View Full Version : Rise of the Runelords IC

2018-06-06, 04:27 PM
The autumn sun is high overhead, shining down with a warm light that cuts the chill in the breeze, as the caravan arrives in Sandpoint. The town is a small frontier village on a disused stretch of an ancient highway. Notable for its glassworks and the crumbling ruin of an old lighthouse nearby, Sandpoint is rather wealthy for a population center of its size and station.

The journey from Magnimar, the nearest city of any appreciable size, by caravan takes ten days. You were hired on as guards more for appearances sake than any actual fear of attack. While the frontiers are anything but tame, wild beasts rarely strike at a single wagon, let alone half a dozen, and the goblin tribes of the region have been less belligerent of late.

In addition to the various travelers, traders, and farmers who have tagged along the caravan is transporting a large butterfly cage, a peculiar ritual of Sandpoint's annual harvest festival. You arrive and deliver your cargo just as lunch is being served in the town square. The villagers are friendly and welcoming to all as the town's various taverns and eateries lay out a wonderful spread. Children shriek happily and run through the streets playing at various games while older townsfolk drink and chat.

Towering over all of the festivities is a new stone cathedral. Everywhere people are abuzz about the consecration which will take place at sunset and will see the release of the thousands of butterflies brought from far away.

2018-06-07, 09:13 AM
The gnome ambled along caravan, not looking a bit fearsome with spear slung over his shoulder. He whistled a bit as he went, feeling a bit more cheery as the wagon master mentioned that they would be in sight of Sandpoint any time now. While less than a fortnight on the road, he looked forward to a warm meal, hot bath and a soft bed. He nodded to the other guards, unaware of their slightly mocking nods back.
Letting the train catch up to him, he hopped up and looked into the cages holding the butterflies. "Wonderous creatures, they are." he mumbled to himself more than anyone else who might be listening. Sitting on the back, he took out his small book and continued reading up on what he could of the area. The local area had some good sites he might be able to dig around on, if his luck prevailed. Maybe find something good, some new discovery. He was excited about the prospects.
As they came into town and came to the spot, he helped unload the wagons as best he could. He smiled at the children, some who looked at him oddly as they were nearly the same size even though he had a beard.
Once the wagon unloaded, he took his dusty cap off and wiped his brow, making a smear that was almost muddy, which matched the rest of his travel worn clothing, as he looked around on what to do next. Maybe one of his travelling companions might join him.

2018-06-09, 10:21 AM
Cecilia meanders along, absently almost summoning her Blade before interrupting herself, allowing it to dissipate before it even shapes into visibility. Interesting sensation. Feeling the essence of the Blade before it even exists.
Sandpoint is near, apparently. Good. That would likely be far enough. Hopefully. Long walk, so far. Then she would be at Sandpoint. No idea what she would do there.
Her clothing wasn't exactly very guardlike. Just travel clothing. Nothing she didn't already have on her. Glad the journey had been uneventful. She didn't need more events just right now.
When they reached town, she helps swiftly unload before finding a nice shadow to stand in. She's here. Now what?