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2018-06-13, 04:36 PM
Appraise This! A Reference for the Appraise skill

Appraise (INT)
(PHB, Epic Level Handbook p.39 and Rules Compendium p. 12)

Use this skill to tell a fancy show sword from an elf heirloom, high-quality jewelry from costume junk, and a fine work of art from a common one.

By taking 1 minute you can appraise the value of an object, predict what a performer might expect to receive as compensation, and even estimate the quality of craftsmanship before work is complete. You can try to appraise quickly in just 1 round, increasing the DC by 5. To evaluate a work, such as an entire poem, you must take whatever time is required to read or otherwise observe that work—this can’t be done quickly.

Failure on a normal Appraise check for common items or works means a misjudgment of 2d6+3 X 10% of actual value. Failure for more valuable items or when using Appraise quickly means you can’t estimate the item’s value. You can’t try a normal Appraise check again on the same object, regardless of success. If you tried to appraise an item quickly and failed, you can then try to appraise that item normally, but you can’t try to appraise the item quickly again. You can try to appraise an item normally whether or not you successfully appraise that item quickly. The skill modifiers mentioned in the text following the table assume the skill’s user was taking 10 on the relevant skill check.

You can appraise common or well-known objects with a DC 12 Appraise check. Failure means that you estimate the value at 50% to 150% (2d6+3 times 10%,) of its actual value.

Appraising a rare or exotic item requires a successful check against DC 15, 20, or higher. If the check is successful, you estimate the value correctly; failure means you cannot estimate the item’s value.


Tell which race made an item
Rules Compendium, Races of Stone

Appraise common item or work

Appraise good item or work

Appraise rare item or work
Rules Compendium

Appraise exotic item or work
Rules Compendium

Appraise unique item or work
Rules Compendium

Sensing Magical Auras in Objects
Epic Level Handbook p.39

DC modifier

Appraise in 1 round
Rules Compendium p.12 and Complete Adventurer p.97

Common Items and Works
Items in this category include trade goods, spices, foodstuffs, raw materials, mundane items, livestock, and so on. Items and works of this sort are usually made or performed by those who have a relevant skill modifi er lower than +5.

Good Items and Works
Items in this category include good cloth, rare spices, folk art, and valuable materials such as pure gold bars. Items and works of this sort are usually made or performed by those who have a relevant skill modifier of +5 to +9.

Rare Items and Works
Items in this category include fine clothing, raw ore of precious metals, gems, and fine artwork. Items and works of this sort are usually made or performed by those who have a relevant skill modifier of +10 to +14.

Exotic Items and Works
Items in this category include unusual gems (strange colorings, unusual to the region, unusually large or pure), spell components, jewelry, jewels, exotic fine art, and obscure religious items. Items and works of this sort are usually made or performed by those who have a relevant skill modifier of +15 to +19.

Unique Items and Works
Items in this category include masterpiece artwork, extremely rare jewels, and lavish and complex religious items or jewelry. Items and works of this sort are usually made or performed by those who have a relevant skill modifier of +20 or higher.

Detect Magic:
You can sense if an item has a magical aura. You can then use Spellcraft to learn more about the item as if you had already cast detect magic on the item. This requires a full-round action.

A magnifying glass gives you a +2 circumstance bonus on Appraise checks involving any item that is small or highly detailed, such as a gem. A merchant’s scale gives you a +2 circumstance bonus on Appraise checks involving any items that are valued by weight, including anything made of precious metals. These bonuses stack.

Appraising an item takes 1 minute (ten consecutive full-round actions) or 1 full round action.

Try Again
No. You cannot try again on the same object, regardless of success.

A dwarf with typical dwarf traits gets a +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks that are related to stone or metal items because dwarves are familiar with valuable items of all kinds (especially those made of stone or metal).
The master of a raven or parrot familiar gains a +3 bonus on Appraise checks.
A character with the Diligent feat gets a +2 bonus on Appraise checks.

If you have 5 ranks in any Craft skill, you gain a +2 bonus on Appraise checks related to items made with that Craft skill.

For common items, failure on an untrained check means no estimate. For rare items, success means an estimate of 50% to 150% (2d6+3 times 10%).

Appraising other works of Art
(Races of Stone p.129)

Many dwarves develop a keen sense of value, and their love of stone and metal makes them even more skilled at evaluating such items. In addition to using Appraise to determine the value of items they are offered in trade (or come across in their adventures), the dwarves have another use for this valuable skill. By turning a knowledgeable eye to an item, a dwarf can discern if it is dwarvencraft or of dwarven manufacture. Likewise, no culture that prizes the arts as highly as that of the gnomes can lack a way to critically evaluate nontangible works of art such as music, drama, or writing. A specialized use of the Appraise skill allows gnomes to discern the value of a performance by viewing, listening, or reading a work, thereby rating the skill and value of the artist as well.

In addition to appraising concrete items, any character can appraise the quality of a performance. A successful Appraise check (using the same DCs described on page 67 of the Player’s Handbook) means that you estimate the approximate daily income a performer might be able to expect from a performance of this quality, as shown in the Perform skill description on page 79 of the Player’s Handbook.

A character can also appraise a work being performed to determine its value, just as a physical item can be appraised. See the Craft skill description in this chapter for approximate values for artistic works.

Identify Dwarven Craftwork:
You can tell whether an item is dwarvencraft or of dwarven manufacture or by making a successful DC 10 Appraise check.

Normally, appraising an item takes 1 minute. Appraising the quality of a performance requires the character to view and listen to the performance for 1 minute. However, appraising the actual work being performed (the entire song or poem, for example) requires the character to view and listen to the entire performance.

Try Again:
If you attempt a normal Appraise check, you cannot try again on the same object, regardless of success. If you fail to appraise an item quickly (or even if you succeed), you can still try to appraise the item normally. Doing so requires the normal amount of time (1 minute).

If you have 5 or more ranks in any Perform skill, you get a +2 bonus on Appraise checks related to performances using that Perform skill.

Variants & Special Rules
COMPLEX SKILL USE (UA p.82): The Appraise skill seldom lends itself to complex skill checks. In rare cases, the DM might rule that a relic from a lost civilization or an extremely powerful magic item might require a complex skill check to appraise properly. In these cases, the DC and number of successes required should be determined by the DM specifically for the item in question.

EXAMPLE: (Expedition to the demonweb pits p.64): The total value of the Fane’s gems, precious metals, painted icons, and stone and metal statues is well over 90,000 gp, but it would take two days to pry it all loose. The accumulated riches weigh about 2,600 pounds. With a DC 22 Appraise check, the party could spend an hour and gather 9,000 gp of valuable items, weighing just 200 pounds. With a second hour spent and a DC 25 Appraise check of the more difficult items, the party could gain another 12,000 gp, weighing an additional 400 pounds. To gather more of the wealth after that point requires first a DC 24 Search check and then a DC 28 Appraise check. If any of these Appraise checks fail, the party gets just 3,000 gp for that hour.

Alternatively, if an item has a common value that is accepted in most of the campaign world but a drastically different value in one small portion of the setting, it might require one simple check to appraise the item’s common value and a second, complex check (usually at a higher DC) to assess the item’s worth in the specific area.

Using your senses: (Dungeonscape p.155): Spot checks relate to sight and Listen checks to hearing, but the other senses require only that the object be nearby and that a character take the proper action. For example, a PC who touches a steel door can feel the icy chill of a magically cooled or water-filled room on the other side, and one who sniffs the air in a damp cavern can smell its moist earthiness. If smelling, tasting, or touching something specific carries important information, have the PC make a Wisdom check. Set a reasonable DC based on the sensation’s strength. Knowledge or Appraise checks might be appropriate as well, depending on what the character is trying to find out.

Variant Skills with different abilities (DMG p.33): A character is trying to pick the best horse from several that a merchant is selling. Normally this would be an Appraise check, but familiarity with horses ought to count for something. The DM lets the player use the character’s ranks in Ride instead of ranks in Appraise and applies the character’s Wisdom modifier (as normal for an Appraise check).????

