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2018-05-25, 10:16 AM
The road from Highmoon to Winterhaven

The group formed in Highmoon seeking numbers for a less traveled path.
Rumours of monsters attacking travelers through the East way towards the Thunder peaks made sure no one traveled the path alone.

Though unusual, the group met a wizard from Thay and his minions showing a little more about the past of their youngest companion, a little girl gifted in the art of magic and going with the name of Maria.

Her godmother, Pallas, injured in the altercation was brought to rest and recover in the Gilded Lady inn, last trace of civilisation before the remote town of Winterhaven.

It's morning, speck of sunlight shine through the occasional space between the clouds that are going away after a night of rain. Humidity is heavy, a low fire burns in the hearth of the common room. The room is empty except for a lone human man.

You can discuss together before the action starts, keep in mind it's Maria birthday though probably only her and Pallas know if they haven't disclosed this information yet.

2018-05-27, 12:02 PM
A door upstairs swings open, silently. Although in-between bouts of seething at lingering pain, a mischievous smile appears from the doorframe, surrounded by the currently gaunt visage of a woman. She shuffles down the creaky stairs as innocuously as she can, and plops her things at a table, paying the man no mind at all and enjoying the warmth of the sun's rays. She'd already done a silent prayer in the room, so she sets on seeing if she still has the hidden item in her bag's secret compartment- it's there, all right.

Pallas yawns and titters at the thought that there is some good to the scars that last as proof of her injury- it'll be the one gift to the precocious goddaughter that will actually be a surprise. She dons her chain shirt over her nightgown, and then places the church frock atop of that- She's still a bit banged up, but to the companions, she'd like to look proper and set. After all, they can't hold here much longer.

She put a finger to her lip as she considered what she thought of them- most of them were fresh faces.

She wasn't sure if she should call him mister or Brother Everbright, as he was the cagey sort that may not always appreciate his faith being made public. She'd met him once before, a frictional fellow to be sure- although anyone who carried so heavy in blades and missions might be. She laughed softly at the thought that Maria would likely bring out the worst in him; she was quite difficult herself. Perhaps she ought to be warned in advance not to start trouble.

Leria was a mystery to Pallas not because she was a tiefling- she'd sold enough soap to their people to know they put their leggings on one at a time as well as any- but because she was so well put-together, and yet seemed as if she had nothing and no one to go back to. It could be said that no man was a fortress, but perhaps whoever said that had not yet met their people. Still, she seemed to harbour no ill-intent... or much intent at all, so there was little to worry about. Perhaps Leria was even a better role model for her charge than she was.

Shamash reminded her of the fanciful stories of holy knights that had captured her heart as a child, but tempered with the disappointments of reality. Her first impression of him was one of inflexibility- both in mind and body- and dedication. He too, was a ward of Amaunator- which made them both relics, worshippers of the deity that presided over a device more obsolete than the hourglass. That said, he'd still ended up her knight in shining armour, and there was absolutely nothing that made her feel safer than his presence here today.


She'd have thought some more about things, especially the little genius wizard she'd pledged to protect- but someone else had stirred quite loudly.

2018-05-27, 01:04 PM
Daniel didn't really expect to find even a barely suitable gift for the little girl, but he was pleasantly surprised to find the toy. It wasn't really much, and the girl probably wasn't going to like it, but it was the best he could do. Besides, it wasn't his responsibility, he was just trying to be nice.
He carefully made his way up the stairs, trying his best to hide the toy underneath his clothing. He gives Pallas a barely audible "Good morning", glad that the girl is probably alone in her room. He gives a slight tap on the door and whispers loud enough for the girl (and anyone else who might be in the room) to hear: "Happy birthday little girl. Hope you like your present." He makes his way downstairs, but after taking only one step he stops and says: "If you tell anyone about this I will deny it." Without waiting for an answer he rushes downstairs.

Sicarius Victis
2018-05-27, 01:26 PM
Returning from her early-morning walk, Leria enters the inn. She's not surprised to find one of her companions up and about, but a bit more surprised to see who it is.

