View Full Version : Am I overpowered?

2018-05-28, 05:55 PM
So in a new Campaign I'm playing in the world is very low magic.
We rolled for stats I ended up with
11 Str
17 Dex
17 Con
18 Int
14 Wiz
13 Cha
Possibly the best roll I've ever had.
So our DM has done his best to make everyone else equal to this by fluffing them up to make them on par.
Now we started at lvl 3
My DM let me use any race for Bladesinger so I am a Variant Human so +1 To Dex and Int.
I took the Resilient Feat to Dex so another +1 to Dex and also get proficiency with saving throws for Dex.
So new stat block is
11 Str
19 Dex
17 Con
19 int
14 Wiz
13 Cha
So being a Bladesinger I get :
2 Times a short or long rest I can enter Bladesong granting me my Int to AC
Advantage on Acrobatic checks
Advantage on Concentration checks to maintain spells equal to my Int mod

So I have Studded Leather so 12 +Dex so 16 normally and 20 while in combat/while Bladesong is activated.
I'm using a Rapier so 1d8 and I can cast spells with my offhand. So I can cast Shield giving me an extra 5 AC when it comes down to it.

Our tank only has 18 AC at the time of writing this.
My Tank is now upset that I have a High AC and said I am overpowered.
Granted in this setting Magic is a bad thing and my ability to use it can get me into bad situations. And its treated more as a curse then a gift.

I don't know what do you all think?

-Tearmen Otguard

2018-05-28, 05:56 PM
Considering that the Bladesinger can hit 30 AC, I don't think that having a 20 AC is an issue.

2018-05-28, 05:57 PM
I think this is a wonderful example of why I'm firmly against rolling for stats.

2018-05-28, 05:59 PM
Considering that the Bladesinger can hit 30 AC, I don't think that having a 20 AC is an issue.

It's just that our Tank is mad about it Just wanted others opinions. Lol.

2018-05-28, 06:00 PM
I think this is a wonderful example of why I'm firmly against rolling for stats.

It makes it more "random" you could still very well end up with a a negative in something I just got lucky.

2018-05-28, 06:03 PM

Your subclass is basically giving you temporary +4AC and advantage on concentration checks. Given that's the AC of anyone with a full plate and a shield, it's hardly worth writing home about. An abjurer with those stats could be a lot more bothersome.

But given you can max three stats and still have room for two feats, you are very far from weak.

2018-05-28, 06:03 PM
Well, think about this for a bit.

You are better than the Tank at his job.

How’s he supposed to feel about that?

It’s a cooperative game. And yes, your goal is to try to be successful as an adventurer. That’s how you stop the bad guy, after all.

But he has a right to be upset.

You, the Tank, and the DM need to team up and find some middle ground on this. It’ll only be problematic if you don’t.

2018-05-28, 06:04 PM
Just stop using Shield in conjunction with Bladesong, that would be like rubbing salt in the wound.

You could also try buffing the tank, might make him feel better.

2018-05-28, 06:07 PM
It makes it more "random" you could still very well end up with a a negative in something I just got lucky.

In my experience people are either "lucky" and overpowered from go or "unlucky" and have gimped stats. It's not that random in that sense. doesn't lead to anything good

Anyway, the Tank has more HP then you (because you're on Wizard hit die) your bladesong is limited, and you're short rest dependent. And the Tank could always get better armor later. Without knowing how the "Tank" is built I wouldn't say you're going to overshadow them totally. Anyway, Bladesinger kinda sucks because you'll find that you get more done as a wizard who melees as a backup, rather then wading into battle.

2018-05-28, 06:12 PM
Well, think about this for a bit.

You are better than the Tank at his job.

How’s he supposed to feel about that?

It’s a cooperative game. And yes, your goal is to try to be successful as an adventurer. That’s how you stop the bad guy, after all.

But he has a right to be upset.

You, the Tank, and the DM need to team up and find some middle ground on this. It’ll only be problematic if you don’t.

Very true. But I don't try and "be in" combat unless I have to. Part of that whole "Magic is bad" thing.

2018-05-28, 06:13 PM
The tank should propably be glad he doesn't have to babysit you and doesn't have to drop everything any time some random zombie looks at your character funny.

And that I'm talking from experience from both sides of that fence.

2018-05-28, 06:17 PM
You kinda *need* that AC to survive being a Wizard in melee, and your spell slots will run out as the day goes.

