View Full Version : Ragnarok Comes! IC

2018-06-04, 04:34 PM
Your homeland is a harsh place of long winters and short summers. You village is a small collection of longhouses built on a hill within sight of the sea. At the top of the rise is your people's mead hall where the Jarl hosts his Thanes and Huskarls. In years past men for leagues around swore fealty to your lord and market days were jubilant affairs. But these days are many summers gone.

Men fight and die, and the unlucky grow old, having been too strong in their youth and too cunning in their age. Now your lord has grown sick, wizened and crippled. Men find their hearts drawn to other banners, and only fading renown keeps your walls and people safe. Your wyrds are upon you. It falls to the young and the strong to raise your clan back to greatness. All while the doings of gods shape the world in strange ways.

One sad market day, a man stands in the square begging for aid from any who look strong enough to give it. "Please! Every morning I find another of my kine slaughtered. These are no natural wolves, I tell you! There would be honor and glory for those who could take their pelts, but my sons have gone to raid! They won't return until winter!"

2018-06-04, 05:17 PM
"Seek not only for sons, but daughters too," Astrid Freyasdotter says, striding forth. "If you have a need, then I will help you." Looking around, she sees (assumedly) others coming to the man's aid, and says, "Show us to your herds, and we will deal with these beasts for you."

Kaptin Keen
2018-06-05, 04:43 AM
On this day of days, a stranger rides into the village. He looks to be a man of some renown, tall and imposing astride a proud white charger. Slung over his back, a mighty flamberge. At his side, hand axes equally suited for melee and throwing. He wears mail, half hidden under a thick bearskin cloak. A shield hangs from the horse, Mjölnir sundering a mountain it's decoration.

Intelligent eyes survey the village, and he guides his mount towards the chieftains meadhall market.

Finding there a man crying - like a fool - for strangers to help him, he approached, mostly out of merriment. To his surprise, he heard a couple of able souls actually offer their assistance.

Offering help without asking in advance what recompense is offered - hmmm ... might be useful, he thought to himself.

With your sons off chasing plunder, what payment do you offer those who raise their arms in your defense, old man?

Edit: Corrected for lack of reading comprehension.

2018-06-05, 01:09 PM
This morning, after he woke up, Skògur new that it was time for him to leave his forest again. A new deed has to be fulfilled.

He packed his necessities and headed to the village. He was looking around for a few hours when a stranger was asking for help.

This has to be Thors task he thought. So he walked over to him and said: I'll help you! And it seems, I'm not the only one.

2018-06-05, 06:23 PM
A man in a tattered cloak and broad hat approaches beside the others. "For a price, I would stand in your son's stead. Do you know the size of the pack?"

2018-06-06, 12:58 AM
The man looks back and forth between his volunteers, "You warm my heart. I have not gold or gems to give, else my sons would not have gone raiding. But what good are cattle if I cannot keep them? You may have your pick of half my herd, a full ten beasts. I have seen the wolves. On the third night I kept watch in my fields and saw them come. Great shaggy beasts they were, a score if there was one, with no fear of fire. They were unnatural in their cunning and seemed to have the wits of men."

One of the nearby village men laughs loudly, "Oh, aye! And the last time me and my sons went to pull in our hooks there was a maiden on the line with the body of a fish and a voice sweet as mead!" A few farmers and fish mongers laugh. "If he says it were twenty, I says it were two. Scrawny and starvin."

"You should be worried about the hill tribes to the east!'" He says to the gathered volunteers. "That's where your glory is. Tis said they've bought the services of a giant, with promises of manflesh!"

2018-06-06, 04:24 AM
Skògur replied: They come at night you say? Then we should be by your house before the sun sets. I want to inspect the place I should protect. When do we need to set off? And pardon me. he walked over to the other guy talking and stopped very close in front if him Thank you for your opinion, but nobody asked you, ok?

2018-06-06, 05:03 AM
He'd done all he could for the Jarl today. His pain was eased, at least, even if he was beyond true healing. Now all he could do was pray to Freya to see him for all he was, and not just as he is now. His staff clicked along the ground lightly, as he walked towards the group.

"Excuse me. While I can't promise to be much help in a fight, I do at least have some experience with the wilds. If they're regular as you say, I should be able to identify what we're dealing with a little more clearly, and patch everyone up after the fight." A slight breeze caught his robes and hair, as he sighed. "If you'll have me that is."

Kaptin Keen
2018-06-06, 06:41 AM
"You should be worried about the hill tribes to the east!'"[/COLOR] He says to the gathered volunteers. "That's where your glory is. Tis said they've bought the services of a giant, with promises of manflesh!"

Ravn rides closer to this man: That man, he says, pointing at the farmer, has offered ten cattle for us to solve his wolf problem.

I'm curious to hear what you'd offer to have your hill tribes and giant problem solved, hm?

2018-06-06, 08:29 AM
Seeing the others are asking all the questions she would ask, Astrid silently observes the proceedings, awaiting their answers.

2018-06-06, 12:16 PM
Ravn rides closer to this man: That man, he says, pointing at the farmer, has offered ten cattle for us to solve his wolf problem.

