View Full Version : Gangs of Freeport (IC)

DM Masterson
2018-05-22, 04:18 PM
Freeport. The capitol of the world, where trade is king, and anything can be had for a price. Likewise, anything can be taken away. Down near the docks crime is rampant. Not for a lack of watchmen though, as there hundreds bustling around. However, if it doesn't affect trade, specifically those who pay for their protection, then it isn't really a crime. On Wharfmans Way in one brutal night, many businesses and residences were burned to the ground. The Creel Family sent enforcers to collect protection money from a couple of local businesses. Some didn't have the money so the enforcers administered a few beatings. One business decided to try and hire a rival gang, the Salvonie Syndicate, as a separate form of insurance. Upon realizing their power was slipping, they began revisiting previous business, demanding full payment or no more business. But with buildings touching each others, some were burned down unintentionally. Soon the Salvonies were hitting Creel places, Creels hitting the Salvonies, other gangs jumped int because of collateral damage, and soon, over of businesses in the Docks District were affected. Wharfmans Way was hit pretty hard.

Needless to say this caused the guard to crack down on the Creel's, the Salvonies and several other gangs leaving their power base all but dismantled. New gangs are sprouting up everywhere, and older gangs are trying to gobble up new recruits left and right. Inside a local watering hole, "The Smashed Psyche", the proprietor Haggard Sinclair, is allowing six of his favorite local customers to use a private room down in the cellar for a clandestine meeting. Usually reserved for high stakes games of chance, the room may be the first meeting place for a future powerhouse of the criminal underworld.

Whether it was the Salvonies, the Creels, the Crimson Brotherhood, the Companions, or any other number of gangs in the city, you all have had some sort of experience with organized crime. Whether on the receiving end of a beating, the wrong end or a purse-snatching, paying protection money, getting into a dispute with one of their members, or worse, there is not love lost for some of the local gangs. What's worse, all of you are on hard times financial and need to make something happen. Each of you know most of the others here and trust at least one other person in here enough to come when they vouch for the others. While feelings of mistrust are natural, you are out of options and this has to be profitable and fast.

You are sitting around a sturdy wooden table with five others looking around, Haggard's daughter, Hope drops off a large pitcher of ale and 5 large mugs and a smaller sized cup and says, "I won't be coming back down tonight, I'll leave you to your privacy." She then slightly opens the hidden door and slides through before closing it back.

2018-05-22, 09:22 PM
Habakkuk looks around the table and pours himself a drink. He knows most of these folk, people just like him who have been shat on by the local gangs. He knows they need money to survive, just like he does. Hopefully, they can be trusted...

"Well, let's get to it then. We are all in a bit of a tight, financially speaking, thanks to recent gang activity. But thanks to the watch, I think we have an opportunity to step in and start our own crew. I don't think I'd consider this, but my mum needs taking care of, and the shop is dead. Nothing too brassy, mind you. But there are some small timers left out there who could use a bit of the old comeuppance. We can give it to them and recoup our losses at the same time, I figure."

He turns from face to face, searching the eyes of each. "Now I don't know all of you. But them I don't have been spoken for by them I do. So I'm asking you, who's in this with me?"

2018-05-23, 09:34 AM
The blond strands of her hair showing through from under the drab cloak Lea takes the time to look around at the varied people at the table. Habakkuk has had dealings with her parents and their herb business, the others she has either seen, had very limited dealings with, or have been vouched for. The need to pay off her fines has lent her the courage to attempt such a risk as this.

"I've went too far not to be a part of this. Even though I agree with you this comeuppance must be gotten carefully. The powers that be although weakened, are not finished. And the guard we must keep a very warry eye on. I will commit with everything at my disposal. May the heavens bless our efforts."

2018-05-23, 10:54 AM
Tangle is, in a word, nervous. She's always nervous when she meets new people, especially when they're taller than her. Already, she's mapped out in her head a plan for escaping the room should one of them take offense to something the other said and try to run the other through. In violent situations, the tall ones rarely look at their feet to make sure they aren't hitting something smaller than them.

But the thought of her looming due-date drove her here. Here, at least, she was with people in a similar situation. That was kind of like a tribe, right? But still, there was one question that lingered in the back of her mind. "What, exactly, is the thought-plan? We have problems, yes? Same one for all. But what's the answer? It's no good to say we have the problem with no fix for it."

2018-05-23, 02:19 PM
Percy takes in the faces of those seated at the table. Some friends, some new faces, all of them with the same determined expression.

Habakkuk... a local, known 'im since we both been kids. Powerful. Folsum... he's seen me at my worst, helped me through bad times. Shame what happened to the Shark Bait. Flynn... Reliable in a fight, he's got my back. Tangle... been followin' Habakkuk like white on rice ever since 'the incident'. The blonde... she's pretty. Wonder what kind of tricks she's got up her sleeve?

Percy takes a breath and closes his eyes, listening intently while the others speak. Finally, after Tangle stops speaking, Percy is ready to voice his opinion.

"Agreed, Tangle, I think it's safe to say that every one of us is in need of a little monetary assistance. I have a potential answer," Percy says, while reaching into his pack under the table. He pulls out a journal and inkpen and sets it on the table in front of him. "But I think each one of us can bring something to the table here. So, let's hear what we've all got, and we can pick our poison from then. Maybe we all vote?"

He tears out a sheet from the journal, then draws a big, dark T in the center, dividing it into two columns. At the top, he labels the columns "JOBS" and "VOTES".

He clears his throat. "Here's mine: There's this guy, Varus, who has several noble contacts in Freeport. One of 'em needs to send a message, the kind that leaves a black eye and bruises. We'd need to meet up with Varus for more details, but I can tell ya - he pays well."

Percy scribbles "Varus - Hired Muscle" in the left column, then looks expectantly to the rest of the group.

2018-05-23, 07:15 PM
Flynn leans back in his chair until it is sitting on only its two rear legs. He'd wrapped the buckles on his clothes and left his pack on the floor beside him. He glances at his tankard on the table longingly, but leaves it be for the moment.

He glances at Folsum and tries not to let how sad he is for the good-hearted dwarf show. Some people deserved a chance to create to their heart's content without such tragic interruptions as these. Especially when they create good booze.

Percy a good sort. Clever, very clever, well-intentioned, and take-charge. A little older, and seems good like he knows how to use a weapon. Solid, but Flynn doesn't know how he'd do sneaking into a house.

Likewise the fidgety little alchemist. Too jumpy. With nerves like that, the swordsman considers, trust is going to be an issue.

His eyes drift to the pretty young woman at the table. I'm sure she brings something to the table, he considers, but I've no clue what it is just yet.

He glances at the blue-eyed, dark-haired young man- Habba-something he thinks he heard someone say- and crooks a smile. Definitely magic. Or maybe sneaky. Or both. Interesting all over, though.

He straightens up and stands, giving a stretch to cover for the fact that he was trying to show a little presence for the sake of attention.

If it's all the same, Flynn says with an ironic smile, I'd prefer to avoid beating lessons into people unless I'm sure it's the right person and the right lesson. I'm desperate, yeah, but maybe not that desperate.

He frowns. 'Sides, I don't know if that kind of work will even pay what we owe. If we're going to do this, then lets do this all the way. The Creels? They've got a moneylender, Ephrita's Emporium, fronting their operations, changing out their stolen gold so it's untraceable.

Flynn's tries to meet the eyes of the people in the room as he speaks. "Why scrap for coppers when you can pan for gold? If we wear masks, get in, and get out fast, then we'll have enough to at least clear out the debts of the people who have the most to lose."

2018-05-23, 10:03 PM
“Flynn, you know this Varus thing isn’t my normal kind of work. But I might just be that kinda desperate.” Percy shakes his head darkly. “But you’re right about the quantity issue. The Emporium’s a big-shot job for sure, with a big-shot payout... and probably, big-shot defenses. We’d need to case the place, go in with a real good plan.”

He adds a new line to his sheet. “Visit E.E.”

2018-05-23, 11:52 PM
Tangle stands on the chair in order to peer over and look at the list. Unlike most kobolds, she can read pretty well. Comes from being an alchemist. "In that case, an alternate I have. Not so well-guarded and useful for more than debts."

She pauses for a moment to recall all the details. "Asvora's Arms and Armaments. Weapon-store. It has a bad beam on the outside. Bring that down, wall collapses. Easy entrance. Grab what we can and run. Problem. Armor and weapons are heavy. And collapse would be loud."

She takes a swig of her smaller mug. "Take it or leave it. Only place I know. Could blow the beam with a bomb, but would not be much aid-help to carry the goods out."

2018-05-24, 01:48 AM
Lea listens as each option is described and ponders her response and reasons carefully. She puts away any names given out to her memory. Then she replies.

"As generous as this Varus would be for our help, I've seen and dealt with the after effects of such dealings. I am no "leg-breaker" I believe the saying is. I vote no for it. The Ephrita's Emporium job sounds tempting as long as we keep our identities as secret as possible and keep injuries to others to a minimum. Being that they deal with so much money and a established place we will be dealing with more protection for those bountiful coins. I vote yes for it. As for Asvora's Arm's and Armaments although I have dealt with the grisly after effects I too use armor and weapons so that just leaves the considering of noise and weight. I'll be undecided for it."

She seems to hesitate then continues speaking. "My current predicament with Abadars church aside I submit my own job to the mix. The Temples of Abadar each month send their tithes to the Cathedral, there is such a temple here 3 block's from Wharfman's Way. If we were to appropriate their wealth in route there could be a decent amount along with a few guards and clergymen."

She waits patiently for the groups deliberation and to see if there are any other options.

2018-05-24, 02:17 PM
Folsum eyes the table, he might just be the only one who knew everyone there already. Not surprising in his line of work. Or rather, his old line of work. He swirls his mug, watching the liquid form a tiny whirlpool, a personal prayer that he did for Cayden when he was feeling unsure.

"I haven't a clue where to begin with all this. To be honest I'm having a hard time just to understand that I'm sitting here. I'm determined, you don't have to worry about that. I'm in deep just like the rest of you, I'm just saying this is foreign territory to me.

The only thing I know of is the Freeport Chamber of Commerce Depository, it reeks of gold, I can smell it everytime I walk by. But I'm not so foolish as to think we could take on such a job, everyone would be after us, and I mean everyone."

He listens to each proposal, gauging the chances for success with the reward.

"Im intrigued by the armaments job, if we do it right, no one has to get hurt. And when it comes to carrying something heavy and running with it, then I'm your man. I imagine I could outrun half of you while carrying the other half on my back. Natural dwarven hardiness combined with a stiff longstrider brew of my own concoction." He says as he pulls out a bottled brew and sets it on the table.

2018-05-24, 02:36 PM
Habakkuk considers the proposals being thrown about for a minute, nursing his drink as he does so. All of the jobs have downfalls, but they all have potential too. Thinking through what he knows, Hab can only think of one idea.

”I’m not sure if my idea is going to help us. Not unless one of you can provide another piece of the puzzle. The Companions have a fence at the Docks, Slanter is his name, who would be an easy mark. Lightly guarded, but loaded. The problem is, his place is hard to find. We’ll need more info if we are going to hit him.”

2018-05-24, 03:12 PM
”And make an enemy of one of the few gangs that actually give to the poor now and then. I’d rather not piss in the eyes of the Companions unless they have to. We’d risk making enemies of the people down here, and that would make future jobs difficult.”

Flynn grimaces. ”Does anyone know a good fence anyway? We might even want to try and use him to offload our spoils. Can’t very well try to pay off a debt with a gauntlet, can you?”

Flynn sighs and rubs his temple with the fingertips of his right hand. What was is the old man said? ‘Narrow the options, be open to compromise, and don’t try to be a genius.’

He studies the scattered papers for a moment, frowning.

”...We’re untested, we’re under-prepared, we don’t know how we’ll work in a team, and we don’t know to offload what we can steal. Why not try to befriend the fence so we can use him, then hit the weapon merchant’s for an easy first job? We’ll need to hit the next one fast, before word about us gets around, but at least by then we’ll be a little more experienced and a little better equipped. ‘Sides, if the Companions hear good things about us from their boy then they might back us a little, or at least be curious enough to watch a little longer before frying us.”

2018-05-25, 01:29 AM
Tangle shivers when the dwarf speaks. He talks better, kinder than the ones from back home. And he's not carrying a whip, so that's always a plus. But still, she can't shake the ingrained urge to stand up straight and duck her head whenever he gets up to talk.

Still, he was agreeing with her plan! And he was right about him carrying the stuff. Not like she could do it.

She nods as Flynn speaks. "Yes, yes. Stolen goods worthless without someone to sell to. Bits of fancy-bright metal and leather."

As an afterthought, she adds quietly, "We could also keep some for ourselves. Be better equipped to face danger-foes.

2018-05-25, 02:14 AM
Taking into account whats been said and looking at each speaker when they speak Lea responds. "I agree we are untested and unsure of each other. I also do not wish to antagonize The Companions...before coming to this meet I was contemplating joining them after what I have already heard about them multiple times, also the ability to sell our spoils will be a bigger boon right now. Asvora's Arm's and Armaments would be a good first job where we could test out our ability to work together without too much risk."

2018-05-25, 08:27 AM
"It appears we have had our first vote. We'll contact Slanter once we have something to sell, and we'll hit the armory. Let's get a look at the area tomorrow, and make a plan. Then act on the plan tomorrow night. What say you all?"

Habakkuk looks around the table, searching for disagreement, or a weak link. Downing the rest of his drink, he sets the mug down.

"If we are decided, I will go home and sleep for a few hours.
We'll need it on the morrow."

2018-05-25, 08:59 AM
Percy had continued to mark down each idea as it was presented to the group, also marking down each member's vote as they voiced their opinions. He confirms Habakkuk's query with a grunt. "Yup, seems like the Asvora job is the clear winner." He folds up the sheet of paper, its purpose fulfilled, and places it inside his journal, then returns his journal to his bag.

"I'm thinking tomorrow goes like this: One group heads to Triple-A's an' cases the joint, so we can come up with a full plan of attack. Another group should find Slanter and negotiate - we need to convince him to work with us. Last, from the sounds of it, we'll need some explosives to complete this job. I know that's Tangle's area of expertise, but I've also got some alchemical skill - with that said, I'm willing to help wherever I'm needed most."

2018-05-25, 12:35 PM
"I'll join whoever is meeting the fence, I'm not great with words, but I'm pretty good at tellin when someone is lyin to me. That and some of the more, uhh, schooled folks might have better ideas when it comes to casin the joint."

2018-05-25, 12:54 PM
”I’ll try to sweet talk the merchant. That’s a little more up my alley than hunting for traps. I never did have a knack for fiddly work like that.” Flynn crooks a smile. ”And just so you know? I don’t plan on this being our only job. There’s too much broken here that needs fixing and too many who need to be knocked down a peg or ten.”

2018-05-25, 02:26 PM
"I can actually do some of the casing tonight before bed via a spell. It allows me to search through all the talk in the city looking for information. I'll cast it right before I sleep, then we can follow up on ideas tomorrow in daylight."

Hab looks at Flynn and nods.

"I agree. A lot to be answered for, and the law seems powerless."

2018-05-25, 10:48 PM
"Good, good," Tangle says with a bob of her head, "I will go to the shop. Examine the beam closer. Make sure I can make a boom-bomb big enough to topple it."

She really wasn't the best choice for a diplomatic mission anyway. Kobolds weren't the most silver-tongued creatures, their social skills mostly revolving around boasting or grovelling, depending on the situation. Neither was good for the complex back and forth of haggling.

2018-05-26, 08:12 AM
"I think my talents would be better for the negotiation with Slanter. I'll go with that group."

2018-05-26, 10:30 AM
"So it sounds like Lea, Folmun, and myself meeting Slanter while Percy and Tangle case the store and Habakkuk takes a nap." Flynn finally reaches for his tankard. "Here's to stealing, hopefully getting away with it, and disappointing our poor grannies."

He drains his drink all at once and sets an empty mug back down on the table.

2018-05-26, 11:39 AM
"We need to look at the armory in daylight. Going now just opens us up for suspicion. My spell will get us enough info to start with, then we can confirm the parts we need to while people are working and walking in the area."

Hab looks a bit annoyed at the nap comment.

2018-05-26, 01:18 PM
Percy gazes at a tankard with longing in his eyes, before coming to his senses. Things are good, jobs are in motion... let’s not get sloppy now. Clearly the investigator doesn’t trust his baser instincts and self control to even touch alcohol tonight.

He nods in agreement at Flynn’s recap, then walks over to Habakkuk and gives him a nudge. “That’s just Flynn’s sense of humor. Don’t take it personally - we all know how valuable you are to the team.”

Percy takes a couple of steps toward the door and bows. “With that, my friends, I have to call it a night. Gotta get sleep, be sharp for tomorrow. We got our work cut out for us. Tangle, Habakkuk, how’s about we meet at Asvora’s ‘round midday tomorrow?”

DM Masterson
2018-05-26, 07:33 PM
And so it was decided that the unnamed group of debtors would to a life of crime. Whether that life is long or very short would be determined by how well, or poorly, the next few days go. Nonetheless, the group is willing to lay it all on the line knowing they have no other alternative. Half of the group is planning to scope out Asvora's Arms and Armaments and see if it is worth the effort or even a feasible option. The other half plans to locate and contact Slanter, the illusive fence for the Companions.

Habbakuk casts a spell and after a bit of intense focus is able to find a bit of information regarding the illusive fence. A series of images fly through his brain as he hears snippets of conversations regarding his target. This man is truly hard to find and it is obvious very few know anything about him. While you gleam no information about Slanter himself, you do focus in on the fact that Haggard, the owner of "The Smashed Psyche" seems to have had more than one conversation regarding the fence. Everyone here has met Haggard before and know him as a rather intimidating fellow. Rumor has it that he is a former adventurer who settled down and bought his own tavern shortly after his daughter, Hope was born. He is a massive man, standing 6'5" with a barrel chest, bald head and a dark goatee with bits of gray in them. A brief conversation with Haggard leads to him being willing to set up a meeting with Slanter, on the condition that if a deal is made, he gets a significant "finder's fee".

Assuming the group is willing to agree to the above, he arranges a meeting for two hours before dawn in the same room downstairs. The group are all back at the meeting. At precisely two hours before dawn, a hidden door from below the table you were sitting at pops open, a a small dark grey ratfolk pops out wearing black robes with the hood up. Without any pageantry at all he hops up onto a chair and speaks in a higher pitched, well spoken voice the relays the creatures intelligence. "Haggard has vouched for you. Speak and be quick about it."

2018-05-27, 07:03 PM
Folmun disliked the word 'significant' when it came to a finder's fee, but saw little alternative due to his own lack of criminal knowledge. They had no bargaining power, so he accepted the outcome. Besides, any man willing to change his life as Haggard had done for his child earned a higher place in Folmun's book.

Folmun gasps a little at the hidden doorway, quickly steeling himself again to hide his surprise. He eyes the ratfolk warily, wondering how easy it would be for someone to listen to their conversation last night. He doesn't speak, preferring to let Flynn and Lea do the talking. He was good at talking to drunks, but the more sober the person the more he found himself unable to pander to them. Its a good thing he had met most of his current companions while they were drinking.

2018-05-27, 09:37 PM
Tangle's task is, perhaps, the most important one. At least it is in her own mind. Without her, there can be no heist. So she has to discern if the beam can be blown or if it was a figment of her imagination.

She keeps low and slips into the alleyway behind, assessing the structure of the building and looking for an optimal weak spot.


In the basement once more, she is surprised to be dealing with one her own height. Surprised and maybe a little excited, which he could probably read quite easily. But she waits for one of the big ones to take the initiative.

2018-05-28, 07:35 AM
“You want quick? Fine.” Flynn leans against the table and tries to school the surprise from his face. He keeps his weapons visible, but with his hands visibly away from them.

“We’re about to come into some goods whose legal ownership is...Dubious. It’s best for everyone if you don’t ask where from. We don’t want to cross your friends, the Companions, but yours is the only name I found when I poked around looking for a fence. We’d like to propose using you to move this property, negotiated fairly once you see what’s brought to you. In exchange we’ll promise to keep your name out of our mouths and give you first choice to make offers on our loot from subsequent jobs.”

The dusky human tucks his thumbs into his belt. ”And if you don’t want to have an ale and talk business, I’d request you offer the names of a few other merchants in your profession in return for our continued silence. It’s nothing personal, but we’re desperate men and women who are short on both time and options.”

[roll0] +6 (Diplomacy roll)

2018-05-28, 09:07 AM
Relieved and happy to have a solution to her monetary worries Lea still has not completely lost her warriness. Haggard the toweringly tall gentleman before them with the intimidating "feel" tells them that he will get them a meet arranged with Slanter for a significant price. Not having done anything like this before and with no other party member voicing dissent she has no problem with the arrangement.

At the time of the meet a hidden door pops open from beneath the table nearly startling her. A ratfolk appears and tells them to speak quickly. She waits for thr rakishly handsome looking party member to start the conversation. She feels a little worried and apprehensive, but also excited for the new experiences and hope. Lea waits to see if she can aid him in this negotiation.
I don't know would that be a readied action to aid another? Just in case I'll go ahead and roll diplomacy [roll0]

2018-05-28, 09:41 PM
The raven on Habakkuk's shoulder squawks loudly when the ratman climbs through the hidden trap door. Hab reaches up and absentmindedly strokes the bird, smoothing it's ruffled feathers. Staring at slanter, he tries to look as serious as possible, so the fence would know they meant business and deal with them accordingly.

Diplomacy to Aid Another: [roll0]

2018-05-29, 10:51 AM
Percy keeps quiet, content to let the others take the lead on the negotiations. He uses the time to assess Slanter, eyeing the Ratfolk from across the table. The investigator takes note of every whisker twitch and shudder the Ratfolk makes in his response.

Sense Motive: [roll0]

DM Masterson
2018-05-29, 11:42 AM
Slanter's glowing yellow eyes dart from person to person but fixates on Flynn as he speaks. The ratfolks nose never stops sniffing and hears ears never stop darting to a from, picking up ever sound in the quiet cellar.

"I find this agreeable. Two caveats; your first few transactions with me will be at a slightly lower rate than my standard, "Knights of the Post" rate. Once I know I can trust you and do not have to use go-betweens for our business, then you will get full compensation for your goods. The second being that out of the reduced rate, I will see to Haggard's "referral fee". He is a trusted friend of mine, of which I have very few. I will take care of him and his payment. Do you object to any of this? If not then when you have the goods, tell Haggard and he will get word to me and I will give direction on where to meet with the goods. If you do, speak now."

Those using sense motive against the rat find that he is hard to read, but that mostly seems because he is genuine. It seems that he would certainly have much to lose if he were to earn a reputation among thieves as a cheat.

OOC: If anyone has anything to add, do so, otherwise begin posting about how you wish to scope out Asvora's.

2018-05-29, 04:05 PM
Percy cracks his knuckles, staring up at the sign hanging above Asvora’s. He shades his eyes a little from the bright midday sun shining in the cloudless sky above. Time to go to work, he thinks, a sly grin on his face. The pale young man turns back to his uncle, and gives him a wink. The older man nods, and hops out of the cart the two rode in on. Percy kicks out a wheel, causing the whole contraption to tumble to the ground across the street from the shop. Some produce spills out into the street.

Satisfied with the ruse at hand, Percy rushes inside the weapon shop. “Ey bruv, can yeh help me out ‘ere?” he says to anyone inside, affecting a thick accent in his voice. “Seems we’ve ‘ad a bit of a spill out here, we ‘ave. Have ya any tools we could borrow to fix it?” He thrusts his thumb over his shoulder, gesturing towards the scene outside.

Percy is trying to have an excuse to schmooze with a guard or shopkeeper from the shop. The ruse is to give him a reason to take the person out for drinks later, as a thank you. The goal here is to find out about the guards shift changes, if a guard helps them fix the cart. If the guard ageees to go it drinking, Percy will treat him, and continue working in questions about Asvora’s into the conversation.

If there’s only a shopkeeper, Percy will still use the same plan, but it’ll be used to make sure that the shopkeeper is not at the shop when the rest of the group goes in for the job.

Not sure if I need Diplomacy or Bluff here, so I’ll roll both?
Diplomacy: [roll0]
Bluff: [roll1]

DM Masterson
2018-05-31, 12:14 PM
With no one bringing up any objections or counter-points, Slanter gives a slight nod and then scurries back towards the small hidden door. It is still nearly two hours before dawn breaks.


Tangle makes it out while it is still dark and after taking a few measurements and calculations, she is certain she knows where to place the small explosive to get the wall to fall while still allowing the roof to stay up.


Later in the day, Percy and uncle set their ruse into motion. When he bursts into the the shop, a middle aged female dwarf with fire red hair is standing behind the counter and accessing the situation. A few patrons who were browsing the wears look up as well. The dwarf turns her head and calls into the back room. "Dende, grab a few tools and see if you can help this fella any!" An immediate answer comes from a much younger sounding dwarf from the back room. "Yes, Aunt Asvora, be right there!" After a few seconds a much younger dwarf, not quite an adult, pops from the back of the store carrying some tools. "Let me help you sir." Asvora continues helping her customers as Dende follows you outside.


Anyone else wanting to do something, I can break this up into you all doing different things in different places for a bit so we get more frequent posting.

2018-05-31, 07:33 PM
With at least a day free to himself, and only so many hours a man can spend sleeping, Flynn slips from his small camp in a condemned building. He would, if allowed, leave his pack behind the bar at Haggard’s in order to move quickly and then slip into the street and towards the temple of Abadar only a few blocks from Wharfman’s Way.

He would try to find a place to be inconspicuous and size up the temple, as well as the people entering and leaving it.

Stealth (If needed): [roll0] +2
Perception: [roll1] +5

2018-05-31, 09:03 PM
Habakkuk prepared his spells for a day of information gathering, communing with his raven, Shade. The ability to move through crowds without hindrance, find hidden doors, and sift through information rapidly would be his weapons for the next day. All he still needed was a good night's rest...

Upon rising the next morning, he immediately casts the spell he had used the day before to find information about Slanter, this time seeking knowledge of Asvora's Arms and Armaments.

Perception for Diplomacy: [roll0] for [roll1] hours Gathering Information

Using the knowledge gained, Hab makes his way to Asvora's. Prior to turning the last corner he casts the spell that allows him to search for hidden doors and rooms, seeking a way into the building that they might have missed. Walking past the wall Tangle had indicated, he focused on the building, walking around all sides that were open to transit.

3 rounds of concentration on all sides, if they are available. Will cast Urban Grace and dash into the crowd if he is accosted.

2018-06-01, 07:34 AM
“Thanks kindly for yer help, Dende, was it?” Percy asks the young dwarf as the two set about fixing the cart. Percy lifts the broken cart aloft while Dende reattaches the wheel, hammering it in place. “Wheeew! Seems tha’ it was a right quick-fix, that it was.” He smiles and extends a hand to the dwarf to shake. “I’d be honored to take ye out for a few pints later if yah would be so inclined. As thanks for the help.”

2018-06-01, 06:56 PM
What am I even doin here? Folmun thinks to himself as he enters Asvora's, nodding at the clerk What does Folmun Warmgut, disgraced priest of a god of festivals and ex bartender, gonna do at a heist? He peruses the store aimlessly, at least he should know where he was going when he got there that night.

The thought that it might be suspicious for him to be there, not buy anything and then the place gets robbed crosses his mind and he begins to sweat with worry. Trying to think of a way to alleviate the awkwardness, he goes to have his knife sharpened, something that it was in need of anyways.

