View Full Version : What are your favorite 1st level rituals?

2018-05-28, 02:04 PM
It's just how it sounds, any class is ok in my book! Speaking of which, any source book is ok!

(This may or may not just be me picking out rituals for my tome pact warlock...)

No brains
2018-05-28, 02:19 PM
Purify Food and Drink has a whole host of weird potential to it. Depending on how you define 'purify' 'food' and 'poison and disease', all sorts of minor miracles can be pulled off with this 1st level ritual. The most benign hack of this spell is using it to eat anything you can chew- topsoil is just fermented salad and a rotten corpse is sun-braised ribs. Combine with Prestidigitation and the world is your oyster- especially those icky oysters!

2018-05-28, 02:22 PM
Purify Food and Drink has a whole host of weird potential to it. Depending on how you define 'purify' 'food' and 'poison and disease', all sorts of minor miracles can be pulled off with this 1st level ritual. The most benign hack of this spell is using it to eat anything you can chew- topsoil is just fermented salad and a rotten corpse is sun-braised ribs. Combine with Prestidigitation and the world is your oyster- especially those icky oysters!

And this is why I love D&D

2018-05-28, 02:22 PM
Not really my favorite, but my favorite in context would be Ceremony. Just because it amuses me that a warlock bound to a fiend can create holy water.

2018-05-28, 04:15 PM
Identify and Find Familiar, for sure.
Tenser's Floating Disc could probably get some use too, of you're creative.
Alarm around where you sleep is never a bad idea, either.

2018-05-28, 04:17 PM
Find Familiar! I love familiars

2018-05-28, 04:45 PM
Detect Magic as a ritual has been extremely helpful. Water Breathing saved the party once or twice. Hut and Floating Disk are nice.

2018-05-28, 05:09 PM
Find Familiar is supreme by far.

And of course Detect Magic & Identify are work horses.

But, I really like Comprehend Languages. Being able to read/understand any language can be very useful.

2018-05-28, 06:49 PM
Alarm cast at the entrance to the dungeon crawl to make sure no one sneaks up behind you.

2018-05-28, 08:10 PM
Alarm, because f**k the Rogue trying to steal my stuff. I can take a lot of things before getting angry- but Rogues stealing from me just aggravates me to a level that nothing else will.

Rogue snipes a monster and then hides behind you so you draw aggro? Annoying but not mad.
Rogue ditches you in combat because their character wouldn't fight a losing battle? Annoying but not mad.
Rogue walks up to you, rolls stealth and sleight of hand which you have no chance in hell of beating, and then lifts the magical potion or throwing weapon you had on you? Mad.

2018-05-28, 08:50 PM
Floating Disk is one of those things that when you have it, you suddenly find lots of uses for it.
Unseen Servant is like that too.

Identify and Detect Magic get used a lot, as well as Comprehend Languages.

Later, Water Walking, Tiny Hut, and Phantom Steed are handy.

Skywrite can be suprisingly fun, especially if you have another ally in your party who can cast it.

2018-05-29, 01:24 AM
Alarm, because f**k the Rogue trying to steal my stuff. I can take a lot of things before getting angry- but Rogues stealing from me just aggravates me to a level that nothing else will.

Rogue snipes a monster and then hides behind you so you draw aggro? Annoying but not mad.
Rogue ditches you in combat because their character wouldn't fight a losing battle? Annoying but not mad.
Rogue walks up to you, rolls stealth and sleight of hand which you have no chance in hell of beating, and then lifts the magical potion or throwing weapon you had on you? Mad.

That sounds like a PvP issue, and something to be discussed OOC, during session zero.
"You wanna play a Rogue? Cool. Just don't steal from the party. That's a **** move, and if you do it, your Rogue -WILL- have nasty magical 'accidents'. Understood? Good."

2018-05-29, 02:53 AM
Absolute must-haves (for at least one party member):

Detect Magic
Find Familiar
Tenser's Floating Disk

Good but not required:

Comprehend Languages
Speak with Animals

Beyond 1st level, I'm partial to:

Animal Messenger
Feign Death
Leomund's Tiny Hut
Water Breathing
Commune with Nature
Contact Other Plane
Rary's Telepathic Bond

The rest are situational enough that there is no rush to acquire them. Whenever I'm trying to find rituals for a Tomelock, I focus on the above list. Everything else is gravy.

2018-05-29, 03:36 AM
Unseen servant. Mechanically Identify, Find Familiar, and Detect Magic are superior, but sitting in your room, chanting away as your clothes fold themselves, your letters copy themselves before being sent, and your floor sweeps itself up is such a great character aesthetic that I just can't give it up.

2018-05-29, 03:58 AM
On the basis that it allows my Rocker-Goliath to have an invisible Roadie, Unseen Servant is currently my favourite.

2018-05-29, 02:50 PM
Unseen servant is probably my favorite. Ten minutes reading to accomplish an hour of chores is amazing.

Guiding hand from the UA: Starter spells can be plot-breaking and/or useful from different perspectives.

