View Full Version : Who should play Roy in an OotS movie? And others.

2018-05-30, 07:58 PM
I nominate Samuel Jackson for Roy.

I could go with Rhys Davies or Peter Dinklage for Durkon, but they've both kind of already "been there, done that."

I like Suzie Plakson as she was circa 1990 for Haley, or maybe Allyson Hannigan, but they're both too old now. Who are similar young actresses currently who are the right age?

Elan could be played by any good-looking young blonde actor, probably tall and thin, not too muscular. V is tough, since you need that genderless quality. He/she could be any actor or actress that has a lot of the secondary characteristics of the opposite gender - either a tomboyish female or an effete male. I'm open to suggestions.

Belkar could be any of the guys from the LotR movies, but I doubt they'd ever agree to play "halflings" again, and they're all probably too old now. Again, I'm open to suggestions. I think Belkar has red or deep auburn hair, just like Haley. Come to think of it, Peter Dinklage might make a better Belkar than a Durkon.

2018-05-30, 08:34 PM
I dunno, I like Idris Elba for Roy. Nothing against Samuel L Jackson, but I think that accent that Idris has lends itself really well to the Not Just a Dumb Fighter thing Roy has going.

2018-05-30, 08:55 PM
Ooh, I like it. Roy is like Heimdall, huh? I need to find more clips of his voice. One of the things I'm looking for in actors, besides matching appearances, is voices I can read the comic in.

So, you think Roy speaks like Heimdall?

2018-05-31, 03:38 AM
For me, Roy is Will Smith.

2018-05-31, 10:35 AM
I dunno, I like Idris Elba for Roy. Nothing against Samuel L Jackson, but I think that accent that Idris has lends itself really well to the Not Just a Dumb Fighter thing Roy has going.

Not sure if they sound like anyone specific in my head. If I were casting them for an animation or live-action film, though, I would want to see:

Roy played by Idris Elba...

I second (third?, forth?) Idris Elba as Roy, and my other picks remain:

Forgetting for a moment that a "live-action" OotS is a stupid idea since a lot of the charm is in the art, who to cast?

Off the top of my head, I've picked:

Idris Elba as Roy
https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNzEzMTI2NjEyNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTA0OTE4OA@@._ V1_UX82_CR0,0,82,120_AL_.jpg

Jessica Chastain as Haley
https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTU1MDM5NjczOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwOTY2MDE4OA@@._ V1_UX100_CR0,0,82,120_AL_.jpg

Owen Wilson as Elan
https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTgwMzQ4ODYxMV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDAwMTc2NQ@@._ V1_UX82_CR0,0,82,120_AL_.jpg

Tilda Swinton as Vaarsuvius
https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTM4NzMzMTkwNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzU4MDg1Mw@@._ V1_UY120_CR7,0,82,120_AL_.jpg

Brian Blessed as Durkon
https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTQ0Njc1ODQ5MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODg5MjIzMQ@@._ V1_UY120_CR49,0,82,120_AL_.jpg

And the hardest for me to "cast" Tom Cruise as Belkar

What are your picks?

I hope this thread lasts.

2018-05-31, 10:42 AM
I hope this thread lasts.

Oh, don't worry about that. It'll come back around in a year or so, same with the voice-actor thread.

2018-05-31, 11:52 AM
The Rock, Dwayne Johnson.

2018-05-31, 12:28 PM
Sam Jackson is way too old to play Roy.

He'd be OK as Eugene though.

I'd say Ricky Whittle (Shadow from Amazon's American Gods series) for Roy.

2018-05-31, 02:14 PM
Dwayne Johnson as Roy
Karen Gillan as Haley
Jack Black as Vaarsuvius
Nick Jonas as Elan
Kevin Hart as Belkar
Rhys Darby as Durkon
Bobby Cannavale as Xykon

Though I feel like I just saw a movie like this...

2018-05-31, 04:21 PM
Dwayne Johnson as Roy
Karen Gillan as Haley
Jack Black as Vaarsuvius
Nick Jonas as Elan
Kevin Hart as Belkar
Rhys Darby as Durkon
Bobby Cannavale as Xykon

Though I feel like I just saw a movie like this...

And know I am picturing Jumanji turning into a D&D game.

It's awesome.

2018-05-31, 04:39 PM
I nominate Samuel Jackson for Roy.

I like Suzie Plakson as she was circa 1990 for Haley, or maybe Allyson Hannigan, but they're both too old now. Who are similar young actresses currently who are the right age?

You literally just said that you think a 70 year old man is OK to play a 30 year old man, but a 44 year old woman is "too old" to play a 30 year old woman.

I wonder why that is :smallconfused:

I personally like Winston Duke, the guy who played the chief of the "Mountain tribe" in Black Panther. He's the right age (unless maybe 31 is too young to play a 30 year old, who knows anymore) and he's actually buff enough for the part.

2018-05-31, 06:39 PM
I second Winston Duke! Elba has the gravitas but he's a bit old, yeah. And Duke in Black Panther had the dignity (and touch of humor) that Roy would require.

Karen Gillan is fine, but once you've seen Allyson Hannigan play morally-questionable (as she did in Buffy and Veronica Mars) you know she could totally have the chops for Haley. To this day.

But who is both a natural goofball and has the sheer attractiveness for Elan? Owen Wilson's got the "goofball" part down, but not quite the "has to fend off women with a stick" physicality. Doesn't Chris Hemsworth have a brother?

For V I nominate someone who actually identifies as gender neutral.

2018-06-01, 08:08 AM
Dwayne Johnson as Roy
Karen Gillan as Haley

Actually, she is quite a good choice, too.

Oh, John Statham as Belkar. (I give for granted that real height is not an issue, else the choices are too much reduced)

2018-06-01, 08:39 AM
Remember, a significant portion of Haley's characterization is that she has self esteem issues from being "curvy" and doesn't think she's attractive enough to get Elan. So I'm not sure all these hot skinny girls really fit her character.

I think the girlfriend from Eastbound and Down would be perfect. She's still very attractive, but also "curvy" enough that her self esteem issues would be believable.

Also, for Belkar I'm thinking about someone who is also short and cocky: Kevin Hart.

Edit: her name is Katy Mixon

Edit 2: and if we want an actual genderfluid person to play V? No contest: Ruby Rose.

2018-06-01, 09:08 AM
Remember, a significant portion of Haley's characterization is that she has self esteem issues from being "curvy" and doesn't think she's attractive enough to get Elan. So I'm not sure all these hot skinny girls really fit her character.

I always thought her self esteem problems were more about personality: she saw herself as a liar (who she actually was, to some extent) and not good (alignment wise) for a pure of heart guy as Elan.

About her body, I distinctly remember she calling herself sexy, some time back.
(And the strip where she had wardrobe problems, in the first dungeon, with all the guys looking at her with gaping mouths should have quickly removed any doubt from her, if she ever had any)

2018-06-01, 09:14 AM
I always thought her self esteem problems were more about personality: she saw herself as a liar (who she actually was, to some extent) and not good (alignment wise) for a pure of heart guy as Elan.

Seconded. I'm not sure where "self esteem problems due to her looks" came from. Also, aside from age issues, the lack of love for Terry Crews rankles me.

2018-06-01, 09:27 AM
How about Chris Hemsworth for Elan? Blond, charismatic, has to fight off women. I think Johnson is a bit old to play Roy but is a much better fit as Durkon. Will Smith is absolutely not right as Roy. I like the idea of Tilda Swinton as V. And why not a non-black actor for Roy? If we can make Durkon black, why not make Roy Indian or Indonesian or white?

2018-06-01, 09:59 AM
I always thought her self esteem problems were more about personality: she saw herself as a liar (who she actually was, to some extent) and not good (alignment wise) for a pure of heart guy as Elan.

About her body, I distinctly remember she calling herself sexy, some time back.
(And the strip where she had wardrobe problems, in the first dungeon, with all the guys looking at her with gaping mouths should have quickly removed any doubt from her, if she ever had any)

You're right. I thought she called herself "curvy" but it wasn't her, it was Bandana who called her curvy. So it is still part of her character description, but not the cause of her self esteem issues

Seconded. I'm not sure where "self esteem problems due to her looks" came from. Also, aside from age issues, the lack of love for Terry Crews rankles me.

Terry Crews is to old to be most characters and too young to be others. There aren't many middle aged characters in the show. He could play Tarquin I guess; there are plenty of attractive, young black actors who could play Elan and Nale.

Or he could play Horace! Remember age doesn't matter in the afterlife.

2018-06-01, 10:59 AM
Zack Efron as Elan, he had long hair in Highschool musical and he would just need a blonde dye and he would be perfect i think it would be hilarious to see him play Nale as well with the goatee
plus hes a pretty boy so it would emulate Elans' 17 charisma.

For Durkon i would say John Davies, he played Gimli in Lotr.

Tilda swinton is perfect to play V and shes played elves and wizards in the past.

Chiwetel Ejiofor would be my perfect Roy hes shown us hes good at combat scenes and he is the right age as well.

Thats all i can think of for The order, Belkar and Hailey are tough

David Tenant would be good for Redcloak and then maybe For Xykon Robert Carlyle.

2018-06-01, 11:04 AM
Robert Carlyle.

Nothing he does will ever match up to The Full Monty. Criminally underrated, that was!

2018-06-01, 11:21 AM
Nothing he does will ever match up to The Full Monty. Criminally underrated, that was!

i think he really is an underrated actor in general i just thought he would be perfect for Xykon after seeing him as Rumpelstiltskin in Once apon a time.

2018-06-01, 01:46 PM
+1 for Karen Gillian as Hailey and David Tennant for Redcloak.

Now, I should stop propose ex Doctor Who actor for roles here, or I'll go on all day....

However, for Hailey, I would say that it's true that she thinks that she's not that good... and that Bandana says she's curvy (that is not bad alone); but we should notice that usually other characters like her. I mean, like like her.

2018-06-01, 05:01 PM
Seconded. I'm not sure where "self esteem problems due to her looks" came from. Also, aside from age issues, the lack of love for Terry Crews rankles me.

The only thing I can think of that would support this is this strip (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0161.html) but that is clearly about Elan being an insensitive idiot rather than Haley having self-esteem issues.

2018-06-01, 06:19 PM
How about Benedict Cumberbatch for Xykon? Or would he be better as Redcloak?

2018-06-01, 07:20 PM
Xykon should be easier, since we have no age restrictions. But if we want to apply some, any old actor who can act evil, mean and funny, should work. Robert De Niro, for example.
(For now I've suggested The Rock, De Niro, Statham... it would be quite the pricey movie!)

2018-06-01, 08:28 PM
David Tennant for Redcloak is brilliant!

Well, if we want curvy, and price is no object: Scarlet Johanson, anyone? She's not as comedic/roguish as some of our other candidates, but I think she'd do just fine.

Chiwetel Ejiofor for Roy is also a good choice -- but I'd like to keep Roy black, please. It may seem an even trade that if we make Durkon black, we could make Roy white; but that ignores the wider context of an infinitely larger number of white leading men across history.

2018-06-01, 09:35 PM
Jane Levy for Haley.

2018-06-02, 05:36 AM
However, for Hailey, I would say that it's true that she thinks that she's not that good... and that Bandana says she's curvy (that is not bad alone); but we should notice that usually other characters like her. I mean, like like her.

Well, after all she has the most magnificent set of perky round eyes Tarquin has ever seen (and he seems to have seen some!). And all men love perky round eyes.

(Now I wonder if the fact that she has green eyes is my headcanon, built on stereotypes of redheads, or is effectively said somewhere, because, even if I've the feeling they said it, I have not any specific sentence ringing in my head).

