a third of the gross or a third of the net win.

1. If of the total, then one-third of 20,000 is 6,666, and Alton receives 13,333.

2. If of the net win, then one-third of 10,000 is 3,333, and Alton receives 10,000 (his original bet) and 6,666.

Alton will find out, I guess, from Zelandra's actions which of the above 2 possibilities is the correct one.

Relevant links here:



Darth Ultron
2018-06-18, 03:01 PM
Zelandra hands over a white bag with 13,333 gold coins.

Zelandra Duskmoon "Well again, Alton the Axe. I see you are well and still winning. "

2018-06-18, 11:21 PM
Alton the Axe bows again, trying to seem humble and respectful as he accepts the white bag.

"Thank you, Lady Zelandra."

Then he says, "May I ask if you have heard of me fighting again anytime soon?"

In a casual voice, as if talking about the weather, he explains, "I sent another gladiator to your lord today. His owner may object to that, and arrange for me the battle my lord craves."

In fact, Alton looks around, expecting Barristol Korranton to arrive and announce that he is to fight in just a few minutes.

Accept the 13,333 gold.
All in gold coins, not in diamonds?

I ask because in the past large amounts of gold have been transferred in diamonds.

Darth Ultron
2018-06-19, 04:54 PM
Zelandra Duskmoon "No, I have not heard your name mentioned.

It's too bad you can't put all your fights in the arena for us to watch."

It's a bag of coins this time.

2018-06-20, 10:11 PM
That was a joke, right? Alton the Axe laughs sycophantically just in case, to ingratiate himself with the senior and free cleric.

"But I break so many rules when I fight on my own, Lady Zelandra. As many rules as I can. The only code I follow then is that of Tempus."

He hefts the enormous and very heavy bag of coins, quite easily since he's wearing the belt of storm giant strength. It woulds be a massive burden otherwise.

"May I humbly ask why you gave me the money in coins this time, Lady Zelandra? Usually you give much of it in diamonds."

Darth Ultron
2018-06-20, 11:30 PM
Zelandra Duskmoon "Some rules are made to be broken...like some bones.

Oh, no real reason. I had the coins so I brought them. I don't think you ever mentioned how you wanted the money. "

2018-06-21, 02:42 AM
Alton says, "As you say, Lady. But I'm only a slave. I have to toe the line enough so that the management doesn't execute me for not giving the paying audience audience a good show. It sharply limits the tactics I can use in the arena."

Alton the Axe says, "If it's all the same with you, Lady, I'd prefer them mostly in diamonds. Especially for this much money."

"Mostly because of the mess they'd make if the bag ever broke and the coins spilled out. Can you imagine the time it would take, gathering up so many?" He chuckles.

He asks, just to be sure, and because he doesn't want to overstep himself with a free Thayvian, "That's all right with you, right?"

Alton pretends to cringe a little in concern over Zelandra's displeasure. He doesn't mind fawning over Zelandra, because she's been very helpful and has not cheated him, and she's also a powerful cleric. Divine power of that magnitude demands respect, at least when that person is either neutral or friendly.

After that exchange, Alton asks, "Will there be anything else, Lady Zelandra? If not, I'll not take up more of your valuable time."

Darth Ultron
2018-06-21, 01:46 PM
Zelandra seems just as casual and a bit distracted as always, as if nothing you said effected her at all.

Zelandra Duskmoon "Diamonds are fine with me. Much easier to carry too.

Until your next fight, at least. "

Zelandra Duskmoon nods and heads off to find a seat.

2018-06-23, 12:52 AM
Alton bows again, then goes looking for Irella Kymeri.

If and when he finds her, he says, "I'd like to place some orders again for some potions and oils."

He hesitates, then adds, "I'd also like some help, if you want to provide it to a slave like me."

Darth Ultron
2018-06-23, 02:43 PM
It take a little time, but you do find Irella Kymeri.

Irella Kymeri. "What do you need? I can see what I can do."

2018-06-24, 03:54 AM
Alton the Axe grins in relief as he finds Irella.

"Thanks, Irella. First of all, I need 2 more potions of Invisibility."

"I also need 3 doses of Oil of Darkness. I got the idea from the followers of Shar. They use Darkness they can see through, so they blind their opponents. Seems a great tactic, one I want to use."

"250 each, so 1250 for the 5 potions and oils, right?"

He sighs. "The reason I know the Sharrans use that tactic is because, well, I picked Vargash the Black recently. He used Darkness against me, but I saw through it. Only he turned out to be a Shadow Fetch, so Vargash is still alive."

"The Sharrans will probably send something deadly against me soon, like wraiths."

"I would like some better defense against energy drain and other death effects. Soulfire armor, or a Talisman of Undying Fortitude. Could you, like, buy such an item for me, or point me towards someone who has or can get me such an item?"

He waits for Irella's response.

Irella Kymeri "Greater invisibility won't work as a potion, it's too powerful to be held in liquid form. Again, you'd want a ring for that...a ring of greater invisibility. It's expensive too. But the standard ring of invisibility is cheap enough.

A potion of invisibility is 250 gold. "

Darth Ultron
2018-06-24, 02:38 PM
Irella Kymeri "Oil of Darkness is 300 gold. and you do understand you cat use darkness in an arena fight...they want to see the fight.

Well, you need to watch that slave in fighting...it can get you into trouble. But as far as I know, the lady as not been approached by anyone about you....yet.

Protection from death effects? Can't your own divine power do that? It's a common enough magic to ward ones life force.

I can ask about getting you a trinket. Though it would be a bit faster for you to just get one yourself. I'm not sure if the local temple of Talona makes such items of necromancy like the ones you mentioned. They tend to stick more to poison items...but maybe someone could make a custom item. Or maybe you could get one from any of the faiths more about life and death and undeath. Ones with a focus in necromatuc magic. They might have one to sell."

2018-06-25, 01:02 AM
Alton the Axe says, "I don't plan on using Darkness in a regular arena fight."

"300 gold for Oil of Darkness. So for 2 potions of Invisibility and 3 Oil of Darkness, that's 1400, right?"

"I have some gold here. Can I pay you in advance? Do you have a sack I can pour the coin into?" Because it would lighten the load of coin he carries.

In response to her other remarks, he answers, "Of course it will get me in trouble. But I kinda like trouble. Battle is Tempus, and I serve him."

"Of course they won't approach Lady Vesorianna. She's very powerful, not like the usual merchants who are easily threatened and intimidated."

Alton tries to keep the frustration off his face and out of his voice. He nods respectfully and says, "I can cast Death Ward, yes. But I expect to be attacked by surprise, so I need something that is either permanent, like Soulfire Armor, or that can be activated swiftly, like a Talisman."

"I tried, I really tried, to get the protection on my own. Each time, the target turned out to be fake, to dupe me, or the target and all his items were teleported away when I slew him. On my last attempt, I learned that the target's items are all cursed if someone not their rightful wearer uses 'em."

He bows again to show respect and adds, "So I would really appreciate any help you can give me in acquiring such an item. I've followed all the leads in this arena. They turned out to be dead ends."

Darth Ultron
2018-06-25, 05:33 PM
Irella Kymeri "You can pay now, I can have your items tomorrow. I have a money pouch of holding."

She holds open her money pouch.

"Well, it should not be to surprising that the property owners protect their properties.

And dead ends for a necromancy item...how appropriate.

Still, you might be a better gladiator with one. The talisman seems simple enough. I'm sure plenty of fighter types might have one.

I take it you would not be above killing someone for your talisman? I could have a name for you by tomorrow after noon."

2018-06-26, 02:06 PM
Alton the Axe counts out coins into the pouch until 1400 gold coins are deposited. He eyes the item with admiration. "Nice. How many does it hold? I guess it only holds coins?"

Alton chuckles in appreciation for Irella's little joke.

He asks, "Would the target currently holding the item be in this arena, or somewhere else? A private free owner, or another slave somewhere else?"

Alton asks with real concern. If the target is in this arena, he'd have to ask if the target were a Good person, for fear of offending his allies Astar and Tomok.

If not in this arena, though, what Astar and Tomok don't know about won't hurt them.

Alton hefts the sack or sacks of coins and frowns. "Still a bit too heavy."

As politely and deferentially as he can, he says, "Irella, I know I don't have the right to ask, but would it be convenient right now for you to change about 10,000 gold for diamonds?"

"Only if it's convenient for you. Otherwise, no need to bother." he hastens to assure the potion-brewer.

Give Irella 1400 gold.

On hand gold = 100 (to start) + 13,333 - 1400 = 12,033.


The standard coin weighs about a third of an ounce (fifty to the pound).

If 50 coins = 1 pound, then 10,000 gold = 200 pounds.

This is actually feasible for Alton's current Strength, but still very bulky.

Darth Ultron
2018-06-26, 07:13 PM
Irella Kymeri "The target? Who knows, who cares? Not like it matters. If they are weak, they will die.

I have ten 1000 gold diamonds if you want to exchange."

Irella pulls ten small diamonds out of another belt pouch.

Really, you don't want to get caught up in the 'coins' too much: it just does not make sense.

To carry around 10,000 is silly (feel free to try it with any modern coin)

And...there is not really enough gold in the world to even make like 10,000 gold coins..unless they were 99% iron and 1% gold.

And that still does not cover, even say the world only has like 20 dragons with huge hoards of coins that they can lay in...so like at least 100,000 coins...each?!

2018-06-29, 08:15 AM
Alton the Axe gladly exchanges 10,000 gold for 10 diamonds each worth 1000. "Thank you."

In response to her indifference about whether the target is outside or inside the arena, Alton kicks the ground like a small boy and mutters, "As you like, Irella."

He wants to tell Irella that the consequences of slaying another arena gladiator are vastly different from that of slaying someone outside, but he suspects she won't listen and may rescind her offer.

So instead, he says, "Just so you know, the ones I've already tried to get a Talisman from are Ioluk Clubfoot and Erlok Spinepuller."

"Ioluk is dead. Spinepuller's Talisman is cursed, and also his owner is the Grand Guard General."

Exchange the money for diamonds.

All right. I'll try to keep that in mind from now on and not forget.

Darth Ultron
2018-06-29, 08:34 PM
Irella Kymeri "Well, just be ready tomorrow at high sun, and you will have your target. "

2018-06-30, 12:51 AM
Alton the Axe stands at attention like Thelonius taught him, as if Irella were his military officer. "Yes, I will."

He goes back to the defensive spot and looks for Baolo Riverspeaker.

If and when he finds Baolo, he says, "Hey. I bet on you to win, and well, you did. My punter took some of my winnings, but the odds against you were bad enough that I won enough to profit."

"I'll share some of my winnings with you."

He gives Baolo 1000 gold and adds, "You can deposit that with the goblin store, buy stuff you want or need."

He does not look at the other gladiators (Astar, Kemlal, and Tomok), but he speaks loudly enough that they can overhear.

Give Baolo 1000 gold, to impress and to show generosity and hopefully make Baolo (as well as Astar, Kemlal, amd Tomok) more loyal to Alton.

On-hand gold reduced from 12,033 to 11,033.

Darth Ultron
2018-06-30, 12:39 PM
Irella Kymeri says noting and walks off towards the seating area.

Baolo Riverspeaker takes the gold

Baolo Riverspeaker "Thanks"

Astar, Kemlal, and Tomok watch.

2018-06-30, 11:37 PM
Alton the Axe says, "I'll guard the entire night, if you all don't mind."

