View Full Version : True Steel IC

2018-06-03, 09:59 PM
The Stormblades find themselves in the Champions Room.

Its a large room but sparse. Where teams wait for their turn to come, listening all the while to the sounds of excitement and pain coming through the large double doors which divide the room from the arena.

A few other teams are waiting in the room for their turn as well - including one team that seems to be made up entirely of priests - but the Stormblades are the next to compete.

2018-06-03, 10:30 PM
Jameson "Shimmy" Quiddan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1601966)
Scout 3 / Battlemaster 5

"Remind me what we get for winning this thing again?" Jameson asks of his comrades in arms. His eyes peer down the shaft of a few arrows, ensuring straightness and inspecting the heads for needle-like tips. "I could probably just get us the trophy if you really want it," he adds with intentionally inflated bravado as if asking someone to dare him to do so.

2018-06-04, 01:24 AM
Andria, who was standing in the corner up until that moment, practicing with her sword, laugh quietly and start to speak "as I already explained, jameson, it is not the trophy-it is the glory, the acknowledgment, I f we do this right, we will be remembered as legends!"
Andria return to her quiet corner, trying to practice as much as possible before the big moments, but her eyes are somewhere else, almost like she can see the victors of the past standing in this room, preparing for the very same fight, waiting for the glory of battle
character sheet

2018-06-04, 05:52 AM
Orthoth is sharpening his weapons one last time. His greatsword hangs across his back, the demonic face carved into its hilt leering out across the room. "Glory good. We have much honor and glory already, arena will be much more."

2018-06-04, 08:41 AM

"Glory be fine 'n all, but noteriety is what we be needin'." replies Rorik after letting his fellow Stormblades give their two cents. "Ye think we're makin' money afore? Just wait 'til we win this fancy tournament in front of thousands. Us Stormswords will be knowed across the land as the premiere group to hire if ye has yerself some serious trouble that be needing solved, don't ye doubt."

Rorik notices Andria going through some last second practice routines. A smile spreads across his face. The moment clearly holds a great deal more gravity for the young Tiefling woman than for the rest of the group.

"If ye don't think yerself prepared by this point, I don't know if ye ever will be, girl." states Rorik with a laugh. "Calm yerself. We didn't gain entrance to this little shindig for no reason. We are the Stormblades. Hell, just last week I watched ye slay an angry owlbear by yerself. I know this is a big moment fer ye, but don't go losing your head and getting us all killed."

Rorik winks as he says that last sentance. He didn't really think Andria would lose focus when it counted. Everyone in their group was as dependable as they come, but a reminder of the stakes usually did this group well. They would win the day. Rorik had no doubts.

2018-06-04, 08:32 PM
Muffled tones from a magically magnified voice reverberates through the door. Sounds like the event is over... and yes the bell that signals the end of an event rings.

An elf competitor lounging in a reclined chair nearby laughs quietly "Go on then Thunderknives! Show 'em what youre made of!" She laughs again with her group. But most other groups are inwardly focused.

After a minute, the heavy doors start to open slowly and of their own volition. Sunlight floods into the dim room and the sounds flood in too. The Stormblades especially notice a Tiefling in fancy dress floating around on some invisible platform and seems to be taking on the role of announcer.

"Welcome back to The Forge friends and neighbors!" He calls out in that magically magnified voice that reaches every seat in the arena "As always, I am your host Ouzuk Ouzuk and this is the Trial of the True Steeeeeel!"

The crowd of thousands erupts into cheers, rising to their feet, and waving their flat bread sandwiches and cups of wine in the air.

"I give you! The Stoooormblaades!" And the drums begin. The sounds sail through the arena - seeming to shake the bones in one's body and shifting the bloodied sands that cover the arena's floor.

In the center of the arena, 6 piles of metal lie in heaps on the ground. And across the arena, Abdria notices the three judges sitting and taking notes.

2018-06-05, 12:19 AM
Andria responds to rorik's words with a smile and a nod. She takes a deep breath, and look at the door. When the host of the trials call their names, a wide smile is spreading on her face, and she walk slowly into the arena.

When she sees the pile sof metal, she immidietly try so see if they contain magic of some sort, using the years of training with her uncle

2018-06-05, 02:12 AM
Andria makes out the crumpled forms of collapsed empty armor. Shes seen this sort of thing before from the weaker magic using sort. Any moment, these will be animated to attack any "intruders".
Sure enough, 3 animated armors begin to fill with arcane energy and struggle to their plated feet and snap to attention towards the approaching storm.