Damage to specific areas (DMG p.27): If the person has been damaged in such a way to render one eye inoperable, they get -2 to appraise (and many other) checks: Severe damage to both eyes causes a character to become blinded.

Haggle with Neogi over the cost of Slaves: (Lords of madness p.101): Multiple factors go into the value of a slave, and the interest shown by the potential buyer is not the least. The basic method for determining the value of a slave is based on the creature’s CR, using the following formula: Cost = (CR, minimum 1)2 X100 gp

An unskilled dwarf, for example, with CR 1/2, costs 100 gp (CR 1/2 rounds up to 1; 1 squared = 1; 1 times 100 gp = 100 gp). A troll slave, on the other hand, costs 2,500 gp (CR 5 squared = 25, times 100 gp = 2,500 gp). Unusual or marketable qualities in a slave, such as great strength, great beauty, valuable skill, or exotic origin, can multiply the price by two, three, or four. A skilled miner dwarf might bring 200 gp if sold at a mine. If that same dwarf were exceptionally strong, he could cost 400 gp. If that dwarf was an 8th-level rogue and the buyer was the head of a thieves’ guild, the slave could cost between 12,800 and 25,600 gp. The DM has considerable leeway when setting these prices, of course. When dealing with high-level characters, there’s always a possibility that the neogi don’t know how valuable or how skilled a particular captive is, leading them to undervalue the slave.

Several skills come into play when haggling with neogi. Appraise is valuable for obvious reasons, but it’s less useful when dealing with unfamiliar or alien goods. Diplomacy is another handy skill. Long years of trading with some of the most unsavory creatures imaginable have made the neogi difficult to offend, but they respond uncharacteristically well to politeness. Sense Motive is essential; neogi lie about anything if they expect to get away with it. Pertinent Craft and Knowledge skills can provide essential synergy bonuses to relevant Appraise checks.

Knowledge (History) Skill Synergy (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ebds/20040830a): Knowledge (history) also is useful for recognizing relics of a particular era. If the DM allows a character to specialize in an era and the character has at least 5 ranks in Knowledge (history), he can choose to forego the usual bonus to Bardic Knowledge and instead gain a +2 synergy bonus to Appraise, Forgery, and Decipher Languages checks specifically related to the specialty age.

Identify Magic Items: Variant Uses of Appraise (Save my game (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sg/20051125a))
Solution 3: Appraise

Okay, the Appraise skill may seem like an odd choice of mechanics for identifying magic, though obviously it makes sense for assessing the sale value of magic items already identified. However, you could establish a house rule that rogues (and perhaps bards as well) can use Appraise to identify magic items in the same way as a spellcaster would use Spellcraft. You could either make it a class ability (like a rogue's trapfinding), or add it to the list of bonus special abilities from which rogues can choose beginning at 10th level.

If you didn't want to restrict the mechanic to rogues and bards, you could just make the ability a feat that any character can take. The Appraise Magic Value feat in Complete Adventurer accomplishes the same purpose, though it takes 8 hours to use and costs money each time. If you're looking for a quick identification method based on the Spellcraft mechanic, try the following version.

Appraise Magic [General]

You are skilled at evaluating magic items and discovering their secrets.

Prerequisite: Appraise 3 ranks.

Benefit: You can use the Appraise skill in place of the Spellcraft skill to identify magic items. Appraise is always a class skill for you.

Solution 4: Bardic Knowledge and Other Lore Abilities

Because bards have access to obscure information, the bardic knowledge class feature is a natural avenue for identifying magic items. You could simply substitute a bardic knowledge check for a Spellcraft check using the mechanic described above. However, since a bard is a spellcaster with a respectable number of skill points, his Spellcraft modifier may be higher than his bardic knowledge modifier, rendering this option superfluous.

A better option might be to add the character's bard level to any Spellcraft check (or Appraise check, if you're using Solution 3) he makes to identify magic items. This increase represents the bard's special familiarity with all manner of magical secrets. Logically, the same bonus could apply to any Appraise check the bard makes to assess the monetary value of a magic item.

Other lore-based abilities, such as a loremaster's lore, could work the same way.

DRAGONS AND THE APPRAISE SKILL (Dragonomicon p.28): Though most dragons do not have the Appraise skill, dragons can appraise items readily, thanks to their high Intelligence scores. A dragon gains a +2 competence bonus on any Appraise check (or Intelligence check made to appraise an item) that involves studying physical aspects of the appraised item (such as fine details or weight). *Cough *cough Dragonwrought*

Handy Dandy Comprehensive Skill Guides

Disable Device (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?520223-Saboteur-s-Cookbook-Masterwork-Disable-Device-tools&p=21901660#post21901660)
Knowledge (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?514547-The-Library-of-Knowledge-Getting-the-most-out-of-your-studies&p=21809006#post21809006)
Bluff (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?504559-Stop-Flubbing-Your-Bluffs-The-reference-guide-to-successful-truthtelling&p=21372480#post21372480)
Survival (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?500214-Survival-Skill-Survival-Guide&p=21901674)
Listen (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?522931-Hear-Ye-Hear-Ye-A-Listen-Skill-Reference&p=21949037)
Escape Artist (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?555939-Tying-Down-Escapology-An-Escape-Artist-Reference-Guide)
Disguise (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?561021-Visual-Lies-A-Reference-for-the-Disguise-Skill&p=23139240#post23139240)

Do you need Appraise as a class skill?
Go to Bullet06320's super helpful curated list of alternative ways to get class skills! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?491181-Alternative-ways-to-get-new-Class-skills)

So the way that these guides are build is by opening my book pdf, and holding ctrl F to open the find window, and then typing in the word "Appraise". There may be some stuff that I miss because of this. And a few of my PDFs have to be skimmed with my own eyes because the search feature just doesn't work. Then I copy and paste what I find into a document, Then I sort the bits, Then I copy them over. Here are the sources that the word "Appraise" did not show up in, in anything other than stat blocks.

Faiths of eberron, MM4, Planar Handbook, MM3, BOED, MM2, Dieties and demigods, oriental adventures, races of the wild, weapons of legacy, underdark, savage species, Defenders of the faith, Fiend folio, heroes of battle, champions of valor, lords of darkness, Masters of the Wild, Tome and blood, Sword and fist, silver marches, unapproachable east, shining south, Song and silence, serpent kingdoms, races of faerun, Complete warrior, monsters of faerun, magic of faerun, Complete scoundrel, Complete mage, city of stormreach, expedition to castle of ravenloft, Complete arcane
Drow of the underdark, sharn city of 2 towers, secrets of xendric, magic of eberron, Exemplars of evil, 5 nations, faiths of eberron, exploreres handbook, Elder evils, Miniature’s handbook, Libris mortis, Heroes of Horror, Ghostwalk, Fiendish codex 1, Fiendish codex 2

The following books were unable to be searched:
Faiths and pantheons, lost empires of faerun, shining south, power of faerun, dragonlance campaign setting, dragons of faerun

2018-06-13, 04:37 PM
Races and creatures


Socio-economic skill stratification, yo. (Cityscape p.59) For the most part, social class has little impact on character creation or abilities. Choosing your social class is like everything else in a character’s background; it might come into play in her backstory, and it should certainly impact the way the character acts, but it has no mechanical effect. Some people, however, feel that a character’s upbringing should impact her abilities, at least to a minor extent. Similarly, many people think that a character—particularly in an urban environment—should have some abilities to represent her life and training from before she became an adventurer. After all, few people grow up planning to become adventurers; they are caught up in events bigger than they, or find no other means of achieving their goals, or simply see mundane life as too boring. Still, they had a life and education prior to picking up sword or spellbook, and might even have a career on which they fall back when no monster threatens and treasure is scarce.

