View Full Version : Character Identities (Stories from the PCs, themselves)

2018-05-30, 10:20 PM
Bards tell stories. Boards (forums) can be a place for stories.

In a D&D 3.5 campaign, the DM told us to create back-stories for our characters. Little did I realize, my character(s) wouldn't end there. In that campaign, my character started recapping the events of that session (in his own perception). That campaign had ended. A different one is about to start. Once again, I created a back-story (this time, by MY choice to do so). Once again, my character appears to have a mind of his own.

I'd like to share these tales with you. I'm sure you'd like to do the same.

:roach: Is this where PokéTriforce promises to read ours; but doesn't really do that? :roach:

I promise to read yours. Of course, I may not get to it for a long time. However, when I post here, I'll try my best to do so. If I stop posting in this thread, that means I most likely forgot about it. Have fun anyways!

2018-05-30, 10:29 PM
The DM said that the campaign would take place in the Amazon. He said we had to create back-stories to explain why we were chosen to go to this village in the Amazon. I told him that my character wasn't. I told him I was a simple rogue that, by happenstance, ended up in the party. He gave me a magic percolator. While holding it, specific words would trigger an effect. "Sake" would allow my character to change forms. "Tea" would send a force explosion. I don't remember the 3rd one. Anyway, here's the back-story (part 1 of 2):

Who am I? Call me Kos’ori’chu. Of course, I was once called “Tamago”; but, that’s what led me here. Yes, that’s me -- the six-foot, extreme-dark gray (not black, mind you…dark-gray) rat with opposable thumbs sitting and eating in the crate, there. If you’re not familiar with the Eastern lands, my race is called Nezumi. I come from what you would call a “roguish” family. To understand how I got you to this point, let me take you back to where it all happened. Not the eight years ago (when I was born)…more like one and a half years ago.

I should probably explain that my kind live a mere thirty-one to forty years of age. So, to us, the age of five is nearing adulthood. By that time, my kind goes through their “rite of passage” (as it were). Being from the nest of “Chu” (my family name), that meant training to be a rogue. Around half a year past my sixth age -- while I was on a job -- I witnessed something…something that would change my life as I knew it.

You must understand; my kind likes to enter places and take what we need (or sometimes -- take what we want). While gathering some gems from a room at the local inn, I saw these guards in specific armor. They had just entered a house, grabbed the man who lived there, and took a bunch of stuff from that place. When my kind does that, the town guards arrest us. When these men did that, the same town guard that usually arrests us gave them a sack of coins. I’ve never known bounty hunters to work in the way they did. I brought this information to my clan’s leader. He explained that they were called “Samurai” and that they worked for the emperor. That was why THEY got paid to do something that is in OUR nature.

I announced to my nest that I would like to train and become one of these samurai. They all laughed at me. One of the comments made was, “Have you lost your marbles?!? They go against our true nature!” Because of that comment, I obtained a bag of marbles. I use that bag of marbles to remind myself that ANYTHING can be possible -- with the right attitude. So, I found out where the nearest samurai establishment was and studied them (while hiding in their place).

I had learned that they were ONLY human. I saw how they dressed and altered my appearance to look more like them. I placed my jewelry in a sack and sent it back to my family along with a note explaining that I was setting forth on my own…I was making a new start for me. I donned on human peasant’s clothing. I obtained a katana, a wakizashi, ashigaru armor, and borrowed a Kappa shell. Now, that I looked like them (I hid my face under the helmet), I was ready to integrate into their group. The reason for the Kappa shell was because they were of the Tortoise clan of humans and I wanted to fit in. When I found out I didn’t need the Kappa shell, I returned it.

The leader of this group of samurai was an old, fat, hairless man. He had a white beard, mustache, and puffy eyebrows. He regaled us with stories of the time when the Hare clan altered their mercantile ways. The Hare clan was accused of practicing maho two-hundred eighteen years ago. This man was older than I had first thought! Now, to keep from having the same fate as the Hare clan, they split their samurai into five brigades; each with their own specialties.

Jade brigade focuses on destroying Oni and those with taint. Iron brigade is for spirits and fey. Silver brigade targets vampires, werewolves, and other creatures of that sort. The ones focused specifically on cost-effective killings is the wood brigade. The four of them have a trident made for them. The shaft is wooden, the middle prong is iron, and the two outer prongs…one is jade and the other is silver. This trident is carried by the head of the Tortoise clan who resides in the palace with the emperor, himself. And then there’s the Salt brigade. They are more about capturing and holding for the imperial trial. I ended up blending into the Salt brigade.

Just before my seventh cycle since birth -- while I was practicing the katana -- I happened to stumble upon a dragon statue. This wasn’t just any ordinary dragon. This one was more like a shorter, fatter version that actually had large wings! This fearsome beast looked like MORE than a dragon…it was an evolution of the serpents we have in my land! They were more powerful…and worthy of praise. While continuing to blend in with the samurai, I learned of a worshiping group that slowly develops adaptations of these dragons. Just imagining how much more I’d become was enough to make me a shaman of this type!

While still serving in the Akamatsu region, I came across another unique import. This was an armor made entirely of vines! It was set to a collar that would house the roots. Overnight -- in the moonlight -- this armor would grow to cover one’s body. I just had to get one! Since this would not be typical samurai armor, I placed the collar on a fighting dummy and told the others that it was a plant I required for some cooking secrets. They believed me and left my ivy alone.

