View Full Version : Wizard ascension plan for adventures league

2018-06-02, 01:11 PM
I am sure this has been thought of before, but I wanted to check with you all to see if the following plan makes sense. I am playing in Adventure's league which uses RAW.

Step 1: Be a portent wizard that can cast Magic Jar, True Polymorph, Simulacrum, and Demiplane.
Step 2: Cast demiplane, simulacrum, and Magic Jar
Step 3: Have you Sim fight something cool like Acerack in Tomb of Horrors. Force them to fail a save to True Polymorph after exhausting legendary resistances.
Step 4: Turn then into a human and immediately force them to fail possession from the Magic Jar.
Step 5: End session. Under AL rules the True Polymorph expires and you are now Acererack (or whatever).
Step 6: Adventure as you sim with your tiny skull acererck in a portable hole or something. Bring him out in combat. Recast Sim on your demiplane body as needed to replace spell slots.
Step 7: To prevent starvation/dehydration Use wish to duplicate good berry on downtime days to force feed your catatonic body.

Edit: If your DM throws a fit about bring your new body into the game. Just adventure as the sim.
edit2: Magic Jar doesn't end if your original body dies. This makes step 6 and 7 not matter that much, however you would be dead if someone cast dispel on you.
Edit3: you can cast imprisionment on your body choosing slumber to cease aging, needing to eat, breath, etc. This allows you to periodically show back to cast similacrim.

2018-06-02, 01:29 PM
This relies on many improbable assumptions. A few of them being:

-your Simulacrum can act without your directions (when it can't learn anything).

-you can play a module with a character this high level.

-your Simulacrum can reach a being of Acererak's power level with its 60-80 HPs and not-recoverable spell slots

-your Simulacrum can last in a fight against said being

-no one ever use Dispel Magic on you

And that's only a small amount of them.

So, sorry, but this has basically no chance to work, even in AL.

2018-06-02, 01:42 PM
This relies on many improbable assumptions. A few of them being:

-your Simulacrum can act without your directions (when it can't learn anything).

>>It obeys your spoken commands, moving and acting in accordance with your wishes and acting on your turn in combat. You could command it to follow the directions of another party member after giving that party member the plan, or tell it specially to use the scroll in the event its casts x number of spells.

-you can play a module with a character this high level.

>>ToH is 11-15. Sim is a level 7th spell which you can get at level 14. There is a way to obtain a scroll of true poly somewhere in the Tomb. Alternatively, in AL you could "lock in" to Tomb of Annihilation and over level it, coming back to finish Tomb of Annihilation at level 15-17.

-your Simulacrum can reach a being of Acererak's power level with its 60-80 HPs and not-recoverable spell slots

The party the sim is in would have needed to force several failures on Acerack.

-your Simulacrum can last in a fight against said being
>>This is an assumption. It is a clone of a character with less hit points but identical saves and all the gear the normal would have (it would give the sim all its items etc)

-no one ever use Dispel Magic on you

>>This is an assumption. Also in that assumption is that dispel magic isn't countered.

So, sorry, but this has some chance to work, even in AL.

2018-06-02, 01:59 PM
I am curious, why are you casting Simulacrum twice? You end up destroying whatever Simulacrum's you create. That said, if you burned through their legendary resistance, and they failed the save, it would work.

However, True Polymorph is a 9th level spell. Meaning you need to be level 17 to cast it. So you would not be able to use it in Tomb of Horrors.

2018-06-02, 02:02 PM
I am curious, why are you casting Simulacrum twice? You end up destroying whatever Simulacrum's you create. That said, if you burned through their legendary resistance, and they failed the save, it would work.

However, True Polymorph is a 9th level spell. Meaning you need to be level 17 to cast it. So you would not be able to use it in Tomb of Horrors.

The efreet could give a scroll of it in the prior room if your DM allowed it.

You would want to recast SIM later because at some point the SIM would have no spells.

2018-06-02, 02:05 PM
The efreet could give a scroll of it in the prior room if your DM allowed it.