"You've recovered then, merchant? That's good. I'd like it if we were able to leave fairly soon."

Taking a drink from her waterskin, Leria sits down at a table near Pallas's, making sure to take a seat that allows view of both the stairs and the door. She wasn't sure what to think of her mercantile companion. But then again, that's nothing unusual. She'd found it smarter not to make assumptions, and just to let others' actions describe themselves better than any guess could.

"The faster we can set off, the longer it will be before more of the attackers who are after your charge can catch up to us, of course. I don't know about you, but I personally would rather fight less than more, where possible."

Hearing Daniel rush downstairs, she stiffens a bit, before relaxing as she sees that it's just another of her companions.

"That makes three of us up, then. I hope we'll be able to leave sometime today, assuming the other two ever get up."

2018-05-27, 08:58 PM
Maria was always slow to get up. It just was in her nature. Maria was just not a morning person. So by the time she woke up, Pallas was already out the door heading for breakfast. Slowly she got up, stretched her arms and legs, and yawned before starting to get dressed. Even the fact that it was her 9th birthday today did not cheer her up much, since it would be the first birthday she would have without her parents present. It still stung, the recent deaths of her parents and she still sometimes cried at night thinking about them.

All that changed when she opened the door to see Daniel give her the toy horse. Maria was many things, a spoiled brat was not one of them. She squealed in delight and graciously tried to hug him with thanks for the gift, whether he liked it or not before carefully packing it in her backpack. Whether or not he will deny it or not mattered not. It was the thought that counts.

Heading downstairs, she sits beside Pallas and cheerfully says, "I'm up. Can we have breakfast first before we leave? I am hungry."

2018-05-28, 10:12 PM
Shamash walks into the common room, humming- badly- a tune often used in the temples of Amaunator.

Did someone say breakfast? Master Karthas at the temple school always used to say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And often the only one, if you're too busy adventuring.

2018-05-29, 07:14 AM
The barkeep approach the group table. You're in luck, we just received fresh bread from the city and a barrel of apricot jam from High Imaskar. Here you go. If you need anything i'll be close by.
He turns to go to the lone man. The discussion is less jovial though still polite.
Going back to his work, he comes by your table Oh and happy birthday little one

The door open a group of tough-looking humans saunters into the inn to the center of the room. The man in the corner leans back into the shadows of his booth. However, the seven new arrivals spot him. Four move to the front and back doors, while three cross the room, cornering the patron.

OOC : What do you do?













































Legend :
X : Outside
D : Door
T : Table
C : Chair/sofa
S : Stairs

Monsters :


Heroes :
I'm seeing you around the table at E4

2018-05-29, 08:18 AM
The newcomers only took a quick glance at your table when they entered.
(M1) Those who went to block the doors seems unarmoured with a club already in hand. They're unshaven and definitely doesn't know what a bath is.
(M2) They are ruthless-looking woman armored in leather, smiling mace in hand. You can see they aren't even trying to hide the multiple daggers they stash anywhere they can on their armor. No need for an insight check to see they are eager for a fight.
(M3) The leader, a tall muscular man with long clean hair wears a chainmail and he's the only one who hasn't already draw his weapon, a long sword.

2018-05-29, 07:54 PM
Even at 9 years old, she does not have to be a genius to know what was going on. Although she did not entirely understand it, the behaviour of the new arrivals was suspicious. Immediately she takes her wand out of her pocket and places it within hand's reach on the table sensing trouble.

What is with the party poopers?

2018-05-29, 11:51 PM
The first to seem to have roused was the Brother of the Raven Queen. She eyed him peacefully as he approached her room, not-so-subtly carrying a gift. Obviously the little one had put him up to this. She waved back as he passed up the stairway, not wanting to spoil his surprise.

Pallas wasn't used to other people getting up before her, but she reasoned an eager group should be a steady one. Leria had obviously already been out for a stroll, and was more than a little ready to get moving. Just as well... but they seemed to have the luxury of time at the very moment.