What do you mean, you “don’t understand”? I was the camp’s cook, of course. I told you this! Huh? I didn’t? Well then, let me go back to how I joined the Salt brigade…

…When I first infiltrated their camp in my official disguise, I knew I had to be discrete (to keep from arousing suspicion). One of the first places I wandered into was the kitchen. I heard someone call out, “Who are you? Are you the help?” Not knowing what to say, I answered, “Yes.”

Seeing a percolator nearby, I picked it up and added, “Would you like me to heat up some sake for the troops?” I was wishing that I looked more human so he wouldn’t notice. The head chef looked at me. He must have known! I knew I didn’t look human enough! I told him, “I can explain my appearance! I know I have a rat face.”

To my surprise, the head chef replied, “So, you don’t have the same helmet. We’ll find you the right one. And, you DO realize that you don’t need that kappa shell on your back. You might be a new recruit…a bit rough around the edges. But, someday, you’ll be running the kitchen.”

“WHAT?!?” I thought to myself. Maybe this guy was nearsighted or something. That’s when I caught my reflection. I DID look human! Later on, I found out that it was from the percolator -- when I use the word “sake” while holding the percolator. Regardless, this was a blessing in disguise! He asked me my name and I started to tell him, “Kos’Ori…” That’s when I thought using my real name -- a Nezumi name -- might give away that I’m not really a human.

I had to think quickly! What human-sounding name can I come up with? “Did you say, ‘Coastali’ was your name?” “No,” I answered. Although, it would have helped me if I just went with it. However; I wasn’t thinking at the time. “I said my name was Kos’Ori. There is no ‘T’ in my name.” The next thing I knew was the head chef flew and slammed against the far wall. He went unconscious. To this day, I’m still not entirely sure what had occurred. All I remember is what happened next.

Two samurai came in. Surely, they would know something was amiss! Instead, they just asked me to prepare them something. Having done a little cooking, myself, I prepared them a snack. It was an egg dish that I had created when I first cooked on my own. They thanked me and went on their way. They LOVED it! It turns out that my egg recipe was a hit around camp! That’s when they started calling me, “Tamago” (their word for “Egg”). THAT is how I became the camp’s cook.

Anyway, the emperor needed to expand his territory. So, we were sent to conquer the islands to the South. I can’t tell you exactly what went wrong with the conquest. All I know is that the battle had taken a turn for the worse. There were hidden blasting spells everywhere! They were mostly in the food tent. My guess is that the enemy wanted to starve everyone. I seemed to be the main target; because those blasts would always center on me!

I know what you’re thinking. I am NOT paranoid! Every time I offered someone tea, an explosion around me would occur. Any time a new recruit showed up and asked how I spelled my name, an explosion would occur. Some spell caster sure had it in for me! I had NO choice but to flee. Sure, this made me look like a saboteur. I’m sure I was their prime suspect anyway.

I gathered the stuff. I switched to my Ivy collar. And, I left. I took the katana for added protection. I know the camp’s mess kit, percolator, dagger, and mug wasn’t mine. Then again, neither was the whetstone…nor the katana. It’s not like my kind isn’t known for stealing, anyway. Besides, the percolator could, also, make me look like a human (just in case anyone was looking for a Nezumi). I hid in a nearby crate. I felt the crate being lifted and moved. The next thing I knew, I was on this ship!

There’s one thing us Nezumi are good at…and, it’s survival. I would come out at night, grab food, and go back to my crate. No one was the wiser. That brings us to where you saw me before I began my story.

I’m a Nezumi that can turn human -- who happens to be a shaman of brass dragons. Now, I’m almost about to be discovered. I wish this thing could make me small enough (or even invisible) to not be noticed! You know, just like those spirit things that glow and float around the spirit. Well, a human is just as good, I guess. SAKE!

2018-05-30, 10:33 PM
After working with another player on her back-story, I finished mine (part 2 of 2):

Well. Here I am again. In, yet, another predicament, nonetheless. Just in case you don’t remember me, I’m Kos’ori’chu (also known as Tamago). You might be asking what I’m doing carrying a tent and running after some human female that I don’t even know. Well, it all started when I last talked to you…

There was someone about to expose my hiding crate. That’s when I used my percolator to turn human once more…or, so I thought. As soon as the crate opened, I started to explain to this huge human (I thought he was a giant, at first). I was telling him that I worked in the kitchen. Hey, that worked for me last time! Before I could explain, this huge human ran off. I thought I was lucky. That is, until he came back. He threw a bucked to water on me. I noticed -- as I looked around -- that everything had gotten larger for some reason. Or could it be that I had shrunk? “Perhaps I broke my percolator,” I thought to myself. “Instead of making me look human, it must have made me look more like a rat! Except, instead of turning me into a dire rat, I was small enough to be a normal, everyday, regular rat.”

This didn’t explain the bucket of water though. Later on, I found out that this percolator doesn’t change me to human; but to a flame spirit as well! That’s when I knew I needed a new hiding spot for the rest of this voyage. I was lucky to find that there was a tent attached between a couple of posts on deck. I guess our last docking brought about elves. I’ve always heard that they sleep in tents attached to trees. They must be crazy to be so far away from underground. And since they only need to sleep while sitting for a mere four hours, I knew I was safe using that tent to rest. If the elf ever headed to his/her tent, I would simply turn myself into that flame spirit again.

