View Full Version : Stronghold: Heritage of Kings (Gathering the Lost)

2018-06-01, 05:12 PM
Its a cold and miserable day in the "town" (a rather generous term for a dozen buildings and rough palisade) of Yuan. Its been just over a month since the Four Tyrants slaughtered many a noble and King's loyalist and very little has happened. Mostly because there wasn't enough people to do anything, but thats changed. Lord Woolsack and Sir Longarm have successfully made it to Yuan with some of their men, and while its not enough to challenge the Tyrants, it is enough to raise the towns morale from "Its hopeless! We're Doomed" to "We won't be killed when they look at us"

Its an improvement at any rate.

You can roam about town, such as it is. Theres an Inn (the Sleeping Gnoll) as well as a General Store and a Temple Shrine, everything else is peoples houses.

2018-06-02, 07:28 AM
Qulee scattered across the muddy ground that served as the 'town's main street, not bothering to keep his traveling cloak from dragging in the mud. His expression was somber, though most humans found it difficult to interpret his reptilian features. He spared a few moments to observe those few out on the street before seeking refuge in the inn. The warmth of the inn's interior was a welcome change to the dank frigidness of the open air outside and he opted to warms his scales by the fire. Cautiously, he removed his hood. He had been living amongst the humans for several years but he still felt... unwelcome. His kind aren't welcome. He didn't blame the humans for that. His kind has done many things to deserve that state.

Unwelcome. Now, with the Four Tyrants, that was all anyone felt. He hated that. Hated that anyone else had to feel unwelcome amongst their own people. Qulee has been unwelcome his whole life and he hated it. He shook his head, trying to clear the disturbing thoughts and breaking the cycle. What news has been heard? His voice is a raspy squeak, easily confused for someone out of breath or who uses too much pipeweed. But that's just how Kobolds speak. Raspy and squeaky. Tough to be taken seriously.

2018-06-02, 12:37 PM
Gifu has spent a scant few days in Yuan and the stillness and hopelessness of the situation is already getting at him. During day he sneaks out in the wood, if anyone asks to meditate and train his battle posture, but truly just to be alone. Think about his losses. His powerlessness in helping his family. And smolder, sometimes smoke literally coming out of his head.

He has had enough though: today was going to be the day. He heads back to Yuan, picturing in his head how he would rally the population, give an inspiring speech, and march right here and now back to the capital, and retake the country. Make things right again, and make the name of his family shine even brighter.

His intentions cooled down like embers smothered in cold water as he reached back into the settlement. The depressed expressions on the faces of the people who now called this place home had just that power. Suddenly he feels all the exhaustion of the last days, the weight of his losses pushing down his shoulders. He heads back to the inn, sits in front of the fire, and let his thoughts wander while gazing at the flames flicker. A raspy voice shakes him from his stupor, and only now he notices the blue scaled Kobold next to him.

"The envoys sent for peace talks have been slaughtered. That's the news. Way I see it, no way to go but up."

2018-06-03, 12:39 PM
Chryssa sat in the Inn, frustrated with the whole situation. She had lost her family, her land and her family had failed in it's duties. After being in the Inn for a few day the only thing she could think of to do was to march back to the small plot of land her family used to own and take it back, but she knew better that to act on such suicidal ideas.

The town was depressed, and really didn't stand a chance if it were attacked. what the town needed was someone with some actual claim to the throne. Someone the people could rally under. If they could expand even a little, their chances would improve. And she could have an opportunity to serve a lord like a real knight, like the father she idolized.

Overhearing a conversation start up by the fire, she moves a bit closer. "then the only thing to do is search for a proper leader to raise the people up."

2018-06-05, 03:56 AM
He'd mostly holed himself up in the shrine since he got there. It had a reassuring sense of familiarity about it, and if he tried really hard he could pretend he wasn't constantly expecting soldiers to burst in and kill him too.

He wished other people hadn't had the same idea. He'd heard the talk. 'The Chang's are descended from the first king!'. Yes, by his third son, and so far removed from the line of succession at this point as to be laughable.
'He has the divine beast!' who clearly has terrible judgement, never listens to him, and seems to be enjoying his suffering.

He could see the question, building like a blocked stream, a dam waiting to burst. He wasn't sure if he was more terrified of saying yes, or saying no.

