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2018-05-28, 08:01 AM
Date: Ventedares, Life, Pandemonium (Day, Week, Month)

The days are starting to grow colder, as this day is shadowed with a dark overcast. The bustle of the city did not seem to slow as everyone was preparing for the coming winter. However rumor spreads fast in a city, as an attack had just recently taken place in the Market district. The Lord and Governor of Crossroad Hector Suntail's children along with his ward and adopted son had been attacked.

The attackers came from nowhere and had kidnapped Suntail's adopted son Gurk. However, as the attack happened a group of strangers seemed to have been caught up in the frey. An amalgamation of rather odd individuals, but still Suntail was grateful that his two children were saved. However one of this group was also kidnapped and taken with Gurk, which brings about a partnership between Suntail and this odd band of adventurers.

With Suntail's blessing the adventurers Celine, Spirit, Merle, and Jinivia are now on the case of finding Gurk and Aelvan, but with the sheer strength, these thugs seem to possess the 4 are going to need to find more help in rooting out this hidden menace. After a night of rest the 4 head out from Suntail's home to begin their investigation on this strange band of cutthroats. needing to increase their strength, they seek those whom may be willing and able to help, with Suntail's guidance on the matter.

After a brief meeting with the lord and lady, they are pointed to two individuals who have started to make names for themselves as well. Rumm a half-orc who has been well known to cause quite the ruckus, and Ikbo a kolbold who was a rising star among bounty hunters in Val before coming to Crossroads. The two now have been summoned to the gates of Suntail's castle, on the island in the center of Crossroads. It is here the 4 await their arrival.

2018-05-28, 06:17 PM
Jiniava stood in the side, with folded ear, constantly petting her familiar (http://gryphonking.aelfhame.net/art/games/senmurv.jpg) which she named, Rainbow. He wasn't any bigger than an average owl, but he surely was colorful, and strange.
'If just I have been faster...'

2018-05-28, 07:01 PM
Merle sat by the fireplace in the castle, next to Celine. The black-furred tabaxi's outfit denoted her station, as a maid outfit, but it was clearly more rugged, patterned forest-green, perfect for blending into the environment. A corset, short hoop skirt, and half-cloak with a detachable hood completed the outfit, all with sufficient trim to look cute while still being practical. Furthermore, it was revealing enough to show off their fur, while still covering enough to not make anyone uncomfortable for some baffling (to her) reason. Jiniava, a white-furred tabaxi, was dressed the same way, the only difference being where Merle's apron and lace trimming were a silvery-white, Jiniava's had a soot-black apron and trimming.

As Jiniava lamented Aelvan's loss, Merle spoke up, fingering the gemstone on her collar. "Sister, it is sad, but Mistress Celine is grieving too, and it is our duty to attend to her," she replied. Despite her words, however, it was clear she was just as sad.

2018-05-29, 01:36 AM
Ooc: I'll link my sheet here to ease my life.

Also a good friend ordered an art for her:https://sta.sh/0es1ya3iiot


Jiniava nodded. "You are correct... please forgive me." She smiked wary, even if her smile hasn't gotten to her eyes.
"Do you wish for anything Mistress?" She turned to Celine

2018-05-29, 12:23 PM
Ikbo is escorted to the castle atop his goat, slumped over in it and unmoving. Almost like a dead body propped on it’s back, his raven perched on his shoulder as a sentry. If you get closer you could hear the Kobold snoring softly. As he reaches the castle and the new group he’ll working with, Echo flies a circle over the kobold’s head and mimics the fanfare of trumpets for a dramatic entrance. Ikbo wakes up annoyed, swatting at his raven, mentally telling it to shut up. Echo ignores him and says in a jovial male voice ”Now isn’t the time for a nap, we’ve got work to do!” Ikbo perks up immediately and gestures for his raven to return to his shoulder with a smile in his eyes.

