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2018-05-31, 03:05 AM
The Dare is a large enough ship. But with the Family, the crew, the chickens, the goats, the mule, the cat, and the dog, even it can feel a bit claustrophobic.

The crew doesnt complain however. Its easy to imagine they've had more exotic cargo than some farm animals and an eccentric family... with a captain like theirs.

A foul mouthed half orc, Captain Triss easily commands the respect and obedience of her crew. And seemingly of the whole seafaring northern coast of Sona. It was said more than once that she could be the only person for the job - even by rival ships.

And it seems they were right. The Dare has been clipping along steadily and without issue. With the good weather, palatable meals, and nightly dancing to the First Mate's violin, the only indication the Voltanes are headed into cursed waters is the silently growing sense of anxiety.

How do you occupy yourself on the week long journey?

2018-05-31, 08:40 AM
Scruffley occupies herself both by spending some time with Borgio, but also by finding the most important spot (probably Captain Triss's shoulder) and sitting on it. She uses at least a modicum of sense, though, and relents to the second (or third, or fourth...) most important shoulder should Triss turn out to not be a cat person.

2018-05-31, 08:52 AM
Astar swung his hammer, stopping it a mere inch before it struck the deck of the ship. Then he brought it up, and taking it in both hands, he swept it in a side-to-side arc and held it there.

He was practicing shirtless on the deck, running through forms. Sweat ran down his back and across his flabby belly. He'd stepped up his exercising when he decided to go to this island, but decades of soft living were not going to be erased by a few weeks of exercise. He'd see what a month of hard living would do.

He did feel strong, though. Stronger than he'd felt in years. If only his spiritual strength matched his physical. He'd prayed to Moradin this morning, asking for the power to use the prayers he used to know. He'd been granted only the simplest ones. He would not be seeing Tolliver today, maybe not for a while to come.

“Are we making a mistake?” he whispered to Olivia. If his dead wife heard him, she didn't respond. But that wasn't really his question, was it? The island was risky, a gamble, but walking into danger from which no one had ever returned was the whole point of adventuring, and Borgio and Elizabet were both experienced adventurers. He was much more concerned about Vittorio and Lucrezia, but even that was avoiding his real concern. “Am I too old for this journey?”

On the one hand, that was a ridiculous question. He was in his one twenties. That was the age of a dwarf in his prime. But he had been living among humans for a long time, he had watched friends, and worse, family, grow old. He grandchildren and great-grandchildren were now adults. Regardless of whether he was old, he felt old.

And his stubborn belly was proof enough that he wasn't in his forties any longer. The unanswered prayers to Moradin were more disturbing. He had hoped he could make up for his rusty skills and out of shape physique with the power of his god and the oaths of his order, but if even those were lacking, he’d be lucky to keep up.

Was his god angry at him? It had been a long time since he’d prayed in earnest, for real power. Was this Moradin’s way of telling him not to neglect him? Or had he compromised his oaths? He knew that not everything his family had done recently had been honorable. Should he have done more to guide them? He hadn't considered it his business, while he was busy taking care of Olivia, but oaths didn't really work that way.

His family needed him! They were heading into a deadly situation, and he refused to let them go alone. They needed his abilities and his experience. And if his skills were lacking, he'd just have to hope that his experience would still be of use.

“It's too late to back out now. Old or not, I'll need to be good enough.” He shifted to the next form, his legs spread to keep his balance on the rocking ship.

I believe I mentioned this earlier, but Astar used to be a higher level. He may occasionally try to do things he used to be able to do, and fail.

EDIT: And after writing all that, I realized that it was in past tense, instead of the usual present. Just consider it something that happened before now.

2018-05-31, 02:21 PM
Vittorio had once read in a Ledbrog's Guide to Fitness that a little sun could be good for the body but too much could be dangerous. However, it never described exactly what amount of sunshine was dangerous. Vittorio had long since decided that, in this case, discretion was the better part of valor. His pasty skin attested to his consistency of philosophy.

During the first week of the trip, he largely stayed confined in his cabin. He had just learned two new spells and was eager to discover their limitations. While Vittorio remained safe from the baleful rays of the sun, Otto (his new owl familiar) soared high above the ship and lent him its vision. Vittorio was quick to decide that he liked flying and the feeling of talking mind to mind was odd but... comforting?

Tensor's disk was amazing. Vittorio could stand on it and seemed to withstand any force that he could bring to bear in the confines of his cabin. He was pretty sure that it would be able to carry the barrels of supplies they had purchased. And it was fun to sit on it while he was reading "Lesban's Memo on Map Making".

By the start of the second week, Vittorio was starting to feel the walls closing in on him. He had only been able to bring a select few books with him and if Vittorio read "Lonright's 'How To Not Die Horribly In The Woods'" one more time, he was going to scream. So (to everyone's' surprise), Vittorio emerged from his cabin and started making himself useful. He spent hours conjuring invisible servants to assist with simple tasks such as cleaning the deck. He collaborated with Astar to cut holes in copper pieces, carve numbers in them and put them on the livestock animals for tracking (locate object). He practiced trying to get his conjured servants to carve and bind. Vittorio even tried to fish by grabbing the water the fish was in with magic. It was different and exhausting, but at the end of the week he felt satisfied. Like he was scratching an itch he didn't know he had.

Perhaps this trip would be good for more than getting the family's fortunes in order...

2018-05-31, 07:26 PM
Borgio stands at the helm of the ship, watching over the crew. This was it. A single united wish from the Voltane ancestors, wishing to let the future generations have a new home. It was good. To be able to see everyone again after his long absence, though his plan was a bit odd. He was glad though, that everyone had agreed to this crazed dream of his.

Borgio has spent the time assisting the sailors and the captains in there endeavors. Being a sailor himself, the open ocean and the deck of the ship is a natural environment for him, and the Dare would most likely be the last of these ships he'll be taking. Pieing ropes, watching for rocks, and the occasional piloting, Borgio seemed to try and help wherever he could.

He takes a deep breath of the salt air, letting the specks of water in the air land atop his face "Ahh..A new home for the Family. This could not have been done without you captain. I thank you. The Voltane family is in your debt. A figurative one at least, you'll find the gold to be enough for the material reward.""

2018-05-31, 08:39 PM
Captain Triss is an excellent person to sit the shoulder of. Not only is she frequently standing higher than everyone else but she also has no inconvenient hair to whip and fly in the face of her new feline companion. So Scruffley is sitting there when Borgio approaches her.

"Damn right. Only ones brave enough to sail these waters. Trust you wont forget it when you get your fancy city up. Captain Triss and her loyal crew." She says jabbing a thumb at her chest. "The Dare's the only ship for you." She nods to herself, mouthing the words again. "Rhymes." She mutters under her breath and stalks off to repeat her new slogan to the First Mate.

2018-05-31, 08:43 PM
Scruffley lets out an amused meow as she jumps from Triss's shoulder. She thinks to Borgio (the only person she's yet talked to with her mental prowess), saying Wonder how long it took her to make that phrase. But, corniness aside, she's got a good point. The crew has treated us well, and they've been pretty dauntless.

2018-05-31, 08:56 PM
Borgio gives the cat a knowing wink "I'd say there were two tries on it" He says, crouching down and scritching Scruffly behind the ear "I'd say we call the First tavern to open "The Dare" In tribute, no?"

2018-05-31, 08:57 PM
Scruffley nods in assent before letting herself purr in pleasure at the scratches.

2018-05-31, 10:03 PM
Lucrezia is nervous as she prepares for the trip, anxious to be leaving the merchant caravans and familiar roads that she was used to travelling. Her role on the crew was mostly for her navigation skills, as no one expected there to be other humanoids to speak with on the island. But even with the nerves, Lucrezia was excited to see another part of the world and get away from the tense negotiations that had been all too common lately.

On board the ship, she spends most of her time with the navigator or helmsman, double checking the charts and making sure they are on course for the island. Any other time, she focuses her nervous energy to help with her mending cantrip or speaking with any and all of the crew members, including her own family.

As they near their destination, Lucrezia keeps one eye on the charts and another on the horizon. "Well, looks like we're almost there..." Though she grips the nearest railing tight, her wide eyes and smile betray just how excited she is for something new.

2018-05-31, 10:26 PM
Astar shrugs into his shirt and joins Lucrezia at the rail. "So we're almost there?" Astar asks. "That's good. Keep sharp. This place is dangerous. You'll need all your wits about you once we arrive."

Astar turns to look for his great-grandson. "Vittorio! Do you think that familiar of yours can help scout once we spot land?"

2018-05-31, 10:29 PM
Scruffley comes to perch on the railing with the rest of the family. She looks to Vittorio, and waves a paw at the familiar, giving the appendage a slight glow to indicate she has a spell that might assist.

Enhance Ability (Wisdom) should help with scouting.

2018-06-01, 12:00 AM
Borgio approaches the rest of his family, noticing Lucrezia's odd combination of wonder and worry "Lucy! Is this not better then staying in the trade house! I did invite you out a few times on my journies, but it was always work and work. Well, I am glad you decided that work could travel this time." He says, placing a strong hand on her shoulder "And Astar! It is an honor to have you coming along with us. Olivia is proud to see you setting building our future" Suddenly, he turns "Now! Where are the little ones? It's been so long since I seen my Niece and Nephew! Havnt them out of my sight pains me!"

2018-06-01, 07:14 AM
Vittorio emerges from his cabin, shaking off chalk from ritual diagrams. "Otto said you guys wanted to see me? One moment." Vittorio ***** his head to the side, listening to an unheard voice. "Yes. Great-grand papa, I think the island is close enough that Otto can take a look around. I'm afraid that I might have overstated the capabilities of our bond. When I first read on familiars, it seemed like they could lend their vision from a great distance. Practical experimentation seems to indicate that the limit is closer to 100 ft. Fear not, however! Otto can look for rivers and at least give us some idea where we should make landfall when he returns."

Vittorio leans into toward Astar and whispers "Also, Great-granda papa, it is a most wondrous thing to look from the air. I've more than half a mind to try it myself once we make landfall. Just think what a boon it could be for our map making!"

Vittorio turns at Borgio's boisterous approach. "My apologies, Uncle. I have had the most interesting thoughts on flight of late. Working through them has taken some time." Vittorio covers his cheeks defensively.

2018-06-01, 07:32 AM
Astar winces to hear his grandson call his grandmother by her first name. Olivia had always insisted her grandchildren call her Grandma or Ma'am. It's different for him, he supposed. These may be his grandchildren and great grandchildren, but they are also his peers. He would soon be exploring a dangerous island with them. He'd have to rely on them at least as much as they relied on him. Still, would it kill one of them to call him Erderl once in a while, like they used to do when they were younger?

He smiles to hear Vittorio call him great grandpapa. Close enough, he supposes. His smile turns to a grin when he hears Vittorio's dreams of flight. Not that he flew a lot in the old days, but the few times the party's wizard sent them soaring, it was both thrilling and terrifying.

He spies Borgio's cat, sitting on the rail with one glowing paw raised in the air. There was something strange about the cat.

2018-06-01, 08:01 AM
Elizabet had haunted the ship like a ghost, drifting quiet and unnoticed around the wooden guts of the vessel or sat cross-legged in the crow's-nest. The ship was too confining. Even outside, she was so strictly limited in where she could go... she had reason to hope this venture was a success simply so she could put off having to take a boat ride back.

It had very quickly struck her she didn't really have any hobbies without Fran there. When she had free time before, she'd talk with her sister, or watch her do her wood-carving, or simply go out hunting by herself. None of those were available on this ship. She was... bored.

She practiced her archery - she hung a bucket from the mast, painted a crude face on it, and planted arrows in the eyes. She tied a cord to one and speared a fish with it, leaving her catch in the mess without a word.

She watched Vittorio mess with magic without ever realising she was present. The man was remarkably unobservant. She took one of his books, looked at the first page of tiny text within, and returned it with him none-the-wiser. She had a few stilted conversations with Lucrezia, avoided Borgio and his boisterous cheek-pinching, and occasionally listened to Astar.

She taught the dog a few tricks, shaking its paw with the same expression of vague irritation she had for everything. It would do its duty.

Now the island had come into sight, and the deck was coming alive with the other Family that had come. As Borgio called for his niece, she hesitated, before sighing quietly to herself. She tugged her scarf up a little further before she stepped forward from her nook.

"...Here, Uncle."

2018-06-01, 02:12 PM
Borgio chuckles, ruffling Vittorio's hair with a large hand "It does you well to dream of the clouds and walking amongst them. It is also wise to remember to keep some feet on the ground!" He lets out a boisterous laugh! "It's good to see you keeping your wits about though! Your new rituals will be a fine addition I expect!"

He opens his arms as he see's Elizabet reveal herself! He felt..bad. He knew that Fran being left behind would devastate the poor girl. Since the boat left port, he had been trying his best to keep her spirits up and at least try to improve her mood but...well, it was hard to find her in the first place. He smiles to Elizabet walking to her, his hand descending like slow motion. Those powerful fingers that hold axes and pull rope...pinches her cheek. "Elizabet! You've been like a shadow these past days Were family here you know. We should spend time together. Have you tried playing cards before? I can go see if they have any below deck"

2018-06-01, 07:40 PM
Borgio approaches the rest of his family, noticing Lucrezia's odd combination of wonder and worry "Lucy! Is this not better then staying in the trade house! I did invite you out a few times on my journies, but it was always work and work. Well, I am glad you decided that work could travel this time."

She is startled for a moment, not realizing that Borgio had been watching her work. "It is certainly different," she says with a smile. "I'll hold judgement on whether it is better for now. I'm afraid you and I have quite a different experience when it comes to journies."

2018-06-01, 07:52 PM
The Family gathers on the deck as Island 64 just starts to come up over the horizon.

