View Full Version : 3rd Ed What is the age range for the Aarakocra race in 3/3.5e?

2018-05-30, 12:43 PM
In the game I'm in, we came upon a temple that allowed passage through time. After we first found out about it (and ended up way in the past) we ultimately ended up 29 years in the past before the temple quit working. We found out about another temple nearby and so went there (after further study of how the temples work) to try to get back to our time. I happen to be playing an Aarakocra and some of our group figured, rather than take the risk, they'd just stay 29 years in the past and come back to meet the rest of the group time travelling. Anyways, I tried to find the age range for my race online and in the books we had, but I could only find 5e rules on age, which might not be accurate to their design back in 3/3.5e. Anyone happen to have a more definitive answer on their age range for the edition we are playing?

2018-05-30, 01:22 PM
Aarakocra have the same life expectancy and age categories as humans, according to Races of Faerun p130.

2018-05-31, 12:22 PM
Aarakocra have the same life expectancy and age categories as humans, according to Races of Faerun p130.

Well, now I feel stupid. I overlooked it on the page before the stats. >.> I am thankful, though. Just upset at myself for not being more thorough. :-P