""The Sun smile upon you this morn, Miss Leria," she replied with her usual pleasant smile, "Ah, I suppose it's better safe than sorry. Symmetry is a thing of beauty, but less in wounds, I think; this innkeep is a fast cook, we should be able to break fast with ample speed."

At last her Goddaughter deigned to grace the table with her presence. Sister Anastasia ruffled her hair as she always did, "Sun's rising on you a bit late, Goddaughter. Amaunator's dial, is it that day already? I fear I'd plumb forgotten your nameday, Maria."

"...Aside from this," She teased, handing off the hidden package from her mother, "'Tis something important enough to be passed first to m-"

She was interrupted by something that made her stop smiling. A loud-tongued dragonborn butchering that tune was trouble enough, but to see a Paladin of Amaunator anything less than punctual twisted the knife enough to elicit a momentary scowl.

She greeted him with the common scolding of the church's insufferable judges, "I wonder if there is morning light enough left for you, Brother. But, yes, let us have a bite to eat. Apologies, Leria, but on my own behalf I must insist. I need strength still."


Pallas continued to smile but narrowed her eyes at the entrance of the suspicious toughs. She cleared her throat, standing and addressing the leader with a merchant's tongue, "Gentle sir, how good of you to grace us with you and your company's presence on such a auspicious sunny day. 'Tis a good time to reflect upon our grievances and take time to share mirth with others, is it not? I wish not to take much of your time, but we were about to sit down for a meal- why not break bread with your band before setting to work?"

She follows, showing her holy symbol, "The light of Pelor shines equal upon the thief and the noble, the leper and the emperor, the doomed and the blessed; Brighter still will it shine when their peoples feast and sing in unison to His Glory, Madreus 4:22."

The merchant priestess, makes an inviting gesture to the tables beside her before explaining, "In short, those who eat, talk and think before acting make clever decisions and unexpected friends. Come, come!"


2018-05-30, 03:25 AM
Daniel chuckled slightly at Pallas's obvious failure, he didn't really expect it to go any other way. "I don't wanna be mean, this time, but I don't think that's gonna work. Now this, on the other hand" He makes a show of drawing his large and very disturbing blade. "will definitely have an effect. I will especially enjoy rending the flesh of that idiot who thinks he's in charge here. The Raven Queen calls to him, and I'm gonna make sure he answers."

2018-05-30, 07:34 AM
The leader look at Pallas and the others at their display. Our work isn't with you... children shouldn't play with those, it's dangerous.
Going toward the lone obviously scared man, the leader You're the one ain't you? and goes to put one dirty boot on the chair just beside him and lean towards him showing to all his weapon.

The lone man I-I-d-don't know what you're talking about

The leader grabs him by the collar and shakes him "a little", and tear a holy symbol from the man neck.

The holy symbol is made of oak and bears the symbol of a rose. The symbol is that of the goddess Chauntea, a benevolent deity of nature and the harvest.

OOC : At this point, what do you all do?

2018-05-30, 11:22 AM
Pallas continues to smile as she stands up, readying her club and shield.

”Ah, I’d have hoped for more reasonable lost lambs, but... ‘Judge wickedness fairly but sternly, do not abide it once cast upon by the light of Amaunator’. Judges, 4:11. In plain common, don’t commit violent crimes in front of priestesses and knights.”

The symbol of her god twinkles, and she works His Might into a a blinding field of light shards to hamper those who would do harm unto others. She knows she can entrust the frontline to the Brother and the Knight, and instead stands to keep Leria and Maria safe.

Stand at F4.

Use “grasping shards” at-will power at H-11, attacking 2 M2s and M3 (who is presumably at the chair).

Damage on hit is 4 (radiant) and will slow the target until the end of my next turn.

As a minor, Pallas Anastasia will make a religion check [roll0] to determine the significance of why anyone would remove a symbol of chauntea.

M2: [roll1] v. Fort
M2: [roll2] v. Fort
M3: [roll3] v. Fort
Damage on hit is 4 (radiant) and will slow the target until the end of my next turn.

