View Full Version : Neuter The Vaarsuvius Gender Threads

The Vorpal Tribble
2007-09-06, 04:27 PM
Can we add a new rules to prohibit V's Gender Thread to anything but an 'official' thread?

Something we can point to and say 'Stop it, go here!' because really, they are getting out of hand (i.e. they are really beginning to tick me off personally). I'm beginning to see a new one nearly every day.

The truly annoying thing is though, is that unlike other 'done to death' threads, each and every gender thread can go many pages. Folks respond and continue to fan the flame.

Please, don't respond to any more V's Gender threads, except to point out that there is five in a row right below them.

2007-09-06, 04:44 PM
Awwwwww, but I thought that it is another of those Great Vaarsuvius Gender threads. I had so much theories to share!

2007-09-06, 04:45 PM
Absolutely. Vaarsuvius has been discussed to death, if not to a conclusion.

Now, the gender of a tribble, that's a worthy topic. . .

Wahahahahooooooo! *frolics away*

2007-09-06, 04:53 PM
I think you're overreacting. It's no different the various Miko threads that used to be rampant not too long ago.

2007-09-06, 04:55 PM
No, I agree. When this far into the comic, someone asks whether V is a boy or a girl, it raises serious questions about whether they're actually even reading it at all. It's pretty hard to miss all the gender-related humor. Please, just let these threads die.

What seems to be the problem is that after the 1st "We don't know" response, everyone keeps posting basically nothing at all. Please, just let 1 person post that we don't know, and then let it die.

2007-09-06, 05:11 PM
can we add a new rule to forbid new rules?

2007-09-06, 05:31 PM
No no, don't complain. Keep fanning the flame. Eventually Giant will take the easy way out and act. Not by telling us the gender, no, by killing everybody's (least) favorite thread maker!

2007-09-06, 05:45 PM

I agree with all my heart. It drives me crazy! Speculation upon this most wonderful is always good, but it is too much. Make one official thread or sticky, and be done with it.

Green Bean
2007-09-06, 05:50 PM
Meh. They're annoying, but they're not that big of a problem. There's only two threads on the front page (well, three now :smallamused:), and I'm pretty sure one of them is a parody in any case. Right now, the board is pretty good in terms of problem threads (remember those terrible days during the Miko falling arc?), so if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

2007-09-06, 06:00 PM
I think it'd be better to not become so emotionally invested in what you read on the message boards.

2007-09-06, 06:02 PM
They do get annoying. I agree that people should stop replying to them (perhaps replies saying the same "we don't know" should qualify as spam for the rules) and then the threads would end. Could keep it a little more clear.

Or, make sure everyone reads the forum rules before they make threads, and then add a section to spam or some such saying that V's gender threads qualify, with perhaps a one-sentence explanation why. ("we don't know")

2007-09-06, 06:13 PM
how bout if you dont like v gender threads you ignore them???:confused: :confused: :confused:

2007-09-06, 07:01 PM
I agree with our capitalization-free friend; is it a rule set in stone and brick and layered with adamantium that you MUST click on every single thread in the forum? Do you really have nothing better to do than click on a thread you know you'll be annoyed by and then post another thread about how it annoys you? If this annoys you so much, I don't know how you deal with everyday situations.

2007-09-06, 07:21 PM
We need something to talk about until the next comic. Usually it's the last comic, but we burned that bridge a while ago. :smallbiggrin:

2007-09-06, 07:38 PM
We need something to talk about until the next comic. Usually it's the last comic, but we burned that bridge a while ago. :smallbiggrin:
Exactly what I was about to post. They'll go away after the 17th.
Of course, we've still got 10 more days to go. :smallfrown:

2007-09-06, 07:47 PM
The problem with Gender speculation is..

I haven't seen any new speculation since ten threads ago, maybe twenty.

The Glitter Ninja
2007-09-06, 08:24 PM
I've been meaning to ask for a while, but Icewalker, is your icon image supposed to be meta-ironic or is it really broken?

Also, what gender is Icewalker's icon? I think Rich should be more clear about that. :smallannoyed:

2007-09-06, 08:48 PM
I agree with our capitalization-free friend; is it a rule set in stone and brick and layered with adamantium that you MUST click on every single thread in the forum? Do you really have nothing better to do than click on a thread you know you'll be annoyed by and then post another thread about how it annoys you? If this annoys you so much, I don't know how you deal with everyday situations.

I agree with mockingbyrd here. It's not like they're flooding the Forum and you have to dive through thousands of gender threads to go to the really juicy "cloister spell" and "can the OOTS beat a whole pack of dragons" threads.
And please do note that the last thread, started by ag(numbers), is merely a running gag. The fact that a lot of people posted in it without actually understanding the joke is their own to blame.

"Threads don't kill people, posters do"...
Yay, yay, NRA!

2007-09-06, 09:50 PM
Absolutely. Vaarsuvius has been discussed to death, if not to a conclusion.

Now, the gender of a tribble, that's a worthy topic. . .

Wahahahahooooooo! *frolics away*
Tribbles reproduce asexually, and lack the self-awareness to associate themselves with a psychological gender. Obviously.