Scruffley can feel Otto's anxiety for one of his first important tasks and calms him with a spell.

He flies up and the image of the island fill's Vittorio's mind. A forested area, a mountainous area, and a tundra.

"Where you want us to land?" The captain calls out as they draw closer.

2018-06-01, 10:00 PM
"What do you think?" Astar asks the others. "I assume the forest will be the easiest area to forage. You can live off the mountains, but it's harder. I'd feel better having someone trained by the dwarf Deep Rangers with us if we were to try to do that. No offense, Elizabet. And as for tundra, that's even more specialized knowledge."

2018-06-01, 10:04 PM
Scruffley is only half-listening, having now gone to the prow of the boat and is straining her eyes to look at the island.

2018-06-01, 10:20 PM
Captain Triss directs the boat well away from the ice and up around the eastern side of the island. Its clear her crew is on edge, remember all the tales regarding these waters. But they do their jobs.

As the ship glides closer, the white mountains loom higher. Any ship would have quite a task docking along the western side.

Coming around the southern edge, icy plains stretch with snow drift piling up here and there in the wind.

Continuing north to the forested area is a relief. The far northern part is covered in dense trees while the central part of the island is home to a meadow like grassy plain. These two regions are divided by a river.

A crew member pulls up a weighted rope and shakes his head. ""Shouldn't go into that inlet Captain. Not til its mapped. They'll need to take a row boat."

2018-06-01, 10:36 PM
"Sounds right to me," Astar says. "We may need more than one trip to move supplies. Borgio, you're the expert on boats. I'll trust you to guide us. I can be a strong arm on the oars as needed." He rolls up his sleeves and prepares to work.

2018-06-01, 10:54 PM
Borgio sees no reason to interrupt the captain and Astar as they sail past the mountain and rocks. Soon, A coast with dense jungle can be seen "It seems right there. Though, i'd be careful, we may not be the only ones who realize this is an attractive piece of land. Predators, and territorial animals may be there. Be ready. We should go to the grassy plain. Clear sight lines down and around so we can see and build." HE starts to make for one of the Rafts, motioning his family aboard "Well, Welcome home"

2018-06-01, 11:02 PM
Scruffley leaps from the prow to Borgio's shoulder, taking her usual place. She meows impatiently.

2018-06-01, 11:08 PM
Vittorio gazes out at the forest uncertainly, then musters his courage. "I can go on the first trip. I'll start conjuring some servants to help wrangle the animals while Otto keeps watch from above.

Once everyone is there, I might try going up myself and see if I can sketch a better map of our immediate area."

2018-06-01, 11:59 PM
"On the plains beside the river, right across from the forest? That looks like a good place to settle. Depends on whether there's a good water source. The river may or may not be. Let's get started." Astar begins by moving all their supplies on deck (except the animals--no need to get them moving until we're ready), and staging them for loading the rowboat.

Afterward, he starts loading the rowboat, and once they've loaded everything they're taking on the first trip, he puts on his chain armor and his battleaxe and handaxes, just in case. His shield and warhammer go into the rowboat at his feet as he takes his place at one of the oars.

2018-06-02, 09:46 AM
Elizabet bore the cheek-pinching with a scowl, taking a step back as soon as she was released. She tugged at her scarf
"...Played cards before, Uncle," she said hesitantly.

Fortunately, a discussion on where to land and what to do started up before she could get roped into cards. Her expression smoothed back into the Elizabet standard, only to frown slightly as Erderl cast doubts on her abilities on surviving in the mountains.

"...Better in forests. Done mountains too, though. Not hard if you're not stupid. I'm going."

She already had her armour and bow; it was very rare she didn't have them on her person, even when in one of the family homes. She swung by her cabin, tossed it in the rowboat, and planted herself cross-legged at the bow of the boat.

2018-06-02, 11:29 AM
The small boat sets sail with the Family, the crew, and a cask of water.
It takes nearly half an hour to reach the mouth of the river but that leaves a lot of time to study the meadow to the left.
Anyone looking can spot a wild herd of grey sheep grazing there. They look a bit worse for wear.
When the boat reaches close enough to land, Scruffley leaps the final feet to shore and avoids getting wet. A strange scent draws her attention to a strange wet grey ball nearby. Its the size of her whole body and seems to have a number of bones sticking out of it. It reminds Scruffley of a hairball.
Otto, flying overhead, notices movement: a large brown shape coming quickly towards the herd of sheep from out of the forest.
Elizabet and one of the crew members disembark to pull the boat onto a stable bit of the black sand and pebbeled shore.

2018-06-02, 01:43 PM
Vittorio says (quitely) Vittorio says "Otto sees something big coming out of the woods towards those sheep."

Vittorio gestures and the water under the boat moves forward and freezes, forming a wall of ice cutting off line of sight from the sheep/likely locate of emergance. He gestures a final time and the ice changes color to match the beach sand. (3 actions, if not in initiative time).

2018-06-02, 03:22 PM
"Good thinking, Vittorio," Astar says as softly as he can. "We shouldn't get between a predator and its prey unless we need to."

He grabs his shield and leaps ashore, where he crouches behind the wall and straps on his shield, before drawing one of his handaxes, strapped across his chest in a bandolier.

If needed,

2018-06-02, 03:31 PM
Vittorio brightens at the recognition, then gestures. The sand underneath the boat comes up enough to stabilize it and he jumps off, taking cover behind the shield.

He whispers "A moment." and closes his eyes. Vittorio shifts his awareness along his bond to Otto, taking a look at the beast below. Is it something he can recognize?

Otto Perception: [roll0] +3 . Vittorio Nature: [roll1]

2018-06-02, 05:22 PM
Scruffley takes spot near the center of the icewall, ready to perform emergency first aid should it be needed.

2018-06-02, 07:53 PM
Borgio could appreciate the calm ride to the Shore. Though he did need to make sure that he was steering them in the correct direction. AS they approach, he made sure too give Scruffly plenty of pets, to keep his own nerves ready. "You never played cards with me" Borgio said to Elizibet once there on the boat

But the conversation would need to wait..for something approached! "Vittorio? Your bird see's something then? Alright....Be ready" He says, slowly taking out his two battle axes in preparation

2018-06-02, 07:55 PM
The brown animal, having caught up to an unsuspecting mutton, swipes at it with a hairy paw. When it falls to the ground, the bearish monstrosity picks up its kill with its mouth, flips it in the air, and begins to swallow it whole.
Otto focuses in on the hulking beast and is surprised to see a familiar face - its own.

Vittorio immediately recognizes the creature as the strange and infamous Owlbear. He once knew a wizard who had trained one as a bodyguard. Of course there had been no one to protect the late wizard from the owlbear...

The owlbear lets out a bellowing screech and two more are heard in answer from over the meadow.

2018-06-02, 08:29 PM
Vittorio brings his awareness back to his body and jerks upright, stumbling a bit as he remembers he is still on a boat (if a grounded one). Vittorio belatedly sends a thought that Otto should keep his distance from the ground.

He whispers "Three owlbears!"

2018-06-02, 09:24 PM
Luzcrezia gets on the boat with the rest of the family, keeping an eye out over the coast as they near it. When the owlbears appear, she grips her rapier tightly and follows the others onto land. Standing near Vittorio she hears him name the enemy.

"Three of them?" she whispers. "Is this something we can handle?" She mentally checks her known spells for anything helpful but comes up short. "At least I can help out with some healing."

2018-06-02, 09:29 PM
Borgio see's the owl bears approaching. The first signs of danger on the island. But also life. It means that hunting is a plausible means of getting food. He follows the others out, but stands in the front, ahead of the others in case the owlbears charge in "Do not worry, our family will protect you all" He says with a smirk, his eyes..glowing blue for a moment...

2018-06-02, 09:52 PM
"Three owlbears," Astar mutters. That was a tough fight. Not impossible for an experienced team, but he glances around. He was sure Borgio and Elizabet could handle themselves. Lucrezia would have been through some dangerous situations as well, but she wasn't a warrior. Vittorio, though? Had he ever had to deal with something like this? Well, you never truly know whether a dwarf's core is iron or tin until he faces the crucible. It may be time to find out.

He tightens his grip on his handaxe. Maybe Vittorio isn't the only one facing the crucible. If he couldn't trust his prayers, could he trust his axe arm any more? "Steady," he whispers. "They're just animals. We can deal with them, but only if we have to."

2018-06-02, 10:18 PM
Scruffley meows loudly, and her eyes glow slightly. Three of her companions, Astar, Vittorio, and Borgio, feel empowered-their blows will strike truer, and they feel invigorated. Scruffley then clambers to near the top of the wall, hanging just below it, and readying herself to vault over the edge and fight.

Bless on the three people mentioned. Currently down one of each 1st and 2nd level slots.

2018-06-02, 10:55 PM
"The **** was that?" The crew member in the boat shouts in response to the scream. The other catches sight of the owlbear and begins to clamor into the boat

The closest bear turns towards the Family and screams again. The begins to run at them. The other two can just be seen coming over a hill.

2018-06-02, 11:02 PM
Astar sighs. "Guess we're fighting then," he says.

Astar steps out from behind the ice wall and walks toward the owlbear. As he does so, he tosses aside his handaxe and draws his battleaxe. "Moradin, bless this axe and the arm that wields it."

The axe begins to glow with a brilliant light. Astar feels years younger, once again going into battle with the power of Moradin at his side.

I considered trying to throw the handaxe at the owlbear, but I decided I wanted to use my action for this instead.

Use Channel divinity to make my axe a sacred weapon. +2 to attack, glows, officially magic.

2018-06-03, 06:28 AM
Vittorio curses under his breath. He might get his chance to fly sooner than he thought.

If we have a round to buff before they attack, I will cast levitate on myself and go up 20/40 ft.

2018-06-03, 05:58 PM
Elizabet had helped pull the boat onto shore before she wandered just far enough to be able to kneel and feel the dirt under her fingers. It was a relief to not be on the boat, certainly, and she had little enthusiasm for returning to it, even for the animals.

Owlbears... she said nothing, even as the others began murmuring prayers, spells or questions. She took a few steps to the side, disappearing into the grass hillocks and prepared to ambush the foe. As she waited for the perfect moment to strike, she ran over what she knew about the creatures - wizard's work, she'd thought.

Interesting to see them. She wondered what they tasted like. Would be good for their rations, long as they weren't poisonous.

Move to the side, away from where the creatures are charging.
Bonus action: hide [roll1d20+8[/roll]
Action: sneak attack with shortbow: [roll0]+6 to hit, if hit: [roll1]+[roll2]

2018-06-03, 09:53 PM
Vittorio turns to the noisy crewmen. "You are either about to see the Voltanes start their rise to back to greatness or get eaten on a beach within 5 minutes of landing. However it turns out, you might want to get back in the boat and get a little distance between you" (the owl bears screech) "and that."

Vittorio looks to the sky. "I really hope this works!" Vittorio jumps... and keeps going, rising steadily in air. He accidentally does a few backflips as he rises, and turns a little green. Flying is not quite what he expected and his spell still apparently needs some work.

Vittorio casts Levitate on himself, moving 20 ft into the air and then uses his move to move 20 ft more. He ends up 40 ft in the air.

2018-06-05, 10:20 PM
Lucrezia takes a deep breath, realizing there is one thing she can do. "Who taught you table manners? An animal?" Pausing, she steels herself. "This welcoming party isn't very friendly. You're supposed to be nice to guests."

For my two turns, I want to use vicious mockery on the near one. They must make a DC 14 Wis save or take damage. If it fails, disadvantage on the next attack roll they make, before the end of their next turn.

Attack 1:[roll0] psychic damage

Attack 2:[roll1] psychic damage

2018-06-05, 11:10 PM
Elizabet's arrow goes wide but Lucrezia's chiding tone clearly upsets the beast who snarls and screeches in reply.

It charges in on the stout Astar and angrily takes a swipe. Then tries a bite.

The crew member on the shore heaves the anchor onto the ship and jumps onboard.

The other two bears are closing in and are only 40 feet away now.

[roll0] [roll1] take the lower

2018-06-06, 07:13 AM
Astar cries out in fury and pain as the owlbear's claws score a mark, and he brings his battleaxe down upon the beast. He lifts his ax to swing again, but is forced to raise his shield to defend against the sharp beak before he can complete the swing.

Moradin take it! He used to be faster than this! What happened? How had he gotten so out of shape?

HP 30/40
AC 18

[roll0] + [roll1] = 23

2018-06-06, 02:01 PM
Borgio, seeing that there is indeed an Owlbear already on teh boat, and so close to the crew, springs into action! He rasies his axe up, the two blades shimmiring with a strange blue energy that also seems to glow grom his eyes! He moves foreward, slashing at the Beast, as the spirits of the Voltaine Ancsetors make there prescence known! Defending there family!

Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Bonus action rage
Marking that Owlbear with the Spirt ancestors!

2018-06-06, 07:47 PM
Vittorio finally manages to straighten out from his tumbling and bring his magic to into play. "Get away from Grand-papa!"

Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

Meanwhile, Otto keeps a sharp eye out to see if there are any more creatures headed this way.

Perception: [roll2]+2

2018-06-06, 08:29 PM
Scruffley meows loudly, her battle cry sure to strike terror into their hearts.

And, if that doesn't do it, the enormous, spectral sword that appears near the closest owlbear might do it, or the burst of radiant light shooting from her outstretched paw towards it.

Spiritual Weapon as a bonus action, 2nd level. [roll0], for [roll1] damage.

Also, Sacred Flame. DC 13 Dex save or take [roll2] radiant damage.

2018-06-06, 09:45 PM
Astar stands his ground and gets in a solid strike in retribution.

Borgio, disoriented, fails to hit the monstrosity. But his clumsy failure combined with the spectral forms he conjures focus the owlbear's attention entirely on him.