2018-06-05, 08:02 AM
Qulee's heart fell as he heard what little news there was to hear. Of course. Not even peace was welcome. But Chryssa was right. A proper leader was needed. Not Qulee. Obviously not Qulee the Kobold in exile from his own people. No, not Qulee but Qulee knew who. I know of such a leader. He.... I'm sure he can lead the people. Qulee didn't sound sure. He sounded apprehensive, nervous and scared. He's in the shrine, across the way. An azure claw motioned back out the tavern door as he climbed off the chair.

2018-06-07, 02:00 PM
Chryssa gets up and ready to follow Quelee. "let's go see what we have then."

2018-06-08, 10:56 PM
Qulee gave a small nod and motioned for the others to follow. The kobold scurried across the street to the shrine, taking careful steps to not click his claws on the stone floor. Standing a distance away from his close friend, Qulee whispered into the quiet shrine. Chang... You can't stay in here forever.

2018-06-13, 05:17 AM
"I'm fairly certain I can. I could stay here until the stones rotted around me, and no one would be the worse for it." He sighed. "I know what you're going to say. I know why you're all looking to me, but... I... I can't. I'm not a leader, or a warrior, or- Nyagh!" He was cut of abruptly, as Bái Hǔ bit him in the leg.

"It's a little late for that, don't you think? It's your own fault for settling for me," he complained, rubbing the (fairly minor) wound. He was fairly sure it couldn't actually roll it's eyes, but it certainly felt like it.

2018-06-13, 01:33 PM
"I suppose, we could leave you here, though i doubt the invaders would let you wait for the stones to rot around you." Chryssa says patronizingly. "Or if you want we could stop that from happening, if you make it publicly know that you are our leader and have a legitimate claim to the throne. Of course you wouldn't be expected to fight, that's what the army is for, if you come with us to talk with the last few returning soldiers." She offers.

2018-06-15, 01:43 PM
Before the conversation could go any further, a page runs into the shrine. By his dress and appearance, he is an Easterner, probably having come with Sir Longarm.

"Excuse me, but my Lord, Sir Longarm, requests your presence in the war room."


The "war room" was in fact, an upstairs storage room in the Inn. A large table had been placed in its center with a map of the Kingdom weighed down upon it. Sir Longarm, in his plate armor, turns and greets you as you enter. He is an elderly man, his hair gone completely white, though all you can really see is his rather large mustache. His ruddy skin and blue eyes mark him as an Easterner.

"Ah, glad you all could make it. Its time we start getting on with taking back our homelands, don't you say?"

2018-06-20, 08:16 PM
Qulee stood slightly to the side of Chang, waiting for him to introduce himself as Qulee knew he was taught. But sensing his trepidation, the little Kobold stepped forward, trying is best to sound official. Lord Chang Xia, of the Great House Xia and heir apparent to the throne Sir Longarm. He is glad to make your acquaintance and is overjoyed to begin working with you towards his rightful claim to the throne. He held his hands behind his back, standing as tall as he could though he could barely look over the table. We are his entourage. I am Qulee, his... closest confidant. There was a noticeable pause as Qulee puzzled the most 'official' manner of phrasing their relation. 'Friend' seemed too informal, even if accurate. Chang had to be a leader and a King. King's had confidant's, not friends. I'll allow the others to introduce themselves.

2018-06-21, 04:17 AM
"Chryssa Steel, daughter of the late Sir Cyril Steel, at your service." She introduces herself, "Eager to see what plans you may have to take back the land"

2018-06-21, 09:39 AM
"My given name is Gifu, of the Lavoys."

The young man clenches his fist as he pauses, for a moment uncertain how to continue.

"My family has been in the first lines of battle and in the highest ranks of the army since the beginning of the kingdom, if historians are to be trusted. Myself, have yet to finish military academy. I am honored to be here called among those you judge worthy, but I hope it's not on account of my family's deeds, as the books have yet to record anything on my name, or on my family alliances, as everyone we called kin is either missing or reported dead."

"Said that, you have my blade and my magic, until the Tyrants lay dead and our kingdom is reclaimed"

2018-06-21, 10:38 AM
He'd been trying to hold himself together, but with every word the others said, the dam strained, until finally it burst. "N-no... That- This isn't- Please, everyone, just stop it!" He'd meant to yell, but it came out as a mangled choking sound instead. "Please.... D-don't lie to him. I- W-we've lost enough. I don't wan't to lose any more to some pointless hope I'll never live up to..."