2007-09-06, 10:35 PM

I'm fine with one, as new jokes/theories/members come every day...but having a whole bunch on the front page, that seem to come from people who don't read the comic...it's just tiring.

2007-09-06, 11:52 PM
Please, just let 1 person post that we don't know, and then let it die.

But some people do know. What's worse, some people know one thing, and other people know the opposite thing. If it is on-topic to post the question, then it should be on-topic to answer it as you see fit. The conversation will turn out the way all the rest of them did, but you're free to not read it.

If they were to ask me, I think it would be nifty if the FAQ were updated (evidently having just celebrated two and a half years since its last change) and the rule were passed down that you get a warning if you post one of those questions by accident (and a minor infraction if you do it with malice aforethought). But they haven't asked me, and they seem to be comfortable allowing multiple threads to rehash very very well-examined ground, so we may as well get a helmet.

Totally Guy
2007-09-07, 04:22 AM
What is V's agenda? Is it still raw power or does the character now feel tied in with the events and as such greatly cares for a happy ending outome?

2007-09-07, 04:35 AM
What is V's agenda? Is it still raw power or does the character now feel tied in with the events and as such greatly cares for a happy ending outome?
Attaining phenomenal cosmic power is actually V's means to the end of everyone else having as overblown an opinion of himself as V expresses verbally on a daily basis.

On the main topic... yeah, I could probably do without the endless discussions on a subject that's not only undecidable given current evidence, but which Rich has made clear he will never resolve and is therefore utterly irrelevant to events within the comic. At least the Miko threads showed a little variation and novelty from time to time.

2007-09-07, 05:51 AM
No, I agree. When this far into the comic, someone asks whether V is a boy or a girl, it raises serious questions about whether they're actually even reading it at all. It's pretty hard to miss all the gender-related humor.
Yeah, this is what gets me. I don't understand it, can they not see that the matter is the root of numerous jokes? That it's referencing the whole "elves are androgynous in appearance" thing? That resolving it would eliminate a rich source of humour? Why does it matter so much, anyway? Can't you enjoy it without knowing? :smallconfused:
My official stance: Hermaphrodite. They're mate's asexual. There. Makes sense. Issue resolved. The End. :smalltongue:

2007-09-07, 08:18 AM
I'm with the idea that they should be locked and closed...

even though it will raise some complaints like "Oooh they don't want us to discuss it because its secret? Thats so lame".. :smallannoyed:

2007-09-08, 12:38 AM
I think you're overreacting. It's no different the various Miko threads that used to be rampant not too long ago.

Actually, it is quite different. The V gender threads came before the Miko threads. They appeared while there were Miko threads. They have continued to blaze a painful trail after Miko's death.

No comparison, really.

They oughta just be locked instantly at this point. I really don't understand what the mods do around here.

2007-09-08, 01:32 AM
Please, don't respond to any more V's Gender threads, except to point out that there is five in a row right below them.


The Hop Goblin
2007-09-08, 02:01 AM
Can we add a new rules to prohibit V's Gender Thread to anything but an 'official' thread?

Something we can point to and say 'Stop it, go here!' because really, they are getting out of hand (i.e. they are really beginning to tick me off personally). I'm beginning to see a new one nearly every day.

The truly annoying thing is though, is that unlike other 'done to death' threads, each and every gender thread can go many pages. Folks respond and continue to fan the flame.

Please, don't respond to any more V's Gender threads, except to point out that there is five in a row right below them.

And lets ban the Timeline threads, and the MitD threads, and Belkar's alignment threads, and Miko's alignment threads, and your favorite character threads, and prediction threads, and Banjo threads, and questions about Rich's health threads, and "Oh I just got this obvious joke" threads, and "I don't get this obvious joke" threads, and Stick-Award Threads, and Goblin-Ninja threads, and threads crying about the Sapphire Guard, and complaint threads, and... and...

I'm sorry you feel the entire community should change its behavior/what they like to discuss based upon what you personally like and dislike. Nowhere does it state that subjects can only be talked about a finite number of times. I guess if you don't want to read them - you have the choice not to. Frankly I think if thread-nazi's began to rule the forum you'll notice the forum dying out pretty quickly.

Kurald Galain
2007-09-08, 02:59 AM
Actually, it seems that if you start reading at some random point, you can easily read 50 strips without even realizing that V's gender-confusedness is a running joke in the strip. It isn't really mentioned all that often by the characters (just like e.g. Durkon's gender isn't really mentioned all that often either), so a casual reader could just assume either way and miss the gag.

2007-09-08, 02:15 PM
And lets ban the Timeline threads, and the MitD threads, and Belkar's alignment threads, and Miko's alignment threads, and your favorite character threads, and prediction threads, and Banjo threads, and questions about Rich's health threads, and "Oh I just got this obvious joke" threads, and "I don't get this obvious joke" threads, and Stick-Award Threads, and Goblin-Ninja threads, and threads crying about the Sapphire Guard, and complaint threads, and... and...