You would want to recast SIM later because at some point the SIM would have no spells.

Ok, you're relying on the Efreet to give you a scroll then. That makes sense. You just need to make sure he fails the save.

And that makes sense too. I was just wondering why you cast it a second time after you used Demiplane. X3

EDIT: Ahh, I see where I misread something. I misread the "be a wizard that CAN cast" as "be a wizard that casts"

2018-06-02, 03:27 PM
This is why we cant have nice things....

Also literally everything would do nothing but cast dispel magic on you if you tried that at my table.

2018-06-02, 04:11 PM
This is why we cant have nice things....

Also literally everything would do nothing but cast dispel magic on you if you tried that at my table.

You could also pull this trick with Tiamat or Aspect of Kyuss, they have limited magic immunity. In this case your magic jar would need to be a duplicate via wish (since wish is 9th level). This would make you immune to dispel magic, however it would be much harder and you would need to be at least 17 level with a way to cast two 9th levels (Tome of stilled tongue/ diamond spell gem)

2018-06-02, 04:12 PM
So, sorry, but this has basically no chance to work, even in AL.

I would argue this has less chance to work in AL than a regular game, because in a regular game you could talk to the DM and try to get them on board. Whereas in AL you're going to have to have that argument every time you sit down at the table.

So this character sounds like to great way to get in a load of arguments and waste the time of everyone else at the table who just wants to get on and game. If that was your objective, job done :smalltongue:

2018-06-03, 06:00 PM
There's a clause in the AL FAQ where you must revert to your original character between sessions and if you're unable to do so (you're a fighter who got True Polymorphed into an ancient Brass Dragon) you have to permanently retire your character. There's some allowances for certain effects (such as the Death Curse and Dark Blessings) but I'm positive True Polymorph is not one of those.

The idea you 'adventure' as your simulacrum would be clever, but (aside from no DM letting you play that way, c'mon, why not just send a legion of Planar Bound Solars in your stead) there's a second clause in the AL FAQ enforcing transparency between simulacrums and the originator. Meaning, if you had to retire your character that would certainly mean your simulacrum gets retired along with you.

2018-06-03, 11:06 PM
There's a clause in the AL FAQ where you must revert to your original character between sessions and if you're unable to do so (you're a fighter who got True Polymorphed into an ancient Brass Dragon) you have to permanently retire your character. There's some allowances for certain effects (such as the Death Curse and Dark Blessings) but I'm positive True Polymorph is not one of those.

The clause you are referring to is 'Dragons aren't allowed in town?' it says that if you end the session true polymorphed the spell ends. This trick is exploiting this rule by wanting it dispelled at the end of session to hiest the original body.

The more I thought of this the more I realized you can also do this, which essentially results in the same thing.

Step 1. Be level 18 and cast similacrim.
Step 2. Have the Sim cast true poly turning himself into a demilich.
Step 3. Cast true poly on your sim turning him into a human.
Step 4. Magic jar possess him and dismiss the second polymorph.
You are now a demilich with your class features.

The only difference between Acererk from ToH and a demilich is the Trap the Soul action.

2018-06-03, 11:38 PM
The clause you are referring to is 'Dragons aren't allowed in town?' it says that if you end the session true polymorphed the spell ends. This trick is exploiting this rule by wanting it dispelled at the end of session to hiest the original body.
You're focusing way too much on the example and not enough on the rule. The purpose of that rule is not specifically to ban True Polymorph between sessions, but to ban schemes that alter your character sheet from ground zero between sessions. It's literally the equivalent of thinking that you're circumventing the drug ban by switching from bongs to marijuana cigarettes.

2018-06-04, 01:13 AM
You could also pull this trick with Tiamat or Aspect of Kyuss, they have limited magic immunity. In this case your magic jar would need to be a duplicate via wish (since wish is 9th level). This would make you immune to dispel magic, however it would be much harder and you would need to be at least 17 level with a way to cast two 9th levels (Tome of stilled tongue/ diamond spell gem)

Congratulations then. Your character has become a god villain and is now a NPC. Please hand me your sheet.