He doesn't want to deal with any arguments and accusations of being a murderous greedy bastard from Astar, Tomok, and Kemlal, those goody-goodies, so he doesn't bother to explain that he's probably going to be targeted by the followers of the Lady of Night tonight for attacking Vargash. Maybe the Blood Foots, too, for slaying Ioluk.

Alton does as he said: guards the entire night. He keeps in mind the spells he still has prepared: Magic Circle Against Evil and Bless, though Bless is less useful now that they have a bard.

Stay on guard the whole night, in expectation of an attack.

Alton is usually communicative about dangers, but given most of the group is either Lawful or Good, he prefers to keep silent about the threat from the Sharrans in hopes that he can postpone having to discuss it.

Not exactly a wise choice, but everyone's a fool sometimes. :smallsmile:

Darth Ultron
2018-07-01, 05:50 PM
Everyone nods and goes to sleep. As does everyone around.

And it's quiet.

Then, late at night........it gets too dark and quiet. Suddenly.

Make two Wil saves, one for each effect(darkness and silence)

2018-07-03, 12:39 AM
Alton the Axe tries to resist the hostile effects.

Please add +1 to the rolls below if the silence and darkness are from divine spells or from outsiders, due to sacred defense from the divine disciple level 2.

Darkness: Will save: [roll0]
Silence: Will save: [roll1]

If the attack is late at night, then Magic Vestment is probably expired. It only lasts 9 hours at level 9.

On the other hand, Delay Poison is probably still in effect, since it lasts 18 hours.

Darth Ultron
2018-07-06, 01:11 PM
It is late at night, like 2AM.

Alton can still hear the sounds he is making...but everything around plunges into a deep, pure darkness that blocks all sight.

Round 1



2018-07-06, 11:26 PM
Alton tries to act first.

Initiative: [roll0]

Thanks. So, Delay Poison is still in effect. Plus Alton is wearing his Ring of Protection +2.

Meh, rotten roll. Enemy wins initiative. Their action.

Alton's AC would be 23 due to the Ring, but he is flat-footed.

Query: Since it's 2 AM, does that mean that the Haste power on the Gauntlets is once again usable?

2018-07-10, 01:16 AM
I don't think I've asked this before: Is Alton allowed to speak or use telepathy in round 1 even if he loses initiative and is flat-footed?

Asking because at least he'd be able to alert and wake the rest of his crew.

Darth Ultron
2018-07-10, 05:09 PM
Speaking is a ''free action'' so you can do it any time.

Something in the darkness attacks!

Attack- [roll0]
Plus energy drain, Fortitude Save: DC 22.
Plus poison

2018-07-11, 12:57 PM
Alton the Axe tries to shout, "Wake up! We're under attack! Magical darkness!"

He simultaneously telepathically projects in a cold and calm fashion: Tomok, wake up. Darkness in effect.

As Alton is attacked, he feels a chill try to steal his life. For the first time, he calls on his Leather Armor of Death Ward to block it.

Activate the Death Ward power of his leather armor to negate the energy drain as an immediate action.

Other actions this round pending.

Uh, how much damage, if any?

And was that an attack roll? I ask because you rolled a natural 20, so if it was an attack, you need to confirm crit.

Darth Ultron
2018-07-11, 09:15 PM
Confirm: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Everyone wakes up...

2018-07-12, 12:14 PM
Alton the Axe recovers his balance from the surprise attack. He asks, "Can anyone see? What's attacking me?"

He thinks: Hey, that rhymed.

But he has no more time for rhyme. He brandishes his wooden holy symbol and intones, "In the name of Tempus, I turn you," and hopes he guessed correctly, that what attacked him is undead.

HP down to 51/69. Blind-Fight is in effect, so AC remains 23, no penalties to Alton or bonuses to the attacker for the darkness or blindness.

Try to turn undead, on the assumption that the hostile is undead. Alton is a level 7 cleric.

Turn undead: [roll0]

Edit: Ugh, rotten roll. Only a 4, so Alton's turn attempt affects at most his turning level -2, or a 5 HD creature.

How much conversation do you allow during a round?

Alton would like to order the others to try to dispel the darkness if they can, particularly Kemlal, who's aasimar. But I dunno if he can talk that much.

Also, what did the attack feel like? I assume Alton can tell the difference between a slashing weapon, a blunt weapon, and a claw or bite.

Alton the Axe (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=186291)
Male Chaotic Neutral Human Cleric 7 / Divine Disciple 2, Level 9, Init 7, HP 74/74, Speed 30
AC 21, Touch 11, Flat-footed 20, Fort 11, Ref 3, Will 11, Base Attack Bonus 6
+1 vicious battleaxe +13 (1d8+6, x3)
+1 dissolving club +12 (1d6+6, x2)
+1 venomous dagger +12 (1d4+6, 19-20/x2)
Leather Armor of Death Ward, Heavy wooden shield (+8 Armor, +2 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 11
Condition None

Darth Ultron
2018-07-14, 10:48 PM
If whatever attacked is undead...nothing happens.

The attack was a bite, rows of large very sharp teeth.

Well, the round is only ten seconds long...so about what a person can say in ten seconds. Maybe like three lines?

2018-07-16, 12:52 AM
Alton the Axe realizes that what attacked him probably isn't undead. Undead usually don't use teeth, unless they're something weird like dracoliches.

He also shouts, "Can anyone light up this darkness?"

Ten seconds is good enough. Thanks.

Also: Darn. Made a mistake with choosing to turn undead. Any chance I can redo that action?

Otherwise, please go on with having the others in Alton's group act and respond to Alton's queries and exhortations, and/or then go on to round 2.

Darth Ultron
2018-07-18, 10:57 PM
It's not a mistake to think an energy draining monster might be undead. There is a good chance it is undead...after all undead are common in Thay, and Alton has fought plenty.

Not really sure why you think undead don't have teeth? Are you thinking all undead are humanoids? You can animate anything as an undead...

2018-07-20, 12:52 AM
Nods. Fair enough. Thank you for taking the time to answer my concern.

What will the allied NPCs do this round, if anything?

Darth Ultron
2018-07-21, 10:58 PM
There are plenty of sounds of everyone walking up and moving around.

Astar Stormsword "By the grim jaws of Tyr! This darkness is everywhere!"

Baolo Riverspeaker "Light had no effect."

Kemlal Kyrgam "My disspel had no effect!"

Tomok Ghastsplitter "" ''aware! Foes are upon us!"

2018-07-21, 11:46 PM
Alton the Axe thanks Tempus that he has apparently developed an instinct for fighting in the dark. He'd be completely screwed otherwise.

Even as he braces himself for the energy-devouring thing's next attacks, Alton thinks to Tomok: Energy drainer. Probable undead. Felt teeth. Alert the others.

Darth Ultron
2018-07-24, 10:26 PM
Round 2

The unseen foe..tries to bite again...

Plus energy drain, Fortitude Save: DC 22.
Plus poison

2018-07-25, 12:34 AM
Alton gasps as the thing sucks away at his life.

How much energy drain, 1 or more? Negative level only?

Poison won't work since Delay Poison is still in effect, yes?

Darth Ultron
2018-07-25, 01:02 AM
Wait, Alton gets a save to negative the drain effect. That is what the Fortitude DC 22 is...

Yes, poison does not effect Alton.

2018-07-25, 03:08 PM
Alton the Axe finds something in him rising to battle the force that tries to leach his life away.

He prays: Tempus, grant me fortitude!

He snarls as he feels the power work despite his prayer and his resolve.

Fortitude save: [roll0]

HP down to 38/74, not counting the death effect.

Interesting. Thanks for the clarification.

Does the failed save cause a negative level or cause a permanent drain? How many?

Darth Ultron
2018-07-25, 04:58 PM
The vile evil darkness spreads through Alton's body...

Energy Drain: two negative levels.

A creature takes the following penalties for each negative level it has gained:

-1 on all skill checks and ability checks.
-1 on attack rolls and saving throws.
-5 hit points.
-1 effective level (whenever the creature’s level is used in a die roll or calculation, reduce it by one for each negative level).
If the victim casts spells, she loses access to one spell as if she had cast her highest-level, currently available spell. (If she has more than one spell at her highest level, she chooses which she loses.) In addition, when she next prepares spells or regains spell slots, she gets one less spell slot at her highest spell level.

Negative levels remain until 24 hours have passed or until they are removed with a spell, such as restoration. If a negative level is not removed before 24 hours have passed, the affected creature must attempt a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ draining creature’s racial HD + draining creature’s Cha modifier; the exact DC is given in the creature’s descriptive text). On a success, the negative level goes away with no harm to the creature. On a failure, the negative level goes away, but the creature’s level is also reduced by one. A separate saving throw is required for each negative level.

2018-07-27, 10:26 AM
Alton the Axe groans in horror and dismay as the cold grips his heart and two of his spells vanish from his mind: Magic Circle Against Evil and Bless. It is one of the most terrifying things that has ever happened to him.

He shouts at himself: Concentrate! You must not panic! You have to think!

Alton tries to figure out what horrible beast is attacking him.

HP down to 28/74. Lost MCAE (his highest level spell remaining) and Bless.

Actions pending, depending on stuff. To start with, Alton is going to try to identify the monster without using his sight.

Let me know what further penalty you imposed on the rolls below, or if the attempt was impossible to begin with. Alton does know that the thing has teeth and does energy drain.

I've added a -2 penalty to the rolls below, due to negative levels:

Knowledge (Religion): [roll0]
Knowledge (Planes): [roll1]
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll2]
Spellcraft: [roll3]

Will you allow Alton to retrieve a specific potion or elixir even though it's dark and he can't see?

I don't know if you'd allow it, so I'm asking first. He does have Blind-Fight. Maybe that helps?

Darth Ultron
2018-07-27, 06:44 PM
Retreating an item with no sight is not a problem.

Well, the shock of the drain sure effects Alton's mind and he does not remember much....

.....except about religion:

Shar: associated creatures: anything made of shadows and Shadow Sea Serpents, Veserab, Shadow Asps, Shadow Mastiffs, and Darktentacles.

Veserab are leech-like, darktentacles have tentacles, and the aps and mastiffs are smaller.....but Shadow Sea Serpents:

This creature resembles a cross between a giant eel and a night-
mare whale. It’s bigger than a freight wagon. It has a bulbous
head, great lantern eyes and a long, snout full of curved
teeth. It has tail flukes and small flippers just behind its thin
neck. Its shiny hide is the color of dirty slate, mottled with veins of lighter gray.

2018-07-28, 11:30 PM
Alton the Axe keeps his voice calm. "Guys. Shadow sea serpent. How do we kill it or drive it off?"

He himself tries to remember what he can of the beast, but he figures that the others, Kemlal and Astar the holy warriors and Baolo the bard, will know more of such things.

Speak as a free action, to help plan what actions to take this round.

Does Alton get any further info on shadow sea serpents out of his Religion roll? Would he be allowed follow-up rolls? If so, what does he roll?

Since Alton was on guard and the defensive spot presumably is some kind of corner or nook, then I am guessing the monster is in front of him, and there is no easy way to run away?

Is there any reasonable chance Tomok can jump over something of that Size so the party can flank it? I ask because Tomok has a ring of jumping.

Tomok Ghastsplitter "Jumpping? That can really help my battle jump attack! I'll take it. Tomok happily takes the ring and puts it on.

I presume Tomok is good at the Jump skill, but I have no clue what the difficulty is.

2018-08-02, 03:54 AM
Hey, hope we can continue soon.