Returning to actresses, Johanson is good too. Mainly, I don't see her right for the most silly scenes, like the one with the wardrobe malfunction. (Which reminds me, instead, of Jessica Alba, when she was the invisible woman and she lost invisibility in the middle of a crowd, even if Haley seemed to be uncaring about the view she granted). But she is a good actress, she might make it work. Is she a natural redhead, though?

2018-06-02, 07:26 AM
Chris Hemsworth for Elan is a great idea. Ghostbusters 2016 showed that he can play the 'really stupid, but also really hot' role very well.

2018-06-02, 02:13 PM
I'd say Grant Gustin for Elan.

2018-06-02, 10:23 PM
Once upon a time, Cary Elwes would have been very well suited to playing Elan, especially if he also needed to play Nale.

2018-06-03, 08:44 AM
Once upon a time, Cary Elwes would have been very well suited to playing Elan, especially if he also needed to play Nale.

So true. But he can still be fine to play Scoundrel, even he needs a hair dye and some UV treatment.

(Now I am a bit disappointed realizing that we had never a "I'm not left handed" line in oots.)

Darth Paul
2018-06-04, 12:04 AM
How about Ted Danson as Tarquin?

And has someone already suggested Donald Glover and Danny Glover as Roy and Eugene?

2018-06-04, 09:00 AM
And has someone already suggested Donald Glover and Danny Glover as Roy and Eugene?

LOL I had no idea they were father and son.

2018-06-04, 11:26 AM
LOL I had no idea they were father and son.

They're not.

2018-06-04, 12:03 PM
Once upon a time, Cary Elwes would have been very well suited to playing Elan, especially if he also needed to play Nale.

He'd be a DAMN fin Tarquin.

Also seconding or thirding the person that said Sam Jackson would be a great Eugene Greenhilt.

For the rest, for Roy I like either Chiwetel Ejiofor

https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNzA5MDEyMTY3Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODQ0MjcxMDE@._ V1_UY317_CR6,0,214,317_AL_.jpg

or Terry Crews


For Haley, I'd say Emma Stone (great actress with pretty much the exact right coloring ("but they were LIME GREEN")

https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjI4NjM1NDkyN15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODgyNTY1MjE@._ V1.._SY1000_CR0,0,665,1000_AL_.jpg

For Elan I'd probably suggest Tom Felton, although I think he might have decided to stay away from acting for a while? But he's a good looking blond, I think he'd really flourish with the Elan/Nale scenes and it'd be nice to let him play a good guy!


Vaarsuvius is honestly the trickiest one for me because you want someone androgynous without being all trite about it (i.e. "Well let's just get Tilda Swinton again")... Tilda might be good, but OTOH she's just starting to age a bit past the "ageless" look I'd want for an elf. Maybe Rooney Mara?

http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/rooney_mara_jouer_avec_cate_blanchett_vous_eleve_o n_n_a_pas_le_droit_a_l_erreur.jpg

Or possibly Jared Leto but OTOH every movie he makes puts me on one or the other side of the fence as to whether the guy's actually a good actor or not. And he seems like a PITA to work with, possibly. Let's stick with Rooney. :)

Lastly, for Belkar, there is only one character actor talented enough to capture the psychotic little baby-man's burning hatred, sarcasm and sociopathy. Ladies and gentlemen, Sam Rockwell.


James Spader as the voice of Redcloak, Jack Gleeson for the voice of Xykon, and John Goodman for the MitD.

EDIT: Oh god I forgot Durkon existed, what a jerk I am! Someone else said Dinklage is a bit too obvious and I'd tend to agree, but on the other hand it'd probably be a ****ty move to cast both a halfling AND a dwarf as non-little-people. And Peter Dinklage honestly is a fantastic actor. So yeah, him.


His appearance in Infinity War is even better IMO but there appears to be a major lockdown of images of him in it, and it's a bit too recent to be spoiling with the blurry ones I DID find. If you saw it, you know what I mean; if you didn't, go see it!

2018-06-04, 12:57 PM
How old is Roy actually supposed to be? A lot of these actors sound good but sound too old - Chiwetel Ejiofor is forty and Terry Crews is turning fifty (!) this year.

2018-06-04, 12:58 PM
How old is Roy actually supposed to be? A lot of these actors sound good but sound too old - Chiwetel Ejiofor is forty and Terry Crews is turning fifty (!) this year.

Yeah but, and strangely Terry even moreso- neither of them SHOW their age, to my eyes, really. They both look to me like they could be in their 30's, and in my head I picture Roy as middle-aged cuz he's "the responsible one" after Durkon.

2018-06-04, 03:27 PM
I like Terry Crews or Dwayne Johnson for Roy, because any of them can do both the serious Roy and the wisecracking comedic Roy.

2018-06-04, 06:21 PM
How about Ted Danson as Tarquin?

And has someone already suggested Donald Glover and Danny Glover as Roy and Eugene?

The problem with Tarquin is that he must have an uncanny resemblance with Elan (and Nale), so either Tarquin is the same actor who plays Elan, plus aging makeup, or we must find someone who, with some makeup, resembles the actor playing Elan.

Talking of father and son, if they have been younger (a lot younger!), Kirk Douglas as Tarquin and Michael Douglas as Elan and Nale would have been wonderful.
Just think of M. Douglas in some of his first adventure comedic roles (like Romancing the Stone) and K. Douglas dressed military (as in some close-to-the-end scenes in Spartacus).
So bad they are way too old now.

Liquor Box
2018-06-04, 09:37 PM
Some good suggestions in this thread.

Dwayne Johnson >>>> Idris Elba to play Roy. To be as strong as he is, Roy would have to have muscles (Terry Crews is too old).

As to the argument regarding whether Hayley is sexy or curvy, I think the comic portrays her as both. There must be actresses who are redheaded, young curvy, and still look good in revealing clothes, who could play Hayley (even if they are not famous).

Based on the pictures, I liked 2D8HP's suggestion of Tom Cruise to play Belkar and Tilda Swinton to play V (possibly the hardest two).

Zac Efron > Owen Wilson to play Elan, I think Owen is too old.

Durkon can be played by whoever played Robert Baratheon in Game of Thrones.

Darth Paul
2018-06-04, 11:00 PM
LOL I had no idea they were father and son.

They're not.
I just think they're both fine actors. :smallcool:

2018-06-05, 12:33 AM
Some good suggestions in this thread.

Dwayne Johnson >>>> Idris Elba to play Roy. To be as strong as he is, Roy would have to have muscles (Terry Crews is too old).

As to the argument regarding whether Hayley is sexy or curvy, I think the comic portrays her as both. There must be actresses who are redheaded, young curvy, and still look good in revealing clothes, who could play Hayley (even if they are not famous).

Based on the pictures, I liked 2D8HP's suggestion of Tom Cruise to play Belkar and Tilda Swinton to play V (possibly the hardest two).

Zac Efron > Owen Wilson to play Elan, I think Owen is too old.

Durkon can be played by whoever played Robert Baratheon in Game of Thrones.

Terry Crews is only four years younger than Dwayne Johnson, but LOOKS younger.

Liquor Box
2018-06-05, 05:02 AM
Terry Crews is only four years younger than Dwayne Johnson, but LOOKS younger.

Yeah, I didn't realise that they were that close in terms of age. I guess it doesn't really matter how old they are though, just how old they look. I think Johnson looks young enough to play a guy in his early thirties, and Crews does not.

2018-06-05, 07:07 AM
Biological age of actors isn't relavent, It's how they look or sound that counts.

Estelle Getty is actually 1 year younger than Bee Arthur yet still played her mother on Golden Girls for years.

If this was live action it wouldn't fit, but honestly if this was an animated version and he would just do the voice work, I can totally see (or hear?) Belkar being voiced by Lewis Black.

2018-06-05, 09:30 AM
They're not.

Oh, well, I knew that!

How old is Roy actually supposed to be? A lot of these actors sound good but sound too old - Chiwetel Ejiofor is forty and Terry Crews is turning fifty (!) this year.

It's vary common in Hollywood for women to be cast at the same age as the characters they portray, while men are often cast 10-20 years older than the characters they portray. That explains why the average suggestions for Roy are often over a decade older than the average suggestions for Haley.

At one time I hoped this forum would be better than that, but if you've ever seen these threads before, you'd know this is very common here as well.

2018-06-05, 10:41 AM
At one time I hoped this forum would be better than that, but if you've ever seen these threads before, you'd know this is very common here as well.

On the other hand, you can make this forum better suggesting, I don't know, maybe Nicole Kidman for Haley, if you see her fit for the role. Here, where you can express your ideas as everyone else, it's your call to make the world a better place (or at least conforming more to your definition of better).

2018-06-05, 12:09 PM
At one time I hoped this forum would be better than that, but if you've ever seen these threads before, you'd know this is very common here as well.

Mighty passive aggressive, friendo. I think you know quite where you can stuff it. I would like to point out I suggested actors for Elan and Hailey that are separated by a single year. Maybe you should read things people say more closely, instead of just ASCRIBING motivations to them.

Yeah, I didn't realise that they were that close in terms of age. I guess it doesn't really matter how old they are though, just how old they look. I think Johnson looks young enough to play a guy in his early thirties, and Crews does not.

It's weird that we see their "visual ages" reversed, hahaha. Dwayne Johnson would be good, too.

2018-06-05, 12:48 PM
My ideal Roy is Keegan-Michael Key. Full stop.

Since we're also casting the rest:
Haley - Isla Fisher
Elan - Hemsworth is too jacked, I'd go with Ryan Reynolds.
Belkar - Jim Gaffigan, except during combat when he's inexplicably played by a sexy shoeless Jason Statham
Vaarsuvius - Saoirse Ronan
Durkon - Pierce Brosnan (seriously. If you haven't seen him with a beard, check it out. And he speaks Scottish dwarvish.)

also starring:

Redcloak - Gary Oldman
Xykon - Jim Carey

2018-06-05, 01:07 PM
Durkon - Pierce Brosnan (seriously. If you haven't seen him with a beard, check it out. And he speaks Scottish dwarvish.)

I, too, enjoyed The Foreigner.

For reals, I mean. That movie was terrifying, in all the best ways.

2018-06-05, 01:27 PM
I would like to point out I suggested actors for Elan and Hailey that are separated by a single year.
For the record, Roy (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0500.html) is four years older than Haley (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0168.html) is three years older than Elan (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0258.html).

2018-06-05, 01:35 PM
For the record, Roy (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0500.html) is four years older than Haley (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0168.html) is three years older than Elan (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0258.html).

Actually Elan is younger than Haley. Julia was stated to be 16 so that makes Nale/Elan 21, where Haley was mentioned even earlier than that as being 24 years old.

2018-06-05, 01:39 PM
Actually Elan is younger than Haley. Julia was stated to be 16 so that makes Nale/Elan 21, where Haley was mentioned even earlier than that to be 24 years old.

...right, thus Haley is three years older than Elan.

2018-06-05, 01:41 PM
...right, thus Haley is three years older than Elan.


I read it as "For the record, Roy is four years older than Haley and three years older than Elan."

Didn't notice it was instead a weird run-on sentence that meant something different entirely.

2018-06-05, 02:35 PM
You can cast people who aren't short as dwarves. John Rhys-Davies was completely believable as Gimli and he's over 6ft tall.

2018-06-05, 03:28 PM
My picks:

Donald Glover as Roy Greenhilt


Allison Scagliotti as Haley Starshine


Lucas Till as Elan/Nale


Iain Glen as Durkon Thundershield


Sarah Snook as Vaarsuvius


Mark Sheppard as Belkar Bitterleaf



Steven Weber as the voice of Xykon

Michael Emerson as the voice of Redcloak

Danny Pudi as the voice of the Monster in the Darkness

2018-06-05, 05:37 PM
My picks:

Donald Glover as Roy Greenhilt


If the guy is WILLING to get jacked for the role, he's one of the best available choices out there cuz he's got the right attitude almost natively.

