View Full Version : BRP - point buy option?

2018-06-11, 07:07 AM
Is there a point-buy system for characteristics in BRP games anywhere, or do you have to roll?

2018-06-11, 10:05 AM
I've never seen one, but that doesn't mean that you cannot make you own.
One of the main issues is that not all stats use the same distribution in most BRP variants (notably Int and Siz being 2d6+6 for humans) and non-humans get different ranges rather than modifiers.

To be honest, as ecellent as these forums are, they get very little BRP traffic, you are probably better off asking at https://basicroleplaying.org.

2018-06-28, 04:26 AM
Mythras suggest these alternatives:

Dice Pool: roll 19 six-sided dice and assign three rolls to
each Characteristic, save SIZ and INT which only get two,
but start with a base value of 6.

Points Build: players assign Characteristic scores from a
pre-determined pool of 75 points. Characteristics cannot be
lower than the minimum rolled value, nor higher than the