Also hope it was not too much to try to acquire info from the NPCs in the middle of combat. In defense of that, Alton still doesn't know how to optimally fight the monster.

Darth Ultron
2018-08-02, 11:06 AM
Looks like my reply never posted :(

You only get one roll to 'remember' things.

Tomok can jump....but that's a bit tricky to do in the dark: he can't see where he is jumping too or what he is jumping over.

And the size of creatures have different sizes. A serpent for example can be giant sized, but very low to the ground and that makes them easy to jump over.

Battle Jump is an attack, it's making a jump/charge.

2018-08-03, 09:52 AM
Thanks and understood. My sympathies over losing the post.

What about the questions Alton asked of his comrades? Any timely and useful feedback?

Darth Ultron
2018-08-04, 10:37 PM
Astar Stormsword "We are fighting shadows, humanoid shadows! There is no serpent over here, but this cursed darkness blocks our sight!"

Tomok Ghastsplitter "Just kill it, it bleeds like any monster!"

2018-08-06, 12:32 AM
Alton the Axe thinks: Great.

He calls, "Can any of you help me fight this beast? I'm badly wounded."

I was reading the text on Elixir of Blindsight, and it says that it's of use only to those with blindsense.

Alton doesn't have blindsense.

Do you confirm that it's only of use to those with blindsense, or does it work for everyone in your game?

Darth Ultron
2018-08-07, 01:08 PM
Astar Stormsword "Of course, just give us a round!"

Baolo Riverspeaker "Move towards us! Follow the sound of my music! Everyone!"

Astar Stormsword "right, back to back as best we can!"

Alton has a Potion of Blindsense. Not an Elixir.

2018-08-08, 01:35 PM
Alton the Axe thinks coldly as he can: I must survive the next few seconds. Another strike by that beast could kill me, especially if I fail to withstand its energy drain again.

Therefore, even though it pains him to retreat, Alton does so, withdrawing towards the sound of Baolo's voice.

Withdraw action towards Baolo.

Thanks for explaining.

I think there's some kind of problem when someone tries to step back 5 feet and drink a potion, when the enemy is Large. That it doesn't work and the enemy still gets an AoO?

Anyway, that's why Alton did withdrawal instead of just drinking a potion of Invisibility. He doesn't want to provoke AoO.

Darth Ultron
2018-08-08, 10:39 PM
Alton moves toward the music......and the serpent follows and goes to bite!

Attack [roll0]
Bite [roll1]
Plus energy drain, Fortitude Save: DC 22, with a +2 from the music.

It's not a problem...it is just harder to get away from large or bigger creatures. There are ways to still do it with feats and spells and such.

2018-08-11, 05:34 PM
Alton the Axe feels his heart thunder in his chest in fear as the supposed shadow sea serpent strike at him. But he feels only the breeze as it misses completely.

It seems he's going to live at least a few more seconds. And maybe by now his allies have defeated their shadowman opponents and can help.

He activates the Haste power of his Gauntlets and hopes it helps him dodge the next attack.

Activate Haste. +1 to AC, so 24.

HP still at 28/74.

So, given what Alton knows, would Alton be able to take a 5-foot step back and drink a potion without provoking AoO?

I'm not actually sure if he can take a 5-foot step back. I hope he's not with his back to a wall already.

Observe that Alton is trying to win more time rather than do anything conclusive. He is both too wounded and too ignorant about the nature of the monster to risk attacking.

His chances of success are much higher if he can get himself Blindsight and/or if his allies can help both in battle and in monster identification.

Darth Ultron
2018-08-12, 10:54 PM
A five foot step is useless against anything bigger then medium size or anyone that has reach of more then five feet. If your in melee range with them, and they have a reach of 10 feet, and you move five feet away....you are still within their reach.

2018-08-14, 12:39 PM
Alton says in what he hopes is a calm voice, "When you're done with the shadows, I need healing."

"Those not healing me or Baolo, please attack the monster."

That's what I thought, drat it. Thanks. Severely limits what Alton can do, though. He can't even draw forth a wand right now.

Anyway, the NPCs act, and then round 3 and back to the monster's action.

Darth Ultron
2018-08-21, 09:59 PM
Things happen as the others make noise, but you can't see what is happening.

Kemlal Kyrgam "I tried another dispel, but it had no effect!"

2018-08-22, 09:32 AM
Alton the Axe grimaces as the hoped-for healing does not happen. He braces himself for the next attack by what he suspects is the shadow sea serpent.

He promises himself that he'll attack as soon as he can, not waiting anymore for aid from the others. If he survives the next few moments, anyway.

Darth Ultron
2018-08-27, 08:10 PM
The serpent follows and goes to bite!

Plus energy drain, Fortitude Save: DC 22, with a +2 from the music.

2018-08-30, 07:08 AM
Alton the Axe gasps as again he is struck by the deadly monster. He tries to resist the energy drain effect.

He gasps, "Help me!"

At -2 penalty due to previous energy drain.

Fortitude save: [roll0]

Maybe one of the NPCs can grant an Aid Another or other bonus to Alton's save? He only needs an extra +3 to make it.

Let me know if Alton made the save.

Darth Ultron
2018-08-30, 10:56 PM
Aid Another does not work with saves. And no one can see you anyway, so they can't use aid another, plus that also takes an action.

Ironically (or by fiendish Shar planning) the cleric is the buffer of a group....

Astar Stormsword "Do you need a heal? I'll leave myself wide open to the blasted shadows if you do. Just make some noise so I can find you in the dark!"

2018-09-05, 02:08 PM
Alton the Axe yells, "Hells yes, I need help! But if you need to defend yourselves, do it!

"If I die now, let me die a warrior!"

He attacks the probable serpent monster with all his fading skill, trying to damage it so that even if he dies, he doesn't die shamed.

Down to 4/74, and also at 4 negative levels.

At -4 attack penalty due to negative levels. Attacking until at negative HP or dead from vicious backlash.

Attack with vicious battleaxe +1: [roll0]
Damage with vicious battleaxe +1: [roll1]
Extra disruptive energy to target: [roll2]
Damage to wielder: [roll3]

Attack with vicious battleaxe +1: [roll4]
Damage with vicious battleaxe +1: [roll5]
Extra disruptive energy to target: [roll6]
Damage to wielder: [roll7]

Attack with vicious battleaxe +1: [roll8]
Damage with vicious battleaxe +1: [roll9]
Extra disruptive energy to target: [roll10]
Damage to wielder: [roll11]

Sorry for long delay in posting. I've been too anxious over the combat to want to look at the GitP site very much lately. Fear breeds procrastination.

2018-09-05, 02:14 PM
Sorry, forgot to include the miss chances. As usual, 50 or lower is miss. But Alton has the Blind-Fight feat, so he gets to roll twice for each attack.

Miss chance #1: [roll0]

Miss chance #2: [roll1]

Miss chance #1: [roll2]

Miss chance #2: [roll3]

Miss chance #1: [roll4]

Miss chance #2: [roll5]

2018-09-05, 02:21 PM
Alton the Axe feels his god guiding his last strike. He yells, "Tempus!"

Attack with vicious battleaxe +1: [roll0]
Damage with vicious battleaxe +1: [roll1]

Meh, never mind, critical is not confirmed. :smallredface:

All but one of the rolls in the previous post were above 50, so miss chance due to total concealment from darkness did not occur.

And it just so happened that Alton got a natural 20 on his last attack. Amazingly fortunate. :smallsmile:

Please let me know if any of the attacks hit at all. I'm not completely sure that even a 25 is a hit. No idea what the monster's AC is.

If Alton's attack rolls of 25 and 26 both hit, Alton is at -2 HP and dying, and he'll need healing or a successful stabilization roll.

Darth Ultron
2018-09-05, 08:44 PM
Both the 25 and 26 hit

Astar Stormsword "By the Grim Jaw of Tyr, I can take a hit or two!"

Astar Stormsword moves through the darkness and Heals(20) to Alton the Axe.

2018-09-12, 12:38 AM
Alton the Axe feels life surge into him at Astar's touch. And when there's life, there's hope, however dire and awful the situation.

To show his gratitude, both to the man and the source of his healing power, he calls, "Thanks, Astar! Thank you, Tyr!"

He listens for his comrades' actions and awaits the monster's next assault. He also listens for any sign that the monster was really injured.

HP up to 18/74.

Try to listen for any sounds that might indicate pain or distress on the part of the monster.

The other NPCs act. Then the monster's turn to act.

Darth Ultron
2018-09-22, 10:27 PM
Kemlal Kyrgam "Away"

A wave of sound passes over you, but does not seem to have any effect.

"Hope that knocked back a couple shadows."

Baolo Riverspeaker keeps making music.

Tomok Ghastsplitter makes a lot of noise as he jumps up and [roll0]

[roll1] [roll2] Plus battle jump: double damage.

Astar Stormsword acted.

2018-09-24, 08:08 AM
Alton the Axe calls in what he hopes is a calm voice, "The monster is really big and has a single attack, a powerful bite. However, the bite transmits poison as well as energy drain."

"Most of you have antivenom devices, but the ones who don't, try to beef up your fortitude."

He braces himself for another attack.

Darth Ultron
2018-09-24, 12:23 PM
The shadow serpent lets out a shriek.

Tomok Ghastsplitter "Surtur's Flames! The snake beast struck at me, but could not get through my armor!"

Astar Stormsword "I think Kemlal's spell knocked the Shadows back...

Kemlal Kyrgam "Yes, but it will only effect them for a moment, and they will swiftly return."

Astar Stormsword "The serpent is the real foe! Target it!"

2018-10-02, 12:45 AM
Alton the Axe wonders at the lack of pain and death until he hears Tomok shout about the serpent trying and failing to strike him.

Thank Tymora.

He yells, "Tempus grant us victory!" as again he tries to hack and slash at the monster.

18/74, but to be reduced by any successful attacks below due to vicious backlash.

-4 to attack due to 4 negative levels, but with bonus of +1 due to Haste. Total modifier thus -3.

Attack with vicious battleaxe +1: [roll0]
Damage with vicious battleaxe +1: [roll1]
Extra disruptive energy to target: [roll2]
Damage to wielder: [roll3]

Attack with vicious battleaxe +1: [roll4]
Damage with vicious battleaxe +1: [roll5]
Extra disruptive energy to target: [roll6]
Damage to wielder: [roll7]

Attack with vicious battleaxe +1: [roll8]
Damage with vicious battleaxe +1: [roll9]
Extra disruptive energy to target: [roll10]
Damage to wielder: [roll11]

As before, 50 or lower is miss.

Miss chance #1: [roll12]
Miss chance #2: [roll13]

Miss chance #1: [roll14]
Miss chance #2: [roll15]

Miss chance #1: [roll16]
Miss chance #2: [roll17]

I'd forgotten about bonus to attack from Haste last round, but never mind.

Ugh, looks like everything missed. Oh well.

2018-10-10, 10:59 PM
Hey. Awaiting actions from the other gladiators and from the monster, before Alton's next actions.

If you don't want to continue the game, I've enjoyed the game and I'm grateful. Thank you.

Darth Ultron
2018-10-11, 12:06 PM
Again....the post from my phone did not post? But it's only like every ten posts? But it's so weird that my phone will say 'posted', but somehow that never makes it online?

The sounds of fighting rage around you, and notably the serpent lets out a huge shriek

Astar Stormsword "Fowl evil beast, don't like the bite of my holy smite? All, my smite has given it a great wound!"

