View Full Version : Quest for Starlight IC

2018-06-05, 12:09 AM

The Institute of Starlight Dynamics is easily the most imposing complex in Glandeh, its walls protected from the dust and sand of the desert by magic woven into the very stones. Some of you have only heard of it before today, others have passed through Glandeh many times in your travels. Today though, you come to the Institute with purpose. You have been contacted by Professor of Materials, Doctor Chendal, and summoned to the institute. And so you have come, braving through a particularly nasty run of sandstorms across the roads towards Glandeh and Yiggodra beyond.

The City of Glandeh is subdued these days. A particularly poor season for the Oasis has sent food prices high, and many grain sellers are stockpiling, against the instruction and decree of the Lady Mayor, owing to the rumors that the Oasis is starting to falter, that too much has been demanded of it. For those who have been to the city before, this is an odd malaise that runs through its streets, usually buoyant and culturally proud.

Professor Chendal has asked for you this evening, over a meal in the Institute, and so you find yourself in Glandeh with just less than a morning and afternoon to spare.

2018-06-05, 01:46 AM
Do'grin - Upset Dwarf
Sure, there was the summons forcing him to come. And sure, apparently the elves were our allies. And so what if he doesn't understand or accept the latter point? His family had always lived in the swamp and he was hoping to die in it like his pa before him and his pa and his pa... He shook his head, bits of sand getting flung from the motion, as he brought himself back to the reality of his situation.

These...whippersnappers...wouldn't last one generation with the amount of bickering and squabbling they opted to do. Maybe they deserved it with all these sandstorms getting grit everywhere and just all the dry heat. A sigh brought him back once more and he mumbled in a barely understandable dwarvish as he pulled out his letter and confirmed the when and where. He had hours left and nothing really to do so he instead opted for some light shopping of what alchemical goods existed in such a barren wasteland. Once the sun started to crest below the wall he'd head over to where he was pretty sure the meeting would take place.

2018-06-05, 07:19 AM
Lethos Skyspear admires the city as he passes, appreciating the artifice required to create and sustain it. Of course, he remains watchful; a city of this size is never more than a few missed meals away from riot and talk of tight food supplies add an edge to every interaction. Not a good place to be if some minor event starts a cascade...

But he is not here for public policy. A few hours to deliver letters from scholars back in Sam-Hin to those here, seeing a few sights on the way, before the dinner invitation.

2018-06-05, 07:02 PM
Tagoro gets into town sweating from such heavy armor. He'd love to take it off but he'd scare people more then a giant of a man should. He looks around noticing immediately the lack of food around. Being always hungry as he has been lately its easy for him to notice food around. These people must have disrespected the silver eagle. He grabs a man by the shoulder and spins him around showing the letter since he isnt the most well read(if someone else wants this color let me know)Tagoro needs to go here. Show Tagoro.... Please he adds remembering that these folks like those sorts of words.

likely this is very scary so your call but intimidate [roll0]

2018-06-06, 01:27 PM
Melanea takes in the sight of the walls and gates of Glandeh, still impressed by the majesty of the city. There was a different air to it this time, she imagined. Or perhaps she had changed instead. It was sometimes hard to tell. It had been years since she had last visited, under different circumstances. Today, she had time and intended to spend it well. The Starlight institute was one place to see, but there was so much more. Her train of thought is disrupted when it strikes her just how subdued the place seemed now. This was not at all how she recalled the city. "What a letdown" a man says behind her. She makes a theatrical sighing gesture before turning around. Her squire approached behind her, catching her look and stopping. He was holding the reins of their mounts. The young man wore a tabard over a long robe, having complained of and later ceased wearing his armor and had now discarded his headdress and veil, revealing a short-haired young man.

<It has changed> Melanea signs. <We should stable the horses>. In contrast to her squire, she wears a suit of sable plate and a red cloak and bears a sword by her side. A high bevor covers her face below the eyes.
"As you say" Irian replies.

They search for a place to stay and leave their horses. After that, it will be a while of checking out the town and finding out what's with the dull atmosphere. After that, preparing for the dinner at the institute.

2018-06-06, 05:16 PM
Dinnertime approaches, and you are all directed into the institute itself, through marble-floored corridors and soft sandy courtyards, until finally you read the Professor's manse, an oddly square building towards the northwest corner of the complex. There to greet you is the Professor himself, an old, somewhat wizened Inferus, his horns grown to an absurd length - the telltale sign of late-acquired Starlight mutation. He smiles, and inclines his head to your group. "Glad you could come and join me tonight! Welcome, welcome!" he enthuses, and leads you into the manse's dining room, a round table laid out with five chairs and topped with a wide assortment of breads, cured meats, cheeses, wines and fruits. "Please, help yourselves, I'm not one to stand on ceremony" he says, moving around the table slowly and sinking into a well-cushioned chair with a creak and a sigh.