I'm curious to hear what you'd offer to have your hill tribes and giant problem solved, hm?

The man spits over his shoulder. "That's my offer cause it isn't my problem, hero," he says putting extra emphasis on the word while looking Ravn up and down. "Not until they come out of their hills and start this way. You don't look like you have much need of gold or glory, but you can take plenty of both from them. Well, you can try at least."

Skògur walked over to the other guy talking and stopped very close in front if him Thank you for your opinion, but nobody asked you, ok?

"Easy now. I offered no offense, and you should take care. He's not the only one with sons who will return, come winter." The man takes a step back, but his eyes grow hard.

2018-06-06, 01:25 PM
I know I should be more careful sometimes, thank you for the reminder. But you should stop - na... better not start talking, if nobody asked you.
See, you say he's a lier. And if we still believe someone who's lying, that makes us dumb. And I don't like it to be called dumb!

So, be quiet. Or go away. Do whatever you want, but I don't wanna hear and see you spitting around and making fun of someone who's asking for help!

Skògur walked back to the man with the wolf problem.

2018-06-06, 03:05 PM
"Easy, friend," Astrid says diplomatically to Skogur. "Since time immemorial there have been those in this world who seek to draw attention to themselves through misdeed and unkindness. If we give them what they look for, we only reward and reinforce their poor choices. It takes two to carry on a conversation. Let him speak his untruths; we know who we are." She smiles kindly at her ally.

Kaptin Keen
2018-06-06, 03:40 PM
The man spits over his shoulder. [COLOR="#800080"]"That's my offer cause it isn't my problem, hero"

Ravn's eyes follow to gob of spit as it archs into the mud, then swivel back to the man.

Hero I may or may not be - ressourceful, I think you might find. And with an attitude like that, you'd better hope never to have a problem that requires the assistance of someone more ressourceful than yourself. But at least I can be of some small help, farmer: You needen't come and ask me.

Considering further notice of the man to be misplaced, he turns his back on him, and returns to other, who sought aid: What is your name, good man?

2018-06-06, 04:00 PM
What is your name, good man?

"I am called Ulf, son of Hamund."

They come at night you say? Then we should be by your house before the sun sets. I want to inspect the place I should protect. When do we need to set off?

"My stead is not far. If we leave by midday there should be time enough for you to see my fields and pastures before the sun sets."

It is midsummer so a "day" is about 20 hours long and a "night" only about 4. Dawn and Dust are of approximately normal length and lighting conditions during day and night are also unchanged. The sun sets at about 10 PM and rises at about 2 AM this month.

Kaptin Keen
2018-06-07, 01:52 AM
My greetings then, Ulf Hamundsson. I am Thorkil, says Ravn. Lead us to your stead, and we shall see what we shall see.

2018-06-07, 01:46 PM
Fine! I'm ready when you are.

Skògur sat down right in front of Ulf, with his sword over his crossed legs and waits

2018-06-07, 07:05 PM
"Then well met, Ulf. Do we travel by foot or cart?"

2018-06-08, 12:36 AM
The farmer looks at the four men and single woman who have offered their aid and says, "You all have my thanks. Allow me to finish my business at the grainery and I will lead you to my home."

Ulf returns shortly with an empty cart pulled by two oxen. A pair of boys, just into their teens but not yet men, ride in the back and stare wide-eyed at the people who have come to help their family. The trek back to Ulf's homestead is uneventful. The wagon creaks its way along the dirt path that winds between various fields and his sons pester Skògur and Thorkil with questions about their adventures and their swords and all the other things young boys like. That is until their father tells them to stop irritating the people he has hired to save their farm.

When the party arrives, Ulf's farm is neither grand nor pitiful. He has a range of livestock and several fields. His wife and daughters greet him as he returns home. The girls seem startled by Astrid and Sigurðr. They nudge each other and whisper when they think nobody is paying attention, while Ulf's wife, Eerika, greets everybody warmly, and insists that they dine with the family before going to investigate the fields.

Pause for questions or continue on ahead?

2018-06-08, 01:32 PM
Astrid behaves as a grateful and polite guest would. She compliments the farm, and the family, and offers to help with whatever tasks they are engaged in—though the offer is not entirely sincere, as she hopes and expects it to be declined. She remarks that the meal is exceptional, even if it is not, and despite her eagerness to investigate appears patient, albeit curious. After the meal, she asks, “Can you show us where the livestock were taken from?”

Kaptin Keen
2018-06-08, 03:16 PM
Thanks is certainly appreciated, and easily shared - I'm more curious how we're to divide up the reward, remarks Ravn. Taking in the expansive lands and livestock, he's fairly sure they should have bartered more before agreeing to this job - but consoles himself that he's more interested in the people than the ... whatever they are, cows or some such.

Moving along with Astrids line of questioning, he adds: It would propably also be worth having a look at the latest batch of dead cattle. Not that I'm any sort of expert, but I believe I could guage the size of a wolf from the size of it's jaws regardless.

