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2018-05-23, 12:03 PM
OOC Thread
Local News

January 30, 2000 -- gunfire and minor explosions were heard at both Eclipse Avionics and New Moon. The police released a statement that it was disgruntled former employees of New Moon, who will likely be put in psychiatric evaluation. It also appears that the two companies, former competitors, are now working together. Stock prices are expected to rise for both.

The Invitation

Around 3 PM on January 31st, Jonas receives an e-mail from one of his fellow local Virtual

Adepts, Jonathan Hightower. A rather-respected guy in VA circles, Jonas would've heard he moved

to Sumbole Chantry to handle its digital defenses while the Hermetics handled the magical.

It reads, after decryption,
"It's Hightower. Seems the Techies are up to something. CoE calling meeting. Come to Sumbole at 6 PM, Feb 1 2000. Or connect virtually. Social hour beforehand starting at 5.
I'll be online at <link> if you can't come in person. Either way, ALICE is welcome.
Be safe."

It's been a whirlwind since her Awakening on January 29th. Fortunately, Reginald got her in touch with Isabella Miller, the master of the local Verbena chantry. Isabella was less than happy when she realized Pamela was the reincarnation of some Euthanatos Vrati. Fortunately, she was willing to put her in touch with the local Euthanatos, and Edward and Nirbhay were more welcoming, explaining some of the details about the Euthanatos Tradition that her past selves weren't clear on. Edward wore a dark grey trenchcoat, a black t-shirt, and jeans, with disheveled brown hair and a 5-o'clock shadow. He looked to be about 20, but his eyes showed a weariness, one not uncommon amongst those who must balance their Good Work and Jhor. Nirbhay was older, a man of Indian descent in his 40s, but he was clearly deferential to his partner. Both were quite fit, though they hide their muscles under long-sleeves and coats.

They'd also helped scout out her family, for either Technocratic or Nephandic actions. There was nothing remarkable about her family in the news, and it seems like they were all just traveling for business. But the personal numbers she had for them weren't working, and they weren't returning any calls. Edward tried to get a message in a couple different ways, but he was just told they were overseas and not reachable. Troubling, but checking Fate didn't reveal anything strange. Though Edward noted that if it was the result of Paradox, Magick didn't always tell you about it.

Discovering her estate now had a node was unexpected, but this city was known for more magical fluctuations than most of the USA, so it wasn't too surprising. Still, Edward said it seemed that Fate had some plan for Pamela, and to be on guard.

Around 8 PM on January 31st, Edward called to inform her of a meeting at Sumbole Chantry. He gives her directions, saying to look for the one that almost skips her eyes.
"It'll be a good test for your new senses. The chantry's warded so that only those invited can see it, and only then if they don't have hostile intent. But it's also got some Arcane on it, making it seem to slip past you."

Close to closing time on the 31st, Erin Carter shows up at the shop. A rather pretty, skinny 16-year-old with shoulder-length, blonde hair, in a tank-top and jeans. She wears a necklace with a blood-red ruby, and looking closely one might notice a buldge in her sock about the size of a large pocketknife.
Young for an Adept of Life.

Smiling, she walks to Schuyler and, after checking that nobody is still in the shop, says in a friendly voice that belies her words: "Hey, seems the Technocrats are coming for blood soon. You're probably safe, but Meres is calling a meeting at his place. Starts at 5, but be there by 6. And be careful."

At 4 PM on the 31st, his cell phone rings.

"Hey. Issac? It's Meres. I don't want to talk much on the phone. Jonathan's good, but I can't vouch everything's secure. Come to my place tomorrow for a gathering, starting at 5 but the big talk at 6. All the, ahem, traditional folk in town are coming, but you're welcome, too. And, if you have a show tonight, be careful with how much real Art you use. I don't think things are heated up yet, but it seems danger is coming."

Feb. 1, 2000: 5ish PM: Sumbole Chantry

Sumbole Chantry is a beautiful, 3-story (well, 4 if you count the basement) mansion in the wealthy side of town. None of you know the address, just vague directions, but you manage to find it easily enough. After parking in the underground garage, you are directed towards the first floor lobby. There's a large gathering of people. It does indeed seem like all the Tradition mages have at least sent a representative.

Robert and Jessica Meres, the leaders of the chantry, are talking with Noah Reed and Isabella Miller, the leaders of the Cultist and Verbena chantries. They appear rather focused and worried. Noah is nursing a glass of wine as they talk.

A large video monitor displays the face of Jonathan Hightower, smiling. He's talking with the gorgeous young girl standing nearby the monitor. Coming near you here something about security
networks, though it sounds like gibberish to anyone except Jonas.

Ryan Greene, the apprentice of Jessica, is putting out drinks and appetizers on a table. An older guy with a bushy white beard and a tie-dye peace-symbol T-shirt is putting out a big plate of nachos and brownies. Ryan seems annoyed, but doesn't stop Jimmy from adding his own snacks to the fancy spread the Hermetics likely ordered.

Edward is standing by his lonesome in a corner, sipping a beer. Nirbhay appears to be out. The rest of Sumbole Chantry is talking conversationally, being friendly but obviously concerned about the purpose of this gathering. Tom and Rosa Duran and Wi'Poe's Olivia and Erin are also mixed in the crowd. It looks like the Hollow Ones and other Orphans either didn't make it or weren't invited. There's a young woman, probably early 20s, in the garb of an Asian monk, though she's clearly Caucausian; maybe Zui Temple sent one of their younger members as representative. She's in the crowd, but not really talking to anyone.

Seems there's some time to socialize before the meeting proper begins.

2018-05-23, 06:08 PM

Pamela was driving. In the wealthier areas of town, like the mansion estate developments, a cherry blossom pink Lamborghini Countache is "normal". Oh sure not the color choice, which would be seen as an aesthetic, but a Lamborghini or a Jaguar or a Porsche would be "normal". Thus, no one paid any attention to Pamela as she was driving from her estate into another, which in and of itself was "normal". What wasn't normal was the fact that Pamela was armed, though she took effort to hide that fact. 2 Beretta 9 mm pistols were in thigh holsters, one on each thigh. She was wearing a pink knee length skirt, white panties with "I (heart symbol) Kitties" (not that she'd admit to continuing wearing such frivolous things) on them, white socks, pink stiletto heels, white blouse that actually manages to look expensive while being expensive, and a pink parasol that may or may not yet have a spring loaded blade in its tip for emergency fencing needs.

Not only did Pamela find the chantry, she never noticed the arcane trying to make itself slip from her mind; rather the chantry forgot to use its arcane on her. Possibly due solely to the fact that neither the chantry nor Pamela wanted to be found. It never even crossed Pamela's mind to question the lack of difficulty in reaching the chantry.

Long silky brunette hair and (currently) grey eyed Pamela entered the lobby with a smile on her face, parasol in her right hand and a pink clutch purse in her left. After a second or two of scanning the room she moved out into her apparent element. None were left out of her charming and elegant introduction, at least she thought she was being charming and elegant. "Good evening, my name is Pamela Perrianth, I am newly awakened. How may I address you in the future should the need arise?"
She adds a little curtsy at the end to show respect.


2018-05-23, 07:08 PM
Jonas peered up at one of his displays, reading the email that had just been decrypted. He finished the long draw off the soda he had been drinking and set it down on the heavily cluttered desk.

The Technocracy. This couldn’t be a good thing if they were involved. He stood up, shaking himself off and putting on his sunglasses. Walking to the other side of the room, he picked up a worn laptop with a saturation of vinyl stickers on it.

“Let’s get out of here for a while, Alice. There having a big meeting out at the wizard’s palace.”