For the final days of travel, I had learned one other thing about my percolator. It happened while I was in the flame spirit form. I called out, “Does anyone want some tea?” I was half-asleep and forgot that I wasn’t human at the time. The next thing I knew, a small explosion happened around me -- as it had done when I was still with the samurai. This is what led me to realize that asking people if they want tea would cause this force. Some people would try extinguishing my flame. One human female even called me “Whisp”. She seemed friendly. We met the day before we docked and I got off the ship.

OK. So, I didn’t disembark willingly. It happened the night after I encountered the female. Having a friendly person be so kind to me made me let my guard down. I slept in my true -- Nezumi -- form. The elf came back and saw me there. The crew apprehended me and tied me up in the tent. The captain had me tossed off at the next dock. It took me no time at all to get free from my bindings.
[Note: player rolled a 19 and had +2 in Escape Artist]
So, here I am -- once again -- fleeing for my life. I sure hope I don’t make a habit of this. As you can see, we’re not in the Orient anymore. What’s this? There’s that female human from the ship! That human is the only one I know from my own land. I guess I’ll just follow her and hope she’s still kind to me…at least, until I can figure out what to do.

2018-05-30, 10:39 PM
We, then, began the campaign as the PCs were arriving at the docks. Since 2 of us couldn't make it to the first game, we had to create a reason for not being with the main party (and how we would eventually meet up with them). Luckily, the 2 of us happen to have chosen to use Oriental Adventures in our character creation (part 3 of 2):

What are you doing here? Can't you see that I'm dying here? Why must you show up at such an inconvenient time? I assume you'd like to know what happened. Well, just like last time, it happened not too far from when you last saw me...

...I was following Chisana Kurage of the Yu Wang family (that's the name of the female). She was with four other people from my lands. When we reached a mages' guild in a town called Haven, Noryu had us all wait for him to talk with the people inside. After less than a minute, he returned. He told us that the constable was located at what used to be the best tavern in town. Did they already know that I wasn't part of their group?!? Impossible! Perhaps this group was like the samurai. Maybe, I was finally able to go on one of those "raid" missions that they get paid for!

No such luck. It turned out that we were to meet with the constable of this town to receive orders. It must have been an EXCLUSIVE club; because, they all needed to have papers with them. When I was asked for mine, I merely pointed to Chisana and stated, "I came with her." They asked her if that was true. She denied it?!? But...but...she was the one who called me "Whisp"! How could she have FORGOTTEN?!?!? She looked at me as if she didn't recognize me at all! I was about to be punished when Cha'tam spoke up. She said that I was still a bit tired from the trip and that I was HER companion.

It seems as though the special invitation was NOT allowing others to show up (whether in the intended’s place or as an accompaniment). The constable had someone give us the run-down while he dealt with other issues. I had no idea that all my new traveling companions were so famous! Looking around the room, I learned about the ones who were to be my new adventuring party teammates.

First of all, there’s Fek Jun-tua, a male Korobokuru fighter, who strategically took down a band of Mantis Clan Mercenaries along with his sister. That Nezumi in the corner is Cha‘tam‘uk, a scout. Not only did she save me from the constable; but, she helped a previous party of adventurers evade an Oni ambush (while single-handedly setting up a counter-strike against them). That guy, over there, is Ryusei Noryu. He’s a human from the Dragon Clan. He’s also a shugenja. It turns out that he rescued ore miners trapped in a cave-in when others were too afraid to try. Of course, Bin Jun-tua, the female Korobokuru, is a barbarian -- as well as the sister of Fek. She took out over one third of the aforementioned Mantis Mercenaries by herself!

And, of course, there’s Chisana. She’s a Spirit Folk. She wasn’t quite sure why she was summoned there, either. We were about to learn why Chisana was selected when the door burst open. It seems as though a female Gnome beguiler, which was also one of the party members, had been killed by dark forces from up the mountain. What luck! I came from a FAMILY of rogues! When I announced that I started out life as a rogue, the people in charge let me in their secret club to balance out the current party.

We started up the Northern pass of the mountain side. As dusk fell, Cha’tam scouted up ahead…while the rest of us set-up camp. When she returned, she reported that there were these Centaur-looking creatures; except, different. Instead of the standard Human upper-half, she told us that they were more like Dark-Orcs with the Centaur lower-halves. This was unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. These must be the dark forces we heard so much about!

Fek came up with a plan. We would sneak-up on them for an ambush! Fek would take the lead from in front. I would circle around to get them from behind. Bin & Chisana would each surround them from the sides. Cha’tam would use the trees to hit them from above. And, Noryu would keep utilizing his spells to aid us in this attack. We broke camp and headed for the area of these dark forces.

Fek ended up stepping on a twig. Some of those creatures looked over in his direction while the rest kept on going about their business. Noryu called out, “there’s an eleven-foot one with deer-like antlers!” The battle had, now, begun. Everyone attacked -- with the exception of Noryu and me. Noryu was casting healing spells as fast as he could. These creatures were super-fast! As for me, I was just trying NOT to get hit (or even trampled on). That’s when the fiercest one of all reared its ugly head. It had knocked Chisana into some bushes. She went unconscious. All I could think of at that moment was how good it would be if I could just heal those around me. I got knocked around.

When I came to, the creatures were gone. All that was left of my party was a pile of bloody limbs. I felt pain and noticed that I, too, was bleeding. With so much blood all over my fur, I knew, in that instant, that I was dying. By some miracle, Chisana had survived. She and I started back down the mountain. That’s pretty much what happened when YOU showed up. We are approaching Haven. We must warn them about those things before they attack this town!