Tomok Ghastsplitter saddly "I hit, but it twisted away and i did not hurt it much"

Kemlal Kyrgam "I hit nothing but sand"

Baolo Riverspeaker keeps making music.

There is a roar, and crunch, then "Arrgghh! Tyr's Tears that hurt!"

2018-10-12, 10:19 PM
Alton the Axe curses vilely at the utter failure of his strikes. Among his profanity, he cries, "Beshaba kiss this monster and not me!"

He anticipates another strike, and again he feels a surge of relief as it strikes another, Astar, and not him.

Alton yells, "Tempus!" as again he hacks and slashes at the supposed but so far unseen shadow sea serpent.

HP still at 18/74.

Attacking at -3 due to 4 negative levels and Haste, plus an unknown bonus from Baolo's bard song.

I figure Baolo is using inspire courage to give a +1 to attack and damage, but I won't assume.

Attack with vicious battleaxe +1: [roll0]
Damage with vicious battleaxe +1: [roll1]
Extra disruptive energy to target: [roll2]
Damage to wielder: [roll3]

Attack with vicious battleaxe +1: [roll4]
Damage with vicious battleaxe +1: [roll5]
Extra disruptive energy to target: [roll6]
Damage to wielder: [roll7]

Attack with vicious battleaxe +1: [roll8]
Damage with vicious battleaxe +1: [roll9]
Extra disruptive energy to target: [roll10]
Damage to wielder: [roll11]

Miss chance #1: [roll12]
Miss chance #2: [roll13]

Miss chance #1: [roll14]
Miss chance #2: [roll15]

Miss chance #1: [roll16]
Miss chance #2: [roll17]

Ouch. Sorry to hear you've had technical difficulties on this site.

If you like, let me know if Baolo is indeed using inspire courage and that he is giving a bonus of +1 to attack and damage.

I'm not that familiar with the Bard class, so he could be doing something entirely different. You might have to spell it out for me what exactly he is doing.

Darth Ultron
2018-10-15, 10:37 PM
The music gives a+2

Alton's first axe strike hits!

The serpent lets out a loud shriek....and there is a loud thump as it hits the ground.

Suddenly the deeper darkness is gone.....

2018-10-18, 05:03 AM
Alton the Axe grunts from pain as the vicious backlash hurts his hand. Then breathes deeply as the deeper darkness diffuses, allowing him to see once more. He whispers, "Thank you, Tempus and Tymora. I thought I was a corpse."

Now that the battle is over, Alton begins to shake, partly from nerves and partly because he feels so weak. The energy drain debilitates him in a way he's never experienced before.

He calls, "Is everyone all right? Did anyone else get energy drained?"

"I'll get you fixed, no problem. Restoration is within my grasp.... Or at least it will be soon enough."

"Thank you all for standing and fighting with me. I'd be dead now if not for you."

Alton looks over the monster he and his allies have been fighting, trying to figure out what it is, if it really is a shadow sea serpent as he guessed.

As he studies the dead monster, Alton begins to take out and drink honey potions from Thujune Stoutcask. He drinks 3 of them to start.

HP is 13/74 due to vicious backlash.

Drink 3 honey potions of the remaining 4 from Thujune Stoutcask, leaving just one left.

Examine the monster with vision now that vision is possible. What does it look like?

Alton has a purchased Restoration scroll, but he's probably going to try to wait until the goblin store is open and purchase Restoration spell or spells there, rather than use a scroll it will take a day or 2 to replace.

Darth Ultron
2018-10-21, 07:21 PM
The shadow serpent is nowhere to be seen.

Astar Stormsword "I got bitten by the serpent and drained.

And you don't need to mention it...it's what we are all here for."

Baolo Riverspeaker "And you'd help us, right?"

Tomok Ghastsplitter "If the monster was summoned, it would have returned to where it came when killed."

Kemlal Kyrgam looks around "It might not be over....if they want you dead."


2018-10-23, 12:22 AM
Alton the Axe trembles as life surges back into him from drinking the honey potions provided by the unfortunate and now dead Thujune Stoutcask.

He judges that he is recovered enough and doesn't drink any more.

"Right. Thanks again. I'll pay for you, Astar, and you, Tomok, if you need it, to be Restored tomorrow at the goblin store."

He asks, "Astar, can you sense any evil nearby?"

HP up by 29 to 42 out of 74 (or 54 since Alton has 4 negative levels).

How much XP from the battle, please?

Darth Ultron
2018-10-23, 06:27 PM
Astar Stormsword blinks, and looks around. "Yes?"

Astar Stormsword points to an empty spot about ten feet away.

A humanoid male in black leather armor and a black face mask and a short sword fades into view "Don't mind me, I'm just here to watch."


2018-10-25, 02:28 AM
Alton the Axe blinks in surprise as the man turns visible. He really hadn't expected anyone to still be around to monitor the battle. He had asked Astar to check for evil simply because he was thorough.

He stows his vicious battleaxe at his belt and waves his hand at the stranger, adopting an insincerely cheery manner and voice as he smiles and says, "Hey, I'm Alton the Axe and these are my allies. Hope you enjoyed the show."

"Can I ask who you are? What do you want?"

As he talks in a sardonically friendly fashion, Alton looks to see if the masked man's hair is long, like a slave's, or short, like a freeman's.

If his hair is long, it's possible he's another gladiator, though the mask and invisibility make him very suspect.

If he's got short hair, he's a freeman and probable Sharran from outside the arena come to bear witness to the attempt to kill him.

Alton really wants to kill the guy on the suspicion that he's a Sharran, but he refrains. He doesn't want to continue a cycle of vendettas with the Church of Shar, not when he's in such a vulnerable position in the arena.

Thanks. XP goes from 40625 to 41775.

Darth Ultron
2018-10-25, 01:51 PM
Drego Sarhainik "I'm Drego Sarhainik. Dark Watcher of Shar. All hail the Darkness of the Unseen Night.

I'm not here for a fight, i just watch. Unseen.

And it's totally my fault, I knew that guy was a paladin and I should have drank one of my potions of misdirection. But I forgot.

Drego Sarhainik does have long hair wrapped in a black thread 'pony tail' down his back.

2018-10-26, 06:57 AM
Alton the Axe says, again sardonically, because Sharrans just tried to kill him, "Yeah, yeah. Hail Shar, Mistress of Night."

More sincerely, he says, "Nice to meet you, Drego."

Then he says, "So, what's it gonna be? You just gonna go and tell them that the thing they sent, the shadow sea serpent I reckon, didn't kill me?"

"Will they try again?"

Alton complains, "This is the second time that someone used a summoning against me. The arena wards must be full of holes. Either that, or someone is earning a fortune opening the wards."

"At least, I hope someone is earning a fortune. It would really toast my britches if someone was getting through cheap."

Darth Ultron
2018-10-26, 03:10 PM
Drego Sarhainik "I really don't know anything. I mean my faith is darkness and secrets. I'm just a Dark Watcher. I get told what to watch.

Really, though....I should get going.

Feel free to go back to sleep."

2018-10-29, 12:18 AM
Alton the Axe looks extremely skeptical at this. He should have known better than to expect useful information from a worshiper of the Goddess of Secrets, but he couldn't stop himself from asking.

"Yeah, sure."

He tells the others, "You can go back to sleep."

Alton himself stays on watch. He observes what Drego does, or does not do.

Darth Ultron
2018-10-29, 01:16 AM
Drego Sarhainik nods and quickly moves around the corner.

Everyone else settles back down for the night.

2018-10-31, 11:52 AM
Alton the Axe is much too keyed up and paranoid to sleep. Plus he feels he owes his allies for the trouble of helping to keep him alive.

He waits on guard until shortly before dawn when he can prepare his spells, hoping there is not another attack.

Assuming Alton gets Restoration cast on him noon.

Will he be able to prepare spells using spell slots he lost due to negative levels, or would that have to wait for the next day?

Darth Ultron
2018-10-31, 12:53 PM
The night is quiet enough. Anyone that was sleeping nearby moves away as soon as the attack happened.

Alton just needs the full rest of eight hours of rest (technically not sleep...but it's simply best to combine the two as you do need to sleep anyway...and it's easy to rest when your asleep).

So the fight started at ''2 Am", so staying up till dawn...6AM, he'd need to rest until 2PM

2018-11-03, 11:33 PM
Before dawn, Alton the Axe kneels and prepares just one spell: Healthful Rest. Once prepared, he rises and casts it on himself and his allies.

As soon as the sun rises, Alton muzzily tells the others, "Guard me, please, while I sleep. I really need to sleep."

Prepare and cast Healthful Rest.

Try to sleep for 8 hours. With HR in play, Alton would regain 16 HP, raising him to 54/54 (74).

I had Alton prepare Healthful Rest because it would be complicated to have him prepare only some of his spells, not counting the higher level ones denied by negative levels. I'd rather prepare them en masse later.

When negative levels are removed via Restoration, does the missing HP return also, or does that have to be cured separately?

In other words, when Alton's HP maximum goes from 54 back to 74, does his current HP also go back to 74, or do they have have to be cured?

Darth Ultron
2018-11-04, 07:23 PM
Astar Stormsword "Of course"

Removing a negative level has no effect on lost hit points, they must be regained separately.

Note Negative Levels:

negative level

A loss of vital energy resulting from energy drain, spells, magic items, or magical effects. A successful energy drain attack bestows one or more negative levels on the opponent. A creature takes the following penalties for each negative level it has gained.

-1 on all skill checks and ability checks.
-1 on attack rolls and saving throws.
-5 hit points.
-1 effective level (whenever the creature's level is used in a die roll or calculation, reduce it by one for each negative level).

If the victim casts spells, she loses access to one spell as if she had cast her highest-level, currently available spell. (If she has more than one spell at her highest level, she chooses which she loses.) In addition, when she next prepares spells or regains spell slots, she gets one less spell slot at her highest spell level.

2018-11-06, 12:06 AM
Alton the Axe says, "Thanks."

Just before he drifts off, he mumbles, "Oh, and please wake me if Irella Kymeri comes calling."

Sleep for 8 hours, unless woken.

It is possible Irella Kymeri's information about where to get the magic item that Alton asked for and/or the potions and oils he paid for may arrive before Alton wakes up at 2 p.m.

If so, Alton will just have to interrupt his sleep just long enough to receive.

"Thanks, Irella. First of all, I need 2 more potions of Invisibility."

"I also need 3 doses of Oil of Darkness. I got the idea from the followers of Shar. They use Darkness they can see through, so they blind their opponents. Seems a great tactic, one I want to use."

Alton tries to keep the frustration off his face and out of his voice. He nods respectfully and says, "I can cast Death Ward, yes. But I expect to be attacked by surprise, so I need something that is either permanent, like Soulfire Armor, or that can be activated swiftly, like a Talisman."

He bows again to show respect and adds, "So I would really appreciate any help you can give me in acquiring such an item. I've followed all the leads in this arena. They turned out to be dead ends."

"I take it you would not be above killing someone for your talisman? I could have a name for you by tomorrow after noon."

Darth Ultron
2018-11-06, 05:48 PM
Alton can sleep through the morning and mid afternoon. The arena is often quiet in the morning. And even people like Irella Kymeri don't come around until right before the games start at 6 PM. And even then, remember the first matches are the Green ones with no killing. So a lot of people don't really watch them all that much...but plenty of people do.

2018-11-09, 11:46 PM
Alton the Axe wakes up. He spends about a minute lying on his back, remembering what had happened and what he needs to do, then gets up.

He says to Astar Stormsword, "You're the only one besides me who got drained, right? If anyone else got drained, come with me, I'll get you Restored."