Vittotio manages to hit the owlbear from up high but the spell dissipates across it's naturally armored hide. Though Vittorio cant spare a moment to look through Ottos eyes, the owl lets him know that he only sees these three opponents at the moment.

The crew is shocked to see the family cat conjure a sword out of mid air and then send a bold of divine fire at the creature. And though the creature is able to dodge the fire, the unexpected sword hits its mark, driving deep into the bears side.

The owlbear is not doing well but shows no sign of retreating.

2018-06-06, 10:03 PM
"Borgio, where did you get that cat!? Vittorio shouts from above ".... can you get more of them?"

2018-06-07, 10:14 PM
Lucrezia shouts at the same bear again, hoping to end the bear's attack. "You're looking tired! You couldn't hit the broadside of our boat!"

DC 14 Wis save or take damage. If it fails, disadvantage on the next attack roll they make, before the end of their next turn.

Attack 1:[roll0]

2018-06-09, 07:30 AM
Elizabet clicked her tongue in irritation as her first arrow went wide, but she didn't join in the shouting the others did. No, best to focus and kill it before the other two arrived.

She plucked another shaft from her quiver, sighted it, drew and released towards the owlbear, repeated the action with another arrow. Locked in battle as the creature was, it couldn't prepare to defend against her arrows.

Since I have two turns worth of actions, I'll just attack twice.
Attack one:
[roll0] to hit, [roll1] damage + [roll2] sneak attack damage

Attack two:
[roll3] to hit, [roll4] damage + [roll5] sneak attack damage

2018-06-09, 10:37 AM
Scruffley, by now perched on top of the wall of ice, yowls again and continues her divine assault.

Spiritual Weapon: [roll0], for [roll1] damage

Sacred Flame, DC 13 Dex save or take [roll2] damage.

Using Spiritual Weapon first on the Owlbear, then Sacred Flame on it if it lives, or on another if it didn't.

2018-06-09, 07:56 PM
Borgio grunts as he losses his footing, but, tries to slash twice at the nearby bear! "You never ask a cat it's secrets now!"

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2018-06-09, 08:21 PM
Elizabets's second arrow hits its mark and the owlbear lets out a cry of anger in response.

It doubles down its attack on the frustrating barbarian before him. But Lucrezia's words have distracted it.

The other two come running up with a crazed ferocity and begin their own assault. One attacks Astar and one attacks the first owlbear to arrive - seeming not to care to whom the damage is done, so long as lots of damage is done.

Bear 1 to borgio
[roll0] [roll1] take the lower

Bear 2 to astar

Bear 3 to bear 1

2018-06-09, 08:37 PM
Borgio steps over the body of the dead owlbear and attacks the creature that killed it, Astar's divine guidance keeping his strikes true. Both attacks hit this time.

2018-06-09, 10:35 PM
Astar gives a quick nod to Lucrezia, as her quick word magic prevents the owlbear's claws from disemboweling him. Good work, lass, he thinks.

The new arrival's attack on its rival gives them a short respite. If these creatures continue to fight each other, then they were in better shape than he'd thought. He glanced at the rest of the family. Elizabet's arrows were making their mark, and Borgio's two axes were more effective than his when used together like that. As for Vittorio, keeping himself out of danger like that was a smart move, though he couldn't help thinking that it wasn't particularly . . . dwarvish. Well, Astar always did think that Vittorio's and the twins' father must have some elf in him.

Even the cat was doing . . . something. Had it really summoned the glowing sword? Was it some sort of celestial cat?

No matter. Everyone else was doing their jobs, it was time for him to do his, and that meant dealing with this owlbear. He raised his axe and brought it down on the owlbear. Unfortunately, his axe slips, and his swing goes wide.

"Tevek!" he curses. He really was out of practice.

[roll0] + [roll1]

2018-06-09, 11:01 PM
The view from up here wasn't bad at all, at least once you stopped twirling (physically at least, his head was still aflutter about the cat). The fight as he could see, was going well. One owl bear down (from the other! How do they even survive to reproduce!?).

Vittio was getting a little concerned about Grandma Papa, though. He was bleeding a fair bit (don't look too close Vittorio, might get sick). Best do something then!

"Otto, to me!". A thought had Otto swooping down and fluttering in the owl bear's face. The lumbering mass turned to follow the owl as it darted back and Vittorio took his shot.

Otto does a flyby help action, giving Vittorio's shot advantage.
Eldritch blast:
Attack: [roll0] + 4 + [roll1] Damage: [roll2]

2018-06-10, 01:02 AM
A stunning display of failure begins to take over the family but fortunately Scruffley the cat keeps her wits about her, landing two strikes on the already damaged owlbear fighting Borgio.

Lucrezia, seeing the damage old Astar has taken, targets her reprimand at the owlbear attacking him. Wis ST [roll0]

Elizabet is able to get a quick shot in on the third bear who seems quite distracted by Borgio.

2018-06-10, 01:11 AM
The two owlbears continue their frenzied assault.

Bear 2 on astar
[roll0] [roll1] take the lower

Bear 3 on borgio

Lucerzia cutting words the first attack that does 10 or more damage

2018-06-10, 10:37 AM
Scruffley leaves the sword where it is, its faintly glowing radiance projecting a dim, cool light. She instead sends a blast of radiance towards the more injured-looking owlbear, and meows a prayer of healing.

[roll0] damage on a failed DC 13 Dex save.

And [roll1] healing on Astar.

2018-06-10, 01:27 PM
Borgio grunts as he takes a claw across the chest, but, he continues his attack! The spirits of their ancestors protecting them from bear 2's assult!

[roll0] [roll1]

[roll2] [roll3]

2018-06-10, 04:08 PM
Astar grunts as the owlbear's beak and claws tear at him. He hesitates--he could heal himself and keep himself on his feet. But he couldn't let the tide continue to turn against them and put them on the defensive. He'd have to trust his family and Moradin to keep him alive.

He once again raises his glowing axe, and with a prayer to Moradin, brings it down on the owlbear.

This time his axe strikes true, and the power of Moradin thrums through him, radiant light striking the owlbear with an almost physical blow.

AC 18 HP 9/40 (+7 from Scruffley)
[roll0] + [roll1] = 20

2018-06-10, 06:10 PM
"Flying really is tricky", Vittorio murmured to him self. An errant breeze had thrown off his aim, resulting in his magical fury being taken out on the beach.

"Once more, Otto. This fighting stuff is trickier than in tales."

Roll in sec. Meal ready.

2018-06-10, 06:56 PM
Eldritch blast with Otto help + bless
Attack: [roll0]+4+[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2018-06-10, 07:29 PM
Borgio misses his mark once again. But Astar makes up for it with a blow that nearly takes one of his opponent's arm off. Vittorio is able to manage hitting the bear finally. But the other bear is able to dodge Scruffley's flame.

2018-06-11, 08:37 PM
Lucrezia sees the beating that Astar takes and hurries over to him. "I'm right here. Patching you up." She places a hand on his shoulder and uses her magic to rejuvenate the dwarf.

Casting as a second level spell.

2018-06-12, 04:30 PM
Various magic nonsense had happened to keep the rest of her family fighting. She, however, wasn't doing as well as she'd expected: She was missing more than she'd like. The scout scowled. Maybe Fran's absence had rattled her more than she thought.

It was strange that the bears were attacking this ferociously. Most predators didn't fight to the death; better to run away and shoot them in the back another day, or however that dumb saying went.

Another opportunity presented itself: She drew back another arrow and let it fly.

For the owlbear near Aster if it's still alive, the other one if not

[roll0] to hit, [roll1] dam +[roll2]SnkAtk

2018-06-12, 09:21 PM
Elizabet's arrow strikes the bear who screeches in anger and pain. But they continue to attack.

Bear 2 on astar

Bear 3 on borgio

2018-06-12, 10:10 PM
"Thank you, lass," Astar mutters as Lucrezia heals him. "Better see to Borgio. I'll deal with this one."

He returns to the owlbear he's facing. This time, he intended to finish it.

He feels the power of Moradin thrum through him, empowering his axe, guiding his hand. His axe strikes true, and flashes with brilliant divine energy when it hits.

[roll0] + [roll1] = 28

2018-06-12, 10:33 PM
Divine energy pulses through Astar as he lands the final killing blow on the furious owlbear before him.

2018-06-13, 06:10 AM
Vittorio's eyes widen as Astar slays the owl bear with a flashy display of divine might. "I always thought that I shouldn't tick granda papa off."

Eldritch Blast with Bless+Help at remaining owl bear:
Attack: [roll0]+[roll1] + 4
Damage: [roll2]

2018-06-13, 11:09 AM
Sending the divine blade over to the last bear, Scruffley also strikes it with a blast of radiance. She stays back, but is clearly a touch worried for her master.

[roll0] for [roll1] damage

[roll2] damage on a failed DC 13 Dex save.

2018-06-13, 11:45 AM
The family pet claims the final kill.

The massive body slumps to the ground and, for a moment, this strange new world falls quiet again. Almost peaceful. The waves lap at the sand and the wind restless the grassy meadow - interrupted only by the heavy breathing of our brave heros.

"What the **** were those things?! ****ing bird face **** ass bears!" A concern is voiced from the rowboat "With the godamm beaks! Mother****ing bear arms! Did you see them Jim??"

"'Course I did! They was right there, weren't they." Jim replies "This lot gave 'em the what for, didnt they. Flyin' 'round, callin' up the dead, settin' their devil cat on 'em..." he sighs heavily "It's the Lords' work, ain't it."

2018-06-13, 11:55 AM
Meow, Scruffley states triumphantly. She heads over to claim her spot on Borgio's shoulder, and begins to clean her paws.

The divine sword vanishes, as well as those enhanced by her spell feel its effects fading.

After a few moments of selfish bathing, Scruffley does look around and see if anyone needs any particular help.

2018-06-13, 05:32 PM
Borgio smirks, the last of the bears defeated by his prideful companion! As the Cat takes it's rightful place on Borgio's shoulder, he lightly scratches her chin "Very Good!"

2018-06-13, 05:52 PM
Elizabet completely ignored the crew as she stalked over to one of the owlbear corpses, kneeling to inspect it briefly and retrieve her arrows before she ghosted over to her family.
"...Erdharl. Uncle. Gonna live?"
She tapped her medicinal pack in a silent offer. With magic, of course, such things weren't always needed, but asking pointless questions was meant to be social.

Concern duly shown, she turned her face towards the sky and her floating brother.
"Vittorio. Here. Let's look at the owlbears."

Strange for predators to act like that. Why? If it was a disease there might be signs of it. With magic, though... who knew? That's why she needed him. He'd waste- filled his time with stuff like that.

2018-06-13, 07:04 PM
Lucrezia sighs with relief once the fight is over, near the end it was getting too close for comfort. "How is everyone doing? Would anyone like some more healing?"

Looking between the owlbears, Lucrezia knows there is little that she would know about them, and so focuses her sights on the land to see if there were any obvious paths to or from this landing spot. She tries to appraise just how good of a location this may be to set up camp.

Perception: [roll0]

If survival would be more appropriate that's fine - they have the same modifier.

2018-06-13, 07:21 PM
"A moment!!". Vittorio fumbles for a few seconds, then begins to smoothly descend. Otto approaches and cautiously lands on his shoulder just after he touches down. Vittorio sort of shuffle/hops over to the owl bears, the levitation still having some sort of effect.

"Tisk. Tisk.". He looks closely at the first owl bear. "These are just like the one that killed poor professor Von Luthenburg. They are the product of arcane magic and possess a strength that is only matched by their incredible bloodlust. Owlbears will kill anything that moves. And I haven't the foggiest if they breed or how they could have got here. We are either dealing with some rogue mage or the offspring of something release here long ago. Scouting is even more important than I had realised. Our dog won't scratch something like an owlbear... Though our cat might!?"

Vittorio turns away from it.

2018-06-13, 07:32 PM
"I'm fine, Elizabet," Astar says as he rocks his battleaxe free from the owlbear's spine. "Took a beating, but Lucrezia and . . ." He frowns. He was certain the magic came from the cat, but it was just a cat, wasn't it? Maybe it was a celestial cat. He suddenly missed Tolliver more than ever.

He clears his throat. "Anyway, see to Borgio. He took the brunt of that attack near the end." He cleans his axe on the owlbear's fur before sheathing it.

He looks around at the others. "You all acquitted yourselves well. I'm proud of you. But that was a tougher fight than it should have been. Part of it is that I'm out of practice, but we also need to learn to work together better as a team. We'll discuss this more later, but for now, we need to finish unloading our supplies."

After his speech, he wanders over to his grandson. "If you need some healing, Borgio, I'd be glad to help."

Currently at 29 hp

If Borgio agrees, lay on hands for 10 points.

2018-06-13, 07:32 PM
Vittorio yells to the crew. "We didn't die! Behold the fearsome and incredibly rare Owlbear." He looks to the others for approval. "House Voltane would like to make a down payment on chartering your next voyage"


2018-06-13, 07:35 PM
Vittorio also tries to get the others to let him go back into the air before his spell fades, soaring high with Otto to make a more detailed map of the surrounding area.

2018-06-13, 08:14 PM
"7 days passage for 3 stinking corpses! Wouldn't advise you let Captain hear you say that... might get offended."

Between Lucrezia and Vittorio, the family gets and idea of where they are.

"A" marks the Dare and "B" the rowboat.

2018-06-13, 11:12 PM
Scruffley purrs in contentment as Borgio lays his ministrations on her. As he does, though, she thinks to him You sure you're okay?

2018-06-14, 12:15 AM
Borgio smiles to his cat "I had taken a hit yes, but, It is more important you take care of the others." He beats his chest "I am the shield of my family. If A blow comes down upon me to protect them, I will accept it with honor. Go, heal the others, I will be fine Scruffly."