To that end, consider the following optional rule. Each character is permitted to select three skills from a list determined by her social class. These skills represent a period of training, a career, or a hobby that is not directly linked to her life as an adventurer. They become permanent class skills for the character; that is, no matter what classes she advances in, these are always considered class skills. If she chooses a skill that is a class skill for her current class, she also gains a +1 competence bonus on those skill checks. (She can only gain this bonus once per skill, even if it appears on more than one of her classes’ skill lists.) None of these advantages should particularly unbalance a character when compared to those created without this optional system. Nevertheless, if a campaign involves both urban and non-urban characters, the Dungeon Master is encouraged to either refrain from using this variant, or to allow its benefits even to non-urban characters. Characters from non-urban areas are usually considered to be lower-class citizens.

Lower-Class Skills: Craft, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Knowledge (local), Profession.
Middle-Class Skills: Appraise, Craft, Profession, Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility and royalty).
Upper Class Skills: Knowledge (cuff-links), Knowledge (lacrosse), Profession (yachting), Perform (whipping out black credit card)

Crysmal (XPH p.194): +8 racial bonus on Appraise checks and Spot checks.

Dragon, True: Sovereign Archetype (Dragons of eberron p.31): MASTER OF THE HOARD: Sovereigns: Kol Korran, The Keeper: Appraise, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive are added to the list of class skills. A master of the hoard can cast cleric spells and spells from the Charm, Commerce, and Travel domains as arcane spells.

Dragon, like any! (Dragonomicon p.28): Though most dragons do not have the Appraise skill, dragons can appraise items readily, thanks to their high Intelligence scores. A dragon gains a +2 competence bonus on any Appraise check (or Intelligence check made to appraise an item) that involves studying physical aspects of the appraised item (such as fine details or weight). Just for completeness, here's the text about the dragonblood subtype, cuz there's like a 20% chance that you can haggle your way into a +2 to appraiseIf a race possesses the dragonblood subtype, it has a strong affinity to dragons—which means that spells, effects, powers, and abilities that affect or target dragons also affect it. The subtype qualifies a creature to use magic items normally only usable by dragons, and qualifies the creature to take feats that have the subtype as a prerequisite. The dragonblood subtype also makes creatures subject to harmful effects that affect dragons. The dragonblood subtype does not confer the dragon type or any traits associated with that type. For instance, it does not give a creature frightful presence.

Dwarf! Most of em! (MM1 p.92): +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks that are related to stone or metal items.

Dwarves, Arctic (UA p.9): +2 racial bonus on Appraise and Craft checks related to items made of ice. SUPER USEFUL!

Dwarf, Earth (UA p.16): earth dwarves: +4 racial bonus on Appraise checks and Craft checks that are related to stone or metal items: An earth dwarf has a particularly strong familiarity with objects made of the bones of the earth, hence the higher racial bonus.

Dwarf, Glacier (frostburn p.34): +2 racial bonus on Appraise and Craft checks that are related to snow, ice, or special frostfell materials. This replaces the bonus on checks that are related to stone or metal.

Halfling, Deep (MM1 p.150): +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks and Craft checks that are related to stone or metal.

Jaebrin (MM5 p.93): +2 racial bonus on Appraise, Bluff, Perform, and Diplomacy checks.

Mercane (Epic level handbook p.205, manual of the planes p.180): +4 racial bonus on Appraise checks.

Mongrelfolk (Races of Destiny p.100): +1 racial bonus on Appraise, Climb, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Search, and Spot checks.

Spellscale (Races of the dragon p.25) Meditations that grant a bonus on a check provide a racial bonus equal to half the spellscale’s character level. Astilabor: Focusing on the Hoardmistress brings about a sharpened perception of the value of things. The spellscale gains a bonus on Appraise checks and has unlimited use of the Eschew Materials feat for the day.

Nomadic Human Racial Traits Races of Ansalon *3rd party Dragonlance: Tondoon - Appraise is always considered a class skill

Classes, Prestige Classes, and Alternative Class Features

Red is awesome
Black means that it exists

Dragon Shaman (Player's Handbook II p. 11) Totem Dragon: You must choose a totem dragon from among the true dragons appearing in the Monster Manual, red dragon, Skill Focus: At 2nd level, you gain Skill Focus as a bonus feat. You must apply the feat to one of the three class skills granted by your chosen totem dragon. Red: offers appraise. Treasure Seeker (Ex): You gain a +5 competence bonus on Appraise and Search checks (always active).

Sorcerer/Wizard (Player's Handbook, p. 51) Raven: Master gains a +3 bonus on Appraise checks. (Stormwrack p.52): Parrot: Master gains a +3 bonus on Appraise checks.

Corsair (Fighter) - Dragon #310 - adds Appraise also Balance, Profession (sailor), Spot, Use Rope. lose Handle Animal, Intimidate.

Honorable Mentions
Bardic knack Bard (PHB2 p.35): at level 10 you have a +2 synergy bonus on every check due to having 5 phantom ranks in every conceivable craft skill.

Motivate intelligence Marshal: Add your charisma modifier to your intelligence checks

ACFS and Sub levels
Antiquarian (complete champion p.151)Rogue Level: 1st. Replaces: This benefit replaces the trapfinding class feature. Benefit: When examining divine items and religious relics, you gain a bonus equal to your Wisdom modifier on all Appraise checks as an extraordinary ability. In addition, if you examine a magic item created using a spell from the cleric or paladin list, or an item with special religious significance, you can attempt a Knowledge (religion) check (DC 10 + the item’s caster level) to identify it exactly as a spell-like ability. This works like the identify spell (caster level equals your rogue level) but requires no material component. You can use this ability on only one item per day.

Stoneborn Insight (Magic of incarnum p.44): A dwarf soulborn’s channeling of incarnum invests him with the insights of his ancestors, both in matters of stoneworking and combat. This ability takes the form of an insight bonus equal to the number of soulmelds he has shaped on the following checks and rolls: DRUMROLL PLEASE! Appraise and Craft checks regarding stone or metal. This benefit replaces the standard soulborn’s bonus feat
gained at 3rd level.

Prestige Classes
Disciple of Mammon (Book of Vile Darkness variant, p. 60): Enhance Value (Ex): By careful, slight modifications, a 7th-level disciple of Mammon can increase the value of a nonmagical item of value, such as a gem, an art object, or a piece of equipment. The disciple spends 1 hour performing these modifications and then makes an Appraise check, increasing the value of the object by 1% per point of the check result. A disciple of Mammon cannot enhance something with a readily obvious value, such as a coin, and she cannot enhance the same object twice.

Dragonkith (Draconomicon variant, p. 123) Detect Treasure (Sp): Once per day, a dragonkith of 3rd level or higher can use a detect treasure ability. This works like the detect magic spell, except that it senses Medium or smaller objects that are worth more than 100 gp. On the first round, the dragonkith detects the presence of such objects; on the second round, the power reveals the number of objects and the location of each. In each subsequent round, the dragonkith can make an Appraise check to estimate the value of one object.

Duergar Racial Class (Complete Psionic p. 144)Duergar have a +4 racial bonus on Move Silently checks and a +1 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks. They have a +2 racial bonus on Appraise and Craft checks that are related to stone or metal.

Runesmith (Races of Stone p. 118) Stonecraft Expertise (Ex): Beginning at 2nd level, a runesmith gains a bonus equal to his class level on Appraise and Craft checks related to objects made of stone.

Sanctified One (Complete Champion variant, p. 99) Sanctified Blessing: At 5th level, you receive a sanctified blessing based on your deity's powers and portfolio, as given on the accompanying table. Oldimarra: Gain Appraise as a class skill!

Stoneblessed (Races of Stonep. 122) Dwarf: A dwarf-bonded stoneblessed adds Appraise (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (architecture and engineering) (Int), and Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int) to her list of stoneblessed class skills. A dwarf-bonded stoneblessed gains a +2 bonus on Appraise and Craft checks related to stone or metal.