2018-06-07, 07:32 AM
Do'grin - Appreciative Dwarf
Before he moved to enter he gave his gear, hair, and finally boots a firm shake to get any remaining grit out of any crevices, muttering "Gonna end up with grit fer a week." He then put his boots back on and headed into the building proper, following the last member with a healthy jostling and an attempt to catch back up with the rest of the group. His sound was at least muffled and as he got close enough he slinked out of the passive awareness of everyone present, known but no longer drawing attention to himself. He paused at the dining room, sighed, and said "Ain't gonna eat with no dirty hands. Y'all don't wait fer me."

He headed into either a restroom he had passed, the kitchen itself, or back outside to use some water and soup to clean himself a bit. Once satisfied he finally headed back to the dining room and heaved himself up into the remaining chair. He started on the assorted foods that were closer to him before he paused and grumbled about short arms in dwarvish. His pack was tugged around and he pulled out an arrow to help him reach the items that were further away, wiping it on a napkin or tablecloth to get it cleaned a bit before each piece of food was speared.

2018-06-07, 07:58 AM
Lethos gives a half bow as he enters. "My greetings to you and peace to your house. I thank you for the invitation; the prospects you offer are most intriguing."

He waits until others are entered before taking a seat, eating lightly, more interested in finding out more about the offer than the food.

2018-06-07, 11:21 AM
Tagoro sits himself down carefully. Despite his recent chances he still is quite large especially while still wearing his armor. He eyes the food like he has never eaten before. Have more? he lifts his faceplate ever so slightly while he eats to not show his face if he can help it while still digging in hungerly and noisily.

2018-06-07, 02:52 PM
Melanea had arrived early, nodding to others in silent greeting. She was accompanied by her squire, both having left their armour at their place of stay, though her squire carried her blade alongside his own. This was not, however, an occasion to play dress-up and impress some nobles. She was, she presumed, here as a warrior.

Irian introduces dame Krendel to the room, begging the pardon and tolerance for her vow of silence. Melanea gives a bow before taking a seat at the table. She observes that there was a definite shortage of table manners, the narrowing of her eyes the only indication of her displeasure. She hands some out-of-reach foods to Do'grin after watching him play with an arrow one time too many for her liking.

After everyone had a chance to partake the foods, it was time to turn to the matter at hand. She signs quickly to her squire, who remained standing unobtrusively near the wall, having gathered a plate from the kitchen and some food from the table. <With the pleasantries exchanged and meal taken, it is time to cut into the heart of the matter. Why have we been summoned?>
"My lady inquires if perhaps it is now time to discuss why we're gathered here." Irian says.

2018-06-07, 04:54 PM
The Professor eats along with you, though only with small bites, which he seems to take a long time to chew. After the pleasantries and meal are done with, Unseen Servants moving to clear the table, he gives a small sigh. "It is not a pleasant task I am asking of you today." he says, pulling out a few scrolls. "As I am sure you are aware, there are rumors and worries within the city that we are overtaxing the Oasis, and that Glandeh will risk starvation. This is only partially true." he pauses for a moment, thinking. "Are any of you familiar with Artithmancy? Not Numerology, but the more mundane study of numbers in the world, and how we can use them?" he asks, and holds up a scroll with a strange picture on it - two lines at right angles to eachother, with complex symbols adorning each on the outside, and within, a thin red line moving downwards in a very shallow slope. "This is called an 'Arithform', a way of representing the numbers of the world in a picture. In this case, it shows the supply of water to the Oasis. As you can see, the supply itself is diminishing."

2018-06-07, 11:14 PM
Tagoro snarls and slams table causing much to jump and shake. Tagoro come thinking you help. Now ask about pictures. Tagoro see picture Tagoro know problem. Too many mouths. Disrespect Silver Eagle. Life not meant this way.. He gets up to leave

Tagoro misunderstands purpose of letter.

2018-06-07, 11:54 PM
Melanea understands the general principles of Arithmancy, but it had never been of particular interest to her. Others had better heads for numbers. And while she could not hope to calculate of fashion an Arithform, she could understand the general gist of it. Not that it was needed when the professor stated as much. The Oasis appeared to be diminishing. That would explain the dour mood over the city.