A Tank isn't someone who can survive hits, it's someone whose job is to get hit *instead of the rest of the team*. You having high AC is good for them, it means they won't have to get butchered trying to keep your wizard alive every five minutes.

So no, not overpowered, though certainly more powerful than a point-buy character.

Very true. But I don't try and "be in" combat unless I have to. Part of that whole "Magic is bad" thing.

Then why play a wizard?

2018-05-28, 06:28 PM
Just stop using Shield in conjunction with Bladesong, that would be like rubbing salt in the wound.

You could also try buffing the tank, might make him feel better.
Buffing probably wouldn't be a bad Idea.

2018-05-28, 06:30 PM
You kinda *need* that AC to survive being a Wizard in melee, and your spell slots will run out as the day goes.

A Tank isn't someone who can survive hits, it's someone whose job is to get hit *instead of the rest of the team*. You having high AC is good for them, it means they won't have to get butchered trying to keep your wizard alive every five minutes.

So no, not overpowered, though certainly more powerful than a point-buy character.

Then why play a wizard?

It's a roleplay thing. My character is afraid of his powers. So I try and avoid combat.

2018-05-28, 06:34 PM
It's a roleplay thing. My character is afraid of his powers. So I try and avoid combat.

If your character was trying to avoid combat, he wouldn't be a Bladesinger. It's like saying you're trying to avoid flowers by becoming a florist.

Hell, wizardry isn't something you *luck* into. That has to be studied.

Lance Tankmen
2018-05-28, 06:35 PM
what did the tank roll? and to be fair tanking in D&D isnt like WoW, you cant always be the only one getting hit, the enemy archers may choose to shoot the party ranger or the wizard type guy. Do you have more hp? hit harder ? i mean if you are literally better in every way then yeah that sucks. personally i love rolling for stats but i try to keep each characters stats to themselves.

2018-05-28, 06:44 PM
If your character was trying to avoid combat, he wouldn't be a Bladesinger. It's like saying you're trying to avoid flowers by becoming a florist.

Hell, wizardry isn't something you *luck* into. That has to be studied.

My character found a sword in a ancient Elven ruin. It gave him the knowledge of spellcasting and such it also does a type of possession type of thing when he draws the sword. Magic is supposed to be a long dead things in this world.

2018-05-28, 06:45 PM
what did the tank roll? and to be fair tanking in D&D isnt like WoW, you cant always be the only one getting hit, the enemy archers may choose to shoot the party ranger or the wizard type guy. Do you have more hp? hit harder ? i mean if you are literally better in every way then yeah that sucks. personally i love rolling for stats but i try to keep each characters stats to themselves.

I don't remember on the top of my head.
I don't want to be hit at all I only have 25 hp. Lmao.

2018-05-28, 06:51 PM
My character found a sword in a ancient Elven ruin. It gave him the knowledge of spellcasting and such it also does a type of possession type of thing when he draws the sword. Magic is supposed to be a long dead things in this world.

Throw the sword in an old well, fill the well with dirt and forget about it, then. You don't fight with things you're that afraid about.

I don't want to be hit at all I only have 25 hp. Lmao.

Yes, that's why you're not overpowered.

You have decent-to-high AC, but a wizard still has wizard health.

2018-05-28, 06:54 PM
I think this is a wonderful example of why I'm firmly against rolling for stats.

LOL, I was thinking the exact same thing.

So in a new Campaign I'm playing in the world is very low magic.
We rolled for stats I ended up with
11 Str
17 Dex
17 Con
18 Int
14 Wiz
13 Cha
Possibly the best roll I've ever had.
So our DM has done his best to make everyone else equal to this by fluffing them up to make them on par.
Now we started at lvl 3
My DM let me use any race for Bladesinger so I am a Variant Human so +1 To Dex and Int.
I took the Resilient Feat to Dex so another +1 to Dex and also get proficiency with saving throws for Dex.
So new stat block is
11 Str
19 Dex
17 Con
19 int
14 Wiz
13 Cha
So being a Bladesinger I get :
2 Times a short or long rest I can enter Bladesong granting me my Int to AC
Advantage on Acrobatic checks
Advantage on Concentration checks to maintain spells equal to my Int mod

So I have Studded Leather so 12 +Dex so 16 normally and 20 while in combat/while Bladesong is activated.
I'm using a Rapier so 1d8 and I can cast spells with my offhand. So I can cast Shield giving me an extra 5 AC when it comes down to it.

