View Full Version : Against the darkness

2018-06-13, 02:33 PM
"It is the third day of your journey, inside your cage you crossed the rocky expanse of the southern reach and now enter the white desert, it's shiny sands almost making you all go blind. You know doing nothing will only get you enslaved for life, but they have been vigilant, so far. Night falls and the caravan takes shelter from the winds behind a large rock wall, the designated guard is sleeping while standing still, his countryman also deep in slumber, now is the time."

The caravan is composed of three wagons, two with four slaves in a big metal cage (each, you are on the first), everybody's hands are tied to the cage with rope, the third with crates, water and supplies. Each cart is pulled by two camels, the slavers are a total of 9 (6 guards, 2 conductors and caravan master), each carries a suit of padded armor (wich doubles as protection from the sun/sand) and a scimitar, the caravan master also carries a shield and uses studded leather armor. If intied you can use your spells.

Choose a color for your character speech, use () for out of character text and "" for in character text, and regular text for actions/rolls.

Now, post your actions. :smallbiggrin:

EDIT: let's not hang TOO much on details people, i prefer the game to have a smooth flow, specially since this is a slow medium.

2018-06-13, 02:38 PM
Harley was a simple farm girl, for maybe fourteen years. But, as the land grew poorer and poorer, she had to leave-she was never the strongest, and could not work the fields as well as her siblings. Her parents sent her off with some silver to a monastery, the Heliotic Temple, a place of learning, contemplation, and magic. She arrived, and was taken in.

It was there she met Rachelle, a kindred spirit, a few years in. The two became fast friends, Rachelle studying magic, and Harley focusing more on inner peace and kicking ass. The two did perform many minor pranks and jokes, for which they got in trouble, but nothing ever too major, and never anything really harmful.

However, not all took kindly to their antics. A group of people, including the Master of the Temple's daughter, grew to dislike and even hate the pair. They hatched a plan, studying the two girls and learning of their weaknesses.

About a year after the two met, the hateful few put their plan into action. The daughter of the Master seduced Rachelle (not exactly a difficult task), but had some of her friends steal Rachelle's clothes so she'd have to embarass herself walking back to her dorm naked. Meanwhile, while Harley was releasing a few pigs (with the numbers 1, 2, and 4 painted on them) the others stole several horses and other valuable animals, making sure the blame went to Harley.

With Rachelle both embarrassed and in trouble, and Harley in trouble herself, the two decided to leave (well, Rachelle was expelled, and Harley wasn't going to abandon her friend!) and have stuck together for friendship and protection.

Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1604807)

Will talk in Boldenrod.

Harley fiddles with the ropes, quietly, trying to get at least one hand free.

Aleister VII
2018-06-13, 04:26 PM
chosen color for Lunafreya will be this green
Also... I'm assuming that the ties are made of some kind of cloth or at least aren't metal chains x.x

Lunafreya has been preparing her scape for some days and nights by now, she has been slowly biting her ties every time that her captors sleep or are distracted enough and has weaken said ties enough to finally attempt to break free using her sheer strength.

Athletics check to break her restrains, I will make two rolls as I'm assuming she has advantage because she has weaken the ties, if not just ignore the second roll:

2018-06-13, 06:39 PM
Harley roll to escape (sleight of hand)

2018-06-13, 09:38 PM

Question, do I start with the familiar conjured, or do I need to do so when I have the required components.

Rachelle for her part tried wriggling her hands out of the ropes.

Good thing I'm good in tight spaces.... She mutters.

Sleight of hand. [roll0]

2018-06-13, 11:09 PM

With advantage, because we've obviously been doing this for a while: [roll1]

2018-06-14, 03:07 AM
Arshan Turnuroth (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1607735)

I'll use Red for speech

Arshan had not done much in terms of trying to free himself. He wasn't powerful in terms of strength or dexterous movement. although he had remained silent to let the others concentrate on getting free.... hopefully they'd help him get free as well.

(Not even gonna bother rolling. Oh btw... no OOC thread?)

Aleister VII
2018-06-14, 06:29 AM
that was a freaking 24 I'm gonna assume that Lunafreya is free, and the DC for this should be quite low anyways.

"I'm free... wait there guys ain't letting anyone behind." Whispered Lunafreya to no awake the guards and the other caravan guys before quickly start to help the others with their respective ropes.