He looks at the people he is brought before and nods at them while Echo says aloud in a more diplomatic version of the voice before ”This is Ikbo, he’s my grumpy little friend. Don’t let his adorable exterior fool you, he’s a kill-.” Ikbo glares at his raven for almost finishing the sentence and then it says in a voice that used to belong to the Kobold in days past ”What’s your name name devil-man?” and gestures towards the group.

2018-05-29, 01:40 PM
Rumm had been cooking his latest catch, a mule deer, when the summmons came in. A kitchen lady was instructing him in how to roast it. "You cant eat it half-cooked you buffoon! Let it keep roast longer and GET IT AWAY FROM THE FLAMES!" He wasn't too bad at cooking, but he also hadnt quite found the art on par with his cutting or axe-wielding proficiency (really, though, he just used his tree-cutting whack technique into shoulder-chopping and he found that people were easier to chop than trees. Go figure).
Survival [roll0]
When the runner comes with the summons, the kitchen lady chases him out with her thick wooden spoon. Several welts later, he's dejectedly standing in waiting. When they are finished, Rumm takes wax paper, loads it with meat and hefts it into his pack.

2018-05-29, 02:58 PM
Outside and away from the meeting room
As Rumm heads to the meeting room where he was told to go, he runs into a golden lizard man. He seemed somewhat distraught as he was calling out another person's name.
"Mal where did you go. Mal!" However as he turns to see the half-orc. He approaches Rumm.
"Have you seen a Kolbold, he is about 2 ft tall and dresses in a black robe?"

2018-05-30, 01:06 AM
Rumm isn't of the greatest brain, so the terms of numbers and "kobold" dont quite register. He looks around and sees a black and white statue of a shepherd mounted on a wood stand, brightens, and rips it from its fixture. He hands it to the man and asks "this black robe you look for?"

2018-05-30, 05:55 AM
Celine sits with her companions, wearing her armor, great sword sitting resting within reach. Reaching over and giving Merle a little back rub, as if to say, its ok, cheer up, "Hey, dont worry, ill be ok Merle," and she does turn and give Jin a hug, "Hey, dont blame yourself for what happened ok? We will get him back and punish those who took him. Once the other two arrive, we will go and attack them, get our friend and the lords son." When the man ... kobold, arrives, on a goat ... sleeping? Dead? The bird starts to talk .. he wakes up ... what? This ... this is one of the people coming to help? A deep sigh escapes her lips, Hopefully the other one is ... more useful.


Spirit lays beside Merle, she rests and nods to Celines words, "Definitely, we will get him back, alright?" When the little lizard man comes in, she cant help but smile, he seems funny , and his bird, clearly intelligent. I wonder what their relationship is like ... it seems like they are good friends, hmm.

2018-05-30, 02:09 PM
Outside of the meeting room

"No, it isn't thank you though. Sorry to have blocked your way." The golden lizardman says as he moves past Rumm. He continues his search, but does not impede Rumm any longer.

2018-05-30, 06:52 PM
Jiniava smiled encouraged from her Mistress's words.

Jiniava bowed, lifitng her skirt abit as part of the bow.
'Greetings, you must be Ikkbo and Rum. Are you hungry or thirsty?'

2018-05-30, 08:04 PM
The 7 foot half-off enters the chamber and immediately spots a lizard-man in black robes. He drops (accidentally) the statue into his bag and points at Ikbo. "THERE IT IS KOBLOLD! GOLD LIZARD MAN, I AM FIND KOBLOLD!" Rumm sticks his head out to the golden lizard-man. After a minute of excited yelling, the half-orc has likely summoned either his intended person or the whole castle. Either way, he finally finds himself ready.

When he returns and sees Jinava he smiles. "I have yummy deer steaks. You have rum? We can have greetings and make plans feast!"

2018-05-31, 12:54 AM
"It would be ny pleasure, to try fulfill your rrrequest." She said with a warm smile, and turned to look for a kitchen of some sort to prepare a meal. It was old habit...
She liked to feel useful.