2018-05-30, 10:44 PM
FINALLY, we got to play. This is what I thought would be the first of many "Tomago's Recap" stories:

Wha-? You startled me! I could hardly see you! You know how it is when smoke gets in your eye like a big okonomiyaki. So, where did I leave off last time? Ah, yes. We were returning from battle against those 100-foot centaurs with spikes all over their heads…Ok, so they were not quite that tall. And only one of them had spikes all over his head. Who’s telling this story anyway? Me -- that’s who! Where was I?

We were just returning to town from battle; just the two of us. The others were ripped to shreds by those THINGS out there. Chisana was helping me seek help -- for, I was dying. Lucky for us, as we entered town, a sorcerer handed me a potion of healing. This sorceress wore strange armor that made her displaced. As I was healing (from drinking the potion), the town guards came over and asked what had happened. I told them of those creatures we encountered.

The sorcerer had a similar experience…except hers looked more like boars. She mentioned that he released a demon from a sword as well! It wasn’t until she talked about the A-Fritter that the alarms went off and we had become encased under a dome. Of course, the scariest thing happened just as the dome became there: I was almost eaten alive! This giant owl swooped down and tried to catch me in its claws! It’s a good thing I’m a good hider!

As the owl left, Chi decided to help me find a better place to hide. She took me past a bunch of buildings to one that looked like it could house many people! When we got there, an Elven male showed us a platinum coin he found underneath some floorboards here. My roguish instincts kicked in and I started looking under the floorboards, myself, to see if I could get lucky and find treasure. As with my luck, I found nothing. However, I had, now, made a hole that I could use to build a safe place to hide.

I began building my hiding nest when the Elf got up on stage and was putting on a show for us. While I was watching him, I heard my stomach growl. I forgot that I hadn’t eaten since just before our encounter. It had been quite a few hours. I, still, don’t understand how Chi doesn’t seem to get hungry or thirsty. Anyway, I got up and started looking for food.

I found some bread while searching. I knew that if I cut off the bad parts and seasoned this over heat, I could make this edible delight. I thought (to myself), “Hmm…I should prepare this for all three of us! I’ll start the fire in the oven and slice this bread.” Wouldn’t it be nice if someone would just invent bread that had already been sliced? Then again, it would also be easier if we didn’t have to work so hard to fetch the water.

I gathered up materials to build a fire in their strange oven. It looked like a combination of fire pit and oven. I lit the stuff and was about to slice and cook the bread when smoke started emanating from the fire I had built. I forgot to open up the flu. Some places have a chimney that does that, you know. Chi rushed over and opened the flu for me. The next thing you know, the flames get extinguished! That’s what was with all this smoke.

No problem! I’ll just “smoke” the bread as I season it. I’m sure Chi and the entertaining elf will be pleased with my dish. I hope to run into that sorcerer again, too. The four of us could form a new party to help this town! What’s this? A sense of…of…something I can’t quite describe. Am I, finally, a part of a group -- like the samurai -- that goes around helping people?! That’s it! Chi, the Elf, the sorcerer, and I are part of an adventuring party!!! I wonder if others will join us. Oh, well…back to the bread.

2018-05-30, 10:48 PM
The DM went on a rampage against another player. I decided this wasn't fun anymore, so I quit. I felt like I needed to end with something. Tomago needed a proper send-off:

What happened to me? The last thing I remember is going to fight the demon. Did its bite kill me? Let me go back and explain what had occurred:

The fire in the oven had been extinguished; however, it was still hot enough to toast. Remember, I was going to cook some bread I had found. I sliced off the bad pieces so that it was able to be consumed by humans. I had, also, seasoned it to taste. Then, I smoked it in the oven until it was more like croutons. I took a taste test and found that I had -- once again -- made something outta’ nothing!

The Elf had already eaten. Chi wasn’t hungry. I continued to munch when the Elf notified to us that he had a party of his own. I was going to offer him to join ours, except…don’t you remember what happened to them? Anyway, Chi & I decided to join the Elf’s party instead (it sounded less life-threatening, anyway).

On our way, there was a huge commotion going on. Then, we heard screaming. As we were heading to investigate the screaming, we came across someone who was part of the Elf’s party. The new party member sent his pet bird after something he saw. Chi & I headed in the same direction. That’s when I heard talking about a large rat. Not wanting to get in trouble, I changed into my human form. That’s when I heard that the large rat was in the abandoned bakery.

Another large rat? Perhaps it’s another Nezumi! Chi & I went to the bakery and I picked lock. I went back into my Nezumi form so as not to scare the other Nezumi hiding there. I called to the Nezumi. It sounded like it went feral. I called to it again. IT WASN’T A NEZUMI! It was a DEMON of some sort! The demon attacked me! I fought it off and backed out the bakery. I re-locked the door to trap the demon inside. Chi & I went to regroup with the others.

We found the Elf again. Then, we came across the one from his party (who had the bird). He was about to attack the nice sorceress that healed me earlier. After we got those two to calm down, I asked the sorceress if she’d join our party. She said “no” and shut the door. After a while, we went back to the leatherworks shop. The sorceress was on a trap and asked for my help. I told her, on a count of three, that we would switch places. She jumped off. I ducked. Luckily, the trap was faulty.

The next thing I know was when I heard a loud noise. I was unable to hear. Everyone was looking up, so I did, as well. It was raining dead birds? The Elf started heading in the direction of the bakery. The demon! I must stop him!

