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2018-06-02, 10:34 PM
The standard nightly blizzard falls over Whiteforge. The great black metal statue of the hero Krall stands above all other buildings, rivaled only by the clock tower and the hill where the lord of the town's home lies, in the center of town. Bong!... Bong!... Bong!... Bong!... Bong!... Bong!... Bong!... Bong!... the tower rings eight, though the hands of it stopped moving many an hour ago, the outside gears frozen still from the cold. Many a man, woman, and child have hurried inside to keep warm after a days' work of the boys and men chopping wood from one of the nearby forests. Some flock to the inns; they are mostly bulletin boards for the bravest of sellswords and those who know how to swing an ax, though others come for a drink and to hear gossip. The busiest of inns, The Throttled Neck, is particularly lively for this time of night. It lies in the northern half of the west end. The Throttled Neck is, as usual, filled with a multitude of peoples. Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Halflings, Gnomes alike. The red-bearded bald dwarf bartender practically eats, drinks, and breathes beer, so it doubles as a church to Tormund, first king of the dwarves. He serves beer to everyone at once at the bar while also preparing a polar bear and a few fish on a spit that he hunted for during the day. Many of you may already be at the bar.

OOC: I'm going to let you all do what you want for now. I'll move on when everyone wants to move on.

2018-06-02, 11:15 PM
A few whisps of snow come into the Inn as

Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080)

enters from outside.

After meticulously brushing of snow flakes from each shoulder of his heavy midnight blue greatcoat, he unbuttons it revealing the fur lining and leather armor underneath, and slowly scans the room before entering further, and then approaches the bar.

"Wine, hot and mulled, Innkeep"

And after a pause,


2018-06-03, 12:03 AM
So then. Robin starts slamming the tankard of ale onto the bar to punctuate her story.

Out storms Jessibelle, And I mean I love the girl and all. She adds taking a swig of the ale. But she is the most girly girl person I have ever met. Long flowing blonde hair, sapphire eyes, she's a lovely person, but she's obviously never swung a weapon before. Hell sometimes I have to wonder if she's even ever seen one. Robin continues, a wide grin showing that, at least on the last part she's exaggerating. And she says she's going to beat up these bullies that were insulting the kid. So of course I have to step in, thanks to her ...good heart because she's going to get her ass kicked from street to street. If she's lucky. She takes a pause to see if everyone is still interested.

Performance check if necessary [roll0]

2018-06-03, 01:35 AM
For his part Rucron has himself against the wall where his larger bulk can be kept out of the way of anyone walking by. The centaur slowly nursing a mug of beer, a welcome treat, while he observes the other inhabitants of the inn. At his side rests a staff topped with a small bear skull interwoven with feathers while a leather pack sits next to it. Perhaps the oddest thing about the centaur however is the shrub that sits next to his drink which seems to shiver anytime someone walks by.

"Such strange peoples..." Rucron murmurs quietly before taking a sip of his drink. He'd come to this establishment having done business with them before. Twas good to have one safe location in such a bustling city.

2018-06-03, 05:22 AM

A hooded, travel-clad person entered the tavern from the snowy outsides. The first odd thing one with an observant eye would spot about her, is that she had no snow on her, with the exception of the rim of her footwear (a pair of sturdy-looking travel-boots) which she quickly and easily stamped off before entering past the welcome mat. The second odd thing was that her clothes and equipment looked of substantially higher value than one might have expected. Especially an oddly shaped pendant visible near her chest, hanging out over her clothing. It had the shape of the quarter taken from a sun, a withering autumn-orange leaf, an icy snowflake and a leaf green with the health of spring. All four was arranged in a circular pattern and looked quite valuable.
She, and yes after that first glance one could recognize a feminine figure under those concealing clothes. She took a seat at the bar, yet to still reveal her feet... and still dry as ever.

Dain Broadbeam
2018-06-03, 06:53 AM
Dain Broadbeam

At the bar sits a lone dwarf, absentmindedly picking at a bowl of stew. Below his chair is a slowly growing puddle of water that keeps dripping from his cloak. His clothing seems new, but travel worn. Solid but practical. What's more, anyone familiar with dwarfs would soon notice his youthfulness. Young, but worn, with an expression well beyond his years. As the half-elf pauses his story Dain takes a drink from his tankard and turns his head to face him. "And?"

Aleister VII
2018-06-03, 12:15 PM
A girly looking half elf is sitting listening to the story, she's known as Mika a cleric who was preaching early at the streets, she's however a little weird... not that anyone actually cares about or mind her, she currently looks genuinely interested in the story and what happened then, in her hand there's a cup of wine that she occasionally sips.

"Now that's something..." Remarks the Mika as she drank all of the remaining wine in a single sip.

"By the gods..! This is damn good! Barman! Please fill my cup once more! You can't worship those Gods properly if you don't finish your day with wine..!" And she's definitely drunk at this point... what is worse is that this is just her second cup.

2018-06-03, 01:22 PM
The dwarf barman gives the polar bear a half-turn on the fire, then turns to Theren. He grabs a wine bottle from under the bar and twists the entire neck of it off, and then hands it to Theren. "Tha'll be be a few coppers." He glances over at the others at the bar, including a nicely-dressed human holding an empty mug. The human tips back the mug to try to get another drink, and the barman snatches it out of his drunken hands, fills it, and returns it. "Tha' to'als up ta a few duz'n copper."

He then looks over to the half-elf on the other side. "Ye look a bit worse fer wear, lass. Usu'ly I'd kick oot any'un who cannae take their drink like me lord Torm'nd, bu' I feel tha blizzard be gettin' much worse this time 'f night." He fills Mika up a glass of beer, and pours some water in. "Me lord Torm'nd fergive me..." he mutters to himself as he waters it down.

A few other drunken folk stand waiting for a conclusion to Robin's story.

Moments ago, a boy who some might say is meek, stood wearing studded leather armor looking at the bulletin board on the opposite side of the room to Rucron. Some would think some would say he had no business standing there, but no one did. He takes a poster off of the board and jogs over to Rucron. He doesn't know much about the lifespan of humans, the boy can't be older than fifteen. He has a sword at his belt and a shield strapped onto his back, but they both look worn and battered. He has long pitch-black hair that waves down to his collarbone, and wears round spectacles, visibly fogged until recently from coming from the cold into the heat. He reads from the poster: "Massive Direwolf Pack spotted just south of Glowlake, a town a few miles to the northeast of the forest to the west of Whiteforge. Deliver to furmaster Edwin and you will receive 15 silver for their furs, 5 silver for their meat and bones. Would you happen to have been to Glowlake, sir?" He looks up at Rucron, rather timidly. He flinches. "Er, excuse me. My name is Edrin, I'm Lord O'o's squire..." he says, reaching a hand out, the other holding the poster at his side.

Some men look at Caelyn as she enters, but say nothing to her. They go back to whatever conversation they were having, laughing. The barman takes the fish off of the fire and starts cutting them up on the counter beside it, then notices Caelyn's presence. He briefly looks to her, walks past the polar bear he was roasting, looks back at it, and gives it another quarter turn. He also notices someone spilled some beer on the bar where Caelyn just sat down. "Damn rats, leavin' tha brew a me lord Torm'nd just layin' on tha table... he mutters, before saying "Wha'll ye be havin', lass? while wiping down the bar with a cloth.

2018-06-03, 01:45 PM

Caelyn wasn't really ignoring the guys looking her way, but wasn't giving any signs of having noticed it. I mean, she felt she was fairly regular in terms of 'flavor'... sure she had only just recently popped over here to the Material Realm from the Feywild, but still... did she stand out? She had taken precautions with dressing up warm and veiled with clothes. Maybe it was just a curiousity to a newcomer?
Whatever the case was, once the bartender approached her and asked what she wanted, Caelyn removed the winter-prepped travel clothes and hanged it over the adjacent chair... still all dry and free of snow.

What was revealed was a heart-wrenchingly beautiful being, exuding life, warmth and had a very pleasant smile on her lips. She had to do a mental gear shift, since she had mostly spoke Sylvan a good 80 years of her life so far, having had no real need for using common, beyond the moments of running into adventurers exploring the feywild, or when she had been studying the language and practicing it. Her clothed beneath that travel-friendly garb was one of exquisitely fine tailoring, made to emphasize the curves and assets, without making it look cheap or overtly sexual. It was merely very fine clothes, fitting Caelyn VERY well~
Her skin was of a bronzed tone to what would most likely be a healthy fair skin tone, looking rather out of place for winter-time like now, but it looked natural to her. Leaves of autumn clinged to her Auburn hair as well, and her Vividly Green eyes (with the darker green sclera) would be alive with pleasant smiles, which her facial features also expressed. Upon her lips that smile which made even her eyes shine with it, was inviting and friendly, just as her whole body language was that of a cheerful and friendly person.
"Lass? oh, a girl, yes? well, I really wouldn't know, barkeep, I'm not to this place and I have yet to taste the food or drink here. Anything you could recommend?"

Most would properly think she was an elf, but she had something... more about her. Than just 'one of them long-eared and long-lived treehuggers'. It was the whole sensation like she was the daughter of the seasons sort of feel she exuded, as well as her very odd accent that wasn't like anything anyone here would be familiar with.... at least the chances of her was very small.
Then there was her clothing and such... She looked like nobility of a sort, although there was no rings or heraldry to indicate anything specific.

2018-06-03, 03:59 PM
Robin blushed, a shade of crimson flowing over her face as the gorgeous cloaked figure talked, her acute elven hearing, a gift from her father picked up her words. Robin did gaze over the bard's frame, head cocking confused at the fine tailoring of the clothes, with no signs of nobility on her.

That's when she realized she had gotten side tracked from the story.

Oh right! Robin replied clapping her hands and the cup together, a little bit of beer spilling out. Well then it was me, Jessibelle, and the roughed up kid, against three bullies. Which really meant that it was me against three bullies, because Jessibelle, and the kid was complaining about a spranged ankle or something, I don't know. Robin added with a dismissive wave of her hand.

Thankfully the bullies started laughing, because I'm a stick, I know that. Robin nods. But I got wiry muscle. She adds showing off her right bicep. So I whack the leader right in the face. Jessibelle stomps his foot.... She adds with a cross between a nod and rueful shake of her head. So blood's flying everywhere. I'm swinging again, because no one's fleeing yet. She says throwing a few air swings to add the story. And so, that's our their boss ended up unconscious as his underlings headed for the hills. So me and Jessibelle tied his hands behind his back, and hung him from a tree for a few hours. And he never picked on anyone again. The end!

Aleister VII
2018-06-03, 08:27 PM
"Bravo! I loved that final..! Hick... huh?" said an excited Mika after listening the conclusion of Robin's story, she takes a sip of the beer that the barman just gave her and grimaces a little but nevertheless drank it, she's a cleric wine is what she's supposed to drink even if she isn't in the best condition right now but then caelyn apparition catches her attention and makes her come back to her senses...
That elegant and gracious body, that flawless face, those expressive eyes, that auburn hair and above all that innate likelihood to the the seasonal Goddesses..! Mika should be dreaming! To find such beautiful humanoid in the material plane MUST be a omen of some sort device by either the most benevolent Gods or a cruel joke courtesy of the most cruel ones....

"Excuse me... is she an..?" Half questioned an incredulous Mika to the closest persons including Robin, she also heard something about a Dire wolves but the possibility of a divine omen blinds her and dismissed the dire wolves thing.

2018-06-03, 09:37 PM
Huh? Robin starts, prodded out of her reverie.

Oh an elf? Robin replies her eyes being drawn to the woman's pointed ears. Robin reaches over and prods Mika's ear with a flick of her finger. I imagine so. She replied. But if you want to be sure? She says with a shrug. -Miss. Miss. Are you an elf? Do you hail from Esterdale?- The half elf starts in fluent elvish.

Aleister VII
2018-06-03, 10:11 PM
Wait..! Wait..! Oh great Pytos..! She's really an Eladrin, isn't she..!? Says an excited Mika as she tries to get a hold of herself and snap out of her still drunken state.

2018-06-04, 12:27 AM
Rucron regards the boy with some surprise and an arched eyebrow. Strange peoples indeed. The centaur looks over the boy's equipment slowly. "Indeed, my kin and I have gone by all the towns and villages in the area. I never went into the town myself though." A moments pause as he brings to mind the lay of the land. "West northwest of Whiteforge... Though the forest makes for an easy landmark. Why might you be inquiring about an errand such as that... Edrin?" Rucron gestures to the poster in Edrin's hands. The temptation had been there to merely call him child but the centaur had not been around humans enough to tell for certain when they were fully mature. A centaur would already be running with the hunters at that age.

2018-06-04, 05:37 AM

Upon hearing someone call out in Elvish, a language she of course was just as fluent in as she was in Sylvan, Caelyn looked around to see who was calling out and if it might be herself they were trying to catch the attention of. It was the two languages she was raised with after all. Elvish in private, Sylvan in public.
Caelyn spotted Robin's gaze and felt instinctively that the rugged-looking Half-elf female was talking to her. She also noticed that Mika was gawking as well.... and it all made her a bit flustered, which caused her to raise a hand up to run over the tip of one of her ears.
"(Elvish) Um... hi, yes? Am I an Elf? Well I am Eladrin, child of the seasons, daughter of the Queen of Ketz-zetsu-lunaras." She said and, after a few seconds of composure she just smiled widely and in a nicely welcoming manner, showing a lot of nice white teeth and gentle-blushing cheeks at the cheekbones. Ketz-zetsu-lunaras is not an elven word btw. To those that speak Sylvan, they'd understand it as: Home of the Season-Touched in terms of it's Common translation.
"(Elvish) I am new to these parts-" She continued on, still talking in Robin's and Mika's direction. "(Elvish) I completely forgot to ask the barkeep here, but do you all still use those metal disks of the Bronze, Silver and Gold Variety for currency? The Mortal Realm does so tend to change, after all." She continued, clearly curious as to this tidbid of information.

Dain Broadbeam
2018-06-04, 06:03 AM
"Hah, served that bugger right." Dain adds as the story ends. He is in the process of finishing his drink when the words "dire wolves" catches his attention. Ordering a new pint he jumps awkwardly down from his stool, straightens the strap holding a mean looking great axe before walking over to the kid and the centaur. "Dire wolves you said?" he asks and snatches the poster away from the young man and begins to read. After a few moments he coughs and adds with smile: "Names Dain by the way."

Aleister VII
2018-06-04, 06:42 AM
Upon seeing Caelyn approaching a huge smile appears on Mika face.
Yes... this is an omen, my journey must be about to start... I'll definitely not let patron down." Mutters the Half Elf to herself still being under the effects of the alcohol that she early consumed.

2018-06-04, 07:32 AM
As with many others the eyes of

Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080)

follow the Eladrin, but at the sound of Elvish his attention is riveted to the half-elf speaking the language, then he turns, bows, and addresses the Eladrin (in Sylvan)
"Greetings fair lady of the Brightlands, please forgive my intrusion, I am Theren of House Liadon, and I'm seeking one of my kin, and I hope to speak with one of your companions"

(Then in Dwarvish to Dain):
"A moment for a question of your drinking comrade, please"

(Then in Elvish to Robin):
"Please forgive me madam, but when I heard you speak our tongue..
.....my apologies I have traveled long. Am I mistaken in seeing that you have both Elvish and Human kin?"

