View Full Version : Building Gestalt i need 4 more lvls

2018-06-06, 03:19 AM
Erudite 20(spell to power)
Dread necromancer/7/ initiate of the sevenfold veil/7/dread nec./1/thrallerd/1/
4 lvls to use
Ill be using leach feat to get all the feats i need
Erudite cover 5 spells since i just have to know them

1. I need 4 lvls

2. Any other ideas would be nice to boost the build

Yes ik strange combo... Ill be using fiend of possession as my thrall... Magic jar tricks... Zombie version of nasty gentleman trick 4

I have more tricks planned but some are secret just incase my group wonders on this thread

Mike Miller
2018-06-06, 06:19 AM
I just want to mention that convention is:

StP Erudite 20 // Dread Necromancer 7 / IotSV 7 / Dread Necro. 1 / Thrallherd 1

So the double slash separates the sides of the gestalt and the single slash separates the classes within one side of the gestalt.

I don't have time to check, but are you sure you can get into IotSV at level 8? That sounds a bit early.

2018-06-06, 08:18 AM
Initiate of of sevenfold veil can't be done at level 9 outside of feat ( the one that raises one of skill maxes by one ) or bloodline. He can do 8th level of Dread necro and Thrallherd before the veil prestige class and enter it.

One of main questions for the last 4 levels is inevitably going to be. If you want spellcasting levels or not for Dread Necro or not.

2018-06-06, 09:11 PM
Erudite 20(spell to power)
Dread necromancer/7/ initiate of the sevenfold veil/7/dread nec./1/thrallerd/1/
4 lvls to use
Ill be using leach feat to get all the feats i need
Erudite cover 5 spells since i just have to know them

1. I need 4 lvls

2. Any other ideas would be nice to boost the build

Yes ik strange combo... Ill be using fiend of possession as my thrall... Magic jar tricks... Zombie version of nasty gentleman trick 4

I have more tricks planned but some are secret just incase my group wonders on this thread

Well... with Erudite being the obvious main schtick, the likely idea would be to focus on things to leverage your Int. That or Charisma. Take a few dips from Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?125732-3-x-X-stat-to-Y-bonus). Monk-1 with the Ascetic Psion feat gives you Int to AC when unarmored. Factotum 1 would let you add Int to Saves, damage, or attack a few times per combat. And so on. You could also use Charisma from the Dread Necromancer side and look at that list (it's a little jucier, in general).

2018-06-06, 10:10 PM
Thanks for the link

2018-06-06, 10:24 PM
Four levels: Spellthief 1, Wizard (Necromancer) 3
Feats to get: Master Spellthief, Theurgic Specialist (Dragon 325), Reserves of Strength (Dragonlance Campaign Setting), Song of the Dead (Dragon Compendium)

Master Spellthief makes your caster level for Wizard and Dread Necromancer both 19 (DN 15 + Wizard 3 + Spellthief 1).
Theurgic Specialist allows you to add together those caster levels when casting necromancy spells, for a caster level of 38.
Reserves of Strength allows you to gain +1 caster level and remove the level-based limits when casting a spell, so you can gain the full benefit of that inflated caster level.

Song of the Dead is a +1 metamagic that turns the affected spell into a Necromancy spell (and makes it ineffective against non-undead if it's mind-affecting), so every spell you cast benefits from that inflated caster level.
You can rebuke/command a Slaymate (LM) and keep it nearby to make Song of the Dead free to use.

If you can squeeze in one level each of Sorcerer and Bard, that will be four classes at a caster level of 19, to get a caster level of 76 for necromancy spells.

2018-06-06, 10:46 PM
Praise the sun i think i have a winner

2018-06-06, 10:50 PM
Wait only one problem ....dragon magazines don't count in our games

2018-06-06, 11:28 PM
Sounds fun.