2018-06-05, 08:30 AM
Rorik hears the end of the previous event. He pulls his hood up over his head and picks up his magical shield (Dark Cloud) and magical morningstar (Thunderbolt) that were leaning against the wall next to him. The old dwarf sneers at the elf and her ignorant words as they escape her mouth but gives no reply. He then turns to this companions.

"Don't listen ta that featherweight. She'll eat those words. We'll let our fightin' do the talkin'," states Rorik as they enter the arena.

2018-06-05, 09:05 AM
Jameson "Shimmy" Quiddan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1601966)
Scout 3 / Battlemaster 5

Jameson wiggles his fingers along the leather bow grip as they stride into the light, narrowing his eyes against the mid-day sun. He twirls forward getting a 360° view of the crowds above them and grins. Plenty of folks knew who they were by now - but seeing it all in person was a sight to behold. "Oh, this is gonna to be fun," he comments.

As the armors rise, he quirks an eyebrow. "I thought it would be something.... i don't know... big." Their foes readied, Shimmy takes a deep breath and drops into a run, darting out to the side and loosing a pair of arrows at the nearest target.

Move 10' to the side.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2018-06-06, 10:55 AM
before jameson move, andria understand what is going to happen and move her sowrd in a circular movement, summoniing the force of her ancestors from the sword, and then hitting the center of the blue circle of mist she created, sending to blasts of dark blue energy to hit tow of the armors. her wings start to move, and as she is about to start flying she hears hameson and turn to look at him stay alert, my friend. I am afraid this will not be as easy as it seems

2018-06-06, 09:04 PM
The blasts miss their target but they certainly get the attention of the empty armors.

2018-06-07, 10:52 PM
"Raaaaaarrrgh!" Orthoth charges the nearest armor (assuming it's 50ft or less away, so he can reach it without dashing). As he nears it, lightning flashes around him and arcs off onto the armor. He swings several times at the enemies.

charge armor.
Rage, and use storm aura once in range. DC 14 Dex save for armor [roll0]+? Half on success, [roll1] lightning damage.
Two attacks: [roll2], [roll3] damage. [roll4], [roll5] damage. The armor is wounded for each hit, as by sword of wounding.

2018-06-09, 09:01 PM
Shimmy's two arrows drop the first armor and the crowd cheers in response.
"Looks like the Stormblades are off to a strong start!" Ouzuk Ouzuk narrates over the roar.
The remaining two armors charge at their closest opponent and attack with empty gauntlets.
The fourth and fifth piles of metal fill with a red energy and gets to their feet. More empty armors but these have a sword, shield, and dramatic red glow. They also move to attack the nearest opponent.

Armor 1 to orthoth

Armor 2 to orthoth

Red armor 1 to orthoth

Red armor 2 to orthoth

2018-06-10, 11:08 AM
As Rorik emerged from the tunnel, the intensity and enormity of this spectacle was more than he was prepared for. He couldn't help but stand in awe while gawking at the packed seats of the stadium. The roar of the crowd was so loud that he could feel the sound vibrations in his chest. The whole scene was so great that Rorik didn't even notice the piles of armor that had magically assembled themselves. It wasn't until the crowd let out an exasperated gasp that Rorik even realized the fight had begun. He turned to see the reason for their gasping. Orthoth was getting pounded by the animated suits or armor. With his focus finally engaged, Rorik runs towards the fighting and casts Bless on his companions. Rorik lifts this morningstar into the air. A blue lightning bolt strikes down from the heavens, striking Rorik's weapon like a lightning rod before arcing outward and striking the three other Stormblades, granting them the blessing of Torm.

The old dwarf then lowers his weapon and runs towards the fray.

OOC: Rorik will get to an area where he can cast bless on all of his allies then continue running towards the fighting. He will not engage yet however, so will keep a distance of 10 feet between himself and the fight if his movement would have brought him into the fray.

2018-06-12, 09:00 AM
Orthoth bellows at the armor, lightning crackling around his head and blade. He swings at the red armor, releasing a bolt of electricity at the same time.