Find Familiar is great until your GM decides to start murdering all your owls.

Identity and detect magic are staples.

2018-05-29, 03:03 PM
I have not really experienced the problem of a DM going out of his way to murder the familiars. Especially Owls with flyby. Sure they're gonna get killed sometimes, but if an enemy wastes his turn killing my owl, then that's one turn he didn't spend attack me or my friends. The Owl will be back by the end of the day anyway.

No brains
2018-06-10, 10:47 AM
And this is why I love D&D

I've been thinking about this for a while, would you mind if I added this quote to my signature?

2018-06-10, 12:55 PM
Now that magical items are more or less identified over a short rest, how much mileage are folks really getting out of Identify? I'm choosing initial rituals for a tomelock, and I was planning to eschew Identify for Detect Magic, Comprehend Languages, Find Familiar, Augury, and Animal Messenger (getting a few extra).

2018-06-10, 01:41 PM
The most benign hack of this spell is using it to eat anything you can chew- topsoil is just fermented salad and a rotten corpse is sun-braised ribs.

That is an astonishingly permissive interpretation of how that spell works.

My favourites are the ever popular Find Familiar and the slightly more niche Unseen Servant because making camp is for chumps who can't cast magic.

No brains
2018-06-10, 01:56 PM
That is an astonishingly permissive interpretation of how that spell works.

My favourites are the ever popular Find Familiar and the slightly more niche Unseen Servant because making camp is for chumps who can't cast magic.

Yeah I know that playing with modern scientific ideas of what constitutes poisons, diseases, and food mulches a lot of cat girls, but even in the way that the same old piece of meat will get different creatures sick lends to the idea that decaying food is still food.

Also if you kill enough catgirls, you can then then press them into edible nuggets.

2018-06-10, 02:01 PM
Not really my favorite, but my favorite in context would be Ceremony. Just because it amuses me that a warlock bound to a fiend can create holy water.

I got to make a GOOLock of Shai-Hulud (nonhuman, alien, gigantic, eats humans, devastates planets-- I'd say "Ia")

Creating the water of life is just the first step in using Contact Other Plane to put myself into a trance and know the Present better :smallcool:

2018-06-10, 02:30 PM
Speak to animals.
Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon- yes
Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned- yes
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains- easily

Druids have spies everywhere.

2018-06-10, 03:19 PM
Find Familiar
Leomund's Hut
Det Magic
Unseen Servant (finest fun cheese spell in the game over four editions! :) )
Magic Mouth (an underappreciated spell, I think)
Water Walk/Water Breathing (makes waterborne adventures less of a pain in the butt)

2018-06-10, 04:55 PM
I've been thinking about this for a while, would you mind if I added this quote to my signature?

I don't mind at all, add away!

No brains
2018-06-10, 05:35 PM
I don't mind at all, add away!

Thank you. :smallsmile: My sig is starting to balloon a bit. Maybe I should go to that extended sig thing before too long.

2018-06-10, 06:28 PM
Alarm, because f**k the Rogue trying to steal my stuff. I can take a lot of things before getting angry- but Rogues stealing from me just aggravates me to a level that nothing else will.

Rogue snipes a monster and then hides behind you so you draw aggro? Annoying but not mad.
Rogue ditches you in combat because their character wouldn't fight a losing battle? Annoying but not mad.
Rogue walks up to you, rolls stealth and sleight of hand which you have no chance in hell of beating, and then lifts the magical potion or throwing weapon you had on you? Mad.

DM says to the rogue's player "hand me a copy of your character's stats... He's an NPC enemy now, roll a new character".

D&D is a team game, unless the rogue knew the potion was poisonous and couldn't tell you... That sounds like NPC/Antagonist bullcrap.

2018-06-11, 03:06 PM
Alarm, because f**k the Rogue trying to steal my stuff. I can take a lot of things before getting angry- but Rogues stealing from me just aggravates me to a level that nothing else will.

Rogue snipes a monster and then hides behind you so you draw aggro? Annoying but not mad.
Rogue ditches you in combat because their character wouldn't fight a losing battle? Annoying but not mad.
Rogue walks up to you, rolls stealth and sleight of hand which you have no chance in hell of beating, and then lifts the magical potion or throwing weapon you had on you? Mad.
After being stole from, my character fitted metal snaps that make an audible click sound when unsnapped to all of their sheaths and coin purses.
My other character started carrying flour around for invisible things after they annoyed her. Lol

2018-06-11, 04:35 PM
After being stole from, my character fitted metal snaps that make an audible click sound when unsnapped to all of their sheaths and coin purses.
My other character started carrying flour around for invisible things after they annoyed her. Lol

Why flour? Find that world's version of coke, when you hit an enemy tell the enemy a conspiracy and watch them tucker themselves out connecting strings in a room.

Side note, drugs don't exist in powdered form when I'm a player... Not because my friends outlawed it, it's a personal rule. Blocked off the exits of a town and then carpet bombed a town that had a channeling problem... When everyone was having withdraws we went in and grabbed the channelings... Turned out they were all changelings.