2018-05-30, 05:13 PM
Maria naturally reaches for the box and opens it. She covers her mouth in surprise, shock and glee. Pulling out the wand she examines it and realizes its special properties. She gives Pallas a big bear hug before Pallas decides to deal with the thugs.

Thank you! I shall treasure this gift forever!


Maria does not know about or recognize the symbol but from the intruder's actions she knows the man in the booth is in trouble. She waits and sees what happens next and how her friends react.

2018-05-31, 07:32 AM
It was only a show of power between the leader and to quivering man.

The group gained the enemy their full attention.
Those around the quivering man took the force of Pallas spell and they turned towards the group.
Both woman advanced as much as their feet would let them and stayed on the defensive.

M2A : Move to I8; Standard action : Total defense
M2B : Move to G10; Standard action : Total defense

In bold : Can play in any order
1. M3 [25]
2. Pallas [25]
2. M2 [22]
3. Daniel [16]
4. Leria, Maria [13]
5. Shamash [11]
5. M1 [7]

2018-05-31, 08:52 AM
"Oh, so it's a fight you want! Let's shine some light onto the darkness that you bring here!

Move action: Shamash moves over to F9
Standard action: Valorous Smite vs. M2B: [roll0]
If that hits: [roll1] damage.

Minor to follow pending the result of this attack.

2018-05-31, 08:59 AM
If that hit: All enemies within 3 of him, which is M2A, M2B, M3, and M1C are subject to Shamash's Divine Sanction until the end of his next turn. They are Marked, and the first time they attack an ally of mine without including me, they take 7 Radiant damage. Note that applies to all of them- in theory, each could take 7 damage if they all attack other people.

If it didn't hit- he'll use Dragon Breath targeting M2B and M3, and I'll do the rolls for it. Both would be under his Divine Sanction until the start of his next turn. If not, he'll hold off on that until next turn.

2018-05-31, 09:31 AM
"Now this is my kind of party. Waldius and I are going to have some fun with this." Daniel says as he makes his way towards the closest enemy. "This is going to hurt, but I might let you live, if you don't piss me off too much." He focuses on the enemy in front of him, channeling his divine power. He strikes with a perfect balance of weapon and magic he pulls his enemy forward while moving back towards the group.

Move: Move to H4.
Minor: Oath of Enmity, M1A
Standard: Overwhelming Strike, M1A, Daniel shifts to G5, M1A slides to H4

Sicarius Victis
2018-05-31, 10:25 AM
Leria sighs. "Well, so much for not getting into a fight yet."

Drawing her rod, she moves to assist her allies.

Move Action: Move to F8
Minor Action: Warlock's Curse on M2B
Standard Action: Hellish Rebuke on M2B

Attack: [roll0] versus Reflex
Hit: [roll1] fire damage, and if Leria gets attacked M2B takes another 1d6+3 fire damage

2018-05-31, 10:02 PM
Maria is more worried about the man in the booth. She does not like the way the leader is handling him and decides to take matters in her own hands. Using her new wand, she makes a downward circling motion with it and a rolling ball of fire appears behind the leader. A tongue of flame lashing out at him.

Cast Flaming Sphere H11. Spell Attack on Leader M3. INT vs REF. Spell is maintained through minor action after this turn. Any creature starting its turn adjacent to sphere suffers 9 damage(see next post. Mistyped the last roll). Use Heroic Effort Racial Encounter power triggered by missed attack to add +4 to attack on leader making it 16(Why am I rolling so low these days?).

Flaming Sphere Attack on M3(INT vs REF): [roll0](16 with Heroic Effort)
Damage if hit: [roll1]
Damage to any creatures adjacent to sphere: 1d4+6

2018-05-31, 10:07 PM
Sorry this is for the damage to adjacent characters to the flaming sphere.


2018-06-01, 07:27 AM
Commanding the attention on himself, Shamash is encircled by the group.

