View Full Version : Wild shape interaction questions

2018-05-30, 08:04 AM
The Shepherd Druid’s Hawk Spirit Totem ability has a feature which allows the Druid to grant an ally advantage as a reaction. Is there anything which stops this from being used while wild shaped? Likewise for the Mastermind’s bonus action Help action?

It looks like you should be able to turn into, say, a giant wolf spider or panther and then toss out advantage twice per round with a 2 level Druid dip on a Mastermind. Am I reading that correctly? And the spirit totem deal isn’t concentration, right?

Even not wild shaped, using this combo plus your action for a Sneak Attack or Frostbite to give an enemy disadvantage seems like a fun time.

2018-05-30, 08:10 AM
You can certainly help as a bonus action while wildshaped, although you can't sneak attack while in wildshape form. You could certainly apply to totems ability to someone while in wildshape, but moving it would compete with the Mastermind bonus action help.

Now, I am not sure if you could summon the totem while wildshaped, that's a DM question. To me it seems the same as a Paladin's smite, which I would allow, but other DMs will not. So, as I said, check with your friendly local DM.

2018-05-30, 09:07 AM
Technically, yes you could grant 2 types of advantage. However you cannot do so in one turn. As a bonus action you can summon the totem, which means you cannot use Master of Tactics that turn. After that turn you will essentially grant one advantage to ranged attacks at all times to any creature in the radius of the totem semi-permanently. You will be able to use the Master of Tactics ability during those subsequent turns for any other person who may need it.

2018-05-30, 09:08 AM
Technically, yes you could grant 2 types of advantage. However you cannot do so in one turn. As a bonus action you can summon the totem, which means you cannot use Master of Tactics that turn. After that turn you will essentially grant one advantage to ranged attacks at all times to any creature in the radius of the totem semi-permanently. You will be able to use the Master of Tactics ability during those subsequent turns for any other person who may need it.

As a note, a Mastermind can still use help as an action from a distance of 30ft. The distance help doesn't have to be a bonus action.

2018-05-30, 09:16 AM
As a note, a Mastermind can still use help as an action from a distance of 30ft. The distance help doesn't have to be a bonus action.

You are correct, if it is not used as a bonus action it then must be used as an action.

Master of Tactics
Starting at 3rd level, you can use the Help action as a bonus action...

...When you take the Help action...