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )

2018-06-04, 08:05 AM

Caelyn looked at Theren with rather surprised eyes at him using the Sylvan language, but fairly quickly just nodded at the interruption. "(Sylvan) Greetings Theren. Although I'm not their companions. I'm new here, so please, talk with them. If there's something I can do to help, let me know. I have nothing to do here but experience the Mortal Realm." She said and smiled at the High Elf, with a brilliant shine to her expression.

2018-06-04, 09:56 AM
Robin giggled softly as the elf girl blushed.

-What's Eldrain?- She asked in elvish a blush as she started to feel like an idiot in front of two gorgeous girls, and two handsome men. -Child of seasons? Is that a fancy word for Druid?-

That's when the high elf started talking, and at first Robin turned to Mika. Oh see. Druid. Druids have a fancy unique language I've heard. That's when the proper noun of Liadon was spoken out. Robin immediately paled, her eyes growing wide, an utterly terrified look on the half-elf's face, as her hand went to grip at the bottom of her axe in case. I'd die before I'd let them drag me back. She thought to herself.

Um nope. Nope. Just full elf here. Robin lied quickly in common as she edged away as soon as Liadon spoke.

Deception [roll0]
And if advantage or disadvantage is necessary [roll1]

2018-06-04, 10:19 AM
The boy- Edrin- replies to Rucron politely. "I need to bring back a trophy of a job done on my own in a few days. I'm becoming a knight on Lord O'o's eldest son's birthday, so I also have to prove myself then," he paused, scratching his head with a smile. "It's kind of a pain, but I have to do what's needed to follow in my father's footsteps." then Dain approaches, and introduces himself. "Oh! Dain! I didn't recognize you. You look just like your father said you did. He must have a pretty good memory."

As Caelyn looks away, the Barman is still wiping down the bar, but as she looks back, he's cleaning glasses and mugs and he's gone through over twenty in almost just a moment. "I rec'mend tha polar bear, bu' I be na sure about yer people's eatin' habits, do ya like meat? If na I c'n nae help ye wit tha. This ere inn dinnae sell pure veg-ehtables for three generations. Bu' the wine is the finest Snowberry." he picks 2 wine glasses out from the many he's cleaned. "This glass was forged by me father's father's father, a renowned glassworker who made a fortune helping window e'ery building in Whiteforge on 'is own. 'e spent it well: building a tavern and siring a great family of hunters and miners and bartenders. True to the first three kings of Dur'Nuul. Here, have some," he places said glass in front of Caelyn, and the other in front of himself, and pours the wine. "Drink!" he States loudly and heartily.

At this moment, a very bright light flashes outside. The dwarves breathe loudly in their accents and in unison, "one... two... three... CRACK! The sound of thunder rumbles, and the dwarves, including by instinct Dain, look to the west, the direction of the sound's origin. The Barman climbs onto the bar carefully. "Looks like we been snowed an' stormed in," he chuckles. "No one be leavin', t'night. Tha storm came in quickly from tha west so it be lyin' over Whiteforge t'night. I alw's asked me pa why Asbjorn Broadbeam built the statue of Krall out of conductiveAdamantine." he coughs, and there is a dull silence. "Which means, it be a banquet!" the bar folk road with excitement, though some also grumble about being snowed in. "Polar bear be on me!" shouts the Barman over the din of the crowd, and sets it on the bar. Some dwarves start carving off slices and going into the back of the bar to bring out a whole barrel of wine.

2018-06-04, 10:46 AM
If we're snowed in, room for us three? Robin asks the other two girls pointing to them.

2018-06-04, 11:27 AM

Caelyn chuckled a little bit at Robin's rather... well... expressive blushing and fluster. "No no, Eladrin. I'm an Elf native to the Feywild. I'm not a Druid either. Eladrin are elves native to the feywild and I guess people of the Material Realm have changed that name into meaning child of the seasons. I guess it's due to our tendency to change with the seasons."


As the barkeep returned and responded to her question earlier, Caelyn quickly turned back towards him. "Well, I haven't really eaten meat. Mostly because we do not have to. It's not like we can't... so... sure let me try a small bit of that bear... But you do of course serves veggies with it, right? or potatoes or some such that makes it more than just meat?" She asked, and of course happily clinked wineglasses with the Dwarf and gave it a taste.... and quite enjoyed it actually~

Aaaand 'bump' went the snow outside and she instantly thought: oh, a snow-in. They have those here as well~ "Mister Barkeep, do you have enough rooms here? Or would we all need to share?" She asked. It was clearly not meant to be filled with innuendoes and whatnot... but some might take it that way. She was just merely curious is all.

Dain Broadbeam
2018-06-04, 11:32 AM
Dain Breadbeam
Dwarf Palain (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595431)

In dwarvish "A moment for a question of your drinking comrade, please" Dains head snaps up and turns to look at the elf. in dwarvish "You speak dwarvish?" Before either Dain could follow up the question or Theren reply, Dain freezes at the mentioning of his father. The poster slips from his hand as the tavern reclines from his conscious mind. He turns to face the boy fully in a mechanical fashion, "You know my father? How? You're just a kid! What do you know about him? Where is he?!". It is then that the thunder cracks, and the world returns to Dain. His cheeks flushes a bit as he realises that he was shaking the young man. "I'm sorry, Edrin was it? I haven't heard from him or the rest of my family since I left Whiteforge which," he studies Edrin for a brief moment "must have been years before you were even born."

Aleister VII
2018-06-04, 11:36 AM
Ugh... I didn't expect having to stay but I can't complain, there must be a divine will behind this storm and our meeting in such unlikely place. Said Mika as she smiles widely upon hearing the barman announcement and then proceeds to greet Caelyn in Elvish, she would have loved to do it in sylvan but she lacks knowledge of that language.

"(Elvish) Greetings lady is an honor to finally meet one of your kin, I'm Mika Sheolgate, Elven cleric of Ikatja, faithful seeker of the beauty and happiness and light bringer to the mortals of the material plane to which I'm a proud inhabitant." Greeted a joyful Mika yet she is lying about more than just one or two things... As her status as a cleric to start with.

Deception Check with disvantage due to being half drunk: [roll0] [roll1]
She's lying about being a cleric, being an elf and about Mika being her real name.

2018-06-04, 01:16 PM
In reply to Dain, Edrin makes a sort of half-smile. "To be honest, I would have been knighted last year by lord O'o, but my mission to escort your father fell through, since they refused protection. I used to sit in on him making my weapons and heavier armor I have back at the barracks, and he talked a lot about "his young son down way South learning his trade". He was very proud. He got a few letters about your progress and decided it would be easiest for him to come down and see it for himself with his family. I didn't see him the next morning when I was to pick up my shield he designed himself and inlaid with Adamantine straight from Whiteside and Whitespear. If they're still out there, I would do anything to save him and stop whatever made them disappear." he takes off his glasses, "He even made me these. He was asked by lord O'o to watch the new recruits spar and make armor to fit them, but his keen eyes saw that I couldn't see very well during my spars. I even see better than some now."

2018-06-04, 02:12 PM
So we've got a missing Dwarf knight. Robin calls over.

Any idea besides wolves what could have made him go missing. I doubt it could be bandits. Robin adds stroking her chin in thought. None of us were waylaid after all. Robin adds gesturing to the three girls, herself included.

2018-06-04, 03:26 PM

Caelyn looked at Theren with rather surprised eyes at him using the Sylvan language, but fairly quickly just nodded at the interruption. "(Sylvan) Greetings Theren. Although I'm not their companions. I'm new here, so please, talk with them. If there's something I can do to help, let me know. I have nothing to do here but experience the Mortal Realm." She said and smiled at the High Elf, with a brilliant shine to her expression.

Robin giggled softly as the elf girl blushed.

-What's Eldrain?- She asked in elvish a blush as she started to feel like an idiot in front of two gorgeous girls, and two handsome men. -Child of seasons? Is that a fancy word for Druid?-

That's when the high elf started talking, and at first Robin turned to Mika. Oh see. Druid. Druids have a fancy unique language I've heard. That's when the proper noun of Liadon was spoken out. Robin immediately paled, her eyes growing wide, an utterly terrified look on the half-elf's face, as her hand went to grip at the bottom of her axe in case. I'd die before I'd let them drag me back. She thought to herself.

Um nope. Nope. Just full elf here. Robin lied quickly in common as she edged away as soon as Liadon spoke.

Deception [roll0]
And if advantage or disadvantage is necessary [roll1]

At hearing Robin say "full elf" Theren (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080)'s face becomes crestfallen and downcast.

He turns to Caelyn and speaks to her "Fair lady of the Brightlands, you kindly offered help, and help I need.

A note came that a child of my sibling was born of a human, and our parent has charged me to find this child and pass to them a token that is said to have come from the Brightlands, like you.

It is a small thing, but it has been held by the youngest of everyone of our family that can give birth, and the last now has crecsents in their eyes, and wants word that the birthright has been passed on, before they make the return.

My sibling sends word that there is no child, nor has there ever been one, and refuses to discuss it, but my geas remains, and I seek to find the child to pass this on"
He removes an enamel cloak pin, from his clothes, opens his hand and a butterfly flys from it, but stays near, he then pinches his clothes at his neck, and the butterfly comes back and turns back to a pin.

"It is but a small thing but it is said to be from the Brightlands, like you, and is the child's birthright"
He wipes a tear and murmurs in Elvish:
"Please, give your blessing fair lady of the fair realm"

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )

2018-06-04, 03:46 PM

Caelyn frowned a bit at Theren's words. "(Sylvan) Token? Of what kind? I'm fairly certain though, that I cannot help you in finding whomever you need to find... As I've already said, I am new to this place and is pretty much on an Emissary-style pilgrimage with not specific destination for right now."

Upon seeing the enamel pin, she made an 'oooo' face in realization. "(Sylvan) It's a beautiful bauble~ And there's no need to ask me to bless it or you. I am Not a cleric of the Season-goddesses. I'm actually a.... '(Common) Bard' I think it is called in the common tongue. I exercise the music of my heart and soul and let the world enjoy it" She said with a smile to the very polite and respect-showing Elf.

2018-06-04, 04:52 PM
Robin looks relieved as the elf buys her hastened lie.

Oh a bard? Robin asks her ears prodding up at the one word she heard from the conversation.

I'm no bard, but I'm quite an adept storyteller, and singer if you care to hear. My name's...... Gale. She lied quickly after a moment, trying to pass off the pause as getting lost in her eyes.

What may I call you? She asked extending a hand.

Dis. [roll1]

2018-06-04, 05:38 PM


Caelyn raised a fine eyebrow at Robin's obvious lie as to her name, but Caelyn didn't show any other outward show of having caught that. Robin clearly had a reason to not wanting to tell her true name and Caelyn didn't mind that at all. "(Elvish) My name is Caelyn. And yes, I am Indeed a bard. I can sing forth magic, play my lute and cause sparks to glitter in the air. lull others into a magical sleep and inspire heroism in others." She said. She didn't question Robin on anything, neither in body language nor verbally.

2018-06-04, 06:52 PM
Edrin notices Robin talking to them. "He's not a knight, at least not any more for centuries. Not to mention he went missing a little over a year ago and this post is dated," he glances at the poster, putting his glasses back on, and says, "2 days ago. The reward may go up if the wolves are suspected of killing anyone, and no one knows anything about direwolves that far north. Usually only winter wolves leave the forest to hunt."

2018-06-04, 10:14 PM
Rucron watches as differing commotions ebb and flow, taking another drink before he speaks. "I suppose I can understand your desire, the desire to enter adulthood, but one should not have to do a task alone to prove themselves. One takes many risks hunting alone and worthy qualities are better shown by working together with others much like the pack of direwolves is ever stronger together than they are alone. Going at it by yourself would be foolhardy yet would seeking assistance not deprive you of your reward?" The bush next to the centaur quivers as more people begin to gather around the table.

2018-06-04, 10:41 PM
He sighs. "Well, it's what my father did under Lord O'o's father. Lord O'o has great expectations of me and I've trained since I was eight. I can win fights against three others my age who had time beforehand to discuss strategy. I have won a fight against Lord O'o's personal guard. All of these feats and yet I must prove myself by doing something for the people, and I believe slaying these wolves to keep traveling folk from dying and bringing back their pelts to keep homely folk warm and their meat to feed common folk like at this bar. And now if you'll excuse me," he raises a blue hood that covers all of his hair, 'I have to set out early tomorrow, so I must make my way back to the barracks." He sets down his cup of water next to the shrub, and walks towards the door. Some of the folk in the bar stare at him, either in surprise that he's going outside in this weather or in anticipation for something. Neither can be discerned.

The barman, who had torn off an entire leg from the bear and had began chewing on it, looks up from a small keg of wine he was drinking from. He speaks to Caelyn: "Thar be enuff rooms fer e'eryw'n 'ere, tho some may need ta sleep on tha floor o' tha room. I' ye got bedroll, isnae a problem. Rooms're free durin' a storm night." he burps. At the mention of music, he seemingly snaps out of a sort of drunk stupor: "Music? Ye say ye dinnae know any o' tha m'teryal cul'tour?"

2018-06-04, 10:41 PM
Oh you're a bard! Robin remarks her voice tilting in realization.

Then.. She continues stepping up from her stool. May I have this dance my lady. She asks with a smile.

Oh well. Why has no one tried to find him if he's missing! Robin replied clearly concerned about the MIA.

Aleister VII
2018-06-05, 12:31 AM
Mika stands still, sleeping in the floor isn't anything new to her but sharing a room with strangers isn't something that she isn't too fond of, after all those strangers may discover one or two things about Mika... for example her true gender or the fact that she isn't a cleric but something more shady... even with a celestial patron, Warlocks aren't the most beloved spell casters around.

2018-06-05, 01:26 AM
The bush shuffles to the side away from the cup of water as Edrin puts it down and shivers again. The corners of Rucron's mouth tick upward. Prideful that one... Not unlike some of the would be hunters of his herd. "Hold a moment Edrin. Your desire to protect the people is admirable and your credits are many but mind that the direwolves are not your only enemy, even experienced woodsmen would shy from weather such as this. Stay the night under the welcoming arms of the barkeep. Your comrades at the barracks would understand. Besides fresher snow makes for better tracks come the next day."

2018-06-05, 01:43 AM
He stops, and looks over his shoulder at Rucron. "Snow's always fresh when I'm around," grins, and then walks out the door. No heat comes in; seemingly blocked by Edrin in some way. He walks outside into a literal wall of snow, which melts as he walks towards it, and begins to replenish. This is met with some Oohs and Aahs; an elderly man states to the younger folk: "Some say he is touched by Wyflena," "He is bold enough for that much to be true. It's hard to feel nearby a fire In a good building such as this but out in the cold his skin can be felt burning hot compared to someone who had been out in the cold for a minute. Others say he is simply not human. It is possible, as his father wasn't particularly normal either." he chuckles.