While the one on the south door desert his group, Maria and Daniel are quickly aware of a faint sound... the sound of a flint... The one who fled is trying to put the inn on fire!

Another climb on a couch to be able to get to Shamash while the other charge at Leria.

M1A : Unconscious
M1B : Get's out the door, but... :smallbiggrin:
M1C : Move on the chair at E10 (i'll give him disadvantage for the awkward position)
- Standard action : Attack on Shamash [roll0] vs AC
-- If hit : 2 damages
M1D :
- Standard action : Charge Leria (position after charge is E9)
-- [roll1] vs AC
--- If hit : 2 damages

---------- End of turn 1 ----------
---------- Start of turn 2 ----------
The leader squint at the fire caressing his face. Your death will be a slow one little girl...
He goes around the table toward Shamash, draw his long sword and lunge at him.

M3 :
- Start of turn : Takes 9 damages from the flaming sphere
- Move action : Move to G8 (flanking with M1C)
- Standard action : "Press the advantage"
-- Attack roll [roll2] vs AC
--- Damage [roll3] and target is dazed (save ends)
---- Rolling recharge now for this power [roll4]

In bold : Can play in any order
1. M3 [25]
2. Pallas [25]
3. M2 [22]
4. Daniel [16]
5. Leria, Maria [13]
6. Shamash [11]
7. M1 [7]

Battle map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1p_43cJXvg5OJduZ7G6qptZ0bs3jODzQnxrS5nkK86bs/edit#gid=0)

2018-06-01, 04:29 PM
For a very long moment Daniel was confused by sound he heard, but the confusion was soon replaced by anger. He storms outside, without saying a word, and catches up to the runaway enemy. Without saying a word, he lets Waldius slice through his target's abdomen. "That's not going to work." He says as his target quickly bleeds out.

Move: Move to 13D
Minor: Oath of Enmity, M1B
Standard: Overwhelming Strike, M1B, Daniel shifts to 12D, and M1B corpse moves to 13D
Damage(Just for fun)

2018-06-01, 10:38 PM
Pallas readies her curved half-shield, pushing past her ward to protect her.

"I shall keep you safe, child. Keep focus on your casting." Calmly, she raises her fingers with a prayer, crackling sparks coming from them.

Move: F6, pushing past maria.
Standard: Thunder of judgement against M3, M2A and M2B. (Attacks three targets, hit targets are dazed)

M2A: [roll0] v. fort, [roll1]
M2B: [roll2] v. fort, [roll3]
M3: [roll4] v. fort, [roll5]

Minor: Perception on the firestarter [roll6]

2018-06-04, 10:11 AM
Pallas attack hit the leader though the other two remains.

M2A ready her dagger and lunch it at Shamash while M2B get lashed by the fire and move away from it before attacking Shamash with her mace.

Results of Pallas attack : Leader (M3) is hit for 10 damages and is daze until the end of Pallas next turn.
M2A on Shamash
Basic range attack vs AC : [roll0]
Damage if hit : [roll1]

M2B on Shamash
Dazing strike vs AC : [roll2]
Damage if hit : [roll3]
M2B shift to G9

In bold : Can play in any order
1. M3 [25]
2. Pallas [25]
3. M2 [22]
4. Daniel [16]
5. Leria, Maria [13]
6. Shamash [11]
7. M1 [7]

Battle map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1p_43cJXvg5OJduZ7G6qptZ0bs3jODzQnxrS5nkK86bs/edit#gid=0)

You're sure the one who fled is out trying to put fire to something

2018-06-04, 12:10 PM
Shamash grunts as he takes a crossbow quarrel, but is otherwise unharmed by the numerous attacks that have hit him.

You dare to damage a servant of the Keeper of the Yellow Sun! You'll pay for that!

Shamash activates the power on his Blood Fury Longsword- he's now considered Bloodied until the end of his next turn

You'll all regret that!