Lucas Till as Elan/Nale


He doesn't look... eh... "sweet" enough to be Elan to me? I googled some more pictures and when he was younger he had a more open smile but I'm not sold on the current model.

Iain Glen as Durkon Thundershield


Good call, quite good and a Scotsman. Possibly too blond? Brian Cox would be pretty good, too, although not really sure about his health these days. *knocks on wood*

Mark Sheppard as Belkar Bitterleaf


Dang, yeah, he is ALSO a great character actor. Has he done anything where he's like, personally violent?

2018-06-06, 01:14 PM
On the other hand, you can make this forum better suggesting, I don't know, maybe Nicole Kidman for Haley, if you see her fit for the role. Here, where you can express your ideas as everyone else, it's your call to make the world a better place (or at least conforming more to your definition of better).

The woman I recommend for Haley was Katy Mixon who is 37. (The wiki has Haley listed at 25-26)

Mighty passive aggressive, friendo. I think you know quite where you can stuff it. I would like to point out I suggested actors for Elan and Hailey that are separated by a single year. Maybe you should read things people say more closely, instead of just ASCRIBING motivations to them.

I didn't say that literally every person on this forum did this, I just said that it is very common in threads like this. And that's not an opinion, that's a fact: look at the average age of "Haley's" and the average age of "Roy's" on here and you'll see that one is much older than the other.

My main objection was with OP, who casted Roy at 36 years older than Haley and still said his choice for Haley was "too old".

Also you'll notice I never ascribed motivations to anyone. I never suggested why I thought people did this, I just pointed out that they did, and that I wished they didn't.

Edit: quick research: all the nominations for Roy prior to my comment were 40 or over except Ricky Whittle, Winston Duke, Donald Glover.

All of the suggestions for Haley (that weren't dismissed for being too old) were under 40 except Jessica Chastain.

And, again, I'm not ascribing motivations as to why this fact exists, I'm just pointing it out.

2018-06-06, 01:54 PM
My main objection was with OP, who casted Roy at 36 years older than Haley and still said his choice for Haley was "too old".

Which is a very fair point.

Also, speaking as someone who called out a near-50-year-old Terry Crews for Roy, also would like to note that i have yet to give any suggestions for Haley. So I'll go with a near-50-year-old Terry Crews. I'll readily admit I just want to see more Terry Crews.

2018-06-06, 02:13 PM
And, again, I'm not ascribing motivations as to why this fact exists, I'm just pointing it out.
Otomodachi doth protest too much, methinks.


2018-06-06, 02:44 PM
The woman I recommend for Haley was Katy Mixon who is 37. (The wiki has Haley listed at 25-26)

Main picture on wikipedia has her looking good wearing lime green. Not great casting for a fair-skinned redhead.

At one time I hoped this forum would be better than that, but if you've ever seen these threads before, you'd know this is very common here as well.

I didn't say that literally every person on this forum did this, I just said that it is very common in threads like this. And that's not an opinion, that's a fact: look at the average age of "Haley's" and the average age of "Roy's" on here and you'll see that one is much older than the other.

Yeah, actually, you did. If you complain about "the forums" without anything more specific, you are in fact complaining about all of us.

My main objection was with OP, who casted Roy at 36 years older than Haley and still said his choice for Haley was "too old".

Then next time, be specific instead of whinging about how "the forums" have disappointed you.

It's vary common in Hollywood for women to be cast at the same age as the characters they portray, while men are often cast 10-20 years older than the characters they portray. That explains why the average suggestions for Roy are often over a decade older than the average suggestions for Haley.

Also you'll notice I never ascribed motivations to anyone. I never suggested why I thought people did this, I just pointed out that they did, and that I wished they didn't.

See, you can try to back out of it but when you compare "the forum" to the problems related to ageism in female casting in Hollywood, you ARE ascribing motivations to us. Namely, sexism. You are obviously well-aquantined with the topic, and that makes it pretty hard to believe you were going for any other meaning to what you did, in fact, say.

Edit: quick research: all the nominations for Roy prior to my comment were 40 or over except Ricky Whittle, Winston Duke, Donald Glover.

All of the suggestions for Haley (that weren't dismissed for being too old) were under 40 except Jessica Chastain.

And, again, I'm not ascribing motivations as to why this fact exists, I'm just pointing it out.

In addition to actually being older than the other human characters, Roy is very much the team dad. Casting an older character helps accentuate his character traits- weary sarcasm, level-headedness, responsibility- in a way that no character other than Durkon SHOULD have. Haley is only 4 biological years younger than Roy, but her character arc has been extremely focused on overcoming things from her childhood, insecurities, and childish character traits (untruthfulness, extreme secrecy, greed). We literally watched her mature, intellectually, during the run of OOtS. Casting an actress who is younger than Roy is fitting in this situation. Same with Elan. I would argue same with Vaarsuvius- his character (in elf years) is old enough to be married and have young kids, but NOT old enough to realize it's a piss-poor decision to run off and leave them alone for a protracted period of time.

Otomodachi doth protest too much, methinks.


Contribute something worthwhile or GTFO, thanks.


Which is a very fair point.

Also, speaking as someone who called out a near-50-year-old Terry Crews for Roy, also would like to note that i have yet to give any suggestions for Haley. So I'll go with a near-50-year-old Terry Crews. I'll readily admit I just want to see more Terry Crews.

Missed that in being annoyed- same problem as Katy Mixon, he looks good in green.

2018-06-06, 02:50 PM
Contribute something worthwhile or GTFO, thanks.

I can only politely recommend you read this link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/announcement.php?a=1).


2018-06-06, 02:53 PM
I can only politely recommend you read this link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/announcement.php?a=1).


That is an interesting way to frame accusing me of sexism as a troll.

2018-06-06, 03:30 PM
I believe that Grey_Wolf_c may have, instead, been directing you to review the part of that post that suggests that you not tell others to leave, stop posting in a thread, or things of that nature. YMMV.

2018-06-06, 03:32 PM
I believe that Grey_Wolf_c may have, instead, been directing you to review the part of that post that suggests that you not tell others to leave, stop posting in a thread, or things of that nature. YMMV.

I'm absolutely sure he did. I, in turn, was directing them to consider the hypocrisy of that.

2018-06-06, 03:43 PM
Iain Glen is far too white to play Durkon.

2018-06-06, 03:47 PM
Iain Glen is far too white to play Durkon.

Hahahah well I preferred to phrase it as "too blond" but yeah, Durkon does seem a bit swarthier. Someone who at least looks like they could have the stuffing tanned out of them would be better.

2018-06-06, 04:03 PM
Hahahah well I preferred to phrase it as "too blond" but yeah, Durkon does seem a bit swarthier. Someone who at least looks like they could have the stuffing tanned out of them would be better.

That's true. I based my choice mostly on Durkon's Scottish accent and overall personality.

How about Henry Ian Cusick?


2018-06-06, 04:05 PM
Still white (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=15051720&postcount=283).

I appreciate that if you look at Hollywood actors, there are certain trends which are not the fault of anyone likely to be posting here, including men being older than women and white actors far outnumbering nonwhite actors, but even for a pure thought exercise, I think suggesting that a white man could play Durkon is cringe-worthy.

2018-06-06, 04:07 PM
Still white (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=15051720&postcount=283).

I appreciate that if you look at Hollywood actors, there are certain trends which are not the fault of anyone likely to be posting here. including men being older than women and white actors far outnumbering nonwhite actors, but even for a pure thought exercise, I think suggesting that a white man could play Durkon is cringe-worthy.

I think we're missing a bit of canonicity that Durkon is 100% non-white. There are a lot of shade of skin that don't necessarily fall into ethnic/"racial" groupings.

EDIT: Oh, totally my bad. I clicked your link and read is as THE OPPOSITE of what it said. To be honest I just always kinda thought he was ambiguously brown. So who do we found that does a good Scots accent then?

EDIT2: What about Craig Charles, AKA Lister from Red Dwarf?


I bet he could learn a Scots accent, think he'd look OK with a beard?

2018-06-06, 06:02 PM
Yeah, actually, you did. If you complain about "the forums" without anything more specific, you are in fact complaining about all of us.

Sounds like you're ascribing motives

See, you can try to back out of it but when you compare "the forum" to the problems related to ageism in female casting in Hollywood, you ARE ascribing motivations to us. Namely, sexism. You are obviously well-aquantined with the topic, and that makes it pretty hard to believe you were going for any other meaning to what you did, in fact, say.

It is a fact, not an opinion, that Hollywood casts older men than women.

It is a fact, not an opinion, that this forum follows this trend in "casting" threads.

Not once did I ever say that anyone in the forums or in Hollywood was sexist. I simply stated proveable facts. If you get offended by facts then you have a problem that I can't help you with.

In addition to actually being older than the other human characters, Roy is very much the team dad. Casting an older character helps accentuate his character traits- weary sarcasm, level-headedness, responsibility- in a way that no character other than Durkon SHOULD have. Haley is only 4 biological years younger than Roy, but her character arc has been extremely focused on overcoming things from her childhood, insecurities, and childish character traits (untruthfulness, extreme secrecy, greed). We literally watched her mature, intellectually, during the run of OOtS. Casting an actress who is younger than Roy is fitting in this situation. Same with Elan. I would argue same with Vaarsuvius- his character (in elf years) is old enough to be married and have young kids, but NOT old enough to realize it's a piss-poor decision to run off and leave them alone for a protracted period of time.

Or, crazy idea, you could cast age-appropriate actors and have them portray their personality through -gasp- acting.

2018-06-06, 06:15 PM
Sounds like you're ascribing motives

It is a fact, not an opinion, that Hollywood casts older men than women.

It is a fact, not an opinion, that this forum follows this trend in "casting" threads.

Not once did I ever say that anyone in the forums was sexist. I simply stated proveable facts. If you get offended by facts then you have a problem that I can't help you with.

Or, crazy idea, you could cast age-appropriate actors and have them portray their personality through -gasp- acting.

Look, I'm sorry that the way you stated literally every opinion (EDIT: Or fact) you've had so far, other than who should specifically play Haley, has offended me. But it has. In my eyes, you're completely unwilling to admit that MAYBE, just MAYBE the way you've expressed your opinion is vague, poorly worded, and accusatory. I'm just not going to engage you on this anymore. I fired back at you pretty hard, and I'm sorry for that, but as I covered here- everything you've said has relied on generalizations about a group I AM PART OF, i.e. "the forums", so I'm just out of patience now. EDIT: The fact is, I'd happily be agreeing with you if you'd just for a second considered "maybe I should focus on making specific points instead of just general finger-wagging and talking about how "the forums" have disappointed me".

2018-06-06, 10:19 PM
Mike Colter (Luke Cage) for Roy. He's probably 10 years too old, but that's the vibe I get from Roy.

Pyrrhic Gades
2018-06-07, 02:13 AM
I nominate Samuel Jackson for Roy.

I could go with Rhys Davies or Peter Dinklage for Durkon, but they've both kind of already "been there, done that."

If you want a Game of Thrones actor for Durkon there can be no better than Rory McCann (The Hound). After hearing him in interviews, he has a magnificent Scottish accent.