Our tank only has 18 AC at the time of writing this.
My Tank is now upset that I have a High AC and said I am overpowered.
Granted in this setting Magic is a bad thing and my ability to use it can get me into bad situations. And its treated more as a curse then a gift.

I don't know what do you all think?

-Tearmen Otguard

I suspect magic is only "bad" in the city- where combat is not likely to happen. Whereas on the road you can blast without worry.

Not knowing what the tank is or his stats makes it difficult to judge; if he is a fighter with a good strength and the only thing you got on him is AC, meh... seems like a non-issue. A high AC is easily mitigated.

However, if his class stats are 16 or less by comparison verses you maxing Int and Dex at fourth; the yes- you are OP by comparison and the dm is foolish for allowing such a divide between players.

2018-05-28, 07:01 PM
Yes, that's why you're not overpowered.

You have decent-to-high AC, but a wizard still has wizard health.

I mean the fighter wouldn't have had to roll particularly poorly to only have a couple more hit points than that. If OP had taken resilient con instead of dex...

2018-05-28, 07:20 PM
Why did you choose Resilient (Dex) over Resilient (Con)? It would have been a much better choice.

In 5e roles like "I'm the tank" aren't really needed. If one Player is upset that another Player has better stats, the table needs to resolve that somehow OOC. In my opinion, they really just need to adjust to the fact that they should focus on their own character rather than worrying about another PC's stats.

That said, if magic is "long dead" how are you a Wizard? Being the only PC or NPC with magic is much more upsetting, balance-wise, than rolling well on stats. A Thief, BM and Barb are all going to shine far less than the Wizard.

2018-05-28, 07:26 PM
Why did you choose Resilient (Dex) over Resilient (Con)?

That said, if magic is "long dead" how are you a Wizard?

Neither of those are relevant to the OP's question.

No, you aren't OP. There is just a perceived or actual disparity between characters that another player at the table to objects to and needs to be addressed.

2018-05-28, 07:27 PM
That said, if magic is "long dead" how are you a Wizard? Being the only PC or NPC with magic is much more upsetting, balance-wise, than rolling well on stats. A Thief, BM and Barb are all going to shine far less than the Wizard.

This is not true. Having magic doesn't upset balance.

Plot-wise, that's another story. You don't want to have a "the Chosen One and those three guys who are kinda there" situation.

2018-05-28, 07:54 PM
Neither of those are relevant to the OP's question.

Sure it is. Wizard is already seen as one of, if not the, best classes. Their spells and rituals make them amazingly versatile. If every other PC is not a caster they've got a leg up. If everyone else in the world thinks magic doesn't exist, they get an amazing boost: things like intelligent enemies targeting casters goes out the window; why would any enemy ever question an illusion; no one will know about breaking Concentration; etc.

2018-05-28, 08:34 PM
Sure it is. Wizard is already seen as one of, if not the, best classes. Their spells and rituals make them amazingly versatile. If every other PC is not a caster they've got a leg up. If everyone else in the world thinks magic doesn't exist, they get an amazing boost: things like intelligent enemies targeting casters goes out the window; why would any enemy ever question an illusion; no one will know about breaking Concentration; etc.

We have a claric but it's more of a ruin thing then actual magic.
We also have a Mage hunter who knows some magic but not nearly as much as a full fledged wizard.
Our DM would probably make them target me more for having magic. One of those "he has something making him do that and I want it" kind of things.

2018-05-28, 08:36 PM
This is not true. Having magic doesn't upset balance.

Plot-wise, that's another story. You don't want to have a "the Chosen One and those three guys who are kinda there" situation.

Everyone has something that makes them unique. Mine is just Magic. I don't know what everyone's is either.

2018-05-28, 08:40 PM
Why did you choose Resilient (Dex) over Resilient (Con)? It would have been a much better choice.

In 5e roles like "I'm the tank" aren't really needed. If one Player is upset that another Player has better stats, the table needs to resolve that somehow OOC. In my opinion, they really just need to adjust to the fact that they should focus on their own character rather than worrying about another PC's stats.

That said, if magic is "long dead" how are you a Wizard? Being the only PC or NPC with magic is much more upsetting, balance-wise, than rolling well on stats. A Thief, BM and Barb are all going to shine far less than the Wizard.