Attack red #2 twice
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]
And wound, if there's a hit.
Then lightning red armors that are left.
[roll4] damage
Dex save DC 14: [roll5] + relevant modifier

2018-06-12, 09:49 PM
Jameson "Shimmy" Quiddan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1601966)
Scout 3 / Battlemaster 5

"See? Don't you wish it was bigger?" Shimmy boasts to his friends as the first of the armors falls once again lifeless to the ground. Focusing his attention on the damaged red armor he unleashes a pair of arrows, aiming for the airy gaps between the different plates.

Attack 1 (sharpshooter): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack 2 (sharpshooter): [roll2] +2 precision = 21
Damage: [roll3]

adding precision strike to attack rolls if either falls between 15-19: [roll4] / [roll5]
+ sneak [roll6] to the first one that hits

2018-06-12, 10:50 PM
The construct easily blocks the first arrow but the second sinks deep into its breastplate. The damaged armor seems to barely be standing when the swords wounding effect takes place - spreading a dark energy from the cut marks in its surface. [roll0]

2018-06-13, 12:41 AM
The constructs continue their assault.

Armor 2 on orthoth

Armor 3 on orthoth

Red armor 3 on orthoth

2018-06-13, 01:57 PM
"I got yer back, Giant-kin!" yells Rorik to his Goliath companion as he lowers his shield and charges into the fray. "Time to throw these blasted bits o' metal back into tha scrap heap!"
Rorik again lifts his morningstar into the air as another bolt of electricity erupts from the clouds and strikes his weapon, empowering it with the might of lighting. The Dwarf swings at the red set of armor, hoping to deter it from attacking his large friend. As he fights, Rorik mutters some holy words under his breath. Those words are heard by Torm, who heals Orthoth on Rorik's behalf.

Empowering my strike with divine strike and attempting to hit the Red Armor. I don't want to push it away with Thunderbolt Strike. Then I will use my bonus action to use Healing Word on Orthoth at 2nd level.

To hit:[roll0]
Morningstar Damage:[roll1]
Divine Strike Lightning Damage:[roll2]
Healing Word: Heals [roll3]

2018-06-14, 07:15 AM
Andria comes screaming in at the red armor construct in the center of the arena, drawing her legendary greatsword.


2018-06-14, 09:05 AM
Jameson "Shimmy" Quiddan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1601966)
Scout 3 / Battlemaster 5

"Umm... guys?" Shimmy says uncomfortably as his teammates work on the red armor. "The dead ones are still moving... like they're crawling toward each other."

As he unleashes another pair of arrows at Red Armor 3, he moves forward trying to position himself between the two inanimate armors beginning to slide toward each other.

See OOC for my abysmal rolls :smalleek:

2018-06-14, 09:26 AM
Orthoth grunts and swings at the remaining suit of red armor, unleashing a bolt of lightning as he strikes.

attack red armor 3 twice
Shoot it with lightning
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]

[roll4] damage, save for half DC 14 [roll5]+ armor's Dex save bonus

2018-06-14, 09:49 AM
The Goliath's strike rings true but even that isnt enough to fell the construct.

Shimmy, distracted by the self assembling armors, misses his shots. And the armor slides right around his leg - even cutting a small scrape in his leg with a rough metallic edge.

The two animated armors attack Orthoth again but the red armor changes its target to Rurik.

The two fallen armors have been strangely sliding towards each other on the ground. Having reached each other, they reform into a much larger and double plated suit of armor. The reformed armor seems to silently bellow a red tinted scream at Jamerson.

"Looks like our lightning-happy heros have unlocked the third tier of construct!" Ouzuk Ouzuk's voice sounds "And in record time!"

Andria extends a hand a marks the new enemy with magic, then swings in at it.

Armor 2 on orthoth


Armor 3 on orthoth


Red 3 on rurik


Reformed 1 uses turn to resemble

Andria on reformed 1
Hexblades curse

2018-06-14, 10:00 AM
Armor 2 on orthoth


Armor 3 on orthoth


Red 3 on rurik


Reformed 1 uses turn to resemble

Andria on reformed 1
Hexblades curse

2018-06-14, 12:49 PM
As the old dwarf planned, the red armor turned its attention from the Goliath and towards him. The construct swings once but misses the mark as the Tempest Cleric side-steps the attack. The construct attacks a second time, but Rorik raises his shield in time to block the blow. The wily dwarf laughs hardily at the attempts. He takes another swing at the armor with his still lightning-imbued weapon.