In resume we're now untied or we can get mechanical and said that I take the help action but then again we all already have advantage x.x

2018-06-14, 12:51 PM
Lunafreya, Rachalle and Harley manage to free themselves quietly, the paladin then proceed to free Harshan (i assume because of you RP). The cage is still locked, the guard sleeping standing has the keys on his belt, he is about 15 feet away, the others are sleeping around the fire (it's cold at night on the desert) about 30 ft away from you cage, weapons at side. A person on the other cage sees you and makes a gesture towards himself, indicating he wants to be liberated along with the others (they are common people, so the slavers did not bother to tie then). The camels sleep tied to a big stake on the ground. Post your actions.

(i am having trouble rolling dice, can you help guys? The text script for it does not seem to work for some reason)

2018-06-14, 12:56 PM
(you do this [ roll]1d20+2[ /roll] <--- just remove the spaces in there between the [ and the r, and the [ and the /. that should make it work. Do not preview a post with a roll in it. it ruins the die roll. Basically it's done that way so you cannot cheat and check your roll before posting, to instead retry rolling until you get what you want. Also my character's name is 'Arshan' not Harshan or Hershan. :smallbiggrin: Also, would recommend that you create an OOC thread in the OOC channel so we can keep OOC talk away from the thread we RP in.)

2018-06-14, 09:15 PM
Harley looks to the others, and mouths "Can anyone grab the keys from here?"

2018-06-14, 09:53 PM
Rachelle nods.

Haven't done this since I got expelled. But I managed to memorize this trick. So I shouldn't need my spellbook.... I hope. Rachelle replied, already intoning, waving her right hand around in a clockwise motion.

De manibus aethera. She intones as a spectral hand appears by the guards trying to wedge the keys from the guard.

Sleight of hand check if necessary [roll0]

2018-06-15, 01:12 AM
The key chain gently floats trough the air to her hands, the men in the other wagon cage look at Rachalle, amazed.

2018-06-15, 01:25 AM

Being a sorcerer and not skilled with the Mage Hand cantrip or anything else that'd work for the request, the Dragonborn simply shook his head with a rumble. "Sadly not me- Oh... looks like someone else can help. Good." He uttered in a hushed tone.

2018-06-15, 01:32 AM
Rachelle immediately unlocks her door, opening it gleefully.

Okay, everyone. Let's be quiet. She acknowledged, moving to free the other cage, last thing they needed was for them to raise the alarm.

We need weapons. And we need those camels or we'll never make it to the nearest town. Anyone know the lay of the land?

2018-06-15, 02:17 AM
Rachalle drops off, the soft ground silencing her steps. As she approaches the second cage its occupants get up in anxiety, four blonde young man who look all similar. She unlocks the cage and the biggest and oldest comes foward "Many thanks" and nods in the direction of the supply wagon.

2018-06-15, 04:19 AM

The big Dragonborn shuffled out of the cage, rubbing his wrists with murder in his eye. It was quite clear the big guy was edging towards throwing a firebolts everywhere at those slavers.
However, for now the smartest thing was to stick around with his fellow former-captives. Safety in numbers and all that.

2018-06-15, 10:45 AM
I'll stay near the guards-I don't need weapons to fight, so if they awake, I can punch the crap out of them, Harley whispers. And, once everyone is a decent distance away, I'll start picking their weapons off. I want to wait, to make sure I don't futz it up and wake them when you're all nearby.

2018-06-15, 06:00 PM
The blonde man talks in a low tone to Rachalle and Lunafreya while they help the others down the wagon "There, we go towards the mountain and we get very close to our home, no mistakes", the mountain to the north is the thunder peak, one of the biggest rocks in the known world, famous for frequent lightning storms near it's summit. Arshan is still near the cage. While Harley passes by the sleeping guard a gust of wind hits and he is about to fall. Post you actions (the situation thinckens :smallbiggrin:)

2018-06-15, 08:13 PM
Rachelle lunges forward attempting to place her hand softly enough to not rouse the guard, but keep him on his feet.

Sleight of hand [roll0]

2018-06-15, 09:11 PM
Harley does the same, or helps Rachelle should she need it.

Either using my own check or giving advantage to Illven. Either way: [roll0]

2018-06-15, 09:45 PM
Rachalle and Harley manage to hold the guard still with the point of their fingers, a drop of cold sweat descends upon the rogues face when he snorts a little, almost waking up. The blonde man and his peers start moving towards the suply wagon and he hand waves Lunafreya and Arshan to follow him.