<If the diminishing is not caused by excess use, do you have an idea what is behind it?> she signs.
"If not overuse, do you know what causes the problem?"
<Or a way to replenish the supply> she adds, trying to think why the professor wanted such blunt instrument as Tagoro.
"What she said" Irian says without thinking further. Of course, Melanea had only signed.

2018-06-08, 06:36 AM
Lethos leans back. "Given this...diverse assemblage, I believe it is safe to presume you have a hypothesis that requires...vigorous testing? This is not a research team." He waves a hand around, indicating his fellow guests.

2018-06-09, 07:14 AM
Do'Grin - Confused Dwarf
The Dwarf cleaned his arrow one last time and put it away as he looked around at the assembled group. Sure ain't like home but that ain't a bad thing. It's certainly diverse. He positioned himself so that he looked overly relaxed but in reality could quickly slip out of his chair in case anything happened. Every few minutes his eyes scanned the entrances as he let an innate paranoia take up the opportunity for small talk until the talk was no longer small.

He shifted back to attention, sitting on the edge of his seat as he listened to the old goat. He stayed at the edge of his seat as he nodded to his supposed teammates and said "Y'all got some good ideas. I ain't never hear bout no numbers or graphs. You got one of them pictures tellin bout the births and such? Could knock out that theory bout too many mouths that way." At the same time as he rambled he hopped down and meandered to the professor's side to look at his pictures.

2018-06-09, 03:55 PM
As the large man stands to leave, the Professor's eyes widen in a slight panic. "Oh, no, please don't go sir! he says, wincing as he gets to his feet and approaches Tagoro. "I am sorry, I failed to explain it right! The picture means that it's not too many mouths!" he says, coming up to his side and looking up, a quite frail man. He turns to the others. "I'll cut to the meat of things then - I think I have discovered where the water comes from, it's a Starkin temple, I'll show you a map in a bit!" he says, evidently throwing presentation to the winds. "I have the key - I think - and need you to go in, document what you find, and if you discover what is stopping the production of the water, fix it!"

2018-06-09, 04:17 PM
Tagoro visibly calms down Fine. It right to do. Tagoro keep all safe. They study. After goat man help Tagoro. Waste of time though. People go hungry and thirsty too long. Better to move. Tagoro sits back down. Me Tagoro. You know already. Proud silver eagle warrior... Well...Tagoro was. That is reason here.

2018-06-09, 04:47 PM
<Seems straightforward enough> Melanea signs and is echoed by her squire. <Documentation will not be an issue. I am, however, not an expert on the subject. How large an undertaking do you imagine this to be?>
We can take notes, but repairing the problem is beyond our expertise. Mine and hers I mean, I do not know about you" he says, adding the last part nervously.

2018-06-09, 07:04 PM
Lethos leans forward. "I expect the scholars here can handle solving the issue once the site has been investigated. Likely take time, but the people here are motivated. They just need some foolish, expendable people to go first. Eminently reasonable."

He leans back and waves a hand casually. "I expected something of that nature of course. I am interested, obviously, though there is the question of salvage rights?"

2018-06-10, 11:36 PM
Do'Grin - Concerned Dwarf

The Dwarf looked unimpressed until talk came up about them being expendable and he scoffed at the notion. His voice was one of confidence as he said "Now lissen 'ere, ain't none of us dyin down there. I ain't been in no temple since we got that lake but that don't matter." Turning once more to the professor he adds "Now then, ya got any information on this 'ere temple? I'm sure y'all got somethin'."

2018-06-11, 09:26 PM
The professor smiles, and relaxes, breathing as Tagoro sits down. "Yes, yes, Tagoro. Before you leave, I'll take a sample of your blood, and from that make a potion which should help your symptoms in the interim!" he says, returning to the table to sit. "I've got a map and a file with the information we have - it's very light though. All we can really do is point you in the right direction and give you the key" he says, pulling out a small bundle of papers and passing it to Lethos. "Salvage rights, salvage rights, of course! Well, you may keep anything you find there not directly related to the whole water issue, and I'll of course pay you for any other interesting artifacts you bring back!"

2018-06-12, 06:34 AM
Lethos inspects the key briefly, then holds it up to see if any of the others care to. Once all are satisfied, he stows it in a pocket. "I accept those terms. Full shares to next of kin I presume?"

2018-06-13, 02:03 AM
Tagoro is reminded of his kin and is saddened. You may be able to hear it in the echo of his armor when he speaks. Tagoro has no family.... Not unless Tagoro come back. Professor is Tagoro hope.

he steels himself. Tagoro take prize and buried with prize if Tagoro dies. Silver Eagle need proper offering when Tagoro sees again.

