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2018-05-30, 04:10 PM
Kara walked the halls of temple slowly, remarking on how this place felt more like home than any other she had lived in. Here, no one gawked at her four arms, or called her mutant or demon, in fact, it was quite the opposite. Here, it was a mark of distinction, a sign of the blessing of the goddess. When you worship a marilith with 6 arms, a 4 armed human is nothing special. As she approached the main temple, she began to hear the faint sound of weapons, hitting metal.
Hurrying to the temple itself, she came upon the site of a fight. Elinon Darasis-Domar herself, the high priestess of Lysindra, was engaged in either a fight or a sparring match with 3 opponents. The art of the gish was perfected in Elinon, the picture of grace in motion even without her buffs, and just one look told you that looking at her with a detection might even blind you. There were many people who fought with two weapons and some that even used larger ones. There werent any humans (at least not that Kara knew) that could wield a greatsword in one hand and Elinon wielded one in each. And while one of them was "just' a magic sword, Kara recognized the other as Silverbane, probably the most powerful good aligned sword in all of Daystor. The presence of Silverbane proved this was no training mission but even as that realization connected in Kara, Elinon provoked an opening in one of the man's defenses, and Silverbane lopped his head off cleanly. Now only fighting two (even three had no hope against her) the men tried to back away, but both blades flashed simaltaneously, and with that, three bodies littered the floor. Elinon wiped the blade dispassionately, looking up at Kara.

What, did they thnk blood on this floor would somehow desecrate it? Or just a fight? This room has seen more than enough of those.

2018-05-30, 04:57 PM
"If they did, these chumps didn't even try looking at their homework," Kara answers, rolling over one of the bodies with her foot, until she remembers that she absentmindedly caught the head Elinon sent soaring through the air. Which is now dripping blood onto her bare foot, kara unsuccessfully trying to wipe it off on one of the bodies' legs. She had been doing some sparring with fellow Legionnaires not too long ago and hit the bath after, now walking around at her most casual in the form of a simple strap top to give her arms as much freedom as possible, as well as shorts (both to the delight of many recruits and a few of her colleagues, and to the dismay of the more proper Lysindrans). Sure, she has some of her magic items on her person (especially the Ring of the Fates and her favorite earrings), but she is arguably underdressed to be in the inner sanctum of the center of Lysindran faith. And chatting with her high priestess. Kara had caught some flak in the past for, all in all, only having basic knowledge of Lysindra's religion, despite her rank, which irks a few people, only for her to recall very in-depth and obscure bits of theology every now and then.

Kara would be the first to admit that she would make a lousy priestess. She is more interested in the, ah, executive branch of the faith. And Elinon... well, she is a bit of a role model in that regard. In between making the four-armed Lysindran's heart beat faster when she gets to watch the high priestess deliver curbstomps like no other.

Giving up her endeavor to rid her foot of the red smudge, Kara asks "So, who were these idiots?" and raises up the severed head for good measure, trying to have the blood drip on the corpses instead of herself or the floor.

2018-05-30, 06:51 PM
(proper Lysindran? You are talking about a goddess whose best friend is Tishtina)
Near as I can tell, they would be non-worshipping followers of Kotep, poor dupes that either had their will bent by one of their spells or who made a deal in hopes of some nebulous reward. They just popped in moments ago and had at me. Bad enough for them that I happened to be here, even worse that I had Silverbane with me. Just another one of their schemes, with motives beyond what I can figure out. Which brings up a next point.

2018-05-31, 01:08 AM
(Oh, I know, but mortals are all different, and a few do like maintaining appearances. In this case, proper is not meant as "how a Lysindran should be", more like "a few are a bit fussier than the others")

A wide grin divides Kara's face, Elinon's words music in her ears, with the severed head unceremoniously dumped onto the pile at their feet. "If that next point involves hunting down Kotep followers, beat the snot out of them, and maybe get some answers in the process, I can get my equipment in a minute flat. You know how much I love my retaliatory base invasions." Seriously, the past year has felt like she has been doing nothing but head right into the lion's den and fight overwhelming numbers.

Thought of the day: I hope Kara's touch AC is enough to deal with the barrages she is going to weather. And that no one knows enervation, now that she can't just deflect ranged attacks. I should get some means of death ward.

2018-05-31, 07:59 AM
What I have in mind might be a bit more surgical, at least at first. Ive been hearing one or two reports about Kotep mages applying metamagic to spells in powers way beyond what they should be able to do. The number of mages who can quicken a chain lightning is very small, and I know all of them, and yet I heard of such a thing. I sent a team or two of lower ranking members, they either came back empty handed or didn't come back at all. I need you to do a few missions, missions that will on the surface just look like typical Lysindra Legion stuff, helping out innocent villagers, protecting caravans, removing an evil cult...but it will bring you into conflict with Kotepians, hopefully ones that are a part of whatever this cabal is and find out just what they are up to and how they are doing it.

2018-05-31, 09:16 AM
The knuckles of four hands crack when Kara hears about teams not returning from investigations. Fair game in the conflict between Lysindra and Kotep, she knows, but she doesn't have to like it. "Friendly neighborhood Lysindran oblivious to the villain's secret, got it. I'll add a good bit of salting the wound when I tell people about the fights. Kotepians oh so hate it when their magic gets called weak. Even if I don't run into that cabal during my missions, maybe they'll get fed up enough to go after me to prove a point." One can always bet on the Kotepians' ego.

"Who will I contact when I am done with any given mission, how, and will I travel normally or via teleportation? I'm ready to go now, just give the word and I'll grab my things and get to work." It would be handy to be a full sorceress, with all their neat spells making a lot of things trivial, such as distance or communication. Alas, her magical talents are a lot more focused.

2018-06-02, 08:30 AM
Elinon hands Kara a sachet full of scrolls. Sending spells, perfect for espionage because they cant be intercepted and there is nothing written down either...plus you wont have people wondering why you are always reporting into the temples, even when you clearly havent taken any damage. Every priest and priestess is loyal to Lysindra but I am sure there is a spy in some of our temples, we catch them many times, and I have spies in his. If there is something that requires my immediate attention, include that in your report.
Now as to your first mission, there is a trade route through the Telgars, that connects the west and east of North Enicom. Boats can go around it of course, but boats are expensive and running a ship from Varstok to Isharrah takes time. The trade route has become impassable, not even lone travellers can make it through. We dont know who is doing it, but given its the Telgar Mountains, giants is always our first guess. Your mission is to walk it. You'll probably get the sort of attention we are looking for.

2018-06-02, 10:39 AM
Elinon probably meant with that mention about going to temples unharmed that Kara has means to patch herself up... but it is fun to think the high priestess meant the more flattering (and, Kara has to be honest with herself, unrealistic) interpretation of Kara going through her missions unscathed.

Kara receives the satchet with a wordless ooh and raised eyebrows, holding it tight to her hip with her lower-left hand. "Oh, they'll be all over me." Her two right hands form fists, held against her own chest, as a sign of having understood. "I'll be leaving right away and report in as soon as I am done with the mission, high priestess." That last bit is a little formal, but Kara likes saying it. She couldn't think of someone more deserving of the title, and Elinon having so much faith in Kara to send her to find and stop this new Kotepian threat by herself... well, it makes a woman feel special, just a little bit.

Kara turns to leave, moving with speed to get dressed for travel and gather her things. She comes out dressed almost like a pirate, with comfy and stylish boots, skirt, sash, and blouse, as well as a longcoat for travel. She swings by the healers of the temple, as she is in the habit of doing before she goes on a mission, being on very good terms with them. They have patched her up so many times throughout the years as a Lysindran, and making them feel appreciated is high on her list of priorities, making her quite popular with them (that and Kara knowing each of them quite personally). Afterwards, she heads out, traveling to the Telgar Mountains, maintaining her high speed throughout the day, vastly outpacing even race horse.

Once she reaches the trade route, Kara grins, and slams her hands hands together, causing an eruption of light as the woman is suddenly wearing golden, shining plate armor, yet she still has her quicksilver motions, not in the least slowed. That should draw all sorts of attention. Thus, Kara speeds down the route, being on the lookout for bandits, at times beginning to add a few skips into her motions, casually leaping tens of feet at a time.

Kara can hustle all day, as she heals nonlethal damage from hustling with her command word item of cure light wounds, thus eliminating the fatigue. So she moves something like 96 miles in 8 hours.

2018-06-03, 12:13 PM
The trade route is well constructed, Kara can see that the caravans would be able to make it easily as there are switchbacks over the steeper areas and cuts through other areas as needed. Plus seeing as these mountains are closer to the ocean, they are not as bad as those deeper in the range.
On the second day of her travels, Kara is still making good time, but as she rounds one curve through a particularly rocky section, she meets her first opposition, a pair of stone giants, with a frost giant (knowing giantish hierarchy, Kara knows the frost giant would be in charge).
Lookie what we have here
Looks like we have a little glow girl
I claim dibs on the legs

2018-06-03, 05:17 PM
HP 155/155 AC 44 (T 26, FF 38) Saves F +16 R +18 W +21
Spell slots 0 6/6; 1 9/11; 2 11/11; 3 8/9; 4 5/6
Active spells greater luminous armor (-4 on melee attacks against her), greater magic weapon (+4), greater mighty wallop (2 increases), shield

Rounding the corner and seeing the giants, she instinctively casts shield, a well-honed reflex of many a Lysindran. Doing this is so easy nowadays. That extra study in abjurations is really paying off. It also helps that the giants natter on instead of actually doing something.

Four fists are jabbed up in the air. "Woohoo, found 'em!" Kara shouts triumphant, with the biggest grin on her face. It was really starting to become a little boring. But no more!

Taking a powerful step back and crouching, bringing her fists back in, electricity starts to crackle around Kara's hands. Muscles tense, her grin taking a turn towards the enthusiastically aggressive, and she suddenly erupts forward, a shockwave kicking up dirt, electricity bursting into shining barely contained lightning as Kara closes the distance between her and the giants in an instant, flying right towards the frost giant. The instant she comes into range, Kara unleashes a withering assault, her four arms becoming blurs of light, seeking to savage the giant, every hit underlined by the boom of thunder and a burst of lightning.

Kara loves her job.

Cast shield while the giants are busy talking

Initiative [roll0]

Swift Jump at the frost giant [roll1] x 2 ft
Tumble check, even with the -10 penalty for full speed, is an auto-success

Full action Full attack at the frost giant while channeling shocking grasp (gain +3 to attack if the giant is wearing metal armor)
[roll2], [roll3] damage + [roll4] electricity damage
[roll5], [roll6] damage + [roll7] electricity damage
[roll8], [roll9] damage + [roll10] electricity damage
[roll11], [roll12] damage + [roll13] electricity damage

[roll14], [roll15] damage + [roll16] electricity damage
[roll17], [roll18] damage + [roll19] electricity damage
[roll20], [roll21] damage + [roll22] electricity damage
[roll23], [roll24] damage + [roll25] electricity damage

[roll26], [roll27] damage + [roll28] electricity damage
[roll29], [roll30] damage + [roll31] electricity damage
[roll32], [roll33] damage + [roll34] electricity damage
[roll35], [roll36] damage + [roll37] electricity damage

In case the frost giant dies during the full attack and other giants are in reach, she starts directing attacks at them.

2018-06-05, 07:18 AM
Before the giants can even process the fact that they are under attack from a fighting hellcat, the frost giant falls under her assault. Switching off, Kara directs her next series of attacks at one of the stone behemoths, dropping him as well. The third gets a withering attack of blows, it isn't quite enough to finish him off but dazed by the ferocity, he is unable to land a counter attack to her.

2018-06-05, 08:03 AM
HP 155/155 AC 44 (T 26, FF 38) Saves F +16 R +18 W +21
Spell slots 0 6/6; 1 9/11; 2 11/11; 3 8/9; 4 5/6
Active spells greater luminous armor (-4 on melee attacks against her), greater magic weapon (+4), greater mighty wallop (2 increases), shield

Kara shakes the last bit of electricity from her hands, along with some burned blood still smoking a little. Only one remaining. Well then, no need to drag things out. Guiding the giant's attack aside with two of her hands, she goes for his knees first, bringing him into a kneeling position, which is when the bulk of the assault happens. Kara jumps, blows hitting the giant's body as she goes, finishing with a double-fisted flying uppercut. Two little flips, graceful landing, with most likely three dead giants.

"...I probably should have questioned one of 'em," Kara thinks aloud, two arms crossed, one hand on her hip, the last one scratching her chin. "Ah well, giants are huge idiots, shouldn't be too hard to find." What with giant footsteps and such. After a bit of gleeful loot gathering, of course. Kara has heard of rings of wizardry and she'd love to get her hands on some.

Full action Full attack at the last giant
[roll0], [roll1] damage
[roll2], [roll3] damage
[roll4], [roll5] damage
[roll6], [roll7] damage

[roll8], [roll9] damage
[roll10], [roll11] damage
[roll12], [roll13] damage
[roll14], [roll15] damage

[roll16], [roll17] damage
[roll18], [roll19] damage
[roll20], [roll21] damage
[roll22], [roll23] damage

2018-06-05, 08:41 AM
The last giant didn't have a whole lot of stamina left in him, and most of Kara's blows actually end up hitting a dead body, that gets supported in the air, sort of like a giant punching bag as she gets the last part of her workout in. The giants have a mixture of platinum, gold and silver coins in their sacks (not to mention some disgusting remains that would be better off not considered), about 2000 gold worth of each type, for each giant. Seeing as the giants have successfully destroyed every caravan they have assaulted in the past few weeks, they didn't take a lot of care to cover their tracks, and even though they lead off the beaten path (and become that much harder to climb), Kara figures she can easily follow the trail.

2018-06-05, 09:21 AM
Loot count: 6000gp

Kara stashes the valuables, already a big step closer to getting some lovely jewelry to crank out even more spells. There is no way in hell that she can drag those giants off the road, so she'll leave cleanup to someone else. Instead, she follows the trail, with a spring in her step, navigating the terrain where climbing becomes necessary with huge leaps. She whistles the melody of a Tishtinian song she likes, both catchy and (with lyrics) cheekily indecent.

(Kara, when taking a full action to jump and taking 10, clears 440ft horizontally or 110ft vertically)

2018-06-05, 12:55 PM
Bouncing and jumping certainly cuts her travel time down dramatically, and after about an hour of doing so, she comes across the wreckage of a caravan wagon, dead horses still in the traces (or what is left of the dead horses) and some badly mangled and scarred corpses (in the same half eaten state that the horses are in)

2018-06-05, 01:51 PM
Kara most certainly is feeling better about leaving the giants' corpses out to rot right now. Stepping through the scene, the gish does a quick sweep to look for information on who these people were and what they were transporting, to inform loved ones, colleagues, and friends of their fate. Maybe, just maybe, someone somehow managed to hide from the giants, but she should not get her hopes up.

Once done, Kara looks for further tracks to follow to the bandit hideout, this time following them faster than before. Some giants are in dire need of payback.

2018-06-06, 07:04 AM
Combing through the wreckage, Kara finds this caravan was clearly the property of some sort of rug and fashion merchant, she finds yards of cloth and quite a few obviously high end rugs. Most of them have been ruined by exposure to the elements but she does find a cargo manifest that details everything that was in the shipment. None of the humans are alive, and the wagons are also hopelessly wrecked.

2018-06-06, 08:14 AM
Stashing the manifest to hand over to authorities, the appropiate trade house, or what-have-you after she is done, Kara arranges the humanoid corpses beside each other, covering them with whatever blanket or canvas she could find, to at least give them a little bit of dignity in death, adding a short prayer on their behalf, even if she knows very few of them. Afterwards, Kara searches for more tracks to follow, with greater haste.

2018-06-06, 08:29 AM
The next set of wagons that Kara comes across, by the smell of it, was a spice merchant caravan. The odor of spilled spices is still present, however almost all of the jars have been removed. Kara doubts that the giants are using them for fine cuisine, but she wouldn't put it past the brutish creatures to crack open a jar of hot pepper and just down the whole thing, perhaps in some sort of bizarre tribal challenge. Again, she finds a manifest and the remains of humans and horses, by the state of decay, this one was sacked after the first one as the corpses are not as far gone, although clearly beyond rescue hope.

2018-06-06, 09:39 AM
It is as Lady Elinon described, all traders are slaughtered indiscriminately. There appears to be some interest in the wares, and if these giants happen to be under control of a Kotepian, perhaps parts of them serve as ingredients (or, failing that, luxuries). Once more, Kara quickly covers the bodies and takes the manifest, continuing to follow the tracks.

2018-06-06, 12:49 PM
The third wrecked caravan that Kara comes across looks to be very recent, no more than a day ago. This one has been picked clean and examining the manifest, she can see that it was a shipment of uncut gems, bound for Varstok. The dead horses are still oozing blood from numerous wounds, but interestingly enough, there are no human remains here.

2018-06-06, 01:39 PM
This is most definitely an indication for someone wanting material for spells. She doubts giants care enough about gems to have people cut them, or think caravaneers are suitable gem cutters.

On the upside, the caravaneers might still be alive. Thus, Kara takes the manifest and now chases the tracks full speed to make a dynamic entrance, crossing distance with giant leaps at a time.

2018-06-08, 09:20 AM
It takes only 5 minutes, and after one of Kara's huge leaps, she suddenly finds herself on a plateau with a cave entrance only 10 feet away. Only problem is the entrance is guarded by 3 fire giants a cloud giant, they are on guard and so alert, and they don't look happy to see the arrival of a Lysindran.


2018-06-09, 08:21 AM
The three fire giants move into position to attack Kara (although covering the distance precludes full attack) and swing huge swords at Kara, as her defenses are not in their usual top shape she takes 3 hits for 79 points

(Kara can full attack any or all of the fire giants, but not the cloud)

2018-06-09, 10:24 AM
HP 128/155 AC 44 (T 26, FF 38) Saves F +16 R +18 W +21
Spell slots 0 6/6; 1 8/11; 2 10/11; 3 7/9; 4 5/6
Active spells greater luminous armor (-4 on melee attacks against her), greater magic weapon (+4), greater mighty wallop (2 increases), shield

Contact with giant swords is no laughing matter. No brains, all brawn, after all, and gigantic hunks of metal on top. The blows batter through her armor, drawing blood, and knocking air out of her lungs. For most people, this would be the sign to turn around for a full speed tactical retreat. But not for the Helldiver.

Kara spits blood and wipes her mouth. "Good effort! But I'm kinda in a hurry here." Four fists are balled, shadow seeping from between the fingers as Kara stares up at the towering fire giants. "No hard feelings." They are her target, they are in her way, and she has no idea if some of the ambushed merchants might still be alive and how much sand is left in that particular hourglass. Thus, these giants need to go. Now.

Turning into a blur wreathed in a wild spiral of shadows, Kara lashes out at the giants with an almost feral scream (half determination, half excitement), crushing flesh and bone with her fists, and flaying life from their bodies with her magic, empowering herself with it to even the odds once more.

Note: At the time of the giants' attacks, Kara's shield spell was not active, putting her at AC 38 (the AC on her sheet is with the shield spell). I don't know if the -4 penalty to melee attacks from her greater luminous armor is included in the enemy attacks in the OOC, but if they are, Kara was hit three times. The HP value seen at the top of this post is with only one hit taken.

Swift Cast shield

Full action Full attack at the nearest fire giant while channeling vampiric touch (gain THP equal to the highest vampiric touch damage done, lasting 1 hour), expending a 2nd level spell for Arcane Strike, adding +2 attack bonus and +2d4 damage to each attack
[roll0], [roll1] weapon damage + [roll2] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll3] damage (arcane strike)
[roll4], [roll5] weapon damage + [roll6] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll7] damage (arcane strike)
[roll8], [roll9] weapon damage + [roll10] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll11] damage (arcane strike)
[roll12], [roll13] weapon damage + [roll14] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll15] damage (arcane strike)

[roll16], [roll17] weapon damage + [roll18] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll19] damage (arcane strike)
[roll20], [roll21] weapon damage + [roll22] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll23] damage (arcane strike)
[roll24], [roll25] weapon damage + [roll26] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll27] damage (arcane strike)
[roll28], [roll29] weapon damage + [roll30] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll31] damage (arcane strike)

[roll32], [roll33] weapon damage + [roll34] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll35] damage (arcane strike)
[roll36], [roll37] weapon damage + [roll38] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll39] damage (arcane strike)
[roll40], [roll41] weapon damage + [roll42] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll43] damage (arcane strike)
[roll44], [roll45] weapon damage + [roll46] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll47] damage (arcane strike) edit: Critical rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23137826&postcount=16)

Switch targets if one dies.

Note: Please let me know how many THP I get.

2018-06-09, 12:41 PM
(attacks and damage modified in post #1)

Taken aback by the brutality of the giant attack, Kara takes a second to activate her shields and then goes on the offensive. One, two and three fire giants fall before her empowered blows, and their life force drains into her, filling her with 340 (998+125+117) temporary damage. Its a good thing too, as the cloud giant closes the short distance to aid his fallen allies, hitting her once for 36 damage

2018-06-09, 01:59 PM
HP 76/155 (1 THP) AC 44 (T 26, FF 38) Saves F +16 R +18 W +21
Spell slots 0 6/6; 1 8/11; 2 10/11; 3 6/9; 4 5/6
Active spells greater luminous armor (-4 on melee attacks against her), greater magic weapon (+4), greater mighty wallop (2 increases), shield

These giants are surprisingly formidable! Kara has fought her fair share of tall folk, and she has wiped the floor with most of them. So it seems she needs to take them seriously. And that she does. The giant's weapon collides with her forearms, the stolen life letting her guide it aside without harm, and the shadows darken her silhouette as she leaps up to attack the far, far taller creature, flaying the life from it and bolstering herself for the trouble to come.

To clarify, THP generally do not stack, especially not if they come from the same source. Vampiric Touch would only give me the highest instance of damage as THP, in the last turn's case 37, as all other instances are smaller (and now I have 1 THP left after the cloud giant's damage). Kara would love to have an infinitely stacking source of THP, but fortunately, the spell is nowhere near that broken.

Full action Full attack at [enemy] while channeling vampiric touch (gain THP equal to the highest vampiric touch damage done, lasting 1 hour)
[roll0], [roll1] weapon damage + [roll2] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll3], [roll4] weapon damage + [roll5] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll6], [roll7] weapon damage + [roll8] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll9], [roll10] weapon damage + [roll11] damage (vampiric touch)

[roll12], [roll13] weapon damage + [roll14] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll15], [roll16] weapon damage + [roll17] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll18], [roll19] weapon damage + [roll20] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll21], [roll22] weapon damage + [roll23] damage (vampiric touch)

[roll24], [roll25] weapon damage + [roll26] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll27], [roll28] weapon damage + [roll29] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll30], [roll31] weapon damage + [roll32] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll33], [roll34] weapon damage + [roll35] damage (vampiric touch)

2018-06-10, 12:56 PM
In a whirlwind of attacks, Kara finishes off the remaining giant, of the cloud variety, her first hit giving her the most boost from her vampiric touch

2018-06-10, 01:59 PM
34 THP

Kara wants to continue on, but she knows she is wounded quite a bit. She retrieves the enchanted wooden item, sturdy in construction, roughly in the shape of a thick wand, imbued with the powers of the Cure Light Wounds spell Kara received from Dibella, an elven healer back home in the main temple of Lysindra. Kara once saved her from Kotep's minions who wanted to break her, the gish bringing her to the temple and caring for the poor thing. Dibella seems to have been taken with the much taller human gish ever since, watching Kara train, and often being the first to volunteer for healing Kara when she returns from a mission. And the gish certainly has made sure to show her appreciation to the elven woman, who seems to be so shy around Kara. Just as she was when she gave the gish the healing item. Kara likes to think of Dibella as her most adoring fan, and a most adorable one, to boot.