Empowering my strike with divine strike again and attempting to hit the Red Armor.... again. This time, I want to use Thunderbolt Strike if my attack connects to push it 10 feet away.

To hit:[roll0]
Morningstar Damage:[roll1]
Divine Strike Lightning Damage:[roll2]

2018-06-17, 06:19 AM
Orthoth swings at the nearest suit of armor while releasing a bolt of lightning at the reformed one.

attacks against armor 2
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]
And wound

Lightning against reformed 1
Save for half
[roll5]+ armor's Dex save bonus.

2018-06-17, 09:17 AM
Taking the opportunity to get the heck out of there, Shimmy dashes away as Reformed 1 assembles itself. He unleashes two arrows at the remaining red armor.

Reaction: move 15ft away, no AoO

Move: Move another 20ft away from Reformed 1

Attack 1 on Red: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack 2 on Red (or Reformed 1 if Red is already dead): [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Sneak on first one that hits: [roll4]
Precision strike on any attack roll between 15-19: [roll5] / [roll6]

2018-06-17, 08:54 PM
Orthoth and Shimmy seemed to have rejected Rurik's blessing so the weak armor is able to dodge some attacks but still it eventually falls. As soon as it hits the ground, it and the crumpled remains of the red armor begin to slide towards each other.

The remaining armor continues to attack Orthoth almost mindlessly. But reformed construct seems to assess the situation. It notices Rurik encased in conductive material and aims a lightning bolt at him.

Armor 3 on orthoth

Reformed 1 on rurik
[roll4] [roll5] take the higher
[roll7] [roll8] take the higher

2018-06-17, 11:00 PM
Andria swings in at the reformed armor again.


2018-06-18, 09:20 AM
Rorik continues to laugh in enjoyment as his divine strike blows the animated suit of armor into pieces. "Ahahaha! Which of ye is up next!?"

As he finishes his sentance, two bolts of lightning crackle through the air towards him. He turns Dark Cloud, his magical shield, towards the bolts and deflects each into the dirt.

"Ye call that a lightning bolt, ye wretched hunk o' metal? That was pitiful!" mocks Rorik before he begins chanting some divine words to Torm.

A sudden, intensely loud ringing noise erupts from within the reformed armor before a thunderous explosion erupts from the suit's cavity. The noise is loud enough to make the entire stadium shake and most onlookers cover their ears.

Casting "Shatter" at 4th level on Reformed 1

damage:[roll0] or half as much on a successful Con save.

Reformed 1 Constitution Save:[roll1] + con modifier
[roll2] + con modifier

(shatter gives non-organic beings disadvantage on saves so take lower unless the disadvantage is negated by it's magic advantage. In that case, please us the first roll.)

2018-06-18, 10:37 PM
Orthoth laughs with berserk glee at the massive thunderclap. He slashes his sword down at the suit of armor next to him again and once more looses a lightning bolt at the reformed armor.

Attack against 3
[roll0], [roll1] slashing damage.
If 3 dies, charge reformed and repeat, otherwise hit 3 again.
[roll2], [roll3] slashing

Use wound on the first hit.

Lightning at reformed
[roll4] lightning damage.
Dex Save DC 13 for half [roll5] + armor's bonus.

2018-06-19, 12:13 PM
Jameson "Shimmy" Quiddan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1601966)
Scout 3 / Battlemaster 5

Shimmy sets his sights on the seemingly more intelligent foe and fires off two arrows in its direction.

Attack 1 on Reformed 1: [roll0] + bless [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack 2 on Reformed 2: [roll3] + bless [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Sneak on first one that hits: [roll6]
Precision strike on any attack roll between 16-20: [roll7] / [roll8]

2018-06-19, 08:06 PM
Shimmy misses with both arrows - the armor on this enemy is strong. But the crowd still seems to be loving the show and many of them are on their feet.

The fallen armors have moved together and reform just as the previous ones did. "Look at that, folks! Only one friend left is yet to join the party!" Ouzuk Ouzuk calls put to the crowd.

The smallish armor comes in for an attack on the barbarian and the reformed armor shifts its attention to the less armored warlock before it.

Animated 3 on orthoth

Reformed 1 on andria

2018-06-19, 08:07 PM
Andria disengages and takes to the air.

2018-06-20, 08:49 AM
Wanting to finish this fight quickly, Rorik mutters the same holy words again. The loud ringing noise emanates from right between the two reformed armors before another thunderous explosion rocks the stadium. Rorik then sings a battlecry to Torm as he runs towards the other newly reformed armor. His intention is to keep this armor off of his more squishy allies while they deal with the already damaged suit.