Close Blast 3, Targeting M2A, M2B, M3- I believe that only M3 is Dazed, but if that's not the case, add 2 to the attack rolls against the others.
Attack vs. M2A [roll0] vs. Reflex
Attack vs. M2B [roll1] vs. Reflex
Attack vs. M3 [roll2] vs. Reflex

Damage: [roll3]

All 3 are Divine Sanctioned until the start of Shamash's next turn, hit or miss.

And you! Don't even think about ignoring me!

Attack is vs. M2B unless he just dropped from Dragon Breath, in which case it's against M3 and add 2 because M3 is dazed

Attack: [roll4] vs. Reflex
On hit: [roll5] Lightning damage and target takes 4 Lightning damage whenever it attacks one of my allies

2018-06-04, 12:38 PM
Maria continues to pester and harass the leader and his minions with the flaming sphere by moving it slightly more to the west and once more unleash its flame upon the leader burning him.

Did my last Flaming Sphere attack on M3 hit because of Heroic Effort human racial encounter power?

Minor Action: Maintain Flaming Sphere.
Move Action: Move Flaming Sphere to H8.
Standard Action: Flaming Sphere Attack on M3. [roll0] vs REF for [roll1] damage if hit. Flaming Sphere does [roll2] damage to any creature that begins its turn adjacent to it.

Sicarius Victis
2018-06-06, 03:06 AM
"Oh, by the bloody Turathi flames," Leria mutters. "This is not how I wanted my day to go."

Minor action: Curse M3
Move action: Shift 1 to E7
Standard action: Hellish Rebuke against M3. [roll0] vs. Reflex for [roll1] fire damage. If the attack hits, and Leria takes damage before the end of her next turn, M3 takes another 1d6+3 fire damage.

2018-06-06, 07:12 AM
M1C shift from his position and flee through the door (15' passed the door outside).

---------- End of turn 2 ----------
---------- Start of turn 3 ----------

M3 shift from his position, drops his weapon and put a knee down. Reluctantly I surrender... and he looks at the last standing of his companion.

M1A : Unconscious
M1B : Unconscious
M1C : Out the northern door, 15' passed it
M1D : Dead
M2A : Standing, not bloodied
M2B : Dead
M3 : Bloodied and surrendering

In bold : Can play in any order
1. M3 [25]
2. Pallas [25]
3. M2 [22]
4. Daniel [16]
5. Leria, Maria [13]
6. Shamash [11]
7. M1 [7]

Battle map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1p_43cJXvg5OJduZ7G6qptZ0bs3jODzQnxrS5nkK86bs/edit#gid=0)

2018-06-06, 12:31 PM
Pallas puts down her weapon on the table and rummages through her bag, grabbing some rope and tossing it across the room with a wry smile.

She speaks clearly and forcefully as she eyes the two carefully, ”I’m glad we’ve come to an accord. Tie yourselves up for now and we’ll talk business. Oh, and for the mercy of Pelor, do tell the gentleman outside attempting to set fire to this place to sod off.”


2018-06-07, 08:00 AM
The woman let go of her mace and fetch the rope to tie up the leader. Looking at Pallas An accord? You're the one who attacked first... we're only doing our job... you'd helped a thief inst... The leader interrupt her Quiet... let them do as they please... a quick smile appeared on his lips looking at the woman who smiled back and went on her knees He's tied up, who's gonna tie me?

2018-06-07, 10:10 AM
"I don't like it when people block my exits, it's not something seven people do when they are up against only one person. And when you try to burn the place down you end up with your insides out, just like your friend over there." He points towards the corpse at the door.


2018-06-07, 11:22 AM
The leader snickered Oh, he wasn't a friend at all. It's probably better to have him that way. Though that he pointed with his head toward the thief of Chauntea he's quicker than you'd think. We needed those four to corner him. The burning of the place, I admit was stupid. Though that's what you get when you pay so little for thugs... they act without thinking.

2018-06-07, 10:01 PM
Maria stayed glued to where she was, not willing to move closer since she did not trust these men. She is watching them closely all this time and tries to surmise what their intentions were and if they are lying.