The elf couldn’t hear me, so I tackled him to the ground. He hit me hard and injured my left shoulder. I attempted to warn him about demon, again. The Elf indicated that he was going to exorcise the demon. The bird man showed up and handed me paper, quill, and ink. At first I thought he wanted me to create an ofuda strip (a ward to stop the demon). It turns out he was going to have us write notes since we couldn’t hear. After hearing about the demon, the crazy bird man wanted to capture it?! What’s worse, they were going to use me as bait?!?

We went to look for the rest of the party. Along the way, we came across an Asian warrior (I think she must have been a member from my previous party that happened to show up late). I explained what happened to the previous party and asked her to join our new party. That’s about the time the guard showed up.

The guard indicated a fire in the forest. THAT must be why the dome went up…to protect this town. We told guard about the demon in the bakery. He pointed to the dead birds falling from the sky. This must all be connected! Now, that I was able to think of it, I remembered that the sorceress told us about a demonic sword.

We told the guard about our plan to exorcise the demon in the bakery. The guard came up with GREAT plan -- at least, he seemed passionate about his plan. I, still, couldn’t hear. When the guard left to get supplies, we began to gather the rest of the party. I can’t say I remember what happened after that.

So…there we were…about to go confront and destroy the demon in the bakery. That’s the last I can remember. I suppose this means I’m dead. My name is Tamago -- or, at least, it was. I was once called Kos’ori’chu; from the family of Chu. Should this be the end of my stories, so be it. I am the Nezumi who ventured to a distant, unknown land. This appears to be how my tale ends. Not with some dramatic, “self-sacrificing to save the world”, heroic action; but, with me having ceasing to exist.

If you ever find yourself in the town under a dome…I urge you to leave. Leave -- and don’t look back. Run as fast as you can and as far away. Haven is another name for HELL!!!

2018-05-30, 11:31 PM
It turns out that Tamago was too close to a dark alleyway at the end of the previous session. He was knocked
unconscious and "bagged" for Smurf's slave ring. The DM told us about one of the players having a secret slave ring...which gave me a way to go from him being "dead"(?) to just being in a burlap sack. Tamago thought he was in a body bag. Another player was going to rescue Tamago at the beginning of the following session. Since (because of the DM) 3 of the players (including myself) didn't get to even START that session, I had no reason to continue Tamago's story. The DM -- before that session started -- attempted to vote a player out of the game. When the other players said they were fine with that one player, he argued that they didn't know what they were talking about. The player being attacked, another player, and I had enough. We picked-up our things and left. We never returned to that campaign. That had occurred in 2014. Since then, the DM was forced to become a player while they assigned a new DM. In 2016, that campaign came to a close (no one was interested in it, anymore).

I still have the back-story from the other player that used Oriental Adventures (since I helped her work on it):

All sea spirit folk are considered to be descendants from the great O-Wata-Tsu-Mi. To be more precise, they are born from spirits belonging to the nature caused by O-Wata-Tsu-Mi. In the family of Yu Wang, an unusual spirit folk emerged. She was like no other.

Chisana was born to Nekoi Yu Wang and his beloved, a sea spirit. By the time she was at the very young age of 6, others noticed that she was a slow-developing human. Only Chisana’s parents knew what she was. When she turned the age of 7, her father informed her of her condition. She understood and accepted it. Her mother had moved on (as some spirits tend to do). By the time she was 10 years of age, her father had taken in another bride. This bore her a human ½-sister. As her father reached his final years, he had transferred responsibility for Chisana’s upbringing to her sister. This was around the time Chisana had her 22nd birthday.

By her 30th birthday, Chisana’s powers/abilities had started to manifest themselves. Not sure what to do, Chisana’s sister temporarily sent Chisana to a school for spirit folk. Chisana was still at a young age; however, she didn’t want to become too much of a burden to her sister. While at this school, most spirit folk take on a new last name (as they may not be returning to the families they once knew). Chisana took on the last name of Kurage
(Jellyfish) due to her parents having told her that she reminded them of a jellyfish when she was little. 10 years later, Chisana’s sister returned with a husband and they both took care of Chisana. At the age of 60, Chisana’s sister & brother in-law had become old. They relinquished custody to Chisana’s niece and headed back to the place they had met (to live out the rest of their lives).

Chisana was just a juvenile at the age of 66 when her niece & she fell unto financial hardships. Luckily, they had inherited a couple of rings that could sustain them in food, water, and reduce fatigue. With both of them, each wearing a Ring of Sustenance, what little money they had would be enough to pay their expenses. This helped them for the next 20 years.

One year after they were no longer in debt, Chisana’s niece decided that she would travel to England (where her parents were from). Still being considered a juvenile, Chisana’s niece took her with her. This took a couple of years travel. Upon reaching England, Chisana’s niece found a temple located in Ireland that could house Chisana. It was time for Chisana to set forth on her own. Chisana trained alongside some elves. It turns out they were trained by an Asian monk.

After training for a year, Chisana decided to move to this area she heard about. It was called a “rain forest”. By the age of 90, she was a part of a 5-year program studying in the Amazon. That was, however, brief…due to her getting lost in the Amazon. Some people can’t handle living in the Amazon for more than a year, so no one thought anything of it when Chisana wasn’t with them anymore. Here’s what actually happened:

At the age of 91, Chisana was studying an insect called the midge fly. She started to follow one that flew deep into the rain forest. By the time she finished her assessment on the midge fly, she realized that she had no clue as to where she was -- or even how to return to the base camp. She knew she’d have to survive…somehow. Chisana focused her mind and made a suitable shelter for herself. Since her shelter was near the Amazon River, she even had water. The next step was to find food.