He tapped the laptop as he plugged in an Ethernet cable, knowing the cameras that were all around his basement apartment would let Alice see and “hop” into the device. Once she was loaded, he put the laptop into his backpack and threw on his trenchcoat. He turned to leave and then frowned, walking back to the computer and typing a response to the email.

<<Hey: could you ask one of the guests to come pick me up? I don’t want to walk the whole way. Page me if someone’s on their way. I’ll get to a phone.>>

He felt better with at least the possibility of not walking the whole way or - ick - the bus. He locked the three locks to his apartment and checked the remote that showed the power levels of the Faraday cage that surrounded the room. One cord in, one cord out that could be easily severed.

He put his headphones on and started walking.

2018-05-23, 08:29 PM

At her entry, Edward raises his beer in a silent greeting. Many others turn to her. She can assume they've heard of her, but this is the first time she's met any of them.

A middle-aged Native American man in a business casual suit responds first. "Hello, Miss Pamela. I'm Honaw. I've heard of you, and the spirits noticed the strange movements around your estate. It's good to meet you in person." Several others give similar pleasantries and introductions, some a bit weary about giving a name to an unknown, others more free. Jimmy seems offput by her formality, but just grabs a brownie and walks towards the kitchen.

A young, chubby man approaches and offers her a glass of wine. "Name's Ryan Greene, apprentice to the Order of Hermes. If you need anything this evening, please let me know." While polite and smiling, it's not hard to tell he doesn't like being made to be the greeter.


Rather quickly, a reply comes: "Sure. Look for the pretty blond, don't underestimate her skill or you're get an earful. But, dude, get a car sometime. : ) "

About 5 pm, the gorgeous Megan Brintley, apprentice to Jonathan, drives up in a fancy, hot red sportscar. The only unusual thing about her is her sunglasses are showing a data readout.
With a flirtatious smile, she opens the passenger door and smirks, "Need a ride? You got me out of helping Ryan set up the snacks, so a lift is the least I can do."

2018-05-23, 09:36 PM
Jonas leaned in and grinned back, jumping into the car and throwing it onto his lap. For his part, he was the spitting image of what Hollywood (especially in the past five years or so) had imagined a hacker to look like. In fact, he bore an appearance so not dissimilar to a character from one of the more recent film forays into the hacker subculture that he’d decided to just roll with it.

“I’ll ride wherever you’re driving. And, I’m glad to know there are snacks. Someone has the good stuff, right? The Hermetics can be so boring.”

He paused for a moment, looking over at the driver. Reputation was everything and she certainly had hers.

“What’s this all about, anyhow? And how’ve you been? Jonathan’s had his work cut out for him doing data security for the chantry. This have something to do with that?”

2018-05-24, 03:42 AM

'Great' Isaac thought. 'They've invited me. That's either a very good sign, or a very bad one. I guess I'll find out when I get there.'

Isaac is a man in his late twenties, always wearing a nice suit, though rarely with a tie. He has dirty blonde hair that is usually spiked up in the middle (a bit like a fauxhawk, but not as ostentatious), and has high cheekbones with bright blue eyes. He often wears dark blue suits as they seem to make his eyes appear all the brighter.

He took his Dodge Charger (the only thing of any real value he owned, though this was more sentimental) and drove to the Chantry, on the way setting his mind to Multi-Task, one part to drive, one part to relax, one part to start thinking what this meeting could mean. He drove on autopilot (almost literally) finding the Chantry after a couple of mistakes.

Re-merging his mind for entry, he smiled to anyone in the lobby, trying to keep quiet, as his natural inclination to showmanship wouldn't help him here, however once everything started to kick off, he immediately began Multi-Tasking again, having one Task to Theorize about any information given, one to Catalogue it, and another to ensure it's memorized.

2018-05-24, 08:34 AM
I generally plan to post at least 3 times/week, but I'll try to be doing quick-responses like right now during social situations or combat (so they don't bog the game down but we still enjoy RP) and generally reply as quick as I can.

Please feel free to give me feedback as the game goes on, if anyone feels too rushed or the game moving too slow.


Megan smiles and twirls a finger in her hair as she drives with the other hand.
"Yeah, yeah, Jonathan's been busy, though most of the chantry network is already set up tight. He's doing, like, a job in one of the secure sectors right now. Y'know, I like being in the Net, but there's something just nicer about having your body be a real body, y'know? And while you can sample the finest liquors someone can code, I like a nice shot of whiskey & coke. I think there's some wine out, but beer in the fridge and Jimmy has some real good stuff if you don't mind your head being on sideways.

[COLOR="#008080"]As for tonight," she sighs, "I don't know the details. Jonathan had me try hacking a bit into New Moon, but they've got Technocrat or VA-level protection, whoever they are. Got me a de-rez and a nasty headache for my trouble, but it shows they aren't weak on tech, whoever they are. I'm guessing it's a new Construct, but it's technically a guess."


Ryan welcomes Issac to the chantry, seeing him from the garage up to the lobby. It's... well, polite, but probably clear part of it is that not wanting to risk an Orphan walking around unsupervised. Master Meres had always treated Issac with respect, instead of the disdain most Hermetics had for his 'magic', but as a chantrymaster his personal respect could only go so far with balancing protecting actual Tradition mages. From some of the lunches Robert Meres and Issac had shared, it seemed a sincere belief. It's obvious the belief isn't shared by all. Isabella, the Verbena master, gives him a look of disdain before shifting back to talking to the Mereses and Noah.

However, most of the other mages, especially the younger ones, are affable towards Issac. He's seen a fair bit of them at some of his shows. As Ryan offers to take Issac's coat, he adds, "By the way, loved your show last week. First time I saw it while wearing a Mind shield and magick-sight, and it was a fun."

Possibly to Issac's surprise, the first mage to walk up to him is Father Sanchez. The 50-or-so year-old priest walks up--not moving slowly, really, but showing his age--and speaking with a slight Mexican accent, asks, "Issac, right, the stage magician? Welcome. I know we haven't met before, but Robert speaks well of you. I'm Father Manual Sanchez. There's a family I'm counseling, and I think their younger son, he's 10, might be close to Awakening. Young, I know, but he's rather gifted. Just a shame about his mother's passing. It shook his faith, nearly destroyed it and his sense of wonder, but I thought seeing the wonder of your show might help."

2018-05-24, 09:25 AM

Well, if isn't Erin, come in come in, some tea? Recently grew a really nice batch of mind, for special guests. Does wonders for the skin.

Schuyler said with a twinkle in her eye as soon as Erin walked in. The smile faded and Schuyler nervously toyed with a wayward lock of hair as she listened to Erin's message(long and untidy swathes of brown hair, but not unkempt..simply absentmindedly taken care of at intermittent intervals).

Meres certainly doesn't beat about the bush does he...almost sounds like he's planning a counter attack for god's sake...

Schuyler gave a sigh and looked forlornly at the tome she had set aside for reading tonight, she'd just gotten a new tome by Albertus Magnus and was planning on doing some research on improving her sigils.

A variety of charms jangled around her neck (on closer and learned inspection a variety of alchemical sigils shiny with wear) as she removed her apron. Her face was pretty...not beautiful in any conventional way and had something captivating when she was deep in thought, especially during her passionate research sessions. Her lavender eyes had a faraway look, territorial animals..the whole thing was probably thought up by a man somewhere *she chuckled* perhaps a tincture lowering testosterone dumped in copious quantities in the water supply of the city would do everyone some good. Perhaps one that only attacks patters of those with an overcapacity for the tendency. She was working out the sigils in her mind and trying to thing of what base should be used, the gland of a docile animal or a plant with calming properties when she remembered Erin was still there.