I'm sorry you feel the entire community should change its behavior/what they like to discuss based upon what you personally like and dislike. Nowhere does it state that subjects can only be talked about a finite number of times. I guess if you don't want to read them - you have the choice not to. Frankly I think if thread-nazi's began to rule the forum you'll notice the forum dying out pretty quickly.

Ah, yes, but those who survived would be those who were STRONG and TRUE INTELLECTUALS! [/sarcasm]

Nice speech. I'd vote for you.

The Tygre
2007-09-08, 02:24 PM
Hear hear! I'm up for just ONE thread to discuss V's gender.

I mean seriously, does anybody get the joke? Yeesh...

The Hop Goblin
2007-09-08, 02:46 PM
Ah, yes, but those who survived would be those who were STRONG and TRUE INTELLECTUALS! [/sarcasm]

Nice speech. I'd vote for you.

Thanks, I'm eyeing the 2016 race.

2007-09-08, 10:38 PM
Thanks, I'm eyeing the 2016 race.

Cool. So who's 2012, if Barock is 2008?

The Hop Goblin
2007-09-09, 01:03 AM
Cool. So who's 2012, if Barock is 2008?

My money is on whomever can spell Potato.

2007-09-09, 01:05 AM
*gasp* You just spelled it! Of course, you'll get two terms in office! Three cheers for Hop Goblin! Hop Goblin for president! I find that in flaming, pointless threads such as this, it's acceptable to skew slightly from the original topic.

Thanatos 51-50
2007-09-09, 01:05 AM
My money is on whomever can spell Potato.

Isn't it spelled 'Potatoe'. With an 'e'?

2007-09-09, 03:50 AM
Actually, it is quite different. The V gender threads came before the Miko threads. They appeared while there were Miko threads. They have continued to blaze a painful trail after Miko's death.

No comparison, really.

Let's see... I see four threads on the first page about V's gender, two of them being joke threads and one of them being a complaint thread. I remember when Miko filled up 3/4s of the first page. You're right, there's no comparison.

Anyway, the last post on the official thread is two months old. Since Thread Necromancy is discouraged, if you want to put a stop to the threads start your own official one.

Green Bean
2007-09-09, 07:35 AM
Isn't it spelled 'Potatoe'. With an 'e'?

I have no idea if you're being serious or not, so this is a 'Choose Your Own Post."

If you are serious: Alas, potato does not have an 'e' in it. It's a surprisingly common mistake, so don't feel too bad.

If you are joking: Heh. I find your subtle satire disproportionately amusing.

2007-09-09, 06:47 PM
And lets ban the Timeline threads, and the MitD threads, and Belkar's alignment threads, and Miko's alignment threads, and your favorite character threads, and prediction threads, and Banjo threads, and questions about Rich's health threads, and "Oh I just got this obvious joke" threads, and "I don't get this obvious joke" threads, and Stick-Award Threads, and Goblin-Ninja threads, and threads crying about the Sapphire Guard, and complaint threads, and... and...

I'm sorry you feel the entire community should change its behavior/what they like to discuss based upon what you personally like and dislike. Nowhere does it state that subjects can only be talked about a finite number of times. I guess if you don't want to read them - you have the choice not to. Frankly I think if thread-nazi's began to rule the forum you'll notice the forum dying out pretty quickly.
Ah yes, more irony.


BTW folks, potato has no e, but potatoes do.

2007-09-10, 04:44 AM
I remember when Miko filled up 3/4s of the first page. You're right, there's no comparison.
Good times. Good times...
That said, the alignment threads did tend to get a little tedious.
Maybe someone could set up a wiki for frequently made arguments in favour of and against particular V's gender/Miko's alignment, and similar points of contention.

...and Belkar's alignment threads...
Don't be silly. Those hardly ever happen these days.

2007-09-10, 06:14 AM
No, I agree. When this far into the comic, someone asks whether V is a boy or a girl, it raises serious questions about whether they're actually even reading it at all. It's pretty hard to miss all the gender-related humor. Please, just let these threads die.

What seems to be the problem is that after the 1st "We don't know" response, everyone keeps posting basically nothing at all. Please, just let 1 person post that we don't know, and then let it die.

Slight problem being that those gender-related jokes point both ways. Roy has called V a man, and Haley and V share a room. Rich himself has, n the prelude to Dungeon Crawling Fools (I think it was there), said that no one will ever know. I suspect that reason is because Rich hasn't decided yet.

2007-09-10, 11:09 AM
Rich himself has, n the prelude to Dungeon Crawling Fools (I think it was there), said that no one will ever know. I suspect that reason is because Rich hasn't decided yet.

I don't know about DCF, but the FAQ linked here in the News section states clearly that V's gender will never be revealed. So there are no clues, because there will be, by design, no resolution.

I don't think that the issue is that Rich hasn't decided. Instead, my piecing together of history indicates that Rich drew a non-descript male elf, was surprised that the fans couldn't determine his gender, and then decided to make the ambiguity a running gag.

Personally, I find this to be against Vaarsuvius' character: even if e thinks that gender is irrelevant, e would eventually get pissed off at the attention the rest of the party paid to it, rant for three or four panels, apologize for the outburst, note that they are still focused on it, and then yell it out just to get them to focus on something else.