View Full Version : Bel's The Wrath of the Righteous [IC]

2018-05-29, 06:54 PM
Defenders Heart

After everyone settles into the Defenders Heart, Irabeth approaches them with a grim, worried expression.


“As horrific as recent events have been, we’ve come to realize that they are, in fact, merely a prelude. The razing of the Kite, the destruction of our wardstone, Terendelev’s murder, and the assault on the city were nothing more than opening gambits. The Worldwound is on the march in a more concentrated assault than we’ve seen since the fall of Drezen. It’s fair to say the Lord of the Locust Host is finally making his move. The end of this hundred-year-war is upon us, and it falls to us to ensure victory.

While the Templars of the Ivory Labyrinth were scattered, those who serve the Lord of the Locust Host himself remain concentrated in Old Kenabres. What we’ve heard from within the barricade they’ve erected is ominous. The cultists are waiting for something, and based on our own information and what you’ve managed to recover so far, it sounds like the vile witch Areelu Vorlesh will soon be coming to Kenabres. And it appears that we’ve determined what she intends to do.

When the wardstone was destroyed by the Storm King, it exploded and destroyed the Kite. The network along the border failed, but did not fade completely. I believe this is because a significant portion of our wardstone still exists, and that the cultists have taken it to the old garrison in Old Kenabres. From what we’ve learned, they’re hoping to engineer a way to somehow reverse the field generated by the wardstones—essentially, to use our own greatest defense as a devastating weapon.

The attack on Kenabres had a predictable result: causing the crusade to gather at the border to defend it. Some wonder why the demons haven’t attacked in stronger numbers. I believe that Areelu was counting on us massing along the border, and that if she can corrupt the wardstone field, she can strike a devastating blow against us all. In effect, we’ve lined up for the slaughter.

Vorlesh is surely seeking some object of great Abyssal power, likely the Nahyndrian crystal mentioned in a missive we recovered, and with it she intends to turn the source of our hope into an unimaginable nightmare. We cannot hope to evacuate everyone from the border—I doubt they would give up the defensive line even if they knew what the enemy planned. But we can still stop this from happening—we just need to have someone infiltrate the Gray Garrison, locate the wardstone fragment, and destroy it."

"Quednys has the perfect tool for finishing off the wardstone’s destruction—a rod of cancellation he salvaged from a ruined wizard’s shop. With this item, you should be able to drain the last vestige of power from the fragment; in so doing, it will completely sever the wardstone’s remaining connection to the field. Doing so will rob Vorlesh of a crucial chink in the wardstone field’s armor and prevent her from using it against the us unless the demons can manage to destroy another wardstone—Something I don’t think is possible in the short term, for the Kenabres stone has suffered numerous attacks over the past several years that made this final destruction possible. Almost,” she adds wryly, “as if the demons have been planning for this day from the start.”

I will coordinate the Crusaders here to attack all over the city when you attack, distracting whatever foes are in the Grey Garrison, and you may have to attempt several sorties, but with some luck, and our faith, we should should be able to wear them down, and allow you to destroy the fragment!

Aravashniel has provided a cache he recently found to be intact and offers it you.
The cache includes eight potions of cure serious wounds, four potions of lesser restoration, 10 +1 evil outsider bane arrows, a chime of opening, two cold iron weapons (you choose what type), a wand of magic missiles (CL 5th, 31 charges), and a wand of daylight (24 charges).

Horgus Gwerm swears to help the Crusaders of Defenders Heart with supplies, helping them in their distracting attacks throughout the city.

Go ahead and do a players intro, your characters all know each other, but you as players do not.
Then we'll move onwards!

2018-05-29, 08:10 PM
Tiberius awakens a bit later than usual, the sleep much needed after the previous day he had, when literally all abyss broke lose into the city. He stretches out before getting out of bed, wincing a little, the fall into the ravine that opened up beneath the cathedral injured his leg and makes it a bit harder to get around. He comes down the stairs; a towering and handsome, if dirty, figure compared to most of the gathered, just as Irabeth starts to explain what had happened "There is not much left of the city, and from what I have seen, this is about it." Tiberius says matter of factly. Tiberius then makes his way over to the bar and sits down "Yes, with faith and a lot of luck behind us, we could be successful. Before than though, tis not wise to fight on an empty stomach I shall take some food, not too much though, my stomach is still a bit weasy"

2018-05-30, 01:08 PM
Justin was in his translucent something, which he seemed to wear almost all the time when he was not asleep. He sometimes dismissed it when he sat down to eat, but right now it was not one of these times. "Locate the wardstone fragment, and destroy it, so that the network along the border will fade completely? You seem to be pretty confident in the intelligence you are having. Now, assuming it would be the right to do... could try. No guarantees, but could try, that's for sure."