2018-06-05, 03:07 AM

Caelyn grinned at the barkeep as he said that to her.
"Heh, well I've heard the odd this and that about the Material Realm. But in any case, we also love music, song and revelry
in the Feywild. Ever heard the proverb about partying with Faeries? Well, Eladrins sort of introduced that to the Mortal Realm~" She said with a chuckle.

Upon hearing Robin's request for a dance, Caelyn smiled widely for a second and then turned a bit more mullified. "It's not that I am against it... but since I'm the bard that would play the music... who would do so now for the dance? dance is boring if done without music after all~" She said and began to taste some of the food the Barkeep had made, mostly eating just the different vegetables that came with it and did a few nibbles of the meat. It wasn't really to her flavor and enjoyment, but it wasn't anything more than a preference.

As a sidenote-thought, Caelyn did wonder a bit about the roomsharing situation, but honestly didn't mind it at all, as long as she could share it with a fellow female. Not from a choice of sexuality, of course. Just a bigger comfort with sleeping in the same room with females she doesn't know, rather than males she does know.

Dain Broadbeam
2018-06-05, 03:08 AM
Dain Broadbeam

Dain stood with a frown on his face as he listened to Edrin, taking it all in. As such the young man was halfway out the door before Dain notice he was leaving. "Wa.. Wait! he stammered and turned to follow him. Maybe the shock was still affecting him, or maybe he was just clumsy, but whatever the reason, as he turned to follow one leg caught on the other and the dwarf fell face first onto the floor. There he lay for a brief second before he stood up with a low groan and a sigh. "(in dwarvish) By Tormunds beard... Why would they refuse guards? Right." He dusts himself up and turns towards the centaur. "I don't think I caught you name. I'm Dain, Dain Broadbeam. Say, want me to bring over some of that polar bear? I need a new drink anyhow." he finishes and looks down at his tankard on the floor.

Aleister VII
2018-06-05, 06:58 AM
Mika then stands and approach the barman with a grumpy expression in her face.

Where are the rooms? I've enough for today... Asked an angry looking Mika, she was suddenly in a bad mood, perhaps another effect of the alcohol.

Now standing she examined the others persons that she is bounded to share a room with and grimaces a little.

Perception check to see if there's something interesting that she or anyone else haven't noticed yet: [roll0]

2018-06-05, 11:10 AM
Robin had been about to offer suggestions as for who would do the song. Even considering the idea of having Cae do the dance herself as Robin sung.

But the cute elven cleric seemed upset, and shot her a grimace.

Walking over, Robin placed her hands on Mika's shoulders and whispered in her ear in elvish. Are you okay?

Aleister VII
2018-06-05, 12:57 PM
Mika stops upon noticing Robin's hand on her shoulder and immediately turns to face the telltale as she forces a smile on her face.

It's nothing, I guess I drank too much and now I need to take a rest... Answered Mika trying to not worry Robin as much as she can, hopefully she can secure a nice and private enough spot in the room before the others arrive that and the fact that she's still half drunk.

2018-06-06, 12:55 AM
Rucron watches as Edrin leaves, eyebrows raising at the boy's display. "He still hastens to much. Power over one aspect of nature he may have but that won't protect him from what lurks in the snow. Still if he wishes such haste then I shall hope for his safe return, now his fate rests in his arm and the fickleness of nature." Finally the centaur turns to regard Dain. A sturdy lot the dwarves, dependable. "Greetings Dain. Pardon the delayed introduction, I go by Rucron... And I suppose some food would not be a bad idea."

2018-06-07, 12:01 AM
"Tha rooms're in tha back. Tha door ta tha left o' tha bar, then down the hallway. A door will have a sign onnit if it be occupied. the barman says to Mika on the side. He then turns back to Caelyn, "Well, just c'z ye inv'nt'd tha act o' music n' song dinnae mean ye know all tha songs o' tha north! Boys, tha legend o' O'o!" many dwarves throughout the bar take out instruments almost comically too small or large for them, including violins, chelos, drums, and some special dwarven instruments you don't recognize. The barman takes a deep breath and begins singing from atop the bar.

"O'o, O'o
"Tha great'st clan o tha orcs, O'o!
"Pike an' sword, it mean nothin' no more,
"For O'o is gonna go ta war."

"O'o, O'o
"Tha mightiy'st o tha orcs, O'o!
"Tha Battle Of Few, tha Cold Winter Dew,
"O'o ne'er lost a fight, tha' be true!

"Tha River o' Tha Best, tha champion of the west,
"Chief O'o alw's knew how ta ruin a good family crest!
"Axe to the sky, tha voice a' brave warriors high,
"When O'o's rage be soon and nigh!"

The dwarves cut off the music and instantly chug a mug of beer as the people of the bar give a good chuckle and ho-ho.

One slouched figure at the bar hasn't been laughing or paying attention to anything happening in the bar and staring into a mug. In other words, you all are so conspicuous that they were accidentally inconspicuous.

2018-06-07, 12:49 AM
Oh how I would love O'oo to fight..... Robin started before shutting up.

Well my dance is yours to take milady. She offers with a curtsey to the Eldrain bard with a warm smile on her face.

2018-06-07, 01:40 AM

With a snicker at the dwarfs and their... 'singing', Caelyn accepted Robin's offer for a dance and pulled the half elf girl along out onto the center of the floor for some dancing. The only dances she knew was of the Feywild of course, full of enthusiasm, constantly motion and ALL the appealing hip wiggles. It was very much different from what most beings of the Mortal Realm would be used to or have experienced.

Dain Broadbeam
2018-06-07, 07:15 AM
Dain Broadbeam

"Greetings Rucron." He gives a small bow with his head, and walks over to the bar. As he stands there listening to the music he unconsciously starts to tap along to the music with his right foot. A smile creeps across his face at the sight of the two dancing female elves, his worries forgotten for a brief period of time. As the last verse starts his eyes drift around the room, taking in the merriment of the other patrons, until his eyes land on the only one who seems untouched by it all. Tilting his head ever so slightly to the right with a puzzled look he gives him a once over.


Once the barman returns to the bar he will order a mug of ale and 2 platters of polar bear. "That was a good song. I though it would be a long time before I heard a good dwarven singing after I left Whitespire. Not everyone seems to agree though" Dain nods his head toward the figure "Regular here, or?"

2018-06-07, 10:16 AM
"Shaymon split 'is wrist,
"Sword right throo a human's chest
"Shaymon cut 'is 'ead off,
"O'o killed a hunnerd thousand at best

"O'o, chief of all,
"Kill a guard wit' yer chain an' ball,
"Slay tha jailor an' kill 'em all!
"Bars cannae hold 'im,
"If ye think so you be dim!

"Only place for O'o's head
"Be tha gallows, o' those chilly shallows,
"Any way if 'is body be hallow,
"When ya married er off, it be grim,
"It stopped the war but ye cannae stop 'im!

"Great LO-ord o' White-forge,
"On human bodies he engorge!
"He sired a many ha'orc, oh-ho...
"The legend o' the great clan O'o!

They laugh and drink again, pull out wide books full of sidenotes and scratched off words, looking for another good song to sing.

The man at the bar is wearing almost fancy clothes with almost fancy white gloves. He has dark hair, contrasted against his pale skin and pointy ears. He looks towards Dain, revealing his dichromatic eyes, one faded red, the other violet. He speaks softly, "Oh, yes. I have been here every night for a fortnight, that could be considered regular." he turns his body. "Greetings... I am the Lord Hrolfir O'o's personal translator... And you are?"

2018-06-07, 11:17 AM
Robin manages to keep her head about her, keeping her hand on Cae's waist as she throws in her own less appealing head wiggles but with the same enthusiasm, and adding her own head bangs her hair whipping back and forth,\.

Aleister VII
2018-06-07, 09:42 PM
Mika observed the performance from a safe distance with interest, she can't deny that this is entertaining.

Dain Broadbeam
2018-06-09, 02:31 PM
Dain Broadbeam

Dain gives a small bow towards the translator. Partially out of respect, but also to hide his embarrassment of potentially gotten on the wrong side with one of Lord O'o's men. "I'm Dain Broadbeam sir. Pardon my intrusion, I have just returned to this city after living in Whitespire for many years. I'll leave you to your drink sir." Unless the translator engages in more conversation Dain will stand at the bar awkwardly waiting for the food and drink, sending some nervous looks at the translator before returning to the table with the Rucron.

2018-06-09, 05:46 PM
The translator quietly mumbles softly, somehow in a way that only you can hear. "The silly humans on the council think they can't understand master O'o's eloquent speeches, so they saw fit to assign a translator to tell what my master's "barbarian-speak" means. So they took me, a half-elf, because they thought only a half-breed could understand a half-breed, let alone the fact that I was a merchant's boy, an orphan removed from my family in the isles for unspoken abnormalities like my eyes and ears. You would think a pair of lovers, one human and one elf would know what half-breeds are. So anyway, I was taken from my merchant master by one of the councilmen who couldn't understand my new master, or at least didn't want to hear masterful speech from an Orc, and put into lord O'o's service." He drinks a small sip of beer, and then speaks more clearly, but still softly "I am here for the 11th time this month because lord O'o has requested my leave, as he wants a new child." He drinks again. Two sips. "He's different from his father by a long shot, but the one part that's worst is the one that was passed on to lord Hrolfir..."

The barman returns with a plate made of compacted bear skin and a couple large slices of the bear and a bottle of beer. He hands both to Dain, and then slowly pans his eyes over to the translator. He stands there looking for a moment before another dwarf, pointing at a page in a music book, shouts out: "The tale of irongut!" Every dwarf with an instrument, and the barman, looks to him. He has a red beard, a bald head, and a crooked nose. "Respectable!" is what a dwarf would think. "'Tis nae a pop'lar song, so a mom'nt gettin' the words..." the barman says as he walks to the back room.

2018-06-10, 04:37 PM
The barman comes back holding a very long book, which he flops open on the table. He flips to a page that reads in dwarvish, "The Tale Of Irongut", and sings:

"Great dragon irongut,
"Walks wit' a great big strut!
"'Is teeth're sharp an' 'is mind 's dull
"Bu' 'e won' stop drinkin',
"Not till his belly be full!"

"Great dragon irongut!
"'Is owner was our lord Tormund!
"Ironbelly an' Irongut,
"they drink on throo tha night,
"'Til tha hour 'a darkest light,
"An' they got inta,
"Inta a big huge fight!"

"Pans wa' thrown, skin wa' cut!
"Ironbelly fightin' Irongut!
"Tha big red dragon fell right down
"Not from battle, 'e almost drowned!"

The dwarves laugh, dancing and playing songs all through the night. Almost so much that those who do sleep weren't able to. Many simply fall asleep in the bar, where the barman finds blankets for all of them, leaving enough rooms for the remaining few to sleep in on their own. The dwarf changes into a light blue robe with something like a nightcap after cleaning up the rest of the bar.

The Next Day

The sun rises over the snowy mountains in the distance. Much of the snow outside has melted, turned to slush by the rains just before dawn. The snowy ravens, small, white flightless birds with fur, call out their unique cry over and over, waking the people of the town, even the drunk and hungover. They have them at every one of the beacons throughout the north, trained to call out at lost travelers.

A large halfling strolls into the front room of The Throttled Neck, carrying a small stack of posters. He wears a black top hat, taller than he is high, as well as fancy white wintry clothes. He has a beard and mustache that almost make a perfect "T" in his face. He navigates himself around the still-sleeping folk of the bar to get to the bulletin board. When he reaches there, the bottoms of his shoes come off and zigzagging supports extend, raising him above the ground by some gnomish handiwork. Some posters he posts are for specific criminals, monsters in the surrounding area, dungeons discovered to the north. "Well?" he says, looking upon the dwarves and others in the bar.

2018-06-10, 05:25 PM

Caelyn was up bright and early, most likely before anyone else and sat at the bar in thought.
Those that gave her a second glance would instantly see that her hair was now white as the driven snow, flakes of what was clearly icy snow-flakes clung to that gorgeous hair. Her skin was no longer a bronze-hued tan, but rather an ethereal, pale colour of cold, but living skin.
Her expression was likewise not the same happy-go-lucky smiling one from yesterday, but rather one set in a somewhat distant thoughtful gaze.

Dain Broadbeam
2018-06-11, 09:04 AM
Dain Broadbeam

Dain was also among the early risers, cleaning and oiling his equipment. While he had partaken in the revelries the night before he had stayed mostly sober throughout it all. While other races drink to dull and forget painful memories, alcohol has the quite opposite effect on dwarfs. He pauses in his work and watches in amazement at the shoe contraption. At the prodding from the halfling Dain walks over to read the new posters.

2018-06-11, 10:42 AM
Rucron was also among the early risers though for him the centaur stayed in his room, meditating before the window overlooking the brightening day. When done he enters the common area just as the halfling is staring expectantly at everyone. As with everyone else the halflings shoes draw a incredulous look from the centaur.

2018-06-11, 11:09 AM

Caelyn was up bright and early, most likely before anyone else and sat at the bar in thought.
Those that gave her a second glance would instantly see that her hair was now white as the driven snow, flakes of what was clearly icy snow-flakes clung to that gorgeous hair. Her skin was no longer a bronze-hued tan, but rather an ethereal, pale colour of cold, but living skin.
Her expression was likewise not the same happy-go-lucky smiling one from yesterday, but rather one set in a somewhat distant thoughtful gaze.

Hey, Caelyn, are you okay? Did you leave your window open too long? The smitten half elf gave her a hug.

Also lets get some wolves, yay!!!!! She cheered eagerly.

2018-06-11, 11:32 AM
Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080)
groggily wakened with an obvious hang over, stood upright and smoother his clothes in an effort to regain dignity, and peered at the notice board.
"Well, I can't go back yet, so I've time, and need something to kill now. What do they have for me now?"

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )

2018-06-11, 12:15 PM

Caelyn turned a cool, green eye at Robin and did not answer for almost 10 seconds before saying: "No. I'm Winter today. What do you want?" She asked back. Her tone was cold, distant and thoughtful. She wasn't brushing Robin off or anything like that... although it MIGHT seem like it since no one hear knew Caelyn or possibly only a few would know about Eladrins changing with the seasons, both physically as well as mentally (to a varying extend, from Eladrin to Eladrin).
Even her clothes had a hint of... well the most apt description would be that 'Winter' had touched her clothes. Colors were more faded or pale-tinted and the fabric exuded a colder temperature than the surroundings really should allow them to be the temperature off.

2018-06-11, 03:00 PM
The posters read, from left to right:

Dungeon detected 25 miles northeast of whiteforge under the snow. Enter, kill any monsters within, and return half the treasure to the barracks.
Grenn "Tongueripper" Notongue has been spotted in east-southeast Whiteforge. Wanted for 14 counts of murder, assault, and manslaughter, all involving a cut out tongue. Bring him to justice, Dead Or Alive, and you will be paid 500 silver coins.
People going missing in south end Whiteforge. Find the cause and cease it if able. Bring any culprits or information to the appropriate location to receive an appropriate reward.
A Troll in the northeast mountains is attacking travelers in the north. Kill it, or separate its body parts, and return them to biologist Dr. Georgi Yellowspine in west end for a suitable reward.
Yeti roaming the mountains. Bring their furs to the master of furs for your reward; every whole fur is 100 silver coins.