2018-05-31, 09:13 PM
Ikbo walks towards Jiniava and bows graciously at the offer of food, and Echo mimics the sound of a cheering audience for her.

The shouting Orc puts Ikbo on the defensive, he calmly approaches the half-orc as the rapier on his belt disappears and then reappears in his hands. He doesn't point it at Rumm just yet, but Echo flies up to eye level with the half-orc and says first in a friendly voice "Friend?" and then in an intimidating woman's voice "Or just another mark?"

As he glares up at the Half-orc, he remembers his new host greeting it by name. Echo repeats in Jiniava's voice "Greetings, you must be Ikbo and Rumm." and points at himself when Echo says Ikbo.

2018-06-01, 12:06 AM
Rumm has little to do with Ikbo other than stare in absolute disbelief between the raven and the kobold. "Why you are not shoot and eat food, kobold? Why it is talk with you?

2018-06-01, 02:56 PM
Ikbo smiles as he hears the suggestion to eat his Raven and it responds "Well I am the smart one of the two of us. You wouldn't know how to speak properly to just about anything without me!" The kobold points at the half orc and the Raven as it says the part about being smarter, implying that the Raven itself is smarter than Rumm. He then points at himself when it says that that he wouldn't know how to speak properly, trying to show that he literally can't speak without it.

Ikbo then thinks of a joke, and the Raven looks at Ikbo and says in Rumm's voice "Why you are not shoot and eat Rum, Kobold? Why it is talk with you?" before it repeats the sound of children laughing.

2018-06-01, 05:49 PM
As the joke goes on, there is the clear sound of clanking and metal jingling. The sound of heavy footsteps running toward your room. Bursting in behind Rumm is a Golden Dragonborn, with head tendrils down to the base of his skull. Clear young to Dragonborn, only recently reaching maturity. He wore decorative breastplate with a chainmail skirt and leather pants.
""MAL! What are you doing .... In.... Here...." The Dragonborn says as he looks to Ikbo.
"Sorry you are not Mal. Excuse me." He then turns slowly to leave.

2018-06-01, 06:44 PM
Ikbo goes to follow after the dragonborn as Echo speeds up to the Dragonborn's eye level without any visual clues like a dutiful servant. In reality Ikbo has to convince the Raven to approach the scary dragonborn. "Halt! We have questions for you!" comes out of Echo's beak, in the voice of a city guard.

2018-06-02, 06:29 AM
"Oh really?" The Dragonborn says turning back to face the little Kolbold. His tone is that of genuine questioning and intrigue.

2018-06-02, 10:43 AM
Echo flies back to Ikbo and sits on his head, and says "What secrets are you willing to pay for?" in a sly voice before shaking his head no and trying again. "Can I help you find something?", this time in the voice of an elderly librarian from Val. And finally in Gallant's voice again he says "Everyone seems interested in my little kobold."

2018-06-02, 10:59 AM

Finally it registers in Rumm's mind. It made sense. "I am seeing now. A koblold it is family-er for raven wizard. Clever wizard."

2018-06-02, 02:00 PM
Merle gave Celine a doubting glance.

"Mistress, are we sure these two are the best we could find?" she asked quietly.

2018-06-02, 04:56 PM
Celine has been watching these ... two? three? since they came in , and definately is thinking insanity is involved ... when Merle mentions it, she says back quietly, "I ... have no idea .... they look ... a little crazy."


Spirit leans in sa well, "I dont know ... i kinda like them, they are amusing at least. Though, the big one, looks to be a fighter of some kind, probably a tough, so ... i think he would be ok."

2018-06-03, 06:15 PM
'They just a bit odd. I have a good feeling about them~'

2018-06-06, 12:09 PM

The half-orc, having wrestled victory of identity from the mind-game kobold and raven, glances around the room for someone to turn to. As he does, he rustles around in his bag for an elk haunch. He turns to...Not Ikbo, the one about whom he'd been pondering...and offering Elk meat to a Centaur wouldn't be the best foot hoof foot forward...It's then that he spots the catlike Tabaxi, Jiniava. Cats liked meats, though they might prefer them raw, so who knew? He'd have to take a chance.

He closes the gab between the cat and himself, rips off a large section of freshly-cooked elk meat and gives a grin. It still glistens with its recent preparation and sweet undertones. The meat was marinated (it seems) in a currant wine with small bits of garlic, rosemary, onion and mustard seeds; not enough to mask its natural flavour, but enough to make the meat sweeter and more complex. He hands the section of meat to Jiniava.

"Here. You want trying meats?"

2018-06-06, 01:04 PM
"Not unless you like simple games? My brother decided to entertain the Lord's children while the search for Gurk takes place. Naturally, he roped me into his childish games. So I became IT, and now have to find the three of them hiding somewhere in the castle." the Dragonborn says answering the kolbold.
"Curious though, I did not expect another kolbold here. What clan are you from?" He asked returning the court to Ikbo.

Meanwhile, Merle hears the faintest of snickers coming from within the room.

2018-06-08, 07:19 AM
Ikbo cracks a smile as Echo says "That is what I get paid to do" followed by "Easy!" As the Dragonborn questions Ikbo's clan, Ikbo shrugs at him confused "Never knew my people, just the streets of Val."

2018-06-09, 07:16 PM
Jiniava smiled, and bowed. 'Thank you. You are very generouse." and took a piece of meat. 'I'll take it to the table with yourrr premission'

2018-06-11, 10:48 PM
Rumm nods emphatically and gestures for all of them to sit down at the table. He pulls out the prepared meat and rips off more of the cooked deer - an entire leg - and seems neither unduly concerned nor aware that carrying a (excellently-cooked) deer could be considered odd. If there's any alcohol on the table the half-orc will certainly indulge himself with a mug in that, but will wait to eat until the others are seated.

2018-06-13, 01:40 AM
Merle had little to say so far, so she mostly just listened and groomed herself, making sure her fur was completely clean. The meat looked delicious, but she would wait for the others to sit first before sitting and partaking of it.

Her ears twitched as she heard the giggling of a small child. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a brief flicker of black cloth before it disappeared. The tabaxi attempted to follow it, curious as to its movements.

To follow the hiding child: 23
To keep the child from thinking she was following it: 21

2018-06-13, 07:21 AM
As the main group settles at the table while Rumm provides a finely cooked deer. The Dragonborn shakes his head. "No this is a simple game, not something requiring payment for services. I will find my brother and the young lord and lady on my own. I would never think to ask for help, that would be cheating." The dragonborn then steps out of the room leaving the group to their meal.

You stalk off to one of the corners of the room, where a chase lounge rests along with a table beside it. You peer around the backside of the chase to find it devoid of any one. You were sure however that the child went behind here. However as you are about to turn away you see the tip of a tail hanging in the air. You look up to see with flapping wings, a black cloaked Kolbold slowly and carefully rising the ceiling.

His wing movements were silent as he managed to achieve lift effortlessly. Not hard to imagine as he was rather tiny, even smaller then Ikbo in the center of the room. You would easily guess this Kolbold to be about 2 ft tall at best. He looks to you as you look to him. He puts a finger to his lips asking for silence as he reaches the ceiling and beings to move toward the door the Dragonborn left from.

2018-06-14, 07:17 AM
Jiniava tilted her head at the sudde departure of Merle.
But she was a free catfolk, and she was above herself in her perspective, so she didn't said anything.
She waited for everyone,to sit down. She took her tamboruine, and started to give a rhyme.
Jiniava started to hum, and dance slowly, with pace which went quicker and quicker, and she started to sing.
Strange yet beautiful and fast tune. Her voice is soft and sweet...
The words though...
Bizzare. Alien. Reminding a gurggling dog.
She herself didn't knew the meaning of the words- but they came to her naturally.

