View Full Version : Player Help cleric prc help

2018-06-13, 12:35 PM
the other day i read a PrC for clerics that pretty much gave you a pile of bonus domains over its course. I can't recall for the life of me whether that was a 3.0 or 3.5 source, or what it was called....

that sound familiar to anyone?

2018-06-13, 12:42 PM
the other day i read a PrC for clerics that pretty much gave you a pile of bonus domains over its course. I can't recall for the life of me whether that was a 3.0 or 3.5 source, or what it was called....

that sound familiar to anyone?

Sovereign Speaker, in the Faiths of Eberron. Sadly it loses two levels of casting though. For Domain-heavy builds, I prefer the likes of Church Inquisitor [CDiv], Divine Oracle [CDiv], Divine Disciple [FRCS], Radiant Servant of Pelor [CDiv], Seeker of the Misty Isles [BoED], Contemplative [CDiv], etc. Mix'n'match and you'll be swimming in domains with all the boons that entails while retaining full casting. That said, Sovereign Speaker is also a lot of fun, but note that there are restrictions on how you can take Domains with it. See the Handbook (http://bg-archive.minmaxforum.com/index.php?topic=3927.0) for more details and suggestions.

2018-06-13, 12:52 PM
thanks, none of those others work in this current situation unfortunately :(

i'm really looking for 1 specific domain, but it isn't available in the current build, and i'm pretty sure it's available through that :)

2018-06-13, 02:52 PM
Which domain in particular are you looking to get?

2018-06-13, 06:04 PM
I was hoping for Spell or Time, neither of which are on there, but am taking Celerity, Magic and still room for 1 more that I haven't chosen yet

2018-06-13, 06:42 PM
have you checked the list of stuff (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?454553-Lists-of-Stuff-(saved-from-Wizards-Community-Forums))?

2018-06-13, 06:50 PM
I was hoping for Spell or Time, neither of which are on there, but am taking Celerity, Magic and still room for 1 more that I haven't chosen yet

Contemplative should work for this - it allows you to take an additional domain (or domains, if you take enough levels) your deity offers, and just about any deity/concept that can give Magic could reasonably also give Spell. It may require some negotiation with your DM, however, as the Spell domain was introduced in a Forgotten Realms-targeted supplement and was only officially assigned to a few Realms deities (there are a number of similar domains that were written up without assigning many gods that might reasonably offer them - the assumption is the DM would place them as needed among gods with suitable concepts.)

2018-06-13, 06:59 PM
my deity doesn't offer either of them, the beauty of sspeaker is that you're pulling from essentially a pantheon instead of from your specific deity, so you get around the deity-specific domain restriction

2018-06-13, 07:06 PM
my deity doesn't offer either of them, the beauty of sspeaker is that you're pulling from essentially a pantheon instead of from your specific deity, so you get around the deity-specific domain restriction

Still requires the domain you want to be offered somewhere in that pantheon, however, and that defaults to the Eberron Sovereign Host.. none of whom are going to offer Spell, because it was created for Forgotten Realms deities. You're either looking at asking your DM to let you take Sovereign Speaker for a Faerunian pantheon that does include Spell or Time, or asking your DM to add Spell/Time to the domains offered by one of the deities in Sovereign Host pantheon. Either way, your DM needs to agree to a modest modification of the written rule.

2018-06-13, 07:16 PM
have you checked the list of stuff (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?454553-Lists-of-Stuff-(saved-from-Wizards-Community-Forums))?

i didn't even know about this... bookmarked!

i didn't catch before that contemplative isn't just deity specific, but alignment related as well. with an alignment of Nuetral, that means that I can take any domain as I'm not restricted to good/evil/chaotic aligned then correct?

2018-06-13, 07:22 PM
my deity doesn't offer either of them, the beauty of sspeaker is that you're pulling from essentially a pantheon instead of from your specific deity, so you get around the deity-specific domain restriction
You may have missed an important part of the deal:

Entry Requirements
Skills: Knowledge (religion) 8 ranks.
Feat: Worldly Focus.
Special: Ability to cast divine spells, must worship the Sovereign Host, without favoring one god above the others, access to at least one cleric domain (Eberron adepts meet this requirement).
(Emphasis mine.) If you can say "my deity", then you're failing this requirement.

(Obviously anybody DMing outside of Eberron will have to adapt the "the Sovereign Host" requirement to some or all of their setting's pantheon, and as long as they're doing that you could probably persuade them to drop the above-underlined clause, but that's homebrew/ask your DM territory.)

2018-06-13, 07:30 PM
You may have missed an important part of the deal:

(Emphasis mine.) If you can say "my deity", then you're failing this requirement.

(Obviously anybody DMing outside of Eberron will have to adapt the "the Sovereign Host" requirement to some or all of their setting's pantheon, and as long as they're doing that you could probably persuade them to drop the above-underlined clause, but that's homebrew/ask your DM territory.)

I read that as must worship the host, which i can do as a pantheon, but my deity isn't related to the host, and therefore doesn't break that requirement.