Approximately, one year later, Chisana had this “survival in the Amazon” figured out. That’s when she encountered a fisher bat. It first appeared while she was catching some fish to eat. Being kind-hearted, she offered the bat some of her fish (seeing that it was trying to catch fish, itself). Enough evenings of this; and the fisher bats in that area took to her. Chisana had befriended a colony of fisher bats.

While roaming the Amazon (in the following year), Chisana came across a litter of black jaguar cubs. They seem to have been abandoned. One was wounded and another was ill. Luckily, the last one seemed fine. She nursed them back to health and took care of them. Later, she came upon a camp site. She discovered that the litter’s parents had been hunted and killed by those at that camp site. Chisana defended the cubs (that the hunters were planning on selling as exotic animals to the highest bidder). She fled with the cubs and took off into the Amazon once more. As soon as she found some adult jaguars that would be willing and able to take care of the cubs, she sent the cubs on their way. That is how Chisana ended up befriending black jaguars.

With the fisher bats helping her catch fish to eat and the black jaguars giving her protection, Chisana was content. At the age of 94, Chisana befriended black caimans. This occurred during the time she lived near the river banks. By now, most of the animals in the Amazon grew acclimated to her presence. They didn’t actually get near her…it was more like, they didn’t see her as a threat. A couple of black caimans built their nest -- and hatched their eggs -- in the area of Chisana’s shelter. Chisana treated them as pets (or roommates). She helped take care of them. In return, they allowed her to be near them (without them attacking her).

By the age of 95, a group had come across her current shelter. As they approached, her animal friends scattered. The group ranged in various races; and most in the group were young. They said that they were rangers and bloodhounds sent to retrieve a lost girl who disappeared approximately 4¼ years go. The young ones were “trainees”, and wanted to learn how she survived all these years. Chisana was quiet as the group accompanied her back to their settlement…where she chose to stay (and learn how to live with people, once again).

This unusual settlement consisted of: dwarves (whom reminded her of the korobokurus she grew up with in her father’s region), elves, fey-ri (a race she had never encountered before), gnomes, hengeyokai, humans, and spirit folk (similar to herself; however, these ones were river spirit folk). Chisana stayed there until she was ready to get back to the outside world. At the age of 96, she began her journey back to Japan. It took her a year; but she made it back home.

Chisana was ready to settle down when she realized that, without money, she had nowhere to stay…nothing to eat…no means of living in civilization. She had just gotten back to Japan -- and it had now sunk in that she needed a source of income. She remembered her skills in the Amazon and became a fisher to pay for her expenses. She did great in her first year. In her second year, she was continuing to do well. That is, until something happened on a fishing run that changed her. Chisana started to become more aggressive. This was an unusual trait for spirit folk.

Chisana couldn’t understand what was going on with her. She would take courses on becoming a fighter. When she got too agitated by the courses, she would quit. After a few days (or even weeks) of cooling off, she would resume and try to reduce her aggression; so, it wouldn’t get out of control. This training lasted about 9 years. She was finally acquiring the focus needed to calm her aggressive tendencies. It would take just one year later to complete her fighter training (and become a fully qualified fighter).

At the age of 111, Chisana had graduated to a full fighter title. She obtained a naginata for her main weapon and a Thurkasian armor as her armor. She chose Thurkasian armor due to the ease of removing & donning that armor. She made sure hers was made from mithral to reduce the weight and make it that much simpler to fight in. The naginata she wielded was of masterwork variety. Later on, she was able to afford to make it imbued with magic. This allowed her to “shrink” her weapon as needed.

Chisana spent the following 3 years working as part of a fighting team. At the adult age of 114, she chose to adventure past her region. She was, now, a solo fighter. She took up odd jobs here & there. She even had entered a contest, at the age of 120. She won that contest and ended up with the prize of special goggles that allowed her to see up to 60 feet in total darkness.

At the age of 130, Chisana joined a bunch of samurai at a hamlet -- where she aided them in apprehension of a hidden war criminal. There was a band of Nezumi rogues there, as well. One of her tasks was to cover for one of the hamlet’s guards on night patrol. Later, she ended up with a mission sending her South…toward the islands where she grew up.

By the time Chisana reached the age of 131, she watched as a group of samurai had internal conflict. They were attempting to invade her homeland! She sighed in relief as they abandoned their quest with all that destruction going on inside their own base camp. That’s, also, about the time she was given a letter, a sack, and something allowing her to use 10,000 gp for free. The letter was from the constable. It talked about trouble in a place called Haven (located in South America). So, she boarded a ship and set sail for South America.

While on the ship, Chisana encountered a Will-o’-Wisp. She called it “Wisp” and befriended it. When she reached South America, she disembarked and joined some others who happen to have received the same summons. Little did she know, her journeys had just begun!

2018-05-31, 12:00 AM
I know what you're thinking...

:mitd: Ooh! Telepathy! What does my mind say?
:roach: It's just an empty void.
:mitd: Aw. I was hoping for something more -- like the meaning of life.

...Why would I EVER attempt another campaign with that DM? Well...for one thing, it's been many years. I'm hoping he's changed. After all, he was kicked out of his own campaign, last time. Besides, I know that IF he starts to act up, EVERYONE will leave, this time.

Anyway, THIS campaign has us in a remote village in Africa. We are surrounded by who-knows-what? No one leaves the safety of the village (except by the rare caravan). The village -- and some areas attached -- are surrounded with a trench & barricades. There is a murderer on the loose. Our characters happen to be chosen to discover (and stop) the killer! This time, I asked if I could play an eidolon (a ghost character). We discussed it, then finally decided I was one of the killer's victims. I'm just not allowed to know who he or she is.