2018-06-14, 09:37 AM
"Borgio and Lucrezia, perhaps you should go with these gentlemen and help load our stuff. I'll stay here with the others. We'll look after things and help unload stuff as it arrives."

Astar walks over to the river, moving a bit further from the beach, and then kneels down to scoop up a handful of water. He sniffs at it, and then touches his tongue to the water to see whether it's fresh or brackish.

Since I have immunity to disease and resistance and advantage against poison, I'm probably best positioned to test the water.

2018-06-14, 02:49 PM
Abashed by the sceptical reply, Vittorio huffs off and starts ritually summoning invisible servants to help with unloading.

Casts unseen servants every 10 minutes, effectively able to work like 6 people after one hour.

In his spare moments, he tries to shape an enclosure for livestock out of loose earth.

2018-06-14, 08:49 PM
Astar puts away his axe and straps his shield on his back. Then he prepares to help unload the boat and put the supplies in the proper place.

If he has the opportunity to rest for a little while in between the boat's arrivals, he takes a short rest and thanks Moradin for his aid.

If I have time, I'll take a short rest, and spend a hit die.


2018-06-14, 09:06 PM
Lucrezia joins Borgio to continue unloading the boat. She is still filled with adrenaline from the fight, putting the extra energy into moving the boxes. "So is this the type of adventure you mentioned Borgio?"

2018-06-14, 09:13 PM
Scruffley will look after the animals, making sure they stay safe and calm.

[roll0] Animal Handling

2018-06-14, 09:59 PM
Borgio hefts two of teh crates, holding them at his shoulders as he walked. He looked to Lucrezia, smiling "Ahh! THis is the start to it! Yes, for now it seems like busy work, but, It still gets you out of the tradehouse! As well, you did just fight three diffrent Bear owls at the same time. Of course, this is prefirable then the classic begging Merchant no?"

2018-06-15, 09:33 PM
"Begging?!?" Lucrezia pretends to be scandalized, but smiles. "I would hardly call it begging, there's so much more nuance than that. Learning about your trading partner, distinguishing what they say from what they truly want. It may look boring to you, but there is much beneath the surface."

2018-06-17, 02:11 AM
Over the next 4 hours, the family is able to get all their supplies unloaded and safely on shore.

Vittorio and many an invisible hand are able to make a 15x15 dirt pen sans roof for the animals.

The animals are scared from their journey but quickly calmed by the soothing presence of Scruffley and willingly go in the strange pen.

Elizabet sets to work on the bodies. Survival: [roll0] she is able, with great effort, to drain, skin, and quarter the beasts. But she is only able to salvage one pelt out of the three.

No one is sure if owlbear remains can be utilized for magical purposes but Elizabet sets aside some of the cleaner remains for Vittorio.

You all have 4 hours till sunset, lots of brackish water, a roofless dirt pen of animals, a pile of warm bear meat, a stack of supplies on the sand, and an eager 30 day farewell from the Dare. What do you want to do?

2018-06-17, 09:40 AM
Scruffley finds Borgio and lets him know Come morning, I should be able to clean the water. If we can start gathering it in jugs or waterskins or whatever, I can clean a good portion of it in just about ten minutes. I foolishly didn't think to ready that sort of magic today, though.

2018-06-17, 10:42 AM
Once everything is unloaded, Astar opens up one of the barrels of fresh water they brought and refills his waterskin, which a long day of work has emptied.

"I'm afraid that this won't work as a permanent campsite, not without a source of fresh water. Hopefully, if we move up the river a ways, we can get beyond the tidal zone. The water should be fresh there. For now, as long as we move above the reach of high tide, this can serve as a camp for the night."

These are divided between shared supplies and personal items. I am admittedly guessing on where some of the items belong.



4 Explorer's Packs: backpack, a bedroll, a mess kit, a tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations, a waterskin, 50' hempen rope strapped to side

Dungeoneer's Pack: backpack, a crowbar, a hammer, 10 pitons, 10 torches, a tinderbox, 10 days of rations, a waterskin, 50' hempen rope strapped to side

Diplomat's Pack: chest, 2 cases for maps and scrolls, a set of fine clothes, a bottle of ink, an ink pen, a lamp, 2 flasks of oil, 5 sheets of paper, a vial of perfume, sealing wax, soap

Scholar's Pack: backpack, a book of lore, a bottle of ink, an ink pen, 10 sheets of parchment, a little bag of sand, a small knife

120 gallons of water in 3 barrels
80 lbs salt in a sack
500 lbs flour in two barrels
10 days' feed for 5 goats
10 days' feed for 10 chickens
10 days' feed for the mule
10 days' food for the dog
10 days' rations

Artisan's Tools
Smith's Tools
Cook's Utensils
Carpenter's Tools
Mason's Tools
Leatherworking tools
2 Cartographers' Tools
Navigators' Tools
Cook's Utensils

Raw materials
Incense (5 sticks)
10,000 nails
20 lbs of iron
100 sq yards of canvas
40 gallon barrel of oil

Animals and Vehicles
5 goats (1 male, 4 female)
10 chickens (2 roosters, 8 hens)
Mule and Cart
Herding Mastiff

2 miner's picks
2 shovels
3 two-person tents
Pots and pans
10 flasks of oil
Hunting trap
3 fishing tackle kits
4 ten-foot poles
5 waterskins
100 pieces of chalk
10 pieces of paper
2 healing potions
10 baskets
2 Healer's Kits
1 bag of caltrops
2 Oil Flasks
Two lanterns (hooded and bullseye)
Climber's Kit
Signal whistle
50' silk rope

45 gp, 5 sp, 7 cp

2018-06-17, 04:47 PM
Borgio chuckles, still continuing to move the boxes "Yes Yes, quite deep im sure. Much like that puddle over there. Watch your step! you may drown!"


Borgio now rests atop one of the boxes, wiping his brow of the sweat as Scruffly approaches. He listens to his cats silent words, nodding along "That is perfect Scruffly! If you can do that you would save us a wonderful amount of time. Perhaps when we get the first drips of milk on this land, you can have the first lick."

2018-06-17, 05:32 PM
Urgh. Only one pelt was preserved, with the rest too damaged by battle and a remarkably strong attachment to the meat underneath to be salvaged. If Fran had been here....

Elizabet let out a tiny huff, wiped her hands on the grass and stood back up. The skin had been pegged out to cure in the sun, the meat was piled, and that was her done.

"...Owlbear meat. Probably not poisonous. Would do for eating, or preservation. Or bait." She shrugged. She'd be able to find plenty enough food either way.

She looked further upriver. Four hours. Plenty.
"...Want to look further upriver. Hour or so. Back before dark."

2018-06-17, 07:11 PM
"Want some company?" Astar asks Elizabet. "I'd probably slow you down, but Borgio could keep up, or . . ." He turns to Vittorio. "Could Otto go with her, and fly back to us if she needs us?"

He turns back to Elizabet. "If nothing else, you should probably take Lucrezia's whistle."

Next Astar examines the owlbear meat. If nothing else, the dog might want some. But first, he should make sure it's okay.

Use my last spell slot to cast Detect Poison and Disease.

I'll use it on the owlbear meat, the river, the grass, the wild sheep--anything in the area. It has a duration of ten minutes and a range of thirty feet.

2018-06-17, 08:37 PM
Astar detects no poison or disease in a very large area. But common sense tells him that this meat will not be edible for long if it continues to sit in the sun.

2018-06-17, 09:59 PM
Vittorio continues ritual summoning, trying to deal with problems as they come up but clearly distracted by the rituals he is conducting. "Elizabet needs Otto? I'm sure he wouldn't mind. (telepathically) Otto, stay high and dash right back here as fast as you can if something goes wrong. She might need the help."

Seeing Astar staring at the meat, he starts trying to put together a plan and summon his helpers accordingly. Vittorio gestures and a large pit forms. Another motion and a fire ignites inside it. He makes a motion to the cook ware pack and an unseen force begins extracting tools. A set of paring knives float out and begin trimming fat from the meat. Another set of invisible hands begin taking out the salt and packing it around the meat strips. Another set takes a pan and begins to cook the meat.

"Grand papa, do you think jerky would serve? If Uncle would be willing to gather some firewood, we could cook the meat with salt and then let it dry overnight above the fire. I'm not sure that would get it all the way to jerky, but it would probably last a lot longer. Maybe tomorrow we could move up the river, try to find a spot for a permanent camp site? I would sleep better knowing there was a wall between me and any hungry owlbears."

2018-06-17, 10:46 PM
"Well, it's not poisonous," Astar says of the owlbear meat. "Maybe we should try cooking some and seeing how it tastes."

2018-06-17, 10:57 PM
"Well, it's not poisonous," Astar says of the owlbear meat. "Maybe we should try cooking some and seeing how it tastes."

Scruffley meows heartily in approval at that idea.

2018-06-17, 11:12 PM
Astar smiles at the cat. "Well said," he says. "Let's taste it first and see whether we can stomach it. Just because it's not poisonous doesn't mean we'll like it. Then we can preserve it as best we can. Let's not be too greedy, though. We're not going to be able to prepare and carry it all. We'll bury anything we can't carry with us, to avoid attracting whatever eats the owlbears on this island. Besides us."

2018-06-17, 11:45 PM
The meat is tough, gamey, and very lean. But the family thinks that with some better preparation, it might one day taste like beef.

2018-06-18, 07:49 AM
Once Astar's eaten some owlbear steak, and fed some to the mastiff, he starts setting up camp. He finds a good spot, tramples the grass, and sets up the tents. He makes sure the goats and chickens are fed and watered, even letting the goats graze a little, and helps Lucrezia to care for the mule and check over the cart to make sure it's in good repair after the journey.

Once that's done, he helps Vittorio maintain the fire, collecting driftwood for fuel, and prepare the meat, and then bury whatever remains of the owlbears they can't prepare.

If there's any time left, he observes the wild sheep, wondering whether they could be domesticated. At the least, they could follow them to identify good grazing ground and water sources.

2018-06-18, 10:16 AM
Scruffley, after ascertaining if she's needed for anything, decides to lounge about in the setting sun and absorb some rays.

2018-06-18, 05:35 PM
Elizabet tugged her scarf further up her face again.
"...Whatever comes must move fast. And quiet. Otto would work."

The tactiturn scout knelt by the dog briefly.
"Hound. Stay. Guard." She swung her arm to gesture at the camp.

Then she ghosted further along the riverbank, keeping her footsteps quiet and tracks hidden.

Stealth: [roll0]

2018-06-19, 12:43 PM
Borgio glances towards Elizibet, off in her lone scouting mission "I worry for her saftey..Elizibet! If you see anything dangerous Please!@ Hurry back!" Borgio for his part, can feel his wounds annoying him and decides that perhaps a well deserved rest would be best. He lounges back nearby His cat, putting his signature hat in front of his face, and going into a light slumber

2018-06-19, 03:56 PM
Those who wish to take a short rest do and enjoy the pleasant song Lucrezia plays.

Feeling revived, Borgio and Scruffly take a nap. And to anyone passing by them, it almost sounds as if both of them are purring.

Astar and Lucrezia go on to set up camp: three tents around the fire. After, Astar studies the sheep and decides he doesnt know much about domesticating sheep. He does notice that their wool is not suitable for clothing and if they could be domesticated, it would take several generations of selective breeding to change that. He also notices that they are grazers rather than browsers so they are unlikely to compete with the goats for food.

Vittorio and his invisible hands are able to cook 100 pounds of meat and with Astar's salt, they are able to cure another 20 pounds, using up 10 of the 80 pounds of salt. With mold earth, Vittorio can easily bury the rest 5 feet underground.

2018-06-19, 04:40 PM
Quiet as the dead, Elizabet follows the winding river west.

The sun is setting in that direction over the mountains so the light sometimes glares in her eyes but it also means she can sometimes see the swooping shadow of Otto when it flies ahead.

The flat delta gives way to rolling hills dotted with the rugged little sheep on her left. And on her right, the woods become deeper and darker. A chill comes over her. The wind of course.

After an hour, she can make out the cavernous foot of the mountains through squinted eyes. The ground is better for a camp here - less waterlogged. Of course most places are better than a sandy beach covered in blood. They could set up a settlement somewhere anywhere along the river she had passed. So long as it was on the meadow side.

She catches sight of Ottos shadow on the ground once more just in time a wolf-like shadow drop out of the sky onto it. She looks up it time to see Otto "die" and disappear in a puff within the talons of bluish black bird the size of Elizabet herself. It looks confused and lets out a frustrated scream and the scout can vaguely see that its head is antlered.

The creature gracefully turns in the air without ever seeing her and begins to fly towards the mountains.

2018-06-19, 06:41 PM
For a long moment, Elizabet was still. Motion was what drew the eye; countless species of prey had held still when the predator was sniffing through the grass, with the bone-deep knowledge of to move is to be seen. To be seen is to die. Her bow was held loosely in her hands, an arrow dangling from her fingers. It'd take no time at all to nock and fire, but she didn't shoot at the creature as it glided away.

Flying creatures were always the most troublesome. Walls were no barrier, and human sentries were beasts of the earth; they looked up only rarely. For a long-term settlement they'd probably have to deal with birds of that size, one way or another, before it could prosper properly.

She silently began to slink back the way she came, one wary eye on the sky, and thought of the thing she'd seen.
Large. Aggressive. A strange mix of animals, perhaps? Common traits with the owlbears.

[roll0] Nature on the antlered bird she'd just seen.

2018-06-20, 02:24 PM
Nothing interrupted Elizabet's quiet journey back to the camp. As she re-entered the camp, her dog ran up to her; she gave it a solemn pat or two on the head before sending it back to its duties.

