View Full Version : Pathfinder Creating A Dinosaur Skeleton

2018-06-01, 02:32 PM
I’d like to create a dinosaur skeleton using the Undead Master wizard archetype, and I have a couple questions about this.

1. The Undead Master gains access to the Undead Lord’s corpse companion ability, which allows the Undead Lord to create one skeleton of HD no greater than the Undead Lord’s cleric level.

In the case of a Cleric 3/Wizard 1, where the wizard level is in Undead Master, do the three levels of cleric stack with the one level of Undead Master for the purpose of calculating the corpse companion’s HD? Or is the Cleric 3/Wizard 1 limited to a 1-HD skeleton?

2. If this character is indeed limited to a 1-HD dinosaur, are there any other dinos besides Troodon in that category? I’ve looked through the list on the PFSRD and don’t see anything else that qualifies. Is there something else tucked into some obscure sourcebook somewhere?


2018-06-02, 12:17 PM
This would have been best asked in the pf raw thread.

You are correct in that it is restricted to 1 hd. PFsrd should have all the dinosaurs listed. Keep in mind that you must come across a dinosaur skeleton in order to animate it which may prove difficult.