View Full Version : Time travel module

2018-06-03, 05:04 AM
I am a dm of average experience at best, though i have read many books and feel confident about my experience as a player. I am searching for some module(s) that include time travel and make the players pay attention to storytelling details they usually overlook(for example clues from another timeline), are there any or should i just write my own?

2018-06-03, 05:11 AM
There is probably no module centered around details people overlook for the simple reason that the details people overlook are overlooked most of the time.
So if details that are told in a way to be overlooked are important and that they get overlooked the adventure does not works.
You can do a campaign like that to be 100% awful and evil to your players(for they will lose the adventure because they will overlook details that are intentionally meant to be overlooked) and have them never ever want to play with you again if you want to.
Alternatively you can say to your players "minor details I describe exactly one time in one word in the middle of huge descriptions told with a mono-cord voice as if they were not important and that seems to be pure decoration will be the most crucial elements of the campaign" and then look at the player trying to write everything in their notes but then they will probably make theories that have nothing in common with your scenario and thus again not figure out how to solve the campaign.
So basically no matter what you do if the way you build your campaign is the one you indicated it will be impossible for your players to succeed.

2018-06-03, 05:42 AM
I m not a sadist. I had something in mind along the lines of: go back to past, learn something from quest givers grandfather, use it in future riddle. Ofcourse i try to give emphasis when giving useful information. I remember a module we once played that the party was shrunk to fit in a well or something and the end boss was a wyrmling but because of being shrunk it posed a bigger threat. Not the same thing but i like somethink different from: ugh me see cave entrance dungeon, me kill me loot me adventurer.

Mike Miller
2018-06-03, 07:16 AM
There are lots of good modules that require more thought than : enter kill loot

It may not be time travel but what level and 3.5 or PF?

2018-06-03, 08:17 AM
The 2nd Edition Ravenloft boxed set Castles Forlorn involved exploring one location in multiple timezones, but that's the only one I know of that sounds even remotely similar.

2018-06-04, 02:47 AM
We got a new player and i thought of running something simpler. Expedition to undermountain. I see that if you play through the entire adventure you end up around lvl 10. Is there any good printed followup?

2018-06-04, 05:28 AM
for undermountain, you got both 2nd edition boxed sets and the 3 adventures
http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/archfr/ru plus this
and it sits on top of a major city, waterdeep, and next to skull port, so there is endless possibilities from there

2018-06-04, 05:49 AM
As an aside, going with the second option presented by noob might be a good way of making something like interactive story writing.

Make it explicit that you will be dropping tiny hints, listen to the theories they craft, and then build a story out of those theories. That way you can make use of those tiny details without risking getting your players lost or having to railroad them. Of course this might be a tad more difficult if you want to keep the time travel thing a surprise.

2018-06-06, 02:23 PM
Atlas Games "Tide of Years (http://www.atlas-games.com/product_tables/AG3203.php)" from their d20 Penumbra line involves time travel, and includes some rules for how to incorporate it into your campaign. Available for purchase from Warehouse23.

2018-06-06, 09:37 PM
The Eberron book "The Forge of War", in its chapter "The Last War Campaign", has a "Time-Travel Campaigns" section, that talks about how to arrange and organize time travel in campaigns, including describing "Fugitives in Time", a specific potential campaign arc.

2018-06-08, 02:30 AM
Thanks for the help. Time to do some research.

2018-06-08, 05:42 PM
There was a 1E module that our DM ran back in the day, part of which involved going back in time to find a McGuffin; I remember interacting with some primitive dwarves and/or elves. There may have been mammoths and dinosaurs as well.

From memory, maybe it was Egg of the Phoenix (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/17047/I12-Egg-of-the-Phoenix-1e?it=1), but I don't have a copy, so I can't say for sure.

I do remember Egg of the Phoenix being a very enjoyable module in any case, just not sure that was the one with time travel.