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View Full Version : Neat names for fantasy books?

2018-05-29, 01:37 PM
I'm making a bunch of my friends dice boxes that look like books, and open up to be dice trays. The "front cover" is the lid, so while it's open, the spine will be facing the other players/DM.

What I'm looking for are funny titles to put on the spines. Bonus points for necromancer-themed jokes and classic D&D ones. Thanks!

2018-05-30, 01:13 PM
Book of Vile Darkness
Book of Exalted Deeds
Mordkenian's(Character Name's) Spellbook
Manual of bodily health
Manual of gainful exercise
Manual of quickness in action
Tome of clear thought
Tome of leadership and influence
Tome of understanding

2018-05-30, 08:54 PM
101 Potions to Cure Hemorrhoids
Spellcasting for Dummies
Oiled Wood: A Druid's Guide to Polishing Your Shillelagh
Mr. Fisto's Guide to Golems

That's all I got.

Kaptin Keen
2018-05-31, 12:29 AM
My magical tomes always seem to be named something along the lines of Grumzanger's Introduction to Summoning, Daemonology and the Dread Denizens of the Infernal Planes. Or Zorgwurm's Compendium of Alchymical Concoctions, Potions and Elixirs, Transmutative Diffusions and Restorative Draughts.

Also, pretty much all my authors sound like they are most propably goblins.

Because they are.

2018-05-31, 03:22 AM
Bonus points for necromancer-themed jokes

My First Zombie
Twelve Steps to Lichdom
Necromancy: The Manpower Problem
Lovemaking and Soulreaping
Shed Those Weights: The Ghoul Diet
Go Green, Recycle Your Family

2018-05-31, 06:23 AM
I always have a soft spot for pre-Victorian journal and textbook titles, as they become so obsessively pedantic that it's hard not to enjoy them.

"An Treaty On The Specific Requirements When Conducting The Rites Of Animation Upon Goblins, Halfings and Other Atypical Humanoids, By H.E. Wickstone III (BSc. Postmortem Thaumaturgy)"

Catchy, no? :smalltongue:

101 Uses for a 10' Pole
The Legend of Vecna's Head
Gazebo: Tales of an Apex Predator
Impractical Daemonology
The Dead Vinci Code
Great Excavations
War & Rest-In-Peace
The Twi-Wight Saga (Very romantic, that one)

Lord Torath
2018-05-31, 07:39 AM
May I humbly suggest: What's on the Shelf: 1001 Essays, Treatises, and Books on Magic (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?483064-What-s-on-the-Shelf-1001-Essays-Treatises-and-Books-on-Magic)?

2018-06-03, 03:43 PM
May I humbly suggest: What's on the Shelf: 1001 Essays, Treatises, and Books on Magic (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?483064-What-s-on-the-Shelf-1001-Essays-Treatises-and-Books-on-Magic)?

Agreed on What's on the Shelf: 1001 Essays, Treatises, and Books on Magic (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?483064-What-s-on-the-Shelf-1001-Essays-Treatises-and-Books-on-Magic).

It's got parody titles like
The Legalese Edda (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prose_Edda)
De Re Aerosmith (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_re_metallica)
The Book of Anomalous Prayer (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Common_Prayer)
Codex Pacificus (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Codex_Atlanticus)
The Book of the Darned (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Book_of_the_Damned)
Leave the Mortal Coil Earlier (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leave_the_Office_Earlier)
What Color is Your Funeral Shroud (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/What_Color_is_Your_Parachute%3F)
Book of Coming Forth By Night (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Coming_Forth_by_Day)
Liberation Through Swearing During the Intermediate State (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Liberation_Through_Hearing_During_the_In termediate_State)
The Reaganomicon (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Necronomicon)