He makes some small chit chat, and looks longingly at the money he was tossing away, trying to remind himself off the payoff that had to come.

appraise [roll0] to locate what's worth stealing
Perception [roll1] to see potential dangers when they come that night
Folmun has no clue what he is looking for, but a generic sense motive [roll2] to see what he can glean from him

DM Masterson
2018-06-01, 09:49 PM
Flynn and the others are able to keep their gear in a small storage area for Haggard's, so long as you spend some coin on drink and food occasionally. Flynn finds the nearest temple of Abadar which happens to be the same one that Lea mentioned before. There are several people, from commoner to merchant, coming buy to say a quick prayer, or drop a few coins in the hopes of earning the god of trades favor. There is not need to be inconspicuous as there are several people speaking in the area and others there alone. Flynn notes there is a very large, rotund if you will, dwarf who seems to be a priest of Abadar. He is very jovial and speaks with many of the patrons when they are not praying. He directs two humans who appear to be acolytes of the faith. The are collecting tithes and alms and bringing them to him and he places them in a large coin purse adorned with Abadar's holy symbol.


Hab learns that Asvora, as could be determined, is the proprietor of the shop and her nephew Dende is her apprentice. She is a rather renowned, locally at least, smith who specializes in armor though she can still make rather formidable weapons. Her prices are higher than most others in the area but her quality far supersedes her competition. She keeps a small to moderate amount of equipment on hand, typically as displays or for emergency purchases, but prefers to prepare weapons to the customers specifications. He detects no secret doors at Asvora's place, with only a large barn door to the rear that opens up to allow air into the workspace, and the front entrance.


Dende blushes slighly and smiles with pride at helping Percy. "I... uh... I appreciate the offer but uh... my Aunt... well... she wouldn't... uh... I mean... I can't accept your gracious offer, your thanks is good enough." He turns as if to go back inside unless Percy continues his conversation.


Folmun makes his way into the shop and is greeted by the owner, Asvora. She is a middle aged, dwarf with fiery red hair. She greets you warmly. When you mention needing a weapon sharpened, she calls to her nephew Dende. "Dende, sharpen our brothers weapon please." Dende takes the knife to the back and begins working on it. "My apprentice needs the practice and you being a new customer, and a dwarf as well, the maintenance on your knife will be free. I'm Asvora, what's your name?"

Folmun notes 8 to 9 high quality armorers with one almost radiating craftsmanship. There are probably a dozen weapons of moderate to high quality. Folmun finally notices that the locks to the doors he can see appear quite strong and they are reinforced.

2018-06-02, 02:03 AM
The meeting with Slanter concludes on a good note for everyone. Knowing there will be much work to do juggling her normal job and her new law-breaking activities she heads home as soon as she can to get much needed rest.

The next few days or however long the group decides to case Asvora's. Lea picks as innocuous a spot as usual when she can to observe the shop(with as much of a view to the front and back), and look for patterns or what looks like scheduled events. She will make sure that if she has to take a more conspicuous spot to not overstay her welcome so as not to garner the wrong attention. She takes her drab cloak out and puts it on or packs it with her to put on later in the case of doing the deed between errant stops, putting it on at before the observing spot. Not expecting trouble she leaves her armor and weapon behind.

Assuming some checks will be needed I'm at least going to roll the first two, stealth [roll0] and perception [roll1]

DM Masterson
2018-06-02, 12:21 PM
Lea watches Asvora's shop from a distance. She is able to see that customers come in sporadically and there is quite a bit of down time where work on orders is completed in the back. As the sun begins to drop and business close up for the evening, Asvora and Dende close up shop and make their way down the street. Do you follow or stay put?


As for the rest of the group, if you have day time affairs you still wish to pursue, you can do so. We don't have to quite stay on the exact time line yet. Otherwise we will start having everyone meet back up to discuss what they learned and make a plan.

2018-06-02, 04:15 PM
With nothing truly learned at the temple, Flynn slips back towards the wharf and stopped by Haggard’s. He leans against the bar and quietly asks the older man if he knows anything about local gangs offering protection in exchange for a fee around the area.

”Seems like there may be money in that kind of thing. You know, loan a gang out as protection to a shop. If no one robs it, then free money. If it gets hit, then we just need to get to them when they’re still tired from the take and it’s an easy example to make. What d’you think? There are some places around here that make good coin. Do you know if anyone’s already doing that kinda thing? Competition would be...Troublesome.”

Flynn is fishing to try and hear if the gang is about to make some enemies or have someone after them when they rob Avsora’s, and he’s trying to phrase it in a way that it sounds like he’s wanting to get into the protection racket for money in order to keep Haggard from knowing more than would be good for the bartender.

Diplomacy [roll0]

DM Masterson
2018-06-02, 04:59 PM
Haggard gives a slight chuckle as he cleans a few tankards in a basin behind the bar. "Pick up a stone, close your eyes, spin in a circle, then throw the stone. Whatever building you hit is probably protected. Most of it just means who pays "protection" money to what gang. It is a money and influence thing for the gangs. They get the money to not rough up the story themselves. Any other gang knows if they try to get "protection" money from that story then they are going to be causing issues with that game. There area few neutral businesses, which mean that either they are to small to gain any attention, they have some other type of backing that gives the gangs pause, or multiple gangs use their service. I'm neutral, so are a hand full of other places in the area."

2018-06-02, 05:58 PM
”Damn!” Flynn growls with a smile. ”Do they at least do the courtesy of showing who they’re paying? Im tempted to go for a walk to see what Merchant is owned by which gang?”

2018-06-02, 06:13 PM
Satisfied with her examination of the pole, Tangle decides that she has done plenty of work for the day and spends the rest of it mixing potions and testing the reactions. She wants to make sure that, when the time comes, she can use her bombs to blow the beam apart with little-to-no unwelcome surprises.

2018-06-03, 12:33 AM
Watching the shop reminds Lea of her own families shop and their work as the time slips by. when the two dwarves depart the shop Lea experiences two different emotions, caution dictates she just wait a little while and observe some more while curiosity about what the shop owner and employees do after work is too tempting. She draws the cloak and hood around her keeping her head down enough to obscure, however up far enough to keep an eye on the two shes following as quietly as possible to see where they go and/or do. This is a bad idea... the thought neatly unheeded as she continues on her curiosity too strong.

stealth [roll0] and perception [roll1] to shadow the two

DM Masterson
2018-06-03, 11:03 AM
Haggard snorts at Flynn and shakes his head while smiling. "You know, if I hadn't been doing this for some odd 15 years I might believe this feigned naivety." The mountain of a man stops for a second then leans into Flynn and whispers in a serious tone. "What you and your friends do is none of my business. Nothing you say gets repeated by me especially if we are business partners, which in a round about way we are. But don't insult my intelligence, as I don't have much of it. If you have a real question, ask it. If I know, I'll tell you, though it may cost you some coin or some work. I like you and your friends... a lot actually, but don't try to play me."

Haggard leans back out and takes one of the freshly washed mugs and begins filling it. "To show no hard feelings, here is a mug of ale on the house. Now if you have a real question... a specific question, ask away friend." Haggard seems quite genuine in everything he just said, and you can't help but feel he could be a very useful.


Tangle is certain her bombs will be up to the task, but it will require all that she can make in a day to get a good clean demolition of the wall.


Lea embraces the "bad ideas are bad, but someone has to do it" mantra and follows the two dwarves. They only go about two blocks before going inside an establishment with a sign on the front written in Dwarven. The Bedrock Inn Without going inside, Lea can partially see through a cloudy window that it appears the two eat a meal and then go upstairs and do not come back down for at least two hours. (how long are you willing to stay).


Haggard has offered up his cellar for the group to meet at again. If the group wants to meet I figure it would be two or three hours after dusk.

2018-06-03, 01:11 PM
Of course they'd be nice, show some decency and gouge my wallet would you Folmun thought to himself. The longer this took the more he didn't want to rob them.

"I'm Folmun, thank you for your kindness." He eyes the kids work before continuing "This is quite a shop you have, I guess business has been good to you."

DM Masterson
2018-06-03, 02:06 PM
Asvora responds to Folmun. "We are fortunate to have many loyal customers. They allow us to do what we love and make a decent living doing it. We have enough business that I could use another apprentice, but some might say my standards are a bit too high. Dende is the best student one could ask for and I try to hold others to that standard, but that being my only problem, I'd say we are doing alright."

2018-06-03, 03:48 PM
Flynn sighs guiltily, but he takes the ale nearly as soon as it hits the bar.”I was hoping to learn who watches over a certain store in case my ramshackle little band of underdogs makes an enemy. I like you, old man, so I didn’t want you to be between a rock and a hard place if I get caught.” He lifts the tankard and drains the entire cup before setting it down again.

”Asvora’s. I want to know who Asvora pays protection to.”

DM Masterson
2018-06-03, 11:25 PM
Haggard scrunches his face at Flynn. "O.. ol... old? Me? Old? I'd snap you like a twig" The middle aged man lets out a laugh and then settles down to a more serious tone. "Look, I don't know her personally, but she is well liked, and being a dwarf business owner, she has the protection of the rest of the dwarves. She doesn't pay anything per say, they just all help each other."

2018-06-04, 12:03 AM
As she watches the two dwarves Lea begins to feel a little guilty knowing her small band is about to take from these dwarves livelihood to save themselves. Feeling a little nervous with the sun down and not wanting to worry her own family she only waits 20 minutes before slinking off to return home herself.


In her room before going to sleep Lea thinks on what to tell the group and how to come up with a plan that would keep her conscience from eating her alive. Her eyes close still in a quandary.

2018-06-04, 06:05 PM
Flynn grunts an acknowledgment. ”That’s both good- and bad- to hear. We’ve got some soft ones. Hell, count me as soft, too.” He drums his fingertips along the pommelstone of his weapon. ”It would’ve been nicer to hear they were in with the Creels. I could stomach taking from them easier...”

His head comes up. ”Tell you what, you know people I don’t. If some of them put out word that they want a Creel or...Someone like them to be taken in or taught a lesson, I can pass back ten percent of what comes my way from it. I’d do more, but some of these I’ve fallen in with need coin now, and they need it for their families. Maybe I can go twenty percent if the pay is over three hundred?”

Business Diplomacy [roll0]

2018-06-04, 09:03 PM
A bit disappointed that his ploy didn’t shake out any new information about Asvora’s, Percy says goodbye to Dende and sends his uncle on his way.

Sounds like it’s time to go hit up Varus for more details on what jobs he currently has available. The investigator doesn’t want to show up to the meeting later that night empty-handed.

He sets off, traveling the roads and back alleys to seek out Varus to see what work is on the table these days.

2018-06-05, 09:38 AM
"Glad to hear it, times are tough nowadays. Folmun considers a moment if one of his siblings could stand the work, but decides to leave it till after the heist. "Thank you kindly, you take care now." He leaves to meet back up with his compatriots, still reeling at the prospect of ruining the armorers livelihood.

2018-06-05, 11:08 AM
As Habakkuk prepares for the night's meeting with his co-conspirators, he can't help thinking about the target they had chosen. They seemed like people trying to make a living and do a good job for their customers. Sure, they were doing pretty well for themselves, but not because they were taking advantage of those weaker than themselves. No, they were doing well because they were good at what they did. It just didn't set right with Hab...

He nods at Haggard as he walks through the bar to the meeting room. I must remember to find out where the entrance under the table leads, in case it should become relevant.

None of the others were there yet, so Hab sends Shade to make a circuit of the tavern, looking through the surrounding streets for any signs of worrisome activity. He rehearses what he wants to say as he waits...

DM Masterson
2018-06-05, 06:09 PM
Haggard nods empathetically to Flynn. "I'll put some feelers out, see what I can find. I'll meet up with you all tonight and let you know what I find."


Lea is able to get a bit of sleep before the meeting though her dreams are restless and frequent.


Percy meets with the almost unbearable sly Varus. The human's pale skin and slicked back hair are almost too perfect. He gives a faint smile to Percy. He is always a pain to deal with but after a few minutes of talk Percy learns of this. "There is a noble who was provoked by another. However, he owes that nobles father a rather significant sum. He wants to see a rather significant beating visited upon the noble that cannot be tied back to him. If you were to additionally make it look like a robbery you could take his money as well. My contact is willing to pay 500gp to see this done. I take my 20% referral fee, of course. But, I can help you. Your mark will be coming back from a night of gambling and he only has two guards with him. He typically comes back with a large sum of winnings, which would of course be yours. I can give you an approximate time, his route, and a description. If you accomplish the task, great, if not, I'll find someone else. The only rule, he cannot die, so make sure it is non-lethal. His guards don't matter." Percy is able to go back to the meeting with this information.


Folmun leaves Asvora's with more questions than when he arrived and is ready for the meeting.


Hab rehearses what he wants to say to his friends about the hit against the armorers.


Tangle also makes her way into the meeting area.


All of the little group meets in the cellar of Haggard's place. Surprisingly enough, Haggard is there as well. Before anyone has a chance to say anything he starts. "Look, I'll see myself out soon enough, but one of you asked me to do some leg work for them and here it is. The pay ain't what some of the other jobs might have been, but the morals are in the right place. A young halfling is looking for help in getting her brother out of slavery. She saved up money to buy his freedom but his owner keeps raising the price. The reason is that to keep his slaves pacified he lets them buy pesh from him on a line of credit. They work all day and then are too out of it from drug use at night to try and escape. She has 300gp if you can free him from his owner and deliver him to his sister. He will be shackled. Typically only two guards, but if the alarm is raised, more could come as well. He needs to make it to his sister where she will turn over the gold. I know nothing else, so this one is up to you all. Good luck."

2018-06-05, 09:55 PM
Flynn nods slowly.”That...I’m reasonably sure I couldn’t sleep at night if I left that one alone. Thanks.”. He slumps into a chair, head bowed in thought, and raises an imaginary tankard to the barkeep.

”...All cards on the table, ladies and gents. I have a week, seven days, to deliver two hundred fifty gold. If we get that halfling freed and to his sister, that’ll be two seventy with a ten percent cut to Haggard, and t’be honest that girl is probably going to need coin to get the hell out of the city.”

”Tell me the weapon shop is a good hit and that the owners eat puppies. Then tell me who among you can pick the locks from a set of shackles and sneak about in the dark without making noise. Then tell me you’re okay with me killing a slaver’s guard if I have to. Then tell me who owes what and by when, because it’s high time we planned who pays off what first. If we pool everything then at least one of us may run out of time.”