Casting "Shatter" at 4th level. Has a 10 ft radius so Rorik can hit both armors while avoiding hitting companions. Then I'm using the remainder of my movement to charge the less hurt armor and initiate combat if I can reach it so that my allies can focus on the other two.

Damage: 40 (Using my Channel Divinity: Destructive Wrath to automatically max damage on this spell)

Reformed 1 Constitution Save:[roll0] + con modifier
Reformed 2 Constitution Save:[roll1] + con modifier

(shatter gives non-organic beings disadvantage on saves so it cancels out its advantage.)

2018-06-20, 10:33 AM
Orthoth swings at the armor next to him. The sooner he's rid of it, the sooner he can destroy the reformed armor. He looses more lightning at the first reformed.

Attacking armor 3
[roll0] + [roll1], [roll2] damage.
[roll3] + [roll4], [roll5] damage.
If either hits, wound target.

Lightning [roll6]
Reformed 1 save for half: [roll7]

2018-06-21, 10:27 AM
The Stormblades deal a significant amount of damage to the three armors - destroying the final animated armor. It starts to slide towards Reformed 1.
Reformed 1 fights back against the barbarian. The greatsword it wields sparks with lightning.
Reformed 2 takes aim at the cleric that called lightning from the sky.

1 on orthoth
Slashing damage [roll1] lightning damage [roll2]
Slashing damage [roll4] lightning damage [roll5]

2 on rurik
Advantage [roll6] [roll7]
lightning damage [roll8]
Advantage [roll9] [roll10]
lightning damage [roll11]

2018-06-21, 10:37 AM
Andria tries to finish off her enemy with one or two blasts.

Eldritch blast on 1

Eldritch blast on 1 or 2

2018-06-21, 08:28 PM
Rorik looks over to his large Goliath friend and sees that he could use some healing. He sees the armor pieces heading towards the only remaining foe and he concludes that soon they will all form up to become one monstrous enemy. Knowing that they don't have a ton of time and that be may not get another chance to heal Orthoth, Rorik runs to his companion and touches his grey skin. Healing warmth rushes though the largest Stormblade's body.

"Lets finish this fight, lads!"

Rorik runs up to Orthoth and casts cure wounds at 2nd level on him.

Healing [roll0]

2018-06-22, 04:10 PM
Orthoth slashes the large armor again. Lightning crackles around him.

[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]
Wound if either hits

Armor's save

2018-06-22, 04:18 PM
Jameson "Shimmy" Quiddan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1601966)
Scout 3 / Battlemaster 5

Jameson continues to harry Reformed 1 with arrows at a rapid pace, dancing around the arena to stay clear of the lightning blasts.

Attack 1: [roll0] + bless [roll1] +4 Precision = 23
Damage: [roll2]

Attack 2: [roll3] + bless [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Sneak on first one that hits: [roll6]
Precision strike on any attack roll between 18-20: [roll7] / [roll8]

2018-06-22, 10:28 PM
Jamerson finds that the "dead" armors movement seems to be propelled by some outside force and that shooting it has little effect to slow its progress.

The final standing armor swings in at Orthoth. Andrua blasts at it from the air.

Reformed 2 on orthoth
Slashing [roll1] lightning [roll2]
Slashing [roll4] lightning [roll5]

Andria on 2

2018-06-23, 11:04 AM
Rorik gives another battle cry and charges at the remaining armor to attack, attempting to get behind the armor and flank it.

Divine Strike:[roll0] Advantage Roll?:[roll1]
Morningstar Damage:[roll2]
Divine Strike Lightning Damage:[roll3]

2018-06-23, 10:31 PM
Orthoth growls and slashes the armor yet again.

[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]
If either hits, and an extra stack of wound.

[roll4] lightning

2018-06-24, 01:14 PM
Jameson "Shimmy" Quiddan (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1601966)
Scout 3 / Battlemaster 5

Shimmy continues his assault on Reformed 1, rapidly firing off arrows.

Attack 1: [roll0] + bless [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack 2: [roll3] + bless [roll4] +4 precision = 22
Damage: [roll5]

Sneak on first one that hits: [roll6]
Precision strike on any attack roll between 18-20: [roll7] / [roll8]