View Full Version : How should I fill a bag of holding?

2018-06-02, 11:02 PM
So, my DM gave my level 8 bard a bag of holding. I have 610 gold to blow, and am playing TFtYP. What should I buy? Assume I'm in a city where everything mundane or common can be bought with enough gold.

2018-06-02, 11:20 PM
Buy a telephone pole and a scroll of flight.

Fly above your foes and play “Whack-a-Mole”?

By a lot of healing potions.
Place wounded or dismembered buddy into the bag, dump in the potions, shake well, and pour out your revitalized buddy.

2018-06-03, 12:00 AM
What's a
Well, in the level 7 campaign I'm DMing, the halfling used it so that he could increase his looting ability. He'd go out adventuring, then return to the city with a bag filled with swords, armour, coin, potion, enemy spleens, a spleen-less gnome... he really did make a huge profit at the merchants guild. If you somehow end up with to much money, go with the above solution and fill it with healing potions

2018-06-03, 01:12 AM
Think about all the mundane gear you *might* need but never wanted to haul around. Just go down the list and if it looks like it might someday be useful, take it.

Something that might be worth grabbing is a bunch of spare weapons, ammo, and armor (make sure to keep the weapons in scabbards and the ammo in quivers/bolt-cases so as not to puncture the bag, since puncturing it is bad). That way if you need to lend any out to an NPC, or if your usual gear gets wrecked by (for example) an ooze, or stolen, or whatnot, you have spares.

Also, a bunch of healing potions and a 10ft pole.

Justin Sane
2018-06-03, 03:10 PM
From 3.5, but still a handy checklist for general preparedness. (https://78462f86-a-abd8972e-s-sites.googlegroups.com/a/geekindustrialcomplex.com/www/downloads/files-page/handyhaversackpackv1.pdf?attachauth=ANoY7cr97JTP-BxDo9nKO6F83h4sDdOo1DVTYfrpING2BH_uOJUe1xTwj3DFFi1 KLLQfPG0zy0fWzPmkgD06sP99KtXY6OeRBeQ5hWPkiGz1EC4Fs Wb6eEpj1OxG37GUIW3qeC_NZb2pnijVE1OQKJk_RHXERgsC4ZK tN7weKgar_c5KdlVq8qiW8KTWh4v8nPVV2Kl8YhQDXk2-CJ0NUpX3PclsLpNoMQ2EdGLuQqUD-xtlCZloP9-QC0kX5iTn7zsEw4G2JMEF&attredirects=2)

2018-06-03, 03:30 PM
After you've gone through the list and bought most of the stuff that seems potentially useful, I reccomend blowing the rest of it on rope. You can never have too much rope.

2018-06-03, 08:04 PM
Lots and lots and lots of caltrops.

Or oil if you're worried about punctures.