Sense Motive: [roll0] (should we believe the intel?)

2018-05-30, 02:10 PM
The elven woman brushed her long black hair from her eyes as the situation report came to the group. She narrowed her eyes and seemed to be less inclined to believe all of the information. Would destroying the damaged stone have the desired effect? It felt as if they were grasping at straws. ”It seems a trap. If the demons could damage or even move the piece, why keep it in the conflicted city.”

Spellcraft check for Wardstone destruction [roll0]

2018-05-30, 02:46 PM
Ontogenes watches the others look for reasons to not undertake a suicide mission. He knows he is going, has known from the moment Irabeth had brought the idea to them. After all, it made perfect sense.

"Once we've all done whatever mental gymnastics we need to do, and realize that this is what we have to do, even though it will likely mean our lives, we can get on with the planning, eh? This is what we do, after all."

2018-05-30, 03:08 PM
Martha Looks Irabeth squarely in the face and says grimly:
I know I'm going. If it's a suicide mission, then so be it.
Then she turns to the others and says:
Now, who's with me?

2018-05-30, 03:38 PM
"Indeed, I was just a lad when the storm king invaded and damaged the worldstone, Terendelev managed to defeat him then, not so much this time. A massive invasion is not an everyday occurrence, especially when considering that I am pretty sure the demons have won this battle." Tiberius eats about two-thirds of his meal. "I'm not sure really what to do, I witnessed two of the most powerful beings I have indeed heard of let alone witnessed in mortal combat, with the wrong one coming out to be the victor, saw a chunk of the city fall into a great chasm. Here we are at defender's heart and as far as I believe, this is the largest gathering of survivors." Tiberius puts his head down on the bar top for a few seconds collecting himself. "What can we do.. none of us here can hope to stand up to Khorramzadeh, nay.. even a minor demon such as one of those vulture things I happened to see as I was falling. But, tht is neither here nor there. Right now Lady Irabeth has set forth us a task that might give us an advantage or at the least, weaken the demonic invasion and their leader's plans. Count me in for sure, I owe the fiends vengeance, anyways the only good demon is a dead demon."

2018-05-30, 03:50 PM
The elf gave a haughty snort at the group so ready to dive on the sword. So eager to die when they don’t even know the extent of the threat.

”The mental excercise is to ensure that it isn’t suicide. Don’t be so quick to throw away life. The Crusade’s greatest asset is not some enchanted stone, but the heroes leading it.”

2018-05-31, 03:41 PM
You know what, elf? You're right. we need not throw our lives away needlessly, i just want to take care of this wardstone fragment as soon as possible. I say we set out immediately!

2018-06-04, 04:20 PM
Irabeth smirks, as if she were annoyed and impressed at once, if that was possible for a half orc paladin.

We retrieved this from a teifling in the Nyserian Manor ruins, and we have authenticated it as true.


You did well to report your superior’s mishandling of funds, and I trust that you will continue to serve as loyally in the weeks to come. You need not command the Kenabres Templars for long, for the city is about to die—I only wish I could be there to take part in its murder, for I have fond memories of my Red Morning Massacre. No matter, I suppose, for your mortal kin will all fall soon enough—as I said, Kenabres’s days are short. Vorlesh has already left to meet with our Lord’s daughter in the Abyss to secure a Nahyndrian crystal of the proper purity, and once she has what she needs, she’ ll arrive in Kenabres to finish the job and turn the wardstones fully to our use. You will know when she succeeds, I suspect! Praise Lord Baphomet!

identifies Minagho as the demonic ruler of the ruined city of Raliscrad in the Worldwound, and Vorlesh as the woman rumored to have helped open the Worldwound in the first place.

Nahyndrian crystals are said to be the crystallized fragments of a murdered demon lord’s life force, though what use such an object could be put to is unknown.

Sounds legit.

2018-06-05, 12:20 AM
Tiberius sits silently listening to the note be read aloud. The stands up to his full height stretching up on his tiptoes. "Well, seems they plan to turn the wardstones against us, as it is too big to carry off to somewhere safe. Its destruction is the best course of action."

Know (History): [roll0]
Know (The Planes): [roll1]
Spellcraft: [roll2]

2018-06-05, 11:20 AM
"Will that be sufficient for everyone? It appears we must assail the Grey Garrison and destroy the broken wardstone.

Ontogenes looks around the group, seeking signs of assent. He smiles reassuringly at each in turn.

"Perhaps we will become remembered heroes for this deed!"

Knowledge (Planes) [roll0]
Spellcraft [roll1]

2018-06-06, 06:48 AM
"And that is it? A plain-text letter some teifling guy kept carrying around?" Justin did not seem anywhere near convinced. "Phaerxae? Can they do what it says?"