The nice thoughts help take the pain off as Kara closes her wounds, looting the giants in the meantime. After a minute or two, she should be good to go once more. She kisses the smooth surface of the item, whispering "Thanks, love," (liking to think that Lysindra transmits the gesture to make Dibella blush), stashes her healing wand, readies a casting of shield, and races into the cave. The bright light of her armor lets her see the way.

Kara heals herself to full with her command word item of Cure Light Wounds.

2018-06-11, 08:04 AM
This will be the one time I remind you about searching dead opponents

As Kara heals herself, she notices an extra sparkle and sharpness to the giant's axes. Sweeping them with detection after she finishes, she realizes they are enchanted, and while she cant wield them, she knows the temple would have contacts and would buy them off her and collects them
Dashing into the cave, Kara finds a few dead ends, filled with things that is probably best to not think about, but finally discovers a path to what serves as the main body of the camp. She enters into a disturbing tableau.
The last set of caravaneers are (mostly) alive, but are currently hanging upside down in chains on the wall. Judging by the way they are hanging, over half of them are already dead. Many of the stolen trade goods, both from the gem caravan and the others are heaped in a pile on the floor. Sleeping spots are arranged around the room for the giant occupants. In terms of giants, there is a cloud giant and surprisingly, a storm giant. While about half of the cloud giant race are known to be allied to evil, storm giants are universally thought of as good, although not necessarily benign. Seeing one allied to an evil cause is highly unusual. If there is a Kotep mage behind this, he is not currently showing himself. But then again, Kara has enough to worry about with 2 angry giants in front of her.

2018-06-11, 09:22 AM
HP 155/155 (34 THP) AC 44 (T 26, FF 38) Saves F +16 R +18 W +21
Spell slots 0 6/6; 1 7/11; 2 9/11; 3 6/9; 4 5/6
Active spells greater luminous armor (-4 on melee attacks against her), greater magic weapon (+4), greater mighty wallop (2 increases), shield, swift invisibility

Seems she has found the de-facto base. And Kara is not at all amused to see what has been done to the merchants. Suddenly, she disappears, followed by the incantation of a spell, as well as the sound of steps. The Helldiver is half-expecting to be hit by a dispel from a hidden mage, or the giants having some means to see her. But if they don't... they are going to be greeted by a barrage of death, launched from right in front of their toes.

Standard cast shield

Swift cast swift invisibility

Move 20 feet from her previous position.

In case Kara's invisibility is dispelled before her next turn or the giants somehow can see and attack her, she waits until they have moved adjacent to her and start attacking her, then triggers her immediate action 20ft movement from her Greater Exaggerated Perform (Dance) ability to move out of range.

In case the giants don't really do anything, actions for Kara's next turn:

Swift Jump next to as many giants as possible [roll0]

Full action Full attack at the nearest giant (storm if possible) while channeling vampiric touch (gain THP equal to the highest vampiric touch damage done, lasting 1 hour), expending a 2nd level spell for Arcane Strike, adding +2 attack bonus and 2xd4 damage to each attack. Also uses Combat Expertise for a -2 penalty, gaining +4 AC (due to her Exaggerated Concentration), increasing her AC to 48.
[roll1], [roll2] weapon damage + [roll3] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll4] damage (arcane strike)
[roll5], [roll6] weapon damage + [roll7] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll8] damage (arcane strike)
[roll9], [roll10] weapon damage + [roll11] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll12] damage (arcane strike)
[roll13], [roll14] weapon damage + [roll15] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll16] damage (arcane strike)

[roll17], [roll18] weapon damage + [roll19] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll20] damage (arcane strike)
[roll21], [roll22] weapon damage + [roll23] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll24] damage (arcane strike)
[roll25], [roll26] weapon damage + [roll27] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll28] damage (arcane strike)
[roll29], [roll30] weapon damage + [roll31] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll32] damage (arcane strike)

[roll33], [roll34] weapon damage + [roll35] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll36] damage (arcane strike)
[roll37], [roll38] weapon damage + [roll39] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll40] damage (arcane strike)
[roll41], [roll42] weapon damage + [roll43] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll44] damage (arcane strike)
[roll45], [roll46] weapon damage + [roll47] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll48] damage (arcane strike)

2018-06-13, 04:34 PM
Im going to adjust some of your actions, based on what the mage does

As Kara steps into the cavern, the emerald gem on her ring flashes. Seconds later she is hit by a maximized cone of cold for 90 points of damage, as the sapphire gem flashes.
That is followed a second later by getting hit with glitterdust which she knows will negate her plan of using invisibility, the ruby gem flashing as the spell hits her.
Outlined by the glitter, Kara abandons her invisible plan, using her swift action to activate her shield and then a move action to close with the giants. She cant do her full attack routine but her single attack round is enough to drop the cloud giant, who never saw it coming.
37 temp HP
With the one giant dead, the storm giant attacks, but only manages one hit, for 38 points, but he also calls a lightning bolt down on the helldiver for 30 points

Notes: I changed your swift from invisibility to shield, applied a move action to close on the giants, and then a standard attack.

2018-06-13, 05:04 PM
HP 154/155 AC 44 (T 26, FF 38) Saves F +16 R +18 W +21
Spell slots 0 6/6; 1 7/11; 2 9/11; 3 4/9; 4 5/6
Active spells greater luminous armor (-4 on melee attacks against her), greater magic weapon (+4), greater mighty wallop (2 increases), shield, swift invisibility

Kara dashes out of the way of the sudden freezing cone, only to eat a face full of golden glitter. A puff of glitter appears as she evacuates everything that got into her mouth. "Really?" And she wades in, all old-fashioned, downing her first giant of this cave. In her glittery state, she eats a nasty hit, thankfully mostly stopped by the life force she robbed earlier, followed by lazily stepping around that lightning bolt. She will deal with the hidden mage soon enough. Right now, she just wants to get rid of the giants.

Shadow and golden glitter combine in a tornado of motion as the gish lashes out once more, jumping up to barrage the storm giant's head with all four fists.

Full action Full attack at the storm giant while channeling vampiric touch (gain THP equal to the highest vampiric touch damage done, lasting 1 hour)
[roll0], [roll1] weapon damage + [roll2] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll3], [roll4] weapon damage + [roll5] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll6], [roll7] weapon damage + [roll8] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll9], [roll10] weapon damage + [roll11] damage (vampiric touch)

[roll12], [roll13] weapon damage + [roll14] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll15], [roll16] weapon damage + [roll17] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll18], [roll19] weapon damage + [roll20] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll21], [roll22] weapon damage + [roll23] damage (vampiric touch)

[roll24], [roll25] weapon damage + [roll26] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll27], [roll28] weapon damage + [roll29] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll30], [roll31] weapon damage + [roll32] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll33], [roll34] weapon damage + [roll35] damage (vampiric touch)

2018-06-14, 08:23 AM
Clearly visible because of the attacks she launched, the sorceress is casting again, Kara gets hit with a quickened chain lightning, the diamond gem flashing, for 61 points and then a maximized chain lighting crashes into her (diamond flash) for 90 points.
REF, DC25 for both
Her momentum carries her into the storm giant, and proceeds to wail on him full force, at the end of which he topples over, quite dead. She turns to face the sorceress.

2018-06-14, 09:14 AM
(Forgot to mention you picked up 39 THP on vampiric touch. Don't know how it works on HP you gain after being smacked, because I see you did not pass the second save)

2018-06-14, 09:27 AM
HP 64/155 (39 THP) AC 44 (T 26, FF 38) Saves F +16 R +18 W +21
Spell slots 0 6/6; 1 7/11; 2 9/11; 3 4/9; 4 4/6
Active spells greater luminous armor (-4 on melee attacks against her), greater magic weapon (+4), greater mighty wallop (2 increases), shield, swift invisibility

With the last giant falling with a resounding boom, the gish dodges another burst of lightning, this one much more serious (shown by how it completely fries with giant corpses). What Kara didn't expect was another lightning burst right behind it, and it is a nasty one. She found what Elinon sent her to look for, magic in excess of what should normally be possible. Kara also notices the flash of her ring, the one her father gave her. All four have flashed now, corresponding to different spells, it seems. But she does not have time to ponder on the subject.

Bad news: maximized chain lightning spells hurt. With lightning still crackling over her sparkly golden form, Kara suddenly leaps and is very, very close to the sorceress. This is where she is most deadly to Kotepians. Mages of a certain aptitude eventually grow complacent, thinking there is no chance for them to ever fail to cast a spell under fire, and even if a "brute" closes the distance to them, they can just escape with spells cast in an instant, before the aggressor can even react, or just step away. Only that Kara is trained to defeat all of that. She is hell for mages. And she is about to show it.

She unleashes a barrage of strikes, four arms moving faster than the sorceress can see. But she does not strike to break and bludgeon. The Helldiver strikes very specific spots, numbing her opponent's body more and more, until unconsciousness takes her. She is not going to kill this witch. Elinon wants answers, and so does she. And who knows?

Just as Kara is hell for casters to fight, she is very, very good at showing them a good time (as the healers back home can attest, Dibella and that cute half-celestial especially). And she has turned Kotepians away from their path before.

I assumed that 39 is the highest vampiric touch hit last round.

Swift Jump! [roll0] x 2 ft, adjacent to the sorceress.

Due to Kara's Greater Exaggerated Concentration, the following applies:
"5-ft steps, swift action movement and standing, as well as swift or immediate action spells, spell-like abilities, psionic powers, and psi-like abilities provoke attacks of opportunity from you. In addition any check made to avoid provoking an attack of opportunity (such as a tumble check to move through a square safely or concentration check to cast defensively) has its DC increased by your Tall Tale level (this includes opposed checks)."
So the sorceress takes a -15 penalty to Concentration for casting defensively, and she can't just easily step or teleport away. Pretty much everything except standing still or physically attacking Kara provokes.

Full action Full attack at the sorceress, expending a 4th level spell for Arcane Strike, adding +4 attack bonus and +4d4 damage to each attack. All damage done is nonlethal.
[roll1], [roll2] weapon damage + [roll3] damage (arcane strike)
[roll4], [roll5] weapon damage + [roll6] damage (arcane strike)
[roll7], [roll8] weapon damage + [roll9] damage (arcane strike)
[roll10], [roll11] weapon damage + [roll12] damage (arcane strike)

[roll13], [roll14] weapon damage + [roll15] damage (arcane strike)
[roll16], [roll17] weapon damage + [roll18] damage (arcane strike)
[roll19], [roll20] weapon damage + [roll21] damage (arcane strike)
[roll22], [roll23] weapon damage + [roll24] damage (arcane strike)

[roll25], [roll26] weapon damage + [roll27] damage (arcane strike)
[roll28], [roll29] weapon damage + [roll30] damage (arcane strike)
[roll31], [roll32] weapon damage + [roll33] damage (arcane strike)
[roll34], [roll35] weapon damage + [roll36] damage (arcane strike)

2018-06-14, 01:51 PM
Suddenly realizing she is in a world of trouble with her giant allies dead, the sorceress desperately pulls out all her power, sending a pair of maximized, quickened chain lightnings at Kara (her diamond gem flashing furiously) but the nimble hero steps past them both. Now in the sorceress's personal space, she strikes at her, intending to knock her senseless. Arcane power is strong in Kotep followers, but martial power is not, and it doesn't take too many blows to knock her out, her stunned body collapsing. As Kara prepares to tie her up for transport however, her body gives a sudden convulsion and a scream passes her lips, and then she is still. The chest no longer rising and falling with her breath, and a quick check confirms she is dead. She hadn't thought she had hit her that hard.

2018-06-14, 03:02 PM
It seems Kotep doesn't want the secret to get out. What a waste. Kara looks down at the now dead sorceress. With some work and nurturing, she maybe could have become a wonderful Lysindran.

Kara quickly heads to the captives, checking who is still alive, healing those that are. Retrieving her adamantine kukri she lovingly has dubbed "Lockpick", she just cuts through the chains that hold the prisoners (alive and dead). "My name is Kara Fatalis. I am an agent of Lysindra and here to save you." Only then does Kara start to heal herself (and free herself of the damnable glitter). She does a quick sweep of the cave and the bodies for magic items and evidence. She also takes a look at her ring, trying to figure out if anything is different with it now. Frankly, she has no idea why it glowed in this fight. It has never done this before. She recalls hearing implications that her own mother was someone connected to Kotepian experiments (hence why Kara has her four arms) and that her ring once belonged to her. Maybe Kotep's magic makes it react?

With the sweep done, Kara retrieves one of her sending scrolls to message Elinon. 25 word limit, right, the Helldiver reminds herself, thinking through various iterations of what to send before deciding upon the final version.

"Bandits defeated. Found trader survivors. Kotep mage present as described, was killed by some magic when captured. Please send assistance to transport survivors." 23 words, alright. Kara grins, and adds "Love, Kara."

Kara heals the prisoners, then herself, then searches the bodies and the cave for loot and evidence, then casts the sending

2018-06-14, 08:40 PM
All of the gems and such detailed on the manifest are there, much to the gratitude of the merchants, who wish to give Kara some sort of reward. The other caravan material is pretty much wrecked or eaten, but the manifests will be useful for collecting insurance. The giants axes are magical, but when Kara searches the sorceress, expecting to find a lot of magical trinkets, given her level of power, she is surprised to find nothing. As in, absolutely nothing.

2018-06-15, 03:55 AM
Kara is more than a bit baffled at finding absolutely nothing on the sorceress. Now she really wishes she could have been brought into the fold. She will need to report to Elinon in detail.

When the merchants offer a reward, Kara just smiles and hands them their manifest and wares back, as well as the manifests of the other caravans. "You're safe now, that's enough of a reward. I wish I could have arrived here sooner. Please hand the manifests to the trading houses so the other victims may be identified and their loved ones be informed. Waiting for an answer from home whether someone is coming to pick you up. If not, I'll get you to the nearest city myself." And if she spots someone rather handsome among the merchants, a wink is added his way.

In the meantime, Kara waits for an answer from back home. Sendings take time, so she waits half an hour or so. If she still doesn't hear anything by then, she takes the merchants and leads them to their waggong and then back to the nearest city.

2018-06-15, 04:35 PM
About 15 minutes after Kara does her sending, there is a huge displacement of air in the cavern, the "winds" buffet her and when the dust settles, there are 5 men in the room. Kara recognizes some of them from the temple, and one steps forward to her...We were sent by Elinon, we are the extraction crew. With almost military precision the group gets the caravaneers into one group and the merchant wares into two piles, and teleport them out. One of the men heads out to look at the wagons but returns shortly, shaking his head nothing recoverable. He disappears in a teleport as well, and the leader addresses Kara again I can offer you a teleport back Elinon, or anywhere else if that is your wish.

2018-06-16, 04:52 AM
Kara waves the caravaneers goodbye ("Tell everyone that the Helldiver walked all over Kotep's little party tricks. You can quote me on that.") and she thanks the Lysindrans for their help. When asked by the leader, Kara lets her shining armor disappear, once again showing her swashbucklery, revealing garments. She feels the sacrifice take hold, making her weaker, but that is okay, the fighting it over, and she has the attentions of her favorite healers to look forward to. As she stretches all four arms above her head after all that fighting, she decides she should probably let Dibella take care of her. The pretty elf would be a little sad if she picked another healer again.

"Back to Elinon would be lovely. And I'll take that body with me, have our scholars take a looksee." With the body of the sorceress in tow, Kara puts three of her arms around the leader, letting him feel her curves. After all, this is much more fun for everyone involved than just touching hands, rewarding the leader with a kiss on the cheek when they arrive.

When the leader is gone, Kara begins her report. "This is the Kotepian sorceress who controlled the bandits, a bunch of giants, including a storm giant, who were unusually strong. Two caravans were already wiped out, I could save some of a third. I am sure the sorceress was after spell or magic crafting ingredients, in the form of gemstones, herbs, and spices. She wielded powerful magic she really shouldn't have been able to, such as quickened chain lightning, but she had no magic items on her whatsoever and I am quite certain she was nowhere near as powerful as you, otherwise she probably would have wish'd me out of existence or stopped time to drown me in a toxic, exploding cloud. I tried to capture her, hitting pressure points to knock her out without bodily harm, but when she was unconscious, she started to spasm and died. I am certain her fellow Kotepians got rid of her from afar in some fashion so their secret doesn't get out. Maybe our scholars can learn something about the magic she used or the one that was used on her to make counter it in the future and let us capture one alive." Kara looks at the dead sorceress again. "What a waste." But such is Kotep's way. Wasting talents on mindless lust for power and elitism.

"There also another thing. During the fight with the sorceress, the gems on my ring glowed. This has never happened before. I think I told you about the ring once, given to me by my father, once belonging to my mother. Some of the scholars here have theorized my mother had something to do with Kotep and/or his experiments. I'm starting to feel that may actually be the case." And Kara is not certain how she should feel about that. Any connection to Kotep is not welcome to her. She points to each gem as she speaks. "When I entered the cave with the giants and the then invisible sorceress, the emerald lit up. A moment later, the sapphire did when a maximized cone of cold was sent my way. My theory is that the emerald reacted to a quickened and silent invisibility spell. When I got hit by glitterdust," Kara briefly grits her teeth. She still feels like she has glitter somewhere on her. "the ruby glowed. Later, the diamond flashed twice because of a quickened, then a maximized chain lightning, and once again even stronger when she tried to hit me with two quickened and maximized chain lightnings." Kara lets that speak for itself. She knows that a double quicken is possible, but only for the most mindbogglingly powerful mages who are far beyond the ninth circle of spellcasting. Unless Kotepians are cheating the system.

"I'm not sure what exactly the ring is keyed to. Diamond and sapphire seemed to respond to magical elements, air and water, or rather, lightning and cold. This might mean that the ruby is fire and the emerald earth (and perhaps acid). Not sure if glitterdust and invisibility fit the bill, though, but they did react. Spell schools seem to be out, otherwise the evocation spells would have lit up both the sapphire and diamond. Whatever it is, however, the gems light up in response to this weird souped-up Kotep magic, for whatever reason."

Kara takes a deep breath (made a little more difficult at the moment by the divine sacrifice she made for her glowing armor), ending her report. "I should be ready to go for the next mission after some rest and a lesser restoration or two, my Lady."

2018-06-17, 10:29 AM
When Kara puts her arms around the man, its clear that he likes the situation, adjusting his body to feel her curves even more. He also seems to fumble to find his spell components for the teleport momentarily, Kara is pretty sure an extraction team leader would know exactly where his components were so he was probably making the embrace last a little longer.
When Kara reports to Elinon, the elder mage takes no notes, but Kara is certain that she repeat back exactly what she said, even to the point of putting in the same pauses that she had. When she finishes her report, Elinon is thoughtful for a moment and then leads Kara into the jail the temple maintains for Kotepians awaiting trial. She keeps a close eye on Kara's ring as they approach, but even at the bars of the cell there is no reaction. She then orders the mage to cast a magic missile at Kara, one wonders why the mage would be stupid enough to, given its not going to get him free in any way, but the hatred that Kotepians have for Lysindrans often overwhelms their sense and he does so, Elinon quickly curing Kara after...again the ring doesnt react.

Well, its not some sort of Kotep detection system and it doesnt seem to react to ordinary magic. We'll keep an eye on it.

2018-06-17, 12:40 PM
Kara throws up a shield the instant the Kotepian actually casts, having the missiles shatter against it. No reaction from the ring. She smiles to the Kotepian with a little wave of her two right hands before leaving with Elinon, only outside the jail answering "I'll report any observations on future assignments. What will be my next mission? If there's at least a day of transit to my destination, I can go and get my muscles fixed by our lovely healers, dump some loot with our business contacts, and leave immediately." Elinon knows Kara and her work ethics. The Helldiver knows this threat is serious and she wants to tackle it as soon as possible and in top condition, meaning having the sacrifice she made for her luminous armor fixed and repleneshing her spell power. She probably would like to get some new toys and fool around with a friend before heading out again, but Kara loves herself some action just as much. She likes to say it, and she means it everytime. She loves her job.

2018-06-18, 06:36 AM
Take a week. I have a job for you, but it will keep. If, as we suspect, the Kotepians are able to affect their people from afar, then they must have some way of seeing what is happening and the appearance of the Helldiver again so soon in their plans will make them suspicious.

2018-06-18, 09:13 AM
"Yes, ma'am," Kara responds with a deep bow. "I'll be around if you need anything." The Helldiver's status means she usually takes orders directly from Elinon, which pleases Kara's inner Elinon fangirl to no end, happy to be at her beck and call. She'll get a week "off", so plenty time to recover, unwind, and prepare.

First step are the business contacts, lugging all her loot gathered from the giants there to see how much she's got and order upgrades an upgrade or two from the crafters.

Next one is paying a visit to Dibella towards the end of the beautiful elven woman's workday, after a change of clothes. "Oh Dibella," Kara greets the elf almost like a siren's call, sitting and slightly reclining on the healer's table meant for patients. The Helldiver is wearing little more than a red, tight top and a short skirt of the same color, smiling in a most sweet manner. "my last mission took sooo much out of me. Taking hits from giants, lightning strikes, my armor's sacrifice. Your gift was so very, very helpful, making me think of you every time I used it, but I'm still feeling so weak. Could you spare some time, for me?" Kara leans forward, hugging herself with her four arms. She knows Dibella would heal her even without the four-armed woman is doing, but she loves seeing the shy elf blush, Kara easily the dominant one of the two. Kara's height puts Dibella's eyeline straight at her well-endowed chest supported by her unique physiology, with a toned stomach and dancer's legs below, and a beautiful face and bewitching smile above. Dibella is her greatest fan and wants her, Kara knows, making the elf squirm with that knowledge... but only for a short while. Some quality time is in order.


Throughout the course of the week, Kara splits her time between multiple things. Relaxing with some swimming and bathing, massages (received and given), and walks. Training with sparring matches against experienced Lysindrans as well as several weaker ones at once, adding various workouts for strength, dexterity, and stamina in between (and getting ogled in the process). Mentoring new recruits and more up-and-coming Lysindrans, at one point offering herself for target practice, catching several arrows in just a few seconds and giving feedback while doing it. And, of course, having fun by running and jumping all over the place and around it, taking positively harrowing routes and jumps, living it up with her fellow Lysindrans via dance, and quality time with the temple's lovely healers as well as her former battle companions.

Pretty much one week later on the dot, Kara returns to Elinon in full gear, very eager for her next mission, only sheer force of will keeping her still in one place.

