View Full Version : Journal The Vault Bellow - Fallout Themed 5e skinned Campaign Log

2018-06-11, 12:19 AM
Here is my first attempt at writing a Campaign log. I am not even sure if this is the right place to post it. I blame the Legend himself Kaveman26 for inspiring me to make a log… CURSE YOU KAVEMAN! If you haven’t read any of his logs check them out.

After My DM’s last campaign ended (DnD 4e level 1-29) He decided to take a break so he could work on his next big project. I filled in for a couple months so he could plan it out. The only thing he would tell us is that it was a in depth Fallout skin for 5e. You heard that correctly. A fallout campaign using the 5e rules as a base.

So, my mini campaign ended and he finished his massive skin for 5e. I couldn’t hide my excitement and want to share this campaign with other people. Something I didn’t do for his last campaign and regret. I’m stoked to share this with you. Although im not sure how to upload pictures. Also i must apologize my spelling can be bad, although i do my best to catch it in re-reads i do miss some things.

The Setting: The setting is a Fallout World. We honestly don’t know much about it at this point however he did let slip over the couple months of waiting that it would take place in Japan. Not mainland but one of the Islands. Other than that, he said “don’t hold true to the fallout world, some of the creatures I will be taking liberties with”

Session 0: Game Settings: We show up the day of and he had some questions for the group. Mainly what type of campaign we wanted. We discussed them and this is a list of house rules or general campaign rules we agreed on.

Heroic or non-heroic? Non Heroic, the world does not care if we succeed.
Open World? Yes, if we wander into the wrong place we will die.
Meta Knowledge? No
Mysterious Stranger? Maybe
Cut Scenes? Hard No (what is the villain doing while we are doing x)
Behind the scenes? Hard No (why wont the door open? The mechanics behind x happening)
PvP? Allowed via Notes, to make plans without the other members knowing.
Threat System? Used to see how the world reacts to things we do. Invoke threat to get advantage, spend to give enemies advantage (decreases our threat though), It also is acquired over time or when we make mistakes.
Level of Autonomy? Don’t care, the DM can make or change things about are characters and their pasts. I have a long lost sister? Cool.
Magic? No player magic, NPC a low amount of magic is allowed.

He also states he added a few things but he doesn’t elaborate on what they are. He tells us we will find out. Thus, we started the campaign…. Wait… were we supposed to have characters?

Session 1: In the beginning

My eyes where closed as i came to. The floor, or i assumed it was the floor, felt warm. The air above frigid. Breathing seemed to be an effort as slowly my consciousness faded into nothingness. As I came to again the ground was less warm, the air less cool on my skin. I had skin? That was a good I guess. I could hear the talking of voices. Strange words I couldn’t pick out what they were. With effort I opened one eye, then the other. I laid on the floor, people standing around me. Everyone was naked. Still laying I turned my head to gaze around the small room.

I was with 15 other people, mostly humans however three stood out amongst the rest. A Ghoul lurked in the group, and towering over everyone was a Super Mutant. At least I had a vague recollection of what they were. The ghoul was pale, plagued by radiation his hair, for he was a guy, was almost nonexistent. The Super Mutant Towered over the rest, standing a solid 10 feet tall he was bound in muscle, but he seemed tired. As I watched he sagged against the wall. The last figure that stood out was a small girl about the age of 8.

The room was 40 feet square, dark save for a flickering light let in by the open door. The room and door had no vents and no windows. I gathered my strength and heaved myself off the ground. I looked down

DM: “Are you a man or a woman?”
Me: “Uhhh, I think I’m a man”
DM: “I Have Caucasian, Asian, and some mixed”
Me: “Caucasian, I want to be older”

The DM Pulled out a card, turns out I am Russian. As I looked at my hands I feel that they should be calloused instead they are clean and smooth. The voices around me are speaking a dialect I recognize as Japanese. Thinking back, I have a recollection of being in Japan, however I’m not sure why let alone how I got here. I don’t speak Japanese well, however I picked up enough words for basic communication.

My fellow Players Picked their characters in the following order, we have the ability to communicate in broken Japanese.

Gender: Female, Pretty and the most attractive (Nickname: Chick)
Race: Japanese
Speaks: Japanese and American English (Not British English)

Gender: Male, red hair (Nickname: Red)
Race: American English, Korean
Speaks: American English and Korean

Gender, Male, Hardy Looking (Nickname: Russian)
Race: Russian
Speaks: Russian

Last: Gender: Male (Nickname: Ghoul)
Race: Ghoul (Japanese base)
Speaks: Japanese (Im not sure if he has a second language)

By the door stood a cute Japanese girl in her late teens. Im going to call her Chick. She was by far the most attractive person in the group. She was examining the door. I spoke to her in Russian. She looked at me funny so I switched to my broken Japanese

Me: “What do you see?”
Chick: “The door is trying to close but something is stopping it”

Sure enough upon closer inspection the sliding doors motors would make a whirring sound then stop as if hitting something unseen within the walls. A few seconds passed and it would make the sound again. The hallway was short. There were yellow arrows along the walls pointing towards the room we currently occupied. The paint seemed old and flaked in places. Im not the investigation type so I wandered over to the sagging Super Mutant nodding as I approached. He straitened up as I leaned against the wall. If I know one thing about these situations having a friend who is bound in muscle could come in handy. The People where finally noticing the situation as well. No one knew where we were nor anything about their pasts. They were generally uncomfortable a older lady in he mid 60’s comforted the Small Girl. The people began to bicker among one another. I noticed the Chick slip out the open door I followed her down the short hallway into a larger room.

This room was much more welcoming and slightly larger. a open door lead to another hallway. We found a pile of clothes on the ground. They seemed to be made out of recycled plastic. On the back of them in English they said ‘Vault 7324784’. Although I only speak Russian fluently so she could have been lying to me. Hah.

Chick: “wearing clothes might ease some of the tension”
Me: “Won’t hurt”

Fully clothed the group made their way into the bigger room. The room was bigger but not much, it seemed to be some form of lab storage. The ground had broken glass and a strange Flakey substance on the floor. It wasn’t very clean and the paint here was also old. We found some sharp objects and a drawer full of shoes. The leather of the shoes seemed to have aged away making them non-usable but the rubber soles and laces seemed almost new. It screamed odd. I poked wholes in the soles and fashioned a pair of sandals so the glass wouldn’t bother my feet, we made a pair for anyone who asked.
As we sat making shoes the door of the first chamber slammed shut, a light on a control panel lit up and beeped a few times and the second hallway (two doored hallway) also closed. We heard a rumble of machinery. A few minutes later the light shut off and the doors opened. Our starting room was hot. As if it had been heated to and extreme temperature.

Ghoul: “Its an oven?”

We shrugged. Investigating the other hallway. The door was open, a short hallway lead into a larger hall. The Ghoul heard a robotic voice come from door near the end. The hallway had three doors on one side and two doors on the other. The far end of the hall had what seemed like large siege door 40 feet wide. The door directly across from us at was point was sturdy. However, some large creature with very sharp claws had ripped a whole through the middle. Not large enough for our Super Mutant friend but big enough for a human to crawl through.

After some talk we decided to see what the robotic voice was saying. We opened the door next to the siege door and found ourselves in a security room. A speaker on the wall was blasting a repeat of some form of warning message. The message was in American English. The room itself was in disarray like it was sacked but engraved on the walls was a map of the facilities. The most interesting room is a very large area that was unlabeled it was over twice as big as the rest of the facility combined


Me: “That has to be where they get food and clean oxygen.”
Red: “Makes since considering there are no windows and this is a vault they would need a source of food and air”
Ghoul: “Assuming the air outside is toxic”

We scanned the map, the room we started in was called ‘Project Rebirth’ the storage room lead to the hallway with three decent sized rooms Two labs and the one with the hole it was the Cryo Chamber. Deciding the creature must not be in here still we squeezed our way into the Cryo Chamber. Inside were one human sized cryo tube and a larger one, both empty. There were also 6 areas that no longer had tubes in them. Everything not bolted to the floor was gone, and it looked like what ever creature was in here had thrashed the place and left. The tables had seen better days and large gashes where in the walls and tables.

At this point with much rumbling and grumbling we realize we are hungry. Not finding anything useful we head back to the map and discus what we are going to do. Together we settled on going to the Kitchen. We leave the security room towards a 20-foot-wide hallway. The warning is still blasting through the speakers mounted on the walls.

The Hallway was perfectly clean. Not a speck of dirt or dust. We walked by signs on the wall and at this point I put away my pencil, no need to map a place that had maps on the walls. We passed a large siege door that lead to the armory, no way we where getting through that. And strange security check stations that had walls made of thick plastic like a window.

The kitchen was Huge. The dinning area could easily hold 200 people. The kitchen was well stocked in post war canned food. I say post war because it was canned in a way that made it last a long time. Not forever. The sinks had cold and hot running water and it had fridges with more food inside. The Super Mutant used his hands to rip cans apart to eat while the rest of us rummaged around for can openers and we filled our stomachs.

After we eat we decide to head to the office across from the school area. Keep in mind the warning is still going off, annoying to the core. The office is ransacked loose papers are scattered around. A older computer is sitting on a desk. From the papers we gather a gist that there was a lot of people and experiments here. We find a note about a big festival the kids where looking forward to. A flip colander states it was August 24th 2339

Red moves and turns the computer on with a beep. The computer turns on and the date reads August 25th 2339… we actually didn’t connect the dates at this point. It wasn’t until a little later that it dawned on us. I forget our exact conversations but it went along the lines of ‘so its only been a day? I guess it makes since why the place looks so clean.’

The computer is locked Red frowns clicking around on the keyboard. Keep in mind we still don’t have character sheets or stats

Reds Player: “Can I try and back door it?”
DM: “Sure” Red rolls a dice
Reds Player: “I got a 12”
DM: “Does your character feel he is good with computers?”
Reds Player: “eh, yea I would be.”

Thus, we found out Red was good at computers. He goes in the back way playing some form of minigame and FOS pops up (play on DOS). Turns out Chick is also decent at computers and together they are able to pull up the files. Complaints, Schedule, School Roster, Pay Roll. We wanted to see if the little 8 year old girl was in the system so we pulled up a list of the children. There are 40 children registered none of them matched the girl. As we are digging through the files the girl walks in. in her hands she has a fluffy Unicorn plushie.

Ghoul: “Other than school stuff this doesn’t tell us much”
Chick: “That’s what it seems”
Red: “wait there is a secondary system running in the background”

Red clicks on the program a window pops up ‘Activating Failsafe’ the computer shuts down and a series of lights flash before it finally stops. Red boots it back up again and an error pops up. The damn thing factory reset itself. We realize the only way to get it started again would be to find a disk and load the operating system on it again. On the bright side the warning shut off. Frustrated we decide to find the evacuation rout to see if we can find anyone.

The map on the wall has a children evacuation rout. It reads ‘In the event of an emergency evacuation head through the Dinning area and proceed to the Atrium. Remain there until your superiors give you additional orders.’ Heeding the signs advice, we make out way to the Atrium. The majority of the group remains in the dining area as the main team, consisting of Red, Chick, Ghoul, Super Mutant and the Russian (me) Continues on.

We make our way towards the Atrium a massive door blocks our path. We press a button on the wall and it clicks open. The Atrium is vacant. A raised platform sits in the middle of the room. The ceiling is domed. Above us to the left we see a box on the map is says it’s the overseers pod. The floor is littered in piles of the flakes things the DM refers to the piles as looking like leaves. If you touch them they kind of feel like paste. Scattered throughout the room are 100 such piles… the group looks at each other, slowly one by one our expressions changed... OMG THESE ARE PEOPLE!

I'll continue to edit out spelling or grammar things as i find them.