She looked around to see if she had everyone's attention, and frowned at it; it felt unnatural to be in the focus of many people at a time, even if it was the Family. She pulled at her scarf habitually, hiding her mouth from view before she began to speak, brusque as normal.
"...Been an hour upstream. Grounds better. Drier. Could see the base of the mountain. Problem, though," she said tersely. "Vittorio. Your bird died."

She knelt and traced a crude picture of the bird she'd seen in the dirt.
"Big bird. About my size. Had antlers. Was aggressive. Swooped on your bird, got it in one." She paused. "Didn't see me," she added offhandedly, to clamp down on any concern for her me before it could begin. "Could be troublesome. Same sort of..." She thought of a word for it for a moment. "...type as the owlbear. Smarter, though. No normal beast."

2018-06-20, 10:37 PM
"I'm sorry, Vittorio," Astar says when he hears the news about the owl. "Let me know if there's anything I can do to help."

2018-06-21, 06:25 PM
There is a sudden silence as every invisible servant suddenly stops dead. A burning smell arises as meat is dropped into the fire.

Vittorio goes completely still for a moment... and then bursts into frantic activity.

"Incense! I need incense! And herbs. And charcoal. Lots of charcoal. And a brass brazier! Where am I going to get a brass brazier!?" He starts frantically running around the camp site, rooting through the various piles of material. Things start shifting rapidly as all of the cutlery falls to the ground and the invisible servants start rooting through things as well.

Vittorio rapidly makes a new fire pit and starts levitating over hot embers (mage hand). The fire rapidly intensifies as he pours magic into it (create bonfire) and air starts whistling as invisible hands fan the flames. He breaks out of his fugue just long enough to grab the incense offered by Astar and raid the cooking supplies for the proper spices, before grabbing out his spell book and beginning to chant. The fire turns blue as the chant begins and the sand around the pit begins to glow red and molten.

Over an hour, Vittorio remained pacing around the pit, chanting and etching symbols in the sand. Finally the chant reached a crescendo and the fire blazed 10 feet into the air, belching a gigantic burst of smoke... and then winked completely out of existence. With a quite sound of wings flapping, Otto soared out of the pit (which was now cool).

"Otto!" Vittorio collapses on the ground in a dead faint and starts snoring.

2018-06-21, 07:34 PM
Astar smiles when Otto reappears. He hadn't been sure whether a familiar could be resummoned like that or not--the rules of magic were strange things, and wizards were stranger than most.

It reminded him of Tolliver, which dampened his mood, but he did find a blanket and pillow for Vittorio.

"I think the new campsite will have to wait until tomorrow," Astar says. "We can leave for it first thing in the morning. For tonight, we can focus on getting packed and ready to go. Let's make sure we get enough sleep."

He begins to load up the cart with the supplies they brought. If there's too much for the cart, he helps organize the rest to be quickly loaded. They'd either have to make multiple trips, or perhaps Vittorio could magic something up.

2018-06-23, 03:29 PM
While Vittorio had burst in action, Elizabet quietly walked over to the fire and rescued the meat. She placed it aside, grazing upon the herbs and berries she'd gathered along the route - at least some things were still recognisable on this island.

She took a moment to set up her bivvy and sat crosslegged, rubbing a small amount of spikewood oil into her bow to keep it supple. The bow wouldn't last forever - keeping them strung bent them eventually, reducing the strength, but the time to string a bow when you could be attacked at any moment could be fatal. The feel of the smooth wood under her fingers was pleasant.

Once she'd done, she did a few stretches to keep herself limber before she rose.

"...Taking first watch." She muttered, patting the dog on the side to alert it.

2018-06-24, 07:08 PM
"I'll watch with you," Astar says. "Let's have two people for each watch. It'll take longer, but it'll be safer to have two sets of eyes, and we can all get eight hours of sleep. There'll be plenty to do tomorrow."

Once everyone's settled in, Astar takes a seat opposite the fire from Elizabet, looking away and into the night. He oils and sharpens his battleaxe, and cleans the handaxe he dropped on the beach. After that, he keeps his eyes open and tries to pray, but he finds that his words aren't directed to Moradin. "Well, we're here, Olivia. We were attacked by owlbears the moment we landed--you'd have loved the excitement. You'd be proud of our grandkids and great grandkids too. They did well. They're resourceful, brave, tough. Still a little rough around the edges, but I think this adventure will help polish them. How they'll shine!"

He lets the fire die at his back. Once he's certain enough time has passed he wakes Vittorio. "Watch with your sister for the next two hours, then you can wake up Borgio and watch with him for two hours after she goes to sleep. He'll probably want his magic cat to keep him company when you go to sleep, but tell him to wake Lucrezia before he turns in, and to tell her to wake me for the last shift before dawn. Does that work?"

In case you missed it in the OOC thread.

12-hour schedule (rotated)

Astar & Elizabet

Elizabet & Vittorio & Otto

Vittorio & Otto & Borgio

Borgio & Scruffley

Scruffley & Lucrezia

Lucrezia & Astar

EDIT: Astar will sleep in his armor, just in case.

2018-06-24, 09:58 PM
The first shift begins and dusk settles into night. The stars reveal themselves and shine brighter than would have been thought possible for anyone who steps out of the circle of campfire light. On this moonless night, the Wandering Stars shine brightest of all and Astar takes a sense of comfort from that: wanderers naturally shine.

The dog keeps Elizabet company and she observes vigilant during the first shift. And remains after the Old Man trades out for Vittorio and sharp eyed owl. Its nice to have eyes meant for the dark on this watch.

The hours pass and Otto and Elizabet both notice silent ripples in the nearby water coming towards the shore. Otto wordlessly alerts Vittorio who cant make anything out. Elizabet and Otto try to watch the ripples carefully but dont see them again.

2018-06-24, 10:09 PM
The night has grown quite cold by the time Elizabet and the dog goes to bed and wakes Borgio to take her place. With the fire gone, the cold wind has no barrier from sweeping down on the camp from the Southern mountains.

The two men pass an hour together before Otto mentally nudges Vittorio and indicates a light in the darkness. Two glowing eyes a far distance off. Vittorio can barely even make it out but he alerts Borgio who sees the eyes. Glancing quickly around, Borgio sees 3 other sets of eyes staring from all directions to the quiet encampment.

2018-06-25, 10:41 AM
Scruffley notices absolutely nothing, her eyes heavy with interrupted sleep.

2018-06-25, 02:59 PM
Borgio slowly removes an ax from his Belt. He nudges Scruffly with his hand "It seems that we are being watched...Do you think they are more predators..or curious deer perhaps?"

2018-06-25, 07:02 PM
Vittorio looks at the glowing eyes warily. Owlbears, strange ripples in the water and now this. They still didn't know what happened to previous explorers, some of whom seemed quite formidable. As usual, discretion seemed the better part of valor.

"Uncle, I'm going to try to see what that is. Please be ready in case something happens."

With a gesture, a small mist arises around Vittorio (armor of ags, 2nd level). He walks near the animal enclosure, ready to take cover. Vittorio then reaches out to the fey spirit that is rapidly becoming his best friend.

"Otto, could you take a quick look at that creature? Stay high enough that they can't get at you. I'm going to make some light."

As Otto takes flight, Vittorio tries to judge the distance. He can only create fire up to 60 ft away... If the creature is near in range, he is going to cast it near enough to illuminate it. Otto might be able to see in the dark, but he can't.

Otto perception: [roll0]+3
Vittorio perception: [roll1]

2018-06-25, 08:46 PM
The closest eyes are only about 50 feet away so Vittorio is easily able to light a fire to illuminate it... but the fire is between him and the eyes so he cant make out anything.

Otto is easily able to see what is below however. A giant wolf - the size of a horse. It snaps and growls and the fire and then turns tail and runs in the opposite direction. The other surrounding wolves begin to howl.

2018-06-25, 09:56 PM
"Borgio! They're wolves! Really really big wolves! Wake up every one! Wolves!"

Vittorio tries to create a sympathetic connection to the closest wolf, sapping its strength and (hopefully) making it easier for him to hit (casts hex as bonus action). Perhaps he could get a few shots off before they could reach the camp.

2018-06-25, 10:54 PM
Astar rolls out of his bedroll, his battleaxe in his hand before he can even parse what's being said. "I definitely haven't had enough sleep," he mutters, but he straps on his shield and moves to stand beside the others. "Wolves, huh? Or some wolf-like monster, maybe? Let's see if they really want to take us on."

With a prayer to Moradin, he calls a blessing on his battleaxe. He holds it aloft as it bursts with a brilliant radiance, driving away all the shadows nearby.

Astar straps on his shield, and assuming he has time, uses channel divinity to place Sacred Weapon on his battleaxe.

Aside from making it magical and giving it a +2 to attack rolls, it also sheds a bright light in a 20 foot radius, and dim light 20 feet beyond that.

2018-06-26, 12:04 PM
Scruffley yawns heavily. I think walls will be one of the first orders of business, once we get settled, she thinks to Borgio. However, knowing that she's tougher than she looks and was one of the uninjured in the earlier fight, she sticks near the edges of the encampment, should the wolves return.

2018-06-26, 04:21 PM
Borgio rolls his neck, taking the second ax out from his Belt "Yes..I do think Walls will be a most excellent Idea. Perhaps even a moat. Something to ward them off. Elizibet, maybe an arrow into the forest can scare them off? A Wolf may Hunt in a pack, But our Family's bonds are far stronger then any animal instinct for survival"

2018-06-26, 04:32 PM
Scruffley heads to Elizibet before she fires an arrow. She grabs one with her mind, lowering it in front of her, and pokes her nose on it. The arrow begins to glow brightly, shedding bright light for 20', and Scruffley floats it back up to Elizibet's hand.

Casting Light, obviously, on the arrow. Make it easier to find the wolves, and possibly spook 'em a little more.

2018-06-26, 06:14 PM
The scout had woken quietly. Her bow was already close at hand - she crouched in the dark, watching the glowing eyes.

Elizabet watched the cat as it messed with her arrows before accepting the glowing shaft. She drew it back and fired it into the ground near the feet of the nearest wolf, hoping the sudden light and impact would ward it off enough.

Wolves, giant -she quickly paged through her mind, thinking of their smaller cousins for any hints when she ran into gaps of her knowledge of the direwolves. What would be useful to scare or ward them off? Could they be tamed?

How dangerous were they, and how large their packs?

Another nature roll: [roll0]

2018-06-26, 07:09 PM
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]+[roll2]

2018-06-26, 08:37 PM
Elizabet is able to get a good look at that closest direwolf: covered in thick and shaggy wet grey fur, canine teeth the size of her index finger, and a fire in its eyes that burns so strong it seems almost real.

It yowls when the arrow hits the ground before it, sniffs the air, and turns tail. The rest of the wolves follow swiftly - following the river west towards the mountain as a pack. The scout counts seven. That seems an average size from what shes learned.

Elizabet thinks back to her experiences with this species. Light, fire, and shouting were the right call. Direwolves are much more aggressive, relentless, and tactical than their mundane cousins. They arent eager to throw their lives away in a losing battle (as Owlbears apparently are) but Elizabet suspects so long as they have a cat, a dog, a mule, 11 birds, 5 goats, and over 100 pounds of bear meat they can expect more and better strategies from the wolves on future nights. This was a test.

She has heard of a ranger back in Sona who rode a tamed a direwolf. That ranger got the wolf as a pup and used some animal friendly spells of course... but still. It could be possible.

Elizabet's sharp mind think this in a spilt second and her thoughts are then interrupted by Vittorio's spell hitting a patch of dirt behind the wolves.

2018-06-26, 09:18 PM
"Well done, everyone," Astar says, as the light fades from his battleaxe. "Hopefully that's all we'll see from them tonight. Owlbears, horned birds, and now direwolves. Is it the monsters that destroyed the previous attempts to settle the island, do you think, or is there something worse behind them? If we can, we should try to find the previous settlement. They may have tried to build something along the river as well, and there may be clues about what happened to them."

He sheathes his battleaxe and goes to the supplies he had been packing. He finds two small vials, and takes them over to Borgio. "Here, Borgio," he says. "We acquired some healing potions before we left, and I think you'll get the most use out of them. I can provide healing for myself. Good job with the watch, you two."

After that, he divests himself of his shield and his battleaxe, and returns to his bedroll.

Is it time to rotate the watch yet?

2018-06-26, 09:36 PM
As Vittorio stumbles to his bedroll, he can be heard to mutter:

"That wall is going to have to be at least 3 stories.... This place doesn't make any sense! Pit traps! We need so many pit traps! .... There's got to be something weird about those sheep... zzzz

Otto whoots warily, gives a final glance around, and then settles down next to Vittorio.

2018-06-26, 11:20 PM
Borgio smiles up to Elizibet "Very Good Elizibet! It seems that the wolves do not wish to run head on to our Den just yet. And Very good to you to Scruffly, the light was a very nice touch. Looking to Astar, he holds up a hand "No, It is fine! All I need is a good bi of rest. Save the Potions for when someone truly needs it"

2018-06-27, 04:38 PM
Elizabet watched the wolves go. She acknowledged Borgio's compliment with a small nod.
"...They'll be back next night or soon after. Smarter next time. This is just a probe," she said.

This was a dangerous place. Most of the wildernesses she'd roamed hadn't had three - or four perhaps, depending what caused the ripple - kinds of strange and highly dangerous creatures attempt to attack within a day.

2018-06-28, 07:18 PM
Silence settles once again as the family finds their way back to sleep. Scruffley climbs the dirt wall to have a better view. After about an hour, she hears a voice behind her.

"My poor dear, whatever are you doing here with all these... bipeds?" Scruffley turns to see a winged cat walking delicately along the top of the dirt wall towards her.

A second cat flies in and lands gingerly behind the first. "Have you been kidnapped or hoodwinked in some way? Oh how tragic! Oh darling you simply must tell us if you've been kidnapped."