Sicarius Victis
2018-06-08, 05:04 PM
"They do have a point, you know. We did attack them first without even bothering to find out what they had against the alleged thief, here. That all being said, what happens now?"

2018-06-08, 08:38 PM
Pallas smirks despite the development, although less than usual. "I apologize if I was rash to escalate things, Miss Leria, but given the information we had I believe we made the best decision that we could. A High Judge of Amaunator would say that there is little in the way of substantive proof that man was a thief; and it does not seem to match the character of a shopkeep that took no advantage of us."

She moved over to the other woman to tie the ropes for her (just a bit too tightly for a second before setting them properly), not showing a sign of nervousness in the slightest, suggesting, "Happy to oblige, lost lamb. I would like to hear your side of the story, but I'm afraid we're now short on time. If you're able to talk fast, I think now might be the time."

2018-06-10, 08:31 PM
The scared man, his hand trembled snatching the symbol of Chauntea Pl...p...pl...plea...please... i'... i'm... no..t... as they say... i'm... no thief... a messenger... please, you have to believe me...

The tied leader sight audibly while the man still huddle in the booth quivering, clutching with white-knuckled fist the symbol of Chauntea.

Looking at the woman, the leader turn to Pallas...
Well... I suppose we should've killed him first... oh well... our lives is more important than the work we were given. He's in fact a thief... he stole information and we were sent to recover this information... he look at Maria, smiling wickedly it means killing him.

The end justify the means... i'm sure you told yourselves the same thing while killing us. Let us go, that thing looking as a human won't die by our hands... what happen now?

Sicarius Victis
2018-06-10, 08:47 PM
"I assure you, miss Pallas, I certainly won't judge your actions. I must admit, I'm a bit more impressed than anything else," Leria smirks, turning to the captives. "'The ends justify the means'? Well, I suppose it certainly can seem to. It all depends on how you define 'justified', of course. So tell me, 'oh mighty warrior', how would you define justified?"

2018-06-11, 09:01 PM
Maria was not convinced. Not that she condoned thievery, although there was the possibility of the leader lying about it, she doubted that any information was worth a life. That was what tipped the scales.

That information that he stole better be very very important because I do not think that executing someone for thievery is acceptable. Even I know that. What is this information that he stole. And why not go to the city guard and authorities over it. Or are you afraid that maybe they may agree with me and would find your actions reprehensible and try to stop you. The only type of thievery worth capital punishment is cold blooded murder.

2018-06-13, 01:26 PM
Well, killing to preserve the integrity of my benefactor is always justified. he looks toward Maria Little girl... you might want to see the world a little... it's not filled with unicorns and fluffy bunnies... once you stole some informations, you can't give it back... the only way is to slice his troat and kill the thief in a single quick stroke... or poke him, pierce his liver and wait for him to die in extreme pain, slowly... but it would be pointless, better kill him one shot.
He sigh audibly Be done with it now... let us go

2018-06-15, 09:42 PM
Maria shakes her head and says, You have not answered my question. Just what exactly is this information that is more important than a man's life.

Frankly I do not care about someone's integrity, not when it comes to the well being of others. And I may not be as old or as wise as say Elminster or even yourself but I think this should be decided by the town's authorities not you. Innkeeper can you please get the town guard?

2018-06-21, 06:54 AM
Town authorities He laughs then look at the others That's a cute little girl you have there.

Innkeeper goes out of the inn a moment and come back Usually there's guards coming through every hours so they should be here any moments now.

The man look at Maria I'll answer you when I see you next. So please do remember this name. William of Winterhaven.

The scared man calmed down as the companions have full control of the situation and approach Pallas. Th-th-thank you so much for saving me. Chauntea bless you; bless all of you! I thought for sure I was d-d-dead. My name is Gevarn, and I’m an acolyte of Chauntea. I was sent from Winterhaven to seek help.

2018-06-24, 08:58 PM
Maria ignores the man but takes note mentally of his name. She waits for the town guard to arrive and arrest the men and lets the others talk to the man in the corner.