Alton and Astar Stormsword go to the goblin store. They wait in line until at the counter, then Alton says to the goblin clerk on duty, "I want full Restoration for me and him. I'll pay for both spells. How much per Restoration?"

If it turns out anyone else had gotten drained, too, Alton pays for his Restoration as well.

Darth Ultron
2018-11-10, 09:15 PM
Astar Stormsword "I'm the only one that got bit by the serpent. Everyone else was just raked by the shadows."

Tomok Ghastsplitter "I'm a bit weak, but not hurt too much. I drank potions of healing, but it did not cure my weakness."

Astar Stormsword follows Alton to the store.

Goblin Clerk shrugs "sorry, no can do. We only had two restoration spell scrolls and I sold them both yesterday. They are not too popular on the shelf, we were happy to see them go. "

2018-11-14, 11:54 PM
Alton the Axe says to Tomok, "That might be the poison. That should be fine; the weakness will go away sooner or later. Just let me know if it doesn't, and I'll cure you."

Alton says to the goblin clerk, "What? You mean you don't have anyone who can cast Restoration instead?"

"Is your scroll maker here? Would he or she be willing to activate and cast a scroll on me? How much would it cost for him to do that?"

I honestly don't remember anymore if Tomok has a magic item that protects against poison. Alton has been donating those to his allies so that they are protected.

Alton's caster level right now is only 5. He needs a 7 to cast Restoration from a scroll without any chance of failure. He'd pay a level 7 caster with Restoration in his spell list rather than risk failure.

Alton has two 100 gp diamonds, bought in advance just for this purpose.

Darth Ultron
2018-11-15, 12:12 AM
Goblin Clerk "This is just a store. Our main shop is out in the city. We have plenty of scroll scribes. We can order you a scroll no problem. It will just take like three days. Did you want to order a scroll of Restoration? That would be 1,000 gold. "

He does, so does Astar. But an easy Knowledge roll of 10 tells you shadows(the humanoid ones) damage strength when they hit.

2018-11-21, 02:04 AM
Alton belatedly remembers that they had been fighting shadows last night. That must have been what caused the weakness.

He allows his lips to curl in derision at the goblin clerk. 1000 for a scroll of Restoration? He can get the same from Kialla Lanzhir for just 800.

He says to the goblin clerk, "Thanks, but no thanks."

Then Alton remembers that he was supposed to be given information on soulfire armor or some other magical device to protect him regularly from energy drain.

He goes to the arena guards at the entrances to the arena and asks them, "Has Irella Kymeri come to the arena today? Is there any word for me from her?"

Thanks. I'd forgotten about the shadows.

Alton slept through the time of rendezvous with or receipt of message from Irella Kymeri, which was supposed to be high sun (noon).

Irella Kymeri "Well, just be ready tomorrow at high sun, and you will have your target. "

Kialla Lanzhir "Silence 200, death ward 700 . restoration 800 . A waterproof scroll case is 5 gold."

Everything looks like it is there.

Darth Ultron
2018-11-21, 06:42 PM
Goblin clerk just shrughs and goes to help the next person in line.

The guards check with each other.

Guard "We have not seen her today. She is a regular, I'm sure she will show up sooner or later.""

2018-11-21, 10:59 PM
Alton the Axe sighs in relief. He really didn't want to offend his owner's representative by missing their meeting, even if he could claim a reason for doing so: sleeping and resting after a big energy-draining battle.

"Please let me know if and when she or someone from my owner comes. I'm Alton the Axe, and my owner is Lady Vesorianna Lorimor."

Having spoken to the guards and reassuring himself, Alton goes to find the cleric of Mystra Izora Deendra.

If she's having a consultation with some other gladiator, he waits. If not, he goes directly to her and asks, "Izora, I need help. Can you cast the spell of Restoration? Do you have it prepared right now?"

Darth Ultron
2018-11-22, 08:48 AM
The entrance guard nods.

Izora Deendra is found walking around alone.

Izora Deendra "Well again. Yes, I deal with undead daily and it's not always on friendly terms. You need it cast? What do you need help with?"

2018-11-28, 12:13 AM
Alton the Axe explains, "I fought what I think was a shadow sea serpent last night. I got energy drained."

"I need Restoration cast on myself. If you can cast it and if you have it prepared."

"If you don't have it prepared but you can cast it, I have a scroll of Restoration. I need it cast from the scroll on me. I'm not competent at the moment to do it reliably."

Then he asks, "How much for the service?"

Darth Ultron
2018-11-28, 08:06 PM
Izora Deendra "I really don't think any payment is needed. Business is one thing, but draining of life force is a bit serious. What could be worse then loosing some of your connection to your god. And, you know, I do think you'd help me if I needed it....but I don't want to be as low to say you owe me one or anything."

Izora Deendra casts Restoration and removes all of Alton's negative levels.

2018-11-29, 01:53 AM
Alton the Axe gasps as his connection to his god, weakened, surges and returns to normal. The Restoration makes him aware of his injuries that being energy drained had masked.

"Thank you!"

He bows low and says "Cleric of Mystra, thank you for your generosity. Can I at least pay you for the material component of 100 gold of diamond dust?"

After talking to Izora, Alton goes back to the defensive spot. He says to Astar, "I am Restored. I will begin praying for the power to Restore you, too."

"After I Restore you, could you use your power as a paladin to cure my wounds? I have a fight pending today."

Alton gets down on his knees and begins to prepare spells. He rejoices at his new power. According to Tempus, god of Strength and War, Might is Right, and by becoming so Mighty, Alton is more Righteous than ever before.

If and when Alton finishes preparing spells, he casts Healthful Rest on himself and his allies. He then crushes one of his 100-gp diamonds and casts Restoration on Astar Stormsword.

Sleeping for 8 hours was enough to heal Alton back to 54/54.

Restoration made Alton effective level 9 again and made his HP 54/74.

Spells for the day:

0th: Detect Magic x3, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic.
1st: Divine Favor, Healthful Rest, Liberating Command, Magic Weapon*, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith.
2nd: Aid, Bull's Strength*, Extended Divine Favor, Resist Energy, Weapon of Awe.
3rd: Darksight, Magic Circle Against Evil, Magic Vestment*, Extended Delay Poison, Vigor.
4th: Divine Power*, Freedom of Movement, Restoration.
5th: Extended Divine Power*, Extended Death Ward.

Cast Healthful Rest and Restoration. The 100-gp diamonds in Alton's possession goes down from 2 to 1.
Alton would prefer to have Astar use his paladin curing power rather than expend any of his own resources on his healing.

Darth Ultron
2018-11-29, 09:30 PM
Izora Deendra nods and accepts the payment.

Astar Stormsword "Of course" After bring restored:

Astar heals 20 damage to Alton.

2018-12-04, 12:44 PM
Alton the Axe pays Izora 100 gold. "You also have my gratitude. Call on me whenever you need help."

After he is healed, he smiles at Astar. "Thanks."

Fully healed, Alton the Axe goes back to the goblin store. Once at the counter, he says, "I'm tired of depending on temporary magic for improved resistance to effects. It's not enough. I want something permanent."

"How much do you charge for a Cloak of Resistance, starting with the second-weakest grade up to the strongest you have for sale?"

Alton is determined not to be caught off guard again.

HP is 74/74 again.

On-hand gold goes from 11,033 minus 100 to 10,933.

Alton is asking how much Cloaks of Resistance cost starting at +2 up to the maximum the goblin store sells.

Darth Ultron
2018-12-04, 08:48 PM
Goblin clerk "A cloak of resistance? They are common magic items, standard prices. 1,000 gold for the weakest, 4,000 for the weak, 9,000 for middle, 16,000 for powerful and 25,000 for most powerful."

2018-12-05, 10:45 AM
Alton the Axe grimly considers the exorbitant cost of the most powerful Cloak of Resistance.

He needs gold so that, once he is free, he can buy out his allies and give them their freedom, too. He shouldn't be spending so lavishly.

On the other hand, he can't do that if he dies first. And he came far too close to dying last night, drained by the terrible shadow sea serpent of Shar.

So he tells the goblin clerk, with a sigh, "I'll buy the most powerful Cloak of Resistance you got."

He takes out 10,000 from the funds on his person and lays them on the counter, and he also says, "I'll withdraw 15,000 from my credit account with your store. Total 25,000."

He asks, "Can I have the cloak in blood red? If I'm gonna spend that much gold, I want it in Tempus' colors."

Give the goblin store clerk 10,000 from on-person gold, going from 10,933 to 933.

Reduce credit from 76,665 by 15,000 to 61,665.

Alton would have made all his saves if he had a +5 cloak of resistance on him.

I'm assuming you don't have any problem with me optimizing Alton's saves.

Darth Ultron
2018-12-05, 08:52 PM
Goblin clerk "No problem"

Goblin clerk does the transaction, has you make the notes, with draws the money....and gives you a a blood red cloak Of Resistance +5

Of course not.

2018-12-07, 10:02 AM
Alton the Axe holds up and admires the blood-red cloak for a moment, then puts it on.

He immediately feels more durable and resilient, like he could withstand even dragon breath. Even better, he's accoutered in the correct garment for a high-ranking cleric of Tempus.

Alton considers going to look at Einbon and see if he's wearing the Helm of Rage these days, but decides that he had better lie low instead. He's caused so much ruckus lately, and suffered greatly as a result.

So instead of searching for Einbon, Alton goes back to the defensive spot and casts Delay Poison on himself.

Then he goes to the entrance and waits in hope for Irella Kymeri or a message from the same.

Cast Delay Poison on self at defensive spot.

Go wait for Irella Kymeri.

Thanks. I gathered you don't have a problem with making the best of available resources.

Given that, I decided to go big on the Cloak, since my luck in rolling saving throws is so poor.

Alton the Axe (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=186291)
Male Chaotic Neutral Human Cleric 7 / Divine Disciple 2, Level 9, Init 7, HP 74/74, Speed 30
AC 21, Touch 11, Flat-footed 20, Fort 16, Ref 8, Will 16, Base Attack Bonus 6
+1 vicious battleaxe +13 (1d8+6, x3)
+1 dissolving club +12 (1d6+6, x2)
+1 venomous dagger +12 (1d4+6, 19-20/x2)
Leather Armor of Death Ward, Heavy wooden shield (+8 Armor, +2 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 11
Condition None

Darth Ultron
2018-12-07, 12:53 PM
It takes a couple hours, but Irella Kymeri does eventually come through the entrance. She sees you and comes over.

Irella Kymeri "Well again. Well, I have had quite a exciting time. In the last day I was attacked in quite a direct way. It was close, but as you can see I survived. It did disrupt my day a bit, and I even missed the games last night."

2018-12-09, 12:05 AM
Alton the Axe jumps to his feet (he'd been sitting) as soon as he sees Irella.

He cannot hide his shock at Irella's words. "You were attacked? I'm glad you survived. Who would dare?"

"How were you attacked, if I may ask?"

"I was attacked last night myself. Darkness and silence fell on us, some undead shadows, and what I think was a shadow sea serpent."

"Present as witness for the attack was someone who called himself Drego Sarhainik. Dark Watcher of Shar. We discovered him, he told us who he was, and then he left."

Darth Ultron
2018-12-09, 02:37 PM
Irella Kymeri "The lady has plenty of enemies, and I have plenty myself. I'm not a pretty face in a dress, you know.

I was attacked by a group of shadow dancers. Mercenaries. No connection to anyone.