I grabbed dex for the saves. That and I'm using a Rapier so Dex is my melee.

2018-05-28, 09:31 PM
Our tank only has 18 AC at the time of writing this.
My Tank is now upset that I have a High AC and said I am overpowered.
Granted in this setting Magic is a bad thing and my ability to use it can get me into bad situations. And its treated more as a curse then a gift.

I don't know what do you all think?

-Tearmen Otguard

No, you are not overpowered but melee is generally pretty bad in 5E, and your tank might be underpowered. (I have found that melee-oriented characters are sometimes very dissatisfied with their tactical limitations, and are sometimes better off rolling up new characters with a different specialty.)

It should be easily possible for your tank to reach AC 26 via better equipment and judicious class choices, but unless he also acquires some grappling expertise, burst damage, mobility, crowd control or ranged capability (or all of the above) he will likely remain somewhat unsatisfied. "Tank" just doesn't mean all that much by itself and it's easy for other PCs to render tanks redundant (via e.g. Conjure Elemental, Mobile feat, hired minions/temporary allies gained through roleplay, etc.) accidentally or on purpose. If your sole shtick is "I've got AC 18 and lots of HP" you are setting yourself up for disappointment.

So, it's not your fault, but the tank guy needs to step up his game or accept his relative tactical impotence and focus on having fun anyway.

2018-05-28, 09:33 PM
I grabbed dex for the saves. That and I'm using a Rapier so Dex is my melee.

Dex Saves aren't nearly as important to you as Con saves, and, personally, I'd prefer a Dex 19, Con 18, Int 19, with Con saves. Then once you hit lvl 4, ASI to max Dex and Con. The end result after a level is Con svs vs Dex svs. That Con prof will come in handy when you're trying to maintain Concentration: you don't want Haste to drop unexpectedly.

2018-05-28, 09:49 PM
Your hit points are what limit your character.

So, obviously, you need to max your CON then take the durable feat for a "roll" of 10 hit points each level you advance. Then take the Tough feat to add 2 more per level (retroactively). This ought to thrill your Tank.

Forum Explorer
2018-05-28, 09:57 PM
Nah. Tell him you got lucky at stat generation and your subclass is a tanky Wizard. Tell him he'll outscale you once he gets items/can raise some stats. Also while your AC is high you still can't tank a hit that well.

2018-05-28, 11:03 PM
Well, think about this for a bit.

You are better than the Tank at his job.

How’s he supposed to feel about that?

It’s a cooperative game. And yes, your goal is to try to be successful as an adventurer. That’s how you stop the bad guy, after all.

But he has a right to be upset.

You, the Tank, and the DM need to team up and find some middle ground on this. It’ll only be problematic if you don’t.

I don't agree here at all. I've played Bladesinger very extensively and this character is definitely not better at being the tank. Even with your ridiculous stats your HP and important Saves are not up to snuff for frontline tanking, and your bladesong is a limited enough resource that you won't always be able to outpace your ally anyway. DO NOT TRY TO BE THE TANK. Make that very clear to your ally- he still needs to do the heavy tanking. Again- DO NOT TRY AND BE THE TANK- you will regret it.

It will be insanely easy for you to play a role that doesn't outshine your friend at tankiness. Focus on doing your wizardy things and save the bladesong for when you inevitably get focused.

I think the easiest way for you to frame this is that you're an emergency tank- a reactionary tank. You can do it in a bad way when you have to, but you can't focus on it while still maintaining your essential duties in the party.

2018-05-28, 11:33 PM
My DM let me use any race for Bladesinger so I am a Variant Human so +1 To Dex and Int.
I took the Resilient Feat to Dex so another +1 to Dex and also get proficiency with saving throws for Dex.
So new stat block is
11 Str
19 Dex
17 Con
19 int
14 Wiz
13 Cha
5 odd stats out of 6. You really did your best to reduce the OP.:smallbiggrin:

2018-05-28, 11:34 PM
take the durable feat for a "roll" of 10 hit points each level you advance.
That not how it works.

2018-05-28, 11:57 PM
That not how it works.

When you roll a Hit Die to regain hit points, the minimum number of hit points you regain from the roll equals twice your Constitution modifier (minimum of 2).