2018-06-15, 10:03 PM
Rachelle having settled the man down, takes a step back before breathing out softly.

Using her mage hand, she starts scouting for loose weapons not attached to anyone or anything, before looking for pieces of armor, or food.

2018-06-15, 11:28 PM
Harley and Rachalle start picking the swords from the ground, as quietly as possible, the slavers are using their armors and not much else is there, everything must be loaded in the suply wagon. (so far the escape goes flawlessly :smallwink:)

2018-06-16, 02:32 AM
Arshan moved along with Lunafreya over to the supplywagon that the blonde fella was waving them over to, staying hushed and quiet.

2018-06-17, 09:35 AM
Harley keeps vigil near the guards as quietly as possible.

2018-06-19, 01:03 PM
(sorry for the delay, my son was sick this weekend, my SO and i had to work double time on taking care of him)

Harley and Rachalle manage to pick all weapons and the shield from the slavers without waking then up. Lunafreya and Arshan search the suply wagon, they find sacks of dried meat and fruits, grains and jars of water, three quarterstaffs (used to conduct the camels) and a small iron chest with a heavy iron lock. The blonde man looks to the sleeping slavers and says in a low voice

"Your friends are quite the sneaky types, my name is Boldur and those are my cousins, Gadnir, Fafnir and Krakir, they dont talk much normally and even less now that they are terrified. If we manage to get the camels we could leave with this wagon."

2018-06-19, 01:38 PM

Arshan pursed his lips a bit and wondered if it was possible to line up so that his Fire Breath Attack could take as many slavers in one go as possible... it would be a 5ft by 30ft line, so it should be possibly to get at least two of them.

(This is a question for you, mister GM.... Would have asked in an OOC, but there is still no such thing. But is there a lucky connect-three-or-four slavers that can get a nice roasting? Also, how does a Reflex save work when you're basically unconscious, since they are sleeping?)

2018-06-19, 02:08 PM
Arshan looks at the men and notices he can take the three sleeping along the rockwall if he spit flames on then, they would certainly die burning, agonizing deaths, perhaps as a prelude of what the afterlife holds for evil people, he thinks, and the others surely would wake from their pain screams.
(they are in deep slumber, in such a condition i am calling a automatic hit)

(and by popular demand, here, OOC thread :smallwink: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?561784-Against-the-Darkness-OOC&p=23162489#post23162489)

2018-06-19, 02:20 PM
Rachelle starts handing out the weapons and shields.

She'll try keeping a weapon she'd be proficient with, otherwise she'll keep a scimitar.

If we're going to do that.... We should get on the camels first, that way we can hit and run them. She suggests to Arshan. You find any ranged weapons in there?

2018-06-19, 03:28 PM

Arshan looked at Rachelle with a side-glance, his tail twitching and swishing with thoughtful hints of violence.
With a whisper he said "No, these bastards will die here. They enslaved me, took me from my home and took me from the place I was the caretaker. Their lives are forfeit and I need no banal weapon for that." As he said so the smell of acrid burning and smoke sizzled free from between his teeth.
"Arm yourselves and get ready to fight them.... or leave me here. I must do this, and would prefer to not perish from it. Just wait for my roasting those three right there... That's the signal to charge." Arshan continued, still a low whisper, a deep rumble can just BARELY be heard by Rachelle. It was quite clear that Arshan was not gonna budge on this issue.

2018-06-19, 04:42 PM
(you found/take a total of 9 scimitars, 2 whips, 2 daggers, 3 quarterstaffs and a shield, more than enough to arm everybody, if you are going to fight pick from that list, the cousins will take whatever is left to use in the fight)

2018-06-19, 10:51 PM
Rachelle takes the two daggers and keeps one of the scimitars.

And I'm okay with that, I just want to do this smartly.

2018-06-20, 11:43 AM
Rachelle's a smart one-trust her. We'll get on the camels, fry as many as we can from there, and get out.

2018-06-20, 12:38 PM
Well I am okay with killing them all, we don't need to get out. We just need to do this smartly.

2018-06-20, 03:53 PM

Arshan shook his head to the mentions of just running off. "No, these horrid people does not get to just get a freebie and avoid retaliation from me. They took my from my home and wanted to sell me as a slave..." He whispered back in a hushed tone.

2018-06-20, 04:37 PM
You've got a blade now, Harley says. It's yours to use.