And you were attacked....well, somewhat a common occurrence in the arena. Though by agents of Shar. You do have a history with Sharites, correct? Personal dealings.

Maybe my own attack was just random...but sure was convenient timing. "

2018-12-09, 11:26 PM
Alton the Axe says thoughtfully, "Shadow dancers. Sounds like minions of Shar, but you'd know if they were."

"And I must assume you didn't just escape them but defeated them in combat, or else you wouldn't know so much."

"I guess they attacked you in your home, not any agents of the local Law? When I went into the compound of the merchant Zastillo to kill him, no one interfered but his own guards."

Alton is asking questions because he is still trying to figure out how life is for free persons in a society of law like Thay.

"And yeah, I have a history with the Sharrans. I tried to kill one of their boys here in the arena so I could get his soulfire half-plate. Turned out to be just a shadow fetch. The strike they tried last night was their retribution."

"Lady Vesorianna encouraged me to try my strength against others."

Darth Ultron
2018-12-10, 09:45 PM
Irella Kymeri "I was attacked on the street. There are plenty of people and groups not overly aligned with anyone. And plenty are for hire. It's not like every shadow dancer is an agent of Shar.

I don't bother with guards myself....I fight my own battles. "

2018-12-11, 12:15 AM
Alton the Axe listens. He says, "Well, again, I'm glad you survived."

"Defense in a surprise attack is more difficult than offense. Something I've learned lately," he adds ruefully.

He smiles in a hopeful and ingratiating fashion. "With respect, may I know if you have the info for me about who I can kill for a magic item that will reliably protect me from energy drain?"

Darth Ultron
2018-12-11, 09:14 PM
Irella pulls a small scroll out of a pocket and unrolls it. It shows a picture of a human male in armor.

Irella Kymeri "Kadri Dyvas. He is a body guard, for Latricia Numesti. A Watcher of Helm. "

2018-12-12, 12:10 AM
Alton the Axe thinks: Ho, ho, ho. Helm. Law. I'm going to get to fight another Law guy.

Alton likes fighting Law guys. It makes him feel delightfully Chaotic and virtuous at the same time.

He doesn't notice he is smiling as he extends his hand to receive the scroll so he can look more closely at the drawing.

He asks, "May I ask where I can find this guy, this Helmo, Kadri Dyvas?"

"And who and what is Latricia Numest? Is she someone important?"

Darth Ultron
2018-12-12, 08:14 PM
Irella unrolls the scroll to show a map and directions.

Irella Kymeri "He lives with Latricia Numesti. Full time body guard.

Latricia is a merchant, cloth mostly. She is average importance, I'd guess. Really, though, there is no need for you to harm her. merchants, coin, money and trade are the only things the City Guard do really care about...not need to provoke them. He is your target. Have a little focus. "

2018-12-15, 12:12 AM
Alton the Axe bobs his head and says, "Understood."

Then he asks, "Do I have permission to leave the arena and seek out Numesti's house? When can I go?"

He looks up into the sky to see how close it is to sunset and the nighttime when the Sharrans are most likely to send another monster or team bent on killing him.

Darth Ultron
2018-12-15, 11:17 AM
Irella Kymeri "whenever you like. But don't take too long. As a merchant Latricia Numest might have plans to leave on a business trip at any time. "

As it's just before the evening games, it's roughly a couple hours before sunset (it's about 6 pm, and the sun will set at about 8 pm).

2018-12-18, 01:13 PM
Alton the Axe asks, "Just this once, or can I go out daily from now on?"

He also asks, "Do I need to show the guards anything, or do anything, to get passage out?"

"Do I have to come back before a certain time, or can I come back after midnight even?"

He explains, "I ask because, well, I'd like to visit the temple of Tempus in this city. I haven't yet been able to, and it would gladden my heart if I could."

Darth Ultron
2018-12-18, 08:07 PM
Irella Kymeri "Any time you want. The guard know who you are, who we are. But you must be in the arena for any fight...should not be a problem as you get plenty of notice. And, don't get yourself into any trouble. Feel free to cause trouble, just don't get in to it. It's not like you will be completely unwatched.

I should warn you about staying out too long. Not only have you won many fights, so there is likely at least one owner and one person who lost on you...maybe a lot more then one. And few of them will be fair fights or challenges...but more my style of poison or such from across a street.

And, also, you are a tempting target....exactly what your about to do: your a warrior with some decent magical items. It makes you a target, and again, most won't even fight you for your loot.

Visit your temple, I know how important faith is. "

2018-12-21, 11:27 PM
Alton the Axe smiles at the freedoms, limited as they are, given to him by this representative of his owner. It is not true liberty, but it promises to be fun.

He is especially pleased to be have the freedom to visit the temple.

He asks more questions: "Are the Sharrans and others equally likely to attack me in broad daylight as they are at night?"

"I've heard rumor that broad daylight attacks are uncommon in most places, but I dunno how things are here in Thay."

"Do you think that my status as a cleric is well known now? There are useful spells I've avoided using because they were too blatantly divine, spells like Spiritual Weapon, for instance."

"Am I correct in guessing that a Hat of Disguise is totally off limits to a slave such as me?"

Darth Ultron
2018-12-22, 01:10 AM
Irella Kymeri "Well, I can't really say what others might do....but you should consider that anyone might attack or take hostile action against you at any time.

Well, it's not like no one fights during daylight times. For the most part, people don't really start fights too much in public in the middle of the streets...but it's not like it never happens. But, sure, for the most part, fights will take place in more private spots..indoors, underground, walled gardens, walled parks and such.

Well known? Well, about as known as it ever was. Most people in Thay have at least a little understanding and knowledge of magic. It's not like a secret you use divine magic in a fight..every fight. And that does not even cover people using actual divination magic.

And if you use an obvious spell like a spiritual weapon, or healing for that matter, well even the dumbest goblin knows that clerics cast those spells. Of course, don't do anything like spiritual weapon in the arena floor.

Yea, no illusion magic like that. There is a line...don't cross it."

2018-12-23, 09:20 AM
Alton the Axe thinks it over.

He is afraid to go out after dark. After last night's desperate fight against the shadow sea serpent, he doesn't want to risk being ambushed again by minions of Shar.

On the other hand, Tempus has blessed him with spells. It seems ungrateful to not use them.

He asks, "Can I bring someone else with me? Another slave gladiator, one not owned by Lady Vesorianna?"

"I know I can fight, but I'm not that great at sneaking and fast talking. I have an ally who's great at it."

"I need some way to get in, you see. Besides bashing the door down anyway."

He adds, "The slave is new to slavery, and kind of naive. He might think he can escape if I bring him out."

"Would I be blamed and would it be my problem if he tried? Can you tell me of a way I can persuade him not to try, and to just come back with me after I am victorious?"

Darth Ultron
2018-12-23, 06:51 PM
Irella Kymeri "It's just you. Like I said, there is a line.

Your fame does work both ways...for every loser there is a winner. You might want to look up a fan. Just be careful...even your fans might have plans for you."

2018-12-24, 09:18 AM
When told he has fans he might actually get to meet, face to face, Alton the Axe feels a new and unpleasant emotion: He feels shy. He fiddles in place as he absorbs the information.

To escape the idea and the funny feelings it gives him, Alton forces his mind to focus on tactics. He asks Irella, "Thank you for that information. It's too bad I must go alone, but I can make do."

"I don't suppose you have a potion of something that aids travel, say, Spider Climb, for sale?"

"If not, I'll try the goblin store. Or even prepare Air Walk tomorrow, though it's a bit of a waste to use such a powerful spell."

Hope you have a good holiday and/or Christmas, if you celebrate it.

Thank you again for the game.

Darth Ultron
2018-12-24, 11:23 AM
Irella Kymeri "I don't travel much. The city is full of ways to get around though. You should have more then enough gold to hire a driver for a day. Might even be a better idea for you as the driver can be your guide too.

You....are going to want to be careful in the city. Until you get used to it. For example, air walking around is not a good idea. 'Walk' over anyone's property and they are free to attack you, for example."

Merry Christmas!

Thank you for the game.

2018-12-27, 01:47 PM
Alton the Axe listens to Irella. He nods. "I used a driver before. That's how I got to Vawn Zastillo's estate. The carriage driver knew, so I didn't have to navigate the city myself."

He listens some more. "Air Walk and I guess Levitate would provoke a hostile response? Interesting. I hadn't known or guessed that."

"Me and Oughlyee of the Slime got into Zastillo's estate via Invisibility. The guards opened the door to let Zastillo in, and we rushed in while invisible. But Kadri Dyvas is a Helmite. Helm is god of guardians. I'm figuring his followers might be hard to fool that way."

Alton tries to remember what Helm grants his followers, and whether he is correct in guessing invisibility and other disguise or illusion tricks will not work against such.

Because he does not necessarily trust his own opinion, he asks Irella, "Do you agree?"

Then Alton has an epiphany. Irella said Latricia was a cloth merchant. So he asks, "Is it all right to approach the merchant at her shop or other place of business?"

"How do the Lawful authorities respond to impromptu brawls and sword fights in a shop or other commercial establishment?"

For knowledge on what powers Helm is likely to give his followers, especially with respect to perception.

Knowledge (Religion): [roll0]

Darth Ultron
2018-12-27, 08:53 PM
Irella Kymeri "The ONLY thing the authorities care about is trade, commerce, merchants, money and that sort of thing. Cause even a little trouble and you can expect a swift and deadly response. Do not do anything to even make a ripple in the cities business. Only sliglty behind that is causing damage to the city.

Other then that, the authorities don't care too much about anything. But keep in mind everyone else does care about their own things. So guards won't come running, but others might.

And, it does go without saying followers of Helm are well protected."

Followers of Helm get a ton of perception type spells and abilities. The most basic Helm Sight is seeing in Darkness and see invisibility. Also the Sentry of Helm, an unseen guard.

2018-12-30, 03:51 AM
Alton the Axe listens with attention and more than a little surprise and confusion as Irella discourses about life in Thay.

His religious training leads him to think: Waukeen. Thay is inundated with Waukeenar, though they may not know it.

Aloud, Alton says, "I understand and will follow your instructions."

Plaintively, he asks, "Is there anyone outside that you can recommend or refer me to whom I can hire to talk my way into Latricia Numesti's estate, without obvious violence and without illusion?"

In a reflective, slightly depressed manner, he adds, "Maybe I should ask Tempus for advice. I can cast the spell Divination now."

Darth Ultron
2018-12-30, 12:59 PM
Irella Kymeri "I don't really know anything about merchanting. I don't even buy much in shops.

Be careful interacting with Citizens, as a slave they will treat you as one...that is to say property. It does give you some slight protection: people won't want to pay for you if they kill you. But don't count on that protection too much.

You'd be best sticking with other slaves...all the slaves bond together in a sort of hood. You'd fit right in.

What would I do? Maybe find the place the boyguard likes to eat or drink and slip him some poison. Maybe just snipe him down on the street with a poison bolt and have a bunch of goblins strip the body for me. Something like that. "

2019-01-02, 11:03 PM
Alton the Axe tries to hide a grimace at the thought of poisoning Kadri Dyvas. Tempus would strike him down, he is sure.

He says, "I listen to your advice, Irella."

"Are slaves like me allowed to just loiter around talking to other slaves or waiting for Kadri Dyvas to show up? I won't attract unwanted attention?"

"Can you please tell me what Kadri Dyvas looks like, or shall I find out on my own?"

He also comments, "It might take me a few days to hunt down Dyvas and learn his habits. Is that all right with you, if I daily exit this arena to scout?"