Dain Broadbeam
2018-06-12, 05:16 PM
Dain Broadbeam

As Dain reads the posters in silence his thoughts return to the young man he met the day before, not sure what to think about the fact that there are no posters for wolves. As if mirroring his thoughts one of the elf girls mentions hunting wolves. He turns towards her and says "No poster for wolves I'm afraid lass. There are however some for missing people in the city, Yeties, Trolls, and" he continiues in a grim tone "the one for the worst monsters off all, murderers." Spotting Rucron he nods before turning towards the elf that addressed him in dwarvish. "(dwarvish)Anything catching your eye master Elf?"

2018-06-12, 06:28 PM
Rucron returns the dwarf's nod before turning his attention to the notices for several moments. "A dungeon... Most curious. Though I wonder why they expect half of what would be found within."

Aleister VII
2018-06-12, 09:58 PM
Mika wake up late, she has a little hangover but nothing serious, she feels refreshed and ready to do her job as the priest that she isn't and what better place to start than the posts.... a murderer, a troll, a yeti..? Now these are dangerous jobs, perfect for a party of adventurers but not as much for a single priest... or warlock, others however seems just strange to say the least.

"Mmm... too much and too little for me here..." She then turns to the others adventurers.

"Hey..! Are you gonna take one of these quests too?" Ask a friendly looking Mika as she inspect her possible party members, a few ones should be more prepared and seasoned than others.

Perception check to look for the more prepared looking adventurers:

2018-06-12, 10:20 PM
I think the dungeon sounds fun as well. Robin chirped.

2018-06-13, 04:47 AM

Caelyn, winter-touched today, turned in her seat to look at the others talking about the notices on that board. "Any mentions of a reward on those requests? I have no intention of risking my life, just to get 'the praise and gratitude'." She asked out into the room, leaving anyone that wished to do reply to her words, do so.

"I can weave magic into existence from song, poetry, storytelling and instrumental music. I think you folk call us 'bards'- That is my capability, being good and aiding allies and hinder foes. What about the rest of you? where is your strengths and weaknesses?" She added in before anyone could reply to the prior question.
Yes, she was being extremely forward and direct, on top of being rather blunt or 'cold' in her tone. She was very different from yesterday to anyone who had spent more than just a modicum of time paying attention to her. And that's if you didn't add in the fact that she looked very different as well.... well she still looked like herself, but the details like hair color, skin tone, etc. etc. was different and it wasn't a disguise.

Dain Broadbeam
2018-06-13, 09:04 AM
Dain Broadbeam

"Some sort of finders fee or tax perhaps?" Dain shrugs and continues: "Would be a rather bad deal if all you find are some deadly creature and a pile of bones. Or maybe you would find it empty with a pile of gold." laughing he adds "I guess that's part of the fun"

Dain gives a low chuckle in reply to the 'cool' elf. "With exception to the dungeon there are of course some sort of reward/bounty posted. 500 silver for the murderer, 100 silver per Yeti pelt. The rest are 'generous', whatever that entails. As for what I can do" he returns to the table he was working at, while fiddling absentmindedly with a pendant "I have received training from the Paladins of Tormund" he straps on his greataxe "so I can handle myself in a fight, and I can also administer some minor healing if required." he finishes facing her.

2018-06-13, 10:10 AM
Rucron's eyebrow twitches. This was the odd thing about city folk, so curious and prying about complete strangers. From the direction of the his room a bush comes scurrying along. The centaur reaching down to scoop it up and deposit the bush on his equine back before answering. "I take it that you wish to join forces on one of these tasks then?"

2018-06-13, 10:45 AM
And personally I'm quite good with my axe and shield. Robin replied waving her hand to indicate herself.

2018-06-13, 12:41 PM

Caelyn looked to the centaur and shrugged mildly at his question. "That depends on if it's worthwhile for me to do the job... I have nothing specifics to do beyond travel, experience and learn." She replied back.

2018-06-13, 03:29 PM
The halfling speaks up, in a posh fashion. Literally, since no one else in the bar is shorter than him. "Hello, my name is Zenzor Big-Foot, lord messenger of the town guard, indubitably. Be quick, I must deliver any untaken posters to an inn on the other side of the city in 10 minutes, yes." He looks down at his wrist, where he has a bracelet that has 5 or 6 different clocks on it. Again, some sort of gnomish machinery. "Must know where the ruffian adventurers are and everything at all times, of course. Which jobs are being done and which ones are not, of course, is a vital tidbit of knowledge that we need to know in order to get jobs done efficiently. Plus the papers must know who took the job in which case you will indubitably receive more than just silver coin." his foot-supports collapse back in and reattaches the bottom of his shoe.

2018-06-13, 04:26 PM
Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble[
Passive Perception:13 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080)

"I'll travel with anyone who has want of an archer"

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )

2018-06-14, 03:14 AM

Caelyn eyed the Halfling Messenger with a frosty look. "Ruffian? Who are you calling 'Ruffian'? I'll have you know that I am the youngest-born child of the Queen of Ketz-zetsu-lunaras, and Emissary of the Feywilds. I will not be referred to as some ruffian.... you got that, HALFING?" She said with an icy tone to her voice. (yes I am invoking my character's Background Feature, since it is fitting.)

2018-06-14, 10:30 AM
Rucron rubs his forehead. Did he want to throw his hooves in with this lot? Most of them seemed normal but a few... With a sigh he looks over the notices once more. "I feel that either investigating the disappearances or the dungeon would be the most effective use of our time. Both could indicate nests of the unsavory sort. That said I am not certain how much I would beable to assist with the disappearances... I'm most at home out in the wilderness."

2018-06-14, 11:13 AM
Oh a princess.... Robin started before stopping.

Is this a sort of training for the throne kinda thing?

2018-06-14, 11:31 AM

"Beg pardon?" Caelyn said at Robin's words. "Oh, yes, you Mortal Plane folk got royalty beyond the ruler himself or herself. So indeed, I guess I would be cosidered a princess by your standard. Although I never really thought about it like such..." Caelyn continued with a thoughtful expression.

"Training? Oh no, I am the youngest-born of the Ruler of Ketz-zetsu-lunaras. and it's been a century since the last emissary was send to the Mortal Plane. Thus now it is my turn."

2018-06-14, 09:07 PM
The halfling seems offended by Caelyn's words. "'Oh! I'm a pretty elven princess and I left my home to go adventuring on order of my parents!'... that's you. Don't think you're unique, I could go talk to any storyteller in any bar and only 1 or 2 wouldn't know the exact story" as he says this, a 3/4 unconscious dwarf raises his hand and says, "'s true!" "and the hardships of being an exiled or adventuring princess. I'm not one of your subjects. Every noble from who knows what land who comes through thinks they're the top dog and we're all their pitiable servants."

At this moment, a tall human with a well trimmed beard and short flat black hair walks in. He's about 5'11", judging by the height of the halfling in comparison to the doorway. He wears black leather with a pure white fur cape that goes down to the floor. At his sides on a similarly black leather belt are two daggers, each with a crystal in the pommel: the left blood red, the right blue as thick ice. He steps on the sleeping dwarves to get to the bulletin board, which he considers.

2018-06-14, 09:57 PM
Are you saying princesses are common around here? Robin asks crossing her arms but visibly relaxing in spite herself.

2018-06-14, 10:03 PM
The halfling seems.

Should Theren
High Elf Fighter Noble[
Passive Perception:13 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080) hear such insolence spoken to Caelyn he spits on the speaker and says:


You speak to a Brightlander thus?!"

"If I thought you could stand the blow, I'd strike you!"

"Apologize at once!"

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )

2018-06-15, 04:25 AM

The Eladrin's eyes turned almost icy-greenblue with cold fury, but she didn't go for violence, since that'd be a Summer thing to do. She did however wave a hand and utter a Sylvan phrase (which was basically a minor snippet of a poem).
Suddenly, sparks and noisy ping-pang ringing blew forth around the halfling in constant repeats. It wasn't anything dangerous or disruptive beyond highly annoying and disorienting.... and Caelyn didn't stop.
Yes to those that knew magic, she was using a nifty bardic spell called Presdigitigation on a repeat use to summon noise and sparks.

There were no showing of emotion on her face, only a cold merciless distaste.

2018-06-15, 02:46 PM
The halfling starts, "Well, at least you're unique in that I've never heard of that place. Brightlands?" before he is interrupted by the prestidigitation. He falls over, his foot-extensions coming out from under him. His top hat falls off onto the floor revealing a bald head. As he quickly tries to pick it up while muttering things like "Why I never" or "Goodness me", the man who was previously looking at the bulletin tears the yeti one off the board and grabs the halfling by the scruff of the neck. "I've killed enough yetis, and my partner had to retire because of an injury dealt by a troll," he says angrily, "And those other ones don't pay well enough. You've got other posters, haven't you?" The halfling makes a sort of croaking sound.

2018-06-15, 04:05 PM

Caelyn stopped the bombardment of noise and flashing sparks at the halfling after he had fallen over and a few additional seconds of payback had been given.
"What a fool.... doesn't even know of the Feywilds or even the Eladrin... we are as far removed from a regular elf, as the Drow are removed from a High Elf." Caelyn uttered out without much thought on who heard it.
"In any case, back to those job posters, from what it sounds like, they are all sketchy at best in terms of their reward and written danger level. Whatever happened to the young dwarven.... squire was it, that was here yesterday evening, talking about a problem?" She continued, still not caring who heard it or who did not. Although she did look around the tavern to see if she could notice him somewhere.

Dain Broadbeam
2018-06-15, 04:41 PM
Dain Broadbeam

Dain stands a few moments feeling rather uncomfortable at the exchange. Just what kind of crowd had he gotten himself into? In his moment of indecision the words of his mentor Oloric spoke to him softly. With a low sigh he walked over to the halfling and picked up his hat, and began to dust it off as he spoke: "You never know who you will run into in a tavern these days. One day you'll meet a insufferable drunkard, and others you'll meet princesses from faraway lands. I find being courteous to them all to be the best approach. So, to make amends I'd suggest you share any poster you might have he pauses for effect forgotten and apologise. That way we will soon all be out of each others hairs? Yes? he finishes as he holds out the hat for him.


Dain turns towards the elven princess with a smile that does not reach his eyes.Edrin, the human squire? he puts emphasis on the word human He talked about some dire wolves, and how he needed to prove himself. Going alone in that weather against a pack of direwolves would seem like pure suicide. He might not be as helpless as one might first expect however, considering how he left yesterday... In any case I would much like to see him again, for other reasons he finishes, the last bit barely a whisper.

2018-06-15, 05:09 PM
So, like I said wolves? Robin grinned.

2018-06-16, 12:57 PM
"Ah the human... I do worry about him some yet it would be good to have him learn some humility. Yet at the jaws of a direwolf is not the best way for that perhaps." Rucron glances at the board again. "Which one of these run closest to where the wolves were..."

2018-06-19, 01:35 AM
The halfling reaches to try to grab the hat, and the man drops him on the floor. He turns to Dain. "You're looking for jobs?" he asks inquisitively. "Look a bit young for a dwarf off on his own."

Dain Broadbeam
2018-06-19, 09:01 AM
Dain Broadbeam

Dain looks at the halfling for a moment, his eyes widening before narrowing as his pleasant demeanour evaporates. He puts the hat back on the halflings head, with a bit more force than needed, making it stuck on his head. He then turns towards the man who just moments ago was manhandling the halfling. "Are they usually this nosy and rude? No matter. You seem to have done a few bounties around these parts, got any recommendations for someone new at the scene?"

2018-06-22, 06:00 PM
Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble[
Passive Perception:13 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080)

Stares intently at the poster reading:

"People going missing in south end Whiteforge. Find the cause and cease it if able. Bring any culprits or information to the appropriate location to receive an appropriate reward"

and asks another bar patron:

"What is the best route to this place?", and points to the poster.

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )

2018-06-22, 11:07 PM
You're not worried about the lil squire on his own? Robin asks concerned.

2018-06-23, 12:33 AM
The man responds to Dain with a considering look. He looks to the bulletin, and then back to Dain, who he looks over like a nice new magic staff. "Being so young, I would not challenge a troll or yeti if I were in your shoes," he says in a gruff sort of way, pulling the neck of his coat down to reveal a massive scar with signs of frostbite, a telltale sign of a yeti's claw. "A murderer which the town guard hasn't caught for 10 years, hell, I couldn't catch him and I looked through every dingy alleyway. Almost lost my tongue if it weren't for one of my dearest friends who defended me but meant I failed to catch him and he murdered twice again since. A dungeon that the wizards in the Keep of Weather at the pole detected with no other information is a fool's errand, best left to see if some monster falls in and victim to whatever lurks inside." He scratches at his hair. "So I suppose, in my professional opinion, the people going missing is best. Worst case, it's some kidnapper. Worth a good amount, no one likes a good kidnapper so they'll see them dead before they let 'im spirit another person away again." Then, when Robin speaks, he looks over, surprised. "Squire? Which squire? You certainly cannot mean... Edrin?"

A dwarf gets up and scratches his back. "Oh, jes' go ou'side an' go east, t'wards tha tahn centa an' then tun roight. tha'll sen' ye saf sa ye'll be in saf Whi'forge." he says to Theren, and then leaves.

2018-06-23, 01:15 AM
The what? Robin asks confused.

2018-06-23, 11:31 AM
Rucron slowly nods. The man's layout of the tasks upon the board seemed to be sensible. His tribes had always stayed away from places trolls and yeti wandered about, there was rarely much of worth to the tribe in such places where they would be hemmed in. And while the dungeon sounded like an interesting prospect having no information aside from it's location was risky. "Yes they mean Edrin. He seemed quite keen on proving himself against the pack of direwolves that had been previously posted despite everyone trying to caution him."

Dain Broadbeam
2018-06-24, 06:48 PM
Dain Broadbeam

"I'd wager we're pretty much the same age good sir, but" he raises his hands defensively as the man shows the scar "point well taken."

Dain nods as Rucron speaks; "He passed through here last night. He seemed oddly confident in his own abilities when we spoke, if not a bit resigned over it all. I do not envy his position. While I agree he might overestimate himself, I do wonder if we are not underestimating him. Anyway thank you for your advice, I'll look into the missing people poster."

2018-06-26, 06:12 PM
"Perhaps we'll see a poster in a weeks time asking folks to search for him, perhaps we'll see him come back triumphant, only time will tell." Rucron glances over the poster about missing peoples. "Is there someone to talk to about more details for this task or is this all the information that your authorities have at the moment." Urban searches were most certainly not the tribal centaur's forte but enough people seemed concerned about the situation.

2018-06-26, 06:34 PM
"I see..." the man says, sighing. He grabs the halfling by his shoulders and dusts him off. He whispers something in the halfling's ear and then walks outside.

The halfling, shaken, stands up. "So, you're interested in that job, all right," he mutters, evening out his hat. "Head down redmund road and you'll find a building labeled Shopster's Shoes. That's where people've been going missing, or around that area."

2018-06-26, 07:19 PM
"I see..." the man says, sighing. He grabs the halfling by his shoulders and dusts him off. He whispers something in the halfling's ear and then walks outside.

The halfling, shaken, stands up. "So, you're interested in that job, all right," he mutters, evening out his hat. "Head down redmund road and you'll find a building labeled Shopster's Shoes. That's where people've been going missing, or around that area."

Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble[
Passive Perception:13 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080)

"Is that so?", and goes to find the "Shopster's Shoes" building.

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )

2018-06-26, 07:50 PM
Robin will for her part follow her unknown relative, her axe straggling against her hip.

Dain Broadbeam
2018-06-27, 06:37 AM
Dain will gather his things and follow as well.

2018-06-27, 11:31 AM

Caelyn trundled along with everyone else, happy enough to follow along with the others. Well, for now.

2018-06-28, 12:39 AM
South district Whiteforge. The place in the city where thieves thrive, murderers find merits, and gangs grow by the minute. The gates to this section of the city are kept secure from the south side only, as citizens are free to enter but must pay a fee to return. No true industry or stores are here, and if they are there, it's almost always a front for a snow-weed growing operation. But that's just what a town guard will say if you ask him. (Ask any wise man, and he'll say the guard's just saying that to get customers in for more business and a portion of their earnings)

Redmund road is a street paved with beautiful white bricks mined straight from the twin mountains of the south, Whitespell and Whitespear. Regular caravans bring them all across the western hemisphere, though they always find a way to keep the highest-quality brick for the great city of Whiteforge. Each brick is indented with an emblem of an axe crossed with a hammer atop a dwarven helmet adorned with large front facing goat-horns.

You arrive in front of Shopster's Shoes. It's a dark building with broken windows, not uncommon for the area. No lights are inside, and the door is almost redundant for the gap in the wall where snow has come in. Meanwhile, across the street six humans are crouched in a circle. lights flicker on and off between them, smoke rising from their group, and town guards stand nearby, one 50 feet away and the other next to the store, waiting for you. He notices you; he is a tall man in full plate armor, not particularly muscled but he has a nice looking sword at his belt.

"Hello, you must be the people sent to deal with this mission. Lord Messenger Big-foot said that I must accompany you as you're new to this, or something along those lines? The name's Pete."

2018-06-28, 01:33 AM
Robin will try to judge the man and his intentions.

Insight [roll0]

2018-06-28, 09:20 AM
"Hello, you must be the people sent to deal with this mission. Lord Messenger Big-foot said that I must accompany you as you're new to this, or something along those lines? The name's Pete."

Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble[
Passive Perception:13 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080)

"Please lead on, Sir Pete

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )

2018-06-29, 11:39 AM
"Shoes..." Rucron's brow furrows for a moment before remembering what they are. "Ah! Those silly foot coverings for you soft footed folk." Rucron trails along behind the group as they head for the location given by the halfling. Giving the guard an affirmative nod.

Dain Broadbeam
2018-06-29, 01:13 PM
Dain Broadbeam

"Greetings Sir Pete. Is there anything else you could tell us about this case, the poster was rather lacking in details."

2018-06-29, 08:16 PM
"Please, I'm no knight," he says, smiling in a slightly embarrassed manner. "People have been going missing when they entered the shop. They would come in at dusk and never come out, so reports one of the night guards posted in the area. There's no other information, but it's likely that it's one of the gangs luring people in with their snow-weed and then capturing them." as he says this, one or two of the humans in their gathering look towards you all.

2018-06-30, 02:11 AM

Glancing at Rucon at that comment, Caelyn couldn't stop herself from replying- "I guess you don't wear horseshoes then, mister centaur?" Her tone was crisp, clear and it was quite hard to figure out if she had tossed a snide remark at Rucon, or had genuinely asked a question.

She kept her attention at the current happenings as well tho, no reason to fully absorb herself into a conversation when bad things could happen at any time.

2018-06-30, 10:50 AM
Well, why not kick open the shop door and look for hidden entrances? Robin replied.

2018-06-30, 12:51 PM
Rucron raises his eyebrows. "They make shoes for equines then? That seems oddly strange as we've perfectly usable hooves." He shrugs, such silly cityfolk. "And if it were as simple as breaking down the door methinks they wouldn't be calling upon outsiders to assist. Is that not so?"

2018-07-01, 10:47 AM
Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble[
Passive Perception:13 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080)

"Well, let's see then

And goes to open the door

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )

2018-07-03, 05:30 PM
Theren opens the door next to the caved in wall. Inside is a 10' by 10' room, painted light beige, with a desk opposite the door and shelves with shoes of various sizes and styles covering them. The floorboards are many shades of green. To the left of the desk is a spruce doorframe with a sign above it: "No entry! Shopster's residence!". To the right of the desk is another doorframe, labeled "Cobbler's Office". Hammering sounds can be heard from within. The floorboards creak as you step in, and the hammering stops.

One of the humans from their little group stands up. He has reddish brown skin and a full bushy mustache. He stands about 6' tall, and holds a smoking pipe in his lips. "Where you think you're going, pretty man?" he says in a gravely voice. Town guard Pete holds up his gloved hand, saying "We are conducting an investigation. Make no trouble for yourselves.

2018-07-03, 05:41 PM
OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )


Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble[
Passive Perception:13 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080)


And goes to open the door marked "Cobblers office"

2018-07-05, 02:20 PM

Caelyn turned a cold gaze at the 'ye olde local' being obnoxious to her companion and debated what would be best to do in order to ensure he would stop being in the way.
Yes she considered a lot of things varying between a lap dance, and burying him alive...

2018-07-05, 03:25 PM
Robin starts adjusting shelves, and such on the walls, looking for hidden doors.

You're conducting an investigation, we're succeeding. Robin snarks back.

2018-07-06, 11:27 AM
Opening the door to the cobbler's office, you see a gnome sitting at a desk, with several half-made shoes on the table. Some have the support attachment that the halfling from before had, surely designed for shorter folk. He has gray hair flanking a bald head, with eyebrows that would rival the beard of someone who never shaved for 40 years. He wears spectacles on the tip of his little nose. Behind the desk is a door on the floor that presumably leads to a wine cellar.

Dain Broadbeam
2018-07-06, 01:51 PM
Dain Broadbeam

"Friendly folk..." Dain mutters sarcastically at the remark from the 'local' and clears his throat. He then turns to face them and inquires: "Hang around here often? You don't happen to know any of those going missing around here?"

2018-07-08, 12:52 AM
He removes his pipe and spits on the white bricks. "People goin' missing? What do ya think you're doin, coming down here and disturbin our peace?"

2018-07-08, 01:18 AM
Uh. Helping you and solving your problems for you. Robin replied dismissively.

Should I roll a investigation check?

2018-07-11, 09:46 PM
You do not find any hidden doors, levers, or buttons. Someone from upstairs shouts "Whozat? Whaz goin' on?"

2018-07-12, 07:15 PM
Rucron scratches his head and looks to the gnome. "Have the guards not talked to you at all then?"

2018-07-13, 01:37 AM

Caelyn was tapping her foot a bit, feeling bored that nothing exciting had happened yet. Although on the opposite side, a lack of excitement often meant a surefire sign of not-danger.
So Caelyn could handle the lack of excitement... and it might be influenced due to the fact that she's in the middle of her winter-mode and thus way more logic- and fact-minded. Compare that to when she's in her Summer-mode, and everything needs to happen now and not later.

2018-07-14, 02:10 AM
The gnome looks back. As he does, his form morphs into a sort of green blob- his hair and skin turn into transparent mucus, and an empty-eyed skull can be seen underneath. It turns to look at Robin and Theren with a half-open jaw. Noticing this creature, those of you outside hear Pete squeal as you realize the seven men outside also turned into one of these creatures.

Pete, panicked, holds his sword with one hand and attempts to swing at one of them; he misses, instead dropping his sword which had gotten stuck in the viscous gloop that is one of these Oblex spawn, who quickly surround and absorb him, a second skull appearing in the largest one. He screams in agony the whole time.

The main man, who approached you earlier, shrinks, smaller and smaller. He eventually becomes a little pinprick of gloop, which, concealed under the slow, shrinks further back into the building, trailing like a lit fuse to the trapdoor underneath. In these chaotic few seconds, you hardly had any time to react to these things. The more experienced guard who previously stood 50 feet away is coming running, but he won't make it in time for you all to leave it to him.

Initiative: They got a surprise round, but you guys go first. Luckily one ran away and the others were "distracted" by Pete's delicious flesh. And memories.

Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WyNuibkNuFwy7IPtOLeqFg3RluVU2aY6ZSHoMni6CQ0/edit#gid=0)

2018-07-14, 12:01 PM
Upon seeing the transformation

Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble[
Passive Perception:13
AC:16, HP: 9 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080)
dashes out of the closed room and draws his bow

2018-07-15, 06:29 PM
Robin stomps her feet on the ground.

And let's out a primal scream more suited to come from a 6 foot 6 half orc, and not the only slightly tall, skinny half elf.

With an animalesque leap, she surged forward in front of Caelyn, pulling one of her hand-axe and hurled it with a powerful throw at one of the beasts

Bonus action Use Barbarian rage.
Move to D13
Throw hand-axe at beastee 5.
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2018-07-15, 07:05 PM
...And misses. The axe bounces off of the pale white bricks with a clank and lands softly in the unbothered snow nearby.

Dain Broadbeam
2018-07-16, 06:22 AM
Dain Broadbeam

Dain watches in horror as the guardsman gets devoured, his mouth hanging half-open. The roaring elf snaps him back into action. Moving fast he steps up in front of the Centaur, and following the barbarian, throws a javelin at the closest creature.

moves to C13, throws at oblex 2
To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2018-07-16, 01:58 PM

Caelyn did the smart thing and stepped backwards inside towards Theren, pulling forth her Conductor-wand and send forth a torrent of Viscious Mockery at Oblex 5, intent on giving Robin a small advantage in terms of avoiding harm.

Move Action: Move backwards into the building with Theren.
Combat Action: Cast Vicious Mockery at Oblex 5

Attack: Target must succeed on a Wis Save or suffer 1d4 Psychic Damage and gain disadvantage on all attacks it makes until the end of it's next turn. Save DC is 13.

Damage Roll: [roll0]


AC: 14
HP: 9/9

2018-07-16, 02:03 PM
Dain's javelin misses, falling into the snow between the oblex.

Oblex 5 fails his save against Vicious Mockery, shaking a little. (disadvantage on its next attack and takes all 3 damage)

2018-07-16, 03:18 PM
OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )

Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble[
Passive Perception:13
AC:16, HP: 9 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080)
shoots an arrow at the nearest Oblex that he can without risking putting an arrow in a comrade

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2018-07-16, 03:25 PM
Theren's arrow goes straight through one of the skulls enveloped by Oblex 2. It appears to be also very damaged by this.

2018-07-17, 06:16 PM
Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WyNuibkNuFwy7IPtOLeqFg3RluVU2aY6ZSHoMni6CQ0/edit?usp=sharing)

Rucron circles around to attack Oblex 5 with his quarterstaff:
[roll0] hit: [roll1] crit: [roll2]

Enemy actions
Oblex 1 goes down the trapdoor.
Oblexes 2, 3, and 7 advance and attack Dain:
2: [roll3] hit: [roll4] bludgeoning and [roll5] psychic, crit: [roll6] bludgeoning and [roll7] psychic
3: [roll8] hit: [roll9] bludgeoning and [roll10] psychic, crit: [roll11] bludgeoning and [roll12] psychic
7: [roll13] hit: [roll14] bludgeoning and [roll15] psychic, crit: [roll16] bludgeoning and [roll17] psychic
Oblex 5 attacks Rucron:
5: [roll18] hit: [roll19] bludgeoning and [roll20] psychic, crit: [roll21] bludgeoning and [roll22] psychic
Oblex 6 advances and attacks Robin:
6: [roll23] hit: [roll24] bludgeoning and [roll25] psychic, crit: [roll26] bludgeoning and [roll27] psychic

The guard who was previously 50 feet away comes running to your aid, shouting "Alarm!" and a guard comes running around the corner back the way you came, 40 feet away, and another from where he came from 70 feet away.
Dain takes 16 damage so is unconscious
Rucron takes 8 damage (2/10) EDIT: Actually they missed. Forgot disadvantage

Oblexes 1, 3, 4, 6, and 7 have all 18 of their hit points. Oblex 2 has 8 and Oblex 5 has 9.

2018-07-17, 07:06 PM
As Dain fell to the barrage of attacks, Robin dodged under the thing's lunging bite, whipping out her main battle axe as she rolled under the creature's underside. As the fell beast turned to face her, she tried to swing the axe into the creature's face with a war snarl.

Move to C13 over Dain to protect him.
Attack Obrix 2
To hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
If crit [roll2]

2018-07-17, 07:18 PM
Oblex 2 is sliced in half by Robin's axe and ceases wiggling about.

2018-07-18, 11:56 PM
Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble[
Passive Perception:13
AC:16, HP: 9 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080)
shoots an arrow at the nearest Oblex that he can without risking putting an arrow in a comrade

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )

2018-07-19, 11:49 AM

Caelyn send forth another Vicious Mockery spell at the Oblex within LoS that looked the most hurt.

Move Action: Stay Put
Combat Action: Cast Vicious Mockery at Oblex that looks the most hurt/At lowest HP.

Attack: Target must succeed on a Wis Save or suffer 1d4 Psychic Damage and gain disadvantage on all attacks it makes until the end of it's next turn. Save DC is 13.

Damage Roll: [roll0]


AC: 14
HP: 9/9

2018-07-19, 01:08 PM
Oblex 5 takes all 3 damage from the mockery and has disadvantage on its next attack.

2018-07-19, 01:20 PM
Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WyNuibkNuFwy7IPtOLeqFg3RluVU2aY6ZSHoMni6CQ0/edit?usp=sharing)

(Dain is down and can't make actions)

Rucron swings his quarterstaff again at Oblex 5:
[roll0] hit: [roll1] crit: [roll2]

Enemy turns:
Oblexes 3, 6, and 7 attack Robin.
3: [roll3] hit: [roll4] bludgeoning and [roll5] psychic, crit: [roll6] bludgeoning and [roll7] psychic
6: [roll8] hit: [roll9] bludgeoning and [roll10] psychic, crit: [roll11] bludgeoning and [roll12] psychic
7: [roll13] hit: [roll14] bludgeoning and [roll15] psychic, crit: [roll16] bludgeoning and [roll17] psychic
Oblex 5 attacks the guard
5: [roll18] hit: [roll19] bludgeoning and [roll20] psychic, crit: [roll21] bludgeoning and [roll22] psychic

If oblex 5 is not dead, the guard attacks oblex 5:
[roll27] adv: [roll28] hit: [roll29] crit: [roll30]

The guard from behind cautiously approaches, not wanting to get attacked
The guard from ahead dashes in as that side has been cleared more.