2018-06-05, 11:39 PM
All through the night Lea has a fitful sleep, tossing and turning, only able to get a little sleep before she has to be up to help her parents. During the day they notice their daughter is more distracted than they've ever seen her making small but correctable mistakes and seeming to be hyper aware one minute and nearly somewhere else the next. When asked she mumbles something about not getting enough sleep. Even when pressed to go back and get more sleep she insists that she's okay and no more mistakes will happen.


Lea shows up at for the meeting at what she thinks is enough time to figure out what to say to the others when she notices Habakkuk already there. After sitting down just when she is about to say something Habakkuk gets up and says that it's time. She notices everyone else has shown up and gets up to go to the most agonizing meeting she has had her whole life.

Just when she thinks she has the courage to start talking she notices Haggard there as he presents a much more viable option. "Well met my name is Lea. My life's work is to help as many as I can. I have a few abilities similar to a cleric's, however as you can see I have no clerics robes or holy symbol. I know not from where my abilities come, and yet it matters not for they aid me in my life's work."

"I have no problems with helping to rescue a slave from it's 'masters'. And as long as there was no other way harming one of the guards is acceptable. Although I was watching Asvora's for a time and even followed them after the shop was clothes I didn't witness them do anything wrong. I owe 170 gold pieces to the church of Abadar in 9 days. If one of us need be sacrificed for the betterment of this endeavor I'd rather it be me."

Throughout her reply Lea's voice and eyes are level and sincere. Her resolve to save others laid out bare as her situation.

2018-06-06, 09:51 AM
Percy arrives at Haggard's last, having spent the rest of the waning hours of the day coaxing information out of Varus. Talking to that guy is exhausting, he thinks to himself. Hope the others haven't been waiting too long.

The investigator takes a seat next to Habakkuk right as Haggard tells the group about the new job. Freeing slaves is altruistic and the pay is pretty good, but I don't know about taking this woman's life-savings right when she'll need it most. Percy sighs a little, shaking his head grimly. 'Course, some of us may not have any choice...

Listening intently to both Flynn and Lea's words, Percy scratches his chin silently. He nods at Flynn's suggestion to plan out paying back everyone's debts. "I agree with Flynn - let's be smart about paying off our debts. Those with the tightest deadlines should get the first payouts." Percy clears his throat a little before continuing. "Myself, I've got some expenses to pay off, funeral and burial fees for my former mentor..." He trails off, and frowns. "My debts come to one hundred and sixty gold, due in a week's time."

"But, I've got another prospective job for us to consider. Some nobles are having a bit of a spat - one owes another a considerable sum. The lender has put up a five-hundred gold contract to teach the man not to go delinquent on his payments. Apparently, the target has a bit of a gambling problem. My contact informed me that the best time to hit this mark is while he's on the way back from a night of gambling. He'll have two bodyguards with him, but not much else in terms of protection, as long as we keep city watch off our backs. To sweeten the pot a little more, we'd also be free to... help ourselves to his winnings... My contact can provide us times, routes, and a description of the mark if we accept the job. Oh, and he'll take a 20% finder's fee - so all in all, we'd take home four-hundred gold for this one."

"And," Percy says, grimacing a little, "I'm not feeling so keen on the Asvora's job. Did a little legwork today and they seem like a family on the up-and-up, working hard to make ends meet in Freeport... not much unlike any of us. I'm not saying I put my foot down or anything, 'cause I also gotta pay of my debts, too, but it won't be easy lettin' go of the guilt after a job like that's done. Thought we could discuss it before we make our move."

Having said his piece, Percy waits to hear his companions' responses.

2018-06-06, 05:19 PM
Listening to the others gives Hab confidence in those he has chosen to work with. Their words, in many ways, mirror his thoughts. The idea of stealing from hard-working folk just doesn't sit right. On the other hand, stealing from slavers or givinng a noble a beating...

"I am glad to hear so many of you share my concerns about robbing Asvora. I am tempted to make her aware of the weakness in her wall instead of using it to damage her business. They seem to be regular folk, like us.

On the other hand, I see no reason we can't take on both of the jobs placed before us now. And possibly hit the Creel's money laundering operation while we are at it.

It's not like we are going to pay off all of our debts in one lick anyway.

I owe 190 gold 7 days from now. Taking care of that, and keeping each of you from repurcussions on your own debts, is my goal now."

2018-06-06, 06:59 PM
"I too feel ill to harm my own people, I met them today and they are honest folk.

As far as my debt, I owe 180 gold in 10 days now, an I won't be havin any talk of someone sacrificin themselves for the rest of us. We ain't plannin to fail here."

As for that job rescuin the slave boy, I'm all for that, might as well win some favor with Caiden afore I throw it all away thievin.

Roughin up a noble won't bother me nearly as much as robbin them dwarves though."

2018-06-06, 07:32 PM
Tangle does not question how Haggard discovered this, but his news lights a keen fire in her eyes. And a toothy grin on her face. But she holds her tongue, speaking last after all the tall ones have had a chance to speak their piece and then leans forward.

"Was a slave. Not opposed to freeing another." she says, "In five days, owe 150 goldcoins to a..." She pauses, brow scrunching up as she tries to think of the word. Common is not her first language. "Person who quick-hides your name and face from those close-searching for you. Owe him for helping make me 'disappear' after my escape."

She scowls. "No pity for blacksmiths, but am just the boom-maker. Can light a fire under gambler's rear too, if that is the will of the group."

2018-06-06, 09:34 PM
”Alright, then. Let’s plan a double. First we rough up a noble, steal anything fancy he has, grab his money, and dump him Somewhere public with no clothes on. Next we’ll go after the slavers, try to rob them blind, let everyone in chains free, and escape with our mark in the chaos. Hurray for simple plans that will go horribly wrong!”

Flynn laughs and leans back in his chair. ”Or that’s my two copper. So Tangle and then...We work on freeing up Percy? Only thing else I’d like to offer is to let those with families get themselves square before me.” He skewers Folsom with a look, ”Because SOME of them have families who NEED them.”

DM Masterson
2018-06-07, 02:25 AM
And so it seems the group has decided. Hit the noble and his two guards in a way that cannot be tied back to the other noble who owes money to the father of the one you are going to beat. Then whether the same night or the next day, try to free the halfling slave from his master and see him brought to his sister. The location where Varus told Percy the noble takes to get him is a rather out of the way trail that is somewhat secluded on the outskirts of the city. It will be three at most four hours until the passes through. As for the address of the halfling that Haggard mentioned is in a small villa that is about a mile outside of the city. They are surprisingly not far from each other, perhaps a total of a mile and a half.

2018-06-08, 12:19 PM
Hab returns to his rooms, thankful that he had found like-minded people to work with. Once there, he sat with Shade for over an hour, learning the spells he would need for the next day. Once he had committed them to memory, he slept until time to meet the others...

, Daze, Detect Magic, Spark, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadow Trap, Mage Armor

2018-06-08, 06:51 PM
Folmun also heads home. Spending time with his family and playing with the children. It was good. He was reminded of why he was going to do this. As he played with his younger siblings, his mind drifted to the poor halfling child, and a feeling beyond resolve came to him. He was beginning to get angry for the kid.

When it came time, he reconvened with his companions. He wasn't looking forward to attacking the noble, but saving the child was very important.

"Alright, we ready?"

DM Masterson
2018-06-09, 01:44 AM
Our little gang makes their way carefully through the slightly busy dock area. Nearly everyone is plastered and most will not remember seeing you out and about. Setting up near on the lone road where the noble is pass is easy, as there are several trees, brush, and even a few large rocks to hide behind. You know the direction from which to expect the noble and have an approximate two hour estimate as to when he will arrive. All there is to do now is wait. After three quarters of an hour pass, the sound of horses can be heard slowly trotting in the distance, but getting close.

I need perception checks and stealth checks as well as an idea of how everyone is set up. The road is 10ft wide, approximately 5 foot of clearing/grass on each side, and then various rocks, trees or outcroppings to hide behind beyond that.

2018-06-09, 07:31 AM
Flynn slips into the undergrowth, keeping his hood down low. He checks his gear and settles in to wait, hoping that the night and his dark clothes will help compensate for his lack of woodcraft.

Perception: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]

2018-06-09, 08:05 AM
Percy nods to Flynn as he ducks into the undergrowth on the opposite side of the road from the swashbuckler. He draws one of his throwing spears from his belt, gripping the wood handle tightly as he waits.

Perception: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]

2018-06-09, 08:17 AM
Folmun was almost about to nod off when the sounds of horses roused him. Suddenly the concept of sleep seemed so far away. He gripped his club tightly and patted his holy symbol, praying for a little luck. He ducks into the woods next to Flynn and wonders just how they were going to stop the noble from taking off on his horse.

cast bless: all allies gain +1 luck bonus on attack rolls and saves against fear for 1 minute
Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

2018-06-09, 01:28 PM
Lea smiles now that everything has been decided and a better way presented itself. She goes back to her families house to make sure she has everything she'll need, putting on her armor sheathing her shortspear and experimenting with her cloak to try and hide the tell tale bulges. After meeting back up they walk through the dock area comparatively inconspicuous. Looking around the set up area Lea ducks behind one of the rocks and leans gainst it in a semi comfortable manner until the rest of the group is ready to act. After quite a bit of time passes the sound of hooves can be heard.

Perception [roll0] Stealth [roll1]

2018-06-09, 10:56 PM
Tangle hides behind a rock. Her idea is to target the horses or wagon with her bombs. If it's a wagon, all the better! She knows how to mix up a very good explosion perfectly suited for destroying walls, wagons, doors, and the like.

Also, hiding in the back means she won't be underfoot and get her tail stepped on or something. The horror.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

DM Masterson
2018-06-10, 10:17 PM
The group watches as the riders come into view, three abreast. The one in the middle is obviously the noble, what with his fine clothing, and being ever so slightly ahead of the other two and on the roadway. The other two are obviously guards and dress for a fight, though they are riding on each side of the noble and the path.

Tangle believes she, with a well aimed toss, could make her explosive go off directly in front of or even under them. This should make all but the most well trained warhorse go wild and cause the rider to be dismounted or at the very least lose control.

The group gets a standard or move action for this round, and then all of you roll initiative versus the three posted. If any one person from the group post higher than the rest of the enemy, the entire team can then go first and have an actual round. If the highest initiative is the enemy, I will have them go after your surprise round.

Noble: [roll0]
Guard 1: [roll1]
Guard 2: [roll2]

2018-06-11, 06:07 AM
Flynn slowly draws his weapon and prepares to stand. He silently curses himself for not considering horses.

Initiative [roll0]

2018-06-11, 09:07 AM
Percy realizes that there's little margin for error with mounted targets. From his position in the foliage at the side of the road, Percy tosses his shortspear at the closest guard.

Attack against Guard 2: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Initiative: [roll2]

2018-06-11, 09:31 AM
Habakkuk crouches in the undergrowth searing his newly bought black clothing. Seeing the quarry ride into view, he recognizes the need to keep the noble from simply fleeing on horseback. He casts a spell on the young man’s horse that will cause it’s shadow to become pinned to the ground, making it unable to move.

Shadow Trap DC 16 Reflex

Initiative [roll0]

2018-06-11, 01:58 PM
Tangle draws the materials for a bomb, preparing to throw it right at the hooves of the horses. Causing them to throw their riders? Yes please! That would start things off to their advantage!


2018-06-11, 04:00 PM
Folmun regretted not having a ranged weapon,
or a spell to cast on the enemy,
or a mask,
or a million other things as their current situation began to dawn on him. Obviously it didn't matter now, he would have to make do. He rises with Flynn and steps forward to block the path, his club raised, and his longstrider tonic in his off hand.
initiative roll [1d20+2[/roll]

2018-06-11, 11:33 PM
Lea slowly and quietly draws her shortspear out incase forceful action is required and waits to see who in the party starts the beating, not wanting to be the aggressor herself. She would of cast a spell except she has no spell for this particular instance.
move actrion - draw spear from sheath

DM Masterson
2018-06-12, 05:06 PM
Percy, Tangle and Hab act in unison. Percy's short spear flies and deflects slightly as it grazes off of the studded leather armor of the nearest guard. Hab locks down the shadow of the nobles horse at the exact moment that Tangle's bomb explodes causing the horses to go berserk. Only one guard (#2) is able to remain on his horse as the other two are thrown to the ground.

As guard one and the noble pick themselves up from the ground and draw their weapons, guard two manuever's his horse towards Percy while drawing his weapons and slashes at Percy's neck with his scimitar from horseback.

Attack [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Crit Confirmation: 15
Crit Damage: 4

If confirmed, total damage of 7.

2018-06-12, 07:55 PM
With two foes on the ground, Folmun felt the tide turn to their favor. He leaps to the guard still on his horse and wildly swings his club at the rider. "It's time to get off yer high horse!"

move to flanking if possible, and attack
Damage [roll1]
Don't forget everyone has an extra +1 to their attack rolls

2018-06-12, 08:32 PM
Percy misjudges the guard’s attack and the swinging blade slices deep into his face, blood spraying from the wound. “Yeeaarrrgh!” He yelps in pain, but manages to regain his composure enough to re-engage. Stepping backward, he draws his longspear and thrusts upward at his mounted foe. “You’ll PAY for that!” His blood boils with anger as he attacks with all his might, red staining his face and neck.


5-foot step away from guard.
Move: Draw longspear
Standard: Reach attack against guard

Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

2018-06-12, 11:24 PM
The first moves from the group are devastating as a bomb goes off and attacks are made. Seeing the noble and one of the guards knocked down Lea heads to help Percy with the remaining guard, getting within melee range. She jabs with her weapon hoping to connect.

move action - move 20 feet toward the guard who attacked Percy
if she can get in range standard action - attack the guard on Percy att[roll0] dmg[roll1] crit confirm[roll2] dmg[roll3]
if she doesn't move action - get closer to guard attacking Percy

2018-06-14, 03:51 PM
Taking quick stock of the situation, Tangle thinks it would be...unwise to drop a bomb on her allies. And so, she takes aim with a second bomb at the hapless, second bodyguard that is having trouble controlling his horse. The noble will get caught in the explosion, but he won't take the brunt of it.

To hit against Touch AC
Damage: [roll1]
All caught in the splash will take 4 damage (Noble and 2 horses)

2018-06-14, 11:50 PM
Flynn drops his hood low and darts into the melee, attempting to aim a hard slice with his scimitar at the guard who had attacked Percy.