He tried his best to calm himself, but every breath was shallow and filled his lungs with fire. "I can't- Can't- I can't-"

2018-06-21, 05:54 PM
Sir Longarm wlaks over to Chang and places a hand on his shoulder "Its alright boy, we're not going to ask you to lead an army or charge headlong into the enemy, not that we even could at this point. No! At this point we are distinctly lacking in supplies and it is an issue that must be dealt with forthwith!"

The far more calm Lord Woolsack steps forward at this point. He too is an Easterner, his hair, whats left of it, has gone completely white and he is clean shaven. "That is where you come in, we need someone to take charge of a small base where some hunters and farmers can live in the short term. Its not very glamorous, but it is necessary."

2018-06-22, 04:14 AM
"Will there be any men or are we going to be the only defense for the heir here?" Chryssa asks, trying to determine what they will have to work with in terms of military force at this base.

2018-06-22, 09:23 AM
"You'll have a few men to go with you, but you'll be the primary defenders."

2018-06-23, 02:26 AM
Gifu moves closer to the map pinned on the table."Where is this base located?"
This could not be as bad as staying here in this depressing village, but it doesn't exactly promise chances for shining heroics...yet.

"Splitting our forces for a supply base involving farmers sounds rather long term. Sounds more like plans to found a new reign, rather than taking back what's ours."

2018-06-25, 08:11 PM
"The plan is to locate it here, at the edge of the arable land. That way, we shouldnt be to far away to help if need be, but the goal will be for you to be as self sufficient as possible." says Lord Woolsack


The camp is the tent

"As for founding a new reign, dont you worry. We'll take back whats ours, its just that right now we have a distinct lack of supply, and this should help alleviate that." Says Sir Longarm.

2018-06-26, 01:11 AM
Of course. An army marches on its tongue. I think. Qulee tapped his chin thoughtfully, trying to remember the phrase he had over heard once. How far away is this? We shouldn't delay, if possible.

2018-06-26, 02:24 AM
"J-just a couple of farmers...? I... I suppose I can at least handle that..." He'd atill much rather hide in the shrine though. He knew how it went. Today it was watch a few farmers, tomorrow it was lead a glorioua reconquest, and he wasn't going to fall for it.

But it would keep people off his back for a while.

2018-06-26, 02:52 AM
"Don't worry yourself too much Lord Chang Xia. You will have us to watch your back. and if i might brag a bit my sword has a very long reach." Chryssa assures the Chang with more than a hint of bragging.

2018-06-26, 04:10 AM
Gifu moves a step closer to the heir and the tiger, feeling a bit uncertain about the one, and definitely in awe about the other. Could this man be the one to lead them in the reclaiming of their land? He seemed to be panicking outright at first, but he did recover rather quickly. He was chosen by a legendary tiger spirit - those very often turned out to be right about this sort of things, again, if the historians are to be trusted. And a fierce thunder tiger makes for a poor patron for a lord of a few farmers - the heir here was not chosen by a meek water buffalo spirit after all.

Stll, better to keep this musing for himself - or to share them around a fire and some ale with his new companions.

"Qulee - I agree with you. We should get going as soon as possible. Lord Woolsack, Sir Longarm, are the preparations and provisions already underway? I'd like to see to that, of course if that is alright with you, Lord Chang."

2018-06-26, 08:43 AM
"Tge preparations should be done tomorrow, day after at worst. If all goes well you should be at your new base by the end of the week." says Lord Woolsack.

2018-06-29, 03:04 PM
Gifu leans on the map and studies it intently

"That looks like two days of travel, assuming we'll be moving farmers and supplies by carts and wagons. We could send a small group on fast horses ahead, already today ideally, to scout and blaze the path."

He takes half a step back, a grin breaking the composure he was trying to keep so far, and beams toward Chang

"I volunteer for this scouting missiong, if my Lord agrees"

2018-07-04, 03:25 PM
"What? Oh... yes, I suppose that probably wouldn't be a terrible idea..." The less chance of having to fight on the road, the better. Not that any of them should have any expectations of him if a fight did break out. The best he could do was hide and hope Bái Hǔ chose to help. But even so...

"I... Um... Be careful." What meaningless aid he offered.

2018-07-06, 11:56 AM
Sir Longarm nods, "Good, gather who you will at the gate and I'll be sure that you're properly supplied. Best of luck."