Yes yes, fine I'll be there. I'll have the girls close up the shop and go home and get ready. I'll see you there.

Schuyler gave her final instructions to Susan and Nikita, her two aides and acolytes to close up quickly with a stern warning to go straight home and to stay indoors tonight....just in case. She hated the feeling of fight or flight she was getting.

Once at the meeting she greeted patrons and friends alike warmly, happy to see them but not excited by the prospect of gatherings initiated under such circumstances. Life was meant to be spent in peace and contemplation of the greater mysteries for the advancement of everyone equally. Why is it that disagreements over how one should proceed should threaten the lives of others she could never understand...Technocracy she whispered under her breath with distaste.

She looked around and decided she should load up on calories, I difficult night may be coming up ahead as she fiddled with the revolver in her pocket, her one consideration to the realities of life sometimes.

2018-05-24, 09:45 AM
Isaac tries to keep to himself, and looking completely open and friendly. He knew his choices were not liked in who he had allied with, but he was grateful that some of the Hermetics weren't quite so 'stick up their own whatevers'.

He smiled at Ryan, taking off his large navy coloured military coat, appreciate of the kind gesture of both treating him like an equal by taking his coat and of the kind comment about his show.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it! It is quite a different show when you can see the tricks literally happening before your eyes."

He chuckles before continuing into the room, giving Ryan an appreciative and friendly pat on the back. After entering the room proper, he is surprised that a Tradition Mage would speak to him. But, hey, he was just happy not to be ignored.

"Yes, I'm that guy. It's a pleasure to meet you Father."

Isaac offers a quick and very appreciative glance at Robert Meres.

"I'm very sorry to hear of their troubles. If you think it would help Father, please, by all means bring them along. I'd be more than happy to get them some free tickets."

He smiles sadly, at several things, the loss of a parent, the difficulties of children, but mostly, at his own lack of tutelage, leaving him the outcast he currently is. If he had been discovered and taught properly, perhaps these Hermetic Mages would be more accepting, but alas, no point in crying over spilt milk. Isaac scanned the room, logging the faces of everyone and using his Mind abilities to ensure that he wouldn't forget them, or recall information he already knew on them.

"Father, do you know more about why we've been called here? Especially one such as myself?"

2018-05-24, 11:32 AM

For a split second when Honaw greeted her, Pamela's face went neutral. Miss Pamela, she hadn't been called that in 3 months. Just one more reminder that she broke the world. It had taken her 3 months to get used to being Mrs. Perrianth. A quick memory flash of her mothers secretary calling her Mrs. Perrianth just 2 days after the wedding...... oh now why hadn't she thought to check in with all 5 personal secretaries to verify things before hand. Must have been shock.

She took the offered wine, but headed over to Edward. "I think there might be a way to check if it was paradox. I just need to make one phone call. Is it alright to use my cell phone here?"

2018-05-24, 12:28 PM

Ryan escorts her in with extra formality and deference, as is befitting an apprentice to a higher-ranked Hermetic.
Warm smiles greet Schuyler as she enters the lobby, exchanging a few pleasantries. Erin smiles and waves, but goes back to talking with Olivia and Rosa.

At the appetizer table, she sees an assortment of wines and empty glasses, a decanter of water, fruit & cheese trays, etc., on nice plates. In contrast is a large plate of nachos with melted cheese and an assortment of diced vegetables on a large paper plate, plus a tray of brownies cooked in a tarnished cake pan.
Jimmy smiles and says, "Quite a fuss, huh? I think folk should just chill and let things flow, but, nah, folk just don't go for that, do they? I appreciate what you do with some of your more recreational plants. I put a touch of my own stuff in the brownies."
He ends with a grin, but it vanishes as Ryan walks up, an exasperated look on his face.

"Jimmy, you told me they were fine!" he mutters in something like a whispered shout. "Master Meres won't tolerate that at something like this. Get them out of here."

Jimmy laughs and takes the tray, offering Schuyler one before he leaves.


"Oh, of course, we can talk later. Cell phones should work here..." There's a pause as he glances at Jonathan, then continues, "At least, mine have so far. I guess some calls might be prevented, depending on who you call. If you want a secure line, there's a phone in the hallway there you can use. "

If she looks at the phone, it is a nice rotary phone. A small laptop and a placard sit next to it. The placard notes that you can use the phone as-is, but any caller ID will show up as a blocked number. If you want to spoof a number, type it and who you want to call onto the laptop and the phone will dial it, showing you as whoever you want.


Father Sanchez smiles warmly at Issac's offer. "Thank you. That will do good for them, I believe." To his question, his expression grows troubled. "Robert and I talked some, but I don't know much. It seems most of the details were just fleshed out earlier today, and I should let him tell the full story. But the Technocracy had some new members show up in town lately. It bodes poorly for us. As for why you are invited, you might not be a Tradition mage, but you seek the Truth in your own way and help others see it. You are a friend, and Robert doesn't want to leave his friends at the mercy of ignorance."

2018-05-24, 03:14 PM

Thank you Ryan, as always you are a credit to your master. I hope your studies are going well. Remember that knowledge is the path to Truth and the pursuit of the Truth is all, no matter the path you take.

Schuyler told the younger man, capitaling the T of Truth as if it were the name of Truth rather than just an everyday word. The pensive mood she walked in with seemed to lift a bit with Jimmy's antics.

Quite a fuss indeed, hopefully it will all be for naught and the Master Meres is just being overcautious...

Short pause for thought and change of key.

Its always good to hear from satisfied clients Jimmy, I hope you are keeping well and not overdoing it?

She said raising an eyebrow and smirking as if knowing that of course he was, it was in his nature.

I think i'll skip the recreation tonight, I have the feeling this isn't going to be the most pleasant meeting...speaking of I should pay my respects to the master of the chantry.

Putting down the plate of assorted appetisers and nachos covered in decadent gooey cheese, and wiping her hands on a paper towel.

Rolling for charisma/etiquette in case necessary for the greeting of Robert Meres:


2018-05-24, 05:32 PM

Pamela giggles. Yes giggles. And on top of that little specks of brown start sprinkling in her eyes. "Do you remember the great child snatcher scare of the 80's? well my mother set up a secret emergency contact list that could be used by texting. I completely forgot about it until now. It could get all of us more information on what is going on...or prove paradox removed me from the world, depending on if it works or not. I would really prefer not to be just Pamela. I would rather take paradox damage than loose my family but it wasn't my choice."

2018-05-24, 08:28 PM

“Maybe we can try again after the party. All four of us opening fire on one of those creepy Technocrat Gibsons should make something interesting happen. Of course theres probably more to it than that, given the shooting and such.”

2018-05-25, 03:20 AM

Father Sanchez smiles warmly at Issac's offer. "Thank you. That will do good for them, I believe." To his question, his expression grows troubled. "Robert and I talked some, but I don't know much. It seems most of the details were just fleshed out earlier today, and I should let him tell the full story. But the Technocracy had some new members show up in town lately. It bodes poorly for us. As for why you are invited, you might not be a Tradition mage, but you seek the Truth in your own way and help others see it. You are a friend, and Robert doesn't want to leave his friends at the mercy of ignorance."

Isaac smiles, happy that he can help. At the mention of the Technocracy Isaac tenses a little. He never liked people who enforce their world view on you by strangling your choices. Part of the reason he loved stage magic was it allowed him to trick people into widening their gaze, which so few people did nowadays.

He sighs, worried what the new move by the Technocracy might mean. It was never a good thing, but it seemed quite brazen. He allowed one of his Tasks to contemplate what that might mean for a few moments while continuing the conversation with Father Sanchez.

