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View Full Version : Want to design a class for a player but don't know how

2018-06-12, 07:43 PM
I have a player who wants to play Gene from God Hand but I am not sure if something like this already exists for 5E. Anything home brew is fine and a touch on the OP side is okay as long as its not too ridiculous. All I can think of is some monk variant which is why I'm here asking those who are wiser than me.

2018-06-12, 11:19 PM
I would say that they should play a very high level monk who only uses combat style feats (or the d&d equivalent, along with an insanely powerful magic item. Not to mention give all of the demons insanely high CR templates to make them an actual match for how OP a monster would have to be to match that.

Don’t ever try to build a character of of an incredibly powerful video game one, it doesn’t work.

2018-06-13, 01:33 AM
I mean that character does have to level up during the game and I have been watching some online footage of the game. It seems like a monk like the monk of 4 winds from pathfinder seems good. But feats make characters more complex in Pathfinder where as 5e doesn’t have that complexity.

Also probably will have to take a few levels in a homebrew Demon hunter class.

2018-06-13, 09:46 AM
Maybe look at Matt mercer’s Bloodhunter class? I haven’t had a reason to myself yet, but apparently it has some kind of undead hunting thing. Maybe demons too?

2018-06-13, 07:53 PM
I have a player who wants to play Gene from God Hand but I am not sure if something like this already exists for 5E. Anything home brew is fine and a touch on the OP side is okay as long as its not too ridiculous. All I can think of is some monk variant which is why I'm here asking those who are wiser than me.

1/ There's a forum for 5e, so don't be surprised if your thread gets moved or closed. It's not malice, it's just forum organization.

2/ The 5e Monk is pretty great. What types of stuff does Mr. Gene Godhand do which isn't represented by an Open Hand Monk?

2018-06-13, 09:52 PM
He has some sort of Roulette Wheel that lets him do signature moves and has access to this thing called the god hand that lets him be really strong. Some of the signature moves seem magic like so I don’t know. I saw an epic pathfinder build on here for him but this player wants to do it from lvl one and slow become more powerful.

2018-06-14, 04:31 AM
He has some sort of Roulette Wheel that lets him do signature moves and has access to this thing called the god hand that lets him be really strong. Some of the signature moves seem magic like so I don’t know. I saw an epic pathfinder build on here for him but this player wants to do it from lvl one and slow become more powerful.

Breaking out epic level builds seems a little excessive - fundamentally the character is an unarmed brawler who's a decent bit faster and stronger than a normal person. The elaborate fighting game mechanics all work out to unarmed attacks or grappling and fade together into the high level abstraction of D&D (though if you're importing 3.x material as homebrew swiping Setting Sun maneuvers might help out).

Play a monk, call it a day. Maybe grab two levels of fighter for Action Surge and a few more HP. As for the demon hunting side the character mostly could beat the heck out of them as an extension of beating the heck out of everyone, which in this case just works out to having a PC combatant class.

2018-06-14, 11:08 AM
I haven't seen the anime so use as many grains of salt as needed, but...

When I hear "powerful bare handed combatant", particularly with lots of fancy maneuvers, in 3.X my favorite take on that so far is the Steelfist Commando Warlord (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war/classes/warlord/warlord-archetypes/steelfist-commando/) from Pathfinder. Now I'm not clear on the roulette wheel bit, but if it implies he has somewhat random access to his powers, then of course that aligns neatly to the Crusader recovery mechanism from ToB.

So maybe adapt take the Commando, strip out his gambits and give him Crusader/Mystic maneuver recovery, and then convert that to 5e. Good Luck.
If the God Hand is meant to be an item, or somehow separate from the character, then I would make it so, perhaps as a weapon of legacy.