Crystal Master (Mind's Eye (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040625d)) Aquamarine: The crystal master gains an Intelligence bonus of +1. This bonus increases by +1 for every two additional embedded gems (+2 at 3 embedded gems, and +3 at 5 embedded gems). This ability is active as long as the crystal master maintains psionic focus. Tourmaline: The crystal master gains an insight bonus on the following skills: Appraise, Craft (gemcutting), Knowledge (gemology), and Search. The bonus is equal to the number of embedded gems she possesses.

Techsmith (F&P): Technical Knack class feature adds a +2/+4/+6 competence bonus on Appraise (and some other skill) checks involving items that have a technological, mechanical or explosive component

Goldeye PrC (F&P): +4 untyped bonus on Appraise checks at 6th level.

Honorable Mentions
Inquisitor (Dragonlance Campaign Setting p.80): Extreme Focus (Ex): An inquisitor must be able to ignore outside distractions while following up a lead, for fear of missing an important detail. Once per day per level of the inquisitor, he may add his ranks in Concentration to any one Intelligence- or Wisdom-based skill check.

2018-06-13, 04:38 PM

Mundane Gear
Jeweler’s Loupe A&EG p.24: This magnifying eyepiece grants a +1 circumstance bonus on Appraise checks when inspecting things very closely, such as gems, jewelry, or artwork.

Focusing Candle Mundane Item (Complete Adventurer, p. 118, A&EG p.33) Price: 100 gp This large green taper burns quickly, lasting only 1 hour despite its size. While burning, a focusing candle fills the air with a fresh, crisp odor. The candle is a great boon to those engaged in strenuous mental activity. Alchemical Item. Characters within 20 feet of a burning candle gain a +1 circumstance bonus on Appraise, Decipher Script, Forgery, and Search checks. When making a skill check that takes more than one action to complete (such as Decipher Script), characters gain the bonus from a focusing candle only if they spend the entire duration of the check within 20 feet of the burning candle. Prerequisites: Craft (Alchemy) DC 25.

Magnifying Glass (PHB p.130): A magnifying glass grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Appraise checks involving any item that is small or highly detailed, such as a gem.

Scale, Merchant’s (PHB p.130): A scale grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Appraise checks involving items that are valued by weight, including anything made of precious metals.

Monocle of Perusal (Complete adventurer p.134, magic item compendium p.118): This crystal lens provides the user with a +5 competence bonus on Appraise checks. Once per day the user can use identify. A monocle occupies the same space on the body as a pair of eye lenses or goggles. 6,500 gp.

Bind a magic item to the crown chakra (Magic of incarnum p.110): +2 insight bonus on Appraise, Concentration, Decipher Script, Knowledge (any one), or Spellcraft checks

Whelm (White Plume Mountain Revised (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060901a)) (Mirror available by PM)Whelm is a plain, unadorned warhammer with a haft made from the golden wood of the gingko tree. When the weapon is wielded, its steel head glows with a soft, silver-black light. Nonlegacy Game Statistics: +1 warhammer; Cost 2,312 gp. Omen: Whelm glows more brightly when you endeavor to assess items of value—the more valuable the item, the brighter the glow. This effect grants you a +2 bonus on Appraise checks.

Sorting Beast (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cw/20070226a) The sorting beast is created with a +10 bonus to the Appraise skill. It sorts all non-magical objects presented to it into stacks by value: all copper, silver, gold, and platinum coins are sorted and counted (and a small paper label is printed totaling the coinage), all gems are judged by weight and quality (taking 1 minute each) and again sorted to piles worth up to 10 gp, 100 gp, 1000 gp, and more than 1000 gp, with paper labels. The various raw materials, spices, wines, works of art, jewelry, and other items are sorted next, by value in tens, hundreds, and thousands.

Finally, the magical items are dropped into a pile and the sorting beast holds up each one so that its owner can direct whether it should perform a "deeper analysis" consisting of an identify spell cast at 10th caster level. If a deeper analysis is not required, then the sorting beast uses metallic probes, tasters, small jets of fire, bending tests, and other mechanical-magical methods to perform its analysis, generally without harming the item being inspected. The results of either analysis are printed in gold and red inks on fine paper strips in a strange code. Anyone reading the slip must make a Spellcraft check (DC 15) to interpret them properly. On a roll of a natural 1, the results are completely misinterpreted with a false meaning. The sorting beast can only use its identify power 5 times per day.
The sorting beast damages a magical item rarely, but it does happen. Each item examined using mechanical-magical means must make a saving throw (DC 8). On a failure, the item suffers some cosmetic damage and the item must make a second save (DC 8). A second failure results in the item being broken. Faint divination; CL 10th; Craft Construct, Craft Wondrous Item, detect magic, identify; Price 20,000; Cost 10,000 gp + 800 XP.

2018-06-13, 04:40 PM

Appraise Magic Value (Complete Adventurer, p. 103) [General] Prerequisite Appraise 5 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks: If you know that an item is magical, you can use the Appraise skill to identify the item's properties. This use of the Appraise skill requires 8 hours of uninterrupted work and consumes 25 gp worth of special materials. The DC of the Appraise check is 10 + the caster level of the item.

Mercantile Background (FRCS p.37) NoTE: This was changed in PGTF! Regions: Impiltur, Lake of Steam, Lantan, Sembia, Tashalar, Tethyr, Thesk, the Vast, deep gnome, gray dwarf. You gain a +2 bonus on all Appraise checks and a +2 bonus on skill checks in the Craft or Profession skill of your choice.

Apprentice (Dungeon Master's Guide II, p.176) [General] Prerequisite 1st level only; Upon becoming an apprentice, a character immediately gains two new class skills and two bonus skill points to spend on these class skills. Craftsman: A craftsman mentor is skilled at building things. A craftsman grants his apprentice a +2 competence bonus on all Craft checks and a 10% discount when he purchases raw materials for items he makes (including items made with the Craft skill or with an item creation feat, but not spell components or services). Associated Skills: Appraise, Knowledge (architecture and engineering).

Diligent (Player's Handbook v.3.5, p. 93) [General] +2 bonus on all Appraise checks and Decipher Script checks.

Mentor (Dungeon Master's Guide II, p. 176) [General] Prerequisite Apprentice (DMG2), 8 Ranks in at least two of the four skills associated with your Mentor Category, Must have graduated from an Apprenticeship; When you select this feat, you gain all the benefits described in this section for being a mentor. First the Mentor gains an Apprentice Second, since the Mentor spends so much time teaching and practicing they gain a +2 competence bonus to any of the four associated skills.

Relic Hunter (Races of Eberron, p. 111) [General] Prerequisite Appraise 1 ranks, Knowledge (history) 1 ranks; You gain a +5 bonus on Appraise checks, Knowledge checks, and bardic knowledge checks involving items from the Dhakaani Empire or from ancient Xen'drik.Careful, you don't want the feat to be too awesome

Silver Palm (Player's Guide to Faerun, p. 43) [Regional] Prerequisite Dwarf (the Great Rift, Turmish, or Waterdeep), halfling (Amn), or human (Amn, the Dragon Coast, the Golden Water, Sembia, Tharsult, Thesk, the Vilhon Reach, or Waterdeep); You get a +2 bonus on all Appraise, Bluff, and Sense Motive checks. Special You may select this feat only as a 1st-level character. You may have only one regional feat.

Thug (Player's Guide to Faerûn, p. 45) [Regional] Prerequisite Centaur (the Plateau of Thay), dwarf (Underdark [Northdark] or Waterdeep), gnoll (the Plateau of Thay), grimlock (Underdark [Reeshov]), human (the Dragon Coast, the Moonsea, the Nelanther Isles, Unther, the Vast, or the Vilhon Reach), or planetouched (Impiltur, the Silver Marches, Unther, or the Western Heartlands), orc (Amn, Thesk, or Underdark [Northdark]); You gain a +2 bonus on initiative checks and a +2 bonus on Appraise and Intimidate checks. Special You may select this feat only as a 1st-level character. You may have only one regional feat.