"I'm flattered you see me that way, many Tradition Mages are not as charitable, Robert is a good man and I'm glad he considers me a friend."

Isaac throws another aside glance at the Mereses, smiling softly to himself that he has good friends.

2018-05-25, 08:58 AM

I'm a tad ignorant of what you speak of, but I'm guessing it's like you text it and it sends info to folk important to you?
Anyway, if my response doesn't make sense, fill me in on exactly what it should do if everything's fine, and I'll edit what actually happens.

Upon sending the message to the service, Pamela gets... well, an unexpected response. A text gets send to her parents, but it seems to be noting a different child by the name of Petunia. Pamela never had a sister, and it wasn't really heard of for Paradox to create an entire person. (Well, besides the occasional hobgoblin.)
But it hints that her parents do exist. Just... not clear how she exists in relation to them.


Megan gives a wicked grin. "Now that's a fun thought. I could see..."
She continues with some ideas. It's clear to Jonas that while she's an apprentice mage, she is definitely not an apprentice hacker.

Engrossed in the topic they both enjoy, they get to the chantry in at least what feels like sooner than expected.
"Glad to give you a lift. I'm gonna go get a glass of sherry. Want one?", she asks as she heads up the stairs to the lobby.

One thing Jonas notices in the chantry is Jonathan's server room, taking up the size of a large office room in the basement. It's locked, but the glass walls show an extensive array of top-of-the-line computers and other devices.


"Indeed, he is. Choristers and Hermetics don't have a great history, but I'm glad to see a chantry founded upon seeing past such near-sightedness. If we're going to help people find Faith, we need people to believe in more than just the Technocracy's lies."


Jimmy shrugs and shoves the offered brownie into his mouth, then walks upstairs to where his room is.

As Schuyler approaches, the chantry masters stop talking and greet her affably. Robert Meres speaks first, "Greetings, Schuyler. Thank you for coming. I trust you and your acolytes are well?"
While his words have the nature of mere pleasantries, there's an undercurrent to his tone of legitimate concern. Whatever this meeting is about, it does have him concerned.

2018-05-25, 09:54 AM

"Indeed, he is. Choristers and Hermetics don't have a great history, but I'm glad to see a chantry founded upon seeing past such near-sightedness. If we're going to help people find Faith, we need people to believe in more than just the Technocracy's lies."

Isaac nods along with what the Father says, not really knowing if what he says is true, except the part about the Chantry being founded that can see past the Near-Sightedness.

"Is that your tradition then? Chorister? I never would have guessed" the last part being said slightly tongue in cheek, but very much in good humour.

2018-05-25, 10:24 AM

I am well Master Meres and my acolytes flourish in their knowledge like magnificent orchids, dear masters I hope you also are well.

With a terse smile and a soft touch on Robert Mere's arm she turned to him to whisper.

Robert, what is this all about...my girls, should I send them away? You have many under your care as well so you know my fears, they cannot protect themselves should...should something happen.

Schuyler looked at him concerned.

How deep does this go?

2018-05-25, 01:12 PM

Father Sanchez responds with a good-natured chuckle. "Yes, indeed. Well, I'll be in touch about your next show, yes?"


Master Meres shakes his head sadly. "Master Noah here is our main source of information, actually. To my knowledge, he's the only one here whose identity is compromised. We should be safe, at least for now, if we keep our heads low. I imagine you are subtle enough, and your home warded well enough, to be safe.

As for your acolytes... that is of course your decision. I'm sure your House would have somewhere safe for them, even off-world if needed. Nobody in my chantry is skilled enough at Spirit to open a gateway for them, but I could find someone to arrange transport. Or there is a chantry in Boston that has a portal to Concordia, though you would have to pay their tolls in Tass. You and yours are welcome to flee here, if they discover you."

With hesitation, he adds, "But my opinion is that we should stay in Albuquerque and continue as we have been. This is a coming storm, but it may blow over."

Noah scoffs at the last remark, responding bitterly, "I'll tell you the details with the others, but almost all of my people are getting ready to leave the city. Technos had some in-fighting, which led to us being tipped off that they knew Blue Two was a chantry before we all got killed or worse." With a sip of his wine, and his voice turning melancholy, he adds, "Honestly, I suspected they knew about us and turned a blind eye due to the good we do. Kinda like what the Children's Crusade has going on. But that time's over, it seems. **** Men in Black."

With a pause, he adds, " 'cuse the language, ladies. Just--a lot of decent folk are gonna die to drugs or gangs because Blue Two is shutting down. I hope the news I bring helps you all continue well."
Isabella places a hand on his shoulder. Schuyler can see a tear dripping from the rugged man's eye.

2018-05-26, 03:55 AM

Father Sanchez responds with a good-natured chuckle. "Yes, indeed. Well, I'll be in touch about your next show, yes?"

Isaac nods, letting the Father get back to his rounds. Isaac then keeps to himself to the side, open body language, but not expectant, indicating anyone who wishes to speak to him may do so, but not demanding anyone does. After a few moments of being alone, he takes a coin out his pocket and begins rolling it across his knuckles, back and forth, back and forth, waiting expectantly for the big announcement.

2018-05-27, 10:52 PM
Will still regenerate post for Pamela once I understand how that BBS is expected to work. Asked question in OOC


The other mages mostly leave Issac alone. Ryan comes and offers him a drink, but then sees to the other guests. Others give respectful nods or pleasant smiles as they pass by, but he notices worry accenting all of them.

As he flips his coin, Edward looks over to him, then takes out a coin of his own to give a flip. He smirks and puts it back in his pocket. Issac likely remembers that Euthanatos often use a coin flip to help divine a simple yes/no question.

2018-05-28, 02:43 PM

If we're staying to fight perhaps they can help with a ritual or two, but I wont make involve them in the fight.

After a short pause:

Thank you for the warning. I'll wait to hear the full story with the others.

Schuyler nodded gravely to the other chantry masters as she withdrew back to the crowd to absent mindedly shove as much sugar into her body as possible. That was partly preparation and partly just stress binging. Thank god her rituals really burn calories or she'd be the size of a whale.

As discussed unless empowered with life effects are delayed.

Thorns - Injury (one effect from below)
Effects: Soporific, hallucinatory, poison (one of damage, strength drain, dex drain, stamina drain)
Powder - Inhaled (one effect from below)
effects: Soporific, choking
Powder - Contact (one effect from below)
effects: Blinding
Liquid - Ingested (one effect from below)
effects: Suggestive, Soporific, Hallucinogen
Liquid - Contact (one effect from below)
effects: severe allergic reaction (speech mumbled, face swollen, difficulty breathing), acid (damage - from bombardier beetles)

Relatively undane medicines: vomitting, diarrhea, constipation, painkillers, fever reducers, muscle ache salves, arthritis salves, indigestion, the one that puts a spring in your step*wink*, energy, sleep aids

Prime created elixirs (imbibed unless otherwise stated)
10x focus enhancers (-1 to difficulty to mental tasks)
10x enhanced healing salves
10x universal anti venom (metaphysically this acts not by attacking the pattern of the venom but rather by only recognising the pattern owned by the imbiber and attacking anything else - good news no more poison bad news, anything foreign including anything you may have wanted i.e. medication or food in the intestinal tract is "neutralised")
10x physical enhancers (-1 to difficulty of physical tasks)
10x enhanced acid
10x enhanced soroporific powder (as above but doesnt require any magic at the time)
10x ointment of skin hardening (skin retains its appearance but becomes very hard)
10x elixir super glue (basically throw at someone and the substance congeals heavily restricting the actions of the subject)
10x universal poison (attacks all 3 physical attributes and can be ingested or contact)

2018-05-29, 09:47 AM
Pamela BBS

As the minutes pass, the chatroom starts. Folk start joining in, several she doesn't recognize. But some she does: her family members, besides her father, and three of the five secretaries.
One of the administrators asks, "What happened, when and where, related to Nephandi."