Move action: Move to the guard carving up Percy and attack if able. If I able to clear the distance, just approach the guard.

Attack [roll0]

Damage if connect [roll]1d6

2018-06-15, 09:34 AM
Habakkuk turns to the guard on the ground and unleashes a stream of vile curses at the man, screaming viciously.

Ear-Piercing Scream for [roll0] sonic damage + Dazed for 1 round.

DC 16 Fort save for half damage and Daze negation.

DM Masterson
2018-06-16, 11:19 AM
Folmun moves to flank the guard who is still mounted and is just able to get a solid hit in against the foe.

Percy returns the favor against his enemy and levels a devastating strike against him.

Lea likewise moves in and is able to deliver a stinging attack that cause the guard to become dismounted and strike the ground, no longer moving.

Tangle, throws a bomb at the other guard who just stood back up and catches him in the blast. He shrieks as shrapnel tears into his body.

Seeing the Guard attacking Percy is down, Flynn moves over to the other guard, but his attack is off point.

Hab lets fly a piercing shriek at the guard who just stood up. This obviously disorients and daze the target.

The guard attempts to move but in his dazed state, he drops his weapon as he wobbles around.

The noble drops his sword and holds up his hands. "Please, stop! Take my money, you need not fight us more!"

The group can continue fighting or stop combat rounds and negotiate.

2018-06-16, 11:18 PM
Lea goes over to keep the dazed guard covered and speaks to the noble. "Today's your lucky day, we're not here for you life. We're here because you've been delinquent on your debts and someone wants you to learn your lesson. All of us trying to stay out of debt and a noble like yourself refuses to pay his debts? How shameful that those who are rich and keep it that way have problems using that wealth wisely. Let us hope you can keep this from having to happen again. I don't like being involved in someone getting hurt...even someone like you. My advice to you is to get control of your gambling habit. Now it's time to pay for your indiscretions."

DM Masterson
2018-06-18, 05:37 AM
The noble looks at you with genuine surprise. "Whaa.. wha.. what? I... no, I have no debts. My father actually loans money to others. Please, I'm sure we can come to an agreement of sorts. What ever your being paid, I'll... I'll pay double!"

2018-06-18, 08:17 AM
Shaking his head at Lea, who seemed to have missed a few details about their current job, Folmun walks over to the guard lying on the ground.

"Shame bout that," He weighs his options and grabs one of his companions to assist him. "Gonna try an heal him, make sure he don't do somethin stupid if he wakes up." As he begins to focus into his holy symbol he calls forth divine power and let's it wash out from him.


Once completed he turns to the surrendering guard.

"All right get strippin, armor weapons an valuables. I only get so kind."

2018-06-19, 10:37 AM
Percy puts a hand to his face, feeling the wound slowly start to close as Folmun's healing energy channels through him. He tilts his hat toward the dwarf in thanks, wiping away the remaining blood on his cheek with his sleeve. "Listen to the dwarf, and things won't get any more ugly than they already are. And definitely turn out your coin purse." At Lea's comment, Percy realizes an opportunity for a bluff. "Don't pretend like you don't know what we're talking about. You deserve this, and we are here to collect, whether you remember your debts or not." Percy hopes that continuing Lea's lie will help put their employer far away from the list of suspects, should the nobles seek retaliation.

Bluff: [roll0]

2018-06-19, 10:41 AM
Tangle's job is done. She feels very satisfied at her participation, but doesn't feel the need to reveal herself. Besides, the threat of not knowing where the bombs came from and hidden adversaries might help keep the guards from doing anything stupid.

DM Masterson
2018-06-21, 02:53 AM
The noble waits, hands in the air. The guard that is not unconscious looks to the noble, almost as if he is willing to try to fight all of you by himself. He only lowers his weapon when the noble nods to him. The noble's weapon is already on the ground. He undoes his belt and drops it on the ground. Several coin purses go with it. They sound moderately heavy. He then pulls of his signet rings, one from each hand before finally pulling off a small necklace from around his neck. The guard drops his weapon and shield and pulls of his leather armor. He drops a coin purse that is significantly lighter than the nobles.

At Percy's prodding he looks at you guys before continuing. "I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you have the wrong guy. If so, hey no harm no foul, but I bet your employer would be pissed if you did have the wrong guy. If you don't have the wrong guy and you are playing me that's fine, take my money and leave me be. Either way, I am worth much more to you alive and well than dead or injured. But if I were to be killed, hurt or otherwise, my father would not let that stand. Right now, no one knows that I've been attacked, and no one has to know. Take my things and go. But if my attack becomes public, then my father has to hold someone accountable. He won't just allow some nobodies... no offense, to attack his heir with impunity."

Both guards are easily tied up and are not putting up any fight. The noble stands with his hands raised. The bastard is very eloquent and makes good points, but how far can you trust him and how much is him just trying to get out of a beating?

OOC: Anyone who needs it is close enough for the channel.

2018-06-21, 05:17 PM
The noble looks at you with genuine surprise. "Whaa.. wha.. what? I... no, I have no debts. My father actually loans money to others. Please, I'm sure we can come to an agreement of sorts. What ever your being paid, I'll... I'll pay double!"

Even though she has seen and heard of the nobles ability to heinously lie to her own kind Lea wonders if he is telling the truth.

At Percy's prodding he looks at you guys before continuing. "I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you have the wrong guy. If so, hey no harm no foul, but I bet your employer would be pissed if you did have the wrong guy. If you don't have the wrong guy and you are playing me that's fine, take my money and leave me be. Either way, I am worth much more to you alive and well than dead or injured. But if I were to be killed, hurt or otherwise, my father would not let that stand. Right now, no one knows that I've been attacked, and no one has to know. Take my things and go. But if my attack becomes public, then my father has to hold someone accountable. He won't just allow some nobodies... no offense, to attack his heir with impunity."

Both guards are easily tied up and are not putting up any fight. The noble stands with his hands raised. The bastard is very eloquent and makes good points, but how far can you trust him and how much is him just trying to get out of a beating?

Looking to Percy momentarily with a dubious look shaken that the noble continues to be adament they have the wrong guy she still says nothing yet until she can get an pretty good read on his truthfulness.

DM Masterson
2018-06-22, 02:33 AM
Lea believes, that the noble believes, that you have the wrong guy. However, the group would have been made aware of the nobles Family Crest, which is obviously ablazoned on the signet rings that he removed. Also, you would have been given his name, Alexander Codwyn. You are certain you have the guy you were asked to rough up, however, based on this information you have given him, he certainly believes you have the wrong guy.

DM Masterson
2018-06-26, 08:56 PM
After a long, and honestly, somewhat awkward silence the noble steps forward. "Look, we got off on the wrong foot here. My name is Alexander. Alexander Codwyn. Before you make a decision, let me make you a proposition. As was hinted at, I will stay inside for a few days, even send out some runners to spread the rumor that I was beaten. You can keep all of my items to "prove" that you did as you said. Additionally, I will pay extra for the name of your employer. Say, 200gp for his name. And finally, I am willing to use you guys in the future. You have proven your mettle and I would like to have people who answer to me instead of my father." Alexander extends his hand waiting to see if the agreement is made.

2018-06-26, 09:22 PM
Percy knows a good deal when it smacks him in the face like this one. The investigator immediately seizes the opportunity to shake the Alexander's hand briskly and vigorously. "Yes, that definitely works for us. Alexander, was it? I think we can all agree to that," he says, continuing to the noble's hand. "I hope your men aren't too hurt, and we can all let bygones be bygones moving forward?"

DM Masterson
2018-06-28, 01:44 AM
Alexander shakes and agrees. "You are all opportunists, which I respect and commend. Now unless we have further business, I need to lay low for a few days. Send a messenger, not one of you of course, to my estate in a few days and we will make further arrangements, no?" Unless stopped, he will begin making his way away from the group.

2018-06-28, 10:21 AM
Well, plans change. Tangle shrugs and remains hidden. This was fine, so long as it ended with her debt being paid off. Being chased by debt collectors was, apparently, a hazardous proposition.

2018-06-28, 01:17 PM
Folmun helps the guests to their feet and unbinds them, "Up you go." He watches the three until they are beyond earshot, then turns to his cohorts. "Ya ever get there feelin that no matter what you do is gonna bite you in the ***? He sighs knowing full well that whatever was going to happen was going to happen regardless of his feelings about it.

"Ahh well. We're close enough to that slavers please, are you all feeling ready to bust some heads?"

2018-06-29, 10:43 AM
"Sounds good to me," Percy replies, glad they were able to come to an agreement with the noble. "Anyone know where we need to go from here? Hopefully we can get there before it's too late... or maybe it would be better to make this assault from the cover of night?"

2018-06-29, 10:52 AM
"I say we make our presence felt among the slavers. Let's go now." Habakkuk steps out of the undergrowth feeling pretty good about himself, and their communal endeavor.

"We might make this work, after all." he says as he turns toward the direction of the slaver camp.

DM Masterson
2018-06-29, 01:56 PM
As Alexander and his two guards slip into the night, the group immediately decides to head over to the slaver camp. There are still several hours until daylight, so this seems like a good decision. After a bit of walking the camp is located There is one permanent wooden building. Behind it are several tents. Further behind that is a large shelter, which is essential several poles stuck in the ground with canvas laid over the top to keep sun and possibly rain out. Near the shelter there are two torches that are moving around in a circular pattern around it. You are certain these are the guards. From this distance it is impossible to tell how many slaves or guards there are. There are no lights in any of the tents or the wooden building. There are the faint glowing embers from a campfire that was not properly extinguished.

2018-06-30, 06:15 AM
"Ya ever get there feelin that no matter what you do is gonna bite you in the ***? He sighs knowing full well that whatever was going to happen was going to happen regardless of his feelings about it.

"Ahh well. We're close enough to that slavers please, are you all feeling ready to bust some heads?"

"More than you would think. Now this slaver business will see me more willing to bust heads. Let's go see it through"

Along the way Lea wipes off her spear and resheathes it. Getting to the camp Lea sees a wooden building, several tents and a big shelter with two torches moving around it. Possibly guards. Looking to the rest of the group she whispers. "How are we going to do this?"

2018-06-30, 08:13 AM
“Great question, Lea,” Percy whispers back in a hushed tone. “I have two ideas. First, the sneakiest two among us, try to get closer and give us a head count. The rest of us can hang back, with ranged weapons ready to provide support if something goes wrong. The second idea is to create some noise out here in away from the camp, and try to lure some guards out so we can divide and conquer. These are my first thoughts. What else do we got?” The investigator clearly loves to strategize.

2018-06-30, 09:36 AM
"Ambushin sounds better to me, plus we just got a bit a practice with it, so let's go with that"

2018-06-30, 09:41 AM
"I like both plans and being not experienced in this maybe I can learn something...just two things. I only have my spear which has a short range. And if we do the second plan would the guards be able to call out some friends to guard the camp as they leave to check out the noise? I do believe having the sneaker ones get closer is a good idea, at least to make sure the one we want to save is here."

DM Masterson
2018-07-02, 12:30 AM
The group makes the decision to send two of the sneakiest in for recon before ambushing the place. But the question is who?

I will need Stealth and Perception checks from the two (or however many) go in. Any spells or items you wish to use should be mentioned now as well.

2018-07-04, 03:18 PM
"Well alright, Lea, Tangle, good luck. I'm gettin a good feelin off a this job here. An Cayden will smile at us if we do it right. I wouldn't mind freein all the slaves here so figure out where they are all being kept if you would."

2018-07-04, 09:46 PM
Tangle slips away, staying out of the noble's sight. A quick discussion later, and she has the unenviable task of scouting out a foreign location, not getting caught, and returning with useful information. Useful information. That one time with the flower garden did not help.

She takes a deep breath and nods to the dwarf. She knows his name, but she can't help thinking of him as just 'the dwarf' sometimes. Then, she sets off into the night to split up and search for clues, gang scout the location.

Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

DM Masterson
2018-07-05, 01:49 AM
It takes Tangle only a matter of seconds to scope out something useful as she starts moving in. She spots, almost immediately, the glint of a knife coming from under a tree near the back corner of the slave area. After a few seconds of letting her eyes adjust Tangle realizes the knife is whittling a piece of wood, held by a hand, that belongs to an elf. The elf appears to be keeping watch while sitting under a tree and not using a light due to his keen low light vision. Tangle is also able to see that the two guards with torches are human and are going in patrols around the camp, on clock-wise, the other counter. They should be easy to avoid.

As Tangle creeps through the camp, being careful to avoid the elf, she finds that all of the prisoners have a collar around their neck which is attached to a chain which is anchored to either a tree, a fence post, or stake in the ground. She counts 12 slaves, only one of them a halfling. He appears to be in a stupor, sitting up, but staring dumbly, drooling just a bit.


I know its holidays guys, so no rush, I just hope we haven't lost anyone permanently.

2018-07-05, 12:03 PM
Percy waits anxiously for their sneaky Kobold companion to return. C'mon Tangle... don't get caught now.

He keeps his eyes peeled for any commotion or trouble to arise, his hand clutching a spear, and his legs poised to spring forward to defend his friends if needed.

Perception: [roll0]

2018-07-05, 09:38 PM
Folmun paces, worried about letting the kobold go with nothing but a bird to watch his back. He keeps his grumbles to himself and goes back and forth on deciding when Tangle had been gone for too long or not.

2018-07-05, 09:44 PM
Tangle, for her part, is quite happy with the results of the scouting mission. She slips away best she can and returns to report so they can plan everything out nice and easy. Once safe, she will give her report.

"Two human guards, circling the camp. One elf sitting outside. Move quick-fast and they can't spot you. Twelve slaves, wearing collars. Halfing there. Looks dead-brained."

2018-07-06, 12:00 AM
Relieved to once again be a full group, Folmun considers what he imagines to be the most difficult party of the mission. "Any chance of us takin out the elf quietly? If he's watching then we won't be able to do much without alertin everyone here."

"We will have to see if they have been druggin the kids, if they are and we find done of it, maybe we can reverse it."

