View Full Version : EMPIRE 4- The Silver Flood Gates

2018-06-05, 10:59 AM

The wealth of the world would rest in the claws of the Rakshasa. Khomphan its capital was a monolith to the silver mines which had made the war engine hum and had built for them a glittering city in thanks to the god which had pulled them from their purgatory and had led them into dominion over that which they once feared.

The Rakshasa had never opened their jungle to foreigners before but inevitably it had to happen, diplomats, traders, philosophers would wish to visit and deals with foreign nations had to take place. Finally they ruled over various races and those races needed to be able to visit their king and now they could.

A coronation was not to be taken lightly and the city would sparkle even more than usual, slaves would clean the entire city the hovels were moved to parts of the wall and into the jungle where guests could not see and the roads would be paved with Rakshasa loyalists greeting the guests with the eyes of strength and conquerors.

Letters went out to all lords of Estensule and Palmor, as well as the Sultanate and Yondar as they had been kind enough to host their forces so long ago. The far north and the far east were intentionally not invited one for their heresy the other for their past insults.

When one walked past the walls of the Mahraja they are greeted by many massive structures which are tipped and glittering with the mines wealth, even the more moderate homes drip with silver. The temples appear made of the material, it is gaudy and provocative the sign of a young but powerful nation.

The dignitaries would be led to a central platform above the commoner rakshasa as they were told to relax and eat to their hearts content. Foods only found in the jungles as well as more modern fair only recently made evident to the Rakshasa are put on display and many feast.

All guests who come in will already find this central platform and its corresponding walkways packed as the Rakshasa had over the years conquered half a dozen different nations.

Three Goliaths stood firmly present watching over the proceedings, as did half a dozen serpentine naga. The Sonil rich from being the epicenter of trade in the deserts glittered with gold, silver and bronze and if the sun hit them just right one had to turn their head so not to go blind.

dozens upon dozens of lionesses and human female slaves danced and showed off their guile and attributes working to please men and women alike if it so amused them. An elite few of the lionesses did not perform but instead glittered as radiant as any guest and carried themselves with a respect befitting high members of the harem.

Finally sitting apart from the rest cared for by multiple retainers and lavished on by many who walked by was a young Rakshasa male who looked a little uncomfortable but was learning slowly how to hold himself with pomp and confidence. The prince awaiting the death of Lagos Khompur Ssuras his father so he may shape the nation to his will.

Present Officials and dignataries attending
Barun Rrasa: His brother killed his father and then went insane... Their clan has much to prove but currently is the weakest of the Raja.
Indira Kkoya: His former pride bowed first to the new king and so is respected as "wise". (Some say coward) He rules over the Riebarri
Harshad Mminas:The most esteemed strategist of the nation.
Chanda Pprata: his family is currently remaining quiet and letting the politics push them as is needed.
Chief Azrock: leader of the goliaths
Speaker Kindrossi: Human leader of the city of Sonil.

Sinja Lagos Ssuras:has turned 21 he is the only heir currently with complete support and the next replacement for his father, one misstep though and he has dozens of rivals waiting to cut him down and take his place.

Tashan Kkoya: First General of the Mareen army mother to the first son
Hostage: The results are still unknown but she might become very famous to the nation before time ends... Hostages mixed blood is named Lagos Trodje Ssuras II (4 years old)

2018-06-06, 11:43 AM
[Kunai Delegation]

Over the centuries the Kunai had kept to their forests, never going south into the desert. This was partly because of the great river that made such passage difficult, but also because the Kunai loathed that there was nowhere to hide in such a vast expanse of sand. It wasn't entirely unworkable, but it was incredibly frustrating to use sand dunes to hide. All of them were relieved to finally arrive at the city.

Chojo wore a formal dress, and her hair was arranged into bright blonde curls that flowed down her back. Her green eyes sparkled as she looked over the wonders of the city. She had to admit, it was a breathtaking sight.

"Almost a shame we'll beat them in this war." Yasei mused quietly, just out of Jipara's earshot. "It's a mighty fine city to burn."

Chojo sighed. "We're not at war with the Pride, Yasei, and I'll thank you not to say anything like that aloud again."

Yasei scratched beneath the patch over his right eye. Mumei had taken it, for a slight that none could speak of. "Did you not tell me the Pride was preparing to expand?"

Chojo rolled her eyes without looking at him. "Yes, into the Setjura Confederacy, not towards us."

"Then what war am I to fight?"

"There is no war to fight, Yasei, and if all goes well there won't be in our lifetimes."

"If there's no war then why am I here? There are domestic issues to see to."

"Yes I know full well what kind of atrocities you're committing 'domestically'."Chojo looked back at the man, her glare cold. "You are here because the Marasa Pride respects strength and conviction, both of which you have in spades. Moreover, like it or not, they are our immediate neighbors and their behavior will be very important to the Clans' safety."

"You're f#@$ing their king."

"If you'd wanted THAT to matter you should have give me your support. Your word and your participation are going to be seen as above mine by all others present here. So in your own stupid Name, have some decency!"

He snorted, and the group continued moving.

Chojo felt her disgust and rage boil. She had once thought that Yasei's command of the Kunai was the second best option (after herself, of course) and had even confided as such with her sister Chojo, and even the god-king. The more Yasei acted, however, the less convinced she became. Tensar may very well have been a better option, especially with the Empire proper now collapsed.

The Satsujin had faded back into the shadows, no one truly knowing what they were doing as a whole, and that was perhaps for the best. Chojo was beginning to suspect that Mumei was dead. She had gone to Regno to attend to her brother, and Chojo knew she'd gotten there, but Chojo had never heard of her return.

Hrmph. Well, it made both of their jobs easier, she supposed.

She glanced back at Jipara, here to witness her god-king's ascension to Maharaja. By her side was her half-Kunai daughter, which Chojo had been calling Cub. Cub was abnormally strong for a child her age, and she bore human eyes. But otherwise, she was a young Rakshasa lioness. Perhaps a bit darker-furred than her mother.

"Our Hostage had a child that is apparently nothing like Cub." Chojo mused aloud, as she fell back into Jipara's earshot. "He is, by accounts, quite human. Perhaps because his mother was as well."

2018-06-07, 08:33 AM
Khirese Delegation

The nations officials despised the pomp and circumstance of this situation. This temporary treaty was a thing of conveniance and yet those damned cats had demanded a show. Khirus was left considering for what possible purpose they were using them to present themselves? Regardless the country was massive and ignoring it would be dangerous precedent and so Kathine herself (while still in mourning of her husband) alongside Tassadin and the Merchant king Tyras with over 100 Republican guard marched to meet their new allies.

Black was the color of the day and as they rolled into Mareen they stood out almost as much for their lack of color as the city did for its sparkle.

"Its magnificent!" Tassadin was the first to speak, the once young and stunning diplomat had seen much in his long life as voice of Khirus, as its lead ambassador but this city certainly challenged them all, and he had never been in the actual jungles.

"Its been years since I have left the capital... I admit there is something awe inspiring about this city." Her eyes left the confines of the carriage and took in the surrounding. She was greeted by those cold eyes, and the foreign appearence of the Rakshasa and put her head back in, "How such filthy lower class beasts managed to build something like this is beyond me."

Tyras laughed in amusement, he was the only one among the Khirese delegation who dripped with the same wealth and pomp as their hosts and he wore furs, jewelry and even lavished himself with silver from mines in the north that his people had acquired. "I think they are stunning to behold, I hear they sleep with humans and are magnificent in the bedroom. I think I might try to acquire one if the rumors are true."

"Filthy degenerate." Snarled Kathine, still in mourning, still in black with her former lover in the carriage... She did miss her husband, like a woman misses a favorite dog his death had cost her much politically though. "We can't dally here we sign the papers we smile and then return home before war consumes Estensule."

"Yes your eminence." They responded in unison before being led as guests of honor from where they were to where foreign dignataries were assembled.

They looked around and sighed heavily. "We appear to have arrived early." Pointed out Tassadin.

Tyras muttered, "I hear the lions have isolated many in their arrogance, maybe this is all thats coming." He mused.

2018-06-10, 11:44 PM
The New Pellocian Federation Delegation

The New Pellocian Federation was in a very...precarious...position. To the north, the Coatlan usurper of Avakon itself, a demagogue whose only claim was supposedly divine right from the Eastern Heresy, who should be crushed already were it not for the threats on every other side...and some very significant backers. To the south, the newly dubbed Fresian Empire, whose Caridan Emperor claimed the legacy of that dread fiend Antonius.

To the east and west, Karys and Varjik, the former now vassal of the latter, which had first promised aid to Iskander himself when he made his bid for the throne. With his sister Dastatia fled, to gods-knew-where, - he had a sneaking suspicion she had disguised herself as a servant girl in his palace to mock him, but he wasn't going to risk the embarrassment were it true to test it - the new Queen of Karys was even more unpredictable. The Raesijan king had no idea if negotiations would pan out with either the Kingdom or the Hegemony.

Which was, in the end, the reason he was attending this ceremony. It was a risky move in itself, allowing diplomatic channels between the Federation and the Maharaja. With Varjik and the Pride at war, overtures towards one could appear to be snubbing the other. But Iskander felt the need to keep his options open, and, oddly enough, the lionfolk - no, Rakshasa, that was what they called themselves - made sacrifices to the same gods he did, and petitioned for their favor in the same ways. Their reliance on slaves was perhaps unsavory but to be expected of creatures as unaccustomed to labor as the Rakshasa; the Federation too used slaves, in any case, albeit in lesser numbers, and of their own species.

It was a sparse delegation, all told. King Iskander Mikados Zhekurus, his two dozen most trusted personal guards in full regalia, perhaps a dozen other retainers, and the personnel required to supply, accomodate, and aid in transporting them and the gifts they brought. It was unfortunate, but more would have been too expensive for the New Pellocian Federation to risk at such a crucial juncture.

Iskander himself was dressed regally, in the manner of the great Raesijan horse-lords of old, albeit with several concessions towards modern armor design and fashion. Bronze lamellae on leather backing, with silver threading and intricate imagery worked into the scales, a long flowing cloak of rich blue with it's own silver and bronze threadwork depicting a man on horse back, spear and bow in hand, riding across a fertile field. Iskander himself bore high cheekbones and thick, dark hair, framing eyes the color of the stones his land was famous for. Mrazite also made up a significant portion of his jewelry and adornments, including five small rings in his left ear and one larger stone hoop in his right, as well as sitting within the simple but well-made gold, silver, and bronze crown atop his brow.

His guard captain was similarly dressed, albeit with less decoration, as were most of the guards. Long, colorful robes adorned most of the non-military section present, and their own jewelry was often mrazite as well, albeit significantly less than their King.

Brought with them as gift for the Maharaja and his Pride were several carts, one laden with mrazite and well-wrought bronze sculpture, another with barley wine, olive oil, and other foodstuffs believed to be uncommon or expensive within the Pride that originated along the banks of the Pellocian. In Raesija, Iskander's newly honored general and lifelong friend Poliketos of Agaphracia led the armies of the Federation in the king's absence.

2018-06-13, 12:13 PM
The Coronation

The air began to grow deathly still among the Rakshasa the dancing and music faded and the voices of the various lionesses of importance ended their conversing as the air shifted. Suddenly a stomping sound echoed from farther out in the city and in unison more and more feet came down upon the earth. With each moment that passed more and more stomps crashed down and soon every mongrel, lion and lioness, and every human slave was bringing their foot down, the earth shook as an entire city pounded the jungle floor, the roads of this city of silver. For over a minute this sound filled the air and finally roars pierced the unison of feet and the god king emerged. He sat upon his throne of silver and 8 Rakshasa lionesses carried the throne upon their back as they marched.

The appearance of such a throne and the cavalcade that marched alongside it was not to be underestimated. The throne itself sparkled with a wild twinkle, when guests got close enough they would see various one on one battles etched into the chair. Famous duels that documented Lagos rise to prominence. The silver it seems was not enough this time as the chair was also decorated with a stunning array of feathers of various colors forming a rainbow above the god king as the peacock like arrangement struck out in a wild, and completely Garish fashion adding to the pomp of the entire affair. The Serene Marasa Pride could afford to be arrogant however, and so could Lagos Khompur Ssuras.

When the god king had made it to the very front of the crowd where the raised pedestal hung above all others he was lowered down and for the first time they saw his own paws touch the earth and Lagos made his way up slowly where assembled were three waiting for him. The highest priest of the temple of Khompur an elder male of one of the Raja in robes of Khompurs color and an ornate head dress which sat upon his furry head, kept in place by being tied into his mane. Next to him stood Tashan Kkoya in full armored regalia, she glinted with silver and a blade rested at her side, the ferocity of this warrior harem queen could not be understated as the very aura of a killing machine emanated off of her. Beside her hostage the direct link to the Kunai… More importantly the Chojo had the most expensive dress from her peoples home nation they could purchase within the realm of the Serene Marasa Pride were caressing her impressive curves.

When he had finally made it to the very top and stood above all a voice on the lowest perch declared with great jubilance. “Be Alert! Be Respectful! Now the god king is viewed by all eyes!” This confident declaration came from a Rakshasa female, a lioness whose voice grew with power after each word. “The caretaker of the country, the one who carries the greatest amount of Khompurs blood in his veins, remembered and loved by those above more than any other Lagos Khompur Ssuras!”

When he turned still standing he began to be blessed by the high priest who stood next to him, the words taught by the slaves all those years ago were whipped across him furthering the divine inheritance of the blood of the greatest of gods Khompur. When these proceedings had ended another two Rakshasa (both Raja of the council) came from one of the sidelines and came up with two pillows, one of which contained a crown of various precious stone and gold and silver, this was followed by a sword made from the metals purchased or taken through force from across Estensule and Palmor to form these two master class items.

The Maharaja did not bow to accept these items, he was divine he kneeled only before the gods and no mortal stood above him and so when these items had made it before him the Raja kneeled and Hostage took the sword. As she did his eyes moved to Chojo for just a moment practically sensing her in the crowd and they locked eyes a moment as if he wished it was her pinning the weapon to his belt before she finished moved aside and Tashan then grabbed the crown and placed it upon his head.

Tashan and hostage both took a single step back nearly falling back down this highest of perches but with perfect grace (probably practiced skill) they knew exactly how far back not to go and in unison they kneeled, as did all the Rakshasa and slaves and the voice from before tore through, “And with this we crown the Maharaja, lord of jungle, desert and mountain. Hail Maharaja Lagos of the Marasa Pride and barer of the Ssuras name!”

An eruption of roars, stomping and cheers tore through the capital of Khompan!


After the rituals and coronation things returned to that jubilant party atmosphere, treaty signings were the last act of the day but negotiations were still ongoing and so there was no rush for this final technicality. Instead the newly crowned Maharaja made his way over to the Kunai. Beside him was Hostage with her son who presented himself proudly though far too human looking for most in the harem.

Still the knowledge had been incredibly valuable and now Lagos knew... The rumors of the child born to his former harem girl was something that had him excited to view this creation. When they did both meet The Maharaja offered a large grin. "Yasei, lady Chojo." He did not greet his lover as he normally would and instead simply provided the courtesies of respect to foreign leadership. "It is good to see you both in Khomphan."

He lifted his arm and allowed Hostage to come forward and greet Jipara. Mostly it was so he could compare the children and his eyes did wander along the two trying to see if he could some how discern the value of one child over the other. Of course despite the appearence he was inclined to believe whatever carried his blood was indeed superior. It was a hard thing to convince himself of though...

He finally turned his attention back to Yasei and Chojo. "So down to business, Yasei? Lord Yasei? I am not sure what sort of added names your people place on a leader... Anyway we have honored your people by declaring you a seperate race from humans, the Kunai are their own species as viewed by the Rakshasa, and we hope this will allow us to form greater bonds we want you to be able to work alongside us to some capacity, perhaps a basic trade treaty. Our research and aid from Palmor indicates treaties are taken seriously among many nations. We would be interested in tying our nations together in trade and perhaps allow migration? Our only request would be that you do not allow your nation to be used as as a staging ground for invasions into our territory again. I will be forced to return shortly to the desert campaign because of the Varjik gaining access to what I believed was a secure border."


When the Rakshasa approached the chancellor and her associates he did so flanked by his Perijianist priests, and a grin moved across the Maharajas toothy lips as he nodded. "The spiders have come to sign their treaty with the lions." The Rakshasa mused. "The less time we discuss this deal the better. Any lands you claim from Varjik are yours and we will agree not to interfere with them as you swear the same for our territories, we will also agree to let you lay claim to (region 60) but that all lands beyond that are under the dominion and influence of the Serene Marasa Pride, and should any of our kind, or any citizen of our territory be infected by your disgusting curse we will take everything from you and yours within Estensule."
He points a single clawed finger at the Chancellor, "and there is no negotiation on this point, I already feel this is too giving to you and yours. If you accept these terms sign the treaty and then go home."

Pellocian Federation

When the Maharaja approached the leader of the Pellocian Federation it was alongside his general and lover Tashan Kkoya, one of the greatest generals of this generation, none had won more wars or battles over such a short period as her. "King Iskander, it is a pleasure to meet you. I was concerned you would not be coming to our reveal to the world." He explained with a smile, baring rows of toothy fangs, and a dangerous amusement formed on his lips.

"I know you face some impossible choices, a new Karysite queen has risen removing your family from power for the first time in a very long time. Now both Varjik and the Karysites look at you with hungry eyes. Add the risk from Khirese troops sailing massive hordes from the south and the ever present threat of Picians rising in waves from the sea and now you are surrounded on all sides by enemies more innumberable to count, but we will not abandon you. In fact we will support your claim to the throne of the empire. We will send Rakshasa soldiers as well as agree to aid your nation economically as best I can. Of course such a thing would end any ties you have to your enemies in the north and of course our enemies the Varjik. We will also demand you never abandon your ties to the most supreme gods but you do not appear a man who would fold under the pressure of those disgusting dejanite cultists, or the heretical views of Coatl."

2018-06-13, 01:40 PM

After the rituals and coronation things returned to that jubilant party atmosphere, treaty signings were the last act of the day but negotiations were still ongoing and so there was no rush for this final technicality. Instead the newly crowned Maharaja made his way over to the Kunai. Beside him was Hostage with her son who presented himself proudly though far too human looking for most in the harem.

Still the knowledge had been incredibly valuable and now Lagos knew... The rumors of the child born to his former harem girl was something that had him excited to view this creation. When they did both meet The Maharaja offered a large grin. "Yasei, lady Chojo." He did not greet his lover as he normally would and instead simply provided the courtesies of respect to foreign leadership. "It is good to see you both in Khomphan."

He lifted his arm and allowed Hostage to come forward and greet Jipara. Mostly it was so he could compare the children and his eyes did wander along the two trying to see if he could some how discern the value of one child over the other. Of course despite the appearence he was inclined to believe whatever carried his blood was indeed superior. It was a hard thing to convince himself of though...

He finally turned his attention back to Yasei and Chojo. "So down to business, Yasei? Lord Yasei? I am not sure what sort of added names your people place on a leader... Anyway we have honored your people by declaring you a seperate race from humans, the Kunai are their own species as viewed by the Rakshasa, and we hope this will allow us to form greater bonds we want you to be able to work alongside us to some capacity, perhaps a basic trade treaty. Our research and aid from Palmor indicates treaties are taken seriously among many nations. We would be interested in tying our nations together in trade and perhaps allow migration? Our only request would be that you do not allow your nation to be used as as a staging ground for invasions into our territory again. I will be forced to return shortly to the desert campaign because of the Varjik gaining access to what I believed was a secure border."
Chojo gave him a sweet little wave and a flirtatious wink as he approached. Her eyes remained locked on his, practically daring him to take her aside.