Know (history): [roll0]
Know (local): [roll1]
Know (planes): [roll2]

2018-06-06, 08:24 PM
"It sounds like they are going to corrupt the wardstones. So they do to us what they were doing to the demons. This one is a target because it was damaged earlier. By my aforementioned story on the Storm King. If we manage to destroy the wardstone, we can stop the plan they intend and perhaps give us an edge." Tiberius looks around as he talks, his hand on his sword pommel.

2018-06-08, 01:42 AM
Phaerxae seemed to be deep in thought and Justin was not going to hurry her. "Fine. We will get to that wardstone fragment and then decide whether to destroy it. Pick up the gear and let's move on."

Deadguy seems to be away at the moment and I will be away 13th to 22th, but let's move on.

2018-06-11, 07:23 AM
”Yes, it needs to be secured regardless of the decision about it’s destruction.” The witch seemed pleased with the decision to not rush it’s demise.

2018-06-12, 03:33 PM
Ontogenes grabs his kit, ready to go. Planning is for those without the will to act. "I'm ready when you are. Let's get this done so I can find out whether I live or not."

2018-06-13, 03:13 PM
Martha: Let's go.

2018-06-14, 11:14 PM
Tiberius puts one massive hand on Ontongense and wraps an arm around Martha's shoulder laughing with bravado "Well, let be off friends we can at the least kill a few of these vile demons and their servants before we ourselves expire."

2018-07-09, 03:36 PM
With a nod from Irabeth, she barks out some orders, and people start running around, gathering weapons and armor, you could tell several knew what was about to happen, and their grim determination to allow you through Old Kenebras to the Gray Garrison was evident.

Irabeth looks to you all "We'l provide a distraction so you can slip in, don't worry about us, we know this city like the our mothers face.", she grins slightly, her orcish traits accentuating what seems to be a look of fury and determination, she had some quarrels to settle apperently, and woe be unto any who crossed her.

Once you are all ready, you head out with a troupe of Crusaders, all armed with mismatched arms and armor, singed hems, and battered plates, but you couldn't mistake the look in all of their eyes, they were out for blood against those who would incur their home, and defile it.

You soon split up, the Crusaders making great time, and being met by others on the hunt with them, much lighter armed than them, with dark cloaks, and bows, seemingly scouting out the area before them, several peeled off and ran ahead of you, securing the way for you. You travel maybe 10 minutes, and they signal for you to approach them, where they are hiding behind a fallen wall to the side of a ruined house, pointing behind them, you see the Gray Garrison, with a silent nod, they take off, eager to rejoin their comrades in sowing their own terror upon those who would sully their city.

A large stretch of buckled ground and rubble stretches before the Gray Garrison, an aptly named structure that squats across from the open ground that once stood before the Cathedral of Saint Clydwell. That cathedral is no more—nothing remains but a towering mound of rubble and a deep, jagged rift in the ground.

From your position, you can see the main building, and outside the main entrance, are two hideously obese men, armed with scythes.

currently, they cannot see you, or are ignoring you.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15OwCAWG_Fl32hwKghwB5gWR0tHYH66afIJn1RUDYGRw/edit?usp=sharing)

One of the guards is a bloated version of Lord Hulrun, former ruler of Kenebras

the other is a rotund version of Kandro Nyserian, former Lord Merchant, and associate to Horgus Gwerm (whom you saved from the tunnels, along with your self)

2018-07-11, 11:19 AM
About 5 minutes walk away from Gray Garrison, Justin spent a charge from his wand of Mage Armor to boost his defenses. At the site, he looks at the two guarding the entrance and suddenly recognizes them both. He was about to tell the others about this when Martha gave start to the action. "Uh-oh. Shoot and let them come to us?"

Initiative if needed, but no offensive actions right now.

2018-07-18, 12:29 PM
Tiberius draws his sword and hefts his shield, getting into a defensive posture ready to intercept any of the scythe wielding men that might come towards them.

Initiative: [roll0]

Knowledge: [roll1]

2018-07-25, 11:20 AM
Martha lines up a shot from cover, and even though it's much further than 100 ft away, she knows her adversary, and nails one in the chest. The thing screams out in frustration and pain as the arrow penetrates it's flabby skin, it was obviously surprised.

Martha [roll0]
Bad guys [roll1]
Please roll init and take actions

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15OwCAWG_Fl32hwKghwB5gWR0tHYH66afIJn1RUDYGRw/edit?usp=sharing)

2018-07-25, 07:17 PM
Tiberius rounds the corner and places himself in the forefront of the small band he accompanied, willing to take the brunt of the retaliation. He stands there defiantly lifting his sword and shield yelling at the two in provocation.

Double move to M28