Meres and Noah's Announcement

As chatter dies down and it seems everyone is present, Robert Meres motions to the Akashi. She nods and heads upstairs, returning in a minute with an older Asian man and a young man in a tattered labcoat. The older man looks the quintessial Asian wise man: bald head, wisps of white mustache and beard, though he stands upright and moves with strength and grace, toned muscles showing beneath his white garment. The young man looks very nervous and exhausted. Dark circles under his eyes, a bit of fuzz on his chin. His labcoat is torn in several places, with a few stains of mud or blood. Those more used to combat may recognize the tears as indicative of bullet holes. The young man looks over the crowd, but his eyes don't seem to really linger on any given person.

Robert coughs and taps a spoon against his wine glass, gathering everyone's attention.

"Thank you all for coming. I, Master Robert Meres of House Flambeau, formally welcome you to Sumbole Chantry. We have here representatives of all local Tradition mages, plus one of our allied Orphans and one seeking refuge. I welcome especially Master Song Chen of the Akashic Brotherhood, Master Isabella of the Verbena, and Master Noah of the Cult of Ecstasy. Unfortunately, it is ill omens that cause this gathering. Master Noah, you know the most."

The Cultist faces the crowd.
"You may have heard about the fighting at New Moon and Eclipse Avionics recently. It was a fight between 'former employees' and new ones, like the news said, but what it didn't say was that it was an internal fight between Technocrats. Guy in the labcoat there is Kevin Smith, formerly of the New World Order. Don't worry: Master Chen has him under some Mind mojo to keep him from remembering any names or faces he sees tonight. But he's a good kid.

Well, from what he told me, the Technocracy took New Moon from somebody. It's a strong node that I'm guessing none of us knew about, and it's a Construct now. What's worse, the folk in charge of it have strong ideas about the Technocracy's direction. Seems they want to start up the Ascension War again, and are hoping to use this city as an example. If they can take over this Tradition-friendly town, maybe they can convince the higher-ups to move worldwide. Or some BS like that. Arguments as the militant group tried to get charge of Eclipse Avionics as well. Went violent.

Kevin was running an errand when the fight broke out, and his master got him word to stay away and told him to warn me. Seems the Technocracy knew about Blue Two for a while, but was keeping a blind eye since we help the town. New guys disagreed, and that was part of the argument.

Blue Two is officially disbanded. My mages and acolytes are mostly regrouping to other towns. Master Meres has graciously offered to let them join Sumbole, and I'll pass that on. A couple are planning to stay local, so I'll pass that on to them. I'm fightin' tears telling you all this. It's a bad thing for the poor in this city, and the gangs'll get worse. As for me, I'm heading to San Francisco to help with a chantry there along with some of my people who I'm pretty sure won't make it here anymore.

I personally recommend you do what you need to to protect yourself and your own. If the Technocracy gets you, you're dead at best. Kevin, you wanted to speak?"

The Technocrat doesn't respond, but then Master Chen nudges him and he speaks.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't realize you were saying my name." With a hesitant glance over the room, he continues, "Like Master... um... like he said, I'm Kevin Smith. I was an, you'd say apprentice of the New World Order. My mentor either died or is being brainwashed right now by the new administrators of the Constructs. I... honestly, I became Enlightened less than a year ago. I know just a few Procedures-er, Spheres... smattering of Prime and Forces, close to getting Mind. But I want to help undo what the Technocracy is doing here. It's supposed to be about helping people, not this power struggle. So I am formally seeking sanctuary."

Robert replies, "And it is granted. Kevin will be essentially under house arrest here at Sumbole while we continue to assess him. Master Chen has spent hours probing his mind to check for him being a spy. We also have some information on the Technocracy in town, which we will share with all of you. Unfortunately, between Kevin's relatively low status and a change in the Constructs, it's likely most of this information is not helpful. But it might help you keep safe.

I was in a War Chantry before founding Sumbole. I left for a reason. I have no desire to bring the Ascension War here. My hope is that, if we can hold out and show their efforts futile, the militant Technocrats here will lose their political battle and things will return close to normal.
In the meantime, all of you are welcome sanctuary at Sumbole if needed. Also, Jonathan has provided some tracking chips. I don't pretend to understand how he says it works, but it can act as a focus for him to find and teleport you into the Net, as a last-ditch survival if the Technocracy has you pinned down but you can reach him. I recommend you all take one and carry them on your person.

Be safe."


Many faces are blanched. Some look at Kevin with hostility and caution, a few with sympathy.

Edward walks towards Meres and, gathering attention, adds, "I know a lot of you don't trust our insights. Whatever. But Fate's been fuzzy of late. Our new Euthanatos, Pamela, was targeted by the Nephandi. So they're active. Things are moving, one way or another. If you hear of anything like Destiny, I'd appreciate you sharing it.
Speaking of which, Pamela, Nirbhay was looking into someone glowing with Destiny. I'm going to go check on him. You wanna come?"

Later, as conversation starts back, Father Sanchez approaches Issac.
"Excuse me, but, given this news, perhaps a private party with my parishioners would be safer?"

Erin and Olivia approach Schuyler. Erin speaks.
"Hey, we found a place growing some odd plants recently. It's a grove Olivia visits from time to time, but it changed a few nights ago. Maybe keyed to fate. No Magick there, though, least not ours. You free to help us look at it?"

Megan calls Jonas over to her and Jonathan's display. After some hellos, Jonathan says, "Megan mentioned your idea of a three-pronged attack. I... honestly, I don't think that'd work to really get pass their defenses. But it might work to provide a good distraction if somebody was planning a hit against the Technocracy in some way or another."

Most people start to leave quickly, the Sumbole residents going upstairs and others heading out. Though there's still some idling around.

I'm providing some plot hooks, but note that you're free to do your own thing if you have ideas.

Ashton Rogers, leader of New Moon, New World Order
At least has Mind 4, Prime 2, Time 2, Life 3, and Forces 3. Seems does not have Correspondence 2. He is acting as the chief of security for New Moon.

For New Moon:
It seems that the CEO and most of the managers are acolytes, the Technocrats wanting more freedom to operate. The acolytes answer to the Technocrats, the CEO being rather deferential to Ashton.

For Eclipse Avionics:
It at least had a good mix of aware Sleepers and unaware working, with the unaware kept out of the deeper research area. Had a dozen HIT Marks on hand. It seems that Iteration X sided with the new militant faction. Kevin was kept fairly ignorant about who was a Technocrat mage and who was just an acolyte with a PhD, but he knew of:

Leah Smitsen -- another apprentice, studying biology under the Progenitors. Arete 2. Life 1. Matter 1.
Dominic Suez -- a Progenitor, and Leah's mentor. Unclear what side he took or if he's still there. Occasionally taught specialized biology labs at the university, that's how he met Leah. Life 4, and at least Prime 2, Matter 2.

Timothy Rivers -- Kevin's mentor. Presumed dead or brainwashed. Member of the Ivory Tower faction of the New World Order. Taught psychology for several years before focusing purely on magical matters. Mind 5. Prime 3. Forces 3. Correspondence 3. Spirit 2.

