View Full Version : Advice/comments?

2007-09-05, 09:44 PM
I was inspired at some point to make an avatar-type-thingy of a battlecruiser capitan from starcraft, you know, the guy you see in the character portrait when you click on the battlecruiser, you know, this guy:http://404.realmud.com/StarCraft/images/portraits/Battlecruiser.gif.
I tried to do a full-body version and ended up with this
It dosn't seem right to me though, somthing is off but I just can't put my finger on what I should do. Any comments/tips?

2007-09-07, 03:02 AM
The mouth and 'stache seem abit to high, maybe bringing them down and adding some eyes covered in shadow will make it look better but over all great job :smallbiggrin:

2007-09-07, 03:03 AM
The mouth and 'stache seem abit to high, maybe bringing them down and adding some eyes covered in shadow will make it look better but over all great job :smallbiggrin:

2007-09-07, 03:03 AM
The mouth and 'stache seem abit to high, maybe bringing them down and adding some eyes covered in shadow will make it look better. But over all great job :smallbiggrin:

2007-09-07, 03:35 AM
Well, first off: you have good rendition of the colors required - don't do anything to those. What you can improve on is the form and pose.

On form:
First: be a little more careful with your lines. There are a couple of places where this shows, the worst peing his left sleeve (on the right-hand side of the picture.) You can see the black form of the sleeve going right of the yellow turn in the sleeve. When working with a vector drawing program, these things are easy to fix - just move the nodes.

Second: Don't use extremely regular shapes unless a) you're going for stick-figure style or b) you're drawing mechanical things. This basically means you should not use straight lines, perfect circles or squares for mostly anything. With vector drawing, my favored tool is the bezier curve. That can accomplish most anything. For example - try to make his jawline a little wider and less oval, and see what happens. I'd go for a wide U-shape. Take this same critical eye to other parts of the picture, and I think you'll find places to improve.

On pose:
He's stiff, and not in a military way. If you want an attention-pose, widen the shoulders, and make his arms go straight down. If not, make his arms do something. Anything. Also, his hat seems two sizes too large for him. I'd fix that as well.

Hope that helps.

2007-09-07, 11:47 AM
Thanks for the advice everybody, tweaked the picture abit
As for the hat, its supposed to be like that, 90% of the time the portrait shows the hat over his eyes