2018-06-08, 04:42 PM
Skògur was hungry, but all this new people in one room let him feel uncomfortable. He sat at the table, looked at his plate and said no word. After he was ready he stood up, said thank you and walked outside. There he waited for his new comrades

2018-06-09, 12:39 AM
“Can you show us where the livestock were taken from?”

"Of course," Ulf says after dinner. Taking a stout ash staff from beside the door he leads the party out into his fields. The sun creeps ever closer to the horizon but its pace is glacial and there are still a few hours before dusk begins.

It would propably also be worth having a look at the latest batch of dead cattle. Not that I'm any sort of expert, but I believe I could guage the size of a wolf from the size of it's jaws regardless.

On the way he explains, "I'm afraid the wolves strip have stripped what carcasses we can find to the bone, in addition to tearing off legs. But the last few nights they have taken the whole beast, and we have not found a body at all." Ulf shivers and you get the feeling it has little to do with the fading light. "I can tell you they are half again as big as any hound I have ever seen. And like I said back in the square, they are queer. Their eyes shine in the pitch dark. Last night was the new moon, and I sat with my cattle until they came. I was frozen, as if made of ice, by those shining amber eyes. They took a bull, and I dared not follow."

The group arrives at Ulf's pasture where he keeps his dwindling herd. He leads you out to the far edge where it gives way to a light forest. There is a section of grass, trampled mostly flat, stained dark with dried blood. "Here is where it happened," he says looking pale. "That's where I had my fire." Ulf points to a small ring of stones with grey ashes in the middle of them and a few bits of black charcoal. The fire pit is less than ten yards from the place of the kill. "Before they came in earnest I built it high and bright. When I heard them moving I shouted. I poured old battle cries and skaldic songs in their ears, but my fire guttered and died and then I was afraid. After they left the fire burst back to life twice as fierce. I nearly pissed myself when it did."

2018-06-09, 01:13 AM
Skogur saw the herd. They were all nervous. He was more concerned about calming them than listening to the old man.

Skògur walked over and whispered reassuringly to the herd.

Handle Animal [roll0]
If “accepted“ by the herd, he will sat down in their middle and wait there for the wolves to come

2018-06-09, 01:47 AM
The cattle low and shy to begin with. They are certainly on edge with night approaching, but Skògur is more familiar than many men and they quickly grow accustomed to his presence, returning to milling and chewing their cuds.

2018-06-09, 02:11 AM
Silently enough that the cattle didn't get scared, but loud enough that the others could hear him he said: I wait here for the wolves to come.

2018-06-09, 03:39 AM
Ulf blinks in a bemused fashion glancing between his other rescuers. "Umm..." He scratches his beard at a loss for words

2018-06-09, 06:36 AM
Astrid gives an earnest shrug and asks, “How frequent are the attacks? Do they always come from the same direction? Have any of the neighboring farmsteads experienced anything like this?”

2018-06-09, 05:49 PM
Sigurðr sighed, inwardly. Warriors. Always taking the simple route. Well, best to have a look around, see what he could find.

Survival check for tracks or any other clues: [roll0]
And a bardic lore check, because weird goings on: [roll1]

2018-06-09, 07:09 PM
"If what you say is the truth, then magic must be involved," Iorek says. "Amber eyes, amber eyes... What kind of wolf could this be?"

2018-06-09, 11:06 PM
“How frequent are the attacks? Do they always come from the same direction? Have any of the neighboring farmsteads experienced anything like this?”

"They have come every night for the last three. A week before that I heard wolves howling all through the night. I thought nothing of it at the time, but I think maybe they were talking to each other! Scouting, like warriors before the raid! I don't know about the other nights but they came from the forest when I was here to see them. As for my neighbors I haven't heard of anything like this from them, they don't have pastures as close to the forests as I do."

Survival check for tracks or any other clues: 22
And a bardic lore check, because weird goings on: 12

There are certainly wolf tracks in the grass, not especially large or strange in general. However, every so often you find a single track distinct from the others where the grasses around the track are the deep mushy green of plants that have been frozen and allowed to thaw, something that is generally seen accompanying the first frosts of autumn before the land falls into true winter.
You have heard strange stories surrounding wolves of late. While always a constant source of danger and irritation to human settlements, in the past these predations have been limited to sick and hungry wolves. Now it would appear that great packs of strong well-fed beasts roam the lands and there are stories that some have strange powers. Many a fireside tale or taproom boast these days contain queer wolves.

"If what you say is the truth, then magic must be involved," Iorek says. "Amber eyes, amber eyes... What kind of wolf could this be?"

"Aye, something isn't right about them that's for sure!" Ulf says, unhelpfully.

2018-06-11, 09:39 PM
Astrid looks at Sigurdr, then at the tracks, then back at Sigurdr. “We could stay here, and wait for the wolves to come back, or could we track them to their lair?”

2018-06-12, 05:16 AM
"We should give ourselves as strong a position as we can. These beasts... are not wholly natural. See here, and here? The way the earth freezes around their tread? I fear these beasts bear the touch of Niflheimr. We need be wary about them." He frowned, running his ringers through the frostbitten grass again. As omens went, this wasn't the best.