2018-06-23, 07:37 AM
Its several (very pleasurable) days later and Kara finds herself in the presence of Elinon once again. As always the priestess gets right to the point.
A group of Kotep followers have set up or rather commandeered a temple in the Komath Mountains, the foothills to be precise, on the Terkaton side of the mountain. If it were any other evil cult, I would say to Terkaton that it was their problem as we have no real reason to help them out, but since dealing with Kotep is our particular specialty, especially now and since they would now owe us one, I agreed to their request to deal with it. They have even given us leave to teleport to the spot right on their borders and not be greeted by a division of their finest. Your mission is fairly simple, get in, clear the temple out, rescue any prisoners and when you have it secured, send to me and I will send a specialist team to finish off the obliteration. And of course, pick up any more information about these new mages

2018-06-23, 10:23 AM
Kara arrives in a great mood. Finally getting back to what she loves doing the most, after what she would summarize as an amazing vacation with equally amazing company. And she may or may not have a new boyfriend. Life's good.

All geared up, Elinon witnesses Kara buffing herself with her long-lasting usuals, making her fists lethal and once again giving herself her luminous armor.

"How very generous of Terkaton," Kara jests while fussing a little with her hair in relation to her armor. When Elinon has finished the briefing, Kara bows with a double flourish. "I'll see it done in no time. Ready when you are, Lady Elinon." The vacation was wonderful, but the Helldiver is itching for some action. Of course, she looks and is giddy, but she has every intention to fulfill her mission to the fullest extend.

2018-06-25, 08:19 AM
Kara teleports to the designated border outpost, only seeing one guardsman who gives her the directions to the temple. Its a short hike to the foothills, which she covers in about half a day. Hiding behind a small rocky outcropping, Kara sees what she surmises is the opening to the temple. The temple is constructed right into the rock, its like the rock was chiselled away, making the temple as much a part of the mountain as anything. The "mouth" of the cave has been fashioned into the head of a dragon and a large pit full of fire burns in the opening. This was clearly a temple to a dragon, or dragons of some kind, perhaps even Tiamat at one point, and then fell either to Thugren (God of the Mountains) or to complete disuse before the Kotep contingent arrived. At the moment, a guard stands to either side of the fire pit, alert and watching. Knowing Koteps disdain for warriors, these men are likely mages, and will respond with spells if attacked.

2018-06-25, 02:41 PM
HP 155/155 AC 45 (T 27, FF 39) Saves F +16 R +18 W +22
Spell slots 0 6/6; 1 10/11; 2 11/11; 3 7/9; 4 6/7
Active spells greater luminous armor (-4 on melee attacks against her), greater magic weapon (+4), greater mighty wallop (2 increases), shield

Kara, naturally, gives the guardsman a smile and a wave as she passes. No need to be an ass towards him, he's just doing his job, even if he could have picked a better side. Once at the temple, she suppresses a whistle at its design. Alert guards. Well then. With her luminous armor, Kara is glowing like a daylight spell, so subtlety won't get her far here, not that she has any real talent for that. Having recently gotten some practice with dealing with mages, Kara starts her assault, springing into action, raising her shield, and charging her fists with necrotic energies. Better not underestimate them, those spells hurt a whole damn lot.

Swift Cast shield

Move Jump [roll0] x 2 feet, hopefully adjacent to one of the mages.

If adjacent:
Standard Attack the mage while channeling vampiric touch (gain THP equal to the highest vampiric touch damage done, lasting 1 hour)
[roll1], [roll2] weapon damage + [roll3] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll4], [roll5] weapon damage + [roll6] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll7], [roll8] weapon damage + [roll9] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll10], [roll11] weapon damage + [roll12] damage (vampiric touch)

2018-06-26, 08:04 AM
The mage barely to raise his hands before Kara is on him like fighting hellcat, raining down blows. It doesn't really matter that one does not connect, as the other three are more than enough to finish him off. Meanwhile, the mage on the other side responds with a cone of cold
[roll0] REF:19
and then a quickened magic missile which unfortunately splatters on Kara's shield. Perhaps of note, the ring did not flash at any time.

(need initiative vs. mage for next round, the fire pit between you prevented you from dividing your attacks)

2018-06-26, 08:43 AM
HP 155/155 (32 THP) AC 45 (T 27, FF 39) Saves F +16 R +18 W +22
Spell slots 0 6/6; 1 10/11; 2 11/11; 3 7/9; 4 6/7
Active spells greater luminous armor (-4 on melee attacks against her), greater magic weapon (+4), greater mighty wallop (2 increases), shield

"Ha, someone always tries that," Kara comments cheerfully to herself as the magic missile just shatters against her shield after she almost lazily steps around the cone of cold. She leaps over the fire pit in one go, not even bothering with channeling a spell this time to finish off the last guard, the barrage already starting on her way down.

(Forgot to adjust my attacks for Kara's increased Charisma last round. Fixed in this one)

Initiative [roll0]

Reflex check 25 edit: Link removed. Accidentally posted in an old Lysindra's Legions OOC thread because the names are identical and both showed up in my browser history.

Swift Jump [roll1] x 2 feet, adjacent to the mage

Full action Full attack at the mage
[roll2], [roll3] weapon damage
[roll4], [roll5] weapon damage
[roll6], [roll7] weapon damage
[roll8], [roll9] weapon damage

[roll10], [roll11] weapon damage
[roll12], [roll13] weapon damage
[roll14], [roll15] weapon damage
[roll16], [roll17] weapon damage

[roll18], [roll19] weapon damage
[roll20], [roll21] weapon damage
[roll22], [roll23] weapon damage
[roll24], [roll25] weapon damage

2018-06-26, 09:46 AM
Seeing Kara so easily dodge his first attack, the mage changes his tactics. He casts on himself first (quickened True Strike) followed by hurling an orb of fire at her, which she cannot evade.
At that point, Kara arrives in very ill humour and proceeds to beat the living daylights out of him. As before, the ring is not flashing.

2018-06-26, 10:07 AM
HP 155/155 (6 THP) AC 45 (T 27, FF 39) Saves F +16 R +18 W +22
Spell slots 0 6/6; 1 10/11; 2 11/11; 3 7/9; 4 6/7
Active spells greater luminous armor (-4 on melee attacks against her), greater magic weapon (+4), greater mighty wallop (2 increases), shield

Never quite figured out how to block those orbs, Kara thinks to herself as the orb connects with her. She feels the stolen life spare her the pain before downing the mage.

"Well, A for effort," Kara comments, patting the body as she goes through the possessions of the mages. Neither of them wielded the heavy duty metamagic, so it seems that sort of thing is a bit more... exclusive.

As soon as she has finished the looting, she immediately heads into the temple. It won't take them long to put together that they are under attack, and it is not exactly hard to see Kara coming, so she is opting for shock tactics instead.

2018-06-28, 07:31 AM
On the bodies of the dead wizards, Kara finds bracers, a ring and an amulet...her experience tells her that they are likely defensive items, while Kotep wizards do not engage in hand to hand battles, they are well aware of the gauche nature of lesser beings to resolve things in such a low class way.
Heading into the "mouth", Kara notices that the walls slowly become more wood covered, a brief glance tells her that this is elvish craftsmanship and the wood seems almost to blend with the stone, becoming part of it, rather than just walling it out. Seems a shame that such craftsmanship will have to be destroyed, but between the Kotepians and whomever built this temple originally, its halls are despoiled for any sort of good deity. And perhaps the souls of those who were forced into servitude to do it will rest easier once it is destroyed.
Reaching the "back" of the cave, Kara finds a huge wall, with a door in it. The door is decorated with the symbol of Kotep and appears to barred in some way, having checked the wizards, she knows they didn't have any keys to it.

2018-06-28, 07:47 AM
Hm. Shame. Kara thinks to herself as she walks through the cave after looting the mages.

The back of the cave, however, contains a very Kotepian thing indeed. In their elitist ways, they so do love methods of keeping the unwashed mundane masses out of their places, so Kara has little doubt there is some trick to the door, most likely magical. Thus, she draws upon her arcane attunement for a detect magic to scan the door and the surrounding area, also searching the door for clues normally. Finally, she looks at her heirloom "Ring of the Fates" and tries presenting it and touching it to the door.

2018-06-28, 08:55 AM
The door does radiate a faint aura of magic, however a search of both it and the surrounding area does not reveal any sort of clues as to its operation. The ring is likewise unhelpful, remaining dormant even when presented.

2018-06-28, 11:21 AM
Getting little in the way of clues, Kara simply touches the Kotep symbol, then pushes the door, and if it doesn't budge tries to see if her adamantine dagger can carve through it.

2018-06-28, 08:10 PM
Kara gets a little spark, little more than static, when she touches the door. She cant open the door normally, but her adamantite dagger will carve through it with some effort

2018-06-29, 12:50 AM
Kara tries to channel some magic through the door (in this case, shocking grasp), if that doesn't work: a dispel magic, and if that doesn't work either, she gets to work with her adamantine dagger (doing 1d4+13 damage and ignoring hardness).

2018-06-29, 07:46 AM
The moment magic (any magic, in this case, the shocking grasp) is channelled against the door, it swings smoothly and silently open. The door opens to reveal a hallway forward, the floor tiles of which are made of what looks like pure gold. The hall leads to a vast door, also made of gold, and inscripted with the symbol of Kotep. To each side of the hall, passages lead to the right and left, and appear to turn up after about 20 feet.

2018-06-29, 08:23 AM
This is an absurd amount of gold, hot damn. Go big or go home, eh? Kara lets her gaze sweep through the hallway. Since she is supposed to do a full sweep, she'd better do it systematically. The big door most likely leads to a huge hall, possibly with several higher positions. Better to scout that out and clear the auxiliary positions before heading in. So she opts to go into the left hallway.

2018-06-30, 08:41 AM
The hallway does turn after about 20 feet and goes (north, just to give a reference idea) for about 60 feet before ending in a door, once again with the symbol of Kotep. Along the east wall (so they would turn back to the main corridor, but there were no doors in it), there are 3 doors, spaced equally apart.

2018-06-30, 09:57 AM
Kara checks the east wall doors one by one, followed by the door at the end.

2018-07-02, 08:45 AM
(Im just going to do the first room, in case Kara wants to change her strategy, based on results)

Kara opens the first door and is presented with what is obviously someone's sleeping quarters. Searching through it quickly, Kara determines that it would be mage's quarters (based on content and the fact this is a Kotep temple), finding a spell book as well as 1000 gold coins. A cursory examination of the clothes in it, Kara is no fashion expert, but if she had to venture a guess, this room belongs to one of the guards she dealt with in the entrance way.

2018-07-02, 08:48 AM
Kara stashes the spellbook and gold since she's already there, but these rooms aren't her priority right now. Looting can wait for when she is done. Instead, she just knocks hard on the other two doors twice, seeing if anyone is coming out. If not, she moves further along the hallway and through the door.

(I am aware of the issues with the avatars. THe image site I uploaded the images to disabled hotlinking, currently looking for alternatives)

2018-07-02, 03:26 PM
From the second door, she hears a muffled....Go away, Im studying, my shift isnt for another hour

2018-07-02, 04:13 PM
Kara grins, putting on a voice of a sweet, dumb bimbo who is eager to serve. "I'm sorry master, I'm just, like, a stupid little paladin slut who was shown what she's really there for by her arcane masters. Pleeease let me make it up to you and let me, like, lighten your, mmh, load." Kara knows how to frame her words just right to have an effect on people that is hard to resist. Add on top how Kotepians just love to enslave warriors, feel superior to them, and have them know their place. Who knows, maybe the others caught some stupid paladin and made her an eager slave.

If things work out as hoped, Kara might soon be greeted by a very eager Kotepian who then gets a very swift beating.

Kara uses her Exaggerated Bluff skill to make a non-magical suggestion (SR: No) to eagerly open the door (and probably undress in the process), with a DC of 25, as part of Kara's bluff
Taking 12 (as per Skill Mastery and the Exaggerated Ease class feature) on the Bluff check for a result of 46. The penalty to the bluff check for outlandishness is reduced by 15, as per Kara's Exaggerated Bluff skill.

Full attack at the guard once he opens the door, hopefully catching him off-guard
[roll0], [roll1] weapon damage
[roll2], [roll3] weapon damage
[roll4], [roll5] weapon damage
[roll6], [roll7] weapon damage

[roll8], [roll9] weapon damage
[roll10], [roll11] weapon damage
[roll12], [roll13] weapon damage
[roll14], [roll15] weapon damage

[roll16], [roll17] weapon damage
[roll18], [roll19] weapon damage
[roll20], [roll21] weapon damage
[roll22], [roll23] weapon damage

2018-07-02, 06:49 PM
Kara hears the sound of a chair being pushed back, but also an exasperated sigh. And I told you the door opens that I dont have the time for... at which point the beating begins, ending with the mage dropping to the floor, dead. Of note, the green gem in Kara's ring flashes as the door opens.

2018-07-03, 12:14 AM
The last time the emerald flashed was at the beginning of the last fight against a serious Kotep mage. So either the mage she just clobbered tried to do something, or someone else is starting to cast. Or the emerald is like a Kotep super metamagic detector. Maybe the guard was studying that sort of thing? Questions for later.

For now, Kara pushes the body back into the door and closes it. She'll loot and look at his study material later. The Kotepians still aren't expecting an attack, she needs to use that while she can. She just opens the third door and if that is empty, she moves on to the end of the hall.

2018-07-03, 07:55 AM
Entering the third door, Kara once again sees sleeping quarters, and a Kotep mage sleeping there (green gem not flashing). He seems to be stirring just a bit as she enters, but not awake yet.

2018-07-03, 12:58 PM
Kara ends the mage painlessly, still having no interest in needless suffering and fear, then moves on.

(Assuming the outcome of the attack is clear)

2018-07-03, 05:56 PM
The mage is disposed of quickly, even a brief glance into the room reveals the usual assortment of protective magics, and if she were to search, she would knows she would likely find a spellbook. But thats for later, perhaps.
Heading to the door at the end of the hall, Kara pauses for a moment as the green gem lights up. Something dangerous is clearly on the other side of this door, which does not appear to be locked.

2018-07-04, 10:05 AM
The ring flashes once more. By now, it very much feels like Kara is being warned by her heirloom ring, the emerald showing impending threats, perhaps those knowing this Kotepian metamagic. Before getting herself ready, Kara looks at her ring, showing a smile both warm and a little sad. She would like to think her parents are watching over her, and by Lysindra does she miss them. Casting her shield and turning herself briefly invisible, she opens the door, readying herself for some swift violence.

Cast shield and swift invisibility, then open the door.

Initiative [roll0]

2018-07-09, 07:48 AM
Kara kicks open the door, ready for action. She quickly determines that she is in the prison block of the temple, there are numerous cells (most with occupants) and three Kotep mage guardians. They start to shout to each other (whos there?, whats up?, invisible invaders, get your seeing spells, etc), but since Kara is invisible (for now), she has initiative. While her ring is flashing, even if it is a metamagic "Geiger counter", it cant point out which of the mages (or in fact, if all) has the overpower.

2018-07-09, 08:01 AM
HP 155/155 (6 THP) AC 45 (T 27, FF 39) Saves F +16 R +18 W +22
Spell slots 0 6/6; 1 9/11; 2 10/11; 3 6/9; 4 5/7
Active spells greater luminous armor (-4 on melee attacks against her), greater magic weapon (+4), greater mighty wallop (2 increases), shield

Better go in magic guns blazing. With one leap, Kara places herself right in the middle of the mages and starts her beatdown, suddenly appearing in front of them with shadows around her fists and magic guiding her strikes. If Kotep wants to escalate things with overwhelming metamagic, she has little reason to hold back either.

Initiative [roll0] Ignore, forgot I rolled already

Since the swift action has been used already, using a move action to jump adjacent to the mages, then do a quick round of attacks.

Standard Attack at oen of the mages while channeling vampiric touch (gain THP equal to the highest vampiric touch damage done, lasting 1 hour), expending a 4th level spell for Arcane Strike, adding +4 attack bonus and +4d4 damage to each attack
[roll1], [roll2] weapon damage + [roll3] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll4] damage (arcane strike)
[roll5], [roll6] weapon damage + [roll7] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll8] damage (arcane strike)
[roll9], [roll10] weapon damage + [roll11] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll12] damage (arcane strike)
[roll13], [roll14] weapon damage + [roll15] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll16] damage (arcane strike)

Switch to the next target if Kara kills one of them.

2018-07-11, 07:12 AM
Kara's sudden appearance startles the wizard and he has almost no time to react before her fists start raining down on him. Hes dead before he hits the floor but Kara has no time to switch. Naturally she is hit with spells, a maximized cone of cold 60 points, DC21 which provokes a sapphire flash and then a maximized chain lighting 60 points, DC21, also creating a sapphire burst

2018-07-11, 08:03 AM
HP 155/155 (31 THP) AC 45 (T 27, FF 39) Saves F +16 R +18 W +22
Spell slots 0 6/6; 1 8/11; 2 10/11; 3 6/9; 4 5/7
Active spells greater luminous armor (-4 on melee attacks against her), greater magic weapon (+4), greater mighty wallop (2 increases), shield

Even with their super metamagic, Kara can feel these mages are weak. Doing her best to twist out of the way of the magic, her fists crackle with lightning and the smell of ozone as she assaults the Kotepians.

Reflex saves (with Evasion) [roll0] [roll1]

Full action Full attack at the mages while channeling shocking grasp (gain +3 to attack if the giant is wearing metal armor)
[roll2], [roll3] weapon damage + [roll4] electricity damage (shocking grasp)
[roll5], [roll6] weapon damage + [roll7] electricity damage (shocking grasp)
[roll8], [roll9] weapon damage + [roll10] electricity damage (shocking grasp)
[roll11], [roll12] weapon damage + [roll13] electricity damage (shocking grasp)

[roll14], [roll15] weapon damage + [roll16] electricity damage (shocking grasp)
[roll17], [roll18] weapon damage + [roll19] electricity damage (shocking grasp)
[roll20], [roll21] weapon damage + [roll22] electricity damage (shocking grasp)
[roll23], [roll24] weapon damage + [roll25] electricity damage (shocking grasp)

[roll26], [roll27] weapon damage + [roll28] electricity damage (shocking grasp)
[roll29], [roll30] weapon damage + [roll31] electricity damage (shocking grasp)
[roll32], [roll33] weapon damage + [roll34] electricity damage (shocking grasp)
[roll35], [roll36] weapon damage + [roll37] electricity damage (shocking grasp)

2018-07-12, 08:10 AM
Once again the hapless mage is unable to stand up to the assault of Kara. Only one left now, and hes toughest. He casts a quickened spell on himself (ruby gem reacting) and then Kara is hit by the absolute chill of a maximized polar ray 90 points, (bringing a response from the diamond gem) the Kotepian recognizing her ability to dodge normal spells.

2018-07-12, 10:18 AM
HP 36/155 AC 45 (T 27, FF 39) Saves F +16 R +18 W +22
Spell slots 0 6/6; 1 8/11; 2 10/11; 3 5/9; 4 5/7
Active spells greater luminous armor (-4 on melee attacks against her), greater magic weapon (+4), greater mighty wallop (2 increases), shield

This situation is getting ugly quick. Not only did that one mage take a ridiculous amount of punishment before going down, preventing Kara from downing the other one, but they are switching to touch spells. Two of those will kill her. And no matter how fast she is, she would need to severely impact her own offense in favor of defense to even remotely start to have a chance of dodging those spells. Which would cut into her damage output. Which means killing mages more slowly.

So it seems she has to rely on overwhelming force from now on, hope the Kotepians don't catch on, and basically being a glass cannon. Lovely.

Channeling necrotic energies, Kara seeks to end the last mage.

Yup, we are reaching the rocket tag part of the game now.

Full action Full attack at the mage while channeling vampiric touch (gain THP equal to the highest vampiric touch damage done, lasting 1 hour)
[roll0], [roll1] weapon damage + [roll2] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll3], [roll4] weapon damage + [roll5] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll6], [roll7] weapon damage + [roll8] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll9], [roll10] weapon damage + [roll11] damage (vampiric touch)

[roll12], [roll13] weapon damage + [roll14] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll15], [roll16] weapon damage + [roll17] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll18], [roll19] weapon damage + [roll20] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll21], [roll22] weapon damage + [roll23] damage (vampiric touch)

[roll24], [roll25] weapon damage + [roll26] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll27], [roll28] weapon damage + [roll29] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll30], [roll31] weapon damage + [roll32] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll33], [roll34] weapon damage + [roll35] damage (vampiric touch)

2018-07-12, 09:50 PM
(the mages purposely spread out, so that any fighter that came in on them would have to go one by one, giving them a chance to fight back...and overpowered metamagic is kind of the theme of this campaign)

Kara jumps to the last mage, arriving in pain and ill humor. The mages are powerful and dangerous when they can keep her at bay, but up close and personal, they have very little chance, almost no offense and precious little defense. The beatdown is quick and complete, and by its end, the last mage is dead, although Kara herself isnt in great shape.
Looking around, she sees the captives once again, there are about 10 of them, all in various shapes of distress...although none of them appear to have been extensively tortured.

2018-07-13, 01:23 AM
That was way too close. She has a certain buffer again, but she is hurt badly. Had they decided to fire those rays immediately, there is no way she could have won. With more mages likely being present in this complex, this suddenly makes her a woman on a suicide mission. More than usual. Kara sighs. She will need to request back-up, very skilled back-up for the next mission, namely full mage back-up that just end the fight before it begins. This is too much for a single duskblade, and trying to pretend it isn't is throwing her life away and harming Lysindra's cause. But she has the mission, she will need to see it through.

Freeing the prisoners, she heals them all and asks them why they were kidnapped and what was done to them, only then healing herself and looting the mages. Afterwards, Kara steels herself, guides the prisoners outside, out of direct sight of the entrance, telling them to wait for her return, or leave on their own if she doesn't return in half an hour. No time for a ten minute sending. She needs to go back in now. And she does, delving deeper into the parts of the dungeon she hasn't been to before.

2018-07-13, 03:16 PM
Two of the mages have nothing on them, the last one has 100 platinum coins and an assortment of defensive magic items. When Kara frees the prisoners, they explain that they came upon this abandoned temple about 2 years ago, and were setting it up to worship "dragons", not any one particular dragon but the whole idea of dragons. They had just gotten the temple into shape when the Kotepians arrived and ousted them. They are able to describe the rest of the temple to her, it seems that the main hallway leads directly into the temple worship hall itself, and the right hand passage (Kara having taken the left) runs around the temple the same as the first (3 bedrooms) and then a large room like this one, but they have no idea what the mages have done with it. This room and the other room have doors on the other side of them that lead to the back part of the temple, two rooms about the same size as these rooms which were being used as bedrooms, but the mages might have changed that. Of note, the temple hall does not have an door to the back area. Other than the temple hall, thats it. They arent sure how many mages are here, Kara has killed 7 so far, but they tell her there at least 10 to 15 total, meaning she has killed at least half.

(where does Kara go)

2018-07-13, 08:26 PM
Once done in the left wing and the prisoners have been left in relative safety, Kara heads into the right wing, checking the doors for Kotepians, followed by heading into the right wing room.