Your hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to twice your level when you gain this feat. Whenever you gain a level thereafter, your hit point maximum increases by an additional 2 hit points.

Not to be snarky, but where am I going wrong?

2018-05-29, 12:02 AM
When you roll a Hit Die to regain hit points, the minimum number of hit points you regain from the roll equals twice your Constitution modifier (minimum of 2).

Not to be snarky, but where am I going wrong?
Regain is only used for short rest, p186. You won't find it for gaining a level, on p15.

2018-05-29, 12:15 AM
Precisely what class/build is the "tank" playing? Because you may have a touch more AC than him now, at level 3, but he'll have oodles more HP within a few more levels.

It's like saying Moon Druids are good tanks at level 2-6. They are. But that really drops off later.

Your tank will have more, bigger attacks, grapple/shove/prone options, probably better AC, and way more HP, in a few levels. Maybe some great melee control feats/abilites too. Even if he isn't as stat-tacular as you.

Fair enough, you'll be pretty blasteriffic by then. But by then, your nice AC will just seem like a bonus, not an all-encompassing character trait.

2018-05-29, 01:07 AM
A Half Elven devotion Paladin with an 18 in Str and Charisma, and 14 Con is up to +10+1d4 to hit with Channel and Bless active.

He kind of laughs at your AC (even with Shield up). He hits your buffed AC of 20 on a 7-8 and your shielded AC of 25 on a 12-13. (And you only have 6 slots per long rest, and those shield spells with burn out fast)

His AC is 21 (plate, shield, defence style). He still has 2 slots with which to smite with as well.

If he hits you he deals 3d8+4 with his Smite. He lands 2 of them and you're probably dead.

2018-05-29, 03:36 AM
A Half Elven devotion Paladin with an 18 in Str and Charisma, and 14 Con is up to +10+1d4 to hit with Channel and Bless active.

...which takes 2 turns of casting to achieve, during which time the Bladesinger is not just sitting there passively. (Besides, PvP isn't typically a thing in 5E adventures. Most enemies are monsters.)

He kind of laughs at your AC (even with Shield up). He hits your buffed AC of 20 on a 7-8 and your shielded AC of 25 on a 12-13.

A wizard with Expeditious Retreat (bonus action cast) up kind of laughs at the Devotion Paladin and stays out of range (plinking away with cantrips if appropriate) until the Paladin's buffs run out. (Again, PvP isn't really a thing in 5E, but the wizard already does this to ogres and centaurs so applying the same tactic to a Paladin is straightforward.)

Bottom line: action economy matters. You shouldn't just assume that it's okay for a Paladin to do nothing until round 3 of a combat. Sacred Weapon has a very real action cost to it which makes it pretty niche.

2018-05-29, 08:36 AM
5 odd stats out of 6. You really did your best to reduce the OP.:smallbiggrin:

It was my goal lol. My Tank still thinks I am though. I could have easily made it worse.

2018-05-29, 08:38 AM
Precisely what class/build is the "tank" playing? Because you may have a touch more AC than him now, at level 3, but he'll have oodles more HP within a few more levels.

It's like saying Moon Druids are good tanks at level 2-6. They are. But that really drops off later.

Your tank will have more, bigger attacks, grapple/shove/prone options, probably better AC, and way more HP, in a few levels. Maybe some great melee control feats/abilites too. Even if he isn't as stat-tacular as you.

Fair enough, you'll be pretty blasteriffic by then. But by then, your nice AC will just seem like a bonus, not an all-encompassing character trait.

He is a Dwarf Fighter. I tried to tell him he would out scale me but he is still upset at me about it.

2018-05-29, 08:41 AM
Regain is only used for short rest, p186. You won't find it for gaining a level, on p15.

Ah, you're absolutely right. Thanks for pointing out the error in my thinking and setting me straight.

2018-05-29, 08:43 AM
Dex Saves aren't nearly as important to you as Con saves, and, personally, I'd prefer a Dex 19, Con 18, Int 19, with Con saves. Then once you hit lvl 4, ASI to max Dex and Con. The end result after a level is Con svs vs Dex svs. That Con prof will come in handy when you're trying to maintain Concentration: you don't want Haste to drop unexpectedly.

This was something I was looking at. I didn't want to be too broken because I felt I was already.

2018-05-29, 09:06 AM
...which takes 2 turns of casting to achieve, during which time the Bladesinger is not just sitting there passively. (Besides, PvP isn't typically a thing in 5E adventures. Most enemies are monsters.)