2018-06-26, 07:11 AM
The next hour pass quickly.
Guards comes to arrest the hired muscles, though they go with a smile on their faces, looking at the group.

Gevarn, Chauntea priest, tells you about his mission before going with the guards.

You learn that were hired by someone in Winterhaven to stop him from reaching his destination and revealing what he knows.
He tells you about Sister Linora who learned about a cult of Orcus that asserted itself in Winterhaven.
You hear of Marla from the church of Pelor who tracked the cult there. Also, there's something about a priest named Kalarel who seem to be the leader of this cult and though he would've been in Winterhaven long ago, he only recently came back... with the cult.

You now set out towards the Thunder Peaks only road to Winterhaven.

Sicarius Victis
2018-06-26, 12:41 PM
"And now there's a gods-forsaken cult to look out for," grumbles Leria. "That's perfect, really. I was just wondering how much more this day could irritate me. What next, a lich attack?

Well, at least we finally managed to leave this place. It took about long enough."

2018-06-26, 11:40 PM
Pallas pats Maria's head again. She'd been in thought for much of the last hour, and had also aggravated her wounds.

"Ah, God-daughter, to see you speak and act with such righteousness, such conviction- 'tis a heavy thing to almost feel jealous of your quick maturity. Despite that man's wicked grin, don't think the sight of a young lady lambasting him did not reach him," She gushed, in a surprisingly good mood despite everything.

She headed up Leria's concerns, "There is always violent deceivers to watch for, cultists or otherwise- your concern is well-founded, but there are few times you are protected by hiding truths in the darkness, and less so with such groups. 'Hidden knowledge abets the scheming and foils the sunlight; Their ilk look fond upon it as if it was lies to their service -John Gull'."

She thought for another second and added, "On the subject of things no longer hidden- now that we are relatively unobscured, we should think of our marching order. I nominate Sir Paladin as foreguard and myself as rear. I should like my little Amaunatorian just in front of me for teasing purposes, but if there are other thoughts there is most likely room for improvement. However we go, I do not think we should stop much 'til we reach that hollow place, Winterhaven."

Despite what she'd said, she didn't yet speak of her prior knowledge of Karalel, as she was not one hundred percent sure herself. It nigh-assured that they would find resistance in that place.

2018-06-28, 04:35 PM
Maria was never self righteous out of habit. The way she acted was the way she felt. She hated innocent people being killed for trivial reasons. Only in self defense should it ever be done. But that would mean that the person was guilty and this was not the case. Perhaps having lost loved ones and being on the run from death gave her a better perspective of this. And she really wanted to do the right thing, it was something her parents tried to impress on her when they were alive.

Maria just rolls her eyes at Pallas' suggestion for marching order. She insists though that someone at least be behind her to protect her back. It would not do well to have her attacked from behind without protection while she was busy casting spells. She will take 3rd or fourth from the front.

2018-06-29, 07:11 AM
The group engage the road leading towards the Thunder Peak.
It's not long before the cold morning leave. As the day goes by, humidity get's heavy as a sparse rain only help making everyone clothes damp.
It's a slow walk but after a day, you are finally in sight of the road winding within the peak. The rain stopped and the group is welcomed by a speck of light from the setting sun.

Uneventful day, night is about to arrive, what do you do?

2018-07-02, 11:03 PM
Maria tries to bravely continue on the journey and even though she does not complain, it is clear that she is not used to long journeys of travel. Nevertheless she soldiers on. Occasionally she offers some rations to the others and tries to stay alert and ready for trouble.

When it is obvious that the night is coming she says, Um guys I think we should stop and make camp for the night. I will take first watch.

2018-07-03, 12:24 PM
Shamash thinks for a moment, then asks Does anyone know how far away we are from Winterhaven? If we can't make it there soon, I'd as soon stop and set up camp.
Hot food sounds good to me right now.

2018-07-18, 07:11 AM
Pallas would know it's about 6 to 7 hours to your destination and probably more with the weather. There is absolutely no way to get to Winterhaven before dark.