Try to imagine this https://youtu.be/3S7HtrJPkW8 with tambpourine and alien dog lyric.


2018-06-14, 01:18 PM
Merle's ears perked out of interest. This child had a talent for stealth, it seemed, silently hovering above his predator/prey, hiding in his blind spot. She was actually somewhat impressed ... and this children's game seemed fun. She would join the others for food in just a moment, but for now, she decided to stalk the kobold and see where he went.

2018-06-17, 09:21 AM
Silently, the catgirl followed the mini lizard with wings. You exit the waiting room you were in with your friends as you venture down the hall. Statuaries placed evenly allowing you to block direct sight to you as you slink down the hall. The Kolbold Urd seems to be following the golden dragonborn. The Golden Dragonborn you note is going through some of the room as he is clearly still searching. The Kolbold from time to time would rest his wings as he stops at the top of some of the statues freezing in place. It was strange you couldn't even hear him breath yet you see his chest moving from the action of breathing. What ever he was doing he was good. Eventually the two dragon beings take you to the grand Foyer that you first entered from when you came to the castle. Here there was plenty of places to hide you see 6 just from the ground floor.

The deer being placed on the table as Jinivia and Rumm start to cut into it the Centauress remains to lay where she was first in the room, while the human woman walks toward the table as well. Ikbo now stuck in an inpass, he could venture from the room to help the Dragonborn Arokh find this other kolbold Mal, or he coudl join those he came here to meet at the request of Lord Suntail.

2018-06-17, 02:20 PM
Ikbo realizes one of the people at the table is missing and looks around along with Echo.

Perception Ikbo: [roll0]
Perception Echo: [roll1]

Not seeing where they went, Ikbo decides to join the others at the table. Echo says for him "I appreciate the feast my most gracious of hosts!"

2018-06-18, 06:42 PM
After her little show, Jiniava looked at her Mistress, waiting for her to start to eat- only then, she will join

2018-06-18, 07:40 PM
Merle crouched in hiding, watching the two play, tail twitching.

2018-06-22, 03:10 PM
Sitting down at the table, Celine grabs a few bits of meat with the plates, "Thank you for the meal." She says being polite. Spirit does not actually approach and stays where she was laying, you can imagine that maybe she doesnt like meat.

"So, it would be good for us to know what we are capable of before we go into combat, myself, i am skilled in this blade, and some minor abilities to heal. How about yourselves?"

2018-06-22, 05:05 PM
Rumm nods in appreciation. This wasn't exactly planning, but it was getting there. He hefts his axe while he pulls more meat from the venison, then takes a table knife and cuts the tendons holding the leg on.

I hits with strong axe.
I am hunt in wild, find many beasts, and I am learning make food. This is one of foods, he indicates the venison, marinade and all. He might have said more but the half-orc gets lost in chewing his food and making sounds of great enjoyment. Even if no one else appreciated the cooking, he liked his food.

2018-06-25, 02:25 AM
Jiniava present a small dog like figurine.
"Jatarung the Lover love me, and give me the power to be loved by otherrrrs." She said eith pride.

2018-06-25, 06:42 AM
You watch the two reptiles, as they continue about their game. Arokh now going through a few different rooms, as you hear the laughter of children, Lord Suntail's children.
AH HA! Found you two." Arokh's muffled voice says.

"Now we gotta find Mal. Come on let's find him." Mal, however, is still on the ceiling as he is waiting for Arokh and the two children to exit.

2018-06-27, 01:28 AM
Merle didn't interrupt, helping neither side, but she was quite intrigued by Mal. He was quite proficient at stealth, though presently he seemed at risk of being a one trick pony. She simply crouched and watched, curious as to the outcome.