2018-06-07, 07:43 AM
Look, I'm sorry that the way you stated literally every opinion (EDIT: Or fact) you've had so far, other than who should specifically play Haley, has offended me. But it has. In my eyes, you're completely unwilling to admit that MAYBE, just MAYBE the way you've expressed your opinion is vague, poorly worded, and accusatory. I'm just not going to engage you on this anymore. I fired back at you pretty hard, and I'm sorry for that, but as I covered here- everything you've said has relied on generalizations about a group I AM PART OF, i.e. "the forums", so I'm just out of patience now. EDIT: The fact is, I'd happily be agreeing with you if you'd just for a second considered "maybe I should focus on making specific points instead of just general finger-wagging and talking about how "the forums" have disappointed me".

If I said that (to avoid politics I'll use a fictional country) the Enclave voted for a new president, that doesn't mean every single person in that country voted for the president, it means that the majority of the people in that country did in fact vote for that person. That's just how the English language works.

Overall, the forums DOES promote older men than women in casting threads. So, to convey this idea, it is acceptable to say "the forums promote older women than men". Because of how English works, that doesn't mean every single forum member does this. It just means that the majority does.

I'm sorry that you don't understand how generalizations work in the English language, and therefore think that my comment was referring to every single forum member, but as I stated before, I was not. And if you'd like, I'll reiterate:

"A large portion of Hollywood movies (but not all Hollywood movies) often cast an older man and a younger woman into roles which should be similar ages. I have noticed that a large portion of forum members (but not all forum members) do the same. It's obvious that they're not intentionally being sexist or ageist, because I know this forum well enough to know that the VAST majority of the posters in here are very good people, but it's still something we should probably try to remain conscious about and avoid doing in the future"

2018-06-07, 09:20 AM
If I said that (to avoid politics I'll use a fictional country) the Enclave voted for a new president, that doesn't mean every single person in that country voted for the president, it means that the majority of the people in that country did in fact vote for that person.

Actually, that just means that a plurality of people voted for that person. If the Enclave has a million people who can all vote, but only three people vote, it's by no means safe to say that a majority of people in the Enclave voted for the new president.

Of course, this doesn't matter to your overall point. Just sayin'.

2018-06-07, 10:57 AM
And there it goes, derailing again...

Don't get me wrong, I believe any preconception should be analyzed, debated and, if needed, fought, but I also think we should be able to do most of that without so much harshness among each other here.

That said, I believe this thread was born with the idea of having fun trying to match actors with our beloved characters.

I, myself, have supported the idea of Terry Crews or Dwayne Johnson as Roy because they look like how I'd picture Roy in live action and because I've seem both sound like how I think Roy should sound: naturally serious or naturally sarcastic and funny, depending on the need of the scene. Crews have more points here, because I picture Roy black, not generically "non-white", but Johnson is just too good for the role to simply disregard. The guy from Luke cage looks fine, but I have yet to see him play a more comedic role. Age had no effect on my preferences, except where age had influence on the looks of the candidate, and that's one of the reasons I wouldn't suggest Morgan Freeman, for example, an actor whose work I'm very fond of, but that looks too old for the Roy I picture.

The same goes for all the others. Durkon, for example, is a tricky one. On an animated series, I'd love to hear Sir Sean Connery voice him because I picture Durkon's voice with not only a heavy scottish accent, but also with a sort of "grandpa style", even if he's not that old for dwarven standards. Of course, in a live action movie, Durkon should sound scottish and grandpa-ish, be black or at least non-white, and look natural with the effects needed to make him dwarf. I confess I don't know actors enough to remember a suitable candidate now.

For the same reason, I didn't make a call for Haley. I don't remember now an actress who looks like how I picture her, and that I've seem act well enough to portrait all the conflicts we see Haley go throught.

Again, age was not the main issu, at least for me.

That said, this kind of shared thought exercise is too interesting to let it be derailed and locked. Let's have fun, people. :smallwink:

Stelio Kontos
2018-06-07, 11:09 AM
All I know is, if you're not having Jon Heder get a hairstyle change and play Elan, you're doing it wrong.

2018-06-07, 03:11 PM
All I know is, if you're not having Jon Heder get a hairstyle change and play Elan, you're doing it wrong.

That's the best suggestion I've heard yet.

Most of the casting in this thread are for action heroes and the like. Maybe ones with comedic chops, but still. I don't think there will ever really be an OOTS movie, but if there were, I think it'd be way better with casting like that.

2018-06-07, 03:50 PM
All I know is, if you're not having Jon Heder get a hairstyle change and play Elan, you're doing it wrong.

I dunno. I certainly find him funny, but he always kinda struck me as working because of how... well, uncharismatic a lot of the people he was playing are. Not to say that he's personally uncharismatic, just that the humour of his characters comes from their lack of charisma. Which to me at least is a distinct sort of character from the goofball thing that Elan has going.

I bet he could do a great Thog voice though. Now there's a character that is lovable because of his lack of charisma :smallamused:

2018-06-07, 04:07 PM
Remember, a significant portion of Haley's characterization is that she has self esteem issues from being "curvy" and doesn't think she's attractive enough to get Elan. So I'm not sure all these hot skinny girls really fit her character.

Main picture on wikipedia has her looking good wearing lime green. Not great casting for a fair-skinned redhead.

Eh, I think concerns like this are missing the forest for the trees. It's more important to have an actor who can embody the spirit and personality of the character than it is to get all the physical details right.

I don't have a lot of ideas for casting, but here's an outside-the-box suggestion, if he were younger, for Elan: Justin Timberlake.

Liquor Box
2018-06-07, 05:49 PM
I think it is a bit of a red herring to be comparing the age of suggested Roy actors to the age of suggested Hayley actors.

Roy IS older than Hayley. But more importantly, he is bald. Baldness is one of the most obvious signals of aging amongst males (up there with wrinkles and grey hair), so on the basis of his baldness alone Roy is likely to look older than he is, and thus an older actor is going to be less inappropriate for him.

From the class and level geekery thread, Elan appears to be closer in age to Hayley than Roy does.

Suggested actors for Hayley (and age)

Allyson Hannigan (44)
Jessica Chaistan (41)
Karen Gillan (30)
Katy Mixon (37)
Scarlott Johansson (33)
Jane Levy (28)
Jessica Alba (37)
Emma Stone (29)
Isla Fisher (42)
Allison Scagliotti (27)

Suggested actors for Elan (and age)

"Any good looking young actor" (I will use 30 here for what was meant by 'young')
Owen Wilson (49)
Nick Jonas (25)
Liam Hemsworth (28)
Chris Hemsworth (34)
Zac Efron (30)
Grant Gustin (28)
Tom Felton (30)
Ryan Reynolds (41)
Lucas Till (27)

So contrary to the tone of the commentary on actor ages, the average age suggested fro a Hayley actress is 35, about a decade older than the character. The average ages suggested for an Elan actor is 32, also about a decade older than the charactor.

I think there might be a little confirmation bias going on here - people are sure that others will be sexist with casting suggestions, and then uncritically leap to that when some old actors were suggested for Roy.

Liquor Box
2018-06-07, 05:54 PM
Eh, I think concerns like this are missing the forest for the trees. It's more important to have an actor who can embody the spirit and personality of the character than it is to get all the physical details right.

I don't have a lot of ideas for casting, but here's an outside-the-box suggestion, if he were younger, for Elan: Justin Timberlake.

I may be shallow of me, but it does bother me if an actor looks different from how I think of a character as looking.

That's why I think you need a big guy with obvious muscles to play Roy. I'd rather someone in their 40s with the right build (like Dwayne Johnson) than a guy about the right age, whose of average size and spent a few weeks in the gym for the role.

2018-06-07, 06:20 PM
Terry Crews all the way.

2018-06-07, 08:35 PM
I may be shallow of me, but it does bother me if an actor looks different from how I think of a character as looking.

That's why I think you need a big guy with obvious muscles to play Roy. I'd rather someone in their 40s with the right build (like Dwayne Johnson) than a guy about the right age, whose of average size and spent a few weeks in the gym for the role.

Well, I said it wasn't important to get all the details. Roy being the biggest and strongest member of the party isn't a detail, it's one of the most noticeable characteristics about him. It's far more important than Haley's complexion necessarily clashing with lime green. That said, you can always put someone in the gym for a while to bulk up appropriately, although getting someone of the right height might be a little tougher.

I don't go to the movies much anymore, so I don't know how appropriate some of these suggestions are, particularly when it comes to younger actors or more recently arrived stars. I have seen all of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, though, and I struggle to see Terry Crews in the role, muscles aside. As long as we're fantasy-casting, though, I think OOTS would work better as a TV series a la Game of Thrones-- which also makes it make more sense to start with age-appropriate casting, as the actors can age as the characters grow over the course of the show.

2018-06-07, 10:58 PM
Roy IS older than Hayley. But more importantly, he is bald. Baldness is one of the most obvious signals of aging amongst males (up there with wrinkles and grey hair), so on the basis of his baldness alone Roy is likely to look older than he is,

Roy is bald by choice, IIRC. It's not uncommon for young black men to shave their heads completely. It doesn't make them look older, at least in my opinion.

2018-06-07, 11:10 PM
Indeed, Avery Brooks as Captain Sisko says what?

Liquor Box
2018-06-07, 11:48 PM
Roy is bald by choice, IIRC. It's not uncommon for young black men to shave their heads completely. It doesn't make them look older, at least in my opinion.

Is he? Do you have a source for that?

I know that some men (blacks and whites) do shave their heads for fashion in real life. But it's not something I guessed many people would do in medieval settings, without clippers and modern razors - you'd surely need someone else to do it for you,

2018-06-08, 12:28 AM
Is he? Do you have a source for that?In On the Origin of PCs, Eugene commented (and Roy confirmed) that Roy shaved his head to "beat genetics to the punch". (The timeline isn't clear in the flashback in Start of Darkness, but a few years after Eugene graduated from Magic University, he'd already lost a great deal of his hair)

2018-06-08, 06:38 AM
I know that some men (blacks and whites) do shave their heads for fashion in real life. But it's not something I guessed many people would do in medieval settings, without clippers and modern razors - you'd surely need someone else to do it for you,

I would absolutely agree with you here, except D&D certainly has anachronisms even at the best of times, and OotS specifically does even more so. Not to mention that in a high magic world, could always just have stuff like Goblin Dan's 7-Day Head Smoothing Ointment.

2018-06-08, 07:17 AM
...It's vary common in Hollywood for women to be cast at the same age as the characters they portray, while men are often cast 10-20 years older than the characters they portray. That explains why the average suggestions for Roy are often over a decade older than the average suggestions for Haley.

At one time I hoped this forum would be better than that, but if you've ever seen these threads before, you'd know this is very common here as well.

On the other hand, you can make this forum better suggesting, I don't know, maybe Nicole Kidman for Haley, if you see her fit for the role. Here, where you can express your ideas as everyone else, it's your call to make the world a better place (or at least conforming more to your definition of better).

For the record, Roy (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0500.html) is four years older than Haley (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0168.html) is three years older than Elan (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0258.html).

The woman I recommend for Haley was Katy Mixon who is 37. (The wiki has Haley listed at 25-26)

I didn't say that literally every person on this forum did this, I just said that it is very common in threads like this. And that's not an opinion, that's a fact: look at the average age of "Haley's" and the average age of "Roy's" on here and you'll see that one is much older than the other.

My main objection was with OP, who casted Roy at 36 years older than Haley and still said his choice for Haley was "too old".

Also you'll notice I never ascribed motivations to anyone. I never suggested why I thought people did this, I just pointed out that they did, and that I wished they didn't.

Edit: quick research: all the nominations for Roy prior to my comment were 40 or over except Ricky Whittle, Winston Duke, Donald Glover.

All of the suggestions for Haley (that weren't dismissed for being too old) were under 40 except Jessica Chastain.

And, again, I'm not ascribing motivations as to why this fact exists, I'm just pointing it out.