Robin takes 7 damage (8/15)
Oblex 5 takes 9 damage and is dead (-3/18)

Oblexes 1, 3, 4 and 7 have 18 hit points, oblex 6 has 11 with Theren's arrow sticking out of it.

2018-07-19, 01:50 PM
Robin ducks under one of the fell beast as it tries to bite her, but the other two use the distraction and one snaps for her left leg, as the other bites on her shield arm.

The fangs and jaw she can mostly ignore she survived worse as a child, it's the assault on her mind that stings worse of all.

Shaking her head, as she cups it with her axe hand, she snarls defiantly as she lunges at the injured oblex her axe flashing in the light as she tries to bring it down on the creature's head.

Axe swing [roll0]
Crit if necessary [roll2]

2018-07-19, 04:41 PM
Rucron utters a few words, healing Dain.
[roll0] healing and moves to A15 to flank Oblex 7
[roll1] adv: [roll2] hit: [roll3] crit: [roll4]

Dain Broadbeam
2018-07-19, 05:16 PM
Dain Broadbeam

The world exploded in pain. The last thing he could remember was the weird, horrible creature surging towards him, then it all went black. Now he was lying with his face buried in the snow, the sound of fighting filling his ears. Looking up he saw Robin fending them off his prone form. He scrambled to his feet next to her inelegantly, his greataxe in a defensive posture.

Moves to C14 and stands up. Dodge action.

2018-07-20, 01:52 PM
Caelyn focused her attention at another of the Oblex and fired yet another psychic scream of Vicious Mockery at the new target.

Move Action: Move enough to the east of the map to be able to see Oblex 3
Combat Action: Cast Vicious Mockery at Oblex 3

Attack: Target must succeed on a Wis Save or suffer 1d4 Psychic Damage and gain disadvantage on all attacks it makes until the end of it's next turn. Save DC is 13.

Damage Roll: [roll0]


AC: 14
HP: 9/9

2018-07-20, 02:01 PM
Oblex 3 takes all 3 damage, and has disadvantage on its next attack.

2018-07-20, 04:53 PM
Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble[
Passive Perception:13
AC:16, HP: 9 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080)
shoots an arrow at the nearest Oblex that he can without risking putting an arrow in a comrade

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )

2018-07-20, 05:08 PM
Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WyNuibkNuFwy7IPtOLeqFg3RluVU2aY6ZSHoMni6CQ0/edit?usp=sharing)

Enemy turn
Oblex 6 moves to D13 and attacks robin.
6: [roll0] adv [roll1] hit: [roll2] bludgeoning and [roll3] psychic crit: [roll4] bludgeoning and [roll5] psychic
Oblex 3 attacks Robin.
3: [roll6] hit: [roll7] bludgeoning and [roll8] psychic crit: [roll9] bludgeoning and [roll10] psychic
Oblex 7 attacks Dain
7: [roll11] hit: [roll12] bludgeoning and [roll13] psychic crit: [roll14] bludgeoning and [roll15] psychic

Guard 3 moves to D12 and attacks Oblex 6.
[roll16] hit: [roll17] crit: [roll18]
If Oblex 6 is not dead, Guard 1 moves to D14 and attacks Oblex 6.
[roll19] adv: [roll20] hit: [roll21] crit: [roll22]
If Oblex 6 is dead, Guard 1 moves to A14 and attacks Oblex 7.
[roll23] adv: [roll24] hit: [roll25] crit: [roll26]

Guard 2 moves to A13 and attacks Oblex 3.
[roll27] adv: [roll28] hit: [roll29] crit: [roll30]

Dain is not down (6/12)
Oblex 6 is dead.

2018-07-20, 05:21 PM

Seeing the prior psychic attack hit the Oblex (3), Caelyn pour more of that assaulting Vicious Mockery at the same Oblex, intend on having it laughed to death.

Move Action: Stay Put
Combat Action: Cast Vicious Mockery at Oblex 3 again.

Attack: Target must succeed on a Wis Save or suffer 1d4 Psychic Damage and gain disadvantage on all attacks it makes until the end of it's next turn. Save DC is 13.

Damage Roll: [roll0]


AC: 14
HP: 9/9

2018-07-20, 05:22 PM
Robin lets out a warcry, as both creature's fangs bounce off her armor and shield.

She spots prey. The town guard is good for something and, with one of them distracting one of the putty beasts, she waits for it to not be looking in her direction.

And attacks!

Attack Oblex 3 [roll0]
Advanagate [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Crit if necessary [roll3]

2018-07-20, 05:31 PM
Rucron speaks another healing word, healing Dain. [roll0]
and then attacks Oblex 7.
[roll1] hit: [roll2] crit: [roll3]

Dain Broadbeam
2018-07-20, 05:43 PM
Dain Broadbeam

With a roar Dain strikes at the monster in front of him

attacks oblex 7
Flanking adv. [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit damage [roll3]
woho, a crit! an extra 11 damage, not 14, screwed up the copy past for it.

2018-07-20, 05:48 PM
Oblex 7 is absolutely obliterated by the vengeful power of Dain's axe, taking 24 damage in one hit.

In this moment, Oblexes 1 and 4 seep silently out from the trapdoor and sneak up next to Caelyn, attacking her.
1: [roll0] hit: [roll1] bludgeoning and [roll2] psychic crit: [roll3] bludgeoning and [roll4] psychic
4: [roll5] hit: [roll6] bludgeoning and [roll7] psychic crit: [roll8] bludgeoning and [roll9] psychic

2018-07-20, 11:20 PM
Rucron huffs as the fight rages. Only a few down and already his magic was wearing thin, but healing wasn't all he could do. With a few muttered words the centaur points at one of the oblex's and casts forth a bolt of fire.
Produce Flame on Oblex 3 I suppose.
Attack [roll0]
Fire [roll1]

2018-07-20, 11:34 PM
Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble[
Passive Perception:13
AC:16, HP: 9 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080) yells:
"Disgusting curse!"
and draws his rapier to stab the nearest creature that is attacking Caelyn

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )

2018-07-20, 11:50 PM
Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WyNuibkNuFwy7IPtOLeqFg3RluVU2aY6ZSHoMni6CQ0/edit?usp=sharing)

Enemy Turns
Oblex 3, having been beaten on quite heavily and all the other oblexes around it killed in a matter of seconds, tries to move up to reinforce the two attacking the ranged combatants inside, attacking Caelyn from behind. (his disadv is cancelled by flanking with O1)
3: [roll0] hit: [roll1] bludgeoning and [roll2] psychic, crit: [roll3] bludgeoning and [roll4]
It does, however, take 6 opportunity attacks, two from the guards and three from Rucron, Dain, and Robin, and then another from the last guard as it approaches.
Opportunity attacks, in order of occurrence:
1: [roll5] hit: [roll6] crit: [roll7]
2: [roll8] hit: [roll9] crit: [roll10]
Dain [roll11] hit: [roll12] crit: [roll13]
Rucron [roll14] hit: [roll15] crit: [roll16]
Robin [roll17] hit: [roll18] crit: [roll19]
3: [roll20] hit: [roll21] crit: [roll22]
Oblexes 1 and 4 circle around Caelyn, 4 takes an opportunity attack from Theren as it moves.
Theren [roll23] hit: [roll24] crit: [roll25]
They both attack Theren.
1: [roll26] hit: [roll27] bludgeoning and [roll28] psychic, crit: [roll29] bludgeoning and [roll30]
4: [roll31] hit: [roll32] bludgeoning and [roll33] psychic, crit: [roll34] bludgeoning and [roll35]

Guards 1 and 2 kill Oblex 3 with a critical before it even moves.
Both their attacks on Theren miss.

2018-07-21, 12:17 AM

Caelyn was very nastily hurt by those two sneaky Oblexes, but at least remained on her feet, although looking quite hurt.
Survival instincts kicked in and Caelyn did a tactical withdrawal, slinked backwards out of reach of those oblexes in the back corner of the room.

Move Action: Disengage backwards into E-11
Combat Action: Part of the Disengage Action.

Attack: None

Damage Roll: None


AC: 14
HP: 2/9

2018-07-21, 01:03 AM
Robin for her part lunges forward, leaving the first oblex for the dwarf to deal with.

Theren! As one! She shouted out, distracting the beastee as she brought her axe down.

Move to C7
Attack Oblex 4
Attack [roll0]
Advantage [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Crit if necessary [roll3]

Dain Broadbeam
2018-07-21, 05:54 AM
Dain Broadbeam
HP: 12

Dain makes a low growl and smiles as he sees all the monsters around him fall. His celebration is however cut short by the sounds from inside the shop. On seeing the situation inside he lounges at the nearest monster with a mighty swing.

move to D9, and attacks O1
Crit ? [roll2]

2018-07-21, 12:41 PM
Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble[
Passive Perception:13
AC:16, HP: 9 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080) yells:
"just go away!"
and again stabs the nearest creature that is attacking Caelyn

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )

2018-07-21, 10:31 PM
Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WyNuibkNuFwy7IPtOLeqFg3RluVU2aY6ZSHoMni6CQ0/edit?usp=sharing)

Enemy Turns
Both Oblex attack Theren
1: [roll0] hit: [roll1] bludgeoning and [roll2] psychic crit: [roll3] bludgeoning and [roll4] psychic
4: [roll5] hit: [roll6] bludgeoning and [roll7] psychic crit: [roll8] bludgeoning and [roll9] psychic

Guards 1, 2, and 3 move to C9, C8, and E8 respectively. They all attack O4, attacks after O4 is dead moving to O1, removing advantage on those attacks.
1 [roll10] [roll11] hit: [roll12] crit: [roll13]
2 [roll14] [roll15] hit: [roll16] crit: [roll17]
3 [roll18] [roll19] hit: [roll20] crit: [roll21]

Theren is down.

2018-07-22, 12:55 AM
Robin lets out a warscream over her fallen comrade. Arcing her back as she brings down her axe on the beastie.

Attack Oblex 1
Advantage [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Crit if necessary [roll3]

Dain Broadbeam
2018-07-22, 04:57 AM
Dain Boradbeam (ddb.ac/characters/3107581/0MYxDi)
HP: 12
AC: 16

Dain growls and grits his teeth as he re positions. This had to end quickly before more of them went down.

Shuffles over to E9 to flank and attack O1
Damage [roll2] & Crit [roll3]

2018-07-22, 05:09 AM

Caelyn felt the pain from having been attacked, and disliked the feeling very, very much. Turning her gaze at the final oblex(es), the sent forth another wave of Vicious Mockery at the target.

Move Action: Stay put.
Combat Action: Cast Vicious Mockery at Oblex.... 1? I think that's the final one still alive.

Attack: Target must succeed on a Wis Save or suffer 1d4 Psychic Damage and gain disadvantage on all attacks it makes until the end of it's next turn. Save DC is 13.

Damage Roll: [roll0]

AC: 14
HP: 2/9

2018-07-22, 12:18 PM
In combination of Robin and Dain's attacks, the Oblex between them falls apart and stops wriggling aggressively. All that is left is Oblex 4, who was already more worse for wear than the other Oblex who just fell, while it shows now no outward signs of fear, it shudders, turns, and sees a 1" crack in the corner of the room. It tries to move towards it to escape, but Guard #2 slices it in half as it tries.

Guard 3 puts a potion of healing down Theren's throat, healing him for [roll0]

Guard 1 looks over the macabre scene. Green slime covering the snow and white bricks, Pete's remains lay by the abandoned building across the street. He walks into the cobbler's office and lights a torch, throwing it down the trapdoor. It descends for quite some time before hitting something, and when he looks down he can see a glowing light illuminating a small part of a cave. He nods, gets up, and approaches the party. "It appears we had an immense lack of information on this mission. If we had not come to your aid, you most certainly would have perished. Allow us, or more experienced mercenaries, to take it from here. We will take care of cleaning up the slime, so for now here is 50 silver for each of you he throws a bag that holds 250 silver on the ground, "Out of my own pocket. I will come find you in a few days if sir Dr. Georgi Yellowspine wishes to pay a greater sum and take 250 silver for myself, got it?"

(You guys are all now level 2)

2018-07-22, 12:29 PM
It takes a few seconds for Robin's head to clear.

Huh... No wait, we can handle it.... I'm fine. She says grinning and bearing her teeth.

Dain Broadbeam
2018-07-22, 12:46 PM
Dain Broadbeam (ddb.ac/characters/3107581/7pZLbE)

Dain pants hard as the adrenaline of the fight recedes, leaving behind a dull headache. He then pokes at the closest monster with the butt of his axe and mutters, "By Tormund, what were those horrible things?" He then walks outside to collect his javelin as well as Robins throwing axe before reentering the building. "Well, I for one appreciate the help, it was looking rather bleak there for a second"

2018-07-22, 12:54 PM
Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble[
Passive Perception:13
AC:16, HP: 9 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080)
coughs, blinks, and asks

"Are all well?"

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )

2018-07-22, 02:47 PM

Caelyn gasped and looked like she was indeed very much in pain still, not as bad anymore and it looked like a small rest could do wonders for her. But, she still looked a bit roughened up.

"What in the name of Mab, The Winter Queen, Was those things!? they weren't normal slimes that I've heard about.... they were.... Intelligent? THey weren't just mindless cubes of deadly jelly." Caelyn uttered with a hint of pain in her cool, observant voice.

2018-07-22, 03:47 PM
The first guard, an older human with a graying full beard, wearing a round helmet and chain mail, speaks in a deep gravelly voice. "I haven't seen the like, but the trapdoor leading down to a full cave system suggests they may have friends, if they truly are intelligent. I personally wouldn't like to stick around and find out."

The second guard, a younger man with ginger hair flowing under his similar helmet and over similar chainmail, reaches into a belt pouch and pulls out a Snowy Raven and feeds it a walnut. Its small, white roundish form shows its adaptations to the north, but its weak wings and dulled talons reveal years of depending on humans and luck for survival. "Kuuuu-ree-kee-kee-kee-kee-" it calls out, the second guard putting his hand over its small, owl-like beak every other sound. Other unseen Snowy Ravens echo the sound, mimicking the wavering tones. "I've called for a stonemason, they'll trace the call back to its source." he nods, putting the bird back into the pouch, its face buried in its fur similar to a snowball in appearance. "They can close up the hole."

The third guard, a tall man with a wrinkled face, scar over the right side of his cracked lips, sat against the left wall of the room, sheathes his longsword with a clank. "A poster should still be made. Skilled mercenaries can deal with this sort of thing if it's worth the gold to them. Who knows how they made the hole, but if they made it once from that depth, they'll chew through a few feet of stone."

2018-07-23, 12:27 AM
Rucron continues to breath heavily for several moments as he observes the scene. "I would fear how much the things have spread throughout the city. Surely this pit is no accident?" The centaur moves to those that are (were?) unconscious and helps tend to them.