2018-07-14, 11:48 AM
Kara moves back into the temple and takes the right hand path. As before, the first room is empty (probably the dead guard from the first encounter) and then the second room has an occupant, a mage if the robes are any indication


2018-07-14, 02:37 PM
HP 155/155 (32 THP) AC 45 (T 27, FF 39) Saves F +16 R +18 W +22
Spell slots 0 6/6; 1 7/11; 2 10/11; 3 4/9; 4 5/7
Active spells greater luminous armor (-4 on melee attacks against her), greater magic weapon (+4), greater mighty wallop (2 increases), shield

No holding back from now on. Remembering how close to death she just came, Kara flies into action immediately and with her most powerful spell. She might have half a dozen of mages ahead of her, she doesn't need any more dicey situations if she can help it. Even if she has to admit that the thrill is doing it for her, like it does on every mission. She didn't get the nickname Helldiver for nothing, after all. But yeah, she will need backup on the next mission. Gotta put the success of the mission before the thrillseeking. No time to send to Elinon now though, she must not give the Kotepians the time to realize what is going on and organize a counter-offensive, or kill any more prisoners.

Initiative [roll0]

Free Cast shield

Full action Full attack at the mage while channeling vampiric touch (gain THP equal to the highest vampiric touch damage done, lasting 1 hour)
[roll1], [roll2] weapon damage + [roll3] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll4], [roll5] weapon damage + [roll6] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll7], [roll8] weapon damage + [roll9] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll10], [roll11] weapon damage + [roll12] damage (vampiric touch)

[roll13], [roll14] weapon damage + [roll15] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll16], [roll17] weapon damage + [roll18] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll19], [roll20] weapon damage + [roll21] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll22], [roll23] weapon damage + [roll24] damage (vampiric touch)

[roll25], [roll26] weapon damage + [roll27] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll28], [roll29] weapon damage + [roll30] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll31], [roll32] weapon damage + [roll33] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll34], [roll35] weapon damage + [roll36] damage (vampiric touch)

2018-07-14, 05:45 PM
What the... is about all the mage can get out before Kara is on him, obliterating him completely. Of note, the ring doesnt flash.

2018-07-15, 02:47 AM
Kara loots the mage quickly and moves on. Always forward, always keep moving. She searches the last side room (killing the mage inside if there is another sleeping one), then heads to the room at the end of the right-hand hallway.

2018-07-15, 03:07 PM
Kara moves quickly and quietly, the last room holding a sleeping mage who never knew what hit her before she falls as well. Coming to the last door, the gem is not giving off its green warning (if indeed thats what it is) and so she kicks open the door, expecting an opponent but not the normal overpowered one.
The room she finds herself in is clearly a magical laboratory, Kara isnt well versed in the art of magical item construction but she recognizes the setup from the one in the main Lysindra temple. There is a large central table devoted to potion brewing, with all sorts of glassware and bubbling pots of either sweet or foul smelling brews. To either side of the room is writing tables and instruments, along with stacks of clean unused vellum, ready for inscribing of spells of any sort. The last area looks like it would be used for the enchanting of random items. Very notable in its absence (compared to a Lysindra lab) is the lack of any sort of forge or area devoted to the creation of arms and armor...which is not a surprise considering the code of Kotep.
The room has 3 occupants as Kara arrives, one barking orders at the other two. Looking up at the door opening, the one giving the orders challenges her who the hell do you think you are?, while the other two seem to cower back from her and him. The room is filled with tables and some of the potion creation assemblies reach almost to the ceiling, making jumping (at least physically) to the mage impossible.

2018-07-15, 04:37 PM
HP 155/155 (32 THP) AC 39 (T 27, FF 33) Saves F +16 R +18 W +22
Spell slots 0 6/6; 1 6/11; 2 9/11; 3 4/9; 4 5/7
Active spells greater luminous armor (-4 on melee attacks against her), greater magic weapon (+4), greater mighty wallop (2 increases)

Kara meets the question with a smile. "Oh, I'm just," she begins, weaving magic into her voice and suddenly disappearing without a trace, only to stand right behind the orders barking mage, unleashing a shocking barrage. "Helldiver Kara Fatalis. Nice to have met you!"

Once the head mage is dead, she looks to the two cowering mages. "You two look as scared of that guy as of me. Let me guess: he worked you like animals, showed you about as much respect, and rewarded you even less? How am I doing so far?" So far, every (awake) mage had immediately attacked her. These two might be different. Perhaps forced to work for Kotep. Perhaps Kotepians who are fed up with the faith and its deity's fan club. Just a little love and care away from becoming Lysindrans. Up to them if they are open to the offer. And she will know if they attempt to lie to her, no magic trick or aid able to fool her (much to the chagrin of many a bard and succubus in the past).

Initiative [roll0]

Free Use the Duskblade class ability Quick Cast to cast dimension hop on herself, teleporting Kara 40ft and behind the head mage.

Full action Full attack at the head mage while channeling shocking grasp (gain +3 to attack if the giant is wearing metal armor)
[roll1], [roll2] weapon damage + [roll3] electricity damage (shocking grasp)
[roll4], [roll5] weapon damage + [roll6] electricity damage (shocking grasp)
[roll7], [roll8] weapon damage + [roll9] electricity damage (shocking grasp)
[roll10], [roll11] weapon damage + [roll12] electricity damage (shocking grasp)

[roll13], [roll14] weapon damage + [roll15] electricity damage (shocking grasp)
[roll16], [roll17] weapon damage + [roll18] electricity damage (shocking grasp)
[roll19], [roll20] weapon damage + [roll21] electricity damage (shocking grasp)
[roll22], [roll23] weapon damage + [roll24] electricity damage (shocking grasp)

[roll25], [roll26] weapon damage + [roll27] electricity damage (shocking grasp)
[roll28], [roll29] weapon damage + [roll30] electricity damage (shocking grasp)
[roll31], [roll32] weapon damage + [roll33] electricity damage (shocking grasp)
[roll34], [roll35] weapon damage + [roll36] electricity damage (shocking grasp)

2018-07-16, 09:23 AM
The head mage manages to get off a cone of cold [roll0] DC20, shattering half the glassware between him and Kara before the Helldiver teleports to his spot and proceeds to make mincemeat out of him. The two cowering mages look fearfully back and forth between Kara and the door that she came in, trying to figure out if they can make it to the door before she turns them into piles of flesh as well. Its clear by their robes that they are not Kotepians

2018-07-16, 09:52 AM
"Ah, you're not even Kotepians," Kara says with a smile, entirely abandoning her combat stance. "In that case, I am here to get you out. Well, in addition to clearing out Koteps lackeys. Which you aren't, since you were forced to work, if I am guessing correctly. I saved some dragon worshippers over in the left-hand wing already. Who are you?"

Diplomacy (via Bluff modifier) [roll0]

2018-07-16, 01:31 PM
We are members of the dragon commune, the only wizards of the group
We were forced to aid Azack in item creation, its rare to find a Kotep follower who does creation, its not a respected path in the faith
They were holding the others of our group hostage to force us to work on their study

2018-07-16, 03:21 PM
Kara nods. "Yup, just their style. You are safe now, and that I swear by Lysindra. I'll guide you outside for now, to the others, then I'll clear out the main hall, then I'll come back to meet you all." Kara, true to her word, leads the others outside with quick steps (after quickly looting the dead Kotepian), wanting them out of the line of fire, then heads straight into the main hall, casting shield and swift invisibility right before she enters. By nwo, she doubts she still has the element of surprise, but hey, you never know. Regardless, she will need to fight even harder.

2018-07-17, 04:16 PM
Kara rushes into the main temple, and is immediately struck by its sense of "wrongness", the negative essence eating away at her devotion to Lysindra. There seem to be several minds in her body, one of herself, one yelling at her to run out of here...and a last sinister one telling her to give up her worship of Lysindra and convert to Kotep. She is able to put them down with only a little effort, but they seem to be still there.
In terms of contents, there are rows and rows of pews, all facing forward towards the main raised pulpit and dias, flanked on both sides by fonts which Kara is quite sure contain unholy water. A huge statue (in gold) of Kotep is behind the pulpit, which is decorated with his insignia.
The room has 3 mages in it, Kara is a bit surprised to see that her ring does not light up with their presence.


2018-07-17, 05:43 PM
HP 155/155 AC 51 (T 33, FF 39) Saves F +16 R +18 W +22
Spell slots 0 6/6; 1 5/11; 2 8/11; 3 4/9; 4 5/7
Active spells greater luminous armor (-4 on melee attacks against her), greater magic weapon (+4), greater mighty wallop (2 increases), shield

Kara has been to the Nine Hells, she is not going to let some little Kotepian trick sway her. This hall calls for some good old-fashioned sanctification (preceeded by tearing down that ugly statue). Jumping right into the action, Kara appears in the midst of the mages and lashes out hard with her necrotic energies

Initiative [roll0]

Swift Jump [roll1] x 2 ft

Full action Full attack at the nearest mages (killing one first, then moving to the next) while channeling vampiric touch (gain THP equal to the highest vampiric touch damage done, lasting 1 hour), expending a xth level spell for Arcane Strike, adding +4 attack bonus and +4d4 damage to each attack. Using Weapon Expertise for -4 attack to gain +6 dodge AC and slap a -15 penalty on all Concentration checks in her melee reach and have pretty much every kind of casting provoke.
[roll2], [roll3] weapon damage + [roll4] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll5] damage (arcane strike)
[roll6], [roll7] weapon damage + [roll8] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll9] damage (arcane strike)
[roll10], [roll11] weapon damage + [roll12] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll13] damage (arcane strike)
[roll14], [roll15] weapon damage + [roll16] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll17] damage (arcane strike)

[roll18], [roll19] weapon damage + [roll20] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll21] damage (arcane strike)
[roll22], [roll23] weapon damage + [roll24] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll25] damage (arcane strike)
[roll26], [roll27] weapon damage + [roll28] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll29] damage (arcane strike)
[roll30], [roll31] weapon damage + [roll32] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll33] damage (arcane strike)

[roll34], [roll35] weapon damage + [roll36] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll37] damage (arcane strike)
[roll38], [roll39] weapon damage + [roll40] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll41] damage (arcane strike)
[roll42], [roll43] weapon damage + [roll44] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll45] damage (arcane strike)
[roll46], [roll47] weapon damage + [roll48] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll49] damage (arcane strike)

2018-07-18, 07:57 AM
It takes a moment for Kara to put down the negative effects of the temple, and in that time, the mages take advantage. Despite the fact that she was able to dispatch all of her previous opponents in short order, somehow intel has been transmitted about herself and the mages are ready for her dodging tactics. All of them cast quickened true strike on themselves and then cast orb of fire, all three connecting and dealing her a combined total of 101 points. The ring does not flash in the process, and these mages are clearly of lesser power than their brothers, the orbs are not maximized and don't have nearly the same sort of sting to them. Landing in between two of the mages from her jump, Kara goes to work and mercilessly cuts down two of her foes, gaining 35 temporary hit points in the process.
The last mage dual casts again, true strike and orb
[roll0] ranged touch & [roll1]
but this time, Kara's improved defenses foil him and he misses the target

2018-07-18, 08:47 AM
Kara grits her teeth as she pushes through the pain and towards the last mage, ending him in short order.

Once the fight ends, Kara takes a moment, breathing heavily from the pain, but also smiling and laughing from the rush. Riding that wave, she tears down the Kotep statue with her bare hands in short order, loots the mages in the hall, and patches herself up as she walks to the back rooms she forgot to check earlier, starting with the prison.

Full action Full attack at the last mage while channeling vampiric touch (gain THP equal to the highest vampiric touch damage done, lasting 1 hour)
[roll0], [roll1] weapon damage + [roll2] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll3], [roll4] weapon damage + [roll5] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll6], [roll7] weapon damage + [roll8] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll9], [roll10] weapon damage + [roll11] damage (vampiric touch)

[roll12], [roll13] weapon damage + [roll14] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll15], [roll16] weapon damage + [roll17] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll18], [roll19] weapon damage + [roll20] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll21], [roll22] weapon damage + [roll23] damage (vampiric touch)

[roll24], [roll25] weapon damage + [roll26] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll27], [roll28] weapon damage + [roll29] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll30], [roll31] weapon damage + [roll32] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll33], [roll34] weapon damage + [roll35] damage (vampiric touch)

2018-07-19, 09:48 AM
Kara opens the back door in the jail, and sees a long hallway that goes the length of the temple. At the other end of the hall, on the same side that she entered, she sees another door, orienting herself spatially, she knows it would lead back into the lab. On the other side of the hall are two doors, spaced equally apart. Starting with the near door, she opens it to find a bedroom, but currently there is no occupant. Going to the other door, she opens it.
In this room, there is a makeshift library, however it is clear that the Kotepians haven't had the chance to import a great number of books, there are some, but not near the size of many libraries she has seen in the past. Of more interest is the table nearest to her, there are a bunch of scrolls on it, that are all burning, most gone so far as to be illegible. A man in Kotep robes is standing behind the burning scrolls, as she enters, he yells out triumphantly You'll get no information from me, Kotep will rule forever and then proceeds to slit his own throat. The ring was flashing green, until he died.

2018-07-19, 02:05 PM
Kara sighs. Good job, Kara. She rushes over to the scrolls, trying to put the least far gone ones out by suffocating the flames, and generally tries to prevent the library from burning down. Maybe a mage can magic the documents back into reading condition. They can bend reality well enough, this shouldn't be too difficult. Hopefully. Maybe. Yeah, this one is on Kara. Hopefully she will find some other material to maybe point towards what the Kotepians are doing.

Once the fire is taken care of, the grand looting of Kotep bodies and Kotep stuff begins all around the complex, along with a sending to Elinon.

"Kotepians dead. Several close calls. Saved some dragon worshippers. Kotepian burned scrolls with info. Was too slow, that's on me. Getting other stuff. Extraction please?"

2018-07-20, 07:05 AM
Kara attempts to put out the flames but the damage is done, most of the scrolls too badly burned to be of any use. About all she can determine from them is that those who use overpowering metamagic belong to a specific cabal inside the cult and that it is a choice that has to be made. Whatever the rest of the scrolls said is now lost to the greedy flames.
Kara goes back outside and does her sending and after about 15 minutes there is a huge outrush of air as a team teleports in. As she probably suspected would happen, it is lead by Alveron, Kara remembers him as a captain, but his rank insignia identify him as a major. Kara remembers that on her last day off he disappeared for the day, clearly it was some test or promotional opportunity. Her training of him probably no small part in that happening, and he is now in charge of a larger team. We are the Extraction and Demolition team, squadron, you know the drill The men spread out quickly, getting the dragon worshippers together while others head inside the temple. Alveron and Kara follow at more leisurely pace. Within five minutes, the crew reports back to Alveron all charges set, sir, they head back out to teleport out with the rest of the team. Alveron turns to Kara the honor is yours, the trigger word is Elinon and when she speaks it, 10 delayed blast fireballs go off at strategic points, obliterating the contents of the cave and causing several huge rifts to develop, which in turn causes the whole cave to collapse on itself, Alveron smoothly teleporting the two of them out as the flames and rubble are just about to billow over them (just like a Vin Diesel movie)

2018-07-20, 09:48 AM
(Wasn't his name Alveron?)

"Good to see you, everyone. Thank you for your efforts," Kara greets the team with a smile, dismissing her armor. When Alveron and Kara have a moment to themselves, she draws him into a passionate kiss and purrs "And good to see you, Major. Congratulations on the promotion." The gish stays very close to her lover, all four arms wrapped around him. "I missed you," she admits, with a sweet smile. No one has left an impression as he did in her whole life, the way he speaks to her, looks at her, touches her. There are worse things than falling for a gentleman Lysindran.

When the command word is passed and the others teleport out, Kara places herself in his arms like he rescued the damsel. "I think you are due for a reward. Dinner at my place tonight? But first, lets report back to Elinon." And the last word triggers the explosions (she loves the fact that saying Elinon's name triggers explosions; she wants that to happen with her own at some point), holding on to Alveron without a care in the world, knowing she is safe with him. That is also a welcome new feeling. And she so very much loves the thrill of narrowly escaping explosions. That could very much be the title of her biography, should one ever be made. Alveron sure picked himself a firecracker of a woman to woo.

Once at the temple, Kara gives her lover another quick kiss and gets to reporting how her mission went to Elinon, and when what on her ring flashed under what circumstances.

2018-07-20, 04:50 PM
(I just couldnt find a reference)

Alveron is a bit loath to let her go but knows that he has to. Kara reports back to Elinon, once again, the priestess doesnt take notes, but Kara is sure she remembers it all. When she is finished, Elinon considers for a moment and then offers up the following
Taking into account that it is a cabal and joining is a choice, and the ring doesnt react to just any one of them,we can assume that the ring flashes green when one of them shows up. As for the rest, let me try something
Elinon has Kara relax and close her eyes, and guides her back into the past, not a hypnosis, she calls it a cognitive recollection, Kara describing the exact course of the battles, the spells, and everything that happened. When she comes back, Elinon offers up this possiblity
This could be wrong, I have been known to be wrong, but what you describe of the battles, this is the way I see it. The first level, the ruby ring, flashes when one of them uses any form of metamagic. The next level, the sapphire gem, flashes when a mage uses a spell that he should not be able to, casting a 9th level spell when he cant normally cast 9th level spells and the last gem, the diamond one, flashes when he casts a spell that should not even exist, a 10th level spell to describe it as such.

2018-07-21, 02:32 AM
"Leaving the emerald, whatever that signals." Kara sighs, then stands up straight and bows deeply. "I was too slow to recover much. I have some books read by Kotepians, but could save none of the scrolls. I was not good enough, and I can only ask for how I can make it right."

Kara returns to an upright position. "I loathe to admit it, but these Kotepians are potentially too dangerous for me alone. When they used area spells against me for some reason, I could deal, but they eventually started to catch on, firing rays at me with what I assume was a quickened true strike. I am almost defenseless against that, and there were too many close calls. One encounter where I do not get the drop on them and they immediately fire rays and I am dead. I cannot assure the success of future missions anymore on my own, because there is far too much luck involved." Some might call it chickening out in some fashion, but Kara can be brutally honest, especially about her own performance. The success of the missions is what is important. It takes the right tool to accomplish them.

2018-07-21, 07:31 AM
(emerald=green, and serves as a detection that Kotep mages of the cabal are in the area)

There is no need for you to "make things right", we are already farther ahead than we were before. The Kotepians have not stumbled on some new way of doing things that anyone else could use, its a clear choice made by them, presumably granted by the god, and that gives us something to work with. As well, we dont need to worry about this getting out to other sects, and having to deal with enemies on all sides.
As for getting you a second, I think I can arrange that, in fact, I know of someone who will immediately volunteer. Plus if they are going to up the ante with targeting spells, we will look into getting you some sorts of energy protection spells. Kotepians are known for their penchant to fire and cold, almost to the exclusion of acid and lightning. We can use that to our advantage

2018-07-21, 11:36 AM
Well, it is heartening to hear Kara didn't hinder progress after all, even if she is still a little miffed about being unable to retrieve the scrolls.

Kara nods in response to the energy resistance suggestion. "They like fire and cold, but also lightning, given my last missions. Resist energy spells would do hardly anything for me with the force I am meeting, two of their orbs would kill me, even with the spell. Something along the lines of protection from energy would be more usable, but I would need to burn through more magic energy than I could handle if I could cast that spell. Guess I'll need to stock up on potent scrolls. Of course, I'll also need to hope they won't start dispelling or admixing elements if they notice their spells aren't working. Or start lobbing orbs of force. Or enervations." Kara's four hands massage her temples. All her training means absolute jack against these Kotepians.

"Whoever wants to join will need to be able to reliably kill one or more high powered mages in one shot everytime, and weather a barrage of extremely powerful spells, all the time. Can't protect them against anything the Kotepians are throwing out."

2018-07-22, 01:06 PM
The person I have in mind can cast energy immunity spells, so in the first barrage, they will do nothing, the second barrage will be dispels and then its third barrage you will have to live through. If you are dropping them, you should be able to handle that. It would be nice if we could find a way to reliably capture one, but I guess we will have to rely on capturing paper intel to properly assess the situation.

2018-07-22, 01:59 PM
"I guess I will have to get by without my buffs and magic items for the most part with the barrage of dispels I'll face. I do hope they never figure out that Twin Spell exists and that they never appear in groups larger than three at a time." Kara takes stock of her spells. Her fists will be much weaker, her Greater Mighty Wallop scrolls cannot weather any sort of dispel and she absolutely cannot afford burning through them. She can't use her Luminous Armor, as she would get hit with weakened strength all the time and it doesn't do anything against mages anyway. Shield is only there to block magic missiles. She will keep losing her enhancement to her fists, meaning even more reduced damage and accuracy. She might as well not cast any of them and just use her spells to fuel vampiric touch and arcane strike. Defenses are meaningless in this fight, every single one is the same. Those Kara gets close to die immediately. All rays sent her way will hit anyway. Should I improve my belt to toughen myself up? Wait, no, dispels. The sudden drop could kill me. Wizardry rings not a good idea either. I'll be losing spells when my earrings wink out. Aw crap, my attack spells will take a hit as well once the inevitable dispels come...

Kara's head inclines, getting an incredulous and annoyed expression on her face before raising all four arms up in the air in exasperation. "None of my magic items and little of my training help me in any way in this! I might as well go in naked!" And Kara is this close to actually doing that, thoroughly annoyed with this situation, and she might as well rub in the Kotepians' faces that she doesn't need freaking anything to beat them, just her fists and her attack magic.

Taking a deep breath, Kara looks at her Ring of the Fates. "I still haven't figured out what the ring is meant to do. The prior warning is nice, though if it's somehow keyed to this special metamagic, it must have been around for years. No idea what the other gems are meant to accomplish, given you'll probably notice the spells getting fired anyway."

"Well, I am ready whenever. After a night's sleep, that is."

2018-07-22, 06:49 PM
The minute I realized this would be an issue, I took some steps to help you
At this point, another woman enters, Kara has at least a basic understanding of religion, and although its not possible, she would swear the woman is Tishtina Bindar...but thats just not possible. With some effort, she drags her attention back to Elinon, who is holding out a small gem.
This is a knowstone, empowered with Greater Mighty Wallop. And this woman, whom you partially recognize, is Tishtina Bindar II. Kara knows that the religion of Glendira is known as the greatest teachers of magic and that Tishtina II is often nicknamed The Teacher, she is supposedly able to teach any spell to any mage. This liberalized dissemination of magic is very much at odds with Kotep's view on the arcane arts.
Tishtina has agreed to teach you a new form of metamagic she has been developing, calling it Hardened Magic. I'll let her explain.