Francisco Brookes -- to Kevin's knowledge, the only Void Engineer stationed at Eclipse, his job was to help find breaches in the Gauntlet and let the rest handle things. Friendly and funny guy, Kevin expects he's dead. Knows Dimensional Science, that is, Spirit 3, plus at least Forces 2, Correspondence 3, and Life 2.

John Limmerkand -- a forensic psychologist. Has connections with the local District Attorney's office and politicians. Though a long-time member of Eclipse, he was friendly with Ashton and hated Kevin's mentor. Rather hostile to the Traditions. At least Mind 4, Prime 2, Forces 2, Correspondence 3.

Both constructs have a strong security force of mundane guards, some aware, some not. Kevin is unsure if New Moon has HIT Marks or not.

2018-05-29, 10:41 AM
Pamela- BBS

Pamela types in the following:

fact: January 29th, 5:30 pm, Albuquerque....Agents Chief, 3, 99, 007, q, and m were eating dinner when all but 99 were called to a break in at their respective businesses. 99 retired early being tired.

fact: January 29th, 11:59 pm 99 wakes up to a strange female in her bedroom wielding a wicked dagger muttering about 7 sacrifices freeing nephandi masters. 99 WAKES up fully and SHOTGUNS nephandi.

fact: 99 has been unable to connect to family since by normal communications. 99 keeps on receiving phone overseas messages.

end of facts of nephandi attack.

(note the all caps are codes for the other awakened, shotguns refers to blasting the nephandi, wakes should be apparent)

.................................................. .................................................. ....................................

Pamela -during the announcement

Pamela refrains from speaking up about the nephandi attack as it seems the technocracy was bad enough for these people to worry about. Then Edward mentioned it along with an interesting proposition.
" Your car or mine Edward?"

2018-05-29, 12:34 PM
Pamela - BBS

A response reads:
This is 007. I was overseas on business when this happened. Left 1/15. Expected back home 2/5. Secretary said you left message but seemed non-urgent. Calling you.
Similar texts come from her in-laws and mother, her mother adding her father is okay but just busy.

Pamela's personal cellphone rings. It's not a number she recognizes.

So it's on a phone, but you text it? How do you get responses?
If a computer was needed instead of a phone, I can say it was on that. That seems to make more sense. The chantry would have a 'secure-line' computer one could use for outside uses. (Remember the game is set before smart phones were common.)

Sorry if this is frustrating.

2018-05-29, 02:21 PM
Using the comp sounds better.


Pamela is furious. She types in:

Error: If family left, who was dining with 99 on Jan 29 looking like family. this error along with facts above indicate nephandi or SUPERTECH plot. SUPERTECH would then be in violation of anti nephandi truce by attacking SLEEPERS. or SUPERTECH in Albuquerque have gone SATANIC.

truth or war is now only options......

her phone rings, not a recognized number. Pamela immediately removes the battery and sim card then grabs the pistol from her right thigh holster and uses the hand grip to smash the sim card.

then she types in:

unrecognized phone numbers will not be answered. sim card destroyed. face to face with family to be sure not a plot against 99. 24 hours to prove family or war will be assumed.

system : 99 has disconnected from cone of silence

2018-05-29, 05:47 PM
Later, as conversation starts back, Father Sanchez approaches Issac.
"Excuse me, but, given this news, perhaps a private party with my parishioners would be safer?"

"What do you mean father?"

He looks around, his gaze resting on Kevin for slightly longer than is probably necessary.

"I would like to go and speak to Mr Smith, if possible. I think I can speak from experience as to what it is like to be on the outside, perhaps offer some comfort for him, unless you think I shouldn't Father?"

2018-05-29, 09:05 PM

Jonas stands with Megan and Jonathan, looking at the screen.

“So, what if we go a little old-school on this? Hit the dumpsters, social engineer low-level stuff, get some decent quality mundane hacker type stuff. We case the Techy businesses until we know what kind of sandwiches Karen in accounting gets on Tuesdays. Once we have the pile of data to end all piles of data, we leak it on the boards. The Techies get hit by every competent and incompetent out there who wants to make a name for themselves by hitting one of the big boys.”

He pauses, dramatically, to take a sip of the alcohol that he had taken earlier before making a facr and putting it down.

“That’s awful. Anyway, once the new kids on the block are getting beaten down by mundane threats - which they can handle, whatever, because they have to - that’s when we hit. A full nuking with all the three of us can manage. The targets? Those freaky zombie killer robots they make. Make one of them go berserk and you have Frankenstein being reenacted in the streets. With the torches coming after the Techies who made it.”

He smiles, clearly proud of his idea. “Then, of course, everyone else can go cause havoc. What do you think?”

2018-05-30, 08:45 AM

Bloody warmongers stirring up crap in a peaceful town. Can't get to do the work for these idiots. Technocracy, traditions and supernaturals. Enough space for everyone but nooooo ignorant idiots want to scent mark everything *Schuyler thought visibly sighing and deflating as the speech progressed*.

As Erin and Olvia approach she greets them with:

Ever heard of this Chinese curse girls? May you live in interesting times...well I dont think things will stay boring here for much longer.

Now let's look at those plants...hopefully they wont start attacking people either. But if they do, at least you'll have an expert with you.

A mock smile appeared on her face.

2018-06-04, 08:58 AM

Jonathan smiles on-screen, a cheerful, sincere look.

"Y'know, man, that might be a good idea. Hmm... I'll circulate some info I've gathered and see if the local black-hat hackers want to take a stab or two. Most of 'em are jerks, so if one or two does a little time, not a big deal. From what I've seen, the Technocracy will ignore 'em and just use it to shore up small defenses, but it should make them feel confident, get overconfident. And hacking a HIT Mark'd be cool.

But old-school getting personal info? I mean, go for it if you want, but I do virtual combat and intel for a reason. Megan, no way I'm letting you do stuff like that until you can 'port yourself to the Net.
Technocrat finds you snooping in the trash, they aren't letting you off with a warning. But maybe you could chat up one of the Sleepers in reception or something. Dating a Construct's secretary... that's got a fun subversiveness to it.

That said, Jonas, if you wanna try, go for it. You got a wi-fi setup to jump corporeally into the Net, if they find you? I hear you're a Disciple, so that should be no sweat for you."

In case it isn't clear, he's saying yes to coordinated assault, advising against looking into personal info in person (he won't do it, forbids Megan to do it, but says you can).

Also, what's he's talking about is just Corr 3 to jump into the Net. Technically, anyone with Corr 3 can do this, but most mages think you need an internet connection to do it. Many mystics don't think they even can do it. I figure wi-fi would be a reasonable focus, but leave it to you to decide what Jonas believes is necessary.


The two Verbena smile at her joke, though it's a sardonic smile, showing their worry.


The grove is about an hour outside of town. As they get close, Olivia pulls over, explaining she wants to ready a couple Sights before getting near.

Olivia takes out some oils and anoints her eyes and face. Erin takes out a switchblade and nicks her eyebrows, letting a rivulet of blood run into her eyes. (Schuyler had heard the girl's foci tended on the visceral end, and some Verbena do worse, but it still is a sight to see.)

Olivia says, "I got a sight on to see any magick here, and Erin should be able to see any spirits. Well, let's go."

Once they arrive, they walk into a forest. It's fairly quiet -- a few crickets, occasional rustle of animals, but a normal quiet for a nighttime forest -- and the moonlight gives good illumination.

They enter a beautiful grove, surrounded by rocky hills about 5 meters tall, with a bubbling brook in the middle. Really, if it wasn't confirmed a node, such would definitely be a reasonable assumption: the place radiates with a resonance of peaceful nature. Faintly glowing mushrooms are along the stream, as are strange, bright purple vines crawling along the rocky cliffside.