Dain Broadbeam
2018-07-23, 10:29 AM
Dain Boradbeam (ddb.ac/characters/3107581/xnohzl)
Passive Perception: 11

Lighting a torch of his own Dain walks over to the trapdoor to inspect the hole. While he was trained as a blacksmith and not a stonemason, dwarves have an innate knowledge of stonework. Crouching low he lowers his lit torch.

Stonecunning check on the hole?

2018-07-23, 10:41 AM
And we were supposed to fine the people, could they still be in the hole. Robin comments.

2018-07-23, 10:45 AM
And we were supposed to fine the people, could they still be in the hole. Robin comments.

Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble[
Passive Perception:13
AC:16, HP: 9 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080)

....creatures may take the semblance of people, so anyone could be one of them!"

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )

2018-07-23, 10:58 AM
The first guard considers you for a moment. "Leave it to whoever is assigned to deal with this next. Whatever is down there, it's able to dig a hole this big or possess someone with the idea to dig down in that exact spot. The shoemaker, presumably. The way they killed and ate Pete, I don't think this is a simple kidnapping. Hence, lack of information. Move along."

The hole is round, and deep, more than a hundred feet deep for sure. Marks on the walls of the hole suggest that it was dug from the top, not from the bottom. It was dug straight down, with no thought of the stability of the sides of the wall. At the bottom, where the guard's torch landed, it sits aside a pile of sharp stones that form a ramp up to one side of the hole.

2018-07-23, 03:28 PM

Caelyn looked to the hole and then shirked a bit. "I feel we should not go down there... Just dealing with those things UP HERE nearly killed us.... that is their lair most likely and we do not belong down there." She said and looked rather apprehensive at the idea of going against that survival instinct telling her that only death awaited in that hole.

Dain Broadbeam
2018-07-23, 03:47 PM
Dain Broadbeam (ddb.ac/characters/3107581/N1686A)
Passive Perception: 11

Dain douses the torch and return to the group."From what I can tell someone dug that hole from up here, which has disturbing implications. The hole is also shoddy mined, for whatever that's worth. They were lucky that it simply didn't collapse in on itself. I'm afraid simply covering it up would be only a temporary fix. I highly recommend someone investigate it. I would sadly agree that we might not be up to that task at this point." He brings up his hands to massage his temples as the headache keeps getting stronger. "So, what now?" he asks no one in particular.

2018-07-23, 10:51 PM
I would imagine that you would need rest then. Robin remarks looking to the groups injuries.

2018-07-24, 12:13 AM
Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble[
Passive Perception:13
AC:16, HP: 9 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080)

"Anyone that we haven't seen fight those creatures could be one of them!"
"And now that we"ve fought them, they know that we know of them, and they may be setting traps awaiting us!"

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )

2018-07-24, 12:24 AM
The third guard stands up, shaking his head. "Ay, ay, we'll have that added to the poster. Move along and get some rest. If you aren't tired, go to the town hall if you need another job for the afternoon. Stop bothering me, I don't run the city, that damned half-orc does." he begins walking away, signalling for the other two to go back to their posts. He seems to be some sort of commanding officer. "Maybe you should go looking for that kid one of the manned watch towers near glimmerlake saw."

Dain Broadbeam
2018-07-27, 10:49 AM
"That kid?" Dain looks at the guard confused.

2018-07-28, 12:07 AM
I mean did he look lost, or did someone report a missing child. Robin asks scratching her head quizzically.

2018-07-28, 12:36 AM
"14, 15-year old boy in the snow walking around aimlessly miles outside a settlement?" he shouts, as he is facing away from you. "Sounds like a lost kid to me. Again, if you think you can handle it, you can go ahead and try."

Dain Broadbeam
2018-07-28, 04:27 AM
Dain Broadbeam

14-15? Edrin? "What did he... by Torumnd" the question dying on his lips as the guards moves too far away. "So, Town Hall and look for that kid?" he adds with a question, looking around at the group.

2018-07-29, 09:30 AM
Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble[
Passive Perception:13
AC:16, HP: 9 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080)

"Yes, of course"

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )

2018-07-29, 10:40 AM
Rucron scratches his chin. "My store of healing is spent unfortunately but if you all think you're well enough to continue on then by all means lets."

2018-07-29, 10:48 AM
Robin nods, starting to lead the group to town hall.

2018-07-29, 12:56 PM

Caelyn looked still a bit roughed up and did not seem all too happy about more of this kind of adventuring.
So the fact that they were going somewhere else THAN the scary oozehole seemed like a good thing that Caelyn wholeheartedly went along with, following Illven without much complaining.

2018-07-29, 06:28 PM
The town hall sits across from the statue of the hero of Whiteforge, Krall. it is a brick building, built of the same white bricks of Redmund road. Against the wall inside is a bulletin board, same as in the inn, and the halfling from earlier sits at a desk nearby. The town hall is generally a formality, just to know which jobs are completed or are being completed. You show them the poster, they nod, mark a parchment, and you leave.

Heading out the west gate of the city, a guard spots you and creakily pulls a lever that turns the frozen gears moves the cast-iron gate aside, and a gust of freezing air comes through. You stumble outside, they close the gate, and by now you have gotten used to the weather.

Heading in the direction of glimmerlake, the snow is falling heavier and heavier.

2018-07-30, 12:12 AM
So who wants to be the one to talk to the mayor. Robin said impassively looking over the building hands on her hips.

Cause I'm not much of a people person. She admits.

2018-07-30, 10:09 PM
So who wants to be the one to talk to the mayor. Robin said impassively looking over the building hands on her hips.

Cause I'm not much of a people person. She admits.

Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble[
Passive Perception:13
AC:16, HP: 9 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080)
"I will if none wish for the burden:

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )

Dain Broadbeam
2018-08-01, 07:10 PM
Dain Broadbeam (ddb.ac/characters/3107581/zg3xgH)

Dain starts to walk. "Anyone good with hunting/finding tracks?"

2018-08-01, 10:14 PM
I'm not awful at it. Robin admits. But I tend to get distracted

2018-08-01, 10:40 PM
Dain Broadbeam (ddb.ac/characters/3107581/zg3xgH)

Dain starts to walk. "Anyone good with hunting/finding tracks?"

Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble[
Passive Perception:13
AC:16, HP: 9 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080)
"I've some experience at it:

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )

2018-08-02, 04:08 PM

Caelyn seemed to enjoy the snow with a cool, slight smile. Her eyes turned upwards and slightly closed as she and the rest of the group walked along the street and outside the opened gates.
The snow seemed to pass just over her, never landing on her, but rather enhancing her presence, letting everyone know who looked at her that she was right now a daughter of winter itself... or at least she looked as if she'd frame a nice painting looking like she did with the snow somehow never landing on her, and the constant hints of snow-crystals clinging to her snow-white hair glittered with the shine of any hints of light hitting them. Like small gemstones was weaved into her hair.

"*inhale* mmmm..... *exhale*.... This feels like I am home when the Winter Queen passes by. The cold, the ethereal beauty of the snowscape. Yes, this is as if Home's been reflected into this place..." She seemed to not really having noticed she'd been verbally uttering those works, and just remained a pretty add-on to that picturesque look of her n the foreground and the snowcovered landscape behind her and around her just noting out Caelyn's appeal even futher.

2018-08-05, 01:59 PM
"I am a decent hand at tracking." Rucron states as he brings up the rear of the party. "A handy skill when your people travel the land."

2018-08-09, 02:29 PM
The snow becoming heavy, and a watchtower In the distance, a hand with a hard gripping reaches up and grabs Theren's leg. Others come up out from the snow, their pale bones somewhat made more pale by the snow. In the low visibility and the roar of the wind, you hear a kee-keee-eeeeeee coming from the watchtower, and a searchlight.

2018-08-14, 07:32 PM
Everyone, we got skellebrosRobin calls out.

Init [roll0]

2018-08-14, 09:35 PM
The snow becoming heavy, and a watchtower In the distance, a hand with a hard gripping reaches up and grabs Theren's leg. Others come up out from the snow, their pale bones somewhat made more pale by the snow. In the low visibility and the roar of the wind, you hear a kee-keee-eeeeeee coming from the watchtower, and a searchlight.

Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble[
Passive Perception:13
AC:16, HP: 9 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080)
Shouts: "What the Raven Queen!"

And draws his rapier

Initiative: [roll0]

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )

Dain Broadbeam
2018-08-14, 10:41 PM
Dain Broadbeam (https://ddb.ac/characters/3107581/b1DbIl)

"By Tormund!" he shouts as the scene unfolds, awkwardly grabbing for his axe with one hand while he traces holy symbols in the air.

Still block initiative right?

Free Action: Draw great axe
Action: Cast Bless on himself, Robin and Theren.
Movement: Move to engage the creature grasping for Theren

2018-08-15, 03:16 AM

Caelyn yelped at the sudden hands-from the snowy depths reaching up and gripping. "Winter's chill! what in the name f the four seasons!!" She exclaimed (with a relatively quick calming right afterwards) and scurry'd out of the way of her companions, in a straight line from where the icy skeletons were sprouting up from.

Not gonna roll initiative, cuz, block initiative right?

Just gonna have Caelyn move as far away from the skeletons as possible. As far as I recall, we didn't have any chance to heal, right? cuz is only on 8 HP right now... or DID we have a short rest? if so then I'd like to roll for that... and add in an extra 1d6 cuz of mah song of rest ability).

I will hold the last combat action for now, to see if it'd be more useful AFTER the skeleboys have crawled free of the snow.

2018-08-23, 12:27 AM
A few arrows land in the snow nearby; they flew from the watchtower. A silhouette of a man leaving the tower starts approaching, holding a crossbow. The skeletons attack:

1 attacks Theren: [roll0] hit: [roll1] crit: [roll2]
Another attacks Dain: [roll3] hit: [roll4] crit: [roll5]
and a third attacks Robin: [roll6] hit: [roll7] crit: [roll8]

Dain Broadbeam
2018-08-23, 05:35 AM
Dain Broadbeam (https://ddb.ac/characters/3107581/DbWWyr)
AC: 17
HP: 12

Dain grunts in pain at the unexpected savage blow.

If he can move to gain flanking without incurring attack of opportunity, he will do so.
Attacks the skeleton: [roll0] flanking? [roll1]
Damage [roll2] Crit? [roll3]

2018-08-23, 05:22 PM
Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble[
Passive Perception:13
AC:16, HP: 9 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080)
Shouts: "By the light of the Brightlands, go back to Hell!"

Casts "Booming Blade" and strikes back with his rapier

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )

2018-08-26, 11:55 PM
Robin will for her part use her chopping axe on the skelebros.


2018-08-30, 01:55 AM
With a hiss of disgust at the sight of those snow-hidden undead arise and shamble threateningly at her and the rest of her companions, Caelyn hustled out of the direct line of attack of any of the bone-dead skellies before aiming a spell with her Conductor's Wand in hand, specifically casting a Faerie Fire Spell at at the far edge of the undeads so none of her teammates would be afflicted by the spell as well.

Move Action: Move to G-4 so between Rucon and Theren, to be in a much more secure location.
Combat Action: Cast Faerie Fire at M-5 (casting range up to 60 ft), with an affecting range of 20ft, hitting the M-4 Tree, K-3 Skeleton, M-7 Skeleton, I-6 Skeleton (next to robin) and I-4 skeleton (next to Theren) and any other potential not-visible targets within the spell's effect-range.
An Icy-blue light outlines all objects, creatures, etc. a Dexterity Save is needed to be done to dodge the spell's effect. All affected objects, creatures, etc. illuminates with a 10-ft radius of light and cannot turn invisible. All attacks against affected creatures, objects, etc. are done so with advantage. Effect lasts for 1 minutes.

Attack Roll: Dex Save needed, Save DC = 13.

Damage Roll: No Damage


HP: 8/15
AC: 14

2018-09-04, 01:10 AM
Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yYNAIin0gy5G8HMzqWLq3ag1VWO1O5POgHh8Sq4WwaM/edit?usp=sharing)

Dain misses terribly as the skeleton feints out of the way of his mighty axe swing.

Theren's rapier pierces the skull of the skeleton, leaving only half of it there. But the skeleton is relentless, and remains.

Robin's axe separates the arm of the skeleton that struck her. It moves in the snow before sinking down.

All skeletons in the faerie fire's radius are affected, and begin to glow with sparkles.

Rucron backsteps 10 feet, then charges headlong at the skeleton that Theren previously struck, bludgeoning it into powder.

Four of the remaining skeletons surround Robin, her having been the closest to them, and the other two move to attack Theren.
2&4 attacking theren:
[roll0] hit: [roll1] crit: [roll2]
[roll3] hit: [roll4] crit: [roll5]
5, 6, 7 & 8 attacking Robin with advantage:
[roll6] [roll7] hit: [roll8] crit: [roll9]
[roll10] [roll11] hit: [roll12] crit: [roll13]
[roll14] [roll15] hit: [roll16] crit: [roll17]
[roll18] [roll19] hit: [roll20] crit: [roll21]

Dain Broadbeam
2018-09-04, 05:42 AM
Dain Broadbeam (https://ddb.ac/characters/3107581/A1IwN1)
HP: 12, AC: 17

Roaring in rage Dain swings his axe at the lone skeleton before him.

attack S1
Damage [roll1]
If hit angry pally smites. [roll2]
Crit? [roll]1d12+3d8

2018-09-04, 06:54 AM
Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble[
Passive Perception:13
AC:16, HP: 9/-1 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080)
yells: "Demon dogs!"

on being struck by one skeleton, and then falls upon being hit by another.

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )

2018-09-05, 02:40 PM

Feeling a bit surrounded, Caelyn disengaged from the close range with S2 and S6, in order to move over behind Dain. She wasn't gonna stand near those undead horrors and get skewered, not if she could avoid it.

Full Action: Disengage - Moves to D4, provoking no AoO from the skeletons in doing so.... yes Caelyn is all about her survival. She is in Winter mode right now, not summer or Autumn.

Attack Roll: No Attack

Damage Roll: No Damage


HP: 8/15
AC: 14

2018-09-05, 03:20 PM
Robin will start to try to see the blows coming and start to dodge.

2018-09-08, 08:59 PM
Battle map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yYNAIin0gy5G8HMzqWLq3ag1VWO1O5POgHh8Sq4WwaM/edit?usp=sharing)

Dain's strike crumbles the skeleton.

As the skeletons attempt to swing at the alert Robin surrounded by them, a ball of flame hurtles from the watch tower, destroying the skeletons and leaving Robin unharmed. The snow melts a little bit, and a horn's roar can be heard.

More skeletons are raising up from the snow, farther away. It would be best to seak refuge in the tower.

Dain Broadbeam
2018-09-09, 10:33 AM
Dain Breadbeam (https://ddb.ac/characters/3107581/7CpzUB)
HP: 12 AC: 17

Dain rushes over to the fallen Theren and kneels, placing one hand on his chest while grasping his necklaces with the other. He hastily says a short prayer in dwarvish before getting up and starts to move towards the guard tower.

