View Full Version : Roleplaying Who's got the drugs?!

2018-05-30, 10:25 PM
For nothing other than roleplay reasons I plan on having my character start as some sort of a drug addict. We start next week and I thought that a first level rogue with some sort of substance abuse issue (that he will eventually overcome) would be fun to play, even if possibly detrimental starting off. Are there any officially-sourced lists of drugs available? I haven't bothered with a Google search yet because I figured that maybe at some point in the future others on this forum might be curious as well and find this topic.

A brief backstory: My character is a 25 year old human male, Rogue 1, who was conscripted into an army and is being used as a spy. He absolutely hates his conscription and had a substance abuse problem before this started. Now he is in the thick of things and trying to maintain his habit. Suggestions?

2018-05-30, 10:34 PM
basic drug rules are explained in book of vile darkness. they work more or less like poisons, but they give you a buff as well. the eberron books dragonmarked, sharn city of towers, and city of stormreach have some drugs in there too.

have fun!

2018-05-30, 10:42 PM

(*pun intended)

2018-05-30, 10:48 PM
Pathfinder has a bunch of drugs (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/drugs/) as well as drug rules that are Open Content if your group doesn't have BoVD (or do5n't like the evil connotations.)