View Full Version : Player Help Magic Item Knight

2018-06-09, 12:01 PM
Alright seen as how i am having trouble keeping things in line i have removed the Obah Blessed template as it just makes things wonky. here is where i am at:

2018-06-09, 03:12 PM
alright first question, i am using the were-tiger template class and the tiger class from WOTC's Archives found here in the second half of the document, http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20031212a. i am also using the Obah blessed template from Dungeon Magazine 136 page 61. obah blessed lets me make attacks with all limbs similar to multiattack, but i dont get my claw attacks from the tiger until next level. the question is do i get my claw attacks when the obah-blessed template says or when the tiger class says?

Obah-Blessed only provides arms, so unless you got claws somewhere else-like the Feral Template-it looks like you will have to wait until your second class level to get your hybrid form and claws. The Obah-Blessed template only provides the ability to make claw/slam/tentacle attacks with your new arms if you actually have them from elsewhere-otherwise, you will need some sort of manufactured weapons to wield.