Hardened Magic basically makes your spells harder to dispel. For every step up in power you apply, your spell becomes that much more resistant to being dispelled. The only cost is casting as a higher level spell, but the benefit is a "harder" buff to dispel. (for each higher level, you add +3 to its Dispel DC, that would be in addition to your wallop now being cast as 15th level caster, so your wallop and armor spells are going to have to be hit by Greater Dispels. You will have to "unlearn" a feat, I suggest Dodge)

2018-07-23, 04:03 AM
(It actually won't help Kara's armor, since it is a level 4 spell and she can only cast up to level 4 spells, but the armor doesn't help against mages, so that's not much of a concern)

Kara is hardly immune to Tishtina II's beauty, but it is telling that the knowstone and the prospect of hardened magic are even more exciting to her. The Helldiver loves her job, and she loves getting new tools and improving her existing ones to do it better. Thus, the biggest grin spreads on Kara's face. "Is it my birthday? Did I miss my birthday? By Lysindra, I wish I were also a sorceress to get even more out of that metamagic. Ring of Enduring Arcana on top and then punch enough people to master better magic and oooooh!"

Quick steps carry Kara over to Tishtina II, all four hands grabbing one of hers, shaking it. "Kara Fatalis, it's an honor to meet you, I'm a big fan. Can we start now?" Kara looks to Elinon, still holding Tishtina II's hand. "Can we start now?"

2018-07-23, 08:05 PM
Its great to have such an enthusiastic student, Im sure we will get along just fine.
We have nothing pressing right now, she's all yours

In about the week or so that follows, Kara spends almost half of every day with Tishtina. One thing that she discovers is that unlike most amazons of magical aptitude, Tishtina is neither a sorceress or a witch, her arcane talents are purely that of a wizard. Very quickly, Kara learns just how powerful of a mage she really is, by the end of her training, Kara is sure that if there was ever a competition that tested only mage power, while Tishtina might not win overall, she would very surprised if she didnt make at least the semi-finals. Kara learns not only better ways to cast her spells, Tishtina teaches her something that very few people know. Many mages know that if they chant ampere, watt, volt and ohm, let this discharge finds its home and crook their fingers just so, a lightning bolt will fly out, but Tishtina teaches WHY that happens. There are far too many spells to learn all about each one, but she doesnt doubt that Tishtina probably knows all about most if not all of them. And when it comes to the new metamagic of Hardened Magic, when Tishtina first demonstrates it, it so goes over her head that she thinks it will be impossible, but with Tishtina's teachings, she finds it takes less than 3 days to master it. While she can only apply the magic to her third or less spells, she knows that when she masters the higher spells, she will be able to do so.

(additional benefits of studying with Tishtina: Kara can add one spell (from the entire wizard list, not just duskblade) from each level to her spells known. As well, Kara can change out one spell from any level to any other duskblade spell, like the sorceress relearn rule)

The rest of all of her days are spent in training however she wants. and her nights are spent, at her discretion of course, with Alveron.

2018-07-24, 03:34 AM
Tishtina can tell that Kara has trouble keeping up with her when it comes to the more intricate aspects of magic, given that the Helldiver has a peculiar, instinctual sort of magic, like that of a duskblade, but closer in method to sorcerers. She is lacking in magical education, knowledge, and the sheer brainpower of a wizard. That Tishtina manages to make Kara understand in record time makes her even more remarkable in Kara's eyes. Others may have more raw firepower than Tishtina, but she has versatility, and that is arguably more valuable. Versatility is also something Kara lacks, her magic mostly pigeonholed by nature. When Tishtina offers to teach her wizard spells, she would love to add more tools, actual tools, to her spells. But she can't, she needs to focus on the Kotepians.

Tishtina can tell that Kara is a little down that she cannot make full use of her offer, but she doesn't regret learning the spells she picks either. And though Kara may be lacking in knowledge and training, she has seen many, many spells in her line of work. She is familiar with the rough spheres of power of arcane spells and she considers for only a short moment before having made her choices. She thinks on her feet, she wouldn't have gotten to where she is if she didn't.

"Here are the spells I would like to understand: Nerveskitter. I need to act faster than my opponents. Blood Wind. So distance is no longer a hindrance for me and I can attack everyone at once if I kill them fast enough. Displacement. Avoid attacks and rays, hard to tell what is going on for the enemy, needs true seeing to counter, layers my defense. Ray Deflection. If Kotepians have the means to kill me in two rays, I have no need to play fair either. They are going to have to dispel it, and I am going to get myself a Ring of Enduring Arcana. Even if they can cheat their way to maximum dispel efficiency, they'll only have a 50/50 chance, and they'll waste a lot of time slinging useless spells and dispels at me." (Since all actions need to be decided at the start of the round, they'll just keep firing useless dispels for a whole round even after dispeling)

Short pause. "Oh, and prestidigitation. Most important one. Because I'm lazy and I can't take off my luminous armor without ending it."

Once Kara has learned the spells and tried them out successfully, she is a little sad that her time with Tishtina is over. But she understands, Tishtina already invested a remarkable amount of her very valuable time into her. So when the training is over, Kara hugs her tightly and kisses her full-on, not knowing a better way to show how grateful she is. "Thank you so, so very much for all your work and you being you. If I can ever do something for you, please just ask." Kara feels thoroughly blessed to have been taught by Elinon and Tishtina, and her respect and affection for both is something she does not even attempt to hide. Elinon, too, gets a big hug the next time Kara sees her, not needing to say why.

In the following days, Kara sells her loot to see what she can get herself to help against the Kotepians, with the Ring of Enduring Arcana the highest priority. Otherwise, she helps the trainees and rookies a bit here and there, offering herself as target practice for rays with her new spell while also teaching them about staying focused. But if she can, she trains with Alveron. She was rather charmed by their last bout of training, and she wants him to become the best he can be.

(Opted to learn two first level spells instead of one first and one second. Didn't trade out any spells.)

2018-07-25, 07:49 PM
(You are free to elaborate on the night, but Ive been wanting to get this next hook off my chest)

They do not call Tishtina II the teacher for nothing, Kara is able to master the spells faster than she masters new duskblade spells and they are soon as much a part of her as anything. The same goes for the new metamagic technique, when Tishtina shows her, its almost so obvious, she wonders why she didnt see it before. While she may not fully comprehend the other things Tishtina shows her, she does have some understanding of it, and its clear that understanding the why is as intriguing to Tishtina as the how.
Kara is able to sell off the Kotepian items, and earns 30,000 gold for all of them.
Her time with Alveron is just as enjoyable, being together with him every night, and almost as important, being with him the next morning as well. Alveron is never one to run off after his time, probably the only time it happens is when he is off getting her breakfast in bed. He is off to his training at the same time as Kara, but is always there for her when she is done.

Its the morning after their talk, and Kara is up just before Alveron, she looks to her nightstand, and surprisingly, there appears to be a sort of crystal ball there. There is a note on it saying Rub Me, when Kara picks it up, she can feel the evil in it, but thats more a source of where it was crafted, instead of any sort of trap to be activated. Alveron is up now, looking over her shoulder as she rubs it, and inside a scene forms. What she sees, chills her to the bone.

Dibella is lying naked, spread-eagle on a stone slab. Above her, a pendulum swings back and forth, Kara does not need a close up to know that blade is sharper than any razor crafted by a human hand, it will obviously do more than just slice her open (although it will do that as well)
The pendulum swings back and forth twice, and then a man comes in to view, if the scene were not so terrifying, he would almost be comical in his cliched evil image, his black fu manchu, coming down to his goatee, cut precisely to a needle point. He smiles as the pendulum continues to swing.
I trust I have your attention now, Helldiver. Your interference in our affairs have become more than meddlesome. As you can see, Dibella is unharmed, how long she stays like that depends on how well you follow instructions He manipulates a lever beside him, and the pendulum drops a level, if Dibella had hairs on her belly, they would be being sliced now. He lets it pass twice, then moves it again, and the pendulum goes back to its former level. You have two hours to teleport, alone, to the Square of the Moon, in Vardune. I will be srying, if I see anyone with you, she dies. You will arrive without buffs, if you are buffed, she dies. I will have two of my lieutenants there to take you into custody, if you resist, she dies. Once we do all of that, I let her go. Two hours, I will be watching.

2018-07-26, 03:49 AM
It is a blissful morning for Kara as she awakes, and just as she resolved, she awoke before Alveron. However, as much as she would love to kiss her lover awake to make good on her promise she gave last night, she sees the crystal ball. She sees the message, and feels cold gripping her heart, and rage in her guts. But outwardly, Kara is like the mirror surface of a still lake. When the mage ends, her face turns into a wide smile. "I will be there, unbuffed, without magic items. You made a big mistake." And she crushes the orb in her hand, flaying the magic from every piece with her dispels. It is only because of Alveron that she could keep her cool, his embrace and warmth giving her strength and much needed comfort, lying there in silence for a moment. She turns around to face her lover, kissing him softly and holding him closer.

"I'm sorry that I already couldn't make good on my vows, my love." She wanted this to be a perfect morning for them. Kissing Alveron awake, awaiting his return when he goes for breakfast, and see what joys and pleasures the morning would bring. All that ruined by the Kotepians. She needs to save Dibella. And she needs to annihilate the Kotepians.

"I need to get myself ready," Kara says, reluctantly rising from the bed and out of Alveron's embrace, already missing it. "I need to save Dibella. You want to come with me, I know, I would love nothing more for you to come with me, but you must not. Work with Elinon, and tighten security in here." Kara casts a prestidigitation on herself to clean herself up, puts on little in the way of clothes, just a tight top and tight shorts, allowing her to move and keeping her curves in place. If they think she will be easy to handle without magical help and without active buffs, she will show them just how wrong they are. She is more than a simple mage, magic is not a crutch for her. The only magic item she wears is her heirloom ring.

Kissing Alveron once more, Kara heads to Elinon with the shattered orb, reporting what happened, but also asking the high priestess not to interfere directly. "We have a security problem. Please do not risk Dibella's life, I will go in alone. Please ensure her safe return once she is released, I will show the Kotepians what messing with the Helldiver means." Four hands ball into fists. They have messed with the wrong woman.

(Great hook, nicely done! Kara will acquire a teleport scroll to teleport there, without any magic items. I want their eventual defeat to be as soulcrushing as possible, and it sounds like she can finally put her non-combat abilities to use soon, between her bluffing and near immunity to mind-affecting things and her ability to read her opponents despite all their magical helpers)

2018-07-28, 07:00 AM
(I had a slightly different idea of how this would play out, but we'll see how your way works)

Kara has seen many different emotions on Elinon's face, but the cold fury of some traitor being in the ranks, able to kidnap one of her priestesses and place enchanted items in any room is something she has never seen. Alveron, summon Captain Esteron to my office, we have some work to do. Although only passingly familiar with the temple gaurd, Kara remembers Esteron to be a major....
Elinon provides the teleport scroll, free of charge Bring Dibella home, in one piece, if you please

2018-07-28, 08:41 AM
HP 125/125 AC 20 (T 20, FF 16) Saves F +11 R +13 W +16
Spell slots 0 6/6; 1 11/11; 2 10/10; 3 8/8; 4 6/6

"I will," Kara says as she takes the scroll from Elinon, along with a nod. She hugs Alveron and kisses him intimately. "I'll be back as soon as I can and make up for lost time." She smiles to her love, then teleports to the spot and waits.

(I know this puts me at a disadvantage, but the battle plan here is to make the Kotepians underestimate her and to make use of her non-combat abilities. After all, she has the reputation of being a gish, so if she appears without magic items and no buffs, I am hoping to trigger the trademark Kotepian hubris and maybe have them try to charm her, which she then can use to fake being under the influence. If this is too disruptive to what you have planned or will just lead to the game ending in a boring way, please let me know. I am not married to this approach and I want you to enjoy this game too. The only thing she takes with her is her Ring of the Fates)

2018-07-28, 10:17 AM
It takes only moments for the two lieutenants to make their appearance, approaching her. As they do so, Kara feels a slight throb from her ring, and a momentary greenish haze over her vision. Its a first for the ring, she has always received visual clues from it. Either her longer possession of the ring has unlocked some new powers from it, or it knows the danger she is in and the danger to itself of announcing its magical nature. But that would require sentience.......

2018-07-28, 10:58 AM
"Hello gentlemen. Here I am, magically naked like a helpless elven lass. No tricks, no allies, no resisting," Kara says, with a smile, one pair of arms hugging herself, while one of her hands is on her hip, the remaining one beckoning them while standing there, scantily clad as she is.

Talk to me Kara mentally tries to say to her ring, disguising her surprise and wonder. What is this ring? And if it is sentient, what is this person like?

Bluff [roll0]
Since Bluff also serves as her Diplomacy, the roll is there to entice, have them let their guard down, and get under their skin.

2018-07-29, 10:52 AM
A verbal response is not forthcoming, however one of the mage's is briefly outlined in green and the other is not.
After Kara's attempts at blandishments, one of the mages seems to slightly relax (the one who was not outlined) I dont think shes a threat, boss but the other one maintains his attitude Never mind thinking with your crotch, even if she is, shes still a Lysindran bitch. Get ready for transit.

2018-07-29, 03:24 PM
The ordinary Kotepian is favored with what looks to be a (stunning) grateful smile, then turns to the actual threat. "Then you should know that I will not try anything. What am I supposed to do? Start harming you and throw away my friend's life? I wouldn't have come as I did if that were the case. I can be quite amicable once you get to know me. Attentive. Obedient..." A more secret smile plays across her face. Kara knows she has always had a way with words beyond what is comprehensible. She is almost exclusively known for her action hijinks. People do not associate the word "subtle" with her. Hopefully, this will be to her advantage here. Besides, acting directly as she does... well, people like to do the thing where they overanalyze and start questioning themselves, going from "this has to be fake" to "or may it's actually true". People are fun like that.

Bluff (take 12, as per Tall Tale and Skill Mastery) for 38 to entice as well as convince that she will be perfectly obedient to save her friend.
As per Exaggerated Bluff, the Sense Motive bonus the mages may receive due to the outlandishness of her bluff is lessened by Kara's Tall Tale level (15).

2018-07-30, 07:18 AM
What are you supposed to do? Ha, nothing, that's what. You do-gooders are the same, your friend was weak, she pays the price. We have accepted that, you don't. The weak serve the strong, not the other way around. He grabs your hand, probably a bit more roughly than needed, while the other one takes the other. There is a momentary lurch, and Kara finds herself in the room she saw earlier, with Dibella still spread out on the slab. Within seconds, their captor appears, still dressed the same way he was in the message.
Well, well, well, what have we here? It looks like she can follow instructions after all. Unusual, coming from a Lysindran. You people never seem to play by the rules

2018-07-30, 07:43 AM
Kara makes a mental note at the metamagic mage's words, but answers with nothing but a mysterious smile.

"We are flexible like that. The better question is whether you play by the rules, my dear gentleman. As far as I recall, it was getting me and letting my friend leave. You also know my name, but I don't know yours." Kara's words are laced with the implication that should the Kotepian not follow the deal, he would "lower" himself onto the level of the Lysindrans he so hates. She is half expecting him to still screw her over on a technicality, such as letting Dibella go, but trying to kill her right after. Should he try that, well. He will just have more to pay for.

But for now, Kara readies herself for sitting through a session of gloating and posturing.

2018-07-31, 01:09 PM
Did I say I would let her go? Yes, well, I suppose I might have had a slip of the tongue there, but you see, letting her go would violate the most important tenet of Kotep's faith, that being to kill all Lysindrans. You understand?

2018-07-31, 01:44 PM
(And there go my hopes of getting to solve problems with something other than fighting for a change :smallannoyed:)

HP 125/125 AC 24 (T 24, FF 16) Saves F +11 R +13 W +16
Spell slots 0 6/6; 1 9/11; 2 10/10; 3 7/8; 4 4/6
Active spells blood wind, ray deflection

Kara, two of her hands still in the grip of the other Kotepians, tries to free herself, but seems to fail miserably, too weak without her magic and magic items. "So much for playing by the rules, then. How does it feel to be a dirty, rotten hypo-" Kara winds up for an angry, helpless, betrayed tirade, when suddenly all hell breaks loose, becoming a whirlwind of necrotic energy empowered violence. She is hardly limited to her hands to create violence. The very air around her becomes a bludgeoning, life-draining instrument as Kara lashes out with fists and feet, and even headbutts and elbow/knee strikes.

Bluff (take 12) for 38 to mask that she is about to attack (Sense Motive bonus for enemies reduced by 15)

Kara takes 12 on all her Concentration checks to cast defensively for 38 due to Skill Mastery and Masterful Bluff.

Swift Cast Blood Wind. All of Kara's attacks gain reach like a thrown weapon with a 20ft range increment

Free Cast Ray Deflection via Quick Cast

Full action Full attack at the mages while channeling vampiric touch (gain THP equal to the highest vampiric touch damage done, lasting 1 hour), expending a 4th level spell for Arcane Strike, adding +4 attack bonus and +4d4 damage to each attack. Kara uses Combat Expertise for -2 penalty, gaining a +4 dodge bonus to AC, increasing the DCs of Concentration checks of everyone in her reach by 15, making all spellcasting whatsoever provoke no matter how fast, making 5 foot steps provoke.

The first attack is aimed at the main mage, the other three attacks of the first four are aimed at the metamagic mage beside her. If the main mage is real and hurt by her attacks, she continues to attack the metamagic mage beside her until she kills him, then uses her immediate action to use her 20ft movement granted by Exaggerated Perform (dance) to move adjacent to the main mage, attacking him with all her remaining attacks. If the main mage is not real, she kills the normal Kotepian.

[roll0], [roll1] weapon damage + [roll2] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll3] damage (arcane strike)
[roll4], [roll5] weapon damage + [roll6] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll7] damage (arcane strike)
[roll8], [roll9] weapon damage + [roll10] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll11] damage (arcane strike)
[roll12], [roll13] weapon damage + [roll14] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll15] damage (arcane strike)

[roll16], [roll17] weapon damage + [roll18] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll19] damage (arcane strike)
[roll20], [roll21] weapon damage + [roll22] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll23] damage (arcane strike)
[roll24], [roll25] weapon damage + [roll26] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll27] damage (arcane strike)
[roll28], [roll29] weapon damage + [roll30] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll31] damage (arcane strike)

[roll32], [roll33] weapon damage + [roll34] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll35] damage (arcane strike)
[roll36], [roll37] weapon damage + [roll38] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll39] damage (arcane strike)
[roll40], [roll41] weapon damage + [roll42] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll43] damage (arcane strike)
[roll44], [roll45] weapon damage + [roll46] damage (vampiric touch) + [roll47] damage (arcane strike)

2018-07-31, 05:12 PM
As expected. Well then. Time for some advanced mind games.

When the mage says this, the confidence Kara projected seems to crack, her eyes widening and her smile slipping. "No! But you said-" Kara bites her lower lip, showing a momentary flash of anger, balling her fists. She looks over to Dibella, then the mage near the lever, then Dibella again, the main mage practically seeing her internal struggle. Kara apparently so much wanting to lash out, feeling cheated and loathing the situation she is in, but also showing growing desperation she is trying (and failing) to disguise. The main mage sees how powerless Kara feels, unable to do anything if she wants to protect Dibella, completely at the Kotepians' mercy. Finally, her head lowers, her fists no longer balled, the main mage seeing the first signs of submission.

"Please don't harm her, I beg you." The words have a clear tone of not wanting to beg a Kotepian for mercy, supported by the deep shade of red in her face and not wanting to make eye contact, but she also sounds defeated. "What can... what can I do for you to let her go?" The words "I would do anything" are an easy implication to see, but Kara acts the part of the vulnerable Helldiver who is still clinging to a shred of pride, knowing just how much Kotepians would love to take her down a notch or three. Dibella can only watch, but she gets the sense that she only needs to trust Kara, whatever may happen.

Bluff (take 12) for 38. Sense Motive bonuses due to outlandishness of the Bluff reduced by 15

Non-magical suggestion via Exaggerated Bluff to Dibella to make her trust that Kara has a plan.

2018-07-31, 07:24 PM
The lead mage visibly puffs up at his apparent "defeat" of the Helldiver. So now you see the true power, the power that those who choose the path of Kotep possess He makes a motion to the lever man who moves it up a notch and the pendulum slides up a notch. Dibella relaxes just a bit, but she still not free, not yet. My name is Koran by the way. Just so you know who bested you

2018-08-01, 01:11 AM
Two of her hands still held by the other two Kotepians, Kara's face takes on a deeper shade of red at Koran's gloating, with Kara's shoulders sagging at the same time, looking more and more defeated. Like she knows what she must do in hopes of freeing her friend, Koran seeing how much power he has over her. Still, Kara apparently needs a moment to bring herself to say it.

"Yes, you are mighty indeed. I am powerless against you," A short pause, as if once again wanting to resist saying what she will, but seeming to slowly accept her submission. "...Master Koran."

(Bluff take 12 for 38)

2018-08-01, 09:54 AM
Koran motions Dibella...put her in a jail cell, until I decide what to do with her
But boss, shes a...
Koran then looks around to find something, eventually coming up with a length of rope
This will do until I find a proper collar for you, he moves to tie it around Kara's neck

2018-08-01, 10:14 AM
Kara shows some relief when Dibella is put into a cell instead of being killed. The gish clearly still doesn't like the notion of being enslaved to a Kotepian... but Dibella having been spared (for now) seems to make her more cooperative. She does not resist having the rope tied around her neck, even raising her head a bit to give better access (and he also smells her subtle Tishtinian perfume and feels her soft skin, and accidentally brushes against her curves).

"...Thank you, Master. How... how may I serve you?" She is sounding more demure now, like the rope collar sealed her fate, clearly wanting to get on Koran's good side to protect Dibella. Of course, she doesn't seem like she has completely submitted, Kara doesn't want to rob the mage of the perceived challenge and achievement that will be important in this (plus it would make him suspicious). But perhaps... perhaps Koran feels Kara may even enjoy the act of submission, somewhere in there, no matter how much she wants to look defiant in her defeat.

(I'm going to take 12 on Bluff for 38 in every scene, so I won't write it down everytime)

2018-08-01, 07:56 PM
Koran and Kara remembers that the last time he addressed him, he called him Boss we have standing orders to kill any and all Lysindrans we capture
And Im telling you we are doing this differently
You are defying our god and that I will not allow
And you think you can take me Both wizards hands begin to glow just a bit as they start to summon energies.
The wizard challenging Koran is the one from the outside that the ring identified as a metamagic wielder. The wizard that was manning the lever has moved to stand beside him, he had not had time (or the inclination) to release Dibella. The wizard that seemed to have been swayed at least a bit outside, is sort of standing to the side, not directly challenging Koran but not really supporting him either.

Does Kara do anything?

2018-08-02, 01:02 AM
Infighting in record time. Still, can't have that mage off Koran right now, I'm still not done here. Perhaps Koran, or some part of him, expects Kara to use this situation to break loose. However, instead, she moves slightly in front of Koran, and between him and the mages threatening him, like a loyal guardian. The part-warrior moving to defend her mage lord, as it should be in the Kotepian ways. It must be because Kara is desperate to save Dibella and the only way is to protect Koran. Or... perhaps Koran sees something inside Kara that wants to serve him, the one who bested her, the one who is superior to her, the one she called her Master...

"Master," And the word immediately reinforces the latter reading. "do I have permission to defend you against these traitors?" And she is even asking for permission. The words are laced with a non-magical suggestion... towards the mage who had been swayed by Kara outside. She said she is no danger, but she clearly is being one in this moment, right? However, she also says she can be obedient... and she immediately moved to defend the one she called Master instead of turning on everyone. Perhaps it would be a good opportunity to stand with Koran. He must be the more powerful one, the Helldiver is evening the odds, and after they win, if he aided them, Koran may reward him. And part of the reward may be at some point ordering Kara to show him how attentive she could be...