2018-06-29, 09:47 AM
No. The other one keeping watch at the moment-Borgio-he's my best friend. He got me out of a bad situation, and we've had each other's backs for a long time. The others are his family, and so they're my family too, by extension. Who are you? Scruffley says. And can you give us any advice on how to be safe from the apparently many, many threats on this island?

2018-06-29, 09:21 PM
"Of course where are my manners" the first says, licking a paw. "My name is Perfect and this is Divine."

"Yes we saw you all fighting those terribly rude bears. Dreadful business that" Divine adds "you should do what we do! Eat fish from the river and fly away when the rude sort come along."

""Don't be dull, Divine. None of them can fly. Now tell us, is your biped family very good at climbing trees? That could be something..."

"Who's dull now, Perfect... you've forgotten about the spiders."

"Oh my it seems you're right. Dear me, I'm afraid you all might die."

"Such a pity."

2018-06-30, 11:32 AM
Yes, that's something we're hoping to NOT have happen. Would it be possible for you two to help us out? Scruffley asks. I mean, you're clearly more experienced and... Well, awesome, in the most true sense of the word, than any of my family, so if you can find it in your heart to assist us...

2018-06-30, 07:15 PM
"So true!"

"Such a heartfelt plea! Oh Perfect, we simply have to agree."

"And so we shall." Perfect exclaims self importantly, puffing up her chest. "Divine, Gorgeous, let us go." With that they launch gracefully into the air and fly away but Scruffley sees three cat silhouettes against the starry sky and one seems to have a bulky object. Perfect meows back kindly "Starting tomorrow, we shan't steal from you or your family again!"

2018-06-30, 09:16 PM
You... You... Scruffley stutters out. Gods above, this island will be the death of us all.

Borgio-we need to check the supplies.

2018-07-01, 08:13 PM
Borgio rolls in his sleep,. cracking an eye open as he hears his loyal friend and cat speak to him with telepathic ability "ALready? We Just arrived on the Island. THere has been no feasts yet..."

2018-07-01, 11:14 PM
After Borgio and Scruffley look through the supplies, they find that one of the three fishing tackle kits have been taken. They also find that the dog food bag was opened and notice a tiny pile of barely chewed dog food spit onto the ground beside it.

Eventually Borgio trades off with Lucrezia who joins Scruffley on watch. Dawn has not yet come but Lucrezia is well rested and fit as a proverbial fiddle.

Scruffley is the first to see the direwolf pack bounding out of the darkness.

2018-07-02, 08:44 AM
Unless something drastically unexpected occurs with wolf numbers/compositions or Elizabet's turn.

Vittorio was having a rather odd dream. One day he started shouting "wolves! wolves! wolves!"... and then everyone around him started shouting it too. It spread like wildfire. Soon entire towns took up the cry, followed by entire nations. No longer did people work, study or converse. All that filled the air was the endless cry of "wolves!". So it may have seemed odd to the rest of the family, but Vittorio's first word upon awakening and seeing the flood of grey furred death running toward them was:

"Thank goodness! It's only wolves."

With that, Vittorio threw his familiar aloft (Otto took to the air with a rather disgruntled whoot), summoned a defensive working which covered him in a slight mist (armor of ags, 2nd level), and quickly strode quickly to put his back to the wall. If they were actually going to fight wolves, he'd rather the creatures be in front of him than at his back.

Otto swooped at the closest wolf and fluttered in his face before swiftly gaining altitude. Perhaps that would open up an opportunity for one of the others, since his master seemed distracted (help action, advantage to next attack on that wolf).

2018-07-02, 09:29 AM
Astar rolls out of his blankets for the second time that night. Helm askew and shield barely set properly, he's not as ready as he'd prefer, but he whispers a prayer to Moradin and his battleaxe starts to glow. Then he positions himself in front of Vittorio, ready to receive the charge.

AC 18 HP 38
Channel Divinity: Sacred Weapon on battleaxe

2018-07-02, 09:33 AM
Scruffley sighs, and meows a loud warning while contacting Borgio, saying Wake the others! Wolves approach.

She then gives out a few incantations. Borgio, Vittorio, Astar, and Elizabet all feel themselves become inspired with divine presence.

Bless at 2nd level, on the indicated peeps.

2018-07-02, 12:55 PM
Borgio's eye's flutter open, groggily waking again "Well..Then I suppose we will need to teach the poochies a lesson" He says, starting to stand and draw his weapons "Defend the Animals! They may be the Wolves Goal!"

2018-07-02, 05:16 PM
Elizabet's eyes snapped open and once more she rolled out from her blankets.

Admittedly, she hadn't expected the direwolves back this soon, but perhaps she should have.

Another lapse.

She lifted her bow and fired at the direwolf Otto had flapped at, before moving closer to the other Family.

"...Don't let them separate us." she hesitated. "...Goat's not a bad loss. One of you is worse. So don't be stupid."

Attack with advantage:
[roll0] or [roll1] : dam [roll2] + SA [roll3]

2018-07-02, 06:23 PM
THWISH Elizabet's arrow releases and buries itself in the wolf's shoulder. The wolf yips in pain and bites the shaft to break off the tail end of it. The wolves keep coming.

2018-07-02, 06:57 PM
The 3 closest to the family rush them with a blinding speed, covering all 50 feet between them and their adversaries. Two try biting at one holding the annoying glowing axe and the one Elizabet shot goes for her.

They hit with such a force that Astar and Elizabet have to fight to stay on their feet. And they seem to work together so well - taking advantage of each other's actions.

The other four wolves, with no enemies to block their way, take a running leap and try to surmount the wall which prevents them from eating chickens.

Wolf 1 on Elizabet
[roll0] [roll1] pack tactics for advantage
Wolf 2 on Astar
[roll3] [roll4] pack tactics for advantage
Wolf 3 on Astar
[roll6] [roll7] pack tactics for advantage

Elizabeth strength saving throw against being knocked prone
Astars strength saving throws against being knocked prone

Wolves 4-7 athletics check to jump the dirt wall

2018-07-02, 07:05 PM
Astar growls. "No oversized dog's going to drag me down. But I could use a bit of healing."

He swings his axe at the closest one.

AC 18 HP 18

[roll0] + [roll1] = 13

2018-07-02, 07:09 PM
Elizabet is able to dodge the attack and remain standing. Astar isnt so lucky but still keeps his feet.

Two of the wolves sail straight into the wall and crumple to the ground. They quickly stand and shake themselves off.

One wolf just barely catches the wall and has to scramble to get its feet steadly underneath it on the top of the wall.

The last easily makes the jump and continues into the pen. A horrified cacophony rises up from the various species inside.

2018-07-02, 09:25 PM
Lucrezia readies herself as she sees the wolves coming and calls out to the others. She holds her shield out as she makes her way to the front lines, next to Astar.

"Let's get you patched up..." She puts a hand on Astar and calling on her healing energy. If she can, she moves in such a way that Astar would not be vulnerable to two wolves at once.


Then, she gets a good view of the battlefield, trying to antipate the wolves attacks.

I want to use Cutting Words as a reaction if a wolf attacks an ally and rolls in the range of ## to ## on their attack:

Astar: 18 to 20
Borgio: 16 to 18
Elizabet: 16 to 18

2018-07-03, 02:22 PM
Scruffley hisses, and sends out a bolt of divine flames to smite the most injured-looking wolf, while at the same time hounding it with a freshly formed Spiritual Weapon.

Action: Sacred Flame. DC 13 Dex save [roll0] or take [roll1] radiant damage.

Bonus action: Spiritual Weapon. [roll2] for [roll3] force damage on the same one, if they aren't dead.

2018-07-03, 08:01 PM
Borgio grumbles, splitting up is a bad idea...but, he cant let the animals be at risk. He runs into the pen with the wolf, his axes ready as the spirits of his anssectors descend to defend his family and animals from the wolf in the pen!

[roll0] + ( [roll1] Bless ) / [roll2] Damage!

2018-07-03, 11:07 PM
Lucrezia bravely moves forward to heal Astar and manages to distract one of the wolves. It turns it's fiery eyes on her and snarls.
Borgio strides into the pen and gets a good cut on the wolf but he can tell these direwolves are pretty tough.
Scruffley's target easily avoids the divine floating weapon but not the fire she shoots at it. It yelps in response to the painful radiant flame.

2018-07-04, 07:28 AM
Vittorio squawks in indignation. "Stop that! Those are our animals!!"

A whirling storm of of magic springs into being around Vittorio (Shielding Aurora) as Otto makes another swooping run on a wolf trying to climb the wall. Vittorio flings a bolt of magic (eldritch blast) at the distracted wolf. He then rolls up his sleeves and strides forward, like he is going to give the wolves a good talking to.

"Wall jumpers! How dare you! Don't you know that walls are meant to keep people out?! Keep away from our chickens, you fowl beasts!" Vittorio shakes his hands menacingly and runs up to the 3 wolves trying to jump the wall.

Starting at 1st level, as a bonus action, you create a whirling aurora of brilliant energy that swirls around you. Until the end of your next turn, you gain resistance to all damage, and if a hostile creature ends its turn within 10 feet of you, it takes radiant damage equal to your warlock level + your Charisma modifier.

Attack: [roll0] + 6
Damage: [roll1]

2018-07-04, 04:55 PM
This was a range Elizabet didn't excel in. To move away and hide to get a better shot would be to leave her Family surrounded by the direwolves. It'd be a risk. Moving away would also seperate her and make her a target if they kept her scent. No time to further deliberate-

She hissed at the wolf as she let her bow drop to the ground, drawing a small knife from a sheath in her bracers. She span it in her grip and tried to plunge it through the wounded direwolf's eye before she leapt back out of reach of retaliation.

or 1d20+6[/roll] : + [roll1] to hit
Dam: [roll2] + [roll3]

Then use cunning action to disengage and move to where only one of the wolves could attack Elizabet (so they don't have pack tactics advantage)

2018-07-04, 04:57 PM
Hit: [roll0] or [roll1] : + [roll2]
Dam: [roll3] + [roll4]

2018-07-04, 09:37 PM
Elizabet drives her dagger right through the eye of the angry wolf and backs away. It reels and twists and turns to run, dashing away as quickly as its legs will carry it back along the riverbank and into the darkness.
Vittorio lands a hit on the wolf attacking two of his family members and then walks away to scold the would-be-jumpers.
Astar, still weary from the previous day, misses his strike.

That direwolf fights back and goes for Astar.
The direwolf that Lucrezia had distracted attacks her instead.
The spirits surround the direwolf in the pen, compelling it to leave the creatures nearby be and to strike out at Borgio.
The wolf on the wall jumps down into the pen and goes for the throat of one of the goats.
The two wolves who missed their jump run around the walls and through the opening. They each try to snatch up a chicken.

wolf 1 takes the dash action and is 100 feet away, very clearly injured

wolf 2 attacks astar
strength saving throw or knocked prone [roll2]

wolf 3 attacks lucrezia
strength saving throw or knocked prone [roll5]

wolf 4 attacks borgio
strength saving throw or knocked prone [roll8]

wolf 5 attacks a goat who is taking the dodge action
[roll9] [roll10]
strength saving throw or knocked prone with advantage for being a goat [roll12] [roll13]

wolf 6 attacks a chicken who is taking the dodge action
[roll14] [roll15]
strength saving throw or knocked prone [roll17]

wolf 7 attacks a chicken who is taking the dodge action
[roll18] [roll19]
strength saving throw or knocked prone [roll21]

2018-07-04, 09:47 PM
Astar is able to avoid the attack but Borgio and Lucrezia aren't so lucky and are both knocked off their feet at the sheer force of the attack.

The goat and chickens are also not so lucky and their mangled bodies hang from the direwolves mouths limply. The lucky 3 wolves race away with their dinner.

2018-07-04, 10:32 PM
"That's my dinner!" Astar shouts at the wolf carrying the goat, swinging his axe at it and taking a gouge out of its haunch.

Then he turns to the wolf who knocked down Lucrezia and attempts to put his axe through its skull, with much less success.

[roll0] + [roll1] = 20

[roll3] + [roll4] = 11

2018-07-04, 10:44 PM
Lucrezia swings with her rapier at a wolf as it rushes by and then turns her attention on the wolf engaged with her.



2018-07-05, 10:45 AM
Borgio grunts as the wolf takes a bite of hium, but, his ferocity for protecting his family manages to blunt the blow! As one of the wolves runs pasts, he swings an ax at it before he looks back to the wolfat the wrong moment! Being tripped and sent to the floor!, He strands back up and attemmpts to give it a mauling of his own with his two weapons!

[roll0] + [roll1] / [roll2]

[roll3] + [roll4] / [roll5]
[roll6] + [roll7] / [roll8]

2018-07-05, 08:22 PM
Borgio begins wreaking havoc with his blades but Scruffley can't quite get a hit in. The direwolf, surrounded by spectral enemies, seems to have a hard time attacking anything but Borgio. Dazed and confused, it disengages and flees.

The direwolves fighting Astar and Lucrezia bound into the pen, trying to snatch more of Astar's dinner. After a quick attack, they follow the rest of their pack and dash away.

wolf 2 on goat
[roll0] [roll1]

wolf 3 on chicken
[roll3] [roll4]

2018-07-05, 08:37 PM
"Stupid wolves!" Astar shouts as he takes a swing at another fleeing wolf. "Get back here and fight!"

As the wolves continue to run off, he drops his battleaxe and draws one of his handaxes, hurling it at the nearest wolf.

[roll0] + [roll1] = 11

[roll3] + [roll4] = 13

2018-07-05, 08:45 PM
"Oh no, you don't!"