DM Masterson
2018-07-07, 02:05 AM
Knowledge (Local): DC 15 - The effects Tangle describes sounds like Pesh, which many local slavers give their slaves at night. The slaves use it because being high and catatonic takes them away from the pain and misery of their reality, the slavers allow it because catatonic prisoners rarely try to escape. The effects will likely wear off in a few hours.
Heal: DC 10 - Your medical experience leads you to believe that the halfling is under the influence of some type of narcotic, which would cause a slowed heart rate, inattentiveness, feelings of euphoria and hallucinations, and in large doses, a catatonic like state which can last for minutes to hours.
Craft: Alchemy DC 10 - The effects are easily attributed to Pesh, which should be temporary, even in large doses, assuming the subject is a regular addict.

2018-07-07, 06:56 PM
"I'd be willing to bet that there hopin their slaves up on pesh. There's no telling what that kid is seein right now, I wouldn't be surprised if he started makin noise the minute we try and move him."

Folmun thinks for a minute as a profitable thought came to mind, one he quickly buries for a moment because freeing the slaves was more important.

"Alright, so we take out the elf first. That much is obvious, I wouldn't mind doin the job, but it won't be too quiet if it's me.

Then we take out the guards while they are farthest away from each other, split up in two and hit em at the exact same time before they know what happened.

Those are just my thoughts though, of someone's got a better idea, I'm happy to hear it. Do you suppose if we knicked their pesh, that fence we were talkin to might be able to sell it?"

2018-07-08, 01:47 AM
Shaking her head at the situation Lea contemplates the information. "I would bet it's Pesh according to what Tangle says the halfling's condition is. It could take anywhere from minutes to hours for the drug to wear off. we are possibly looking at some serious impairments all the way to being possibly unresponsive. I can't say for sure until I can look at the halfling."

She seems caught in thought before shaking it away momentarily. "Did the guards wear a uniform of any type? Maybe we could sneak in as a guard or incapacitate one or both of the guards and just walk up to the elf? We might want to hurry up we don't know when the next shift of guards comes on."

DM Masterson
2018-07-08, 09:42 PM
The group struggles to decide exactly how to proceed. What do they want to do?

2018-07-09, 11:37 AM
Percy breathes a sigh of relief when Tangle returns, unharmed and undetected. He scratches his chin as she gives her report. "Good work, Tangle."

The investigator takes stock of the situation, glancing around at the surrounding landscape, then speaks. "For now, it looks like worst case is six-on-three. I like those odds. I think we should go ahead and execute the ambush plan, especially since we've got the cover of darkness on our side. You guys get set up with ranged weapons, I'll draw their attention and lead them back here. Sound good?" Percy twirls his longspear with a flourish as he waits for consensus from the rest of the group.

2018-07-09, 09:36 PM
Folmun draws out his tankard filled with his longstrider brew and passes it to Percy. "This'll add a little oomph to your legs if it gets dicey and you need to make a getaway faster. Take care of yourself and we'll be ready for when you come back."

2018-07-09, 09:49 PM
Percy takes the brew from Folmun, giving the dwarf a soft punch in the shoulder as he does. "We can always count on Folmun to have a handy brew ready for any situation." With a few gulps, he downs the tincture, wiping froth away from his mouth after. He springs up on his heels and bounces up and down on the balls of his feet. "Yep, I can feel the oomph already, buddy," he says, chuckling slightly.

2018-07-10, 08:38 AM
"If it's been decided then let's do this."

2018-07-11, 11:54 AM
Folmun nods to Percy, "If we get through this the next brew I'll make will be a celebratory one." he sets out to find a suitable place to hide for the ambush. He had no ranged weapons, and he had already used his magic to aid the others. The only thing left was to charge in and but heads. He remembered his father's words about elf's, Folmun never really took to his father's racism, but he remembered his words about how they fought and wondered if he could apply it here.

He hunkers down and prepares his last spell for the day.

Preferably I would like to take 20 on a stealth check for total of 20, if not I'll roll and maybe some people can aid another

My current plan is as Percy gets near, cast divine favor, then once everyone has launched their ranged attacks, charge the half elf.

Stealth roll if necessary [roll0]

2018-07-11, 12:02 PM
"Did you want to use my crossbow, Folmun? It won't be doing me much good while I'm the bait." Percy gestures toward the crossbow hanging from a loop his belt.

2018-07-11, 01:26 PM
"Sure can't promise I'll be much good with it though. Thanks." Folmun takes the weapon, altering his plan slightly as he begins to try to work the mechanism.

Planning to shoot at the half elf, and hold off on divine favor for now.

2018-07-11, 01:43 PM
As the rest of the group fans out into ambush position, Percy takes a deep breath. Alright, you got this, Perce he thinks nervously. He grips his longspear tightly in one hand, his fist turning white from the pressure. When he's collected himself, he moves forward, trying to reach the back of the camp as silently as he possibly can.

Once arrived, he takes his spear and raps it on the back of the wooden building, producing a loud booming knock. Then, he yells. "OI, COME AT ME, YOU UGLIES! YOUR MOTHER'S BREATH SMELLS LIKE ORC FEET!" He jumps out from behind the building, waits just long enough to get the attention of the two guards, and possibly the elf, then turns tail and runs backward, toward the rest of the group waiting in ambush. His heart pounds as he runs, hoping he can avoid being caught by the guards before leading them back to his comrades in hiding.

DM Masterson
2018-07-12, 02:24 AM
Two torches and the guards carrying them can be seen jogging behind Percy. Its hard to tell what is happening with the half-elf.

Perception DC 16: The half-elf is moving towards the ambush, but much more slowly, stealthed, and at a flanking angle.

The group gets the first round to attack if they wish, or Percy can lead the group on past if he likes as they obviously have not seen any of the ambushers.

2018-07-12, 06:32 AM
Once he draws the guards sufficiently in range of his awaiting allies, Percy turns around and assumes a defensive stance. “You want a piece of this?” He taunts the guards to engage him.

Standard: Total defense. Effective AC for this round is 19.

Perception to spot the half-elf: [roll0]

2018-07-12, 11:15 AM
Tangle hides with the other ambushers and preps a bomb. It will be loud, but two guards clustered close together is too good a target to pass up! With a cackle, she tosses it from the darkness.

Perception: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1] Against Touch AC. Targeting the nearest guard. The second will get splash damage.
Damage: [roll2]

2018-07-12, 12:42 PM
Not seeing the elf worries Folmun, he decides not to take any chances and pray for a little help.

cast divine favor on my mace

DM Masterson
2018-07-15, 05:38 PM
As Tangle's bomb explodes, one of the guards falls over, clutching at shrapnel in his chest before falling unconscious. The other guard is still on his feet, but screams in agony as the shrapnel tears through his legs and right arm. The human guard charges towards Tangle, ignoring Percy who is in a defensive stance, and swings his hardened club wildly hoping to hit the kobold who will probably be his end.

Folmun casts a spell and looks for the elf in vain. That is until the elf fires her bow at the dwarf. The explosion also seems to have awakened some more guards from inside the tents as they can be heard yelling from inside. It will probably take a few moments for them to gather their surroundings and exit.

Human Guard Attack on Tangle
Attack: [roll0] [+2 is from charge]
Damage: [roll1]

Elf Guard attack on Folmun
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] [+1 is from point-blank]

2018-07-15, 06:22 PM
Percy charges up to the guard threatening Tangle, wielding his longspear in both hands. He stabs at the man from reach.

Full Action: Charge

Longspear Attack: [roll0] (Charge)
Longspear Crit Confirm: [roll1]

Longspear Damage: [roll2]
Longspear Crit Damage: [roll3]

Current HP: 9/10
Effective AC: 13

2018-07-15, 06:40 PM
Pain. For a moment, all Tangle sees is a flash of white as fire leaps up her side. That hurt! Not thinking, acting on instinct, she scrambles five feet away and focuses on avoiding another hit like that.

Tangle will take a five foot step and fight defensively for this round. I have one bomb left and want a better target.

2018-07-15, 07:32 PM
Folmun staggers from the arrow, yelling in pain. Cursed elf! he scampers to take cover from thr leaning against a tree as he grips the arrow. He tries to fight through the pain and figure out what to do. Tangle had gotten hit bad too, he could heal them both, he tried to gaige the distance, worried he might heal the human guard at the same time.

He decides to risk it, there were more enemies coming and they needed tangles bombs to handle another group.

current HP 7
move to cover from the elf ideally at a range where channel energy won't heal the guard.
Channel energy [roll0]

2018-07-16, 11:39 AM
Lea prepares herself along with the rest of the group preparing her spear for the ambush. She waits for them to draw close enough to engage in melee. Not seeing the elf Lea hesitates and pays witness to the guards attack on Tangle while the rest of the camp is alerted. Knowing that time is key Lea jumps in between the guard and Tangle attacking to draw his attention.

move action - move 20 feet looking to get in between Tangle and the guard
if she can get in range standard action - attack the guard on Percy att[roll0] dmg[roll1] crit confirm[roll2] dmg[roll3]
if she doesn't move action - get closer to guard attacking Tangle

DM Masterson
2018-07-16, 04:21 PM
Percy thrusts and catches the 2nd guard in the chest, causing a sucking chest wound. He collapses to the ground, struggling to breath. Tangle steps back and takes a defensive stance, so as not to catch an arrow form the elf. Flogum moves so that he heals only Tangle and himself for 4 hitpoints. Lea has options, to either run towards the archer, or towards Tangle.

The remaining archer lets fly a 2nd attack, still targeting the dwarf. The movement from inside a few of the tents sounds as if it will come out with in the next few seconds.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Point Blank

2018-07-17, 07:51 AM
“Lea, save Folmun if you can! I’ll handle the elf!” With that, he makes another charge, leaving the downed guard to bleed in the grass. If able, he rushes up to the elf and stabs with his longspear from reach.

Full: Charge the elf
Attack: [roll0] (Charging)
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

Current HP: 9/10
Current AC: 13

2018-07-17, 09:00 AM
Folmun peeks out to see if he could take a shot at the elf. Just as he does, another arrow finds him square in the chest. His vision blurs and he forgets which way is up. As conciseness leaves him he thinks I told you we should have taken the elf out first.

darn, sitting at -4 hp, gonna roll some stabilization checks to get them out of the way now.

Stabilization check [roll0]
Stabilization check [roll1]
Stabilization check [roll2]
Stabilization check [roll3]
Stabilization check [roll4]
Stabilization check [roll5]
Stabilization check [roll6]
Stabilization check [roll7]

2018-07-17, 10:34 AM
Even with all the noise Lea notices Percy's voice. "What?!" (*Celestial) Seeing Folmun fall after the second guard was cut down she heads over to lend him some assistance.

move action - move 20 feet towards Folmun
if not far enough move another 20 feet toward Folmun
f she gets there after the first 20 feet Lea casts cure light wounds [roll0]

2018-07-17, 07:55 PM
Just as he was getting comfortable, a force shocks Folmun awake and immediately reminds him of the pain in his chest. "Let a dwarf sleep why don't you?" he rolls over onto his belly, groaning, trying to remember what was going on. He sees the two humans knocked down and Percy taking on the elf.

Folmun knew if even the wind picked up he would fall unconscious again. They had to take out the elf and regroup. He shoulders his friends crossbow and takes aim. He was barely awake and had a hard time seeing the elf past Percy, not to mention he had no skill with the weapon to begin with. Still nothing ventured nothing gained. Said the man who felt like he had ventured plenty already.
move action, crawl half speed towards elf
Standard action attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2018-07-17, 08:00 PM
Tangle sighs in relief as her wound closes a bit. But now she has a decision. That tent could have a lot more guards in it. With everyone's attention on the elf, now seems like the perfect time to start setting things on fire.

So...she runs for cover and prepares to chunk her last bomb at the first guard that stumbles out.

Move and Attack!
4 Splash Damage to any other guards behind the guy.

DM Masterson
2018-07-18, 02:06 AM
Lea heals Folmun who grabs a crossbow and begins crawling, takes aim and fires. From his vantage point it is hard to tell if he hit the vile elf or not.

Percy thrusts his spear at the elf and finds purchase in the elf's thigh. The elf grimaces in pain. She looks as if she intends to fire another arrow directly into Percy's face, but the a bolt fired by a prone and severely injured dwarf catches her in the lower left portion of her abdomen. She steps away from Percy and finally does fire at him and nearly point blank range.

Tangle decides to toss a bomb at any approaching guards and sure enough, two pop out of the tent just in time to be caught in her explosion. One crumbles to the ground and the yells, "Pike off... curse it, the pay ain't worth this!!!" as he turns tell and runs, dropping his shortsword in the process.

Now the only adversary is the elf archer who is still putting up quite the fight.

Archer Attack vs. Percy: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2018-07-18, 06:53 AM
Emboldened by the turning tide of battle, Percy sidesteps the elf’s missile, then steps up and strikes back at his foe.

Free: 5ft step to the Elf
Standard: Attack
Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

2018-07-18, 08:42 AM
Even though folmuns activity brings a smile to her lips Lea notes the gingerness of his actions and she starts chanting in celestial again channeling healing power through her hands.

standard action - cast cure light wounds [roll0]

2018-07-18, 01:23 PM
Folmun breathes a sigh of relief as the arrow is forced out by Lea's magic. Scowling he stands and wipes the dirt and blood from his face. "Aye, I think it's time for me to pay you back."

Folmun tosses the crossbow to the side, rushing up to the elf. A flick of his wrist reveals the knife that he kept stored up his sleeve. He gets ready to attack the elf full force.

Move action to stand,
standard action to move adjacent to the elf,
Swift action to draw a dagger from my spring loaded wrist sheath

2018-07-18, 03:40 PM
As Folmun moves in to engage the elf alongside him, Percy takes the opportunity to point out how unfavorable the current conditions were for their foe. "So, looks like we outnumber you, four-to-one. Your friends over there," he gestures to the burning corpse and fleeing figure by the tents in the aftermath of Tangle's bomb with a flick of the wrist, "are hightailing it out of here. Surrender might be your best bet to survive this night." His words are steady and serious, but not cruel. The swarthy investigator is simply stating the facts as he sees them.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

DM Masterson
2018-07-18, 07:46 PM
The elf takes a hit from Percy, and seems to only be standing due to sheer determination. She contemplates her chances as she sees the group swarm her and her backup down or fleeing. She drops her biw and holds her hands up. "I yield" is all she says.