Skill Trick
Magical Appraisal (Complete Scoundrel, p. 87) [Mental, Skill Trick] Prerequisite Appraise 5 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks, Spellcraft 12 ranks; When you succeed by 5 or more on a Spellcraft check to determine the school of magic of the aura surrounding a magic item (by casting detect magic), you can then spend 1 minute concentrating to also learn the properties of the item, as if you had cast identify. You can use this skill trick once per day.


Greed Domain (BOVD p.81, draconomicon p.107) Deities: Tiatmat, Mammon. Granted Power: Character gains a +2 competence bonus on Appraise, Open Lock, and Pick Pocket checks.

PACT DOMAIN (complete divine p.140, Spell compendium p.278) Core Deities: None. Other Deities: Bralm, Mouqol. Granted Power: Add Appraise, Intimidate, and Sense Motive to your list of cleric class skills.

WEALTH DOMAIN (draconomicon p.107) Deities: Astilabor, Io. Granted Powers: Add Appraise to your list of cleric class skills. You gain Skill Focus (Appraise) as a bonus feat.

Commerce Domain (ECS p.105): Deity: Kol Korran. Granted Power: You gain a +10 competence bonus on Profession checks made to earn a living (not checks to accomplish specialized tasks). Add Appraise to your list of cleric class skills.

Appraising Touch (Spell Compendium, p. 15) Divination; Level: Bard 1, Sor/Wiz 1; Personal; 1 hour/level; +10 insight bonus on Appraise checks to determine the value of items you touch while this spell is in effect. Using the Appraise skill in this fashion requires 2 minutes instead of the normal 1 minute. Even if you fail an Appraise check while this spell is in effect, you never mistakenly estimate the worth of an item by more than 50%.

Fool's Gold (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20030825a) Illusion (Glamer); Level: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 2; One nonmagical object of up to 1 lb. per caster level; 1 hour/level; Fool's gold causes an object appear to be made of gold. The object does not actually change, but it takes on the appearance of gold. Anyone appraising the object must first make a saving throw (or make an Appraise skill check, whichever is higher). Those who fail the saving throw or skill check set a value to the item as if the item were gold. Using an effect similar to a true seeing spell can reveal the object for what it really is.

Gold Finder (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040625d): Divination: Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2; Cone-shaped emanation Duration: Concentration, up to 1 min./level; You can sense the presence of gold within the range of the spell. The amount of information revealed depends on how long you study a particular area. 1st Round: Presence or absence of gold. 2nd Round: Number of different accumulations of gold, and relative size of each. An accumulation is a single pile of gold or golden objects, no matter how large. A pile of gold is a collection of gold objects that all touch each other. 3rd Round: Approximate value and location of each pile of gold. The approximate value is for the whole pile, not for individual objects within it. Getting the approximate value requires a successful Appraise check (DC 15). Each round, you can turn to detect sources of gold in a new area. The spell can penetrate barriers more easily than other detection spells, since it is designed to find treasure hidden in vaults. The spell is blocked by 3 feet of stone, earth, wood, or dirt, or 1 foot of any metal. If blocked, the caster knows that the spell was blocked, but not by what.

Ashardalon (Dragon magic p.85) 8th level Vestige Granted Ashardalon’s Greed: You gain a bonus on Appraise checks and Search checks equal to your binder level. You can also locate objects near you, as the spell locate object (PH 249).

Andromalius (TOM p.24): 3rd Level Vestige: Sense Trickery: You gain a +4 bonus on Sense Motive checks, on Appraise checks, and on Spot checks made to oppose Disguise checks. In addition, you automatically notice when a creature uses Sleight of Hand to take something from you. This ability is always active while you are bound to Andromalius.

2018-06-13, 04:41 PM
Affiliations and Guilds and Organizations

The Exchequer (Cityscape p.74) The city’s financial department; it has its own court which hears accounts and judicial pleas relating to fines owed the city. The Chancellor of the Exchequer (who is one of the most powerful individuals in the city)—that the bailiff presents his findings and funds. Associated Skills: Appraise, Concentration, Profession (bookkeeper or scribe), Search. Associated Skills for political bodies seem to be entirely there for you to base the types of contacts that you can wind up with in this organization. --DareMe2

Noble Houses Characters born into a house must purchase at least 1 rank in one of its associated skills. Houses are more likely to grant patronage to someone with at least 4 ranks in an associated skill. Gaining patronage requires:

DC 10 Knowledge(nobility and royalty) check or a DC 15 Knowledge(local) or Knowledge(history) check to determine which house is likely to offer patronage to someone with the character's skills.
DC 15 Diplomacy check to arrange a meeting with someone of standing within the house. Several days might pass before even a low-ranking house noble can meet with the character.
Succeed on a DC 20 check using the appropriate skill (produce a sample product or performance of masterwork quality or its equivalent.) Or, If selling her services as an adventurer or the like, a DC 20 Bluff or Diplomacy check must be passed to convince the individual that her deeds are of sufficient merit. If the PC has already performed great deeds, reduce the check DC by 5 or 10.

Mercantile House (Cityscape p.78)Mercantile houses normally have substantial interest in one or two areas of trade, owning many business, warehouses, and caravans. A few have broader reach, influencing the markets of an entire city or region. Merchant houses can normally provide mundane traveling necessities, mounts, vehicles, and petty cash. A mercantile house known for a particular product might be able to provide that as well. Associated Skills: Appraise, Craft, Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility and royalty), Profession.

Underworld House (Cityscape p.79) In some instances, the house’s illegal activities might be publicly known, but the family is clever or powerful enough that the local authorities cannot prosecute. In other instances, a city might be so corrupt that overt criminal houses are the norm; An underworld house can provide any supplies necessary, up to the maximum allotment. However, 25% of such supplies are stolen or smuggled goods.
Associated Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Forgery, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (local).

Paragnostic Assembly affiliation (Complete champion p.72): Entry Requirements: Skills: Any two Knowledge skills, 3 ranks each. Special: Intelligence 13 or Wisdom 13. Executive powers are probably: Craft, Gift, Research ---DareMe2
Rank 1: Paragnostic Scholar: You can gain a bonus equal to +1 per hour spent in research (maximum +5) on your choice of one of the following skill checks: Appraise, Decipher Script, any Knowledge skill, Psicraft, Spellcraft, or Truespeak. Each time you perform research, you can choose a different skill to which to add the bonus. Many of the church’s clerics members worship specific deities of knowledge, but some empower themselves through the worship of knowledge itself. If you are a cleric, you can choose from the Knowledge, Magic,Trickery, Mind, and Oracle domains.
Rank 3: Seeker of Unseen Words: At this rank, you can choose any one of the skills on the Paragnostic Scholar list (except Truespeak) that does not appear on your class list. As long as you remain a member in good standing, that skill is treated as a class skill for you, regardless of which class you are advancing in.
Rank 4: Master of the Unturned Page: Because you now have access to restricted works, the maximum bonus on skill checks that you can obtain on research using skills from the Paragnostic Scholar list increases to +10.

First Scroll (Dragon magic p.142): Executive Powers: Craft, Gift, Research: Affiliation rank 4: Professor Valiant: Gain a draconic feat; if you don’t qualify for any draconic feats, take Dragontouched as a bonus feat. Members take your most casual statements seriously. At the end of each month, you must succeed on a DC 20 Appraise check or the First Scroll loses 1 capital.

Dread Fang (dragon magic p.146): Executive Powers: Assassinate, Raid, Terrorize. Rank 5: You are often trusted to lead small cells of Fangs. You receive a monthly income of 1d6X100 gp. You must show good judgment in your dealings. At the end of each month, you must succeed on a DC 20 Appraise check or you lose either 1 point of affiliation score or 1,000 gp (your choice).

BRIGHTMANTLE WEAPON FORGE AND TRADING CONSORTIUM (PHB2 p.168): Executive Powers: Craft, Gift, Trade. Rank 3 Subguild Head: Placed in charge of one of the many subguilds and commanding the services of five 4th-level experts (allot skill points as you like, for you can choose from the many clerks in the Consortium). Once per month, your experts must each make a DC 20 Appraise check and a DC 15 Gather Information check. If three or more fail the Appraise check, business is bad, and you lose 1 point from your affiliation score. If all five fail the Gather Information check, you fail to anticipate and deter a kidnap and ransom attempt targeting you or your family, and an EL 10 band of rogues arrives to carry out the deed.