2018-06-21, 07:20 PM
Sorry it took so long. Session 1 was very long so i am breaking it into 3 sections. This is part 2, enjoy.

We were stunned. The room was full of dead bodies. What caused this to happen? We had no idea and decided perhaps someone lived. Or we could find answers someplace. We decided to investigate the Overseer lookout.

We head up the stairs and at the top a door blocks our way. In front of the door is another pile of ‘Leaves’ as the DM called them. So, I will refer to them as that from now on. The pile of leaves was stations in front of the door. The door is locked and next to it is a scanner.

Red: “I have an idea”

He begins sifting through the ‘leaves’.

Ghoul: “What are you doing?”
Red: “I’m looking for a key card.”
DM: “Roll me a luck check”
Everyone: “A what?”

Luck is a new attribute that the DM has added to the game. If you want to try something that requires a bunch of luck. For example, sifted through a pile of dead human juices and other nasty substances to find a Key Card. You must roll a luck check. You have to roll bellow your luck score in order to succeed. Red rolls an 11. Turns out Red has above average luck. After sifting through the ‘Leaves’ he pulls out a Key card and opens the door.

The door swings open revealing a room with a glass wall overlooking the Atrium. Inside there is a curved desk. The room has been ransacked what remains is describe a bunch of nick-nacks. A figurine here, paper weight there is even one of those marble swings. On the desk is another computer. And a Bobblehead.

Me: “I hit the bobble head”
DM: “It bounces around”
Me: “I picture an achievement popping up saying congratulations 1/30 found.” We laugh for a minute.

The room also contains two piles of ‘leaves’ one is on the chair in front of the overseer. I turn to red.

Me: “Search the overseers pile.”
Red: “it should be visible. Sometimes these people put passwords in drawers or random pieces of paper”

We rummage around through the drawers.

Ghoul: “Where did the Mutant go?”
Me: “I’m not sure”
Red: “For a big guy he sure is stealthy”

Eventually we check the bobble head and find a password underneath ‘Purity’ We activate the computer. This one is much faster.

System: “Greetings Overseer, how can I help you today?”

The voice is coming through an intercom system in the wall. The voice is speaking English and sounds Texan.

Chick types: “Review blog for August 25th”
System: “Happy to reply… wurrr… I’m sorry Overseer additional verification required. Recite the Oath to verify”
Ghoul: “well crap”
System: “You have 15 seconds to reply”

The room is a frenzy as we search it once again. While the Ghoul reads off the posters on the walls.

Ghoul: “Just do it”
Ghoul: “The Future is a choice we make now. Long live the forefathers!”
System: “Sorry Overseer, your voice was not recognized.”
Ghoul: “well that sucked”

The computer shuts off. We turn it back on but nothing happens

Red: “Perhaps if we had some form of recorded message?”
Chick: “most of those would be on a hard drive. We haven’t found any yet”

We decide to come back if we find something. Red found another key card and I pocket it. I also pocket an exacto knife. I was missing something. A since of comfort that I almost forgot about. We head through the Atrium and make our way towards the vault exit.

The Vault door is protected by a giant pit. We are unable to see the bottom. There is also a bunker and mounted on the back wall are two automated turrets. The door seems secure and nothing has breached it.

Me: “If nothing has broken through then what’s up with the big claw marks?”
Others: shrug
Me: “how did they melt people in sealed rooms?”
Ghoul: “I don’t know”
Chick: “Perhaps the C&C room might have answers?”

Travelling to the C&C room takes us back to the dinning room. As we approach we hear raised voices. The scene we arrive at seems to have two sides. There is a very pale guy who is having at it with the eldest of our group and old lady. The little girl is off to the side crying. Standing over her in a protective manner is the Super Mutant. They are arguing about what to do and who the leader should be. The Pale guy insists that he should be in charge while the older lady tries to remain defensive.

When we approach she deflects the pale guy to us.

Old Lady: “So what did you find out?”
Pale Guy: “Forget about them we need…”

As he rambles Ghoul whispers to the rest of the group and we ignore the upset pale guy.