Cub's eyes widened at the massive size of the god-king, and she backed behind Jipara's leg, thoroughly intimidated. She appeared a Marasa lioness cub in almost all respects, but her green eyes were closer to a human's.

"'Yasei' will do." His eyes narrowed. "Unless you think it's not good enough-"

"Kunai names," Chojo quickly interrupted, "are not fixed, and change with time and our experiences. Yasei has taken the name of his Clan because he is their leader. It is a fine name and thus enough of a title on its own."

"What, you're just going to let that go?"

She didn't bother to look at him. "Cultural misunderstandings are inevitable, Yasei, or do I need to remind you of your first meeting with Jipara?"

Jipara laughed.

At the mention of allowing Varjik through Kunai territory. Yasei snorted. "You could very easily have marched through yourself. I care not for the squabbles of the gaijin, so long as it's not on my homeland."

Chojo growled, glaring at him. "Just because misunderstandings are inevitable doesn't mean you get to be a jackass the whole time we're here. Are the Maharaja's requests reasonable?"

"Not really, no." Yasei turned to look at the god-king directly. "You seek migration between territories. Fine, a mutual trade for a reasonably equivalent good; that is reasonable. I am also open to our peoples trading. Enku is a holy material I am loathe to part with, but so long as it is not stolen I am content."

Chojo blinked. "... Then what is the problem?"

Yasei continued as if Lagos had answered him. "The problem is that you offer nothing in exchange for keeping out the Varjik. Recognizing the Kunai as separate from humans isn't something that actually benefits anyone; it's just an acknowledgement of what Is in a manner that Is Not." Yasei shook his head. "No, I want something in exchange for keeping Varjik out of our lands. It's too late to stop them from passing through now, but I could prevent it in the future quite easily."

Chojo was caught somewhat off-guard. She'd been prepared to undermine Yasei, but this was... exceedingly reasonable. "Okay... so what do you want?"

"It's rude to speak for someone else, Chojo. But since you ask, and I imagine he wishes to know..." Yasei jabbed his thumb at the humans, scratching at his eye patch. "Not all of the humans in your lands follow their god-king as the name Marasa demands. I want our migrants to teach the ways of the Honmyo among those that do not worship you. Allow this and the Varjik will not be allowed through our lands again."

Basically, we'll keep the Varjik out and allow trade/migration between the two territories if you allow conversion among those who are not Orthodox Perijanists.

2018-06-14, 03:42 PM

When the Rakshasa approached the chancellor and her associates he did so flanked by his Perijianist priests, and a grin moved across the Maharajas toothy lips as he nodded. "The spiders have come to sign their treaty with the lions." The Rakshasa mused. "The less time we discuss this deal the better. Any lands you claim from Varjik are yours and we will agree not to interfere with them as you swear the same for our territories, we will also agree to let you lay claim to (region 60) but that all lands beyond that are under the dominion and influence of the Serene Marasa Pride, and should any of our kind, or any citizen of our territory be infected by your disgusting curse we will take everything from you and yours within Estensule."
He points a single clawed finger at the Chancellor, "and there is no negotiation on this point, I already feel this is too giving to you and yours. If you accept these terms sign the treaty and then go home."

The chancellor was gobsmacked at the insult and in a moment of anger she nearly said something she would have regretted even her troops the elite of the Khirese nearly had their weapons drawn; but the merchant king Tyras was quick to step in front and bow low. "The Republic of Khirus already keeps its word and we will be happy to honor this treatise. We only offer mutual benefits and are willing to engage in economic deals between our nations as well. We would be happy to offer first rights to trading hubs throughout our territory and help grow our mutual strength."

Her eyes turned on the Merchant king and back to the Maharaja, raw fury momentarily sickening her entire appearence for a moment and a flash of fang gives a warning to those priests before she rises up. "I would be kinder to your friends if I were you maharaja, a kingdom that stands alone is one that is torn apart eventually no matter how strong it becomes. A bit of advice from one predator to another." She snarls low before turning to join the festivities.

The merchant king bows again, "we will sign the treaty regardless of it has an added economic stipulation."