....It is a fact, not an opinion, that Hollywood casts older men than women.

It is a fact, not an opinion, that this forum follows this trend in "casting" threads.

Not once did I ever say that anyone in the forums or in Hollywood was sexist. I simply stated proveable facts. If you get offended by facts then you have a problem that I can't help you with.

Or, crazy idea, you could cast age-appropriate actors and have them portray their personality through -gasp- acting.


Mostly because I just don't know "young Hollywood" that well, so I don't have any "age appropriate" picks.

I think it is a bit of a red herring to be comparing the age of suggested Roy actors to the age of suggested Hayley actors.

Roy IS older than Hayley. But more importantly, he is bald. Baldness is one of the most obvious signals of aging amongst males (up there with wrinkles and grey hair), so on the basis of his baldness alone Roy is likely to look older than he is, and thus an older actor is going to be less inappropriate for him.

From the class and level geekery thread, Elan appears to be closer in age to Hayley than Roy does.

Suggested actors for Hayley (and age)

Allyson Hannigan (44)
Jessica Chaistan (41)
Karen Gillan (30)
Katy Mixon (37)
Scarlott Johansson (33)
Jane Levy (28)
Jessica Alba (37)
Emma Stone (29)
Isla Fisher (42)
Allison Scagliotti (27)

As the guy who suggested Jessica Chastain for Haley, and was previously chastised because almost all of my picks were "too old" I now feel better about my pick, I was reducing the Haley to Roy age gap (that's the ticket)!, and I'll note that my pick of Idris Elba for Roy is almost exactly as many years older than my pick for Haley as the character of Roy is of Haley.

Hooray for me!

Suggested actors for Elan (and age)

"Any good looking young actor" (I will use 30 here for what was meant by 'young')
Owen Wilson (49)
Nick Jonas (25)
Liam Hemsworth (28)
Chris Hemsworth (34)
Zac Efron (30)
Grant Gustin (28)
Tom Felton (30)
Ryan Reynolds (41)
Lucas Till (27)


Okay, whomever said that "Owen Wilson is a better pick for Tarquin" was right, I was way off.

Indeed, Avery Brooks as Captain Sisko says what?


Captain Sisko is AWESOME!

I must be missing some context.

I assume it has something to do with shaving ones head (which Sisko didn't do the first season of Deep Space Nine), but I don't get the question.

2018-06-08, 07:32 AM
I would absolutely agree with you here, except D&D certainly has anachronisms even at the best of times, and OotS specifically does even more so. Not to mention that in a high magic world, could always just have stuff like Goblin Dan's 7-Day Head Smoothing Ointment.

Absolutely no need to posit any kind of anachronism. We have had sharp razors for far longer than medieval times. The Egyptians of antiquity shaved their own heads, both men and women, from childhood onwards, on a daily basis. They did not require help, they were quite capable of attending to the matter individually with razors, depilatory creams, and even rubbing the hair off with a pumice stone.

Grey Wolf

2018-06-08, 08:03 AM
Absolutely no need to posit any kind of anachronism. We have had sharp razors for far longer than medieval times. The Egyptians of antiquity shaved their own heads, both men and women, from childhood onwards, on a daily basis. They did not require help, they were quite capable of attending to the matter individually with razors, depilatory creams, and even rubbing the hair off with a pumice stone.

Grey Wolf

Even better, then! I suspected that but wasn't sure.

2018-06-08, 08:39 AM
Even better, then! I suspected that but wasn't sure.

And even without that, I'm certain Gillete's Great Hairdestroying Spell is a thing :smallbiggrin:

2018-06-08, 10:56 AM
I assume it has something to do with shaving ones head (which Sisko didn't do the first season of Deep Space Nine), but I don't get the question.
There was no Captain Sisko the first season of Deep Space Nine.

Commander/Captain Sisko did start shaving his head during the course of the series. It did not make him look older. That there were seasons before he started means that I can say with confidence that the head-shaved Brooks/Sisko didn't look noticeably older than the un-head-shaved version.

2018-06-08, 12:37 PM
I can say with confidence that the head-shaved Brooks/Sisko didn't look noticeably older than the un-head-shaved version.

In fact, males with advanced male pattern baldness and/or advanced grey or white hair can look significantly younger by shaving their head, since a lot of the perception of male aging is based on the state of their hair.


Liquor Box
2018-06-09, 12:04 AM
I think it is a bit of a red herring to be comparing the age of suggested Roy actors to the age of suggested Hayley actors.

Roy IS older than Hayley. But more importantly, he is bald. Baldness is one of the most obvious signals of aging amongst males (up there with wrinkles and grey hair), so on the basis of his baldness alone Roy is likely to look older than he is, and thus an older actor is going to be less inappropriate for him.

From the class and level geekery thread, Elan appears to be closer in age to Hayley than Roy does.

Suggested actors for Hayley (and age)

Allyson Hannigan (44)
Jessica Chaistan (41)
Karen Gillan (30)
Katy Mixon (37)
Scarlott Johansson (33)
Jane Levy (28)
Jessica Alba (37)
Emma Stone (29)
Isla Fisher (42)
Allison Scagliotti (27)

Suggested actors for Elan (and age)

"Any good looking young actor" (I will use 30 here for what was meant by 'young')
Owen Wilson (49)
Nick Jonas (25)
Liam Hemsworth (28)
Chris Hemsworth (34)
Zac Efron (30)
Grant Gustin (28)
Tom Felton (30)
Ryan Reynolds (41)
Lucas Till (27)

So contrary to the tone of the commentary on actor ages, the average age suggested fro a Hayley actress is 35, about a decade older than the character. The average ages suggested for an Elan actor is 32, also about a decade older than the charactor.

I think there might be a little confirmation bias going on here - people are sure that others will be sexist with casting suggestions, and then uncritically leap to that when some old actors were suggested for Roy.

I thought I would do Roy as well, to see just how old people went.

Samuel Jackson (69)
Idris Elba (45)
Will Smith (49)
Dwayne Johnson (46)
Ricky Whittle (36)
Winston Duke (31)
Terry Crews (49)
Chiwetel Ejiofor (40)
Donald Glover (34)
Keegan-Michael Key (47)
Mike Colter (41)

That is an average age of 44 years old (42 if you remove the heavy skew from Jackson). So the average age for a suggested Roy actor is 14 years older than the character, as oppose to 10 for Hayley and about 10 for Elan. Half of the difference arises from the inclusion of Samuel L Jackson.

As to the influence of Roy's baldness, Jasdoif's reference shows that he originally deliberately shaved his head in anticipation of male pattern baldness (so it is not clear whether he would now be bald anyway). However, I don't think it matters, whatever the canonical reality is, I think many posters perceive Roy as looking older than he is, in part because of his baldness. I note that 7/11 of the actors presented to play him are usually bald (whether by design or not), despite the fact that a long-haired actor could obviously shave his head. That suggests to me that there is some sort of association going on there.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the small variation between how much older than their character the Roy actors are relative to the Hayley/Elan actors is just a coincidence of there being a lot of Roy-appropraite actors who are older.

I think either explanation is more likely than any implication that it is sexism (conscious or not) that caused Roy actors to diverge from the character age by a relatively small amount more than the Hayley actors. Especially given that the Elan actors do not diverge from the characters age to a greater extent than the Hayley actors.

2018-06-10, 08:33 AM
In addition to actually being older than the other human characters, Roy is very much the team dad. Casting an older character helps accentuate his character traits- weary sarcasm, level-headedness, responsibility- in a way that no character other than Durkon SHOULD have. Haley is only 4 biological years younger than Roy, but her character arc has been extremely focused on overcoming things from her childhood, insecurities, and childish character traits (untruthfulness, extreme secrecy, greed). We literally watched her mature, intellectually, during the run of OOtS. Casting an actress who is younger than Roy is fitting in this situation. Same with Elan. I would argue same with Vaarsuvius- his character (in elf years) is old enough to be married and have young kids, but NOT old enough to realize it's a piss-poor decision to run off and leave them alone for a protracted period of time.

This. Roy was, for a very long time, the only sane man of the team (or very close to be). Seeing one party member rolling eyes while he deals with the antics of the other party members works better if the aforementioned one who rolls eyes is more mature than the others.

I may be shallow of me, but it does bother me if an actor looks different from how I think of a character as looking.

That's why I think you need a big guy with obvious muscles to play Roy. I'd rather someone in their 40s with the right build (like Dwayne Johnson) than a guy about the right age, whose of average size and spent a few weeks in the gym for the role.

And this, too.

2018-06-10, 08:51 AM
Belkar - Jim Gaffigan, except during combat when he's inexplicably played by a sexy shoeless Jason Statham

Only when he kicks asses? Come on, Statham in the Crank series is Belkar!

2018-06-11, 02:36 PM
Only when he kicks asses? Come on, Statham in the Crank series is Belkar!

I feel like Belkar is primarily a wise-ass, who only incidentally kicks ass. Also, as a halfling, he should be fat like Gaffigan. But maybe I'm too stuck in Tolkienesque halflings aesthetics.

I haven't seen Crank, but now I think I have to.

2018-06-11, 05:15 PM
Reading through this thread, what strikes me is that casting roles for 20-somethings is HARD. Actors often don't have established careers in their twenties, and those that do were often child stars who are seen as harder to take seriously ("ugh, I don't want to see the August Rush kid AGAIN").

We cast actors in roles too young for them all the time (Jennifer Lawrence was late-20s as a 16 year-old Katniss Everdeen, right?) I figure it's okay to give ourselves a little flex in the casting -- 30s or even 40s shouldn't be out of the question, depending on the actor/character in question.

As for the unfortunate age double-standard in Hollywood, I try to treat it like the Bechdel Test. It doesn't give much useful information for a single film, but when you keep it in mind it'll help you notice troublesome trends. Not much use getting at each others' throats over a single casting, but hopefully our awareness will improve the conversation.

As for casting, I don't have any fresh new ideas to add to the conversation but there are a couple suggestions I want to vehemently second:

Keegan-Michael Key is pretty much my exact mental image of Roy, though I feel he'd need to be a bit more buff. After seeing him in Don't Think Twice, though, I have complete faith in his chops.

Carey Elwes would make an excellent, charming-but-sadistic Tarquin. His villainous breakdown would be a sight to behold, I think.

Redcloak is currently the most compelling character for me, and I would love to see David Tennant do him justice.

And finally, seeing Sam Rockwell suggested for Belkar has really struck a chord with me. Can't explain it but it's stuck in my head now.

2018-06-11, 11:20 PM
Reading through this thread, what strikes me is that casting roles for 20-somethings is HARD.

It's not. Your premise is bad because you based it on bad data.

There is no shortage of young, talented actors. Casting agents can find them easily. This thread has an inherently different premise that the person in charge of actual casting has, though. It's asking what actors the readers think could play a role. I'd wager that very close to none of the people who responded actually work in Hollywood, and that they're mostly lay people who are naming actors they're familiar with. Which are likely to be older, as they've been in enough things to get famous enough to be name-dropped in a thread like this.

If you asked a hundred people on the street to name a planet that they think may have life, and all the people name planets, chances are you won't get one outside of the Solar System, even though that has only 8 planets out of.... well, a helluva lot more than 8. That doesn't mean that we won't be able to find a planet that may have life, that means that the people asked suck at biological cosmology.

2018-06-12, 12:36 AM
It's not. Your premise is bad because you based it on bad data.

There is no shortage of young, talented actors. Casting agents can find them easily. This thread has an inherently different premise that the person in charge of actual casting has, though. It's asking what actors the readers think could play a role. I'd wager that very close to none of the people who responded actually work in Hollywood, and that they're mostly lay people who are naming actors they're familiar with. Which are likely to be older, as they've been in enough things to get famous enough to be name-dropped in a thread like this.

