View Full Version : DM Help Need help with background issues

2018-05-29, 12:47 AM
My party has 2 player's who are currently causing me an issue that I'm having trouble resolving. A triton barbarian in my party stole a silvered sword from a smithing guild (with the help of the parties fiend pact tiefling). Later he returned to the shop alone and was caught with the sword on his person and had to flee town. The problem I'm currently having is that the parties dragonborn fighter is part of the shops said guild, with the shop knowing such and also knowing that the triton is one of his current companions. I don't wish to nullify his whole background by casting him from the guild, especially since we're only 4 sessions into the game and both the players are new to d&d. Any ideas on how to give him some leeway on staying in the guild while still punishing the triton for being stupid in his criminal activities?

2018-05-29, 01:52 AM
Is the fighter responsible for or complicit in the barbarian's actions? From your description, I would think not. And I don't see why a craft guild would expect its members to arrest criminals - that's a job for whatever justice system exists in the setting. So, why would the guild do anything to the fighter?

2018-05-29, 02:30 AM
The Dragonborn could take/be given the sword and give it back to the Guild, so that the group isn't in the "wanted criminals" category.

Why would you punish *them* when it's the Triton who ****ed up.

2018-05-29, 02:37 AM
Have them force the triton to undertake some kind of mission to earn a pardon. Alternately you could always have him caught then thrown in jail and make the player roll up a new character. There is no plot armor in D&D after all.

2018-05-29, 07:23 AM
If they come back to town later, have the group arrested, charged a fine worth 3 time the price of the stolen sword. Then after a few days in jail, offer a mission to the group to release them. Maybe something that happened in the silver mine that provide material to the silversmith.

2018-05-29, 04:12 PM
What does the dragonborn has to do with the triton's crimes? Was he helping him steal the sword? Does he know the sword is stolen? If not, the guild shouldn't punish him in any way for a crime he did not commit... they may ask him to help arrest the criminal, though, seeing as he knows where to find him.

2018-05-29, 04:27 PM
Well, they all touched on the thoughts that came to my mind, my resolution:

Guildmaster: "You are a known consort to a thief, one who as wronged our guild and yours. It is not in our authority to detain him, however it is in our authority to level charges against him. You, being his companion, will inform him of this. If he wishes to repent we shall consider a proposal, if he does not, then he is considered a wanted criminal".

It essentially informs the player that his party member did something wrong. I presents a moral conflict, it resolves the situation, or presents a potential resolution to the situation. Your player who is part of the guild has a black mark, but only because of association, which is easily enough fixed. It also opens up the possibility of a number of side quests to keep the players involved in a world that responds to their actions.

2018-05-30, 02:49 AM
Well, they all touched on the thoughts that came to my mind, my resolution:

Guildmaster: "You are a known consort to a thief, one who as wronged our guild and yours. It is not in our authority to detain him, however it is in our authority to level charges against him. You, being his companion, will inform him of this. If he wishes to repent we shall consider a proposal, if he does not, then he is considered a wanted criminal".

It essentially informs the player that his party member did something wrong. I presents a moral conflict, it resolves the situation, or presents a potential resolution to the situation. Your player who is part of the guild has a black mark, but only because of association, which is easily enough fixed. It also opens up the possibility of a number of side quests to keep the players involved in a world that responds to their actions.

This seems both fair and interactive. I will probably use this as well as telling him to return the sword beforehand. Gonna suck for the triton though seeing as he placed his sword in the place of the silver sword as he didn't have room on his person to carry both without drawing suspicion. Ah well, guess he'll learn! :biggrin: