View Full Version : Looking for An Artist to Draw Pictures for a TRPG

2018-06-06, 03:02 PM
Hello artists in the playground. I am almost finished with an almost 4 year project of making (or rather completely remaking from the ground up, with almost no recognizable similarities) a Tabletop RPG. While the work will not be officially published or sold, and will remain as a free downloadable document, I would like to add art to it.

> I am willing to pay for all pictures drawn. However, I am working on a low budget. Since the game is free, no royalty fees are possible.
> There will be around 40-50 pictures I would like to add. I don't expect one person to draw all of this, but I will provide a list of descriptions of the ones I want for the projects.
> I would like you, the artist to have most of the say in what the pictures will look like. However, I would like most of the weapons and armor drawn to look practical. With the exception of that guideline, most pictures do not have a specific way they are needed to be made.
> If you would like to do this, I would like to first see a past work you have done, as well as your preferred method for receiving money
> I do not use the site as often as I used to, so my response times here might be a while. If I do not respond in a while, that does not mean I am ignoring you.
> If you want your name to be mentioned in the credits, please also tell me what name or pseudonym you would like me to put in the credits.

If you are interested, please reply to this thread, or feel free do PM me.

Lvl 2 Expert
2018-06-09, 03:48 AM
It might be helpful if you outline a bit more what the game is about and thus what the drawings will be off. You mention swords, does that means a medieval fantasy theme? Are there non-human races? Dragons and other monsters? Is the focus on combat? Athletics? Social interactions? Fine clothes and magical jewelry?

(I'm not an artist, I can only help if the game is about dodos.)

2018-06-09, 12:40 PM
It might be helpful if you outline a bit more what the game is about and thus what the drawings will be off. You mention swords, does that means a medieval fantasy theme? Are there non-human races? Dragons and other monsters? Is the focus on combat? Athletics? Social interactions? Fine clothes and magical jewelry?

(I'm not an artist, I can only help if the game is about dodos.)

Thank you for helping with my description for the project.

Yes, it is a medieval fantasy world (specifically late middle ages, focusing on the 13-14th century when it comes to medieval stuff) with some renaissance era tech. The game also has fantastic races, some that are normal to see in a fantasy setting (such as elves and dwarves) and some that are more uncommon to see as playable races (such as robots, anti-klingons, and humanoid turtles). The world exists after magic has gone extinct from it, and so what are supposed to be "arcane casters" are replaced with people knowledgeable in experimental technology. The game is primarily combat focused, and is a world with a variety of monsters (mainly derived from real life folklore). While the final copy is not yet completed, I will share it at the state it is to anyone who wants more information, as well as provide any additional world building information not in the rulebook.

2018-06-28, 08:48 PM
Hi Im an artist Can you Please Send me a PM with more Details? I just Joined the Form so I cant put my email yet

Some Android
2018-06-28, 09:45 PM
Interested. Please PM me. I can send you pieces from my portfolio.