Ghoul: “We can’t tell them about the dead people” under his breath.
Old Lady “So what’s going on?”
Ghoul: “We think we found an exit…. But not actually a good way out.”
Chick: “No one left any notes or anything
Pale Guy: “We should grab food, move out, and break down the doors to the armory”

We look at each other before ignoring the Pale Guy again. At this point he was getting on every one’s nerves and we wanted to move on. We tell the group that we are headed to check out the C&C room and move off. The Pale Guy decided to follow us. We arrive at a door outside the location and the Pale Guy hurries forward like he is the leader and tries the door. Its locked. Red walks over and swipes one of the badges at the scanner and the door opens easily. As we enter the room the Pale Guy mutters under his breath.

Me: “What if something happened where the people had to be wiped out. They sent a gas through the place to wipe everyone out?”
Ghoul: “We where in a sealed room. Maybe that is how we survived.”
Chick: “I feel like we where in stasis for a while.”

We enter a small room. One door is the door to the C&C room, another leads to some drones. The power to both of these doors is off. Upon closer inspection the C&C rooms door is welded shut. From the inside... We sit and watch as the Chick writes a note and slips it under the door jam.

Red: “What did that say?”
Chick: “If you are alive in there write a reply”
Red: “We could break it”

We laugh for a minute and nothing seems to happens. We spend some time deliberating that with enough strength we could break the welds however the only one in the group that could do it was the Super Mutant and we left him back with the little girl.

Ghoul: “How do we access it?”
Me: “Maybe the C&C room?”
Chick: “Remotely.”
Ghoul: “Do you want to get the super see if he can open it?”
Chick: “Ehhh, lets go see the big area and see what that is.”

The group agrees. As we head out the Pale Guy remains behind.

Chick: “If you want to stay here and bash your head against the wall you can do that.”

With that we head out as we turn the corner down the hall we take pause. On either side of the wall are giant claw marks. The hall itself is 20 feet wide and the claw marks are spaced almost like a arm swinging as it walked. We also notice a small trail of Mucus running down the middle of the hall…

Me: “Maybe we shouldn’t go down.”
Ghoul: “I kinda want to check it out”
Me: “Are you any good at stealth?”

Turns out he is pretty good at stealth. As we watch him go down the hall he pauses at the first intersection. He comes back quickly and slightly paler… if a ghoul could be more pale

Ghoul: “I saw large claws and the sound of heavy breathing.”
Pale Guy: “What are you doing? Have you found anything interesting?!”

We turn startled as the Pale Guy walks down the hall towards us practically yelling. Down the hall towards the creature we head a ‘Grating Vocalization’ as the DM described it. We all go pale. We stare down the hall and see very large human like hands reach out around the corner. Extending from each fingertip are massive claws. As the creature pulls itself around the corner we see it in its entirety. It looks vaguely human besides its arms and hands that support its massive claws. We also note that it seems injured. Probably due to the fact that instead of walking it is literally dragging itself along the group… in our general direction

Ghoul: “It looks like failed experiment. It looks vaguely like a Death Claw however im not sure how I know that.”

The Chick throws a vile of chemicals at it and misses.

Me: “We have to act quickly. Go back to the group I have a plan. If one of you can follow behind me at a safe distance that would be great.”

I stay behind as they book it down the hall. Giving them a head start before I start moving after them. I make noise as I lead the creature Away from the group. Looking past the creature I see Red has come back and started following us. The plan is a simple one. The chance of it working without getting me killed is very slim. Still with no weapons it is the only way to take care of the beast. Cursing the Pale moron under my breath I make my way to a dead end. Not just any dead end. The end that was out beginning. I hide around the corner of the door praying the creature will simple wander pass. The problem is I am not very stealthy. Neither is Red, as he enters the previous room he makes a loud noise. The creature pauses between me and him.

I get a closer look at the creature as I poke my head around the corner. Its eyes are pure white and it looks around frantically I notice that its ears seem to be how it navigates. Like something out of A Quite Place. I grab the shive out of my pocket and throw it towards the corner of the chamber. It creeps into the room pausing and sniffing around blocking the doo. My only way out.

