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View Full Version : When do monsters die? (RAW)

2018-06-03, 07:39 PM
So at our game today there suddenly became a debate that we can't find the answer for:

In D&D 3.5, at what HP do monsters and NPCs die? (and where is it written?)

Some of us remember reading they die at zero HP, while others are sure it is like PCs where they die at -10.

We went with Rule 0 at the time but I've been searching the core rulebooks and I can't find where it is written one way or the other.

2018-06-03, 07:45 PM
(In addition to searching the books, I also tried to Google it (and search this forum) with no real success)

Silva Stormrage
2018-06-03, 07:49 PM
It's -10 and below just like PC's. As long as they aren't Undead or Constructs which die at 0 HP due to specifics on their type.

Your party might be remembering that SUMMONED creatures die at 0 HP.

Edit: There isn't going to be a specific quote because monsters are PC's use the same rules for hit points and such.

An orc PC dies at -10 and an orc bandit doesn't suddenly lose that ability when it's controlled by the DM.

2018-06-03, 08:14 PM
Players and monsters work on almost entirely the same rules. Death at -10 hp, unless otherwise stated (such as the types mentioned above).

2018-06-04, 02:01 AM
It's always at -10, but usually DM's just write off NPC's when they hit 0, as it is unlikely they will survive after the battle, if the PC's win.

2018-06-04, 02:22 AM
It's always at -10, but usually DM's just write off NPC's when they hit 0, as it is unlikely they will survive after the battle, if the PC's win.

yeah, that way every combat isn't spent with an extra couple rounds bayoneting the wounded and rolling cdg saves.

2018-06-04, 11:11 AM
There are ways to extend the -10 to a larger (or lower) number, such as via the delay death spell. Add in beastland ferocity and you even stay unconscious while below 0 hp.

2018-06-04, 12:58 PM
Thanks guys!!!

2018-06-05, 08:21 AM
I've always knocked monsters out of the fight if they don't have a way of coming back from negative HP or continuing to fight while at negative, mostly cause I figure they are out of the fight, and if they are still technically alive after the fight the party finishes them off.

2018-06-05, 12:29 PM
yeah, that way every combat isn't spent with an extra couple rounds bayoneting the wounded and rolling cdg saves.

It's actually a real problem in pathfinder and channel energy. I played a cleric once who didn't take selective channel and, after a combat where our enemies got back up 6 times because of my channels, was told my character would be kicked from the party if I didn't retrain a feat to selective channel.