View Full Version : DM Help Undead-Related Aberrations?

2018-05-20, 11:56 PM
Just considering necrotic aberrations such as bloodhulks. What other kinds of necromancy-esque aberrations exist?

2018-05-21, 12:02 AM
bloodhulks are undead, not aberrations.

Which do you want?

the susurrus is an aberration that's a big, vaguely humanoid lump with no neck. it's made of mirrors and is full of big holes that whistle when it walks and it hates undead for no readily apparent reason and murders them on sight

2018-05-21, 12:44 AM
Depending on what you mean there are things like Flesh Golems which have a very Frankenstein's Monster feel and would be thematically similar to a Bloodhulk although they are constructs not aberrations. There's the carcass crab from Eberron, magical beast but quite in line with a necromantic theme. If you really want an aberration you could give a Naga necromantic spells.

2018-05-21, 12:49 AM
There's deepspawn (LEoF, 166), which generates weird pseudo-undead, dolghast (MoE, 143) has some undead traits, mindstealer master (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20030727a) has this whole stealing brains to make drones thing going on, and great old master neogi (LoM, 91) has this weird insect spawning thing that has a bit of an undead feel to it maybe. Dolghast is probably closest to what you want, but I dig me some minion making.

2018-05-21, 03:32 AM
Alhoon (LoM): undead mind flayer liches
Catoblepas (MM2): aberration with a "death ray" (not really that undead related)
Dolghast (MoF): already mentioned
Lifeleech Oyugh (MM3): an aberration that "steals" healing spells and SLAs (not really that undead related)
Mind Flayer Vampire (LoM): undead mind flayers with vampiric traits
Rot Reavers/Necrothanes (MM3): aberrations that have a weird relationship with undead, draining energy from them, as well as the ability to rebuke undead and animate dead
Sussurus (MM3): already mentioned
Vampiric Ixitxachitl (MM2): aberrations with vampiric tendencies
Vour (MoF): undead with tentacles (that makes them a little aberration-like in my book)

2018-05-21, 03:48 AM
Just considering necrotic aberrations such as bloodhulks. What other kinds of necromancy-esque aberrations exist?

Avolakia (MM2) are aberrations who create and subsist upon undead.

2018-05-21, 05:42 AM
the susurrus is an aberration that's a big, vaguely humanoid lump with no neck. it's made of mirrors and is full of big holes that whistle when it walks and it hates undead for no readily apparent reason and murders them on sight

That always struck me as one of the weirder retcons of monsters. They used to be made of bamboo instead of mirrors, and be plant monsters kinda like shambling mounds. The holes, noisiness, and hating undead were always traits of them though. They just really make no sense at all as is.

2018-05-21, 06:04 AM
Ghosteater (Gh): an incorporeal aberration that eats "ghosts" (in the context of the Ghostwalk setting, ghosts aren't actually undead)
Nothic (MH): an aberration with a flesh rotting gaze (not really that undead related)
Phiuhl (FF): an aberration that inflicts negative levels through "desiccation"
Spectral Lurker (FF): an incorporeal aberration that can make others incorporeal (not really that undead related)