A wizard with Expeditious Retreat (bonus action cast) up kind of laughs at the Devotion Paladin and stays out of range (plinking away with cantrips if appropriate) until the Paladin's buffs run out. (Again, PvP isn't really a thing in 5E, but the wizard already does this to ogres and centaurs so applying the same tactic to a Paladin is straightforward.)

Bottom line: action economy matters. You shouldn't just assume that it's okay for a Paladin to do nothing until round 3 of a combat. Sacred Weapon has a very real action cost to it which makes it pretty niche.

Yep. PvP or class vs. class should rarely influence build-making decisions.

2018-05-29, 09:41 PM
Personally, I'd be wary of playing with people who constantly compare themselves to others, and then cry OP when they feel they are weaker. This kind of mentality reminds me of the days in MMORPGs where DPS meters were used to measure your epeen. I'd be happy to have a powerful ally, since its a cooperative game. There's not much you can do since you are not the DM. Whether you are OP or not is really for the DM to decide.

You and your DM can try to talk some sense into him. First concept is: Don't blame the player, blame the game. You are playing by the rules, and did not do anything out of line or munchkinny. You shouldn't have to take sub-optimal choices just to nerf yourself just because he would get salty.

2nd thing is, his AC will improve when he gets full Plate, or magic armour/shield. Maybe the DM can let him start with it.

3rd thing is, allow him to reroll a class with better AC, like Forge Cleric or something. Or teach him how to stack AC through multiclassing.

2018-05-29, 09:56 PM
Well, you can always just act to preserve the guys ego a little bit, at least until he gets over it.

If you can, avoid stating your stats and say 'Oh yeah, you hit by a mile' or 'just missed me' or whatever subtle wordings downplay your effectiveness.

Literally hide behind him in combat, fleeing if you find yourself in melee with more than one enemy.

Hell, even ham up your fragility when you do get hit, switching priority to survival as if you got knocked from hull health to near-death.

Well, that's assuming you can't just talk to him OOC about it all and assuage his fears of being rendered obsolete or whatever.

2018-05-29, 10:50 PM
It was my goal lol. My Tank still thinks I am though. I could have easily made it worse.

could have made what worse?

2018-05-29, 11:08 PM
First of all, no you are not OP. You are not OP by any means. You're a little above to curve ability score wise, but not by much and your allies will quickly catch up. As for your subclass, again, not OP. OP is having a 26+ AC before adding Shield.

Second, you my have high ac but you still have Wizard HP. If you get hit by anything requiring a saving throw, you will feel it.

Third, why on earth is the tank complaining? I generally play the tank/healer/nova-damage all at once. Thankfully Paladins are good with being all three of those, but I was constantly torn between having to heal a squishy ally and actually dealing damage.

Running into a wizard with high AC is a blessing for any tank. It takes some of the heat off of yourself so you aren't trying to tank 12 attacks in a round.

EDIT: Here, I will give you an example of OP characters. I played in an Adventure League run game of Tomb of Horrors. Because it was at a convention I was with a group of random people I had never met. We ranged from level 13 to 15, and I went with my level 15 Soradin. We had a Rogue that couldn't roll below 30 with their thieve's tools, and had a passive perception of 26. So every trap that could be disabled was disabled, every time.

And then at the final fight, I was able to activate Haste before the full fight started and ended the Demilich with 4 smites due to Quicken Spell and Haste before it even had a chance to take a turn.

2018-05-30, 02:01 AM
It's a roleplay thing. My character is afraid of his powers. So I try and avoid combat.

If you do it for the roleplaying reason I would advice not playing a wizard at all. Wizards gain their powers from studying magic and working hard to gain such powers. If he is afraid of them he could just not study.

If however you want him to be an arcane caster with born magical talent, play a sorcerer. They have no choice in having magical powers, they are born with them. Fits the theme more (as far as I can see).

2018-05-30, 02:07 AM
Level 10 bladesinger here with 23 AC. it doesn't really matter later on.. fireball doesn't care about AC and bounded accuracy makes it matter less...

2018-05-30, 03:24 AM
And then at the final fight, I was able to activate Haste before the full fight started and ended the Demilich with 4 smites due to Quicken Spell and Haste before it even had a chance to take a turn.

