View Full Version : 3rd Ed Balancing Casters by Nerfing Martials

Bad Wolf
2018-05-22, 02:57 AM
1: Reduce all martial hit dies to d4's, lowest base attacks, three poor saves, and 2+INT mod per level

2: No one wants to play them

3: No balance disparity between players

4: ??? My offence has no defense

5: Profit.


2018-05-22, 03:06 AM
1: Reduce all martial hit dies to d4's, lowest base attacks, three poor saves, and 2+INT mod per level

2: No one wants to play them

3: No balance disparity between players

4: ??? My offence has no defense

5: Profit.


This would mean that they would have a 25% chance of rolling maximum hit points on each HD. High chances for maxed HD is why wizards and sorcerers are tier 1. Giving this to martials who have access to weapon and armor proficiencies is risky. The fighter has bonus feats as well and the monk has too many class features. In the case of the fighter and monk it could push them into tier 0 status.

Uncle Pine
2018-05-22, 03:09 AM
Now this is finally a fix I can get behind! My hat is off to you, Big Bad Wolf.

2018-05-22, 04:59 AM
Perfect. We don't need any more of these threads, you've just solved balance forever. Great job.

2018-05-22, 07:05 AM
"Balancing casters" is a meaningless phrase.

Hunter Noventa
2018-05-22, 12:07 PM
"Balancing casters" is a meaningless phrase.

Of course it is, when was the last time you saw a caster with Balance as a class skill, much less ranks in it?

2018-05-22, 12:15 PM
2: No one wants to play them

3: No balance disparity between players

I get that this thread is sarcastic, but isn't this basically the same as "ban Tier Ones" (a widely suggested balance change), except it's a soft ban instead of a hard ban and going in the other direction? If "you can't play overpowered classes" is an acceptable fix, surely "you can't play underpowered classes" is as well.

2018-05-22, 12:24 PM
I get that this thread is sarcastic, but isn't this basically the same as "ban Tier Ones" (a widely suggested balance change), except it's a soft ban instead of a hard ban and going in the other direction? If "you can't play overpowered classes" is an acceptable fix, surely "you can't play underpowered classes" is as well.

Yes, it is, which is why you'll occasionally see in recruitment, for example, someone banning cwar samurai in their games. It's not so they won't break the game, it's so new players won't be able to screw themselves too badly.

King of Nowhere
2018-05-22, 01:19 PM
If all martials have reduced skill points, then nobody knows professions. Suddenly the expert becomes very viable. With the controversial "take 10" mechanic, it can generate a steady income without rolling a single dice! All this while the poor wizard is cut out of the market by the very prices set in the DMG, too high to cater to any reliable market.
And so with all his income from the selling of baskets, our expert has access to minionmancy like hiring a higher level wizard (which is forced to work cheap because he has a rent to pay and nobody is buying his spells). And that's even banning the recursive stuff like chain-hiring other expert basketweavers.
I say, stop that imbalanced crap!

2018-05-22, 01:31 PM
If all martials have reduced skill points, then nobody knows professions. Suddenly the expert becomes very viable. With the controversial "take 10" mechanic, it can generate a steady income without rolling a single dice! All this while the poor wizard is cut out of the market by the very prices set in the DMG, too high to cater to any reliable market.
And so with all his income from the selling of baskets, our expert has access to minionmancy like hiring a higher level wizard (which is forced to work cheap because he has a rent to pay and nobody is buying his spells). And that's even banning the recursive stuff like chain-hiring other expert basketweavers.
I say, stop that imbalanced crap!



2018-05-22, 01:50 PM
If martials have a lower HD, then this means that the truespeak DC on them is lower and truenamers can more easily apply buffs to them, but not to casters coz casters have a higher HD. This fix is OP plz nerf.

2018-05-22, 04:46 PM
If martials have a lower HD, then this means that the truespeak DC on them is lower and truenamers can more easily apply buffs to them, but not to casters coz casters have a higher HD. This fix is OP plz nerf.

That would only be the case if martials had fewer HD, not smaller ones.

Of course, the solution is to make martials level up slower...

Karl Aegis
2018-05-22, 05:37 PM
Changing martial characters does not change the fact that some casters are better than other casters.

2018-05-22, 05:53 PM
*Slow clap*