Again, I'm playing a character not directly "conformed" with the other PCs. What can I say? I just like to have FUN with my characters! If the DM rejected him (and told me to conform), then I would have chosen a female (elf subrace) bard. By the way, I tend to create my characters by alternating genders. I've even played "ambiguous" before.

If the campaign goes well, I might do "recaps" (like I did for Tomago). Anyway, here's the new character's back-story (Yes, I'm aware of the REAL spelling for "Xander". I was going for an "a to z" thing):

Alexander Eugwayson was dead: to begin with. There is no doubt that Zander was dead. This must be distinctly understood, or nothing meaningful can come of the tale I am going to relate.

Of course, we all know of Zander Eu. An actor extraordinaire! This was a man of many talents. He started out his life -- born to be adulated by many. Performance coursed through his veins. There’s no doubt that he could have awed the entire world…had his life not come to such a tragic end.

To have known Zander Eu is to have known the talent of a lifetime. When he wielded his musical rapier, even the angels would weep at such melodies coming from his soul. He could transform himself into any role with ease. I’m not just saying all this, as true as my words are, to place this man of epic skill on a pedestal. Nay. I say these things to remind you what kind of man he was.

This brings me back to the point I started from. We have established the subject of Zander’s death. His death was merely the beginning. Or, should I rather say that his death happened to be one of many. Who the others were, matter not -- for this is the tale of Station’s ghost…

…Before I continue, I feel I must confess. Undoubtedly, you have surmised, by my elocution, that I am, indeed, the Alexander Eugwayson whom I speak about. And you would be correct in that assumption. For he is I; and I, him. Now, on to my tale:

I am reminded of a wanderer. She is seen as a sleight woman, with sun-browned skin and sharp grey eyes. A halfling by no means as ordinary as one may think. She believed that life is a grand journey and an opportunity to see all the fantastic things in the world. That a person should be free to wander, following the roads others have created or creating their own. They might care to thank old paths for their security, and start new paths for the challenge. She believed you should seek out the world, for it is too busy moving to seek out you.

It was by my fascination of those teachings that guided me to travel abroad. I started out training in the ways of becoming a bard. To aid in my quest, I had joined a traveling performance troupe. My calling had always been the arts. Call it DESTINY, if you will.

Pretty soon, I took on jobs as playing roles for those that hired me. I could be a non-believer turned believer for a seller of false product. I could be bait for the guards to apprehend the culprit they sought to find.

My last role (whilst I was still in the form we call life) was that of a businessman. To be more precise, I was to decoy as him while the dedication ceremony took place. He had feared for his life. Regardless, he had acquired some land and wished to break ground.

Late, the evening before, I had taken his cart over to the place where the ceremony was to be held. My appearance was of the businessman. I was practicing. For, as proficient as I am, there is still room to advance. An encore must be earned -- not taken as a given.

In the midst of preparation for the next day’s event, I felt a sharp, shooting pain in my back. This reminds me of a roman emperor. But, alas, I must regale you of HIS story another time. Going back to me, I had passed the initial shock as a sign of pain to overcome. Then, I found myself losing my life’s essence. As quick as this attack was, I took time to contemplate my situation. I blacked out. Henceforth, I was no more.

That is to say, I was no longer a part of the living. Had I noticed such a thing when I came to would have been such a grand gesture to behold! My time for life had passed. Yet, I was unaware of this fact, at first. I found myself in a mist of sorts. The sights, sounds, and wonders to be told have escaped my memory since then. What I recall is winding back to the hamlet of Station. That’s when it happened…

There was a scream that pierced and parted the faintness of the dawn. I moved to see what that noise had in store. It was the man who had hired me?! The scream didn’t emanate from him. He was the cause, all right. But, by no means, was he the one who had screamed. I mean…how could he…he had met with a terrible fate. That is to say, he had been killed by some unseen assailant.

The businessman’s corpse was being investigated. I became restless in my thoughts. That’s when an astounding revelation hit me. I could have been the target, had I been his decoy at the time. Once again, my realization kicked in. I WAS the decoy! I hurried back to where I was staying while in town. Upon approaching, I found my armor had been taken! Same with my mess kit, percolator, iron dagger, waterskin, and bedroll. Luckily, I left most of my belongings with the shop.

What was I to do? Not even a shell of my former self -- for I had NO shell to call a body, in the sense of being. I sat in the abandoned shop for nearly a day. “Adapt to your role!” I said to myself. “This is no time to grieve. This is an opportunity to start anew!”

I adjusted to my newfound way of life (as it was not). I focused on how I was to communicate with the living, once more. Sure enough, there was a dressing dummy tailored in a scholar’s outfit. The businessman was to display this thing next to the sign in his shop’s window, upon opening. Having thought “It’s the educated thing to do!” meant not much for selling precious stones (ores, minerals, & gems), I figured no one would mind if I “borrowed” this new body which I had discovered for myself.

After trying it on, I felt a bit sluggish and limp in my movements. Nonetheless, I was back amongst the living…or so I would make it appear. Surprisingly, no one took notice of my stumbles. In fact, it was almost as if they didn’t notice me…at all! “Fools!” said I. “Surly, that is something unusual in of itself!”