Is there any reason why the demlich didn't use its anti-magic field lair action?

It targets itself and suddenly none of your attacks matter anymore. That action makes it immune to all magic and non-magical weapons. Many of the creatures actions can be used in its own anti magic field.

Also was there some reason why wasn't at the top of the 20 foot tall chamber, flying around impervious to attacks and howling and using other abilities.

2018-05-30, 04:34 AM
I mean the tank is being a little touchy here but also this is why I really hate pure random rolling. Someone always gets the lucky pool and even if your ok with it, some part of you is like man those stats would be awesome. Its great for you, not so great for some people and in the end this game is suppose to be fun and if feeling empowered in your role is a big part of that, this can be a real buzz kill to that feeling if you didn't get the dice rolls you wished for.

I just think the stat array or point buy is a much better way to go or the hybrid version I've been using now that lets you roll 3D4 and then point buy your way up which I find leads to some nice variation but it keeps the bell curve in sane area's

I'm not at your table so i cant tell you what the other players feel like besides the one guy you have mentioned.

The easy solution toss the guy a set of full plate and maybe give him the heavy armor master feat as a bonus and make it a part of his backstory.

The other thing is this. You got some super good stats. If I was the DM I would want some sort of backstory as to why this is, i want it to be a part of your character and you need to own it. Though I would say with all those high rolls I'd make you a the DM devil deal. Dump one stat to an 8 and add it to your story and I'll award you a bonus feat.

2018-05-30, 08:43 AM
could have made what worse?

The build. I didn't try and over do the midmax
And I didn't try and nerf myself.

2018-05-30, 08:56 AM
If you do it for the roleplaying reason I would advice not playing a wizard at all. Wizards gain their powers from studying magic and working hard to gain such powers. If he is afraid of them he could just not study.

If however you want him to be an arcane caster with born magical talent, play a sorcerer. They have no choice in having magical powers, they are born with them. Fits the theme more (as far as I can see).

The world is low magic. So studying magic is almost out of the question unless I find a old spell book or scroll.
I didn't want to play a Warlock because it dosen't fit the theme of the campaign to have a god/entity make a deal with me I know I could have fluffed it to work however my DM didn't like the idea and a sorcerer probably would have been killed at the first sign of development of their powers.
The wizard was what my DM recommended I play and gave me a Warlockish idea on how to get magic.
The Rapier named "Sapphire Storm" is the source of the magic. It was cursed by a long dead elven wizard to hold their knowledge of spell craft. The more I use the sword the more I learn its knowledge. So my character though reluctant has to use the sword in combat or he will likely die and he knows that. So while he uses the sword it gives him the knowledge of the bladesong allowing him to be competent in a fight. Its alot to go into but it's how me and the DM built the character.

2018-05-30, 12:17 PM
Is there any reason why the demlich didn't use its anti-magic field lair action?

It targets itself and suddenly none of your attacks matter anymore. That action makes it immune to all magic and non-magical weapons. Many of the creatures actions can be used in its own anti magic field.

Also was there some reason why wasn't at the top of the 20 foot tall chamber, flying around impervious to attacks and howling and using other abilities.

Honestly, I have no idea why. I don't think the DM expected me to be able to do as much on my turn as I can, as we found the Demilich sitting on a chest of magic items. It basically got to get up and start using the dust ability where it makes a ghost out of dust you can attack.

Fact still remains that I did enough smite damage alone that I was able to get it low enough that the half damage from the melee attacks

2018-05-30, 09:09 PM
Overpowered is relative to the party.

Is there another player character whose role you can do better overall? If so, then you're overpowered in a very bad way and need to fix it.

In my experience DMing for a group that's had a lot of this sort of problem in the past, the simplest solution is to buff the other player's characters, but be sure to do so in a way that is very different from yours.

If the party face builds especially to be good in social encounters, but then the party assassin has better social skills and better magic support, then that assassin is a problem.

In one of our games, the party face character intentionally didn't take intimidate as one of his skills, so that the party melee brute (who wanted to be a scary character and be good at intimidating) wouldn't feel overshadowed in that area.

The trick is to give people their niche and find your own. Then when you're OP, it's to everyones gain and the DM can just make things harder (like with that whole "magic is bad" thing).

2018-05-31, 09:10 AM
You have decent-to-high AC, but a wizard still has wizard health. This.
No, not overpowered. Enjoy.