Golden Helm Guild (PHB2 p.174): Guild membership is open only to gnomes, but anyone who can swing a hammer is welcome to sign up for an apprenticeship. Unless you have some talent for crafting either mundane or magic items, you won’t derive any benefit from your affiliation. Executive Powers: Craft, Gift, Trade
Rank 1: 4–10 Golden Helm Apprentice: +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks relating to stone or metal objects. +4 racial bonus on any one Craft skill.
Rank 2: (gnomes only?) 11–15 Golden Helm Journeyman: +6 racial bonus on Appraise checks relating to stone or metal objects. +6 racial bonus on the Craft skill you chose when you were a journeyman, and a +4 racial bonus on another Craft skill.

Build Your own Affiliation (PHB2 p.185): Affiliation Score 30 or Higher (Rank 4+): Ancient advisors—the spirits of the former affiliation heads are trapped within will-o’-wisplike glowing balls on the Wisp Crown, a symbol of your office; three times per day you can use the Wisp Crown’s ancient advisors to grant you a +6 insight bonus on any Appraise, Decipher Script, Knowledge, Sense Motive, or Use Magic Device check

Executive Powers of an Affiliation

(PHB2 p.186) Affiliation leaders wield executive powers to accomplish many tasks on a grand scale. Generally, a leader must have an affiliation score of 30 or higher in order to gain the authority necessary to exercise these powers. Choose three executive powers for your affiliation from among those described below. The executive power descriptions limit certain powers to certain affiliation types. This was done to balance out the value of the various types. You are free to ignore those restrictions if your campaign or storyline dictates otherwise. Some of the abilities encompassed by executive powers are only used if you are playing with dynamic affiliations (using the rules for capital, violence checks, espionage checks, and negotiation checks).

Harvest (PHB2 p.187): The wisdom or savvy of your affiliation’s leader allows your members to work the land to your advantage, coaxing crops from grudging soil or teasing out precious metals from jealous rock. When your affiliation uses the Harvest power, make a DC 20 Appraise check. If your result is between 21 and 30, each member of the affiliation receives gold (your share is 50 gp X the affiliation’s scale), and the affiliation itself enjoys a +1 circumstance bonus on all violence, espionage, and negotiation checks for the next 2 months. If your result was over 30, you can choose the above benefits, or your affiliation can gain 1 capital. Businesses and tribes can harvest.

Trade (PHB2 p.189): Commerce is the life blood of business, and it can provide a much-needed infusion of capital for other affiliations as well. When your group trades, choose one friendly affiliation. Each organization gains 1 capital. Make opposed negotiation checks; whoever wins has a 1 in 6 chance of gaining 1 additional capital. Alternatively, your affiliation’s trade connections can help an individual entrepreneur. If your affiliation’s trading facilities are put at the disposal of an individual, he gains a +4 competence bonus on Appraise checks and a +2 competence bonus on any Diplomacy checks that involve trade for 1 month. Only businesses and colleges can instigate trades, but any other type of affiliation can be the other partner in a transaction.


Enclave of Red Magic (City of waterdeep p.27): (Standard Arcane): AL LE, NE, LN; Associated Classes: Fighter, rogue, wizard. Associated Skills: Appraise, Craft (alchemy), Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (the planes), Spellcraft. Requirements: You are required to serve in the embassy or its Skullport annex for an average of 30 hours per tenday. Each month, you must also donate at least 100 gp of magic items to the enclave for resale. (Donations are measured by market value, not their cost to create.) Favored in Guild Fringe Benefit: The guild subsidizes your monetary expenses when creating magic items, reducing raw materials cost by 10%.

Church of Tymora (City of waterdeep p.46): (Standard Religious): AL CG, CN, N; Associated Classes: Bard, cleric, rogue. Associated Skills: Appraise, Concentration, Heal, Knowledge (religion), Spellcraft, Use Magic Device. Requirements: You must adhere to the teachings of Tymora, and give a special offering of at least 50 gp value every time a stroke of great luck favors you (you roll a 20 on an attack roll or saving throw). Favored in Guild Fringe Benefit: Once per character level you can call upon the powers of chance to intercede on your behalf immediately prior to a single d20 roll. You gain a bonus equal to 1d10–4 on the roll; if the result is negative, you take the appropriate penalty instead (fate is fickle, after all). Special: The church of Tymora requires members to be true adherents of Lady Luck, with a demonstrable understanding of the church’s teachings (2 ranks in Knowledge [religion]).

Gnawbones (City of waterdeep p.56): (Minor Criminal): AL NE, LE, N; Associated Classes: Aristocrat, expert, fighter, ranger, rogue. Associated Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Disguise, Gather Information, Knowledge (local), Use Magic Device. Requirements: You may not divulge secrets of the society to outsiders, and must obey the orders of your superiors. Favored in Guild Fringe Benefit: You know where to get things. Once every character level, you can purchase any good or service for just 75% of its actual price as long as you are in Waterdeep or Neverwinter. Special: All members of the society must be able to speak Draconic.

Plague Rats (City of waterdeep p.57): (Expansive Criminal): AL LE, NE; Associated Classes: Barbarian, cleric, fighter, ranger, rogue. Associated Skills: Appraise, Hide, Knowledge (local), Move Silently, Sleight of Hand, Use Rope. Requirements: Do not divulge secrets of the guild to outsiders. Give Talona her due. Favored in Guild Fringe Benefit: Talona is inclined to be merciful toward you, and rarely afflicts you with her blessings. You gain a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves against disease. In addition, if you are an afflicted lycanthrope, you gain a +2 bonus on Control Shape checks.

House Adarbrent (City of waterdeep p.60): (Minor Noble): AL LG, NG; Associated Classes: Aristocrat, expert, fighter, rogue. Associated Skills: Appraise, Diplomacy, Forgery, Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility and royalty), Profession (sailor). Requirements: If you are an agent of the House, you must serve an average of 20 hours per tenday attending Adarbrent business. If you are a member of House Adarbrent, you must devote an average of 30 hours per tenday to dealing with House business. Favored in Guild Fringe Benefit: Your connections with Waterdeep’s merchant nobility give you a jump on finding the best market for a valuable item. Once per character level, you can sell a magic item for 100% of its market value (or an art object or gem for 120% of its normal value). Special: You can only be a clan member if the DM approves.


In eberron, you can belong to a dragonmarked house. Within those houses are Guilds. Although you can most likely be part of one of these guilds, the benefit of the Guild comes down to what favors you can lean on your house to provide. For example, if you are favored in the House of Cannith, if you make a DC 25 favor check, you gain access to free use of a 5th level member of the Fabricators Guild or Tinkers Guild (Lesser Dragonmark) for 1 week (Dragonmarked p.21). To Access these NPCs you need the appropriate Favored in House feat.

Cannith TINKERS GUILD (Dragonmarked p.22): Associated Classes: Expert, fighter, rogue, warrior.
Associated Skills: Appraise, Diplomacy, Craft, Knowledge (local), Profession (tinker).

Cannith FABRICATORS GUILD (Dragonmarked p.22): Associated Classes: Artificer, expert, magewright, Wizard.
Associated Skills: Appraise, Craft, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Knowledge (local).

Kundarak THE BANKING GUILD (Dragonmarked p.42): Associated Classes: Aristocrat, expert, warrior.
Associated Skills: Appraise, Craft, Diplomacy, Profession, Sense Motive, Speak Language.

Sivis NOTARIES GUILD (Dragonmarked p.73): Associated Classes: Bard, expert, magewright, rogue, wizard.
Associated Skills: Appraise, Craft, Decipher Script, Forgery, Profession, Speak Language.

Vadalis HANDLERS GUILD (Dragonmarked p.89): Associated Classes: Druid, expert, fighter, ranger.
Associated Skills: Appraise, Concentration, Handle Animal, Heal, Profession, Ride, Survival.