2018-06-13, 10:01 AM
Do'grin - Time Sensitive Dwarf

The Dwarf slipped from his chair and landed on his feet with a muffled thud. He looked at his companions and nodded once, saying "Y'all ain't leavin tonight, yeah? I ain't one fer explorin after dinner mosta tha time. Where's that entrance at an we can explore in tha mornin." He was already heading to the exit to the hallway, stifling a yawn as he passed people.

2018-06-13, 01:05 PM
Melanea makes a series of quick signs, which are relayed by her squire. "Assuming this temple is in the city, shall we meet before it? Say, at first light?" She fixes her eyes on Lethos and another series of signs follows. <It seems fair that your share, should you not be there to collect it, be forwarded or spent according to your wishes. It should be noted that my squire needs no share.> Irrian winces at the last part, feigning injury. "Lady Krendel accepts that everyone will be honoured with their share even should they fall. Myself excluded"

2018-06-13, 02:08 PM
Tagoro gets angry at this In Tagoro tribe it proper to share in hunt. This boy help. This boy gets share. Mute needs boy. Boy doesnt need Mute. Treat your tribe like yourself or lose it like tears in the rain.

Calming someSleep doesnt come easy to Tagoro but travel was long. Rest and meet tomorrow. Does professor offer his tent? Tagoro only need chair. Rest in front og door.

2018-06-13, 03:24 PM
"I understand" Irrian says, without needing to be prompted. "But I am her squire. Disciple. Learner." he says, using a more simple term. "In return for my service, she has provided me with equipment, training and a future of prestige." The silent knight nods at this.

2018-06-13, 04:34 PM
Tagoro scoffs slightly If this is boys choice then Tagoro wish you well on your path. Tagoro will share some with boy if Boy does well. If Tagoro falls boy shall enjoy share. Dont fall boy. If boy wishes Tagoro will make honorary member of silver eagle.

2018-06-15, 05:27 PM
The professor is positively beaming at the buzz of activity, and nods fervently. "I mean, I certainly hope that none of you will die! Maybe this temple will be one of the nice ones where they thought a locked door was enough!" he says, somewhat nervously, before diving back into his pile of papers before pulling out a map. Rolling it out on the table, he first points out Glandeh, marking it with a salt bowl. He then grabs a skewer, and tries to jam it into the table, only to have it snap. "Oh dear.. never mind that then. Well, the temple is here" he says, pointing down at a spot on the map. It is, apparently, in the middle of the desert, and to a trained eye, it would appear to be about two days travelling there - assuming there are no problems with the weather.

"I'm happy to provide any supplies you need, friends!"

2018-06-15, 09:40 PM
Lots and lots of food and water. Professor want blood now?

Once all the rest of the party finds bunks Tagoro sets in a chair facing the front door axe leaning on him arms folded around hilt head leaning on it as a pillow. He is of course out of armor but he wraps a blanket over him like a robe and he wears a snow mask as he sleeps. While everyone sleeps he does some walking around dragging his axe. He even swings it once hitting nothing but possibly the wooden floor. Possible damage (if you like). Anyone who is awake at this time will see this and will notice almost glowing blue eyes from behind the mask where his eyes sometime peak from behind his lids. You may notice large lump protruding from just below his rib cage. The robes seem to conceal a more lanky build then the armor might suggest.

His sleep is filled with souls undead and demons he fights and ultimately fall to every night when he wakes not where he went to sleep but not far.

2018-06-16, 11:53 AM
Do'grin ignores talk of shares as he drags a chair over to get a good look of this map. He mumbles quietly as he seems to memorize the direction, distance, and probable terrain before ending with a whispered "Ain't never gonna be a fan of deserts" in common. He gathers a week's worth of supplies before he bunked down for the night. In the morning he refreshed the tips of his darts in case they were needed and roughly two hours past dawn said "I ain't very tough but I'll scout on ahead if y'all want."

2018-06-16, 03:03 PM
Melanea doubts the professor's words. Not because she believed that the man was lying, but because thus far life had vehemently refused to be easy for her. Why start now? She takes her leave with her squire.

Next morning, she was early, decked in black armour, with her squire holding the reins of their two horses. She too has seen fit to acquire a reserve of water for the journey. She had readied enough water for the squire and mounts for four days. She believed it likely that the temple related to the Oasis would provide an opportunity to restore the water supply. If not, she had enough to sustain herself and Irrian.

"That is appreciated." Irrian conveys his knight's words to Do'grin. "Our own specialty is generally limited to hitting things hard"

2018-06-17, 09:38 PM
Tagoro wakes up before many of the others to get his armor on before anyone sees him without it. He asks the professor for a horse so he can keep up with the party Tagoro not know big beards know how to sneak. As you wish. Tagoro will take front.