"I will return each night to sleep here, of course."

Alton feels the conversation is nearing an end, as he is running out of questions. He begins to act more and more subservient so that Irella is not inclined to be irritable with his endless questions.

Darth Ultron
2019-01-03, 07:50 PM
Irella Kymeri "The scroll I gave you has his likeness on it. Male human, dark skin, dark hair. third eye tattoo on his forehead.

The city, law and most people can care less what slaves do...as long as they don't get in the way, or effect trade. Of course, and individual might do whatever they want. And there are guards to watch out for uprisings and such.

Take your time, it's up to you. The only real condition is you not miss an arena fight comes up. And don'tvause any big trouble...or get yourself killed.

If that is all, I have other things to do. Sweet Poison."

She turns and walks away.

2019-01-06, 11:01 AM
Alton the Axe blushes under his gladiator's tan as he looks down and sees that the scroll does indeed have a picture of Kadri Dyvas, and even a map and directions.

"Sorry, Irella. I promise I'll do as you say. Sweet Poison to you, too."

Alton spends a minute just standing in place, gloating over his new privilege of being able to leave the arena, rejoicing in his head.

Then he goes to the defensive spot and casts Magic Vestment on his heavy wooden shield. He also tells his allies, "I have permission to leave the arena over the next few days to accomplish a mission."

"Is there anything little errand I can do on the outside for you guys?"

He looks to Astar, Tomok, Kemlal and Baolo for their responses.

Cast Magic Vestment on shield.

Darth Ultron
2019-01-06, 08:59 PM
Kemlal Kyrgam and Tomok Ghastsplitter just shrug their shoulders.

Astar Stormsword "If you can find me another book about law?"

Baolo Riverspeaker "Um, well, how about escape?"

2019-01-09, 01:57 PM
Alton the Axe says to Astar, "I'll see what I can find. Maybe I can find a temple of Tyr."

"For sure I won't be able to buy a book in a shop. I'm a slave."

To Baolo, he shakes his head. "No can do. I asked if you could come along, too, but I was denied."

Alton then goes to the exit and tells the guard, "I'm supposed to be able to leave the arena, on a mission for my owner, Lady Vesorianna Lorimor."

He waits to see if he'll be allowed to do so. Irella said he had permission, but seeing is believing, and Alton has had a lifetime to learn skepticism.

Alton is going to try to visit the temple of Tempus.

It is too late in the day to try to find Kadri Dyvas or Latricia Numesti, but his faith demands that he at least try to visit the temple.

Darth Ultron
2019-01-09, 08:10 PM
Astar Stormsword nods "It's not that important."

The guard looks you up and down for a second, then just nods yes. He then leads you down a long twisting hallway, that eventually leads outside. He does not leave the arena just waves you out the open passage way.

2019-01-13, 06:56 AM
Alton the Axe holds his breath until the guard nods and begins to lead him through the maze. He still cannot believe this is happening, this new freedom to leave the arena at will.

It feels like a dream. A glorious dream, the merest hint of real freedom, even though he remains a slave, with a slave's long messy hair and beard.

As soon as he reaches the outside, Alton basks in the knowledge, then he begins hunting for an empty carriage with a driver willing to take passengers.

He starts telling such drivers, "I want a driver for the rest of the night to take me around the city. You willing? How much?"

Darth Ultron
2019-01-13, 02:58 PM
Plenty of carriages speed right by, and plenty stop to take a look at Alton and then move away. Eventually one does stop and a very large, round, dark skinned male tefiling waddles off.

Gellius the Dark Well, Dark and Empty, you look like your looking for a Night Ride. I'm Gellius the Dark. Step right up your carriage awaits. "

He listens to your questions.

"The rest of the night. Not a problem. Ten gold will cover that. I myself am a Night Walker and can be your guide of a Dark and Wondrous Night Ride.

Where would you like to go first?"

2019-01-15, 10:46 PM
Alton the Axe doesn't get on the carriage yet. He asks suspiciously, "What's a Night Walker?"

He really doesn't want to get on a ride owned by the Sharrans. And this so-called Gellus the Dark is talking really funny.

Alton also asks, "Who do you work for? What is your purpose in picking me up?"

He looks to see if Gellus has long hair like a slave or is bald like a freeman.

Darth Ultron
2019-01-16, 08:33 PM
Gellius the Dark has very long black hair down to his knees.

Gellius the Dark A Night Walker..someone who comes out at night, for experiences. in the day time the streets was clear
You couldn't find a good freak anywhere, 'cause
The freaks come out at night
The freaks come out at night

I work for myself, though I am owned by Othula Solzakarr. I mean to make money, of course. I guess your also a slave like myself...and well, that makes you a fare.

2019-01-17, 05:04 AM
Alton the Axe eyes Gellius the Dark with wary bemusement. What a weirdo, he thinks.

But at least he isn't like the living dead type of slaves. He might even have a sense of humor, though he might also be just insane.

He looks over Gellius to see if the tiefling driver is armed in any visible way as he asks, "If I pay your fare, can I sit up in front and beside you? I want to ask questions."

"I assume a driver like yourself is very familiar with the city and can answer anything I ask, right?"

Alton takes 10 gold out of his pouch, preparing to pay Gellius unless the next few moments goes very wrong, and also to show that he has the money to pay.

Darth Ultron
2019-01-17, 10:09 PM
Gellius the Dark takes the gold coins and puts them in a pouch.

Gellius the Dark "Sure, you can sit up front. Though I normaly like to leave that spot open for the ladies.

I know every stone of the city like I know every inch of my glorious naked body. Sure, I can answer anything.....er...but just so you know: we can't leave the city limits, if you wanted to try and escape. "

2019-01-22, 12:29 AM
Alton the Axe's mind shies away from the horrifying image of the tiefling lolling naked. Ughh.

He gets on the seat beside Gellius. He is glad he sits out in front, not just because it gives him a better view of his surroundings, but also so that if Gellius turns out to be a Sharran and part of a plot to kill Alton, Alton would be in the best position to retaliate.

"I don't want to escape," he assures Gellius. "Take me to the temple of Tyr in the city. Is there one?"

I've been wondering about how much drug and narcotic use there is in Thay, especially among slaves and the upper class. With slaves, to keep them docile and/or productive. With the upper class, for decadence.

Is that a theme you would be interested in exploring with this game?

Darth Ultron
2019-01-22, 09:40 PM
Gellius the Dark "Sorry, no temple to Tyr anywhere around here. Not even a shrine. "

Thay is full of drugs. They are legal, though the end result is Thay has just as much drugs as any other place. Slaves use them to 'escape' for a while, and the upper class uses them for fun.

Durgs are a poor stand in for magic, though. Drugs are only about as powerful as a 2nd level spell, and far less effective.

And ''magic drugs" are just magic, so...

2019-01-26, 12:04 AM
Alton the Axe asks, "What about Torm? Bane?"

He doesn't want to go to any temple of Helm. He plans to attack a Helmite soon, and Helm might inform his followers, or even hit Alton himself.

Alton doesn't want to be the target of a divine lightning bolt or Flame Strike.

Hmm. Thanks for your thoughts.

Darth Ultron
2019-01-26, 01:20 AM
Gellius the Dark "Ah, yes, Bane! Very popular! It's not too far, even"

A quick ride through the crowed streets brings the carriage to a stop next to a large black stone temple complex. Tall black stone buildings, narrow towers, dark black glass windows and lots and lots of armed and armored guards. The main doors to the temple are open, and even at the late hour there are plenty of people going in an out.

2019-01-29, 12:12 PM
Alton the Axe warily eyes the temple of the God of Tyranny. It creeps him out.

He walks up to the nearest guard, the one farthest from the menacing doors, and asks, "Greetings. May I go in to the temple?"

"I want to buy a book on law. General and secular law, I mean, not, um, specific to the worship of Bane."

He waits with baited breath for the answer from the guard. He wonders if he has somehow trespassed against one or another of the bylaws of Bane just by talking about secular law.

Darth Ultron
2019-01-29, 07:53 PM
Guard "Yes, you may enter. All are welcome. But buy a book? Quite the clueless slave are you not? Been locked in a cell or something? This is a temple, not a book seller. You want scroll street, back that way. I recommend getting a copy of Thay for the Clueless."

2019-02-02, 06:06 AM
Alton the Axe blushes beneath his gladiator's tan. He grits his teeth in a smile as he bows to the guard. "Thank you for your advice, sir."

He goes back to the carriage and gets on the seat beside Gellius the Dark. "To the street of the booksellers. Tell me now: Will any of them sell a slave a book? I need to buy one on law."

Darth Ultron
2019-02-02, 02:03 PM
Gellius the Dark nods "Of course, of course. I take it that you don't get out much? You don't seem all too familiar with the city life, no?

A law book? Sounds Intellectual. Burgan Graal should have something like that and he will sell to anyone. Were, Off!

Aluendale Maendellyn appears in the carriage. "You want the Long Hair Trade: the Slave Trade. Not the trade of slave, but trade done by slaves.

For the most part Citizen won't deal with slaves on a personal level. And even the ones that do will more likely cheat the slave or at best over charge them like dozes of times. After all, remember, a slave is property. So someone can sell you a flask of honey and say it's a potion of healing: it's not illegal to cheat property.

But, with supply and demand the slaves of Thay have set up their own business network, where they can buy and sell things...well, at least at a some what fair way. In Thay anyway.

There are thousands of slaves, mostly in the cities, that run their own business. Like Gellius the Dark here. His owner can just take all the business money, of course, as they do own all of it. And there are some slaves, like yourself, that are of value and have their own money, all owned by your owner, of course.

And that is where the Long Hair Trade comes in: Slaves trading with Slaves.

2019-02-05, 12:08 AM
Alton the Axe nods to Aluendale, acknowledging her but not speaking, which might alarm Gellius.

He says to Gellius, "You're right. I don't get out much. I'm an arena brat."

"Is this Burgan Graal a slave, too, that he would deal with the likes of me?"

Darth Ultron
2019-02-05, 07:35 PM
Gellius the Dark "Ah, I must be Blind, you sure look like a arena fighter. Of course, only the best trade of the Dark. "

It's a bit of a ride through the city streets, around in circles and avoiding the more well let streets and sticking to the more dark streets. Eventually stopping at a medium sized shop. The sign simply says 'Books for Sale'.

Inside it's a fairly basic store: wooden bookshelves full of books. A single human male sits at a desk and looks up as the door opens.

Burgan Graal "Welcome, come in come in. I'm Burgan Graal, bookseller extraordinaire! Book a day keeps the brain fed! How can I help you?"

2019-02-08, 01:00 PM
Alton the Axe eyes Gellius the Dark sideways, without turning his head, and asks, "By the way, do you know where there might be any long-hair musicians and bards for hire?"

"I have a need for a slave bard who is not tied to any arena."

Alton enters the store very gingerly. It is the very first store he has ever entered. He has been in so few buildings and compounds in his life: the arena, Lady Vesorianna Lorimor's estate, Vawn Zastillo's estate, and now this store.

It might have been the 5th such building if he'd entered the Temple of Bane, but the guard turned him away, so it is number 4, not 5.

He is nervous and very wary as he speaks, looking around for any ambush, as if the books were about to leap out of the shelves at him and bite.

"Hail. I'm Alton. I'm looking for a book on law. Maybe more than one such book, if I can afford it."

"I favor books on secular law or law as interpreted by the clerics of Tyr. You have any such books on your shelves?"