If you asked a hundred people on the street to name a planet that they think may have life, and all the people name planets, chances are you won't get one outside of the Solar System, even though that has only 8 planets out of.... well, a helluva lot more than 8. That doesn't mean that we won't be able to find a planet that may have life, that means that the people asked suck at biological cosmology.

Sorry, I actually agree with you on most of this -- I just phrased my original statement rather vaguely. I meant that, as laypeople, we're only likely to know established actors, and that doesn't always happen for an actor before their 30s. I felt that was implied but I could've been more clear.

2018-06-12, 01:09 AM
It's not. Your premise is bad because you based it on bad data.

There is no shortage of young, talented actors. Casting agents can find them easily. This thread has an inherently different premise that the person in charge of actual casting has, though. It's asking what actors the readers think could play a role. I'd wager that very close to none of the people who responded actually work in Hollywood, and that they're mostly lay people who are naming actors they're familiar with. Which are likely to be older, as they've been in enough things to get famous enough to be name-dropped in a thread like this.

If you asked a hundred people on the street to name a planet that they think may have life, and all the people name planets, chances are you won't get one outside of the Solar System, even though that has only 8 planets out of.... well, a helluva lot more than 8. That doesn't mean that we won't be able to find a planet that may have life, that means that the people asked suck at biological cosmology.

I mean, I think you're being uncharitable here. Of course it's not hard for casting directors to cast actors to play 20-something. It is hard for fans of a work with no professional credits to cast 20-somethings for these roles while also trying to cast enough star power that they feel the roles deserve. Which is what we are.

2018-06-12, 02:34 AM
Roy: Michael B. Jordan (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_B._Jordan). I think his face is dead-on perfect for Roy's and he's got the acting range for it, easy. Proven that a thousand times over. Shave his head and he's got this.
Elan: Michael Cera (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Cera). Normally known for a different kind of awkward, Michael Cera still has the raw charisma (easily) for Elan, and is very good at being oblivious. A hair style and dye and some toning work covers this easily.
Haley: Milana Vayntrub (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milana_Vayntrub). A little outside of her roles so far, but she's got a great sense of facial comedy which is what is most essential. Meets the physical characteristics mentioned earlier (re: body shape, and staying close to her costars in age). A little red hair dye.
Vaarsuvius: Jamie Clayton (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamie_Clayton). The problems with Sense8 were not in its cast, and she's older than most of the casting here, which works perfectly for Vaarsuvius. I don't think Vaarsuvius is a very challenging role to play usually since they're generally low affect and low impact, and she's definitely displayed the range for their apex scenes.
Belkar: Jason Acuņa (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Acu%C3%B1a). I don't know about his general acting range, but his default voice is very close to what I'd imagine for Belkar, and he rose to fame basically doing something I could see Belkar doing. He also actually has dwarfism, which -- while not strictly necessary for a casting thread, given how few of such actors are actually known to the layman -- I think is a great plus.
Durkon: Rory McCann (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rory_McCann). In his prior roles, McCann has shown a talent for making the most out of a role that calls for a heavily lean on a single emotion, and I'm confident that he can do the same here, as well as portray Durkon's torment in his nadir. Fairly swarthy for a Scot, he looks great with a beard and -- like V -- is from an older race that lets him get away with an older appearance. Trick photography would obviously be necessary.

I would point out that being built like a football player or the Rock isn't necessary how someone really strong must be built. The strength that is appropriate to someone who fights in practical scenarios is different from other professions. Floyd Mayweather never had the incredibly imposing build of Dwayne Johnson in the WWE, and UFC fighters likewise tend to be slimmer than boxers. Bodybuilders only build for a few particular kinds of strength, and while most professions that use strength appreciate additional mass, American football grossly overvalues it compared to others.

My casting centers the party around very early 30s (most are around 30 or 31) which I think is an entirely believable age range for the Order, and there shouldn't be too much of a "Dawson Casting" effect from treating them like mid-20s instead.

Liquor Box
2018-06-12, 03:25 AM
I would point out that being built like a football player or the Rock isn't necessary how someone really strong must be built. The strength that is appropriate to someone who fights in practical scenarios is different from other professions. Floyd Mayweather never had the incredibly imposing build of Dwayne Johnson in the WWE, and UFC fighters likewise tend to be slimmer than boxers. Bodybuilders only build for a few particular kinds of strength, and while most professions that use strength appreciate additional mass, American football grossly overvalues it compared to others.

Floyd Mayweather is in a different weight class to Dwayne Johnson. If he was to fight someone of Johnson's size (like Wilder, Parker or Joshua) who was also a skilled fighter, they would certainly be much stronger than him, and would almost certainly beat him.
Same with UFC fighters, they are in weight classes, and if the smaller guys fought the bigger guys, the bigger guys would win. Rugby is a sport which is similar in some ways to American Football, and in that sport you have big guys in the positions where strength matters.

Anyway, we know from the class geekery thread that Roy is exceptionally strong. To have that sort of strength you are going to need to be a big guy.

2018-06-12, 02:49 PM
Michael B. Jordan was a thought that intrigued me, except I don't really go to the movies anymore so I don't have anything to say about how his performances in Creed or Black Panther would inform his fitness for the role.

I don't think Michael Cera is right for Elan at all, though. Elan's oblivious, not awkward. And he's better-looking than Cera.

Edit: Milana Vayntrub as Haley is interesting. I haven't seen This Is Us, but I liked her in Other Space. I just don't think that was a role that much informs her ability to play Haley, and I haven't seen enough of her otherwise to get a better handle on whether she's right for the role.

2018-06-12, 06:04 PM
Anyway, we know from the class geekery thread that Roy is exceptionally strong. To have that sort of strength you are going to need to be a big guy.

So strong, I'd like to add, to be used as a human wharf (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0951.html), keeping still a rope with nonchalance, a task which required two persons using apparently their full strength. To make a scene like that at least vaguely believable on screen I expect the guy to be massive (literally, since mass there is as much important as strength) and with some incredible bulging muscles.

Liquor Box
2018-06-12, 06:43 PM
Michael B. Jordan was a thought that intrigued me, except I don't really go to the movies anymore so I don't have anything to say about how his performances in Creed or Black Panther would inform his fitness for the role.

I preferred the suggestion that someone else made from Black Panther - they guy who was the leader of the outcast tribe, who challenged for the leadership early.

One Step Two
2018-06-12, 11:09 PM
Just chiming in for a pure sense of delicious irony: I want Elijah Woods to play Belkar. Otherwise, Daniel Radcliffe.

2018-06-12, 11:37 PM
Just chiming in for a pure sense of delicious irony: I want Elijah Woods to play Belkar. Otherwise, Daniel Radcliffe.

I have it on good authority that DR can manage being a homicidal maniac. (https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/daniel-radcliffe-holding-two-guns-in-crazy-slippers-created-a-magical-meme_us_5afed3aee4b07309e057590f)

2018-06-13, 01:01 AM
Just chiming in for a pure sense of delicious irony: I want Elijah Woods to play Belkar. Otherwise, Daniel Radcliffe.

Elijah Wood made me think of Wilfred, which made me think of Australia, which made me think of Jim Jefferies, which is ridiculous, but now I kinda want Belkar to have an Australian accent.

2018-06-13, 02:10 PM
Reading this it's kind of interesting how differently people picture the characters.

A lot of people have brought up Roy's maturity, but for me, maybe because the strongest impression I get is him arguing with his father I tend to skew his age fairly young, maybe even below his canonical age. I suppose I tend to see him less in terms of a team dad or even a grizzled veteran (though he probably is by now) and more like a very, very serious student who has mastered his warrior craft and is now making his way in a more chaotic world that often frustrates him - more like Leonardo of Ninja Turtles fame. Likewise because I always saw his baldness as a shaved head I never thought of him as 'old'.

My go to mental image for Roy would probably be J. August Richards in his Angel days but Donald Glover is an excellent idea and he could well pull off the wittier, charismatic side of Roy.

Regarding strength and size I'm a bit wary of applying total real life physics to the casting, partly because we'd then have to pretty much cut out anyone who isn't professional wrestler size and build. Also we'd have to apply the same logic to the others - a maximum Dexterity Haley would probably not have a scrap of spare fat on her in favour of lean muscle, definitely ruling out the likes of Scarlett Johansson or Isla Fisher or really anyone 'curvy' no matter what the canon says.

2018-06-13, 02:24 PM
I can't picture Roy as an overly muscled guy. It just doesn't suit him in my eyes. My choice for Roy is Anthony Mackie.

2018-06-13, 02:31 PM
So strong, I'd like to add, to be used as a human wharf (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0951.html), keeping still a rope with nonchalance, a task which required two persons using apparently their full strength. To make a scene like that at least vaguely believable on screen I expect the guy to be massive (literally, since mass there is as much important as strength) and with some incredible bulging muscles.
That was thanks to his Belt of Giant Strength, not his natural strength

I have it on good authority that DR can manage being a homicidal maniac. (https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/daniel-radcliffe-holding-two-guns-in-crazy-slippers-created-a-magical-meme_us_5afed3aee4b07309e057590f)

Elijah Wood isn't half bad either:

2018-06-13, 02:51 PM
That was thanks to his Belt of Giant Strength, not his natural strength

Imean, even without the belt, Roy's strength is nothing to sneeze at.

2018-06-13, 02:57 PM
Imean, even without the belt, Roy's strength is nothing to sneeze at.

Yeah, so you need a decently muscled actor but not necessarily a mountain of muscles.

2018-06-13, 03:00 PM
Imean, even without the belt, Roy's strength is nothing to sneeze at.
Indeed, what? This isn't 5ed. The belt gives Roy either +4 or +6 strength; he has the vast majority of his strength without it.

2018-06-13, 03:18 PM
Indeed, what? This isn't 5ed. The belt gives Roy either +4 or +6 strength; he has the vast majority of his strength without it.

Ah, well I never played D&D. When Belkar said that Roy's strength was the same asthat of a giant (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0951.html) I assumed that was mostly the belt (because of the name).

2018-06-13, 03:47 PM
Ah, well I never played D&D. When Belkar said that Roy's strength was the same asthat of a giant (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0951.html) I assumed that was mostly the belt (because of the name).

Ah, I getcha. Yeah, the Belt of Giant Strength certainly helps bump his strength up, don't get me wrong, but it was already far above what most people had to begin with. His Strength score is pegged at 29 by C&LG, so if we assume the least favorable strength and give him a +6 Belt of Giant Strength, that means he still has a 23 native Strength score. There's no rules on what a person looks like based on their scores, but if a guy who has +6* modifier to Str doesn't look more like Terry Crews than Donald Glover, something's a bit off.

*You haven't played D&D, so this can be confusing. The +6 Belt gives a +6 to the base Strength score, but the +6 modifier is the number he gets to add to his die rolls when he rolls Strength checks. The belt only adds +3 to his modifier, assuming it's a +6 Belt. Or +2 to his modifier if it's a +4 belt.

There, now you're even more confused.:smalltongue:

2018-06-13, 03:50 PM
For reference, in D&D terms someone with 23 strength can lift up to 600 pounds over their head. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/carryingCapacity.htm)

2018-06-13, 04:12 PM
Ah, I getcha. Yeah, the Belt of Giant Strength certainly helps bump his strength up, don't get me wrong, but it was already far above what most people had to begin with. His Strength score is pegged at 29 by C&LG, so if we assume the least favorable strength and give him a +6 Belt of Giant Strength, that means he still has a 23 native Strength score. There's no rules on what a person looks like based on their scores, but if a guy who has +6* modifier to Str doesn't look more like Terry Crews than Donald Glover, something's a bit off.