Exaggerated Bluff used to do a non-magical suggestion to the swayed mage to aid Koran. Will DC 22

2018-08-02, 01:08 PM
Kara steps in front of Koran just as the other mage fires a maximized chain lighning at him (the sapphire gem on her ring pulsing) and seeing as she intends to protect Koran, she cannot dodge it and it hits her square in the chest. The energies crackle into her, but instead of harming her, they seem to be drawn off and she feels her ring now pulsing with even more arcane power, power barely contained and ready to be put back to use. Koran and the undecided mage both retaliate with spells, both of them using chain lightning (Koran's is maximized, and the sapphire gem is pulsing again) while the other mage just uses the normal variety, the rebel wizards each get hit by two lightning bolts and are vaporized. Seeing as the two wizards were in battle, and didn't know he was using the chain variety, they have no idea that the bolt should have bounced to them afterwards, but they haven't yet (they will in about 5 seconds) grasped the fact that Kara not only took the full force of it but also came out unharmed.

2018-08-03, 02:51 AM
As Kara gets hit by the lightning, even though she doesn't get hurt at all (visibly), she screams in agony, falling to her knees, shaking and doubling over. When the mages have killed the traitors and realize Kara doesn't seem to have wounds, they see lightning crackle across Kara's body and get dissipated into the ground, leaving the Helldiver breathing heavily and in obvious pain, two of her arms hugging herself while the others prop her up. It must be a mysterious skill of the Helldiver, allowing her to survive, but if they had to guess, she makes it look like there is internal damage. Nevertheless, she defended her new Master without hesitation and when she turns herself (with difficulty, every motion still looking painful), she looks up to the mages with awe, looking weak and vulnerable, but her beauty still unmarred (and very much on display).

"Such power..." she breathes, awe in her voice as well, stroking their egos. "Master, are you alright?" Kara cringes and gasps in pain once more. Good thing there is a healer strapped to a table nearby. The Helldiver has proven to be more trustworthy than their own men. Who knows what other Kotepians may seek to defy Koran? It would be good to have a protector, one most loyal... and obedient...

Kara has few illusions about capturing one of the metamagic mages, but she doesn't want to fight her way out, either. She wants to defeat this particular circle while hardly throwing a punch, letting them succumb to infighting. That other mage, however... he might be useful, even if he doesn't have the power. He has been wanting Kara before, so she is curious to see if she can bring him back to the temple without needing to capture him, instead having him join her by his own volition. That would really piss the Kotepians off. And thus, that is what she will try to do.

2018-08-05, 09:09 AM
Koran surveys the damage caused by the mini firefight among him and his minions. Bah...lock them both up in the jail, while I pray to figure out how to handle this situation. And get a cleaning crew in to deal with this mess. He stalks off in a huff.
There are cells in this room, and obviously thats what Koran meant by jail. Not wanting to have two women free at the same time, the other wizard will lead Kara to the cell, and presumably once secured, will deal with Dibella.

2018-08-08, 06:46 AM
The mage is clearly warring mentally with the desire for Kara and the rules of Kotep, and when Kara mentions both Dibella and her serving him, his struggles only increase. Adding in another factor, which Kara doesn't know for sure, but can hazard a guess of him thinking how can I become Koran's superior. Not even thinking of what that could mean, he frees Dibella and without thinking clearly, locks her in the same cell as Kara, heading off.
About 30 minutes later, a man enters the room, and heads to the bodies. This must be the cleaning crew that Koran mentioned. Without a second look to the women, he gets to work, putting the bodies in a cart for later disposal and cleaning up the few signs of battle that remained.

2018-08-08, 06:57 AM
You've got a plan to bust us out, right? Please tell me you have plan? A scroll, to teleport out of here?

2018-08-08, 07:16 AM
Kara thanks the mage again as he puts Dibella in the same cell, tightly embracing the naked elf with her four arms and kissing her, to put the image into the mage's head, but also to comfort Dibella. Once the mage is gone, Kara's attention is fully on her elven friend, whispering to her.

"I'm sorry for what you got put through because of me, Dibella. I promise that I will bring you home and that they will pay. And I want their downfall to be soulcrushing, having them at each others throats instead of me just killing them. So please bear with my act. Have they done anything to you? Have you noticed anything or have they said anything of note in your presence?" After the questions, Kara focuses entirely on comforting her friend. Alveron is the one for the gish (and this is no secret to anyone in the temple by now), but Dibella is a woman Kara loves dearly, and one she wants to give happiness to for what the healer has been put through because of Kara. And she will continue to do so even after Dibella is free once more. "I will always come for you if you need me, and I will be there for you. That is a promise, dear Dibella."

While Kara takes the elf's mind off of the hardships, she scans the bars and walls of the cell, seeing whether they might be protected against someone teleporting out.

When the mage doing cleanup comes into the room, he can hear quiet chuckling and talking, interrupted by kisses, Dibella in Kara's lap (facing the gish). The gish is curious what his reaction may be regarding the two chipper Lysindrans together in the cell, a living affront to Kotep. Kara adds a "May I help you, Master mage?" (with a suggestion to take her up on the offer) and when the gish looks over, he sees an eager Kara smiling to him (still wearing the rope collar), with Dibella in her arms. It all gives her information about how the other mages feel. And whether they support Koran's decision or not. And whether more mages are tempted by her.

Getting the mage to let them out of the cell to help (in one way or another) might also spark more conflict among the Kotepians.

2018-08-08, 08:52 AM
The only thing Dibella can reveal are that she has only seen 4 different mages, Koran; the one that put them in the cell; and the two that were killed in the firefight. The other 3 mages are a part of a cabal that she doesn't understand, and the 4th one (the one that put them in the cell) who does not want to join it, but is being pressured by the other 3. If there are any others, they haven't come into the torture chamber.
When Kara scans the cage, she quickly determines that the bars of the cell form an anti-magic shell, she cannot summon any of her magic and neither can Dibella.
While she watches the janitor, it becomes rather apparent to her that he is not a mage, because he does all of his cleaning by normal, mundane methods. While he is intrigued by the women, he doesn't have a key (at least, none that Kara can see on his body) and so any fantasies he has would be unrequited.

2018-08-08, 09:41 AM
Kara watches the janitor clean up the vaporized bodies for a little while, before beginning to strike up a little conversation with him (helped by her non-magical suggestions). Getting him to talk should not be difficult, and what harm is there to talk with a completely helpless prisoner (and one this charming, too)? She asks his name, if he is a slave or servant, if there are other servants as well and how many "masters" there are to serve, staying mostly in-character, but looking for clues what is going on in his mind, if he wished to be free and if she can sow dissent.

(Take 12 on Bluff, which she uses for bluffing and diplomacy, wrapping the janitor around her little finger and making him talk. Take 12 on her Sense Motive as well to read his surface thoughts)

2018-08-08, 10:57 AM
The janitor tells Kara that he is not a member of the temple or a follower of Kotep, just a local who gets called in to dispose of bodies and clean up messes after fights occur. He is paid in gold and only comes in when needed...given the Kotep philosophy of the strong killing the weak when needed, he has been called a few times. He knows of only two mages, Koran who set up the initial deal and Regtor (Kara now knowing his name), who is usually the one to contact him when a job is needed.

2018-08-08, 11:36 AM
Only two mages remaining. Interesting. The possibility of more still being in this place is still there, of course, but things may be looking up for Dibella and Kara. The gish thanks the janitor for his time and promises not to mention him having spoken to her, only that he seemed like he did a great job.

Thus, Kara waits for one of the mages to return, giving care to Dibella in the meantime.

2018-08-09, 06:56 AM
About two hours (or so) after the cleaner leaves, Koran and Regtor return...the moment Koran sees Dibella in the same cell as Kara, his face twists in anger. You stupid idiot, how could you be so dumb as to lock them in the same cage. Do I have to do all the thinking around here He stalks over to the cell, producing a pair of handcuffs. Stick your hands through the bars Clearly his intent is to lock Kara in place so that he can move Dibella.

2018-08-09, 08:31 AM
"Yes, Master," Kara says, gently untangling herself from Dibella. The words let something arise in Regtor's mind (via suggestion), that Koran moving to cuff Kara might be a good moment to no longer suffer under him and take his place... to have Kara and Dibella all for himself. Regtor even thinks he is catching an apologetic, submissive glance from Kara, the slave clearly not wanting him to suffer underneath such a master. A master who may dispose of the Lysindrans.

Kara needs a moment due to Dibella, during which she checks whether Regtor will make his move, and when she reaches the bars, she puts her four hands through them, brushing against Koran's hands, promising, delaying Koran's actions out of what seems to be desire for her master, and to make him allow her to brighten his mood.

...And grasping Koran's hands if Kara notices Regtor making his move to kill Koran.

2018-08-09, 09:17 AM
(I already had this planned, before Kara made her suggestions)

Koran cuffs two of Kara's hands outside the bars, for the moment, immobilizing her. He then moves to unlock the door and is about to take Dibella forcefully out, when he is slammed from behind by Regtor, which pushes him inside the cage, and under the anti magic field. He locks the door while Koran rages at him and then unlocks Kara's manacles. If you wish me to be your true master, kill him, now.

2018-08-09, 10:28 AM
"But Master, without my magic, I am nothing," Kara says, sounding pathetic.

2018-08-09, 12:48 PM
Of course you are nothing, you are a Lysindran. Im going to kill you, and the other stupid cow, and when I get out of here, Im going to feed your entrails to Kotep personally. And with that, Koran moves to attempt to put a stranglehold on Kara.

2018-08-09, 03:45 PM
Ah well crap. Let's do one last attempt. Kara screams and seems to struggle with Koran, with leftovers of the harm done earlier to her seeming to return, inhibiting her. Koran gains the upper hand a few times, Kara desperately fighting back and only slowly struggling into a position where she is able to grapple Koran from behind, cover his mouth, hold his arms, and keep him from moving, at the cost of (apparently) quickly running out of strength.

"Master, please!" Kara, previously having saved Regtor from a lightning spell and harmed by it, never having received healing, having been deprived of her gish magic, still struggled to please her master. Koran is wide open for Regtor to go in for the kill. Suggestion: She has proven her loyalty. Prove your might by taking Koran's life by your own hands, presented to you by the Helldiver, and claim the Lysindrans.

2018-08-10, 12:59 PM
Regtor wars internally for a moment, not wanting to enter an anti-magic zone (the most dreaded thing for a Kotep follower), but suddenly his will breaks and he grabs up a dagger, opens the door and plunges it into the struggling Koran's heart, in one stroke breaking both his Kotep vows and his vow of loyalty as an apprentice.

2018-08-10, 08:26 PM
And with that, all known members of the coven were killed by the hands of Kotepians, fulfilling Kara's ambitions to have them destroy themselves for daring to kidnap Dibella. The elf herself is safe as well. Now, for the finishing touches.

Kara seems to catch her breath for a moment, slowly rising to a kneeling position before Regtor, looking up at him with admiration (and desire?). "So manly, so mighty... Thank you, Master Regtor. You are your own master now, free from someone oppressing you, free from someone who may covet your position. You are free now." She seems to refer to being freed of the influence of the other Kotepians, but perhaps his subconscious understand that he has torn himself from Kotep's oppressive dogmas as well. Kara smiles up to Regtor, and he seems to perceive her beauty more this time. Not merely an attractive slave, but a beautiful woman in many ways. A woman not there to be used, but to share experiences with. One who would be perfect to soothe his troubled mind and heart, and to celebrate his newfound freedom with. And Kara will be there to let him take the first step towards a better path.

"Now then... how may I show my gratitude to you? I heard the most luxurious chambers now have a new owner..." Kara and Dibella are now his, at least that is what Regtor thinks, with the Helldiver eager to devote herself.

2018-08-11, 10:35 AM
Dibella pulls Kara aside, speaking in elvish so the wizard cannot understand. Kara, you cant be serious...arent you going to at least arrest him...I cant go through with this...

2018-08-11, 12:05 PM
"Dibella, dear, you will not need to do anything. He will be taken to the temple for questioning... and he will be coming willingly, to make this defeat as insulting as it can be for them. That is my revenge for taking you, and you know me, I am willing to go to great lengths to achieve victory," Kara answers in Elvish. She then turns to Regtor, smiling to him. "Dibella is unused to service, but I can assure you, Master, I will make your victory as fulfilling as it can be..." Soon, he will be hypnotized and willing in record time, the complex and Kotepians looted, he will tell her and Elinon everything he knows, and then he will willingly start to discover what true freedom feels, not needing to look over his shoulder... as a Lysindran, doing penance for his past behavior.

(We can skip that whole scene if you want, but Kara is planning to basically hypnotize and convert him, then will pray to Lysindra to call Elinon and request extraction)

2018-08-11, 05:26 PM
(Revised scene)

It seems Kara's ambitions will need to take a back seat. It is easy to forget that most people are not as used to extreme circumstances. And Dibella has a point. The Kotepian did horrible things.

Kara smiles apologetically to Dibella. "You are right, I'm sorry. I'm too used to doing things my way, even when others are around."

Kara turns to Regtor, smiling to him. "Please lead the way, Master..." And once Regtor turns around, lights suddenly go out for him, immediately knocked unconscious by Kara. "I'll take him in for questioning, and then for penance."

The gish loots the Kotepians and the base after praying to Lysindra to tell Elinon that she is successful and requests extraction for herself, Dibella, and a prisoner.

2018-08-14, 06:40 AM
Naturally, the extraction team is lead by Kara's beau, and they arrive in record time, obviously Elinon and the temple were waiting for word about her and Dibella. When they make it back to the temple, Regtor is taken away for questioning, Dibella is taken for counselling and Kara is left to celebrate and sort out her gains. Seeing as most of the wizards were members of the coven and those types seem to never have loot, its sparse but there are a few good items.
The next day, Elinon sends for Kara. Regtor has been assigned penance, his attack on Koran already severed his connection to Kotep, but he still has to pay for crimes committed in his name. But in agreement to lower his sentence, he volunteered what information he does know. As we suspected, the coven is a subset of Kotep wizards and clerics, its not all of the Kotepians, and joining it is voluntary, although lucrative. Its also a conscious decision, there isn't some sort of mystical qualification. The only other thing he can tell us is that it requires foregoing any sort of monetary gain, any treasure and especially any magic are sacrificed to the deity and unlike most "sacrifices" where the temple takes the offering and uses it for whatever and grants the blessing of the god in return, this sacrifice is ritualized, and the offered gold literally disappears while the items get destroyed, broken apart on the offering table, drained of magic. Its not much, but its a start, and explains why your ring reacts to some but not others.

2018-08-14, 03:18 PM
When Kara returns to the temple and has a moment of rest, she is overcome by an odd feeling. An epiphany, making her laugh with joy. She heads over to see Dibella after the elf is done with her counseling for the day, kissing her, taking away the pain of what she went through, and sharing love with her unlike they ever did before. Alveron, too, finds a surprise once he turns in for the night, in the form of a larger Kara, luring him, and giving him even more unforgettable memories.

Kara arrives at Elinon's place in a great mood the next day. "I will never not find it funny how gold is tied to magic potency in this world," she says, stretching, still wearing little more than a morning robe, as she is wont to do. "When will I begin my next mission?"

Kara is leveled up and she has taken the Storied level of Exaggerated Bluff, letting her cast up to a 6th level spell that is either an illusion, mind-affecting, or only affects Kara, three times per day. She does this by pretty much tricking reality itself. She can also now bluff effects like mind-reading.

Using her new power, she casts Heart's Ease (from Book of Exalted Deeds) on Dibella to ease her pain, and Alveron gets to enjoy the results of Kara experimenting with polymorphing.

2018-08-14, 09:44 PM
The gold doesnt mean anything to me, I know what hes doing with that. What worries me is the pure magic power that he is absorbing. I dont know how anyone can do that, and I dont know what he can do with it. The other question is how they are pulling off these metamagic tricks. There isnt some big cosmic rulebook up there that says if you give up all material possessions, you can cast metamagic beyond your powers. By the way, anything new from your ring?

2018-08-15, 01:25 AM
"I guess I'll find out soon enough what this Kotepian business is about. As for the ring: It warned me without flashing to disguise itself from the Kotepians. I would see the colors in my sight instead. It feels like it has a consciousness, but when I tried to communicate with it mentally, nothing happened."

2018-08-16, 08:03 AM
The next week is spent carefully vetting all personnel in the temple, a task Kara assists Elinon in performing. The initial traitor is discovered quickly, a junior wizard named Kehldor, he had become disenchanted with his own lack of progress in casting (which was actually caused by his own laziness in studies) and he is quietly removed. The rest of the process turns up nothing, and with the thoroughness it was done with, Elinon seems sure that the temple is once again secure. After several days of remedial training in the value of diligence, Captain Esteron is restored to the rank of Major, showing that he accepted responsibility and worked to restore Elinon's confidence in him.
Kara is able to sell her acquired loot for 10K in gold.
(anything you wish to do before next assignment)

2018-08-16, 12:54 PM
Kara relishes the task of combing through the temple for the traitor, also taking the time to reward especially devoted Lysindrans (since she doesn't always have the opportunity). She is with Elinon when the traitor is found, Kara's BS sensor triggering almost immediately, cutting right through his feeble bluff-enhancing magics. With every passing day, Kara also seems to be in a better mood, her love for Alveron growing stronger, buoying her throughout the day. She takes on the role of his personal trainer, and takes it very seriously, since she vowed to make him the best man he can be, but also proves that her worry about smothering him was not just empty talk, devoting one day entirely to him (and not really giving him any time to do anything not involving her, not out of malice, but because she can't help it). The rest of the temple can observe that her casual amorousness towards others seems to be declining, but she is looking more and more fulfilled with every passing day, which also shows in her training harder every day.

As a consequence, Kara invests her wealth into magic items making her tougher, to ensure she will survive and return to the one she loves, not regreting a single coin.

She also sends Regtor a dream (with her newfound powers, persuading the dreamscape to help her out), teaching his subconscious about the benefits of being good, how wonderful his life can be, and making him feel it through him dreaming about sharing a moment with a veiled Lysindran. No need to look over one's shoulder, no need to backstab others, no need to question another's affections...

Finally, when Elinon calls Kara, the Helldiver is there immediately in full gear, brimming with motivation, smiling beautifully. She left Alveron with a long, passionate kiss ("I can hardly wait for you to bring me home again.")
"Well then, what can I do for you and Ly'Sindra?"

Upgraded her belt from +2 Con to +6 and her Shirt of Resistance from +3 saves to +5

2018-08-17, 07:06 AM
(Alveron is with you at this meeting, as per your request for backup)

My spies in the temple of Kotep have just gotten word to me of a group of worshippers planning to make a pilgrimage to the red dragon, Kahoutek. It seems that it is some sort of annual thing, that we have never heard of before, and while they couldn't get any more information about it, its enough for me to know that if the Koteps are doing something on a regular basis, then its time for us to disrupt it. I want you two to go, and make sure this meeting doesn't take place or that it gets disrupted.

2018-08-17, 09:08 AM
(I forgot to buy a Ring of Enduring Arcana. Doing that and increasing her +saves item only to +4 instead of +5)

"What do we know about this dragon and the place the meeting will take place? Do we know the Kotepians' route?"

2018-08-17, 05:48 PM
Kahoutek is not only the oldest red dragon, he is the oldest dragon ever. In fact, hes probably the oldest mortal being in Daystor. Hes unbelievably powerful. I saw him once, he flew overhead a town, and blasted it with his fire. What few buildings survived the blast were burned within seconds. He then landed and a group of adventurers, most even more powerful than you challenged him...and they had Energy Immunity on themselves. When he breathed on them, there was only ashes left. Not just dead, but reduced to ash. They say he sits on a pile of treasure that would take an army and wagon trains running day and night for a month to clear it out. The largest stash of mithral coins in the known world, and some of the most fabulous gems known to man.
We know where the mountain is, but we dont know the route they are taking. There are several entries into the cave complex, and we will drop you off at one one of them. Hopefully, you cut them off before they get to him.

2018-08-17, 07:26 PM
Kara grimaces. "That sounds like the mission hinges on luck and the big bad dragon not deciding to incinerate us for entering his mountain. Once they are meeting the dragon, I don't see a way to stop them, since Lysindrans are a common enemy for both. I am ready to go, but I can't guarantee the success of the mission."

2018-08-17, 11:01 PM
Remember this. While red dragons are evil, they are not allies of Kotep. In fact, given the red dragon arrogance and temper, they dont consider anyone their allies or even their equals. Yes, cutting them off before they meet the dragon is the best course, but its not a complete loss if you dont, but you have to play your cards right.

2018-08-18, 05:26 AM
Kara nods and applies her buffs, soon wreathed in her luminous armor once more. She grasps Alveron's hand. This is certainly a first for her, not going into such a mission alone... but it is not an unwelcome change. "Then I am ready to go."

2018-08-21, 10:39 AM
Alveron takes Kara's hand and with a poof, the pair arrive at a cave mouth into the heart of Kahoutek's mountain. He casts for a moment on both Kara and himself and a reddish hue surrounds both of them, which fades away quickly. Energy Immunity, to fire. If the stories are true, it wont help any against Kahoutek, but his fire based minions should be another story. So, do you want to lead the way, or me?

2018-08-21, 02:12 PM
"Thanks, love," Kara says in response to the protection. "I'll take point, but let me know if you notice anything or have an idea. Let's go." And Kara leads the way into the caves.

2018-08-22, 06:42 AM
Not surprisingly, since Kahoutek is a red after all, the mountain is actually volcanic. And while not active in the sense of it spewing lava right now, there is still the sense that it could go off at any time, unlike other volcanos that are clearly dormant. (think Hawaiian Islands vs. Vesuvius). Kara and Alveron make their way into the cave, the oppressive heat a constant reminder of just where they are. After about 5 minutes of careful walking, they get another....
The cave tunnel shudders somewhat, the heat rises to an almost scorching level and with a sudden sigh, the whole walls collapse into magma, covering the pair in burning ooze. The energy protection prevents damage, but the heat is still almost overpowering, and if either were to slip, the protection wont stop them from drowning. To make matters worse, 3 strange human shaped figures rise up, literally composed of magma and move menacingly towards the pair.

(you are trying to move through thick molten rock, you cant move more than 5 feet per round, and the magma men are now 5 feet away)

2018-08-22, 01:26 PM
HP 198/198 AC 48 (T 28, FF 41) Saves F +20 R +21 W +23
Spell slots 0 6/6; 1 10/12; 2 11/11; 3 8/10; 4 7/8
Active spells energy immunity (fire), greater luminous armor (-4 on melee attacks against her), greater magic weapon (+4), greater mighty wallop (4 increases), shield

Kara is so, so very glad that she has Alveron as she feels the lava surround them. He already protected her, so she reciprocates by moving straight next to the creatures, magic heightening her reaction times. Cracking her many knuckles, she unleashes a withering assault on them, necrotic energies swirl through the heat shimmers, Kara loving the feeling her stronger greater mighty wallop gives her fists.