Then he asks what is really on his mind: "You'll really sell to me, a slave?"

Darth Ultron
2019-02-08, 07:41 PM
Gellius the Dark "Well, sure I know all the best Dark club and dance places in the city...and under the city. And plenty of long haired places.

Burgan Graal smiles "Oh, well, most of my books are quite affordable. Law books, yes, that whole shelf over there. A couple different types...no religious text though.

And, well, yes, I'll sell to anyone who has money to pay."

2019-02-09, 11:59 PM
Alton the Axe thinks dazedly: Dark club? Dance places? Dancing? What the Abyss?

He says to Gellius the Dark, "Sounds good." Then he remembers it's nighttime and he has Sharrans to watch out for. "Well, maybe tomorrow."

He asks, "Is there anything special about under the city? I don't understand the relevance."

Alton says to Burgan Graal, "Pick out for me all the law books, please. How much do they all cost together?"

While he is here, Alton might as well buy all the law books available, if he can afford them, so there won't be a need to revisit the store for law books.

He browses among the books, looking at the titles for anything that might be useful, like a basic codex on Thay and living in Thay.

Darth Ultron
2019-02-10, 01:17 AM
Gellius the Dark "Ah, well under...underground. In the Night Below. The Starless Night. And, well, under ground also has the illegal meaning. In Thay, that is a hidden place that does not pay taxes to the government. But, really, there are few real places like that. So it's just more of a falsehood, but it does sound edgy, even more so to youth."

Burgan Graal "All the law books?" Burgan moves over to the bookshelf and looks along the books. "All eight books would be 3,700 gold. You looking to spend that much?"

Book Titles: A Sunburned Country, the Alchemist, Under the Red Sun, Inferno, War and War, Fear and Loathing in Thay, Something Wicked This Way Comes, The Face That Must Die, Bird Box, White Is for Witching, Annihilation, I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, Wild Ducks Flying Backward, The Hobbit, Half Asleep in Frog belly, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Dune, Goblinproofing One's Chicken Coop: And Other Practical Advice In Our Campaign Against The Fairy Kingdom, The Crystal Shard, So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish, The Adventures Of A Pin, Supposed To Be Related By Himself, Herself, Or Itself, Cuckoldom Triumphant Or, Matrimonial Incontinence Vindicated,

2019-02-12, 12:27 AM
Alton the Axe says to Gellius, "I see. And how often do the local authorities and city guards raid the underground and arrest people who are trying to have a good time?"

Alton has heard many times from Thelonius about how Lawful people interfere in the fun of others. He would really prefer not to get arrested, and he immediately begins to plan ways to avoid that.

Maybe he should prepare a Meld into Stone spell.

Alton tries to remember which books his ally Astar Stormsword has. He tells Burgan Graal, "I can't afford that much. Tell me the titles, please. What is their price range?"

The titles of the books he can see confuse Alton. Most of the titles make no sense at all and give him a headache.

Gesturing, he asks, "Which of these books could give a comprehensive overview of Thay, for a complete donkey who knows nothing about the country?"

"I'm interested in a book about customs and laws that might trip up the unwary traveler. How to behave in society, what to do and what not to do."

Try to remember the titles of the book or books Astar Stormsword already owns and reads, to eliminate which ones Alton must not buy from the bookstore.

The titles of the books are very funny.

Darth Ultron
2019-02-12, 10:57 PM
Gellius the Dark laughs "All the time. It's the normal Night Moves. All part of the Dark Game."

Burgan Graal gathers three books "Comprehensive laws, A Slave to Laws, and Red Law. Sounds to be what your looking for. Just one hundred gold for all three.

A 'donkey's guide to Thay'? Well, there is Ten Years a Slave and My Half Life, both excellent books written by slaves that escaped. There is the Ork's Guide to Thay. and Red Life". Unless your looking for a school book, like Thay."

Other then tossing in a Thay or two.....those are all real book titles. :)

2019-02-13, 10:31 PM
Alton the Axe asks Gellius, "The regular guards, or the ones that go down into the Underground and raid: Are they just regular grunts, or do they have the ability to detect and dispel magic?"

Alton says to Burgan Graal, "I'll take all 3 book son law, thanks."

He asks suspiciously, "They allowed those books by escaped slaves to be copied and distributed? Don't they just encourage slaves to escape?"

He ponders, then says, "What's Red Life about? How much does it cost?"

"How much do the school book and Ork's Guide to Thay cost together?"

I know. I recognized most of the titles' original versions. That's why it was funny.

Darth Ultron
2019-02-14, 08:23 PM
Gellius the Dark "Anyone who is anyone will have a little magic. So it depends. "

Burgan Graal "A Red Life is a hundred gold....it's the life story of a fictional Red Wizard...that might have truths mixed in, if you can figure them out. It's a very popular read...everyone is looking between the lines for a secret.

Orks guide and Thay are just fifty gold each.

Thay does not really care what slaves read. Other then the mines and farms, most slaves are not chained up all the time. Many slaves are ''free'' to escape if they want too....but then the slavery in Thay is worse then if it was just a chain. Even setting aside magic, Thay has a huge slave recapture business...most slaves don't get too far.

2019-02-15, 11:20 PM
Alton the Axe broods on the problem of how to get away from the guards if they catch him in a raid. Killing them all seems good, but likely to cause further problems.

He asks Gellius, "How do people caught on a raid usually successfully get away? Do you know?"

Alton finds himself skeptical about the popularity of this fictional account of a Red Wizard's life. His Chaotic soul is a contrary one.

"If there were truths mixed in, why haven't the Red Wizards outlawed the book and disintegrated every copy and its owner?"

He puts 200 gold on a flat surface. "I'll take the 3 law books and Ork's Guide and Thay for 200, please."

Alton's on-hand gold reduces from 933 by 200 gold for the 5 books and 10 gold for the earlier payment to Gellius the Dark to 723.

Darth Ultron
2019-02-16, 05:36 PM
Gellius the Dark "they run? Most smart ones have escapes planned. The guards can't catch them all...and they don't try. "

Burgan Graal "Well, some would say the book Thay is pure fiction.

Some say it's some sort of test to find new Red Wizards.

Some say it's full of secrets so secret that the Red Wizards don't even know and realize it.

In any case, the book is a popular seller. Several scribes in the city do nothing but make copies of the book everyday."

Aluendale Maendellyn picks up the Thay book and flips through it's pages "Tempus's Tripstaff! This book is still around. "

2019-02-17, 12:11 AM
Alton the Axe shakes his head briefly to Burgan Graal. "I don't really have the time to puzzle the Red Life book out."

He thinks at Aluendale: It's real old then? Does its being old mean it's useful for someone like me who knows almost nothing about the country outside the arena, or have things changed too much for it to be of value?

Alton knows that one of the principles of Chaos is that things change. Adapting to change is necessary for survival.

He suddenly fears that the Thay book won't help him survive and that he wasted his 50 gold.

Then it occurs to him: Even if the Thay book is as fictional as Burgan Graal says, it might help Alton to know what lies everyone believes.

Darth Ultron
2019-02-17, 12:13 PM
Burgan Graal "To each his own"

Aluendale Maendellyn "Old sure. And any knowledge can be useful.

The military books are on that shelf. He has:

Red War-fiction about the Red Wizards taking over the whole world

The Art of War-an eastern book full of interesting stuff

Gnoll Knock Life-another good one, all about a gnoll fighter in the legions and his life and death. I've seen this as a play at least a dozen times."

2019-02-20, 02:54 PM
Alton the Axe looks nonplussed at the thought, not of the Red Menace conquering the world, but of someone writing a story about it. Don't people have enough nightmares already?

He bares his teeth upon learning of a story about a gnoll. Alton hates gnolls. But he is polite enough to ask: Was the play faithful to the book?

He asks Burgan Graal aloud, "How much for the Art of War book? Is it in Common, or some other language?"

Darth Ultron
2019-02-20, 08:33 PM
Aluendale Maendellyn "Sometimes....but you know Art is Art."

Burgan Graal "Art of War? Fifty gold. It's in common.

I do have two copies, written in the original Wa, if your interested, but they are 500 gold."

2019-02-25, 02:10 PM
Alton the Axe thinks at Aluendale: You forget, I've never been to a play. I just had them described to me.

Taking out 50 gold, but not handing it over yet in exchange for the Common version of Art of War, he asks Burgan Graaal, "Is it a faithful translation, or is there a lot lost in it?"

He also says, "Can I look inside the Wa version of the Art of War?"

If Burgaan Graal permits, Alton takes out his glasses of reading, puts them on, and reads the Wa version and compares it to the Common version to see how good the translation was.

Izora takes the gold and looks over the glasses and comes back a after a bit, "glasses of reading. They let you read any normal writings."

Alton can afford the 500 gold to pay for the original Wa version, but he is too much of an artless philistine to want the original if the Common version is almost as good and costs only 50.

Darth Ultron
2019-02-25, 07:56 PM
Burgan Graaal "They are the same...as far as I know.

Sure, East books are over on that shelf, you can see two Art of War books there."

The two books are quite different, the Wa one sure has a lot more detail, but also long flowing passages. The common seems to be more simple.

2019-03-03, 10:05 AM
Alton the Axe dithers over whether to get the 50-gold Common version or the 500-gold Wa version.

The two versions are so different they might as well be different books, and he strongly suspects that much was lost in translation.

Ultimately, it is quality that decides him. Just as Alton purchased an outrageously expensive Cloak of Resistance because he wanted the best, so Alton must purchase the Wa version of The Art of War because it can teach him the most.

In as calm a voice as he can manage, he tells Burgan Graal, "I'll take the Wa version." Alton puts 500 gold on the counter.

He pauses to think, then adds, "You have customers who are casters, right?"

"You should try to get them to buy the original Wa version of this book. The Common version is really watered down. Casters can use Comprehend Languages to read the original version, though."

Alton feels unusually happy as he walks out of the store with his purchases in his backpack: 3 books on Law and 3 books on War. He gets on the carriage beside Gellius the Dark and says, "Take me to the Temple of Tempus."

Give Burgan Graal 500 for the original Wa version of The Art of War. On-hand gold decreases from 723 to 223.

Thus Alton discovers the joys of retail therapy.

Darth Ultron
2019-03-03, 10:33 PM
Burgan Graal nods and takes the coins, "The customer is always right."

Gellius the Dark waits for Alton to sit down, and then starts the carriage moving. "Temple of Tempus....that is a much nicer Temple then the one to Bane."

It's a short ride through the city, off the main streets, to the massive fortress like Temple of Tempus. The Fortress Temple is huge made of multi colored stone and takes up several city blocks.

A small wood stable is just outside the massive metal main gate doors, closed for the night. Many lights and fires burn within the temple fortress, and you do see plenty of people moving about.

Next to the main gate is a smaller metal door, also closed. Two human males, both in rather simple chain mail with halberds stand on either side of this door.

Gellius the Dark points "That is the Night Door, for worshipers of Tempus only"

Aluendale Maendellyn "Oh, Shatter Shields, hope this is a good idea."

2019-03-04, 07:52 AM
Alton the Axe spends a minute admiring the Fortress Temple. He asks Gellius the Dark, "That's a funny name for it. Why is it called the Night Door?"

He glances sideways at the empty air where Aluendale is and thinks: Why? How could it be a bad idea for me to visit?

Is there some kind of extra problem for slave worshipers?

He checks to make sure that the temple is dedicated to Tempus, not Shar. There should be a large symbol of Tempus over the building.