2018-06-18, 06:55 AM
Lethos daccepts a mount, though has little enough need. Might be useful for hauling things back anyhow. "Eyes ahead would be helpful, though do not go beyond our ability to support you. An ambush would be bad, an ambush shorthanded worse."

2018-06-18, 11:40 PM
Do'Grin nodded along and said "I ain't gonna be far." He stalked forward far enough that he could make out where the others were while still remaining far enough ahead that he would hopefully be able to spot any ambushes. He just hoped his stubby legs wouldn't also mean they'd just catch up to him again. He stuck to the supposed direction of travel and kept his launching crossbow at the ready in case it was needed.

Stealth Check: [roll0]
Perception Check (If I can't take 10, to help gauge where the party is as well as any ambushes): [roll1]
Survival Check (If I can't take 10, to help gauge the direction I'm going): [roll2]

2018-06-18, 11:59 PM
As the group are leaving Glandeh, a messenger - a student by his weedy, somewhat bookish look - runs up, panting, to hand over a small package to Tagoro. "There is a special spoon alongside the potion. The professor says to fill the spoon and drink it empty once every night" he explains, somewhat nervously, before leaving.

The trip begins relatively uneventful, following a reasonably well-used road out northwards for a short while, shelters dotted every few miles for protection form oncoming sandstorms. It is however, quite hot, and as the group travels, the sun beats down on them harshly, draining energy and making life at least a little bit more miserable. Towards late afternoon on the first day, the road begins to turn away, making off for the northern border. The temple lies off into the desert, and with Do'Grin leaning, road turns to sand beneath feet. Soon enough the sun starts to dip below the horizon, evening rapidly approaching, and the time for stopping coming soon, but who is going to be the first to suggest it!?

Ahead of you, you manage to spot a disturbance in the sand, a pair of tracks that look to be of some form of large animals.

DC10 Constitution Check vs THE SUN. If you fail, it's 1d6 Nonlethal Damage. If you get 5 or less, or critically fail, you are fatigued

2018-06-19, 06:45 AM

no armor Lethos looks to the horizon, wiping sweat from his eyes. He takes a drink from his waterskin. "Probably time to make camp soon."

2018-06-19, 10:04 AM
Do'grin opted for the democratic approach as he paused at the tracks and waited until the group got closer. Once they were within normal conversation range he called out from his hiding crevice "Y'all wanna avoid a fight? If ya look then there's tracks in that sand. I wanna avoid it but y'all can get yer say in 'fore I continue."

2018-06-19, 01:51 PM
"I must say I'm not in a mood for a fight" Irrian says, sweating,panting and going through his water supplies a bit too fast. During the trip, he's been hanging back with Melanea, communicating to her with the same sign language. In contrast to Irrian, she has been obviously quiet and seems little worse for wear. Granted, they are both riding, so one could consider them to be taking the easy way out here.

2018-06-19, 02:42 PM
Lethos looks at the indicated markings noncommittally. "I do not see wisdom in seeking a fight without cause. Beasts or people?"

2018-06-19, 09:23 PM
Tagoro speaks to others to distract himself from the heat. He is in some serious discomfort in his armor and being so vulnerable to heat.

To melanea Tagoro wonder why Mute is Mute?

To dogrim Tagoro wonder why swamp beard is in waste land?

To lethos Tagoro think you look like book reader. Call you book reader. There no books in waste. Very dangerous. Why book reader facing this?

Casting his vote. Tagoro say press on. Don't be caught sleeping. We aware of danger so no surprise. Don't seek. Let it come. Tagoro think everyone think Diffrent.

2018-06-20, 12:31 AM
At first, it looks like Melanea is ignoring Tagoro like she didn't hear him at all. It takes Irrian making a string of signs to get her attention turned to the speaker. It's not a nice look she gives him.

<Tell him this. I do not wish to discuss the circumstances. Tell him that I take my oath to not speak seriously. That includes the precise circumstances behind it.>
"She does not speak because she has sworn an oath of silence. She lost her "voice" years ago, before I came to her service. I do not know the circumstances myself" he says, "And she doesn't talk about it" he finishes with a smile.

Bluff [roll0]He lies about not knowing the circumstances

2018-06-20, 08:30 AM
Lethos arches an eyebrow. "I mastered the spear before you were born. I am equipped to handle myself in a fight."

2018-06-21, 02:39 AM

Tagoro looking a tad confused in both responses replies.