2018-07-18, 08:27 PM
Folmun grimaces at the sudden change in the situation. He grabs Percy's shoulder and pulls him to an aside.

"Do we really have to take her hostage? She nearly killed me, and that doesn't even account fer her working with slavers! They drug children fer Cayden's sake, they will struggle with addiction for the rest of their lives!"

Folmun tries to keep calm, he knew Percy was smart, but their was a small thought of one of his siblings being chained up down there that made his blood boil no matter how hard he fought it.

2018-07-18, 10:31 PM
Percy turns and listens to Folmun attentively. "Aye, if that's how you feel about it, I won't stay your blade," he says quietly to the dwarf, with an understanding nod.

2018-07-19, 09:58 AM
Folmun's temper begins to abate as Percy puts the elf's life into his hands.

"Well, uh, good." He takes a moment hoping Cayden had some ideas for him, as the sudden prospect of killing in cold blood was less ideal. The compassionate side of him wanted to find a reason not to kill the elf, "You've got one minute before I stab you with your own arrow, to give me a reason why I shouldn't!"

sense motive [roll0]

DM Masterson
2018-07-20, 01:52 AM
The elf, even with her severe injuries, speaks with the haughtiness one would expect from an elf. "A reason not to kill me? Outside of the fact that you would be robbing me of several hundred years of life, or the fact that I fought valiantly even against overwhelming odds, or the fact that you attacked me, not the other way around, or the fact that I have no idea who you are or what you want? If you want a good story, I can make one up, tell you I am the sole provider for 17 orphans. Otherwise, tell me what you want and I'll tell you how I can help."

She stands, trying not to show any pain though she is failing as she is grimacing hard while trying to be stoic.

2018-07-20, 02:14 AM
For her part, Tangle is not paying attention whatsoever to this little debate. She is trying to stay on mission! And a kobold on a mission, though not guaranteed to succeed, is at least determined to try. She will begin searching the downed guards for keys, as she does not currently possess a lockpick.

[roll0] Perception!

2018-07-20, 09:01 AM
Folmun looks to his companions in defeat. His father's racism had so far proven right and he was having a hard time keeping an open mind on the matter. But a decision had to be made and he didn't feel like dealing with it anymore.

He quickly turns around and punches the elf squarely on the jaw. He lets the body slump to the ground then bodily heaves it over his shoulder.

"Stupid elf, be nicer to the people looking for a reason not to kill you." he looks to his companions "Sorry, I'm sure she could have helped, but there are some things that aren't easily atoned, sellin kids is one. I won't be killin her, but that doesn't mean I have to be nice"

2018-07-20, 10:19 AM
Percy shrugs at Folmun's remarks about the elf. "She was a feisty one, that's for sure. I don't blame ya for letting her get your ire. Now that she's down for the count, let's free the slaves!" He pulls out his thieves' tools from his pack and walks over to the center of the camp, looking for padlocks or shackles that he can jimmy open with the tools. He first attends to the catatonic halfling at the center of camp, trying his best to release his chains.

Disable Device: [roll0]

2018-07-21, 09:14 PM
Folmun sets the elf down next Percy as he works and begins to investigate the child halfling. He had no such skill at tending to drugs, but tried to do the best he could in the situation.

Once the child becomes free, Folmun reataches the collar around the neck of the elf. "Learn to live in someone else's shoes for a while, might reach you some humility"

Heal check if necessary [roll0]

DM Masterson
2018-07-22, 11:04 AM
Folmun clocks the elf who, in her weakened state, drops like a sack of potatoes.

Tangle searches the bodies of the three foes, not including the elf and the one who escaped, and finds a total of 6 gold coins, 83 silver coins, and 190 coppers. She also finds two daggers, two torches, a padded armor, a leather armor, a longsword, and two clubs. Anyone who wishes to pick up the elf's longbow finds that it is a masterwork composite longbow (Mighty +1) hewn from a yew tree and well treated. Oddly enough, Tangle does not find a key on any guards. Maybe they left it in one of the tents or even the lone wodden building.

The group quickly finds the halfling and Percy begins working on freeing him from his iron collar with a chain linked around a tree. Only a canvas piece hanging above him and a bit of straw under him for shelter. Percy finds that the lock mechanism is quite solid. He is initially unsuccessful and will have to try again or find a key.

12 Disable Device did not meet the DC.

As the group looks to freeing the elf, they see 4-5 torches coming from town proper, the direction the fleeing slaver ran. You can't tell from this distance, but you suspect it is either more slavers or worse, the city watch. After all, slaver is legal, and stealing valuable goods is a great offense. You probably have 1 minute until they are close enough to see you all, since no one is using a torch.

2018-07-22, 12:51 PM
Folmun sighs in distaste as the reinforcements near. "Start searchin the tents, ill check the house. if they get close we may need Percy to distract them since he's got that tonic. " Not waiting for an instant Folmun dashes for the wooden building and begins to scramble and search for a key.

Folmun can carry the bow unless someone else wants it. How thick is the tree? Would Folmun be able to cut it with the longsword?

perception [roll0]

2018-07-23, 04:24 PM
"C'mon Perce," Percy says quietly to himself, struggling with the halfling's shackles. He takes a deep breath, then redoubles his efforts. The investigator takes his time with the lock, trying his best to pop it open by careful manipulation of his tools.

Take 10 if able, for a result of 17

2018-07-23, 05:49 PM
Tangle is very glad to find the gold and other coins. She gathers what she can. However, there is little time for the other stuff. She tries to enter the main guards' quarters and see if the key is within easy reach.


DM Masterson
2018-07-24, 06:54 AM
Tangle and Folmun make it into the wooden building at approximately the same time. When they enter the first thing they notice is a cell covering 1/3rd of the room. Inside are two human children, a boy and girl, both between 5-7 years old. They are wearing dingy rags, are dirty, and obviously scared.

A qucik scan shows a ring of about 15 keys. 12 are about the same size, two are much smaller, and one much larger. The large one appears as if it would fit this cage.

Percy takes a deep breath and after about 15 seonda is able to make the collar release. The halfling is still lethargic and unresponsive. He will have to be carried.

30 seconds untill the guards are in range of the building, and another 15 to get to Percy and the halfling.

2018-07-24, 07:22 AM
Percy picks up the halfling boy and hefts him over his shoulder, then carries him toward the wooden building that the others entered moments ago. “I have the boy. You guys ready to go, or are we gonna stick around and save everyone?” he asks of his two companions within. “Folmun’s brew still gives me pep in my step, so I think I should be the one to carry the boy.” Percy clearly doesn’t want to push their luck any longer, but he will stay and fight if Tangle and Fulmun wish. “I get it if you guys wanna save everyone, but there’s a lot of torchlight headed down the road. I don’t much like our odds if it’s the city watch.”

Carrying the Halfling should put Percy at a medium encumberence. He can carry 55 more pounds before he hits a heavy load. He also still has a good chunk of longstrider left, it’s hours per level, so probably at least 50 minutes of duration left. So, at a medium load he should have a 30 ft speed. And 120 ft run speed!

2018-07-24, 10:33 AM
Folmun punches the wall swearing in anger. "There's no use us gettin killed here." he grabs the large key and begins to unlock the cages, trying to stifle his rage that they would have to leave some behind. "Come on little late ones, Uncle Warmgut is going to bring you home." Trying to master a conflicting balance of urgency and nurture he hoists both kids and steps outside.

He looks at the remaining slaves, and says a prayer, apologising to Cayden for his failure and asking for the god to watch over them. He then turns to run away.

Dwarves don't slow down because of weight! So I can carry these two

DM Masterson
2018-07-25, 09:27 PM
The group is able to get away with their halfling mark and two young children who are scared, but smart enough to remain silent. Somehow, they all avoid detection as they make it back to the alley with the hidden entrance to "The Smashed Psyche" that Haggard told them about. Once safe and sound in the cellar, they will have time to make arrangements and discuss future plans.

OOC: Once this is settled and money is paid out for everyone's debts, I'll write the other characters out of the game and you three can continue.

2018-07-25, 09:45 PM
There is no 'somehow' where Tangle is involved. She is a stealthy little kobold and can slip away into the darkness very easily. She almost does, when the truth of the situation becomes clear. Though she does swipe the keys on the way out, if Folmun drops them. Make it that much harder for the slavers to make good on their purchases.

She wished she had one more bomb to leave behind specially for them. She hated slavers.

Carrying nothing but her high spirits, she is the first through the hidden entrance. "That went well, yes?"

2018-07-25, 11:21 PM
"We saved the halfling, and we didn't die. By those measure it was a success. I feel something awful for leavin the rest behind though. When I think about that, I feel like we we failed. He forces a smile and looks to the children that they were able to rescue. "I don't suppose you two have a home we can take you back to do you?"

He had hoped that the halfling would wake from his stupor on the way back. "Tangle, I don't suppose you can whip up some smellin salts or something to help the kid overcome the pesh?"

2018-07-25, 11:53 PM
Percy smiles, almost not believing their luck. "The way I see it, we did our best. Did we save everyone? No, but we did save these three. And that counts for something." He gives Folmun a reassuring pat on the back. "If it's really bugging ya, maybe we find out where more slavers make camp, and come up with a bigger plan to send them packing. For good." He pulls out a piece of parchment from his pack and tears off a corner, folding it into a tiny paper rabbit. The investigator is surprisingly deft with his hands. The little figure is crude but recognizable, and he gives it to one of the children to play with while he continues the conversation with his companions. "So, say we can't find these kids' parents? What do we do next?"

DM Masterson
2018-07-26, 05:45 PM
The group divides up the money relieved from Alexander earlier in the night. The haul is actually better than expected. After dividing it out to cover everyone's debts owed, there is 15 platinum, 60 gold, 52 silver, and 180 copper gold left over. It is decided the remaining gold will be left with the group to fund future heists for those wishing to stay with the grup. Everyone looks around for a second and after a brief pause Lea starts.

"Look, this was fun, but my debt is repaid and I'm not sure this is the life for me. I've got a friend way out in Ammon's Reach. I think I'm going to go visit for a while. Thank you all for helping me. There was no way I would have repaid my debt on my own. If any of you are ever out that way, maybe we can meet again." With that she walks away.

Hab looks around and shrugs. "I'm all squared up. Thinking I'll set out and try to avoid the pitfalls that got me into this predicament." He nods and leaves as well.

Flynn follows him out. "Aye, I agree, this isn't really my kind of thing." He gives a slight bow and sets off behind Hab.

That left three. Three people to decide how to proceed and how to spend the money.

While doing so the little girl speaks up. "My name is Addy and I'm 7. This is my little brother Alistar he is 6. Our mom died and we went to move with my aunt. She didn't have enough room for us so she sold us to those people. We can be a big help. Please don't make us go back to our aunt, she's not nice." Alistar just looks up but doesn't say anything.

While thinking on this, Haggard comes down into the cellar with a big grin on his face. "Boy did you guys stir up a ruckus last night. A noble got the crap kicked out of him and some slaver's got relieved of their.. goods." The mountain of a man eyes the three former slaves you have with you and smiles. "I have someone who couldn't wait to see you." He looks up the stairs and yells, "Send her on down!". After a few seconds a young, but determined looking halfling woman comes down the steps. She seems rather capable, not your typical peasant.

Upon seeing her brother, still in the catatonic state from the pesh use, she quickly kneels by him, pulls a small herb out of a pouch at her hip and puts it into his mouth and holds it closed. After a few seconds he begins to come to. "Peter... Peter can you hear me?" After a few seconds he looks up and hugs her. "Anna, where...?" She holds a finger over him lips and says, "Never mind, I'll explain it all later, just rest."

She then turns to the group. "Here is the pay as promised." She tosses a pouch with 300gp onto the table. "Thank you. So much. Look, I'm going to get Peter out of the city and away from the Pesh. But I need work. I'm good at getting information and sneaking around. Put me on your pay roll and let me help you guys. Don't make a decision now, just think on it." With that she grabs her brother and she holds him up as they walk out of the basement.

Haggard smiles to the group. "I"ll be upstairs starting breakfast if you guys need me." He walks away as well.

The group is now level 2!!! The group can either poll their funds gotten above and make a big purchase, or divide it by three. You also have the MW Composite Longbow Mighty +1 and the other items I listed before. Go ahead and level up and start thinking on what you want to do.

2018-07-26, 06:07 PM
Folmun was sad to see his friends leave, "Aye this but place can be hard to live in. Maybe if I didn't have my family I'd go with you. As it is good luck and take care." Folmun shakes their hands wishing he had a brew to send them off with.

Once they leave, he squats down to talk to the human children. "Well I'm glad to meet you little Addy. Don't you worry, if your aunt is no good we won't be sendin you to her." He stands while scratching the back of his head trying to figure out what to do with the kids. His place was pretty packed already.

He pauses his pondering with Haggards arrival. The halfling's glee at reuniting with her brother brought a smile to his face and removed his worry for a spell.

"Well, I don't know about you I'm thinking we should lay low for a little bit. Try an keep attention off of us. But I'm thinkin we should take the time to start plannin our next thing and to see if there is any place available we could set the children up."

2018-07-27, 06:40 PM
The loss of half their number is...well, it's discouraging. No other way to put it, really. But Tangle comforts herself with the thought that it means more loot for the rest of them. She pats her pack, where her portion of the coin 'lifted' from tonight's activities rests, along with some other loot. That will pay her debts quite nicely!

Tangle ruefully notes that she and the 'little kids' are about the same height. Just to be sure, she keeps her tail tucked behind her and out of reach. Children and 'things that can be pulled' do not mix well.

As the halfling woman leaves, Tangle mutters, "From buyer to worker quick-like. Hmm." She shakes her head. Think on it she would.

But for now, they had two children. And she had a twitchy tail. Good thing they were not cat children or else she would have no hope.