Immediate Cast Nerveskitter

Initiative [roll0]

Free Cast shield

Move 5 feet as part of full attack

Full action Full attack at the creatures while channeling vampiric touch (gain THP equal to the highest vampiric touch damage done, lasting 1 hour)
[roll1], [roll2] weapon damage + [roll3] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll4], [roll5] weapon damage + [roll6] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll7], [roll8] weapon damage + [roll9] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll10], [roll11] weapon damage + [roll12] damage (vampiric touch)

[roll13], [roll14] weapon damage + [roll15] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll16], [roll17] weapon damage + [roll18] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll19], [roll20] weapon damage + [roll21] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll22], [roll23] weapon damage + [roll24] damage (vampiric touch)

[roll25], [roll26] weapon damage + [roll27] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll28], [roll29] weapon damage + [roll30] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll31], [roll32] weapon damage + [roll33] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll34], [roll35] weapon damage + [roll36] damage (vampiric touch)

2018-08-23, 07:19 AM
Moving through the magma is very difficult, the stuff is thicker than molasses and even though she is protected from the damage, its still a mental challenge to not see it as deadly to the touch. She manages to get to the first magma man, hammering away with her fists. The first thing she notices is that her vampiric touch is bringing her none of the benefits she is used to (and thus likely not doing anything extra to the magma beast), The second is that while her blows are connecting, either this creature can withstand an impressive amount of damage or its highly resistant to these sorts of physical attacks, she manages finally to bring the creature down, but she has to use all of her attacks to do so. On her side, Alveron attacks with a spell, using a cone of cold that greatly slows the beast but does not stop it.
The magma men retaliate, hurling balls of magma at the pair. Kara is hit once for 10 points of damage, which would be a lot more severe if she were not immune to the fire, and Alveron is hit for 12 points as well.
Just before Kara takes her turn, another magma man forms up, several feet behind the other two.

2018-08-23, 02:54 PM
HP 188/198 AC 48 (T 28, FF 41) Saves F +20 R +21 W +23
Spell slots 0 6/6; 1 10/12; 2 10/11; 3 8/10; 4 7/8
Active spells energy immunity (fire), greater luminous armor (-4 on melee attacks against her), greater magic weapon (+4), greater mighty wallop (4 increases), shield

Alright, duking this out may not be the smart choice here. Well then. Kara channels magic through her fists, blurring them. She touches the magma creatures, then Alveron, than herself, hopefully teleporting the creatures as far as possible into the direction Kara and Alveron came from, and the two gishes as close to the magma-free part ahead.

Kara channels Dimension Hop as part of her full attack. She doesn't intend to do damage with it, just touch the magma beings and then Alveron and herself to teleport everyone. The magma beings get shunted as far as possible to where Kara and Alveron came in, and Alveron and Kara get teleported 40ft closer to the magma-less part ahead. Then the 5 foot step to move closer to the magma-less part.

2018-08-24, 07:58 PM
(reading the spell, you would have to touch the magma men...but on the other hand, the spell can cover all the distance by touching Alveron)

The spell easily transports Kara and Alveron to the edge of the magma pit, and they both clamber out with ease. Moments after they climb out, the magma men sink back into the pool that they came from. Alveron applies a healing spell to Kara first, both because he sees she is hurt and because touching her is really high on his list of things to do.

(and yes, fighting would not have been the answer, every time you dispelled one, the magma would just form up another one, seeing as they werent living things)

2018-08-25, 04:33 AM
HP 198/198 AC 48 (T 28, FF 41) Saves F +20 R +21 W +23
Spell slots 0 5/6; 1 10/12; 2 10/11; 3 10/10; 4 5/8
Active spells energy immunity (fire, Dispel DC Alveron+4), greater luminous armor (-4 on melee attacks against her; Dispel DC 32), greater magic weapon (+4, Dispel DC 35), greater mighty wallop (4 increases, Dispel DC 35)

Alveron's hand phases through the gleaming full plate suit, touching the softness beneath, Kara enjoying how he can't help but linger even in such a dangerous environment, especially as she returns the healing favor as well as casting a prestidigitation to remove any remaining lava. They have work to do now, but Alveron gets the impression that his lover is no stranger to enjoying herself behind enemy lines. Seeing the thought form, Kara smiles. "Perhaps you will find out soon. Let's keep going for now." She gives Alveron a kiss for the healing and continues to lead the way, trying not to distract her lover too much on the way.

2018-08-26, 09:02 AM
The party moves off down the tunnels. Once or twice they are forced to back track as the tunnel chosen leads nowhere. However, one finally leads to a large cavern, they were able to spot it before wandering in by accident, inside are 4 huge fire giants. Crouching at the cave entrance, Alveron whispers to Kara...How about I soften them up with a cone of cold, and then we close in for the kill?

2018-08-26, 09:13 AM
"Go get 'em," Kara whispers back. Good thinking and an opportunity for Alveron to show off his arcane might. Kara certainly doesn't mind. She herself tenses her muscles, getting ready to jump right into the fray and let it rip.

Initiative [roll0]

2018-08-27, 07:20 AM
The cone billows into the room, expanding as it does so, taking in all 4 of the very surprised giants.
(take your action)

2018-08-27, 08:18 AM
HP 198/198 AC 48 (T 28, FF 41) Saves F +20 R +21 W +23
Spell slots 0 5/6; 1 9/12; 2 10/11; 3 8/10; 4 5/8
Active spells energy immunity (fire, Dispel DC Alveron+4), greater luminous armor (-4 on melee attacks against her; Dispel DC 32), greater magic weapon (+4, Dispel DC 35), greater mighty wallop (4 increases, Dispel DC 35), shield (Dispel DC 32)

Following right in the wake of the cold waves, Kara soars through the freezing air and begins pummeling the giants with necrotic energies, four arms turning into a black-and-golden blur of motion.

Free Cast shield

Swift Jump adjacent to the giants

Full action Full attack at the giants while channeling vampiric touch (gain THP equal to the highest vampiric touch damage done, lasting 1 hour)
[roll0], [roll1] weapon damage + [roll2] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll3], [roll4] weapon damage + [roll5] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll6], [roll7] weapon damage + [roll8] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll9], [roll10] weapon damage + [roll11] damage (vampiric touch)

[roll12], [roll13] weapon damage + [roll14] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll15], [roll16] weapon damage + [roll17] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll18], [roll19] weapon damage + [roll20] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll21], [roll22] weapon damage + [roll23] damage (vampiric touch)

[roll24], [roll25] weapon damage + [roll26] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll27], [roll28] weapon damage + [roll29] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll30], [roll31] weapon damage + [roll32] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll33], [roll34] weapon damage + [roll35] damage (vampiric touch)

2018-08-27, 05:53 PM
Kara lands gracefully in the middle of the wounded giants and immediately goes to town on them. She can only attack 3, but each one of her attacks connects, and all 3 of the ones she attacks fall. The remaining giant recovers quickly from his surprise and connects with her once for 25 points, which is absorbed by her stolen life force. Alveron hangs back, rather awed by the display, allowing her to attack and finish off the last one.

2018-08-28, 02:35 AM
HP 198/198 (13 THP) AC 48 (T 28, FF 41) Saves F +20 R +21 W +23
Spell slots 0 5/6; 1 8/12; 2 10/11; 3 8/10; 4 5/8
Active spells energy immunity (fire, Dispel DC Alveron+4), greater luminous armor (-4 on melee attacks against her; Dispel DC 32), greater magic weapon (+4, Dispel DC 35), greater mighty wallop (4 increases, Dispel DC 35), shield (Dispel DC 32)

Kara doesn't waste time, continuing her barrage without delay and beating the last giant into submission with fists crackling with lightning. As she quickly gathers the giants' loot, she notices the awe on Alveron's face. "Oh, first time you saw me in action?" Kara doesn't see that look often because she doesn't often have someone with her or save someone who realizes fully what she is doing. The gish smiles, hands briefly crackling with lightning. "This is what I do for a living, and it'll only get more dangerous from here on out." And she says this like it is a good thing. Alveron is feeling his lover's excitement and her love for what she does, all the thrills and dangers and adrenaline, but he can also intensely feel why she craves company in her time off as much as she does, needing it balance herself out, keep herself sane. Going on nothing but near-suicide missions and doing nothing but train in between would have made her burn out long ago.

Kara walks over to Alveron, embracing and kissing him. The Helldiver, abnormal, dangerous, lethal, voracious in her appetite while volatile magic courses through her. Plenty of men and women ultimately chickened out of going further with her, being too intense, too physically and emotionally demanding and exhausting. But Alveron can handle her, and he can feel he has become one of the most important and cherished things in her life because of it, keeping her sane, functioning, happy. And doing much to make his life bliss in return. "Thanks for the opener, honey. I didn't know I was missing out so much by going alone." Truth be told, so far, she was worried that others would just end up being in over their heads. A bit of arrogance, perhaps, but it is easier to endanger herself than others.

Parting, Kara leads the way once more, deeper into the cave system, hoping to intercept the Kotepians before having to deal with the dragon.

Full action Full attack at the giant while channeling shocking grasp (gain +3 to attack if the giant is wearing metal armor)
[roll0], [roll1] weapon damage + [roll2] electricity damage (shocking grasp)
[roll3], [roll4] weapon damage + [roll5] electricity damage (shocking grasp)
[roll6], [roll7] weapon damage + [roll8] electricity damage (shocking grasp)
[roll9], [roll10] weapon damage + [roll11] electricity damage (shocking grasp)

[roll12], [roll13] weapon damage + [roll14] electricity damage (shocking grasp)
[roll15], [roll16] weapon damage + [roll17] electricity damage (shocking grasp)
[roll18], [roll19] weapon damage + [roll20] electricity damage (shocking grasp)
[roll21], [roll22] weapon damage + [roll23] electricity damage (shocking grasp)

[roll24], [roll25] weapon damage + [roll26] electricity damage (shocking grasp)
[roll27], [roll28] weapon damage + [roll29] electricity damage (shocking grasp)
[roll30], [roll31] weapon damage + [roll32] electricity damage (shocking grasp)
[roll33], [roll34] weapon damage + [roll35] electricity damage (shocking grasp)

2018-08-29, 08:56 AM
Searching the giants possessions, Kara finds proof of the rumour that Kahoutek sits on the worlds largest pile of mithral (among other things) and pays his minions in that type of coin, as each of the giants has 5 mithral coins.
(conversion rate of mithral is 1=1000 gold)
Mithral coins are usually only used for large scale business transactions, as they are too rare and the mineral too valuable for use as a common currency. As well, the giants have an assortment of magic axes and armour, not that it helped them any

2018-08-29, 09:38 AM
Kara rubs her chin and her other hands are making the magic items and currency disappear in her bag. "You know, if I didn't stand out like festival lighting, teleporting past these guys probably would have been the smarter move. If we have to talk to the dragon, at least. And if said dragon cares about his guards. Ah well." The gish leads the way deeper into the caves. She is really hoping to intercept the Kotepians. She is good at talking her way out of things and in terms of bluffing, but even that will only get her so far against something so excessively powerful as this particular dragon. It would be a fantastic thrill, sure, but she has to look out for her lover, too, prefering Alveron in one piece.

2018-08-30, 07:04 AM
There are several more tunnels, each ending in nothing that Kara and Alveron explore, clearly the volcanic nature of this mountain makes for runs of magma that bore holes in it, but eventually end up cooling and hardening. However, they finally find one that leads deeper into the heart of the mountain, and it eventually runs into a curious sight.
The tunnel opens into a large cavern, there is an exit out the far way of it, but in the middle of the cavern is a huge and ornate fountain. The top basin is made of platinum, the second basin of gold, the third basin of silver and the bottom basin is copper. Water spouts from the mouth of a small dragon figurine atop the fountain, and then flows down through all the other basins, presumably drawn back up into the figurine as the bottom basin is not overflowing nor is there a visible drain. From nowhere, a blue light plays on the fountain from one angle, a green light from another, a yellow from a third and a red from the fourth (the points being arranged north, south, east, west, just for clarity, you have no way of telling which is which this deep under)

2018-08-30, 07:16 AM
Kara moves through the cavern, towards the fountain. Could be a trap, most likely is a trap, but could also be the way forward (especially since they have no idea whether that far way leads closer to their destination or further away). Amused by the fountain, Kara just lobs one coin of the corresponding type into each of the basins to see if something special happens (and also making a few secret wishes for the heck of it). If nothing happens, she scans the fountain with detect magic.

2018-08-31, 06:30 AM
(what wishes do you make?)

The coins clink when they hit the metal, and then disappear when she makes her wish. The fountain does radiate magic, of an indeterminate type.

2018-08-31, 07:08 AM
In order of platinum to copper, and just says them out loud, having no shame before Alveron:
"I wish to find the Kotepians we are looking for, right now."
"I wish my body felt even better for my soulmate, and him alone."
"I wish for us to feel comfortable in this heat today."
"I wish for two cookies."

In case the wishes don't completely go sideways, she nudges Alveron, offering him a platinum coin. "Come on, make a wish," she says, with a grin.

2018-08-31, 01:58 PM
Nothing happens on the first wish, but on the second wish, Kara feels intense pain in all parts of her body, even the touch of her clothes and items is extremely uncomfortable, and when she buckles from the pain, Alveron rushes to her, but his touch is like fire on her.

(I assume you stop making wishes at this point)

2018-08-31, 07:19 PM
"Argh, monkey's paw, monkey's paw!" Well it was worth a try. She tries to dispel the magic on her with a dispelling touch, targeting only the enemy effect.

(Given Kara's average intelligence and low wisdom, this outcome is oddly appropiate :D)

2018-09-03, 07:52 AM
Alveron adds his own dispelling spell to Kara's attempts and between the two of them, they are able to break the spell holding her. Some sort of reverse wish curse holding on that thing?

(assuming that Kara finishes with tossing coins in the fountain, without the wishes, of course?)

2018-09-03, 10:06 AM
Kara crosses her arms after shaking the discomfort from her body, not tossing in any more coins. "No idea. Could be reverse, could be distortion towards whatever is least beneficial to the one asking while technically doing what the person wished for. What I wanna know is whether I just ruined our chances of finding the Kotepians, if the well did anything in that regard."

2018-09-04, 12:56 PM
Not sure, I guess we will just have to keep going and find out.

2018-09-04, 03:29 PM
"Hmm. Let's do a quick test." Kara throws in another platinum coin, while holding a copper piece between thumb and index finger, while pointing to it with another one of her hands. "I wish for this coin to become cold." The simple logic being that if it becomes freezing cold, the fountain does whatever is most detrimental (making the coin as cold as possible to cause as much damage as possible). If it is a reverse wish fountain, the coin will become hot (which can't harm Kara due to her fire immunity).

2018-09-05, 09:25 AM
The coin heats up, very quickly.

2018-09-05, 09:31 AM
"Oh, neat!" Kara lobs in another platinum coin and flicks away the copper coin.

"I wish for the Kotepians I am looking for NOT to appear right here in front of us right now."

2018-09-05, 12:51 PM
Much to Kara's chagrin, the Kotepians do not appear.

2018-09-05, 05:16 PM
"Aw." Well, it was worth a try. Hence, Kara moves onwards, further into the cave system.

2018-09-05, 09:03 PM
The only exit from the cavern, other than the one you came in by, is blocked by a shimmering, greenish color field.

2018-09-06, 12:07 PM
Kara sighs, snipping a gold coin into the basin from over her shoulder. "I wish for this barrier to exist."

2018-09-06, 01:14 PM
The barrier remains intact.

2018-09-06, 02:45 PM
Kara scans the wall with detect magic, and also tries to just walk through. If neither reveals much, Kara groans. She's never been much of a puzzle solver. "Any ideas?"

2018-09-06, 06:52 PM
Maybe a coin of each type in the right bin? You stopped after the disaster of the gold

2018-09-07, 09:27 AM
"Hm." Kara tosses in a silver coin and a copper coin.

2018-09-07, 01:49 PM
The green shield disappears and the pair are able move along
As they press deeper and deeper into the mountain, the heat becomes more and more oppressive. While the spell is protecting them from actual damage, the heat is still draining and both of them are working up impressive sweats. At one point, they are just about to round a corner when Kara catches just a glimpse of what looked like a massive red dragon. She motions for Alveron to duck back down and does the same, but it appears to have done no good.

2018-09-07, 07:43 PM
Well crap. Kara, sweating profusely and also sweating bullets, steps out and forward a bit, bowing deep. "Greetings, great Kahoutek. I apologize for our intrusion, we were simply looking for a few Kotepians who're on the way here. We do not wish to cause you any trouble, not that we could in the first place."

2018-09-08, 06:52 AM
Kara might have seen dragons in the past, she might have even fought them and won. But nothing can compare with Kahoutek. He's at least twice the size of the largest red dragon ever, perhaps even three times. Everything about him is majesty and awe, and just seeing him virtually paralyzes her with fear. Alveron is clutching her hand with more force than she has ever felt, even less experienced than her with "confronting" dragons and this one is totally off the scale. Almost invisible behind the dragon is his hoard, gold, platinum and mithral in piles beyond counting, and gems unlike anything Kara has ever imagined. Gems of all kinds encrust Kahoutek's body, crushed into his scales through years of lying on them and his sheer weight. If dragons have a concept of deities, then Kahoutek has to be what the dragons would consider a deity. And all of his attention is focused on her...which is unsettling as well.

Kotep's minions, here? Is it that time again? I suppose it is. And I guess you have a better offer, well lets hear it

2018-09-08, 07:30 AM
Kara squeezes Alveron's hand with two of her own, both to calm him as well as herself. Not that it helps much.

"I would like to rid you of these pests, so they no longer disturb you. Of course, I would be glad to make you a better offer. Would you allow me a question? I hear the Kotepians sacrifice all their valuable possessions to their god in exchange for power, so what do these Kotepians offer you, considering your tremendous hoard?"

2018-09-09, 08:41 AM
The Kotepians seek me for...
Before the dragon can finish, 4 men enter from the opposite end of the cavern, Kotepians by their appearance. One of them spots Kara and Alveron, screaming out Lysindrans, attack
Before he can even begin to cast however, Kahoutek's mighty head swings toward him and he breathes out a single stream of flame. As Elinon described, his body doesnt really burn, its more like it disintigrates, but so focused is the stream of flame that not even a single hair on another Kotepian is singed.
They are here as my guests, as are you. Do you think you make the rules here...or do you think I cant defend myself?
Of course not mighty Kahoutek, he was young and foolish, and when young and foolish you should listen to your bettors, it will not happen again The man is clearly the leader of the group
Kahoutek's head swivels to Kara That goes for you as well He doesnt even wait for you to agree Now you are here for a quart of my blood, I know what you want it for looking at the Kotepian but I cant imagine what you want it for? looking at Kara

2018-09-09, 11:57 AM
Kara does her best not to flinch too much at the display of power. She is dealing with a lot of unknowns here, especially what the Kotepians may be giving Kahoutek in exchange for the blood. She tries to read the Kotepians, but the majority of her focus is on the gigantic dragon.

"We do not seek your blood or your riches. Really, we do not want anything from you and do not seek to bother you. We simply want for the Kotepians to not get anything from you anymore. Maybe being allowed to kill them as well, but that is secondary. Of course, we do not assume to receive this privilege for free, plus compensation for having disturbed you may well be in order, however meager that compensation may be given your hoard and knowledge. Whatever the outcome may be, we will not bother you in the future."

Diplomacy [roll0]
More to compete with the Kotepians than convincing Kahoutek, I guess. I doubt Kara can do much to sway Kahoutek by way of her stats

Using Kara's Exaggerated Sense Motive to read the Kotepians' surface thoughts to get a clue about what they are paying and what they are doing with the blood. As always, bluff enhancers and magics helping with lying do not help against Kara.

2018-09-09, 06:55 PM
She lies to you Kahoutek, the Lysindrans seek your blood in order to concoct spells and scrolls to give their Energy Immunity spells the power to resist your flames, and then send in their most powerful mages and warriors in wave after wave after you, in order to kill you and claim your riches.

Kara's ability to read people is pretty good, and she gets the impression that what the Kotepian describes might actually be their end game, in addition to whatever uses they have for the blood, which might be tied to their enhanced metamagic. But how to deal with the "he said, she said" nature of this?

2018-09-10, 02:48 AM
"I said we don't want anything other than you not getting anything, as well as not wanting to disturb Kahoutek in the future, so it does sound like a bit of a projection. But we have means of determining that with a quick zone of truth instead of arguing. So here is what I propose: I create a zone of truth, their leader and I step in, let ourselves be affected, which you," Kara gestures towards Kahoutek. "can easily determine even without magic, given it is an enchantment, and you ask us what we want from you, and what our end goal in this is. Done. Quick, efficient, and certain."

There is, of course, the risk of the dragon prying deeper than those two questions, but he can do that even without the zone, really. But in regards to this mission, Kara has truth on her side, standing tall. And she keeps a close eye on the Kotepians' reaction to this proposal.

2018-09-10, 07:25 AM
As if I would let myself or my team be affected by a Lysindran enchantment. Or even let you cast something in my vicinity. You would just kill me. Even if mighty Kahoutek then vaporized you, it would count as a win for you, everyone knows how the followers of Lysindra habitually indulge in suicide missions just to take one of us out

Actually its a fact that Kotepians do that, but Kahoutek in his red dragon insular existence might not even care about human deity squabbles

Kara's ring is throbbing with a message...Make sure you reference him being a follower of Kotep in your rebuttal

2018-09-10, 09:27 AM
Kara smiles. "Yeah, no. I fail to spot the droves of Lysindrans you are talking about and if you think we operate this way, you may want to examine my previous work. Again, I would like you to stop projecting onto us just because you and your god Kotep act that way, with an unhealthy if amusing dose of infighting to the point of murder. Really though, this is leading nowhere. Your god hates my goddess, you will deny everything I say and slander me in any way you can. I offered a way to settle this for sure, but apparently you are getting cold feet. That pile of ash over there should be evidence enough that even if I wanted to just kill you without Kahoutek's consent, I would be dead before I could even do anything to you, the same going for you. Zone of truth. Cold, hard facts. I don't do attack magic and you are overestimating my speed." And with that, Kara crosses two of her arms.

2018-09-10, 01:43 PM
Kahoutek regards the Kotepian for a moment before turning back to Kara. Oh, she thinks you still worship Kotep, she doesn't know you repudiated Kotep for myself and are working on the inside to perfect enhanced metamagic in order to overthrow him. But you already repudiated him to me Kara can see the Kotep wizard blanching visibly, the tell tale sign of being caught in a lie Tell her about that repudiation...better yet, repeat it His head swivels over to the wizard SAY IT

2018-09-10, 03:15 PM
Kara has the biggest Cheshire grin as she gestures to the wizard to continue. "Go on. Loud and proud. Your god's listening." All two of him. Oh this is going to be good.

Kara loves her job.

2018-09-11, 07:23 AM
The three remaining wizards tense to attack, Alveron even moving by reflex in front of Kara, but its all for naught. Kahoutek doesn't even draw in a big breath, he just exhales a gout of flame that envelops the three wizards, charring them to nothingness.