2018-06-13, 04:42 PM
Random Hits

Sandstorm p.101: Asherati Sand Sculpture: Asheratis know the special sands, adherents, and natural dyes that are required to create stunning works of sculpture. The typical asherati sculpture is 2 to 3 feet high and weighs 10 to 20 pounds. Like any piece of art, value is in the eye of the beholder; however, anyone with the Appraise skill can determine the approximate price a particular sculpture would fetch in wider markets. Use Table 3–7: Art Objects, page 55 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide, to determine the price of an asherati sand sculpture found in a treasure hoard or in the marketplace.

FRCS p.302: Zircon: Occasionally passed off as more valuable gemstones (Appraise check DC 10).

Winter’s heart glacier: Throughout the caves, visitors find sculpted walls, floors, and ice columns of almost unearthly beauty. Here and there, floors and walls made of otherwise clear ice have fantastical patterns of frost traced across them. The patterns have their own eerie beauty. To the untrained eye, these features seem like an unusual natural phenomenon, but a DC 15 Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (dungeoneering), or Appraise check reveals them to be artificial.

Sandstorm web enhancement p.6: The white powder is a 25-pound pile of salt that the salt mephit has been using as a bed. Anyone who looks at it can identify it as salt, but it takes a full-round action and a DC 10 Appraise or Knowledge (nature or geography) check to determine that the salt is fairly pure, if a little gritty.

Bad Moon Waning p.17: Development: Any PC browsing these shelves may attempt a Knowledge (history) or Appraise check
(DC 20) to realize that the books were probably stolen.

Thunder Below p.38: Treasure: Some of the fabric in here consists of fine silks and other rare cloth. Characters who can sort the good fabric from the commonplace with a successful Appraise check (DC 15) can find that there’s about 30 lbs. of high quality fabric here, worth 100 gp per lb.

Shattered Gates of SlaughterGarde p.71:Three of the missing Chicane Guild crates are here. Each contains spices and weighs 30 pounds—a DC 20 Appraise check is sufficient to tell the spices are worth 20 gp per Pound.

Shattered Gates of SlaughterGarde p.95 Crates : Most of these crates are mundane goods—food, chain links for armor repair, harnesses for beasts of burden, and excavation tools. None of the food has been opened or eaten, but it’s all preserved so it’s still good. All told, these goods weigh about 200 pounds and are worth 400 gp. A DC 12 Appraise check is sufficient to determine this, but that takes 30 minutes and requires some of the crates to be opened.

Something’s Cooking p.3: There is nothing of value left in this pantry; everything has been destroyed by the golem’s fury. However, an Appraise or Profession (cook) check (DC 15) can ascertain that the ingredients stored here were of fine quality.

Eyes of the lich queen p.95: Any character who examines the dragonshard and succeeds on a DC 20 Knowledge (arcana) check understands that the shard is badly damaged, and the elemental bound to the ship must have been in agony. Anyone making a successful DC 15 Appraise check realizes that although the shard is damaged, it is still worth 2,500 gp. Extracting the shard from its housing chamber without breaking it requires a DC 25 Disable Device check. If the check fails by 5 or more, or if anyone attempts to remove the shard

Anauroch empire of shade p.28: Treasure: The supply of wood kept in this chamber includes some rare woods, some from as far away as Chult. The exceptional pieces are worth 8,200 gp in total and weigh 210 pounds. A successful DC 20 Appraise check is required to separate the valuable bits from the workaday material.

White plume mountain p. 11: Globe 5: This globe contains eleven worthless glass gems (Appraise DC 10) and a false key. Globe 6 (EL 4): A gray ooze fills the entire globe. Unlike the other globes, this one does not rattle, but it feels heavier than the rest if lifted. Floating amid the ooze are five pieces of jewelry (each apparently worth 50 gp, though a DC 10 Appraise check reveals all five as fakes) and a false key.

Return to Undermountain (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ru/20050907a): Treasure: The ogres wear hide armor and wield greatclubs. Tharrusk wears a chain shirt and carries a greatsword. Beyond these meager possessions, the only item of value in the room is a tattered tapestry that depicts Ulbaerag Bloodhand, a Tethyrian warlord who conquered the feuding tribes around Blackcloak Hold, Halaster's above-ground citadel. Though worth 1,000 gp in Waterdeep, its value is impossible for a PC to correctly determine using the Appraise skill unless a PC can succeed at a DC 25 Knowledge (history) check, as well.

Return to Undermountain (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ru/20051214a) Sample Librarium Books If the PCs investigate the less-interesting and less-valuable books and scrolls, allow them all a DC 12 Appraise check to determine that none of the other books will sell for more than about 4 gp and that trying to sell all the books at once will cause them all to sell for as little as 10 percent of that value. Also, these books and scrolls are large and unwieldy, so unless the PCs have a bag of holding or portable hole, it will take many trips through Undermountain to retrieve all the contents of the Librarium. On the other hand, should the PCs desire to keep the books in a home base, the impressive library could buy them considerable prestige. Alternatively, they could gift the books to a temple or noble house and earn respect and future favors in return.

Races of the Wild (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ub/20050217a) Of course, any reasonable PC will be suspicious of this offer. A DC 12 Appraise check confirms that the dagger is indeed masterwork -- no chicanery there.

Burning Plague 3.5, p.5 Treasure: The chunks of silver ore can be salvaged and are worth 200 gp. A character with the Appraise or Profession: Mining skill can appraise their value (DC 15). Furthermore, if the PCs discover and disarm the thunderstone trap above, they may take the stone as treasure as well.

Tower in the Ice 3.5, p.7 Treasure: Some of the furs on the bed are valuable, though they are none too clean. A DC 15 Search or Appraise check reveals three salable furs, each worth 150 gp.

White Plume Mountain 3.5, p.29 The various furnishings in the room are of good quality, but they have no special value except for one of the tapestries, which is worth 2,500 gp and weighs about 30 lbs. (DC 12 Appraise check to identify).

2018-06-13, 04:55 PM
Found this in the Wizards archive, may be of interest in this topic:

Identifying Magic Items (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sg/20051125a)

Solution 3: Appraise

Okay, the Appraise skill may seem like an odd choice of mechanics for identifying magic, though obviously it makes sense for assessing the sale value of magic items already identified. However, you could establish a house rule that rogues (and perhaps bards as well) can use Appraise to identify magic items in the same way as a spellcaster would use Spellcraft. You could either make it a class ability (like a rogue's trapfinding), or add it to the list of bonus special abilities from which rogues can choose beginning at 10th level.

If you didn't want to restrict the mechanic to rogues and bards, you could just make the ability a feat that any character can take. The Appraise Magic Value feat in Complete Adventurer accomplishes the same purpose, though it takes 8 hours to use and costs money each time. If you're looking for a quick identification method based on the Spellcraft mechanic, try the following version.

Appraise Magic [General]

You are skilled at evaluating magic items and discovering their secrets.

Prerequisite: Appraise 3 ranks.

Benefit: You can use the Appraise skill in place of the Spellcraft skill to identify magic items. Appraise is always a class skill for you.

2018-06-13, 05:09 PM
Found this in the Wizards archive, may be of interest in this topic:

Identifying Magic Items (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sg/20051125a)

Thanks! My net did not catch this. This is fantastic

2018-06-13, 06:38 PM
oh boy, another one so soon. my cup runneth over.

When you get to class features, a relatively obscure one: Ashardalon, pyre of the unborn, is an 8th lvl vestige in dragon magic who gives an untyped bonus to appraise checks equal to your binder level

2018-06-13, 06:49 PM
oh boy, another one so soon. my cup runneth over.

When you get to class features, a relatively obscure one: Ashardalon, pyre of the unborn, is an 8th lvl vestige in dragon magic who gives an untyped bonus to appraise checks equal to your binder level

Let's be real: appraise is under supported in the game. The sheer number of waffley variant rules compels me to think so even further. I would say that 75% of the hits for the appraise skill were for dwarf traits in stat blocks, followed by aspect of diety entries, followed by associated skills.