Strangest, though, is the unexpected stranger standing on a rock. He looks like a middle-aged man with short brown hair, tan with a rough face, like a man from an old Western. He's wearing simple jeans and a white, short-sleeve t-shirt, a strange contrast to his face. He holds a flute in one hand, a glowing mushroom with a bite out of it in the other, and motions in a friendly manner towards the approaching magi.

Perhaps strange, too, he does not register to any of the magical sights Schuyler has active.

Pamela -- BBS

Having signed off as she has, and destroyed her phone, she does not get any continued messages.
Well, maybe home or the office will get the confirmation he desires.

Pamela -- with Edward

Edward chuckles, a rough but friendly sound.
"Yours, I guess. I just got my bike here. Nirbhay took the van."

Edward directs her to a house in the suburbs. Not really a poor area or rich area in town. As they get close, he tries to call Nirbhay but looks perturbed at no response.
He flips a coin, and it lands on its edge, sitting straight-up, until the vibration from the car makes it fall into the crack between the seat and the gearshift.
Edward looks displeased.

The displeasure intensifies as the duo nears the residence, seeing police sirens and an ambulance.

Edward curses, then asks Pamela to drive by and park a block away.


Father Sanchez simply replies, "Oh, well, I figured you might need to be rather low-key in your shows, or cancel them, after this announcement. But if not, then it should be well.

I imagine it should be fine to talk to him"

As Issac nears the former Technocrat, the Akashi Master frowns but doesn't do anything to stop the conversation.

Kevin says, somewhat disjointed and awkward, and sounding very tired, but with friendliness.
"Oh, hi. Well, I won't remember your name or face after this, but I'll remember I talked to someone, so just remind me who you are if we talk again later. As... whoever it was said... I'm Kevin, glad to be here and hoping you all accept me."

2018-06-04, 06:02 PM

As Pamela leads the way to the garage, she stops by the big screen to talk to the VA's. "Pardon me but I seem to have a malfunction with my cell phone. It seems to be contacted by the Technocracy. My poor sim card seems to have been destroyed by a very sturdy blunt object. Would any of you happen to be able to fix my poor cell phone for me, and if possible make the new sim card auto block technocracy phone numbers? and if so, how much or what would you like in return?"

After receiving her answer, she escorts Edward to her car.....which should cause him a little bit of jealousy, after all It is not everyday most people get to ride in a Lamborghini.

As she approaches the flashing lights of the police and ambulance, she watches carefully to note who, what, and where the "crime" happened.

I believe this would be a perception+investigation roll though it could be wits + investigation. Either way it's 4 dice for Pamela.

2018-06-05, 01:58 AM

Father Sanchez simply replies, "Oh, well, I figured you might need to be rather low-key in your shows, or cancel them, after this announcement. But if not, then it should be well.

I imagine it should be fine to talk to him"

As Issac nears the former Technocrat, the Akashi Master frowns but doesn't do anything to stop the conversation.

Kevin says, somewhat disjointed and awkward, and sounding very tired, but with friendliness.
"Oh, hi. Well, I won't remember your name or face after this, but I'll remember I talked to someone, so just remind me who you are if we talk again later. As... whoever it was said... I'm Kevin, glad to be here and hoping you all accept me."

Isaac gives the Father a knowing smile for the first time. "I will keep my actual usage to a minimum. Or not at all, I'm pretty good without it. However, I may use a tiny bit to ensure the family you want to bring a long, particularly they child get a good taste of it. Or invite them back afterwards for a short private show, something like that may work better?"

After going over to the prisoner Technocrat, and hearing what Kevin says, he chuckles slightly.

"I get this is going to be kind of hard for you, and if you want to talk to someone who's also a little bit outside the main group, look me up. I'll try and find you again once your settled, and mention this again to you."

2018-06-05, 12:32 PM

Jonathan looks... mostly amused.
"Well, would've been easier to check it if it hadn't gotten smashed... fixing it wouldn't be easy, though I guess I could do it. Probably cause me some 'dox, though, so that'd be costly. And it might still suffer some memory loss anyhow.
If you'd just like a new phone with extra security on it, though, that's no problem. Megan can fetch you one. It's not set up to block Technocrat calls. Just like they don't know all our numbers, we don't know theirs. But it's basically untraceable, can detect if you got a fake number on caller ID, and can spoof caller ID. For payment," he shrugs, "not much comes to mind. A small favor later on? These phones take a few hundred bucks and a few hours of setup, so something comparable."


As they drive by the crime scene, Pamela notices a few interesting details, a mix of her mind quickly connecting some dots and fortune giving a favorable view.

Although the emergency vehicles are scattered among three houses, their attention is focused on the middle one, the one Edward was leading her towards.

There's no incident of a break-in or violence. Instead, a middle-aged woman is crying and talking to an officer, while a man stands in a protective manner near a youth, a girl of about 16-years-old, looking tense and angry.
Another man stands nearby, behind the officer, wearing a black suit and sunglasses, staring in the direction of the family and typing on a small electronic device.

She also catches an Indian man in dark clothing hiding high in one of the trees, covered by early growth. It looks like Nirbhay is safe.


Father Sanchez again expresses his thanks.

Kevin smiles.
"Well, that's appreciated. I reckon I'll remember us chattin', even if not your face.

Really, this is all so strange. I thought I'd get a nice research position and help humanity, learn some awesome science along the way. And now I'm trying to survive working with those I was told were crazy reality deviants.

2018-06-06, 01:30 AM
Isaac chuckles at Kevin's response.

"That's okay, most people forget my face anyway. That's fairly par for the course here, things change very fast, and in quite drastic ways sometimes,and things are not always as simple as they seem. Good luck, I hope we can speak again soon once you're a bit more free."

He returns to Father Sanchez.

"Hopefully he'll be alright. I'm hoping that with a bit of support he can become a useful friend."

2018-06-06, 11:40 AM

Schuyler followed silently, evidently in a foul mood which vastly improved when they entered the beautiful grove. Before the strange sight could absorb her in academic curiosity she her eyes fell on the man.

As she watched used to sorting through a veriety of colors indicating different things she wad puzzled by their complete absence.

What in the absolute hell is this wiffle waffling gobermouching codpiece pretending to be. Girls, be very very careful.

She concentrated for a moment releasing the sights amd maintaining only the shield spells. She also shook out her neklace touching the sigil of purity and the sigil representing mind.

She then approached the man politely asking if he was lost and they could render some assistance, kerping out of arms reach and watching for sudden or unexpected movement.

2018-06-07, 12:41 AM

AT the chantry

Pamela places her cell phone on the table, face down, revealing the gold back with silver etching stating ' For my love Pamela OCT 15 1999 on our wedding day'. She also places the gold battery cover, the battery, and the smashed SIM card. Then she gets out her checkbook and writes out a 10,000 dollar check to cash and a memo of for cell phone security upgrade, and sets it on top of her cell phone. "Some things are worth more than money Johnathon." She then walks away to the garage.

Drive by

" I see they are focusing on the target house while not blocking the road. Possible kidnapping. Technocrat suspect in dark suit and sunglasses. Nirbhay is in the treetops hiding.

2018-06-07, 03:27 PM

Both Father Sanchez and Kevin seem appreciative of Issac's friendliness. Kevin notes he'd be happy to talk anytime. He is basically on house arrest, but the Akashi is going home after the other guests leave, so he'll have his senses all back together then.