I suppose I should explain. The wizards came to me a year ago, claiming they needed my blood for research into advanced metamagics and offering fealty in exchange. I was suspicious but also bored with the way things are in the world and thought it would introduce more chaos into it. You humans define chaotic as doing what needs to be done, regardless of the rules, I prefer chaos to be things that shouldn't happen, do happen, and things that should happen, not happen. Enhanced metamagic does that. I became more suspicious when the blood requests became more regular, and I learned that they had perfected different ways to gain access to advanced metamagic, but claimed to still need my blood, and so I guided my spies in their organization to guide your spies in their organization to finding out about this next meeting, knowing they would arrange for a Lysindran to be here. And so you are.

2018-09-11, 08:57 AM
Kara has a hearty laugh at the Kotepians' demise and does a little flourish when Kahoutek reveals his spies spied Lysindra's spies. No reason to get upset, overall it's a win for Lysindra, and she doubts anything could be done about it. "Should and should not are a matter of perspective, really. But what can I say, things going sideways in all sorts of ways is my life and line of work. I'd have nothing to do if people like those metamagic Kotepians wouldn't keep popping up. And I imagine things would be boring for you if people like me didn't exist, either."

2018-09-12, 03:34 PM
I dont know how they power their advanced metamagic now, it used to be some sort of ceremony that involved ingesting my blood and if the person survived, they got it. Drinking dragon blood has its own risks, I imagine it killed more than a few of them. I dont know how close they are to creating energy resistance that can thwart me, but if they still needed blood, they havent finished. I would think keeping my horde out of Kotep's hands is something your faction would be invested in, advanced metamagic would obviously be involved in the spell that came out of it. So I wish you well in your quest to put an end to it

2018-09-12, 03:56 PM
"It's been a pleasure, Kahoutek," Kara says with a flourish before looking to Alveron. "Take us home, love." A quick report to Elinon, and then she'll teach Alveron how to handle the stress of one of her type of missions, given that this was his first. She is used to harrowing experiences, but her lover may need a bit of aftercare.

2018-09-12, 06:09 PM
Before you leave he roots around in his horde for a moment and then draws out two pairs of gloves in his teeth Take these as my little contribution to keeping me alive. It is harrowing to come that close to Kahoutek's impressive teeth but if she wants them....

Gauntlets of Dexterity +6, a matched pair for you and Alveron

2018-09-13, 01:20 AM
Harrowing is Kara's bread and butter, and she is actually amazed the dragon could pick up those tiny gloves with his teeth. So the gish walks up to the maw with teeth bigger than herself and accepts the gloves. "Thank you very much." And then they leave.

2018-09-13, 07:48 AM
Just coming close to Kahoutek's mouth is enough to singe some of Kara's hair, and when she reaches for the gloves, he bares all of his teeth, just to give her a good look. He opens his mouth wide (unsettling) and when she picks the gloves out, his mouth snaps shut just a second after her hand clears them, earning what passes for a draconic chuckle.

Elinon is quite interested to hear about the magic being powered by a connection to the dragon, although it is a bit disappointing that the method is no longer the preferred option but better than nothing, and now it has been shut down completely. She agrees that the quest is now of even more importance, as the followers of Kotep must be prevented, at all costs, of getting their hands on Kahoutek's hoard; that kind of treasure could end up toppling kingdoms and the entire Daystor economy.

2018-09-13, 10:12 AM
"All the more reason to keep going as soon as possible. Do we have any indications where we'll strike next?" Kara asks as she tries on the gloves on her upper set of arms.

2018-09-15, 07:35 AM
Go, spend some time with your beau There is a tired, almost resigned tone to Elinon's voice, something Kara has never heard before.

2018-09-15, 12:21 PM
Kara inclines her head to the side. "Something's wrong, isn't it?" The gish doesn't like beating around the bush when it comes to real, actual issues, whether they are world-threatening or personal. She'd rather pry and get a harsh response than being too afraid to ask and maybe let something fester or not help with something she could have helped with. She owes Elinon that much, who already shoulders Ly'Sindra only knows how much responsibility.

2018-09-15, 05:11 PM
Its what Kotep has likely done, and what we are going to have to ask you to do about it. I dont know for sure, and dont want to say it until I do...so for now, enjoy your free time. You've earned it.

2018-09-15, 06:43 PM
A smile creeps onto Kara's face. "I'm the crazy girl volunteering for the missions no one else wants to do. That's what I'm here for. So don't worry too much about me."

With that, Kara grabs Alveron and leaves, heading straight for her quarters. "So how did you like your first time accompanying me? Other than the dose of Kahoutek it was somewhat tame, but you can't have tons of spells flying at you all the time." Curiously, the gish still hasn't dismissed her luminous armor.

"You're probably not feeling much right now other than a whole lot of adrenaline. You probably are familiar with that, but not to this degree. You know, staring death point-blank in the face for a good chunk of time usually does that. Once it wears off, though, that's when things get ugly, because then all the fear and terror comes rushing back in hard. I can deal with it, but I'm not right in the head. So, we're going to do something about it. You'll love it, but I hope you aren't expecting something relaxing." Kara is very sure there are better methods to deal with the aftereffects of her assignments, but her own have been working for her and the scant few who worked with her during her assignments in the past.

How much for the loot from the fire giants?

2018-09-16, 09:32 AM
After several days with Alveron, in and out of her chamber and in the training room, Kara finally heads off to find Elinon with him in tow. It takes a little bit of work to find her, but eventually she is given directions. Heading down the hall to the last room where she was seen, Kara and Alveron hear the sound of weapons clashing. They dont hasten their footsteps, after all, they have never seen anyone that can go toe-to-toe (or 2on1 or 3on1 for that matter) against their priestess.
When they come into the room, Elinon is indeed engaged in a battle, it appears to be a sparring match (seeing as she is only using one blade) and she is battling an absolutely stunning, dark-haired woman. And she isnt wiping the floor with her, either. The two of them are as even a fight as Kara has ever seen, every time one seems to get an advantage, the other one retaliates to take it away and on it goes. Their arcane defenses are flashing like mad, as are the arcane attack bonuses, but neither can get the upper hand for more than a moment. Back and forth they go, and Kara can see that she is not holding anything back, as she does when she spars with trainees, but whomever this woman is, she can match (but not exceed) Elinon.
Finally, the two of them are separated for a moment, both looking at the other. Then simultaneously they lower their blades, touching tip to floor in what Kara has learned (through association, not heritage) is the amazon signal to concede the match. Elinon takes a towel and tosses another to the other woman and dries off a bit. She then notices Kara, although the Helldiver knows full well she saw her the moment she entered the room, hell, she was probably aware of her when she was walking down the hall. Surprising Elinon is the most impossible task someone could set on themselves.
Good afternoon Kara, Alveron, I want you to meet Dalcar Sontin
The name hits Kara like a brick. Of course, she knows the name Dalcar, anyone who hasnt lived under a rock for the past century (and even they might have), knows the legendary priestess of Nocticula but she never thought she would meet her. Or meet her in this temple, even if Ly'Sindra was a former marilith and at least nominally tied to a demonic heritage. Then Dalcar turns to look her, smiling in greeting.
Kara's knees almost buckle. She has met amazons of course, and then there is Elinon, up to now the most beautiful woman Kara has ever met. But this woman seems to operate on a whole different plane. Her robes (negligee?) seems to only cover enough to make you want to see the whole body, and the fact that it is clinging to her even more because of her sweat doesnt help matters. Alveron is gripping her hand, trying to remind himself that she is the woman he loves, but in the face of lust incarnate, its hard to hold on to that. Her voice is like a soft, sibilant purr, Kara feeling a desire welling up in her like none she has ever felt.
So this is the legendary Helldiver, Kara. I dont think our faiths paths have ever crossed, not with you anyway. Right about now, there is a part of Kara's mind that really, really wishes she had crossed paths with her, despite the risk that entails. And you say she has taken point on our little issue with Kotep?

2018-09-16, 01:53 PM
Well, Kara certainly isn't prepared, but at least she has splattered brachinae and succubi across the walls in the past, so she can at least form coherent thoughts and speech. She is also fairly sure Dalcar is used to these reactions and probably enjoys them in some sort of evil way. You know, the works. Just like Kara enjoys a fortress-leveling chain of explosions in the morning (really, the sex goddesses' followers will never learn to appreciate those properly, but to be fair, that's also not their métier).

Alright, first things first. Kara slaps her own cheeks with her top two hands, twice. Get back into business. Still horny as hell, but that's a given right now. Then give Alveron a playful slap on the back. "Aw, don't feel bad. Totally natural. You can stop squeezing, really." Kara isn't going to throw stones, given her own nature and current state. She might need to teach Alveron a thing or two about confusing lust with love, but that's pretty minor in the grand scheme of things right now. She can do that when they cool off after this meeting.

"Hiya! Yup, that's me, though I'm still working on the legendary bit. Can't quite get the whole "jump over mountains" thing down yet, I'm still leaping over castle walls like a scrub. Reality's pretty gullible, though, so it's something." When in doubt, banter. Just keep talking until you get to the point again. "So yeah, Kotep. I've been increasing my bodycount the past few weeks, though I honestly survived a few times only because Kotepians don't know how to use their spells against a single target."

Kara looks back and forth between Elinon and Dalcar. "Can we skip to the briefing? Frankly, my underwear is soaked, my shorts are following right now, it's not very pleasant, and I don't really want to receive my orders going commando."

2018-09-17, 05:24 PM
Dalcar smiles, sending another round of shocks through her. Elinon takes over.
Since the Kotepians no longer initiate a connection through the dragon blood, they have to be doing something else. The something else has to be some sort of connection with the lower planes and/or Kotep himself. Either with the Abyss or the Hells...or very unlikely Tarterus. We are choosing to start with the Abyss. Thats where Dalcar comes in.
I will be appointing one of my most trusted demonic lieutenants to accompany and guide you. Her name is Zy'Tara and the name form tells Kara that she is a marilith in a form most trusted by your faith. She will guide you to Ke'Vokuli, the oldest known marilith. If there is a connection between the Abyss and Kotep, she will know. Why the demons would work with Kotep is beyond me, but then again, the moment a demon takes one side, at least 100 will line up against them. Just to be contrary.

2018-09-18, 05:01 AM
And there goes the entirety of Kara's lust, washed away in a wave of adrenaline.

"Nice, at least 100 demons to splatter across the walls! Can we start now?" Kara stops for a moment to think, then looks to Dalcar.
"Can we get something like a memo from you for Ke'Vokuli so we can skip the usual banter so we can get pointed to the asskicking right away?" Followed by looking to Alveron.
"Protection From Evil is a great spell. Succubi totally hate it. I love when they always fail at lying to me, too, before I paste them," Kara notes cheerfully. This is a good day.

Kara loves her job.

2018-09-18, 07:38 AM
Im afraid Dalcar's words wont carry any weight with Ke'Vokulli, its been a thousand years since she took an interest in the upper planes and even then it was only do deal an, as you put it, asskicking Turning to look at the newcomer, Kara has to do a bit of a double take.
Of course, she has seen representations of a marilith, after, her goddess is one. But seeing a statue or a picture done by an artist is one thing, but actually seeing one in the flesh is quite another. Assuming this is Zy'Tara, as Dalcar said, then Kara can tell that the artists who depicted Ly'Sindra were not able to do her justice. Incredibly beautiful goes without saying, but there is something undeniably seductive about those huge coils of tail, slithering and undulating behind her as she moves, something that the artist had no hopes of capturing. And then there are the blades she carries. An artist can draw what looks to be a sharp sword...but the reality of them is quite another, and Zy'Tara's blades look really, really, sharp. And one thing the artist never fully depicted (except in statues that are meant to be huge) is just how big a marilith is. The "human" part of her body is about one and half times as big as what a human would be from the waist up (to accommodate those extra arms), with everything else in perfect proportion, and rearing up on her tail, she is probably over 7 feet tall and that's with plenty of tail still stretched out behind her.

2018-09-18, 12:51 PM
Kara is starting to feel charismatically underdressed and outnumbered.

"Well, I just need to get lucky again. I have no illusions about my charm when facing the oldest marilith. You don't happen to know whether those particular demons annoy her enough that she might point me in the right direction just to have someone get rid of them?" A short pause. "Also, hi, I'm Kara, your kind's probably-made-in-the-prime-material cheap knockoff." And she gives a little wave with her two left hands.

2018-09-18, 02:29 PM
Ke'Vokulli is probably insane. Or at least horribly out of touch with the Prime. But if there has been a deal made in the Abyss, she will know about it. There are 666 layers to the Abyss. Humans probably know about the top 500 or so. We are going below those. Way below. Like, starting at 650 or so, she will be either there, or on two others I know about. Forget what you know about demons. The demons of these layers have never been summoned to the Prime. You wouldn't want to see them. I don't want to see them. And I don't want to see the lords of those layers either. They make Demo-Gorgon or Yeenoghu look decent and kind.

2018-09-18, 03:39 PM
"Ooh, deep dive, sure!" At this point, Kara can only trust in Elinon's wisdom. Kara has been to the Hells and the Abyss before, but she never dove this deep and she has no idea what she is getting into. While she thinks she is pretty good at what she does, she knows there is a lot of room above her level of power (with three people (probably) vastly outstripping her being in this very room right in this moment). She also isn't sure whether Alveron should come with. Dealing with mages is one thing. Going into the unknown sludge at the bottom of the Abyss is another.

2018-09-19, 07:56 AM
And as for you, Alveron, I have an equally important mission.
Alveron opens his mouth to protest sending Kara into danger without him, but suddenly both of them receive a mental message.
There are two reasons for this other mission. One is that it really is important, relying on your extraction skills and a certain level of diplomacy that sometimes some members of our faith lack. And more importantly, Nocticula and her followers don't play well with men, and having you along might be a deal breaker for the whole thing. As it is, Im going to have to sleep with Dalcar to make this deal go, and Kara will likely end up sleeping with the marilith or something along those lines, and having you involved could make everything go sideways
His mouth closes, he clearly doesn't like the thought of Kara in the Abyss, meeting with a bonkers marilith, but he has his mission and his orders.

2018-09-19, 10:07 AM
Kara is not very surprised at the news that she'll have to sleep with someone at some point (and there will probably be all sorts of mindscrewery involved and telling her how much she is a slave to lust and be at their mercy and attempts at hypnotism and corruption and whathaveyoubeentheredonethat, so basically what the average Nocticulan gets off on), but grins to Alveron. "I'm a professional adrenaline junkie, I'll be fine." She has no idea whether she will be fine, but she is damn good at lying.

"So yeah, I'll go get changed, get myself a spell against the planar effects, and off we go?" Kara asks, with a hand pointing back and forth between Zy'Tara and herself.

2018-09-19, 12:40 PM
Acid...make her immune to acid. Theres lots of it on the first plane and if you start punching creatures made of acid, you'll be dead quickly.

2018-09-19, 02:15 PM
"First time acid swim, sounds fun!" Kara turns to Alveron. "Can you do that for me, honey?" Once she receives the energy immunity (and maybe the spell to protect her against the evil planar effects), Kara kisses her lover deeply. "I'll be back as soon as I can." She had a talk with Alveron about the Tishtinian types of love, lust and sex not necessarily being the same as romantic love, and Kara not minding him sleeping with other women (or men or anything in between, if he feels like it), just as long as he is careful about who he is sleeping with (Nocticulans being one of the main things to be on guard around). A little love goes a long way, Kara herself has tempted evil towards good (even if evil loves to think they are the only ones who can tempt and convert), and if she can, she has little doubt he can as well. In the end, Kara and Alveron have each other, and that is what counts.

If everything else is said and done, Kara goes to get her gear and a new set of (more robust) clothes, and whatever spell she will need to survive in the Abyss. Then it's right back to Zy'Tara with a smile. It's unfair how powerful marilith probably are while being so damn beautiful. Really, she has no idea why a human is even sent if Nocticula has women like these at her disposal. "I'm the right amount of excited and terrified, perfect condition in other words. Looking forward to fighting alongside you, always wanted to do that with your kind. Ready when you are!"

2018-09-20, 06:50 AM
Alveron casts the spell on her, and kisses her in return, clearly not wanting to let her go, but knowing he has been overruled by his leader.
By the time she returns with another set of clothes, Elinon has a present for her, two more scrolls with Energy Immunity on them.
I know that spells of this level might sometimes present a challenge for you but don't worry, these were scribed by The Teacher herself if we ever got into an emergency for the faith. You'll be fine with them
zero chance of spell failure, even if there is a spell fail chance for you on a 7th level.

2018-09-20, 06:04 PM
Kara is pretty good at BSing magic items into working, but better safe than sorry. Plus, she does quite love the Teacher's work. The gish stashes the scrolls. "Thanks!" In a few seconds, Kara has applied her usual buffs, body once again wreathed in her luminous armor, and her fists hitting like those of an overgrown titan.

2018-09-21, 06:57 AM
Teleporting is one thing but Plane Shifting is quite another. The demoness moves forward and touches Kara and instead of the usual lurch of a teleport, she feels as if her whole body is dissolving, and then shifted through an entire universe, only to be reassembled at a new point.
The new point she finds herself in is so very different from the Prime. There is no "sky", only a vast expanse of blackness. The "air" she breathes is contaminated with acid, and the stink of acid is everywhere. Although she is not damaged by it, it makes it hard to breathe, as the normal volume of oxygen is not there and her lungs feel like they are being scalded with every breath she takes. Looking around, they appear to be on a floating raft in a sea of bubbling red acid, she has no doubt that if she were not protected and fell in, her death would be instantaneous. Of course, given the level of pain of an acid burn, the speed might be a blessing. For some reason, the "raft" is not dissolving (yet), but the idea of it suddenly giving way under them (and damn but that marilith must weigh enough to capsize it) does not reassure her in any way.
Out of nowhere, the marilith produces two long paddles, from the looks of them, they are either made of mithral or adamantite, and when she sticks one in the acid, the fact that it doesn't dissolve proves that. Wordlessly she hands one of them to Kara, producing a map in another hand. Helps to have six arms, two arms to row and you can still hold the map She consults it, and points, We head that way

2018-09-21, 08:05 AM
Kara grimaces at the stink, but she is in a place of just acid on top of acid and about to row a boat across an acid lake, which is equal parts ridiculous and exciting, so it's alright, all in all. She grabs the paddle with her four arms (she will need all of them to keep up with the marilith) and croaks "Ready when you are", the acid laden "air" not cooperating well with her voice and anything involving breathing. Still, a little scalding pain with every breath isn't going to stop her.

2018-09-21, 09:48 AM
After about an hour of "rowing", Zy'Tara spots the "land" she was aiming for and changes course to it. Calling it land is a bit of a stretch, more like an area that is more solid than the sea, and it is still acid, just in less liquid form. She runs the raft as far as she can get onto it, and then slithers off, expecting Kara to follow.
They begin to walk, and Zy'Tara finally talks again. Why do you, as a "good" person, however you want to define that, worship a demon? I mean, I understand the attraction for Dalcar and all the followers of Nocticula, but then again, we don't claim to be "good".

2018-09-21, 11:37 AM
"Matter of perspective, really," Kara croaks, followed by trying to clear her throat and spitting up a glob of spit and acid mixture. "Doesn't change or taint what She's like and what She does. Jus' like I'm not gonna be all passive-aggressive to you, 'cause why should I?" Talking is still difficult, Kara coughing once. A beat passes.

"Whole good 'n' evil thing's kinda stupid beyond 'prefers working towards others' benefits' versus 'prefers working towards own profit'. Gleefully bashed in too many skulls to be called 'pure', no matter what this snazzy 'exalted' armor wants to tell you." Kara spits again, sticking out her tongue because of the taste.

"Can you do telepathy? Getting verbally challenged here." Kara asks with an increasingly hoarse voice as she wrings accumulated acid from her hair.

2018-09-21, 01:03 PM
As you wish

2018-09-21, 07:50 PM
"Thanks," Kara answers telepathically, her mental voice sounding a lot nicer, glad that she can rest her physical one. "So yeah. I love what Ly'Sindra stands for. I love Her followers. I love Her allies. And I feel a freak like me belongs there. Simple as that. I love Her. And if She is secretly actually 'evil' and managed to fool all of Her followers and Tishtina, well damn, She'd have my awe and worship for pulling that off, because that would be amazing."

Kara looks to Zy'Tara as they walk. "So, how about you? How do you feel about a marilith goddess, one who is 'good' despite most demons being 'evil' by nature?"

2018-09-22, 12:37 PM
In our eyes, Sindra gave up her marilith status when Tishtina converted her...or in your words "redeemed" her. And if she still is evil, she has managed to fool many people. But then again, I didnt say you were worshiping an evil entity, I said you were worshiping a demonic one.

2018-09-22, 04:30 PM
"Hm. That seemed to be the implication to me, because I don't know what difference Ly'Sindra being a demon would make." Kara shrugs as she walks.

"So, anything I should know about Ke'Vokulli, other than her being able to annihilate me in an instant?"

2018-09-23, 12:22 AM
People would say that you are foul, just for worshiping a demon. So its a valid point, but we move on. As for Ke'Vokuli, yes she could annihilate you in an instant. And myself as well. But she wont. Or at least, most likely she wont. Shes insane, by my standards anyway, but she is also curious. She will want to know why you are here, and why a mortal would venture to this low a level and come this close to her. But be careful. She is unstable, and you could set her off. Be respectful, but not sniveling and groveling. She will see through that in a second and that will tick her off.

2018-09-23, 03:09 AM
"Got it, will do."

2018-09-24, 06:50 AM
Further discussion is immediately terminated by the appearance of 4 strange looking apparitions. They have a human shaped body (albeit, 18 feet tall), but they appear to be composed of a fluid of some sort. They are surprisingly quick as they rush towards the pair.

10 feet away, roll init

2018-09-24, 07:16 AM
HP 198/198 AC 49 (T 29, FF 41) Saves F +20 R +22 W +23
Spell slots 0 6/6; 1 11/12; 2 11/11; 3 7/10; 4 7/8
Active spells energy immunity (acid), greater luminous armor (-4 on melee attacks against her), greater magic weapon (+4), greater mighty wallop (4 increases), shield

And Kara is also a little quick, most of the time. Without further ado, she engages the creatures, whatever they are, trying to turn them into, well, just liquid.

Immediate action cast Nerveskitter (+5 Initiative)

Initiative [roll0]

Free cast shield

Swift jump adjacent to as many enemies as possible, if needed

Full action Full attack at the slimes while channeling vampiric touch (gain THP equal to the highest vampiric touch damage done, lasting 1 hour)
[roll1], [roll2] weapon damage + [roll3] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll4], [roll5] weapon damage + [roll6] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll7], [roll8] weapon damage + [roll9] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll10], [roll11] weapon damage + [roll12] damage (vampiric touch)

[roll13], [roll14] weapon damage + [roll15] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll16], [roll17] weapon damage + [roll18] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll19], [roll20] weapon damage + [roll21] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll22], [roll23] weapon damage + [roll24] damage (vampiric touch)

[roll25], [roll26] weapon damage + [roll27] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll28], [roll29] weapon damage + [roll30] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll31], [roll32] weapon damage + [roll33] damage (vampiric touch)
[roll34], [roll35] weapon damage + [roll36] damage (vampiric touch)