View Full Version : Looking for a thing.

2018-06-06, 01:09 PM
Last year I found a thread on one of the forums that consisted of a collaboration of people revamping the racial classes some, watering the level adjustments and some of the abilities down to put the advancements more on par with a pc of a standard race... But I can't seem to find it. My Google fu is failing me.. so, i come to the playground for help.

2018-06-06, 01:12 PM
What system?

2018-06-06, 01:15 PM
There's a level adjustment thread here on the playground. Is that the one you're looking for?

It is currently on mark 4, I believe each thread has backlinks to the previous threads in the first post.

The link is:

2018-06-06, 01:21 PM
3.5, though we typically work with a lot of various d20 material, and the level adjustment thread isn't quite what I'm looking for. It's the racial class level progression I'm looking for. Based on savage species, but 'Fixed' because they arguably had a good idea with terrible execution

2018-06-06, 02:00 PM
Would this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?142724-3-5-Improved-monster-classes-adapting-creatures-for-player-use-taking-requests!&p=7928088#post7928088) be it?

2018-06-06, 02:36 PM
Yes! Thank you very much!

2018-06-06, 02:56 PM
Ah, good. I can stop looking now.