2018-06-28, 09:02 AM
You watch as you notice Arokh sees you. He then follows your gaze up to Mal. within the span of seconds Mal gives you a wink, then with a hand motion. Then everything in the Hall around Merle goes completely black. You can hear Arokh moving as his breastplate clinks with his movement.
The Children giggle then start asking why can't I see. It is about this time the darkness goes away, as you look in the hall Mal has once more disappeared.

2018-06-28, 01:59 PM
Merle watched as the child cast a darkness spell, giving him a chance to escape. Somewhat impressed, she then slunk back to the group, retaking her seat and beginning to eat with maximum stealth.

2018-06-29, 04:30 PM
Ikbo chows down on some food expecting his Raven to respond for him, sending words into its mind for it repeat. After a few moments, he realizes he doesn't hear the bird's mimicry through his chewing. He throws up a hand and motions with it for the bird to talk, and it caws at him angrily. After a moment he throws it a bite of food and it begins to speak. "You can't see him, but my friend Ikbo has eyes on you. He can shoot you right. Between. Your eyes! From 200 meters out, so don't bother running." The voice heard before, of Echo's old master and Ikbo's old partner, is sly as ever but this time menacing in malevolently cofindent way. Ikbo grins a wide smile with a mouth full of meat, blushing or whatever is closest for a kobold. He then throws another piece of meat at the bird and it says "I'll be the best bounty Hunter you'll never hear of!"

The bird stops speaking and pecks at some food it was given, ignoring Ikbo as he reached for a cup across the table out of his very limited reach. He creates a spectral hand (mage hand) that flicks echo jokingly as it reaches out for the cup and returns it to Ikbo's mouth.

2018-07-01, 01:04 AM
Jiniava side looked at Merle return, and nodded and bowed. It'a not her place to question her savior and Mistress.

"Great honorable frrriends." She turned to the new arrivals.
"May I ask.. what is driiving you for adventure?"

She wasn't quite sure how to respond to the claims about the raven.

2018-07-10, 12:33 PM
Ikbo looks Jiniava in the eye and waits for his Raven to respond but it continues to eat instead. Ikbo tries to make it speak by nudging it but the bird continues to ignore him. He growls at it and then responds quickly while looking down "Vengeance!" As he speaks, he involuntarily spits a ball of acid at the ground below his seat.

Acid splash cantrip on the ground

2018-07-13, 07:40 AM
You sit in a small study within Castle Suntail. The walls are lined with books, as off to one side of the room is a comfortable chaise lounge. Opposite the door is a fair sized fireplace with a smoldering fire going right now, as brass fire pokers rest in a rack beside the fireplace. Opposite the chaise in the room is a desk that you have retro fited to be the dining table for your group meal.

As you discuss your origins of how you came to take on this lifestyle, a guardsman enters the room as he is carrying a scroll. He is about to speak when he notices the deer on the desk and the corroded hole in the ground below the kolbold. He then looks among the group, clearly not sure if he is in the right room, or if he should be calling for backup. However his gaze eventually ends up on Celine the only human among you.

"Are you the group Lord Suntail has requisitioned to aid in the finding of Gurk?" the young guardsmen asked, in a nervous tone.

2018-07-31, 04:26 PM
"Yes we are," She says sitting there watching the proceedings. "What news?"

2018-08-01, 08:21 PM
"I am Maxwell with the Gaurd. You have been assigned to me, to aid in the search. What can any of you provide me on the attack?"

2018-08-05, 05:20 PM
'Not very much. Bandits have attacked.. we tried to stop them... unsuccesfully..'

2018-08-07, 09:21 AM
Maxwell looks to Jinivia with sympathy.
You defeated quite a few of them from what I understand. Still, I doubt these are normal bandits. This is why we have hired on Rum and Ikbo to aid you in rooting out this group. Their skills and history should lend to your case. So lets go over anything else you may know.

You recall the attack on the carriage. There was not much that helps you identify your assailants, other than a strange amulet that all the bandits wore around their necks.