Vittorio gestures vigorously. (If wolf 4 fails the DC 14 con save on levitate). One of the wounded wolves that was bounding away gives an surprised yipe as it finds its running leap to be carrying it into the air, rising slowly until it is 20 ft up and spinning slowly.

2018-07-06, 08:08 PM
Astar growls as the last of the wolves runs out of range, his handaxe useless at this range. He flips the ax before putting it away, and retrieves his battleaxe. As he puts that away, he makes a sound that isn't at first recognizable as a chuckle. But soon it grows to a full-fledged belly laugh. Astar wipes tears from his eyes.

"I know I shouldn't be laughing," he says. "But at least they weren't trying to eat us. It's hard to begrudge the beasties a meal, as I was thinking the same thing."

Still chuckling, he checks on Lucrezia, laying his hand on her arm and filing her with his healing magic.

Then he goes to retrieve the handaxe he threw at the fleeing wolf.

Use Lay on Hands on Lucrezia, to bring her up to full.

Then, Moradin willing and the creek don't rise, I fully intend to complete my long rest.

2018-07-07, 10:54 AM
Feel free for events to interrupt this. Vittorio isn't even short resting because he is so focused on building the fort, so none of his short rest stuff has recharged.
Map of fort (5 ft squares): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1R8X1PohC55ZE9HuhB5nnExARnmTaZu1b1Pz7EWarEjk/edit#gid=0

As his spell fails and the wolves run off with a portion of the Voltane livestock, Vittorio is driven to a rage that he had yet to experience in his life (Vittorio thinks is he finally beginning to understand uncle Borgio). Owlbears, something big in the water, wolves, flying cats stealing stuff, more wolves! Clearly whatever lives on this island is out to get them. Vittorio intends to get them first.

While the rest of the family is resting and recovering from the fight, Vittorio gets to work conjuring floating disks to carry their cargo and loading things on it (he needed a bit of help with the barrels). As soon as they finish their rest, he starts marching toward the site of their new camp (with the others) muttering about walls, trenches and scribbling furiously in his journal.

Once they arrive at the camp site, he starts casting without a word. Dirt flies into the air as he starts making savage sweeping motion, digging a deep trench (10 ft wide, 10 ft deep) and pulling the dirt into a rectangle region. Once the trench is completed (a little less than an hour of work), Vittorio begins summoning invisible servants and working with them to compact the loose earth into walls 20 ft high, leaving only 1 5 ft opening out (which he covers with loose earth until a gate can be installed) (8 and a half hours of work). It's late by the time the work is completed and Vittorio collapses in utter exhaustion.

2018-07-07, 05:16 PM
Elizabet didn't waste an arrow as the wolves bounded away into the dark. No point.
"...They got what they wanted. They'll be back."

She didn't sleep, merely taking care of her bow and cleaning off her knife.


In the morning, as they headed to their new campsite, the scout kept a careful eye on the skies. The antlered birds had been in this area, and she had little wish to be ambushed. As she went, she plucked leaves of herbs, gather a handful of small dark fruit off a vine, and carefully nailed a plump-looking wood-pigeon-looking bird with an arrow.

Once they were there, Elizabet gathered the Family (minus Vittorio, who had begun to create a fortification). She sat crosslegged on the ground, absently pulling a leaf off a plant sprouting from the soil and rolled it between her fingers, making note of the scent.
"...Listen up." she said. "Want to look around the area properly. Cross the river, too. Get a rope strung across, think about getting some logs floated across. Worth it. Gate, drawbridge, tower sheds, whatever. Can't use mud for it all."
She pointed a finger into the sky.
"...You lot are noisy. And obvious," the scout said in her diplomatic way. "Big birds about might swoop on you. They'll probably see the fort, too, and come look sooner or later. Watch the skies."

2018-07-07, 10:51 PM
Borgio is disapointed at the fact that the WOlves managed to have such a meal, but, He returns sto his tent "The First Of Man Challenges...but, That is the end to our first day here...In our home" He..smiles, and returs to sleep

The Morning after, he listens to Eilizibets plan, nodding along as she speaks "Then Perhaps we can create wooden palisades to keep them from landing? A proper place to keep the Animals safe and our storage though could be very Important. Perhaps a Makeshift drawbridge? A Few Logs tied by ropes that could be Untied so that the the bridge seperates in pieces that could be tied again later?"

2018-07-07, 11:12 PM
Now that the excitement with the wolves is over, Astar tries to get some sleep.

Sooner than he'd like, he's awake to take the last watch with Lucrezia. And then it's time to move to the other campsite.

He helps load their supplies on the cart, or Vittorio's floating disks. He also ties the surviving goats to a line he attaches to the cart, and loads the chickens into the cart--in the baskets he brought for that purpose. Then he packs his own supplies and is ready for the trek.

While Vittorio is busy building a fortress, Astar helps with Elizabet's plan. He's quite ready to help chop down some trees, and more importantly keep everyone safe while they're working.

2018-07-07, 11:52 PM
In the morning, Scruffley checks on the animals. While she can't communicate directly with them, she knows her way around beasties, and does her best to reassure them that they're safe.

To further that, she contacts Borgio, telling him I told the smelly things on four legs that you smelly things on two legs would make sure they'd be safe, though in not so many words. I won't be made a liar, so we better get some decent walls up.

2018-07-08, 11:12 PM
The family wakes and packs up supplies and animals for the hour trek upriver. The group travels loudly enough to wake the very mountains themselves in Elizabet's opinion but they make it to the spot she told them about without molestation regardless.

The test the ground and decide on a spot about 60 feet from the river. Vittorio immediately busies himself with some digging and Elizabet takes a tour of the area while the rest of the family sets up the possessions.

Elizabet survival
Elizabet stealth

2018-07-08, 11:16 PM
Elizabet athletics

2018-07-08, 11:26 PM
Elizabet explores the surrounding meadow area. She notices another owlbear chasing down a sheep but is able to stay out of view and upwind of it. She also remains still and unnoticed as an antlered bird flies over. It's hard to tell if it is the same one she saw before or a second one. But again, she notices the strange shadow of it - if she didn't know better, she'd say it was the shadow of a sheep. Very strange. Either way, she very much expects the bird to notice their "fortress" sooner rather than later.

The scout tries to loop around to cross the river and explore the forest beyond. She begins to wade across but notices the current and thinks better of it. It would be better to do this with a friend. She walks back out.

As she returns to the group, she sees that Vittorio has successfully finished the moat part of the defenses.

2018-07-09, 09:21 AM
"Well, I suppose the first step if we want to cross the river is getting a line across. I'll do it," Astar says.

He strips off his armor and his pack, ties the rope around his waist, and starts to tread across the river, swimming once the water becomes too deep.


2018-07-09, 10:32 AM
Scruffley, using her intuition, attempts to find the best place to ford the river.

Survival roll: [roll0]

2018-07-09, 08:02 PM
Borgio frowns, looking over the river and down to Scruffly "IO Had tried my best Scruffly. It is good that some still remain though.

He nods to Astar as they make it to the river "Perhaps! But, I think I wioll go and try to collect some logs in order to get the bridge ready"

2018-07-11, 08:08 PM
Lucrezia walks up and down the bank of the river, studying the ground and trying to find the best place for supporting beams to anchor the bridge to either side.


2018-07-13, 06:46 PM
Borgio decides to take some of the Goats and assist in dragging some spare wood and other supplies to the river, in order to assist in the creating of the Bridge


2018-07-14, 08:35 AM
Elizabet assists by finding and pointing out the best trees for such an endeveour; avoiding those which were beetle-rotted or infirm, and those too thick to easily cut and shape.


2018-07-17, 10:01 PM
As the party is working on their individual tasks, Lucrezia helps in any small way she can (holding the rope fast for Astar, leading the goats with Borgio, marking the trees that Elizabet points out, petting Scruffley). She offers encouragement, asks about their skills, and offers details about her past all in an attempt to bring up the morale of the party.


2018-07-18, 09:35 PM
The Family makes an impressive show of teamwork - using each of their own individual strengths to help the collective effort. They work for hours across the river in the old forest. The mix of deciduous and coniferous trees dampen the light and the sound and it feels peaceful - or near enough to peaceful to make no difference.

By noon, the family has a sort of drawbridge completed. The air is crisp and cold as the gather to watch Lucrezia's and Astar's design at work but the coldness is welcome. Most everyone has worked up a sweat, Vittorio included.

The drawbridge lowers and raises successfully.

2018-07-19, 12:45 AM
Borgio throws his hands into the air and cheers! "HAhahahaha! That is the way my Family! Proud I am, like most days to be honest. This is a wonderful beginning to our great monument to our values. Shall we name it? I Suggest Voltane Crossing."

2018-07-19, 10:43 AM
Meow, Scruffley says tiredly and triumphantly.

2018-07-19, 11:19 PM
The group returns to their base satisfied with a job well done to find Vittorio hard at work on the defences.

Elizabet and Otto both notice an antlered bird begin to lazily circle overhead. Its hard to gauge distance without knowing the size of the creature but it seems to be a few hundred feet up.

You all still have half the day before you; what would you like to do?

2018-07-20, 09:04 AM
Elizabet nodded quietly to herself in satisfaction as the bridge came together.

As they walked back, a dot in the sky drew her eye. She stared upwards to see one of the antlered birds idly orbiting.
"...Careful. Antler bird up above."

She tried to work out the distance, basing the size on what she'd seen when the beast had attacked the familiar - if it was less than 320 feet, it was in range, should she need to shoot.

2018-07-20, 09:31 AM
Astar glances up at the bird. He's not an expert on such things, but he tries to think of whether he's heard of anythying like this.

Religion, because why not?

EDIT: Decent, though religion probably isn't really the proper roll for this.

2018-07-20, 10:14 AM
Scruffley heads for the animals, and keeps a careful eye on them and the bird-thing.

2018-07-20, 07:48 PM
Elizabet estimates the distance somewhere between 250 and 500 feet; its difficult to guess.

Astar is confident this bird has nothing to do with the Dwarven pantheon and he strongly doubts it is undead.

2018-07-20, 08:36 PM
Vittorio pauses in his work just long enough to shake his fist at the bird.

2018-07-20, 11:10 PM
Borgio keeps one ax out "I..Suggest we buildl a barn next. I Can go gather wood perhaps? Or we could use magic to form one temporarily?"

2018-07-21, 10:59 AM
Scruffley meows enthusiastically at the idea of building a barn-after all, she promised the animals safety.

2018-07-21, 12:34 PM
The scout shook her head at Borgio's suggestion.
"...Barn wouldn't solve problem. Animals have to graze outside. Still vulnerable." She rolled an arrow between her fingers. "...We should bait it down. See what it's like. Try to kill it."

2018-07-22, 10:10 PM
Borgio think, debating what to do "Well...We could make a dummy? SOmething that looks like an animal and fill it with meats? Then cover it sticky tar so that when the bird swoops down, it get stuck to the decoy!"

2018-07-25, 08:00 AM
"Ugh. Flying beasties," Astar grumbles. "They're hard to fight unless you have some magic that let's you fly yourself. You either have to use ranged weapons, force them to the ground, or ready yourself and hope for the best."

He turns to Borgio. "I worry that it's too smart for that. A barn though? I'm not sure a barn is exactly what we need, but some sort of shelter from the elements and from attacks from above isn't a terrible idea."

If everyone's with him, he gets to work building a shelter. At the least, he'd like a roof over their heads.

2018-07-25, 08:35 AM
Vittorio stands, spine popping a bit from spending too much time drawing ritual diagrams, and shakes the chalk dust from his hands. Being out in the sun this long has not been kind to him. His formerly pasty complexion is starting to bear some resemblance to a tomato. "Shelter sounds like a good idea. These things like to dive and smash people on impact, much like a hawk killing a sparrow. I'm not sure I could sleep soundly knowing they are lurking above us."

Vittorio gestures and the work on the wall suddenly stops. He measures out a rough square then starts digging the foundation with magic. Once that is (quickly) done, Vittorio hunkers down and starts his ritual casting again. As he works, the loose earth starts being packed down and forming the walls of a large (if simple) square structure.

"I'm afraid I don't have anything for roofs or doors, but hopefully this will help. I don't think it will slow the wall construction by more than an hour."

Investigation for precisely laying things out: [roll0]. If Scruffly gives this guidance to the effort: +[roll1]

2018-07-25, 12:25 PM
Scruffley gives what little assistance she can, though her magical might feels a touch low at the moment.

Unless I'm otherwise occupied, yeah, everyone has free Guidance on anything they want.

2018-07-25, 01:01 PM
Borgio shrugs "Alas, it seems it may not be best. Oh Well, to Building an actual sheltara then! I do hope someone brought glue" He says, starting to make his way to the wood sockpiles to assist in the building

2018-07-25, 07:51 PM
"Elizabet, do you think you could find where the bird nests? If it is nearby, we may have better luck ambushing it when it is trying to rest."

2018-07-27, 09:53 PM
To conclude a very productive day, the family works together to cut the logs into usable lumber and fashions together the skeletal frame of a one room building with a plank roof. Scruffley keeps the animals calm and secure in between her work. Perhaps tomorrow morning the family can complete the walls, floor, shutters, and door.

The red sun hangs low in the sky and the family can see their breath in the air. Still enough time for dinner or similar activities.

A second Peryton joins the first in lazily circling the area.

2018-07-29, 01:19 PM
Vittorio's movements are slow as he performs the motions to summon an invisible servant yet again. The weariness is starting to slow him down some and he is pretty sure he isn't going to be good for much once the walls are done. Hmm.

"Elizabet, can you shoot them? I can't help but think it isn't good for them to be able to watch us this? I feel like they are going to dive whenever I turn my back, just like they did with poor Otto."

2018-07-29, 01:46 PM
"Aye, they do look like they're planning an attack," Astar says. "Probably tonight, while we sleep. Flying creatures aren't easy to kill, but they do have to get close to attack. Well, most flying creatures. Be glad they're not dragons."