Moves to G5 and uses Lay on Hands on Theren, giving him 9 HP. Dain will then move the rest of his movement towards the tower, doing his best to avoid the skeletons on the way

2018-09-09, 06:48 PM
Dain Breadbeam (https://ddb.ac/characters/3107581/7CpzUB)
HP: 12 AC: 17

Dain rushes over to the fallen Theren and kneels, placing one hand on his chest while grasping his necklaces with the other. He hastily says a short prayer in dwarvish before getting up and starts to move towards the guard tower.

Moves to G5 and uses Lay on Hands on Theren, giving him 9 HP. Dain will then move the rest of his movement towards the tower, doing his best to avoid the skeletons on the way

Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble[
Passive Perception:13
AC:16, HP: 9 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080)
Says: "Thanks friend!" to Dain, gets up, moves away from the foes (but still in line of sight) and shoots an arrow at the one that most threatens a comrade.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )

2018-09-10, 04:24 AM

Like all the rest, Caelyn bravely ran away (bravely ran away away~), dashing straight for that tower just as the others also did. She didn't even intent on attacking those skeletons behind them since that'd be a waste of time right now.

Action: Dash - Adds +30ft to speed for this turn.
Move: move 60ft as far northward (towards the tower) as possible without stumbling into any more undead and get AoO'd.

Attack Roll: No Attack

Damage Roll: No Damage


HP: 8/15
AC: 14

2018-09-10, 01:23 PM
Robin will also dash, heading to F4 before going straight up to avoid the skelle bros.

2018-09-12, 11:57 AM
As the party runs from the skeletons, dozens more launch from the ground, their pale bones almost disguising themselves in the darkness of the blizzard, only given away by the black spots that are their eye sockets.

Approaching the watch tower, the door opens, and a tall half-orc in the armor you saw the guardsmen wearing in beckon you in with the skeletons hot on your tail.

2018-09-12, 04:08 PM

Caelyn dashed past that half-orc big-fella and did not care much what awaited inside, because it couldn't be much worse than staying outside and get torn to ribbons by angry negative-energy fueled undead skeletons.

2018-09-12, 07:54 PM
Robin will also head into the watch tower.

2018-09-13, 06:39 AM
Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble[
Passive Perception:13
AC:16, HP: 9 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080)
"Well met good sir!" to the guard as he runs into the tower.

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )

2018-09-13, 10:48 PM
The half-orc watches Caelyn and Robin rush past, nods his head in response to Theren's greeting, and continues looking out the door waiting for the rest of the party to get through before shutting the door and dropping the locking bar into its brackets.

He looks young-ish, though it might be hard to tell if you're not an Orc. He has a burn scar on his right cheek, and a simple misshapen ring in his left ear. He's outfitted in chain mail and great axe, with two hand axes on his belt.

I will cast Create Bonfire to place a bonfire directly in front of the door just as I'm shutting it (so no one can see), and will concentrate on it for the 1 minute duration to incentivize the skeletons not to approach.

Dain Broadbeam
2018-09-14, 06:36 AM
Dain Broadbeam (https://ddb.ac/characters/3107581/0GfbCa)
HP: 12 AC: 17

Lagging a bit behind the rest, and last through the door is Dain.

2018-09-16, 12:00 AM
Rucron gets in just at the last moment, and the skeletons can be heard banging on the door. You all hear another blast with a similar sound to the fireball from earlier, and they stop knocking. The wizard comes down some stairs into the main room at the bottom of the tower, which is furnished with some hardwood benches and a fireplace. "Let us hope that was the last of them. I have round out of magic energy for the day and must rest, Thokk." He looks to Dain and the others as he sits on the bench. "What brings you out on a day the high wizard declared too dangerous to go outside early this morning?"

2018-09-16, 11:19 AM
Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble[
Passive Perception:13
AC:16, HP: 9 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080)

"We're looking for a lost lad" .

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )

2018-09-22, 10:56 AM
"A lost lad you say?"

Dain Broadbeam
2018-09-22, 11:05 AM
Dain Broadbeam (https://ddb.ac/characters/3107581/bRLN8i)

"A lad of 14-15 winters old was reported walking aimlessly in the snow. If it is who we think it is he might also be hurt."

2018-09-25, 09:02 AM
"Well, it was our tower that noticed him. I know a spell that identifies people from a distance; so I know of who you speak. Also that there wasn't anything to worry about if he wasn't attacked by the wolves he went out to kill. But I sent to the town hall anyway to make a poster anyway."

2018-09-28, 12:03 AM
Then do you know where he is now? Robin asks.

2018-09-28, 03:11 AM

Caelyn shook her hair out and looked grimly beautiful with that snow-white hair, tinting almost over to a deep glacier-blue. "Nevermind the young boy... Why in the name of the Winter Queen is it swarming with undead snow-covered skeletons outside this place? What is going on here?" She asked with a haughty tone.

Dain Broadbeam
2018-10-01, 03:21 PM
Dain Broadbeam (https://ddb.ac/characters/3107581/m54X88)

Dain looks at Caelyn, then back to the wizard. "That is a very good question."

2018-10-01, 04:27 PM
"quite. In my studies, I have heard of magics that can animate the dead, er," he says as he strokes his beard, "such a spell would be ready available to a, er, less moralistic wizard with as much experience as I. The worrying thing is a single spellcaster of such power would only be able to maintain as many as six such skeletons and maintain the use of their most powerful spell energy to muster. There were dozens, no, at least a hundred out there. If it were not for my experience as a spellcaster and my particular proficiency as one, this tower would fall." he grabs his beard with regret. "This is an amount of power only a coven of hags or cultists to the dark lord ruler of the undead Orcus could wield. Let us hope the best for us, and for the boy."

2018-10-01, 05:08 PM
"quite. In my studies, I have heard of magics that can animate the dead, er," he says as he strokes his beard, "such a spell would be ready available to a, er, less moralistic wizard with as much experience as I. The worrying thing is a single spellcaster of such power would only be able to maintain as many as six such skeletons and maintain the use of their most powerful spell energy to muster. There were dozens, no, at least a hundred out there. If it were not for my experience as a spellcaster and my particular proficiency as one, this tower would fall." he grabs his beard with regret. "This is an amount of power only a coven of hags or cultists to the dark lord ruler of the undead Orcus could wield. Let us hope the best for us, and for the boy."

Okay, and what are they doing here? Robin replied.

Dain Broadbeam
2018-10-01, 05:12 PM
Dain Broadbeam (https://ddb.ac/characters/3107581/m54X88)

Dains face gets noticeable paler as he listen to the wizard. "How long has this been a problem, and does the city know?"

2018-10-01, 05:26 PM
He looks at Robin with an inquisitive, yet obvious look."I would not dare to hazard a guess," he says without moving his eyes or eyebrows, "But undead's purpose in this world can never be a good one."

He then looks to Dain with a raised eyebrow. "Are you thinking that I might withhold information from the city and throw aside my job as master of this watch? I give all information to the city as soon as I am able, and at the moment I cannot. To answer your question, however, this started being a problem today. Just now."

2018-10-08, 07:37 PM
"Are you thinking that I might withhold information from the city and throw aside my job as master of this watch? I give all information to the city as soon as I am able, and at the moment I cannot. To answer your question, however, this started being a problem today. Just now."

Theren Liadon
High Elf Fighter Noble[
Passive Perception:13
AC:16, HP: 9 (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1595080)

"Have you ever seen such creatures before?"

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?560465-The-Tenth-Era-Of-War-OOC&goto=newpost )

2018-10-08, 09:46 PM
Skeletons? Yes. On many occasions during my training, my master used skeletons as an example opponent. But in this amount? Never. A wizard of his strength would scarcely be able to control 15 using all his energy. This is a terrible occurrence.

2018-10-08, 10:14 PM
Yeah, okay, do we have a way to leave the tower? Robin remarks.

Dain Broadbeam
2018-10-09, 06:03 AM
Dain Broadbeam

Holding up his hands: "I was merely asking if you had had the chance to warn them of the resent event. As you have been unable to, we need to find a way to do so."

As Dain did not ask in a accusatory tone I would like to make an insight check given the fierce response. Merely looking to see if he is sincerely offended or actually hiding something.


2018-10-09, 08:45 AM
"If there's still that many skeletons out there, there's no safe way out. But we have food stores, so you won't need to worry for the moment. When they turn to the city the militia can handle it; there's no wizard powerful enough to command thousands of undead."

He looked actually insulted. Not hiding anything. Classic Lawful Good.

2018-10-10, 04:13 PM

Caelyn looked non-the-more assured. It was still very odd that the massive amounts of undead was popping up. It seemed so very odd that it were to just suddenly happen. No build up of the dead, no major battlefield of the slain, nothing. Or at least Caelyn knew of none such battlefields at this spot.
Buuut, she knew better than to voice this out or even come with a bodily hint at the thoughts, merely remaining a coolly still and shapely look on a queen of ice.

2018-10-10, 04:23 PM
Caelyn, your a mage, can you like... Have a familiar alert the guards? Robin asked brightly.

2018-10-10, 07:58 PM
Thokk the half-orc continues to stand quietly by the barred door with an ear pressed to it.

Perception check: [roll0]

2018-10-12, 03:40 AM

Caelyn looked at Robin with those frosty cool eyes of hers. "Mage? I am no mere mage. I am a Princess of the Feywilds, and I weave the magics of the world through song, music, the core essence of expressing one's own sensation of life. And i do guess you of the Material Realm calls it being a 'bard'.I have no familiars, nor summon magical beasts. I give soothing aide and comfort." Caelyn said and cut herself off from futher conversationing on this subject, deeming it done.

2018-10-12, 10:03 PM
Thokk hears nothing besides the blowing wind. The clattering of undead bones has grown distant.

Down the stairs comes a guard, who exclaims "What's going on? There are so many skeletons! I've never seen so many before! And they're headed for the city! And in the worst blizzard in a hundred years..." The wizard quiets him. "It's fine. The city militia can take care of it, considering there are almost ten thousand soldiers trained for fighting in the snow. Right now, what matters is surviving this blizzard. Some of you can cast spells, would one of you be able to light a fire? Thokk, go and fetch some wood from the stores."

2018-10-16, 07:56 PM
Let me help get the fire started. Robin let out moving to help fetch the wood.

Dain Broadbeam
2018-10-17, 07:58 AM
Dain Broadbeam

Dain sighs "I'll help" and goes to help with the firewood.

2018-10-21, 11:48 PM
Lighting a fire, huddling up, and then drifting off to sleep, You're awakened by a call of some snowy ravens at the dawn: "Kee-ree-kee-keeeeee" they cry from right outside the tower. There is no sound of snow. There is no sound of clattering bones. Just the trudging of horses approaching, and then the sound of a knocking on the front door. "Let us in, it's freezing outside. Just like every day I suppose" and then a round of laughter from a dozen other people outside. One of the guards from inside the tower moves aside Thokk's barricade and unlatches the door, letting them in. An orc with long pitch hair and a receding hairline wears furs, and beside him a chattering human wearing fancy dress and barely any furs. A dozen others wearing a similar amount of furs to the orc and bearing the symbol of Whiteforge on their left chest; royal guards. This orc is Hrolfir O'o, the lord of Whiteforge. A sword lies at the Orc's belt, which looks like a fancy metal that Dain recognizes as Adamantine.

"What was with all those skeletons? The militia already took care of it, but what was that about? I don't know much about magic, but that appeared to be a bit more than the usual." The fancy dress wearing human repeats the Orc's words, chattering and less understandable than the Orc in this situation.

2018-10-23, 02:25 AM
Thokk stands at attention until Hrolfir or another person of greater rank than me tells me otherwise.

2018-10-23, 06:44 AM

With a sigh and a slight annoyance to her demeanor, Caelyn muttered something in Sylvan (to which those that can speak Sylvan will understand it as: Great, more damn people).

2018-10-23, 01:04 PM
Is... there going to be uh enough food. Robin asked worried.

Dain Broadbeam
2018-10-23, 09:35 PM
Dain Broadbeam

On spotting the royal guards, and more specifically Hrolfir O'o, Dain stands up straight and makes an awkward bow, rather unsure what to do. His eyes does however linger on the lords blade.

2018-10-30, 10:46 PM
The wizard stands in reply to Robin talking and bows, leaning on his staff with both arms. "There is plenty of food, I assure you, as there are still the trade routes from the southerners. The militia took care of this problem where my magic has failed me; and yet, my magic allowed us to be saved. You all were very lucky." He says, standing back up at his full height.

His full height is still less than Hrolfir's, however, being more than two heads shorter. Hrolfir notices Thokk standing at attention, and gestures a command "as you were". He strokes his chin, long, sharp fingernails against greenish skin protruding. He notices Dain staring at his sword, and that he is a dwarf. He unsheathes it; a perfect, thin blade, serrated along the back side not different from the shape of a saw, engraved with symbols, symbols those from Whiteforge know as the symbols of the ancient orcish gods Gokruer (Go-Kru-Air), Lazeus(Lazz-Ee-Us), and Xyeyr(Z-Yay-Er). He hands it to Dain for him to inspect, as not many dwarves get to lay eyes on such craftsmanship. He knocks his "Translator" on the head before speaking.

"Yes," he says in a deep, refined voice, "We took care of it. My blade, Shark's Tooth, made quick work of at least twenty of the skeletal army; I have already been to the clerics today, so worry not of any injuries I took. More importantly, how did all those skeletons appear? I have been briefed that such an army is impossible by the amount of magic mortal men possess."

The wizard closes his eyes and leans down in a disdainful way. "There is such magic that can do this, but it is in the legends. Not since the days of Hungram Heavy-Hammer has such magic been cast." Hrolfir nods at this.

Then, Hrolfir turns to the party. "And who are you all? I saw that an adventuring group took the job to go search for the young boy- Edrin- lost in the snow."

2018-10-31, 03:40 AM
Thokk goes to fetch some wood from the stores.

Dain Broadbeam
2018-10-31, 10:19 AM
Dain Broadbeam

Dain both handles and inspect the blade as a smith would, feeling the perfect balance of it. He is so captivated by the blade, and the very fact that the lord let him inspect it(!) that he does not notice him speaking before he is almost done. He nervously clears his throat. "Thank you my lord," he begins as he hands the blade back. "That would be us. We met the young lad last night and got a bit worried."

Dain would also have looked for any signature marks of the smith who made the blade

2018-10-31, 10:46 AM
The blade is not marked as such, most likely made by commission to not include the Smith's mark. Dain does know, however, that there is a mountain where the deep dwarves to the northeast ran adamantine out from the Drows' realm, and forged weapons with it for a hefty price. He doesn't know if that run has stopped, however. Hrolfir takes the blade back.

"Well, we found him. Huddled under a tree a few kilometers east of here, warm as a fireplace. But your group officially signed on to the mission, so you will still be compensated."

Edrin walks in, dragging two skeletons behind him.

Bound by nails through the ends of the bones, the wolf skeletons appear to be just as the wolves described in the job he took but skeletons instead. They have burn marks and cuts along the leg bones. Edrin's glasses lie pierced on one of the wolves' claws. He drops them on the floor, panting.

"I was attacked by skeletons too," he says, squinting. "I guess I'm not getting a bonus for the pelts." he forces out in a breath, smiling, then he starts panting again .