*You haven't played D&D, so this can be confusing. The +6 Belt gives a +6 to the base Strength score, but the +6 modifier is the number he gets to add to his die rolls when he rolls Strength checks. The belt only adds +3 to his modifier, assuming it's a +6 Belt. Or +2 to his modifier if it's a +4 belt.

There, now you're even more confused.:smalltongue:


Liquor Box
2018-06-13, 04:53 PM
Reading this it's kind of interesting how differently people picture the characters.

A lot of people have brought up Roy's maturity, but for me, maybe because the strongest impression I get is him arguing with his father I tend to skew his age fairly young, maybe even below his canonical age. I suppose I tend to see him less in terms of a team dad or even a grizzled veteran (though he probably is by now) and more like a very, very serious student who has mastered his warrior craft and is now making his way in a more chaotic world that often frustrates him - more like Leonardo of Ninja Turtles fame. Likewise because I always saw his baldness as a shaved head I never thought of him as 'old'.

My go to mental image for Roy would probably be J. August Richards in his Angel days but Donald Glover is an excellent idea and he could well pull off the wittier, charismatic side of Roy.

Regarding strength and size I'm a bit wary of applying total real life physics to the casting, partly because we'd then have to pretty much cut out anyone who isn't professional wrestler size and build. Also we'd have to apply the same logic to the others - a maximum Dexterity Haley would probably not have a scrap of spare fat on her in favour of lean muscle, definitely ruling out the likes of Scarlett Johansson or Isla Fisher or really anyone 'curvy' no matter what the canon says.

I don't think Scarlott Johanssen is inappropriate for Hayley. Dexterity is as much about the ability to manipulate objects with your hands as athleticism. Isn't Scarlot Johanson Black Widow - Black Widow is athletic and would probably be stated at dex 18.

A couple of actors have been suggested other than Dwayne Johnson (the only pro wrestler suggested I think) who look strong enough to be Roy. Terry Crews (although too old IMO) has great guns, and the actor from Black Panther who played the leader of the mountain tribe was massive.

Liquor Box
2018-06-13, 04:57 PM
For reference, in D&D terms someone with 23 strength can lift up to 600 pounds over their head. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/carryingCapacity.htm)

Another way of looking at it is that someone who is strength 18 will be in the upper half of the 99th percentile of human strength (because 1 in 216 have 18 strength). People who have over 18 strength are truly exceptional.

2018-06-13, 05:28 PM
I don't think Scarlott Johanssen is inappropriate for Hayley. Dexterity is as much about the ability to manipulate objects with your hands as athleticism. Isn't Scarlot Johanson Black Widow - Black Widow is athletic and would probably be stated at dex 18.

A couple of actors have been suggested other than Dwayne Johnson (the only pro wrestler suggested I think) who look strong enough to be Roy. Terry Crews (although too old IMO) has great guns, and the actor from Black Panther who played the leader of the mountain tribe was massive.

This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I think Scarlet Johansson is not a particularly good emote-r, so she might struggle for some of Hailey's character growth scenes. Also not sure I can see her being at all compelling when stuck speaking gibberish.

Mike Colter did a pretty good job as Luke Cage, and is younger? He's pretty good at the "WTF, Elan" face, too, but the pictures on GIS are all pinterest-based, which I am not a member of, and so can't easily link.

2018-06-13, 05:39 PM
Another way of looking at it is that someone who is strength 18 will be in the upper half of the 99th percentile of human strength (because 1 in 216 have 18 strength). People who have over 18 strength are truly exceptional.

Also record shattering. Roy would also be able to deadlift 1200 lbs. Which more than current world records. So I think some sacrifice in "reasonable muscle mass" might be needed if we don't want to restrict our casting choices to weightlifters :smallwink:

2018-06-13, 05:48 PM
I don't think Scarlott Johanssen is inappropriate for Hayley. Dexterity is as much about the ability to manipulate objects with your hands as athleticism. Isn't Scarlot Johanson Black Widow - Black Widow is athletic and would probably be stated at dex 18.

A couple of actors have been suggested other than Dwayne Johnson (the only pro wrestler suggested I think) who look strong enough to be Roy. Terry Crews (although too old IMO) has great guns, and the actor from Black Panther who played the leader of the mountain tribe was massive.

I actually don't think Scarlett Johansson makes a particularly 'realistic' Black Widow, but then Black Widow isn't a particularly realistic character to begin with - someone with her training and constant level of physical exertion would probably have a very different physique with very little body fat. Johansson looks like a normal (if extremely beautiful) woman with a good diet and exercise regime. Hypothetical real Black Widow wouldn't have her curves, which also the issue with Haley; given her lifestyle and presumed Dexterity score being curvy is just really unlikely. If we are using the same standards of realism for her as we are for Roy we'd definitely have to rule out a lot of the names mentioned in this thread.

The point was that I don't necessarily think we need to see a massively muscled Roy, just someone who looks in good shape and "strong enough". Being very strong is mechanically important for Roy because of the game rules his character is based on but I'd say that pure raw muscle is very much secondary compared with his intelligence, skill and leadership qualities.

One Step Two
2018-06-13, 06:03 PM
I would like to make an amendment to my statement that Belkar be played by Elijah Wood, or Daniel Radcliffe.
That is, I would now like Belkar be played by Elijah Wood and Daniel Radcliffe, interchangeably. For anyone who has ever seen The Gamers: Dorkness Rising, it would be just like Luster/Gary, the party Sorceress.

2018-06-13, 06:13 PM
Honestly, for me, Durkon is the hardest one to cast. Ability to do a borderline incomprehensible Scottish accent is a must, but let's also remember-

- ugh, it's hard to quote stuff from locked threads, hang on-

Also, can we all stop listing Durkon's race as "white"? There are white dwarves in the comic. He is clearly not one of them. Try "brown" if you need to label it. I don't want to think too much about what it means when you see a character with brown skin and think, "That's a white guy with a tan." (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?279142-Gender-and-Sexuality-Representation-in-OOTS/page10&p=15051720#post15051720)

No specific ethnicity beyond "brown" is given, though, so we have some open options here... I wish I knew more Scottish actors, hrm.

As for Roy, Mike Colter is a bit on the older side, but he really has the right look and presence to me; he'd be on my short list.

Not quite sure on the others... honestly, Elan's probably pretty easy to cast, half of the male actors in Hollywood could work for him, but I do think Chris Hemsworth could pull it off. He's had some experience playing a blonde ditz with an evil brother, after all. However, keep in mind that:

A. Either the actor has to be a twin, or the actor has to be able to play Nale (and probably also Tarquin) as well
B. The actor should be able to sing. Come on. You can fake the lute playing but for all the inanity of his lyrics, Elan is, statwise, pretty good at this!

Not sure on the others just yet... I'll have to think on my top choices.

EDIT: Ha, I was ninja'd re: Colter. Glad to see I'm not the only one thinking of him, though.

2018-06-13, 06:21 PM
Honestly, for me, Durkon is the hardest one to cast. Ability to do a borderline incomprehensible Scottish accent is a must, but let's also remember-

- ugh, it's hard to quote stuff from locked threads, hang on-

No specific ethnicity beyond "brown" is given, though, so we have some open options here... I wish I knew more Scottish actors, hrm.

As for Roy, Mike Colter is a bit on the older side, but he really has the right look and presence to me; he'd be on my short list.

EDIT: Ha, I was ninja'd re: Colter. Glad to see I'm not the only one thinking of him, though.

Hahahaha, yeah, we must've been thinking it at ALMOST the exact same time, haha.

I still feel pretty strongly about Craig Charles being a good fit for the Durkster, one parent from Guyana and a strong Manchester accent which isn't Scots at all but IS right next door, so you'd THINK he could fake it, right?



2018-06-13, 06:24 PM
Hahahaha, yeah, we must've been thinking it at ALMOST the exact same time, haha.

I still feel pretty strongly about Craig Charles being a good fit for the Durkster, one parent from Guyana and a strong Manchester accent which isn't Scots at all but IS right next door, so you'd THINK he could fake it, right?



Ooh, that's not bad at all! I think he's probably my top choice rn.

Also, reading back over some posts, I completely agree with Ruby Rose for V now. Heck, Ruby's even a vegan, and Word of Giant has confirmed that V is vegetarian. (It's not by any means a dealbreaker if that weren't the case, but it's a nice bit of congruency.)

Liquor Box
2018-06-13, 07:11 PM
I actually don't think Scarlett Johansson makes a particularly 'realistic' Black Widow, but then Black Widow isn't a particularly realistic character to begin with - someone with her training and constant level of physical exertion would probably have a very different physique with very little body fat. Johansson looks like a normal (if extremely beautiful) woman with a good diet and exercise regime. Hypothetical real Black Widow wouldn't have her curves, which also the issue with Haley; given her lifestyle and presumed Dexterity score being curvy is just really unlikely. If we are using the same standards of realism for her as we are for Roy we'd definitely have to rule out a lot of the names mentioned in this thread.

Scarlott Johanson is not at all fat, she is athletic. The only reason she is labelled 'curvy' is that she has larger breasts than is average for a slim woman, and I don't think breast size detracts from athleticism. Beyond that, we may have to agree to disagree on whether she can plausibly play an athletic character.

But beyond that, Hayley may not be particularly athletic at all. Her high dexterity was explained (by the Giant) as being because she was able to pick a lock with a piece of straw, not because she was athletic. Her dexterity is more to do with dexterity of the hands, rather than athletic movement.

The point was that I don't necessarily think we need to see a massively muscled Roy, just someone who looks in good shape and "strong enough". Being very strong is mechanically important for Roy because of the game rules his character is based on but I'd say that pure raw muscle is very much secondary compared with his intelligence, skill and leadership qualities.

I suppose it is a matter of preference whether you see Roy's strength as a key part of who he is, or whether you want to downplay it in favour of other characteristics. Personally I see it as one of most important characteristics, and I would not enjoy seeing him characterised as someone who was only slightly stronger than normal. And I think that is what Roy is, he is not a fighter who dodges blows, and uses speed and skill to overcome his opponent, he is simply massively strong. Personally, I enjoy seeing fighter like that in fantasy 0 the Hound (from GoT) or Conan.

The only objective thing I can point to in terms of whether his intelligence or his strength is key to his character, is point at the fact that he is only moderately intelligent, but exceptionally strong. From the class level and geekery thread we see that Roy's intelligence is 14-17, and his strength is 29 (or 23-25 without his belt).That is, he is more intelligent than average, but not exceptional, where is strength is at record breaking level.

If you do decide you want TV Roy to be strong like the character (I do, you don't) you absolutely do need a large muscular actor to portray him. This part isn't subjective, a small (or medium size) man would simply not have the strength Roy does.

Liquor Box
2018-06-13, 07:29 PM
Also record shattering. Roy would also be able to deadlift 1200 lbs. Which more than current world records. So I think some sacrifice in "reasonable muscle mass" might be needed if we don't want to restrict our casting choices to weightlifters :smallwink:

I think there is quite a variance in what strongman athletes look like.
Guys like Dwayne Johnson and Winston Duke (both of whom have been mentioned already) would not look out of place amongst them. Johnson is probably bigger than most.

Even Terry Crews (other than being too old IMO) does not look to me to be obviously less muscular than this guy:

I just think you need someone who is prefereably big with obvious muscles.

2018-06-13, 07:32 PM
For V an androgynous actor/actress is required.
I think Tilda Swinton has already be nominated.
We can add Milla Jovovich, or, my preferred: Emma Watson!

Without makeup, she looks androgynous enough.