But, my words carried no weight. I was ignored. Could they not recognize my voice?! How could this possibly be -- that they had no value over this shambling thing before them? As perplexing as it were, I feared that my actions mattered not. Certain, was I, that I had to find other means to communicate.

Giving it all my will, I found I could become corporeal. I used this to find someone who could help with my dilemma. I didn’t engage too far, as not to scare him in my present condition. He was able to adjust my songblade for those of the incorporeal nature. Now, that I was able to switch between the two forms (using willpower), I focused on what else I could fathom. Flight became as easy to me as if I was a bird. I had also discovered that I could use my ectoplasm in a way not yet thought of. I could make things glow…albeit dimly. However, luminescence, nonetheless.

I practiced eve after eve. Whenever I felt the need to leave the shop, I donned on the scholar dummy for a stroll through the town. It has now been a couple months since then. With Dionysus on my side, I shall prevail! I will make sure I am NEVER to be forgotten! For, if that should ever occur…what a fate worse than DEATH, that would be.

Oh, right. I plan on finding out what fiendish manner of creature caused me to be in this state. I can never rest until justice has been served! And that the name of Zander Eu goes down in eternal history!

2018-06-27, 11:38 AM
Sure enough, the campaign ended before my character even joined. The DM went through a really bad break-up with his girlfriend...and decided to move to Alaska. So, unless anyone else can add their character stories to this thread, I think I'll remove it by early December (2018).

What can I say? Not all thread ideas will work.

2018-08-21, 11:10 AM
I found out I can't remove threads; so, I guess this one stays...even if no one see this (or posts in here).

2018-08-21, 11:21 AM
I once made the mistake of writing my character background out as a short story that incorporated elements of the dm's homebrewed world and my son's character (we were playing twins, a war blade and a war mage). 17 pages later and still not finished the campaign fell apart after like two sessions.

2018-08-23, 11:11 AM
the campaign fell apart after like two sessions.

I'm changing topics for this thread. Let's talk about D&D fails:

The DM I mentioned in this thread hasn't moved to Alaska, yet. He re-started the campaign. He told (not asked) his roommate to be his co-DM. That roommate doesn't even know how to make a character of his own. After the first session (which I wasn't a part of), the roommate was told that the NPC the DM created for him wasn't a PC...therefore, couldn't be played like the others. All the roommate wanted was to play in the game. He never asked to be co-DM in the first place.

Anyway, after the second session (which I also missed -- due to a busy schedule), the DM wanted me to talk to his roommate. I told him that the roommate should become a player instead. I said I'd help the roommate create a character for his game.

DM: So, you're telling me to drop [the roommate] from my game, right?
Me: That is not what I said. I said that he just shou--
DM: But, if he can't play the game, then you want me to tell him he's no longer in my game.
Me: Would you just shut up long enough for me to tell you what I'm sayi--
DM: But, you'll still be showing up, right?
Me: Not if you keep acting like this. Just let me help [the roommate] create a new character for your game.
GM: I'll have you know that many people want to play in my game. I was holding the spot for you. If you're not going to play, then I can tell one of the many others -- who want to play -- that they can.
Me: Whatever. Just let me talk to [the roommate] and help him create a character for your game. It's on September 16th, right?
DM: Alright. It's at noon.
Me: We'll see if I'm there or not.

The next phone call I receive is from the roommate.

Roommate: What did you say?!
Me: ???
Roommate: [the DM] said that you told him I don't know how to play and that I can't create my own character. He told me that you suggested he ban me from his game.
Me: I said nothing of the sort. All I said to him was--
Roommate: He told me that you weren't going to play in his game because of me.
Me: I didn't say that. I was trying to tell you what I told him
Roommate: I'm listening.
Me: I told him that you just wanted to play in his game...that you weren't asking to be a co-DM. I mentioned how you have difficult--
Roommate: He says that he won't allow me in his game and that you said you weren't going to be in it. He's blaming me for EVERYTHING!

After the roommate calmed down, I was able to explain what had occurred...and that the DM was just being a bully (frustrated that every girl -- which he immediately he hits on -- rejects him). The roommate (who was already in a campaign that I'm running) will use the character (that I created for the other DM's game) in a campaign that he's working on.

Not only did I seem to have told the DM to kick his roommate out his campaign; I seem to have left it before I even started it. Talk about a FAIL!

2018-08-23, 11:59 AM
I once made the mistake of writing my character background out as a short story that incorporated elements of the dm's homebrewed world and my son's character (we were playing twins, a war blade and a war mage). 17 pages later and still not finished the campaign fell apart after like two sessions.

War Mage and a War Blade? Sounds like it's time for war! That just leaves us with a Mage Blade. Actually, I have a Grey Elf Duskblade. She hasn't been used in any campaign, yet; so I'm not quite sure of her personality. Her rolls were not the best: Str 12, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 11. Well, I guess they could have been worse. Then again, this is after reaching level-7.

2018-08-23, 12:09 PM
Just so this thread doesn't become a place to complain about the campaign, I started a new thread:


2018-08-23, 12:13 PM
War Mage and a War Blade? Sounds like it's time for war! That just leaves us with a Mage Blade. Actually, I have a Grey Elf Duskblade. She hasn't been used in any campaign, yet; so I'm not quite sure of her personality. Her rolls were not the best: Str 12, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 11. Well, I guess they could have been worse. Then again, this is after reaching level-7.

Here's another fail: Have you seen the spell list for a Duskblade? It contains only FOUR level-0 spells. I checked the other books I have. The Duskblade has access to FIVE of the 4 level-0 spells. Double-u tee eff?!?