View Full Version : Items that improve disguise?

2018-05-26, 10:46 PM
So my new character is going to be very stealth/assassination/disguise oriented. I was wondering if anyone knew of any magical items that help with the disguise ability OTHER THAN the hat of disguise?

I want to ensure that my disguises are as good as possible.

2018-05-26, 11:48 PM
Well there is the non-magical, disguise kit that gives a +2 competence bonus to disguise per use. A skill shard of disguise gives a temporary bonus to disguise that is also competence so the disguise kit is a probably a better bet.

The Dust of Illusion functions as disguise self but can also be used on other creatures.

The problem you may run into is that most boosts to disguise, outside of feats or class features, are gonna be hard to stack.

The good news is that, at as low as level 2, you can have 5 ranks in disguise, a +2 synergy bonus from 5 ranks in bluff, a +2 from disguise kit, and a +10 from a disguise self-like effect for a total of +19 before factoring in charisma modifier, feats, or racial bonuses.

This will likely be an impenetrably high disguise in most low level circumstances. The higher you get in level, the harder it will be to pull off disguises in general because divination magic gets much better.

2018-05-27, 12:04 AM
If I were using an item that grants disguise self (or just use the spell itself), does that +10 bonus stack with ranks that I have in disguise? I am going to be playing an assassin-type character soon and I would like to use disguises as much as possible because it sounds fun from a roleplay perspective. The mundane item definitely helps even if it is only +2. What feats aid disguise self? What are skill shards?

2018-05-27, 12:06 AM
The feats Deceitful and Skill focus (Disguise) add to your Disguise bonus.
Your skill ranks will stack with the bonus from Disguise Self.
Skill shards are psionic items.

2018-05-27, 01:30 AM
Vestment of Many styles from Races of Eberron p. 175 is a set of clothes that physically changes to give a +2 to any disguise involving clothes. Should stack with Glammers like the Hat of Disguise without problem, as it adds an actual physical (therefore tactile) element to the disguise. Only 500 gp and just generally superior to the similar Shiftweave from MIC.

2018-05-27, 09:10 AM
The psychoactive skin of proteus gives you metamorphosis at will, allowing you to gain a +10 untyped bonus to disguise. It also grants a ton of utility, defense, mobility, and offense. One of the best non-customized items in the game (epic or otherwise). Sanctify it during creation and add Words of Creation to boost the ML to 8 for (essentially) free.

Combine a skill shard with a synaptic mask (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/equipment/psionic-items/universal-items/#TOC-Synaptic-Masks) to gain the skill shard's benefit constantly. Might wanna use the mask as a headband, though, or wear it under the psychoactive skin above.

There's an amulet in the A&EG that allows you to polymorph into a specific creature. It also grants an untyped +10 though only for that particular creature.

2018-05-27, 02:09 PM
Mask of Lies, allows wearer to change self at will with non-detectable alignment and a bonus to bluff for 17k.

Therese 2nd version of it in the MiC for 4.5k and limited 3/day.

Shift Weave

2018-05-27, 03:07 PM
Which race, class, and setting/region your new character belonging to?
For example, in Oriental Adventures you may get [ancestor] feat - such as Many Masks (+2 on Disguise & Perform), Lion Spy (+2 on Disguise & Gather Info), or Secret Society (+2 Bluff, Disguise, and Forgery)
Umbragen may take Shadow Shift feat - +5 circumstance on Disguise for [character level]/minutes 1+[number of racial feats] times per day (non-Su, so True Seeing wouldn't negate it)
Changeling with Perfect Reflection and Racial Emulation is really difficult to unmask
Spellscale Cleric of Aasterinian may take Initiate of Aasterinian (+2 competence on Bluff, Disguise, and Sleight of Hand) and Holy Symbol, Trickery (+1 circumstance on Disguise; nonmagical and slotless; 100 gp) Also, fluff: "Aasterinian's clerics are typically wanderers who travel in disguise or secrecy."

Double-Sided Clothes: This specially made set of clothing is useful for allaying suspicion and throwing off pursuit. A bard who has been spotted leaving an assignation, a spymaster who is trying to throw off a tail, or a thief who wants to establish an alibi—any of these can benefit greatly from this relatively simple item.
Each piece of clothing in the set is reversible, and the two sides differ markedly in color, style, and general appearance. Neither side resembles the other in any way, and most often the two ensembles even correspond to different social stations. Thus, the wearer can take pains to be seen wearing one outfit, then duck briefly out of sight and emerge looking so different that only the most suspicious observer would connect him or her with the person who vanished a few moments before. However, it would behoove the suit’s owner not to use it too many times in the same town, lest some bright citizen make a connection between the disappearance of one person and the appearance of the other.
It takes 2 minutes to reverse the clothing and alter other details (such as hairstyle, jewelry, and so forth) appropriately. A character who completes the change gains the standard +5 bonus on Disguise checks for alteration of minor details. If the wearer attempts any additional changes (such as using spells or a disguise kit, or appearing as a different gender, race, or class), apply the corresponding check modifiers (see the Disguise skill description in Chapter 4 of the Player's Handbook) and extend the time required appropriately.
Jester's Kit: A fine collection of gaudy clothing, face paint, toys, puppets, juggling balls, and other colorful items. It grants a +1 circumstance bonus on any Perform (comedy), Perform (buffoonery), or Disguise checks to avoid recognition.Improved Disguise feat (Dragon #335) You do not suffer the normal –2 penalty when disguising yourself as another gender, race, or age category. You can don a disguise in half the normal time.

Any way to cast/use Guidance of the Avatar (http://archive.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20010504a) may give you +20 on Disguise checks, which is unlikely to be beaten by anything level-appropriate

Also, rather extreme variant: Humanoid Skin graft (Underdark) "+10 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks made to appear as either a humanoid of the appropriate race or the specific donor humanoid" (Like in Face/Off (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Face/Off). Or Darkman (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darkman).)

2018-05-27, 06:15 PM
If I were using an item that grants disguise self (or just use the spell itself), does that +10 bonus stack with ranks that I have in disguise? I am going to be playing an assassin-type character soon and I would like to use disguises as much as possible because it sounds fun from a roleplay perspective. The mundane item definitely helps even if it is only +2. What feats aid disguise self? What are skill shards?

Yeup, even a hat of disguise will. I'd list off some other items but they don't work any differently from the hat so I don't see the improvement.

mabriss lethe
2018-05-27, 09:56 PM
A Circlet of Persuasion will help with disguises, just like it does on every Charisma roll.