View Full Version : Two Questions about Magic Weapons

Yan Korlat
2018-05-23, 10:42 PM
Reposting so that an old thread doesn't eat my questions.

Is there a way to reshuffle weapon enhancements(not weapon augment crystals)?

Does the disruption property make any sense on a brilliant energy weapon? Does it actually work?

2018-05-23, 11:27 PM
Is there a way to reshuffle weapon enhancements(not weapon augment crystals)?

Not really. A 10th lvl artificer can break the weapon down then build another one just like it with new or rejiggered abilities of the same value for half what it's worth. That's about as close as you get.

Does the disruption property make any sense on a brilliant energy weapon? Does it actually work?

They can't be used at the same time, obviously, but they can both be flipped on and off by command word* so using them separately should be fine.

*I could be mistaken about this being the default for these properties but it shouldn't change the value of them to add this feature.

2018-05-24, 08:17 AM
Is there a way to reshuffle weapon enhancements(not weapon augment crystals)?

Dragonshard Pommel Stone (Forge of War p. 121).

Ancestral Relic (Book of Exalted Deeds) could also work, although it requires a lot more downtime as the price goes up.

Does the disruption property make any sense on a brilliant energy weapon? Does it actually work?

It depends on how you parse this sentence: "A brilliant energy weapon cannot harm undead, constructs, and objects."

This could conflict with: "A weapon of disruption is the bane of all undead. Any undead creature struck in combat must succeed on a DC 14 Will save or be destroyed."

If you consider the Disruption to be a completely separate ability that has nothing to do with the Brilliant Energy property, then you might consider ruling that the Disruption effect resolves regardless of whether the Brilliant Energy has any effect on the undead target.

A better question might be, "How did the weapon designer intend the weapon to work?" If the designer added the Disruption property specifically to help the weapon deal with undead enemies, then you have your answer.

If the designer didn't add Disruption specifically to deal with undead, then no: destroying undead counts as harming them, so by strict RAW a Brilliant Energy weapon wouldn't do anything to undead. In which case, no weapon designer would add a useless ability to a Brilliant Energy weapon.

So I think from this we can conclude that if you find a weapon with both the Brilliant Energy property and the Disruption property, then whoever made the weapon probably intended that these abilities work together.