To Melanea Tagoro meant nothing. Just curious. Everyone have their past.

To her squire Tagoro don't get why lie. Simply say that you can't say. Better that way. Boy lost some Tagoro respect.

To Lethos Tagoro meant no harm. Not deal much in elves. Look very young. Age hard to tell. Elf not sturdy like orc. Not want you hurt. Tagoro tribe not bad tribe like other. Tagoro was part of bad tribe. Now no tribe. Silver Eagle teach Tagoro better way.

2018-06-22, 12:33 AM
Do’Grin - Hidden Dwarf, Crouching Healer
Do’Grin nodded along as the votes were cast and he prepared to push on when the question was asked. He paused to consider his words before he shot back ”Welp ya whippersnapper, I ain’t gonna lie. I ain’t a fan of them elves that live next to that there lake. They done hogged it to t’emselves and I ain’t got a whole lot to work with, ‘sides for my darts. ‘Course we gotta be all nice and **** to ‘em, specially since the swamp went and signed some treaty or somethin’. I ain’t heard nothin’ bout that but the village thought it best I wander a bit.” He paused for just long enough for it to be uncomfortable before he called out a bit louder and a bit more to the left ”I ain’t gonna let y’all die, though. Even if one of y’all is a knife eared freak.”

2018-06-22, 07:46 AM
Replying to the orc, "Yet our frail bodies persist for centuries."

A faint smile ghosts across Lethos's face in response to the dwarf, "I see you have all the tact and diplomacy for which your people are famed."

2018-06-22, 02:49 PM
To lethos again Tagoro thought that magic long life. Not same as sturdy. Elf cut in half easy. Tagoro know. Hard to hit though. Elf very fast. Long life long experience. Good fighter but hard to tell on looks. How old is book reader? Orc probably short life cause life lived faster. Do more in short time. Elf take time so live slower.

2018-06-24, 05:58 PM
Night falls, and it is Tagoro who takes the first watch, standing vigilantly as the air begins to cool, heat vanishing beneath the black sky. The air is still and quiet, with only the odd breath from his companions, the slight sprinkling of sand down a duneside. It is a few hours into this first watch that Tagoro hears it, the slight padding of feet to the southwest. For a few moments, the sound's source is impossible to pick out, and then, black silhouettes against an almost-black sky, the outline of two great beasts, roughly canine in shape, although with long, pointed ears.

2018-06-24, 08:20 PM
Tagoro thinks Silver eagle is testing me. Maybe if I keep these people safe they will accept me. I knew we should have fought earlier.

Tagoro says Come beasties. Tagoro wont let you feast. Tagoro will have you as a trophy. Tagoro readies himself for battle.

Tagoro isnt intentionally keeping quite but he does intend to fight the beasts alone. I I will not prevent help.

2018-06-25, 05:24 AM
Irrian stirs from his sleep onder his heavy blanket. In his sleepy mind, he first wonders if it was his shift to guard them. Couldn't be. Tagoro's words cut through his haze and bring him to wakefulness. He turns his head to the direction of the noise, seeing Tagoro but little else, the dark stealing away his vision. While Tagoro had the look of a powerful warrior to him, Irrian did not feel entirely safe onarmed and unarmoured. If there were enemies in the dark, it was no time to try and fit himself in his armour, not that he could do so without assistance.

Instead, he crawls over to his knight, prodding her awake.

2018-06-25, 06:53 AM
Lethos sleeps lightly. The conversation wakes him; his hand finds his spear instinctively as he rises, moving slowly to avoid startling whatever is out there.

If he has time, he will prod any sleepers awake.

2018-06-25, 10:13 PM
Do'grin could never get used to this heat. He was in the process of turning for the seventeenth time when the orc spoke about beasts. In one movement he grabbed his launcher and looked around in the dark for a place to hide before he could launch alchemical items.

2018-06-26, 07:13 PM
The black shapes shift a little as Tagoro calls out, and respond with a pair of chilling, echoing howls. They move forward, snarling, their feline faces revealed by a slip of starlight - strange, long-eared creatures, their black and grey fur patterned by half-formed stripes, eyes glinting in the darkness. The howl continues for a few moments, sending a chill right through to the bone.

Make 2 DC16 will saves or be staggered for [roll0] rounds.

Then Tagoro's turn, then Creatures, then whole party who woke up, then creatures and so on. They rolled hiiiiiigh

These are Night Lynxes, nocturnal predators who use their howls to hurt their prey.