And here she just misses the pointy ears, to be an elf!


2018-06-14, 04:24 AM
I think maybe Mackenzie Davis for Vaarsuvius.

2018-06-14, 08:21 AM
Another idea for V was a trans. But I kinda refrained from that for two reasons.

First, the backlash here ("Oh, you want to cast a trans for the gender ambiguous party member, you *ist/*phobe!"). But eventually I decided to ignore that.

Second, because I know none of them directly. After some quick research, the most adapt (pale skin; face with some androgynous trait and not too much masculine; presumably good trans actress, and not simply trans actress) was someone called Tracy Lysette. I see a face pic and I think: "Ok, let's cut her hair short, and that might work". Then I see a pic of her full body and I am like: "No, can't work, too many curves!"

Second choice was one called Harmony Santana: award winner, but with skin a bit too dark, and sharing the same problem of the first one. So, nothing. But I have decided to throw the idea here.

2018-06-14, 11:27 AM
Another idea for V was a trans. But I kinda refrained from that for two reasons.

First, the backlash here ("Oh, you want to cast a trans for the gender ambiguous party member, you *ist/*phobe!"). But eventually I decided to ignore that.

Second, because I know none of them directly. After some quick research, the most adapt (pale skin; face with some androgynous trait and not too much masculine; presumably good trans actress, and not simply trans actress) was someone called Tracy Lysette. I see a face pic and I think: "Ok, let's cut her hair short, and that might work". Then I see a pic of her full body and I am like: "No, can't work, too many curves!"

Second choice was one called Harmony Santana: award winner, but with skin a bit too dark, and sharing the same problem of the first one. So, nothing. But I have decided to throw the idea here.

Yeah it's a tricky thing to handle sensitively cuz AFAIK V isn't trans, they're just elven. Even "gender fluid" doesn't necessarily cover the topic because they're a non-human species. The whole gag is the other characters just can't wrap their heads around how gender even works for elves. I figure just aim for someone that is androgynous and somewhat ethereal/majestic/striking and that's probably yer best bet.

I personally dislike Tilda Swinton for it cuz she's finally starting to show some crow's feet and similar age lines, whereas I'm always gonna want an elf to look pretty much ageless.

2018-06-14, 11:43 AM
For V an androgynous actor/actress is required.
I think Tilda Swinton has already be nominated.
We can add Milla Jovovich, or, my preferred: Emma Watson!

Without makeup, she looks androgynous enough.

And here she just misses the pointy ears, to be an elf!

You know, that's a pretty compelling case actually. I typically think of Emma Watson as "obviously" female but she could definitely pull off playing V.

She could even do the condescending, articulate and verbose accent I picture V as having!

Yeah, I'm really liking this casting choice.

2018-06-14, 03:12 PM
If we could go for deceased actors, I'd just love to see Pat Morita as Shojo.

2018-06-14, 03:18 PM
If we could go for deceased actors, I'd just love to see Pat Morita as Shojo.

Oh, well jeez, if were doing that then David Bowie is V. :P

James Hong would be a pretty good Shojo, of people still alive, IMO.

2018-06-14, 03:21 PM
RE V and queer actor.

Gender (as opposed to sex) isn't something that is visible and V's part in the story has nothing to do with V's gender or sexual orientation (there is no coming out for example).

Choosingan actor is based on wether they look the part and wether they can play the part. Had V's story involved gender politics in any further way than just the gag of V's androginity the actor's gender and/or sexual orientation may be important (inasmuch asitaffects their capacity to play the part) but since it doesn't they are irrelevant.

As for looking the part? Yeah we need someone that can pass for either sex.

That Emma Watson picture convinced me.

2018-06-14, 04:08 PM
If we could go for deceased actors, I'd just love to see Pat Morita as Shojo.

I don't see why deceased should matter, since it's basically a thought exercise. Or, for that matter, living actors at younger ages.

2018-06-14, 07:28 PM
Mackenzie Davis:



2018-06-14, 07:55 PM
I don't see why deceased should matter, since it's basically a thought exercise. Or, for that matter, living actors at younger ages.

In that case, definitely Cary Elwes for Elan/Nale. I mean, is it even a competition?

2018-06-14, 08:33 PM
In that case, definitely Cary Elwes for Elan/Nale. I mean, is it even a competition?

Could he really play the fool very convincingly, though? I mean, my memory of him is Princess Bride and Robin Hood, and in both of those he's very suave and self-assured and dashing, which definitely fits Elan, but he's not quite so absentminded as I'd want from a live-action Elan. For me, you'd need to be able to tell in the first few seconds of seeing Elan's character onscreen that he was a total doofus, albeit a competent one, and Cary Elwes just doesn't quite have that vulnerability.

He would, however, make an excellent Nale.

2018-06-14, 10:38 PM
Could he really play the fool very convincingly, though? I mean, my memory of him is Princess Bride and Robin Hood, and in both of those he's very suave and self-assured and dashing, which definitely fits Elan, but he's not quite so absentminded as I'd want from a live-action Elan. For me, you'd need to be able to tell in the first few seconds of seeing Elan's character onscreen that he was a total doofus, albeit a competent one, and Cary Elwes just doesn't quite have that vulnerability.

He would, however, make an excellent Nale.

I mean, even with those two, this scene (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yokQ0_8__ts) and this scene (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lzeqbws7FiE) exist. The guy can pull off undignified pretty well.

2018-06-15, 01:57 AM
Ariel Winter for Haley or Vaarsuvius.

2018-06-15, 01:59 AM
Totally agree with this choice for Roy.

Ooh, I like it. Roy is like Heimdall, huh? I need to find more clips of his voice. One of the things I'm looking for in actors, besides matching appearances, is voices I can read the comic in.

So, you think Roy speaks like Heimdall?

2018-06-15, 02:04 AM
I like Jack Black as Belkar.

2018-06-15, 06:51 AM
In that case, definitely Cary Elwes for Elan/Nale. I mean, is it even a competition?

In that case, Rita Hayworth in her primes for Haley. Natural redhead; maybe not curvy-curvy, but close enough (specially for modern standards); and a good actress to boost.



Oh, and Stewart Granger for Julio. He practically already played the role.
(This one should be from Scaramouche)

And why not Spencer Tracy for Durkon/Durkula?
Just put a beard on him!


2018-06-16, 01:33 AM
Does anyone else think The Miz (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Miz) would make a great Belkar?
(Only wrestling fans will know who this person is (but he is an actor)) He's great at snivelling, pouting, unjustified arrogance, he's very likeable while also being very punchable, plus he's hench and could probably do his own stunts.

2018-06-16, 11:02 AM
Has anyone suggested Jack Black as Belkar? Because if not- I totally advocate Jack Black to play Belkar.

2018-06-17, 05:42 AM
My picks:

Donald Glover as Roy Greenhilt


Best choice I have seen so far that should play Roy.

Living Oxymoron
2018-06-19, 11:43 PM
Since I began watching Supergirl, I've been picturing Mehcad Brooks as being the perfect fit for Roy in an eventual live-action movie or TV show. He's got everything in my opinion: he is strong, tall, good-looking, about as old as Roy, and has a very good voice for a commanding fighter.

2018-06-20, 10:50 AM
As much as I'd like to put some underrepresented black actor here, I do think Will Smith would be a pretty solid pick for Roy. I can definitely see him doing Roy's "I disagree with you via aggressive snark" thing well.

2018-06-23, 03:25 PM
I'm still fine with my previous choices

but in the film I'd also like:
Christina Hendricks

Helen Mirren

Thandie Newton


Patrick Stewart

cast as...

I don't know, Sabine's a shapeshifter so that works, I just want them on the screen more 'kay?

2018-06-23, 03:35 PM
I'm still fine with my previous choices

but in the film I'd also like:
Christina Hendricks

Helen Mirren

Thandie Newton


Patrick Stewart

cast as...

I don't know, Sabine's a shapeshifter so that works, I just want them on the screen more 'kay?

Stewart and Mirren as the dirt farming couple?

2018-06-23, 03:49 PM
Stewart and Mirren as the dirt farming couple?

https://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/DirtFarmerM_zpsf9mvc6ni.png .... https://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Cats_Are_Aliens/Banners/DirtFarmerF_zpsvghgdpns.png????


Call their agents!

2018-06-25, 05:27 AM
Patton Oswalt is Blackwing.

Here he is


2018-06-25, 12:59 PM
Patton Oswalt is Blackwing.

Here he is


And Garfield as Mr Scruffy

Come on! You don't really need a picture to know who he is... It's Garfield!

2018-06-28, 08:40 PM
And Garfield as Mr Scruffy

Come on! You don't really need a picture to know who he is... It's Garfield!

Don't we, D.One? Don't we?


Swaim: Oh, he's got EVERYBODY'S number. Check it- Garfield!

DOB: That doesn't even make any sense...

Swaim: Maybe he means the President?

DOB: Did you call him?

Swaim: I *texted*.... Garfield can't talk.

DOB(nodding): Cuz of the thought bubbles.

Swaim: No, because he DIED in 1881.

DOB: ...and you TEXTED him.

Swaim: Yeah, told him to bring Odie.

DOB(shaking head): Which Garfield are we talking about...?

Swaim: GARFIELD! Lasagna, Republican, six month term, hated Mondays... f***-in GARFIELD.

2018-07-12, 08:34 PM
Dwayne "the Roy" Johnson!

2018-07-25, 05:38 AM
This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I think Scarlet Johansson is not a particularly good emote-r, so she might struggle for some of Hailey's character growth scenes. Also not sure I can see her being at all compelling when stuck speaking gibberish.

Yeah, Scar-Jo barely ever changes her expression on-screen. It works for Black Widow because her face is a mask.

Emma Watson! Without makeup, she looks androgynous enough.
Unfortunately in my opinion she is also a terrible actress. Don't get me wrong, I think she's a cool person, but she was terrible in Harry Potter and Beauty & The Beast. Haley needs to come across as natural, which is quite hard to act.

How about Deborah Ann Woll as Celia? She's very waifish, which is how I see Celia. She played Karen Paige in Daredevil (series).

Simone Missick (Misty Knight from Luke Cage) as Sabine - her eyes when she smiles are quite hard, which would help suggest the shape-shifter looking at you from behind them.

2018-07-30, 05:00 PM
OK, first off: How has nobody suggested John Boyega as Roy? Right age, right attitude, right appearance (though admittedly it's hard to picture how he'd look with a fully shaved head).

Second off: Anyone who says that anyone other than Christopher Walken should voice Xykon is wrong.

2018-07-30, 05:02 PM
Make it animated. That way, you can persevere something resembling the original art style.

2018-08-03, 09:50 AM
I definitely like the idea of Patton Oswalt voicing Blackwing.

2018-08-03, 10:11 AM
OK, first off: How has nobody suggested John Boyega as Roy? Right age, right attitude, right appearance (though admittedly it's hard to picture how he'd look with a fully shaved head).

Second off: Anyone who says that anyone other than Christopher Walken should voice Xykon is wrong.

Speaking solely for myself, because John Boyega isn't built like an effing tank, which I'd expect of Roy. Hence, my too-old-but-still-awesome Terry Crews love.

2018-08-03, 10:16 AM
Speaking solely for myself, because John Boyega isn't built like an effing tank, which I'd expect of Roy. Hence, my too-old-but-still-awesome Terry Crews love.
Someone suggested The Rock earlier.

2018-08-03, 10:37 AM
Someone suggested The Rock earlier.

Indeed. Also a good call. I just like Terry Crews better. To the point that I also suggested him for Haley, when the age issue came up.

2018-08-09, 09:17 PM
Currently trying to decide if Chadwick Boseman would be a good fit for Roy or not.