I think the most effective way to fight them is to ready attacks for when they get close enough to hit. They may not be vulnerable to opportunity attacks if they have flyby, but that doesn't mean that readied attacks won't work.

2018-07-29, 05:58 PM
"Elizabet, do you think you could find where the bird nests? If it is nearby, we may have better luck ambushing it when it is trying to rest."

The scout shrugged.
"...Probably. Could be quite far off. But big. Only so many places to nest. Would find them eventually."

Vittorio's movements are slow as he performs the motions to summon an invisible servant yet again. The weariness is starting to slow him down some and he is pretty sure he isn't going to be good for much once the walls are done. Hmm.

"Elizabet, can you shoot them? I can't help but think it isn't good for them to be able to watch us this? I feel like they are going to dive whenever I turn my back, just like they did with poor Otto."

This time, the archer didn't emote, her gaze steadily upwards at the now-doubled birds circling lazily above.
"...They're too high. Out of range. They probably will attack soon. Maybe at night. Dunno if they're good in the dark."
She looked down at her shortbow. It had served her well, but she never did have much loyalty to earthly goods.
"...Meant to learn to shoot a larger bow. Never did. Would be handy."
She made a discontent noise and fiddled with her scarf, before looking up at Vittorio.
"...Less you got some kind of magic to help." She didn't sound particularly expectant.

If they had an almost infinite amount of rope or chain, they could have made a net over the fort that would prevent them swooping down. She doubted they had the resources to do anything like that. he knew it was important they had a safe stronghold in a place like this, but she was still getting antsy to go out and explore properly. So far she'd been somewhat restricted, and going out alone could be bad if she was injured and unable to get back. She didn't trust any of the Family to find her easily.

2018-07-31, 07:49 PM
"I'm sorry. My flight spell is still unstable. I can rise high by continuously dampening the oscillation manually,
but I rise pretty slow and can't do it from more than 60 ft away. I think they would just fly away if I tried it (and I would need some rest first)."

2018-07-31, 09:16 PM
Scruffley pads towards the animals, resolving to sleep with them tonight to help ensure their safety.

2018-08-01, 05:11 PM
Elizabet would set up her bedroll inside, taking the same watch schedule as before. When keeping watch, she'd carefully stay out of the open as she kept an eye on the foe.

2018-08-01, 10:50 PM
The night comes slowly and the thin sliver of a crescent moon does little to light up Fort Voltane.

The animals always more comfortable with Scruffley and the dog around and make no effort to leave the shelter.

The birds circling throughout the first watch. A third joins the flock.

2018-08-01, 10:52 PM
Astar herds the animals beneath the roof, and corrals them near the center. If the flying creatures want them, they're going to have to come to the ground for them, and he intends to be ready.

Then he takes up watch, the same as last night.

2018-08-01, 10:57 PM
With the first watch done, Astar wakes Vittorio and tries to bed down himself. He keeps his armor on.

2018-08-02, 10:41 AM
Scruffley takes her watch with Borgio again, still staying near the animals.

2018-08-02, 08:32 PM
Those on watch notice an owlbear walking towards the fortress. It tries to cross the ditch but falls in and loses the will to continue. It scrambles back out and waddles off to some sleeping sheep nearby.

One of the perytons flies back towards the mountain and another comes to replace it.

2018-08-03, 10:45 AM
Borgio laughs quiet loudly at the Owlbea who fails cross the ditch "It is much harder to get food when a ditch stands in the way! Perhaps, we will see them next Fall! "

2018-08-04, 07:00 PM
Later in the night, the family on watch can see glowing eyes staring from across the fort. These are almost certainly the wolves come back for more free food. They circle for a time, looking for a weakness but eventually leave on their own.

One tired peryton flies off toward the mountains. Two new ones come to join the growing flock.

A red sun begins to rise on a cloudy sky and Fort Voltane has proved worthy of its creators.

2018-08-05, 09:46 AM
Six, at least, of the antlered birds. Troublesome. Flying foes were tough, and they didn't truly know the capabilities of the creatures here.
"...What now? Try to lure them down?"

2018-08-05, 11:00 AM
"Maybe," Astar says. "What do you think would bring them down? If they really prefer human or elf hearts--well, we're not going to stake out someone to attract them. Not unless one of you can create an illusion of that."

2018-08-05, 01:53 PM
Borgio, Scruffley thinks to him, can you reach them with a bow? I know it'll be a tough shot, but it'll either goad them into attacking us more directly or get them to flee. Though, come to think of it, we should be prepared to track them back to their nest.

2018-08-05, 10:08 PM
Once he wakes up, Vittorio very carefully pokes his head out of the house and stares up. They had made it through the night without being attacked, but the monstrous menaces were still circling above their fortress. This would not do.

As his family debated what to do, Vittorio set up a ritual circle inside the house. He carefully went through the motions to allow himself to understand foreign tongues (these things are suppose to be intelligent, after all). He then summoned his icy armor, put on his flying goggles and walked just outside the house.

"I'm going to go up and shoot at them until they go away. Please cover me as you can. I may come down rapidly if I am injured."

With that, he summoned Otto to his shoulder and started to slowly ascend into the air (repeatedly casting as he slowly rose).

Vittorio casts ritual casts comprehend languages, casts armor of ags, levitation and then starts spamming blade ward as he rises. He intends to start shooting them once he is in range, but start spamming bladeward again and going down if too many come after him (hopefully they will be in short bow range if that happens). If his concentration breaks or he cancels the spell, he will fall to the ground but take no damage.

Attack to hit: [roll0]
Attack damage: [roll1]

P.S. Can I retro-actively have Vittorio have gotten aviator goggles? No mechanical effect, but I find the image of him strapping on big honking steampunk goggles before going to the air to be funny and appropriate.

2018-08-05, 10:38 PM
Borgio shakes his head "I am doubtful of my ability to actually strike these birds with a Bow. Elizbet however! Elizibet! May I ask if you could? If anything I am thinking that perhaps you could shoot a flaming arrow into t eh sky where they are to ward them off?

2018-08-05, 11:52 PM
Scruffley meows worriedly as Vittorio begins to rise, and before he gets far off the ground, she leaps onto his legs. She doesn't attempt to drag him down-rather, she scrambles up him, perching on the other shoulder from Otto, so that way he has some measure of backup.

2018-08-06, 02:32 AM
As man and cat step out from the safety of the roof, the Perytons tighten their circle above them. As Vittorio begins to rise, each bird folds it’s wings and begins to plummet in his direction at top speed.

So far, we have taken one round of action.
The birds begin their action at 375 feet in the air. All 4 take the dash action and travel 120 feet straight down. Vittorio travels 20 feet up.
The birds are 255 feet from the ground and 235 feet from Vittorio and Scruffley.

2018-08-06, 07:32 AM
Astar stares in shock as Vittorio begins to rise. "What are you thinking? This is foolishness!"

He readies his shield and draws his battleaxe. With a whispered prayer, it begins to glow.


Channel Divinity: Sacred Weapon on Battleaxe

2018-08-06, 08:25 AM
Vittorio looks up at the clawed death headed toward him, gulps and sets back down on the ground. He readies an action to fire once they are in range (previous attack roll, 120 ft range).

2018-08-06, 04:28 PM
If the cat planned to bless people, she waited until it did that before she took action. Otherwise, as soon as they're in range, Elizabet pops out of cover from inside building and takes a shot, exhaling sharply as she lets the string go. The arrow soars upwards, a mighty shot...

Attack out of concealment.
I'm hoping I don't have to roll for it, being out of sight within the house, but if I do: [roll0]

Using power attack with the bow:
[roll1] or [roll2] : dam: [roll3] + SA [roll4]

2018-08-06, 10:21 PM
Scruffley sighs, and meows loudly, calling upon the power she possesses to help the others.

Vittorio, Elibazeth, and Borgio, enjoy your Bless.

2018-08-07, 09:02 PM
The family prepares to fight and Elizabet fires off an arrow with shocking force. It hits the peryton straight in the chest but it doesn’t seem to do as much damage as Elizabet would expect from a hit of that magnitude.

Vittorio lands safely back on the ground much to Astar’s relief and waits for the creature to come to him.

2018-08-08, 10:08 PM
More actions are readied as the birds all come flying down another 120 feet.

2018-08-08, 10:09 PM
Scruffley prepares her own, readying some radiant energies in her paws.

Sacred Flame. DC 13 Dex save or take [roll0] Radiant damage, once they drop to within 60'.

2018-08-08, 10:20 PM
Astar moves next to whichever members of his family are out in the open.

"Moradin, may your skill sharpen my blade," he whispers, and his already glowing battleaxe gains an extra gleam along the edges.

Then he lifts his battleaxe, ready to attack the first time one of those birds get close.

Astar moves so he's next Vittorio, and/or any other members of his family who are out in the open.

Then he casts Divine Favor, which adds 1d4 damage to his attacks.

Finally, he readies an attack. The first time one of the birds gets within range, he'll attack.

Rounds left on Divine Favor: 10
Rounds left on Sacred Weapon: 9

[roll0] (includes sacred weapon)
[roll1] + [roll2] (from divine favor)
As a reminder, with sacred weapon, Astar's battleaxe counts as magic.

2018-08-08, 11:24 PM
Borgio draws his Axes, lacking any real ranged attacks "Prepare yourself! Another challenge approches! Borgio prepares to attack when they get close!

2018-08-09, 06:37 PM
Elizabet aimed again for the same one, breaking line of sight then darting out to fire a shot.

Stealth [roll0]
Hit : [roll1]+ [roll2] or [roll3]
Dam : [roll4]+[roll5] SA

2018-08-10, 12:54 AM
The birds come drop lower - now only 30 feet in the air. Elizabet lands another shot in the first bird but again the damage is less than she would expect. Vittorio takes aim but misses. Lucrezia tries to distract the closest bird but it seems unaffected - taking only a small amount of damage. Borgio threatens the airborn assailents.

Scruffley takes her own turn, sending fire towards the injured bird.


2018-08-10, 12:01 PM
Vittorio shoots and ducks inside the building.

Attack: [roll0]+[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2018-08-11, 01:36 PM
Rince and repeat.
Sometimes quantity had its own quality. Her arrows weren't doing much, but they were doing something.

[roll0] + [roll1] or [roll2]
Dam: [roll3] + [roll4]

2018-08-11, 03:03 PM
Astar growls. The birds still hadn't come close enough for him to hit. He hoped he hadn't called on Moradin's power too early. He'd hate for his axe to lose its power before he even got to take a swing at any of the birds.

He tries once again to position himself between the birds and his family, and readies to swing.

Rounds remaining on Sacred Weapon: 7
Rounds remaining on Divine Favor: 8

Move between the birds and the family

Ready attack the first one gets within reach.

[roll1] magic slashing damage + [roll2] radiant damage

2018-08-11, 11:03 PM
Together the family manages to slay the closest peryton. It careens downward and splats against the ground in a red mess.

Only three remain.

2018-08-12, 12:45 AM
Scruffley "roars" triumphantly-a hefty sound, but still one coming from a small cat.

2018-08-12, 10:35 AM
Borgio knows he is of little help here, yet he stand his ground, ready to battle any of the flying monsters!

2018-08-12, 09:05 PM
"Your head will look perfect, mounted on the wall of our new home!"

Needs to roll a Wisdom save.

2018-08-13, 09:11 AM
The three remaining birds swoop down to attack the large unarmored human below them with their talons. Those the first peryton seems a bit distracted by the cruel words directed towards it.

Astar, anticipating this move, seizes his opportunity to attack. He catches the first divebombing peryton and deals a massive blow to it.

Then the 3 of them fly off, 30 feet above the group.

Peryton 2 on borgio
[roll0] [roll1] disadvantage
[roll2] + [roll3]

Peryton 3 on borgio
[roll5] + [roll6]

Peryton 4 on borgio
[roll8] + [roll9]

2018-08-13, 02:27 PM
Borgio takes the first hit across the chest, but manages to avoid the other two! He ready's his axe, bringing it down on the Beast that actually hit him!

[roll0] [roll1]

2018-08-13, 06:47 PM
Astar grins as he manages to clip one of them. "Be ready for the next time they fly by, Borgio," he says. "And in your case, it might not hurt to get mad."

He prepares himself for the next time one of them comes within reach, keeping close to Borgio.

Rounds remaining on Sacred Weapon: 6
Rounds remaining on Divine Favor: 7

[roll1] magic slashing damage + [roll2] radiant damage

2018-08-13, 08:28 PM
Vittorio comes running out of house, goggles still on, and he looks plenty mad (if in a different sense). He stands next to Astar and Borgio and shouts.


A flaming magic aura springs up around him and those near him, but they are not burned. Angrily, his magic lashes out at the Invaders of their newly claimed home.

Move adjacent.
Bonus action: activate Shielding Arora
Action: Eldritch Blast at most wounded enemy
Attack: [roll0]+[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2018-08-13, 08:47 PM
Vittorio's magic makes contact with the retreating bird and it now looks quite damaged from his and Astar's efforts combined.

2018-08-13, 10:28 PM
Scruffley scurries over to Borgio, skirting the beasts if needed, while she summons a lance of divine energy against the most injured-looking one.

[roll0] Radiant, if they fail a DC 13 Dex save. [roll1] Plus whatever Dex mod they have.

2018-08-16, 06:21 AM
One down.
She wondered if their supernatural toughness would remain after their death. Otherwise, perhaps armour made out of their hides would be valuable.

Once more she stepped out, pulled back the string, and let fly and arrow before breaking sight inside.

[roll0] stealth. I think its +8? Not got access to sheet right now
[roll1] +[roll2] or [roll3]
Dam: [roll4] +[roll5]