Me: “Do it now!”

I yell as make a desperate dive between the creature’s legs. I don’t go as far as I would like and end up stuck. The creature lashes out with its claws and grazes my head but missing. I scramble out as Red presses the button to close the door. The door closes… but the creature is in the doorway. It traps the creature slightly but doesn’t close. Gaining my feet, I find a rolling cart. Grabbing it quickly I heave with all my might. I am relatively strong and roll a 19 on a strength check to crash into the beast pushing him wholly into the chamber along with the cart itself. The doors shut and I pant and we hear the machine begin to activate.

I thank Red for saving me. We decide to wait and see what became of our clawed friend. As the doors open I creep forward incase it is somehow alive through what ever process the room does. The cart is relatively in tact save for a few pieces that have melted. Other than that the only sign of the creature is the presence of very familiar flakey leaf substance. I investigate the cart further and notice some of the melted metal leaked down a very thin crack that runs around the perimeter of the chamber. Besides that the chamber seems relatively undamaged. The floor itself is spotless. Or I should say the leave substance does not stick on it and seems to freely flow off it.

As we are investigating the chamber the Super Mutant arrives.

Super: “What are you doing?”
Red: “he speaks?
We exchange looks
Red: “The Russian and I just killed the creature”
Me: “Thank you again Red” I pat him on back.

The Super Mutant speaks in a very formal with polite manners. His accent is British.

We return to the rest of the group and inform them the creature is dead before heading back toward where this creature was sleeping. It was sleeping in front of the Simulation chambers. The nest smells like literal S***. The mucus curiously doesn’t turn down the hallway instead it continues further down.

We search the nest and find some documents. Low level dossiers we a couple of them. The are not very detailed but are as follows and have pictures

Female Girl: Ghoul Stage 1, Local, Japanese, Captured recommended as candidate.

Old Ghoul: Race: Unknown, Age: Unknown, Potential candidate.

Human Male: Stage 2 RSV possible, Race: Chinese, Age: Unknown, possible RSV variant.

Sturdy Russian: Age: Unknown, Local Merchant, Potential Candidate.

Me: “I’m a local merchant… that can’t speak Japanese”
Chick “Maybe they didn’t clone that part?”

We also find profiles for two other Japanese people in the group but they haven’t done anything to stand out. The most interesting ones we found was the Little girls and the Pale Guys. Him being sick is of interest to us. Also, of note on the documents is that we where all recommended for the Alpha stage of Project Rebirth. Whatever that is.

Both the simulation rooms confuse us. When we slide our cards the door click as if it unlocks but neither one of them are able to open. We even try as a group to force them. The furthest one has the faint hum coming from it.

Me: “Static?”
Ghoul: “let’s find another key or something and come back”
Chick: “I’m not keen on meeting something else.”
Ghoul: “There is a slime trail…”

We go further down the hallway and the slime trail splits. A smaller one leads towards the doors towards the very large room. The larger trail leads towards the ‘Residential District’. We go up to the door and notice the slime trail seems to go through security doors. We decide to follow the slime less traveled.

We open the doors towards the large room. The first big door opens. The air is humid and a cascade of smells wash over us. we hear the sounds of wildlife. After a few seconds the second door opens and all sound of wildlife stops. We see a wall of plants. Like a jungle. It is very, very dense. Lights like the sun leak through the tops of the overgrown plants. The general census of the group is that something like this didn’t happen in one day.

The canopy of the jungle seems to be a single tree. We spot some berries and the ground is covered in creeping vines. I volunteer to venture out and see what’s up but the group stops me. Who knows what could be lurking behind the branches after all. As the doors close we hear a very large sound. Like a tree crashing. What ever it is was coming towards us however the dense jungle blocks our very. As the door shuts we hear a crash and the door rocks under a massive weight. The sounds are cut off as the second door closes. I stand shocked. If the others had not stopped me I would have died.

*edit for spelling.