Jonathan at first looks rather annoyed, but his expression changes to sympathy at seeing the writing on the phone. He starts to speak, though cuts himself off at Pamela's rather abrupt check-writing. She can overhear him mumbling, in a sad sort of way, to Megan and Jonas. He's not trying to be overheard, but a bit is audible from the speakers nonetheless.
"Oh, man... I guess I can do a temporal scan to get its original specs from when it broke, but changing its composition back isn't gonna be easy. Jonas, you don't happen to be good at Matter, are ya? Glue isn't going to fix all those cracks."


Edward grunts at her assessment, glancing up at the trees.
"Yep. Looks like Nirbhay's safe, and I'd say Technocrats. That girl's the one with some sort of Destiny on her. Looks bad if the Technos are trying to get her."

He flips a coin again. Again, it lands on its edge.
After another curse, he says, "Well, guns blazing or watch for now are what come to my mind. You got any ideas?"


At seeing the three women approach, he jumps down from the rock with a flourished bow, speaking in fast, friendly tone. But perhaps a bit too close to a salesman or carny doing a sales pitch or trying to get you to try a game.
"Lost? No, no, not at all. Nor, I sense, are you three Lost, per se, though the full truth is held from your eyes, like it is from so many who call themselves Awake in this fine city, our Garden of Eden. Or well, this is the outskirts of the Garden, really. The fiery sword and all does tend to make visiting the actual Garden difficult, doesn't it? BUT! But I come from the Garden with news for you."

His tone shifts, becoming slightly puzzled, reflective.
"And to others... I think I'm talking to them soon, but all seem too involved with the Euphrates to really speak to them right now... um... when am I? Oh, yes, you three.
Well, as you know, the Garden of Eden is between three rivers. Pishon, Gihon, and Euphrates. I keep trying for a fourth, but it seems fate isn't going that way. Well, they were in balance, but Gihon is starting to flow stronger. I'm worried it might flood, and the Euphrates seems... to be doing something unexpected. Or, well, maybe..."

He shakes his head, and goes back to his carnival-worker-tone: "So, so, so, what do you do? I'm really only 'spose to advise, give a clue or two, toss a ball or two to maybe get things moving. So I'm here, and there."
He points directly to Schuyler. "You're one of the Pishonites who are in the crux of things. I'll try to get the message to the others, too, earlier or later. But, um, go and do what's right, right?"

He stands there, a carny smile on his face, pointing at Schuyler, not moving. Not really sure if it's terrifying or awkward.

For Schuyler, plan to work on OOC/node stuff

For Issac, sorry not much more to write in this reply.

Genesis 2:10, following
10 A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was separated into four headwaters. 11 The name of the first is the Pishon; it winds through the entire land of Havilah, where there is gold. 12 (The gold of that land is good; aromatic resin[d] and onyx are also there.) 13 The name of the second river is the Gihon; it winds through the entire land of Cush.[e] 14 The name of the third river is the Tigris; it runs along the east side of Ashur. And the fourth river is the Euphrates.

2018-06-09, 05:08 AM
Sorry for the late posting, been a hectic few days at work. Also, don't worry JeenLeen, just trying to figure out a plot hook to grab onto, or whether to just leave and head home.

Isaac heads over to the Akashi who is looking after Kevin, Mage the guard a warm and friendly smile.

"I was just wondering, if you needed any help looking after Kevin? I would be happy to offer my services. I am aware you will very much be more skilled than I, but it perhaps never hurts to have a bit of help?"

Isaac glances over at both Father Sanchez and Kevin, keeping an eye on both.

2018-06-09, 04:37 PM

Schuyler's face was a mix of various and often opposing emotions. As the unknown man spoke she went from surprise, to understanding and then to confusion. Before the end, those feelings had given way to awe and finally to fear and suspicion:

It seems my awakened eyes cannot discern your truth, however. Are you Akhazriel or are you one of the Aarin? Or worse?

I will be using various terms from Kabbalah, alchemy, medieval slang or whatever I get my hands on to flesh out the character. Where it actually matters I'll put the terms im using into spoilers for ease, like below:

Akhazriel:messenger of god
Aarin: Variant of the term used to describe the angles who walked out of Heaven, mated with the daughters of man, and produced the Nephilim; appears in the Book of Enoch

2018-06-11, 03:31 PM

The Akashi Master frowns at Issac, speaking in a strong Asian accent.

"He is only my ward tonight, to protect those here from the Technocracy. Ask Master Meres, untrained Orphan, and leave me be."
He doesn't spit as he says 'Orphan', but the scorn is apparent in his tone.

Behind him, the other Akashi, the American-looking Lucy, gives an embarrassed smile, mouthing the words Sorry.
Kevin slumps his shoulder sheepishly, apparently having overheard the rebuke to the guy who was just nice to him.


The man's face looks confused for a moment, odd with his body, including the pointing hand, not moving. Then stands and lets out a deep belly-laugh, stomping his foot down and putting one hand to his head, like he's loosing himself in something funny. He speaks as he laughs:
"Sorry, ma'am, sorry, been a while since I heard that tongue. And almost nobody guesses it right at the first time. I do prefer the term angel to the more archaic Akhazriel. Huh, maybe I should use that as my name. Been a while since I used a name. It would help folk with guessing what I am. Well, some folk."
After a few more chuckles, he gains control of himself.

"But, yeah, I'm Akhazriel, and I mighta fathered a few Aarin in my day, but I'm not one of those," he adds with a smirk. "We angels aren't supposed to interfere, though I've found the rules with those who really know the Truth are a bit looser. Hence my warning you. And warning the other guy now... Hmm.... sorry, not used to talking to one person, let alone two at the same time. A tad bit distracting. I'm glad not all of you are free to chat right now."

"I... I think I said what I wanted to. I guess I should go." With an overdramatic sigh, he says, "Somebody's gotta watch the Flaming Sword, after all. Well, I guess I'll walk."

He does a tilt of his hat, then starts to walk off in the opposite direction Schuyler and the Verbena came from. He struggles a bit climbing up a moss-covered edge of the grove... a fairly comical scene, if not for the oddness. As he leaves, some of the strange plants start to shift color, becoming more like their usual shades.

Schuyler may notice that Erin is tense, holding a switchblade, though she looks posed more for defense than offense. Olivia seems guarded and wary, but more suspicious than actually concerned.

2018-06-12, 03:44 AM
Isaac, nods, smiles, and bows politely to the Akashic, heading over to Meres, the smile on his face does not look fake, but who would know? After all he's very skilled at telling people what they want to hear, besides he's used to most "True" mages mistreating him.

"I just wanted to offer my help looking after the Technocrat if you needed it Master Meres, I know I am unskilled in the Art, but perhaps I may be of some small use?"

Isaac does his best to keep up appearances of an untrained, apprentice mage so others know he understands his position.

2018-06-12, 11:30 AM

Pamela parks not a block away but just outside the police containment. As she walks towards the ambulance, she opens her parasol and begins twirling it, creating some flickering shadows around her.

when she reaches the ambulance, she politely asks the paramedics about the medical emergency situation.

arete roll for destiny vision

Pamela is using destiny vision on herself to then look at the girl and then try to analyze her destiny. focus used is the flickering shadows created by her parasol. If she does get to analyze the girls destiny int 4 + if occult 2 or investigation, enigmas, alertness, or awareness 1 10 agains because analytical applies. not rolling analyze ahead as not sure which set to use.

2018-06-14, 04:10 AM

Before "Akhazriel" could leave Schuyler's awe was overcome by her critical and investigative streak. Her doubt was clearly showing on her face over crossed arms.

Well, it's certain you are something and apparently have power...however so far you have done nothing to prove any of it nor have you even given any actual clues or help... Even if I were to assume that your message is genuine, you may be using the name of a higher agency to lend credence to your message. For all I know, you may not even have our best interests at heart...