2018-06-26, 10:17 PM
He senses the assualt on his senses. Tagoro roars right back. They get a sense of fury at Tagoro but fear at striking anyone else. Tagoro strides foward defiantly keeping his allies behind him within about 40ft. The cats get a sort of tunnel vision at tagoro. They sense that this feeling will damage them if they strike at someone else. They can't move away from Tagoro in fear of the unnatural beast of an Orc. Everyone else seems to sense some dark presence but something that means them no harm. Tagoro is ready to slay some beasties.

Tagoro says Stay behind Tagoro.

Tagoro issues a mass challenge that lasts 7 rnds as a swift action expending his martial focus. They take a -4 penalty to attack anyone else and a +2 bonus toward Tagoro. They have a 20% miss chance to all my allies within 45ft of me. They take a 8 damage to attack anyone else. They must pass a dc 18 will save to move further away from me.

2018-06-27, 05:23 AM
Melanea felt Irrian prod her awake. She wakes from her dream, shaking her head to clear out the memories she had been reliving. It took a moment to fight off the uncanny sensation and return to the silent world of wakefulness. She slept in her armour as she always did out of settlements, and needed no telling to realize that things were not as they should be. She reaches for her sword, still in its sheath by her side. There is a feeling in her mind as her power wakes as well. Melanea allows it to come forward, feeling the chill of it despite the night air and bringing her mind to bear. It was an odd affinity, to turn power of cold and darkness into warmth and light, and quite likely the reason why her power was stymied like it was.

Irrian gets a bit back, recognizing the look Melanea gives him as a warning that coming too close was not a clever idea.

From what I gather, there are actually a few turns before I can take actions. This round is spent being woken and getting up. Next round, it's attack time.
Compulsive Glory requires a save as per painful casting [roll0], DC 14 or sickened for one round.
Free actions to activate Glory with Black Light and Searing Light.

2018-07-01, 05:49 PM
With a snarl and a leap, the two catlike creatures charge down the gentle sandy slope, one of them snapping its jaws dangerously close to Tagoro's arm, the other getting in a hit, and sinking its teeth deep into the huge man's leg. As Melanea suddenly bursts into bright, shining light, the Lynxes are thrown into start relief, shadows grown long as they square off against Tagoro.

Now 'tis party's turn

2018-07-01, 09:35 PM
Taste Tagoro Axe!
Tagoro brings his axe down on a cat at retaliates
from the charge

Tagoro barely feels the bite (fast healing 5, now 11 temp hp -2 a.c.)

He line up his axe for another thunderous swing.
Vital strike [roll1] (-2 to hit for opportunity attacks) damage [roll2] (battered) (heavy swing in beserker talent tree dc 18) Bull rush (follow through) [roll3] trip (drop) [roll4]

first I use beserk to gain temp go. Next I vital strike a car using the beserkers swing. This batters them. I follow through with a Bull rush in the brute talent tree. I trip with drop with manhandle tag in brute talent tree. Finally I use the exertion tag heavy swing from beserk tree dc 18.

I guess I'll use my tension points to gain Dr 2/-

Effects at end of turn. No tension (unless I hit) 2 temp hp a.c. -2 they are still challenged for 6 more rounds I think

2018-07-02, 02:57 AM
Do’Grin - Sleeping Dwarf
Do’Grin awoke with a start and looked around the second the howls sounded. He knew what they were by sound, having fought a few back in the day, and looked around at his companions. They didn’t seem hurt and he didn’t seem too concerned as he noticed just how hurt the pair of lynxes looked so far. With a shrug the dwarf opted for the stealthy approach to life and took another gander before slinking away into the night and away from the pair of bull rushing meat shields. Then he chucked a freshly formed javelin at one of them to simply test the reality of the entire situation, hiding into the night once more.
Standard: Battlefield Assessment the pair of them. [roll0]
Imbuement: Create a Javelin.
Move: Move the 10-20ft, Stealth Roll: [roll1]
Swift: Counting Coup with the Javelin. Touch Attack: [roll2]
Sniping Stealth: [roll3]

2018-07-02, 07:05 AM
Lethos sees his ally wound one attacker; he leaps in to finish the job, wreathing his spear in arcane energy as he vaults in to strike, leavign a blurred image of himself behind as he tumbles past his target.Going for the wounded one. Mobile striker + spell attack to energy blade on the run

move at least 10 ft
attack [roll0]
damage [roll1] + [roll2] bludgeoning

move 10 ft away. Movement benefits from afterimage
When moving more than 5 ft. during your turn using the movement mode corresponding to a package you possess, the speed of your motion causes you to leave behind an afterimage, which may foil your foe’s attacks. If you move more than 20 ft., you may expend your martial focus as a free action to leave behind an additional afterimage. These afterimages disappear at the start of your next turn.

