View Full Version : Djinni vs Boon Trap?

2018-05-27, 11:30 PM
I know alot of people think of boon traps as a bad joke but I allow them in my campaign.

Tonight we were talking through a scenario where the players worked through a "job" for Calim, a noble djinni in FR, in exchange for a lock of his hair.

Now my guys have researched a Psionic Simulacrum power and they realized that a sim of a noble djinn would be even better than a boon trap. Using the 3 wishes and permanent Major Creation SLA's on a time slowed demiplane, there are literally tons of options there. Versus a Boon Trap tied to a certain material/option.

All I need to do now is figure out what 12 cubic feet of gold coins comes out to? Or of adamantite or oak wood even.

2018-05-27, 11:41 PM
All I need to do now is figure out what 12 cubic feet of gold coins comes out to? Gold is ~1,206 lbs. per cubic foot.

Or of adamantite or oak wood even. White oak is ~50 lbs. per cubic foot.

Adamantine weight should be in the DMG.

2018-05-27, 11:48 PM
So if each cubic foot is say 1200lbs and each pound is roughly 50 coins thats 720000 per cast of Major Creation from a Djinni?

Nice number for gold, not so much wood.

I was thinking of using that to help avoid having to chop down trees for firewood or maybe using it to make rare woods for crafting and the like.

2018-05-28, 12:35 AM
How does the math work on a boon trap again? Say of gold coins...