2018-07-28, 06:37 PM
Having moment to mull over his own words, Folmun begins to explain his thought process. "Right well, here's one thing that been naggin me. We went and set up this partnership with that fence, and then bailed on the heist and him. I'm thinkin an apology is in order. Maybe even pay him. I hate the thought of wastin money but I hate burnin bridges even more. Besides he may be able to help unload some of this stuff we've gone and picked up." Folmun pulls out his now empty flask, with a quick prayer, it magically fills back up with an ale, which he drinks from heartily.

"As far as that halfling lass, I've a mind to set her to investigate that noble we struck a deal with. If he flips on us or starts lookin for revenge then I'd like to have some dirt on him.

"Lastly, I'm thinkin we find a place for these two kids, maybe see if we can set em up with work, maybe Anna can train them a little. I think I'll check with Haggard and see if he knows of such a place. What do you think?"

DM Masterson
2018-07-30, 02:01 AM
The children are to scared to be misbehaved or chase after anything, even something as fun as a kobolds tail. The group talks and their predicament is eventually brought to Haggards attention. After talking to Haggard, he steps away for a few minutes and rather quickly his daughter, Hope, comes down and speaks with the kids in a nurturing, almost mother nature. She plays a quick game and has them chasing after her up the stairs. "Hope will keep them in her room for the next few days, or until something more permanent has been worked out."

The group gets a good nights rest and finally feels more capable, and ready to take on the world.

Many ideas were thrown out the night before. Paying Slanter, getting Anna to work for them and get information on Alexander, finding a more permanent solution to the children's residency issues. Plus, there is always the thought of finding a new score. Whatever will the group do?

Take this chance to perhaps, each run a few errands you want and then meet back up towards the end of the day.

2018-08-02, 07:31 PM
As the group goes their separate ways, Folmun offers to sell off the rest of the supplies. He lets Haggard know that they would like to meet up with Slanter when he is available.

He sleeps fitfully as he reminds himself off those slaves who are still in chains. He tries to focus on Anna reuniting with her brother, wishing a prayer to Cayden to keep him safe and help him overcome the pesh. Only then was he finally about to sleep.

In the morning he checks on his father, then once he felt he could work undisturbed, he washed the haul of loot that they had brought in. It wouldn't do to sell bloodstained weapons. Once satisfied, he heads out to the dwarven smithy. "Hey there, it's me again. Hope I'm not intrudin, but I've got some things to sell here if you don't mind."

DM Masterson
2018-08-03, 02:05 AM
Haggard agrees to try and set up a meeting with Slanter on behalf of the group.

Asvora smiles at seeing Folmun. "Well met, you're not intruding at all, always happy to see a dwarven face." She inspects the weapons and gives a slight frown. "Sorry I can't take them. I only sell what I, or my apprentice crafts. I guarantee everything I sell and only sell what I can guarantee. That being said, go to Flogrim Goldstone's shop on Goldstone St. and tell him I sent ya. He will take second hand goods at a fair price."

2018-08-03, 10:00 AM
"Sounds alright, I may be back to buy once I've got a heavier coin purse with me. You two doin well still? Still looking for another apprentice?"

Once the pleasantries were completed, Folmun left to seek out the other store on goldstone street. As he walks he imagines what it would be like if the street we're actually made of golden stones, c and how easy they might be to steal. When he finally reaches the store, he goes inside to find the clerk. "Hello there, Asvora sent me, I've got a couple a things that need sellin"

DM Masterson
2018-08-05, 02:20 AM
Asvora looks to Folmun and responds. "You look a little old fer an apprenticeship..." she hold her face stoically for a few moments and then laughs. "I am, assuming they can work hard and take direction. You have someone in mind?"


Later Folmun goes and speaks with Flogrim. An exceptionally rotund dwarf in exquisite silk clothing is seated at a desk. A pile of papers and rich foods are in front of him. A quill is in one hand, writing on parchament, the other is holding a roasted pheasant leg. The dwarf looks up, a bit of grease dripping down all three of his chins. "Asvora you say. Well if she sent you then consider yourself a friend. I"m Flogrim Goldstone, at your service." He halfheartedly attempts a bow while seated, but more or less extends his arms and tucks his chins. This dwarf is obviously not used to any type of manual labor.

He offers to buy whatever items you have, assuming they do not look stolen, for 40% of market value. If you offer the bow, he will offer half of market value due to its rarity. You would all know better than to try and sell the jewelry here.

2018-08-05, 01:19 PM
Tangle has no friends outside of this small little group. Nor is she the best at making them. The only reason she's in this group, so she thinks, is because they were desperate and she had skills they could use. So as the other two scatter to go about their business, she decides it'd be nice to see if she even CAN make friends with the normal citizens of the city.

In other words, she ascends out of their hiding hole and goes into the main bar to see what there is to see.

DM Masterson
2018-08-05, 07:29 PM
In the bar proper, Tangle sees a small bustle of people. She quickly recognizes Haggard behind the bar, filling drinks and peparing them as Hope hustles back and forth from table to bar, bring drink orders out and empty mugs back. There is a group of 4-5 dwarves in a corner, obviously dockworkers by their look. There is a group of humans, who at first glance you would peg as fishermen... at least by their smell. There are several humans and a half-orc at the bar who are a little harder to peg... perhaps teamsters? But what truly catches Tangles eye are three individuals at a table by the fire who are all her size!

One is a gnome wearing dark robes and a bushy grey beard. The other is is a halfling with a well trimmed and waxed mustache, but the last... the last is a KOBOLD. He is wearing nice clothes that are obviously tailored for him. How peculiar.

2018-08-05, 07:59 PM
The others in the room are worth cursory glances, but the last group really does catch Tangle's gaze. She blinks, rubs her eyes a few times, and stares. Wait, that could be rude. She decides to 'idly watch from afar' for a moment and see how they...

Oh what the heck. She can't resist this opportunity. Straightening her very common, though not ill-fitting, clothes, she walks over towards them.

DM Masterson
2018-08-05, 11:02 PM
As you approach, the gnome with the beard is talking to the kobold. "Meekins, I understand, you have a business to run, and we made an agreement, but there is just no way we can make that amount of product you need in such a short time..." The gnome falls silently as Tangle approaches, clearly believing you are with the Kobold he called Meekins. Meekins senses something is going on an takes a brief look back at you and gives an obvious wink to Tangle that the gnomes cannot see, which seems to indicate "play along".

Meekins then begins speaking to Tangle as if they are old friends. "Semminus, my old friend, good to see you could make the meeting. Since it seems my current associates can't meet their obligations, tell me? Would you be able to get production of say 20 flasks of milk of they poppy per week. If Dimbledon and his associate aren't able to do so, I may have to go back to working with you, even with your outrageous prices!!!"

It's obvious the Kobold wants to you to agree with him so he can get a favorable deal out of the gnomes. The gnomes look at your for a response.

2018-08-06, 12:26 PM
That morning, the investigator sends off Fulmon and Tangle with a cheery wave, seeing fit for each member of their crew to attend to separate matters for the time being. Percy sets about to try to find some proper lodging for their young charges, some small back-alley residence that could also serve as a second hideout for the group in times of trouble. Not completely sure where to start, he takes off toward the municipal district in Freeport, hoping that he'll spot some place that could offer insight for what vacancies or available properties could be found in the many residential areas of the city. Perhaps city hall? Or maybe there's a guild or church that officiates these matters, the investigator thinks to himself as he strides down the cobblestone streets toward the center of Freeport.

2018-08-06, 01:20 PM
"Ha! No I don't mean me. I'm at the point where you don't learn much new things, you just get stubborn with what you already know an won't listen to anything else.

But I've got a house busting full of brothers an sisters an I don't know what to do with em. If I brought one over, would you mind seeing if they have what it takes?"


"Hey listen, I'm not trying to pull one over on you, but money had gotten tight. I've got a family to feed an right now an pawning these off is the best I can do to make it happen. I'm gettin desperate here. Asvora recommended you, so I know your good. An if you make a better deal for me, why I'll keep comin to you if more comes up. Let's say fifty percent of market value ehh?"


DM Masterson
2018-08-07, 05:35 PM
Percy knows without even looking that there is a local, at least to the dock district of Freeport, man who helps buyers or renters meet sellers and landlords. He is simply known as the quartermaster and makes a fee taken from the sellers if he helps in a transaction. He a crotchety old gnome, but knows his business well. He would be easy to find and somewhat advertises his location.

Asvora nods to Folmun. "Have'em come buy an hour before sun up in the morning and well see what they can do."

Flogrims huffs to Folmun. "33% is what I normally buy at... 40% is you are a dwarf referred by a trusted friend price. 50% is you are family price. We can work towards 50%. Until you prove otherwise, I'm gonna stick to 40%. Besides, everything is used and somewhat worn, I can't buy at 50% and be guaranteed to even break even, much less a profit."

2018-08-07, 07:03 PM
"Sounds good, I suppose I'll bring one of the more earlier wakers. I'll be back tomorrow morning, will I be ablr to buy some weapons then or should I come back after I see Mister Goldstone?"

"Well I can't ask you to take a risk on me, that wouldn't be too neighborly. 40% it is then." Folmun completes the transaction, thanking the opener again before leaving to head home.


Folmun stops on the way home at one of the few sweet stores. It was hard to not spend any if this money he had just come into. He couldn't remember the last time he could rub two gold pieces together. The least he could do was get a small treat for his family.

Once home, he broke out the treats and set out to help his mother with dinner.

2018-08-08, 08:39 PM
Tangle gets the hint. She sniffs, annoyed. "It's a hobby," she says, "If I'm going to turn my hobbies into actual drudge-work, you can gamble-bet your tail that I'll charge you for it!"

She hopes that was convincing enough. And that she didn't babble so fast the gnomes couldn't understand her.

DM Masterson
2018-08-09, 10:44 PM
Folmun is able to make the transaction with no further difficulties, with Flogrim giving him a purse of gold for the items sold. On the way home he is able to get several sweets for his family. Getting enough for every runs 15 silver, but it is well worth it as everyone is jumping for joy. Save Folmun's mother who has a stern look on her face. Before she prepares for bed she kisses Folmun on the head and whispers so the others can't hear. "Not tonight, but one day, we will talk about where the money for this came from."


Dimbledon sighs heavily then speaks again. "Wait... wait. Meekins, we'll find a way to make the quota. You can pick everything up in three days... somehow we will be ready." The gnome and his associate then excuse themself and exit the bar. Meekins offers you their seat once they are clear. "Haha, you were brilliant. Didn't even miss a beat." He whistles to Hope and signals for two drinks. "Your food and drink for the rest of the day are on me. So, what is your name? Mine is Meekins."

2018-08-11, 08:40 PM
Folmun can't help but smile at seeing his family so happy. It felt like for the first time things were going to get better. A brief moment flashes by that reminds him how he nearly died last night to make this happen, but somehow it feels so far ago that it doesn't alarm him like it should.

"Now I've made a friend out of a smithy nearby an she is lookin for another apprentice. I thought one of you tykes might be interested. If you wanna learn an honest trade from a good person this is it. If you get good enough you can even make a livin out of it an help support the family. Who is interested?"


Folmun hugs his mother "Aye mother we will talk, but don't you worry none. I'll keep takin care of us, an when Pa gets better things will be different."

Afterwards he goes and quietly pays his respects to his father. It was rare for his father to even be awake, but it felt good to Folmun to at keep talking to the man even if he couldn't listen. "Hello Pa, it's been quite a couple a days. I met an elf that would have made your blood boil. Gave him quite a punch too. You'd be proud.

Either way I wanted you to know that things are gonna be gettin better. Im even gonna bring one of the kids to become an apprentice to a smithy, like what you did for me, Vo an Thaybor. You'd like her, she's a genuine dwarf. She'll teach em right.

Alright well that's about it. You keep hangin in there an when you get better the whole family will be here to see you." It was hard to talk to his father like this, but Folmun pushed through and kept up a strong face as best he could.

When he left he went to his tiny room. It was one of the only rooms in the house that wasn't shared. One of the perks of being the eldest. Folmun hit his bed hard, unable to shake off his clothes before falling quickly to sleep.


The next day he woke up everyone who wanted to try out for the smith or just to watch for fun. He got the younger ones all dressed and ready to head out. Then lead them back to Asvora's at the crack of dawn.

"Good morning Asvora! I've got a couple dwarfs who are interested in learnin the trade!"

2018-08-11, 08:43 PM
"Tangle," she says and seats herself at the table. He speaks very proper common, which makes her feel a little self-conscious about her own 'chatter-talk' way. So, with a little difficulty, she makes herself speak 'normally. "That's some nice, er, clothes you have. Nicer than any I've seen our kind wear."

Her tone isn't suspicious, just complimentary.

2018-08-13, 03:05 PM
Percy spends his time seeking out the quartermaster's current whereabouts, and the possibility of setting up a meeting to discuss real estate options for the group.

Knowledge (Local): [roll0] + [roll1] Free Inspiration

DM Masterson
2018-08-14, 09:26 AM
Most of Folmun's siblings are interested in the position. Some are too small, but certainly a few would be capable. That being said, it is up to Folmun to decide which sibling to entrust. After all there is only one position. Asvora smiles at seeing the large gaggle of family. "Whichever one you think will work best. I trust yer judgement."


Meekins nods to Tangle aware of the sentiment. "True, when I started working here in Freeport, I ran around, like most Kobolds, with nothing on. I found that it made people uncomfortable. Uncomfortable people are less likely to make a deal. So I decided to look like what they expect, even when I am nothing like what they expect. Does that make sense?"

The Quartermaster is far from hidden. He is rather easy to find and his "office" is not far away.

2018-08-14, 11:23 AM
"Alright, why don't you give it a try Tolmun." Folmun says, as he balances Heldom- on his shoulders while still trying to keep an eye on the triplets. He hasn't really considered the dangers if bringing children into a shop of weapons.

"Tolmun is a patient one, I'll bet he can beat metal all day until he thinks it's perfect."

2018-08-15, 08:31 PM
Tangle looks down at her own clothes and nods. "Odd-strange customs," she says, "But you do what you must to get by."

She'd started wearing clothes not to respect the local customs but because she found it a bit cold up here at times, especially when the wind blew. Memories of it almost made her shudder.

"So what do you..." She gestures vaguely. "do?"