Whenever you are attacked or are the target of a spell that requires an attack roll, there is a possibility that the attack targets one of your afterimages instead. If the attack is a hit, roll randomly to see whether the selected target is real or an afterimage.

If it is an afterimage, the afterimage is destroyed. If the attack misses by 5 or less, one of your afterimage is destroyed by the near miss. Area spells affect you normally and do not destroy any of your afterimages. Spells and effects that do not require an attack roll affect you normally and do not destroy any of your afterimages. Spells that require a touch attack are harmlessly discharged if used to destroy an afterimage. For every 6 ranks in Acrobatics you possess, you may leave an additional afterimage.

An attacker must be able to see the afterimages to be fooled. If you are invisible or the attacker is blind, this ability has no effect (although the normal miss chances still apply).
A hit starts a sequence. Using the imbue sequence for destruction, +8 bludgeoning on attack actions.
If he gets an AOO off turn, will use preparation to add a link instead of attacking.

2018-07-02, 12:39 PM
Melanea rushes forward and draws Veracity from its scabbard, making her way to one of the beasts, shining with light. It was time to prove her worth. She charges at the closer of the beasts, dodging past it's counter and slamming it off balance before cutting into it with her blade. She doesn't stop, forcing the monster back and pushing past it, landing more strikes and letting her searing aura work on the creature. She fights without restraint or concern for herself, trusting her armour to protect her.

Rolled in the OOC, 41 damage total.

2018-07-03, 05:55 PM
With the flurry of attacks, the pair of lynxes are first thrown backwards, and then smashed into bloody ruins by the concerted efforts of the party, falling to the sands quite dead. The night becomes still once more, only the rustle of wind on sand reaching the party's ears.


The next day continues in much the same way as the first, a long, slow slog through the desert, until finally on the horizon Do'Grin spots a small, almost covered rocky outcropping, a glint of shiny black stone within a cleft - the entrance to the temple. As the party draws closer, it comes into clearer view, a ten-foot-tall slab of black stone, a thin cleft down its center betraying its nature as an entranceway. About five feet above the oddly clear-of-sand bottom of the slab is a spherical depression, matching the mithral globe of liquid starlight the professor gave you.

Another round of Con checks vs the heat. DC14 today, and only 3 NL damage +fatigue if you fail. You've arrived at mid-afternoon

2018-07-04, 04:51 AM
Once everyone is confirmed okay Do'Grin returns to bed. In the morning he spends his couple of hours refreshing his dart box in case he needs it. This time, though, the heat seems to get to him a lot worse and by the time he sees the temple he's about ready to string up his hammock again. He comes back to the group and says "Y'all done look as bad as I feel. That temple is just up ahead but y'all gonna need another siesta. I ain't ever gonna get used to this here dry heat."

2018-07-04, 12:27 PM
Tagoro rises early so no one sees the horror that is his body. That might be why he was so tired from the treck the rest of the way to thier destination.
Tagoro finally understands that the Mel might not be able to hear him and decides to speak to her squire. Mute fight fierce like orc. Knock big kitties back just as hard. How tiny human fight like that? What was that light? Hurt Tagoro eyes.

When the dwarf suggests a rest Tagoro didnt hesitate a bit and says Tagoro say get inside. Cooler there.

2018-07-04, 03:36 PM
After the monsters are defeated, Melanea cleans her blade meticulously, sheathes it and heads back to sleep under her blanket. Irrian, having half-drawn his blade, sheepishly sheathes it again. Unlike Melanea, he can't quite manage to just sink back to sleep.

He wakes up tired, putting on his armour and getting set for the trek ahead. Having learned from his mistake the day before, he manages to stave off the worst of the sun. When Tagoro reaches out to chat with him, he takes the chance for a distraction from the monotony.
"Back in the city, we spoke of why I serve her" he says, with a little, longing smile. "That's why. She's a monster, that one. She trained with the best in the Quicksilver Empire. Served with distinction. As to the light, she hasn't told me everything. 'there aren't words' she'd say. All I know is that she got that power around the same time as she lost sound."

Melanea and Irrian are more or less fine at the end of their trek, but a break before entering the depths would be for the best.

2018-07-05, 06:56 AM
CON check [roll0] "A brief rest will likely do little harm. The heat is a greater threat then the road, thus far."

2018-07-23, 10:17 AM
Poke poke
Discord server disappeared from my list. Assuming this is dead.

2018-07-23, 10:33 AM
Alas, it appears that way.