2018-06-13, 06:54 PM
Let's be real: appraise is under supported in the game. The sheer number of waffley variant rules compels me to think so even further. I would say that 75% of the hits for the appraise skill were for dwarf traits in stat blocks, followed by aspect of diety entries, followed by associated skills.

You've got me there.

It's hilarious how non-red dragons lack appraise. no wonder they just collect a bunch of garbage. they're like 1hd human commoners, impotent to make the knowledge check to know that bears eat honey and live in the woods.

One thing that always amused me about appraise is that you really don't need to be trained in its use to get a good estimation. If you and a handful of other people with no ranks in appraise guess the price of something, you can only be so far off in your estimates. You can write down your guesses (since all non-barbarians and non-totemists are literate) and use algebra to figure out the thing's price with enough guesses, or just go with the mode, assuming that's not possible.

2018-06-13, 07:42 PM
You've got me there.

It's hilarious how non-red dragons lack appraise. no wonder they just collect a bunch of garbage. they're like 1hd human commoners, impotent to make the knowledge check to know that bears eat honey and live in the woods.

One thing that always amused me about appraise is that you really don't need to be trained in its use to get a good estimation. If you and a handful of other people with no ranks in appraise guess the price of something, you can only be so far off in your estimates. You can write down your guesses (since all non-barbarians and non-totemists are literate) and use algebra to figure out the thing's price with enough guesses, or just go with the mode, assuming that's not possible.

Lol. I'm putting that in final post. Save your skill ranks unless you're a disciple of Mammon

2018-06-13, 09:01 PM
Lol. I'm putting that in final post. Save your skill ranks unless you're a disciple of Mammon

Hooray, I contributed to one of your handbooks!

Also, in class features if you're including antiquarian, which only works 1/day, factotum's cunning knowledge is also capable of boosting appraise.

2018-06-13, 09:03 PM
Just some random Appraise based stuff:

Appraise Magic Value feat (CAd): spend 8 hours and 25gp to use an Appraise check to Identify an item.
Appraising Touch spell (SC): +10 insight bonus on Appraise checks (takes twice as long as normal).
Magical Appraisal skill trick (CS): with a high enough Appraise check, can use Identify on an item.
Mercantile Background feat (FRCS): +2 untyped bonus to Appraise checks.
Red Dragon Shaman 3 (PHB2): gets a +5 competence bonus to Appraise checks.
Thug feat (PGtF): +2 untyped bonus to Appraise checks (also on Intimidate and Initiative checks, so better value than most skill boosting feats).

..the Windrider PrC (MoTW) has an Appraise Mount class feature, that allows him to determine stats of one mount compared to another, but despite the name, is not directly related in any way to the Appraise skill.

2018-06-13, 09:15 PM
Interesting finds, Thurbane.

Tell me if this is outside the scope of the thread, but has anyone ever actually used an appraise check in a real game?

In my ten years playing the game, I've never rolled it. When the gm gives us loot, it'll either be an item with a known cost, like a +1 sword or he'll just give us the value of gems and stuff. Is this atypical? Do most circles need to roll appraise for each gem, art object, et al?


I can't for the live of me find it, but isn't there some deviant use of intimidate in tob or oa that will let you stare down your enemy to determine his cr? I searched, and can't find it. While it's indirect, this will let you determine an unknown creature's CR to use the neogis' slavery formula.

2018-06-13, 09:25 PM
Interesting finds, Thurbane.

Tell me if this is outside the scope of the thread, but has anyone ever actually used an appraise check in a real game?

In my ten years playing the game, I've never rolled it. When the gm gives us loot, it'll either be an item with a known cost, like a +1 sword or he'll just give us the value of gems and stuff. Is this atypical? Do most circles need to roll appraise for each gem, art object, et al?
I have a houserule that identifying magic items uses Appraise instead of Spellcraft. But even for mundane objects, I've called for checks before when players were interested which art objects were worth stealing. Without Appraise, you have to just steal everything and figure it all out at the end.

Appraise can also be useful to tell if an item is magical or not. If you fail and get a wrong estimate, it's a common item. If you fail and get no estimate at all, it's a rare item. You can even get your familiar to do this for you mid-combat with accelerated checks to appraise the enemy's gear.

2018-06-13, 09:34 PM
Interesting finds, Thurbane.

Tell me if this is outside the scope of the thread, but has anyone ever actually used an appraise check in a real game?

In my ten years playing the game, I've never rolled it. When the gm gives us loot, it'll either be an item with a known cost, like a +1 sword or he'll just give us the value of gems and stuff. Is this atypical? Do most circles need to roll appraise for each gem, art object, et al?


I can't for the live of me find it, but isn't there some deviant use of intimidate in tob or oa that will let you stare down your enemy to determine his cr? I searched, and can't find it. While it's indirect, this will let you determine an unknown creature's CR to use the neogis' slavery formula.

I think that it's sense motive. *searches

Combat Intuition (Complete Adventurer, p. 106) [Fighter Bonus Feat, General] Your keen understanding of your opponent's moves and your instinctive feel for the flow of combat enable you to shrewdly assess your opponent's combat capabilities. Prerequisite Sense Motive 4 ranks, base attack bonus +5, Benefit As a free action, you can use Sense Motive to assess the challenge presented by a single opponent in relationship to your own level/Hit Dice (see the assess opponent option under the Sense Motive skill, page 102). You gain a +4 bonus on such checks and narrow the result to a single category.

2018-06-13, 09:38 PM
Yeah, that's what I was thinking of, thanks.

2018-06-13, 10:04 PM
In my ten years playing the game, I've never rolled it. When the gm gives us loot, it'll either be an item with a known cost, like a +1 sword or he'll just give us the value of gems and stuff. Is this atypical? Do most circles need to roll appraise for each gem, art object, et al?

To digress for a moment: yes, we sometimes use them in our game. Depends on the DM. Some DMs use it as an excuse for a ruthless merchant to rip off the party. I occasionally use them when I'm DMing, more for flavour reasons than anything, but I abandoned it when the party got to a level where unveiling the prices of valuables ceased to be relevant or any fun.

2018-06-14, 02:55 AM
Draconic heritage (Type) – RoD (sorcerer only) Appraise becomes a class skill


Variant Class
Corsair (Fighter) - Dragon 310 - adds Appraise also Balance, Profession (sailor), Spot, Use Rope. lose Handle Animal, Intimidate.

Paragnostic Assembly - Complete Champion p 72–4 - your choice of Appraise, Decipher Script, any Knowledge skill, Psicraft, or Spellcraft as a class skill for all your classes, if you achieve rank 3. You have to tithe and pay monthly dues

Nomadic Human Racial Traits Races of Ansalon *3rd party Dragonlance
Tondoon - Appraise is always considered a class skill

the above doesnt include the things that add your choice of skills, which could be used to get appraise, such as Human Paragons Adaptive Learning
for those search here http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?491181-Alternative-ways-to-get-new-Class-skills

2018-06-14, 03:16 AM
More random info:

Techsmith PrC (F&P): Technical Knack class feature adds a +2/+4/+6 competence bonus on Appraise (and some other skill) checks involving items that have a technological, mechanical or explosive component.
Goldeye PrC (F&P): +4 untyped bonus on Appraise checks at 6th level.

Specific Examples

Excerpt from Return to Undermountain (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ru/20050907a):

Treasure: The ogres wear hide armor and wield greatclubs. Tharrusk wears a chain shirt and carries a greatsword. Beyond these meager possessions, the only item of value in the room is a tattered tapestry that depicts Ulbaerag Bloodhand, a Tethyrian warlord who conquered the feuding tribes around Blackcloak Hold, Halaster's above-ground citadel. Though worth 1,000 gp in Waterdeep, its value is impossible for a PC to correctly determine using the Appraise skill unless a PC can succeed at a DC 25 Knowledge (history) check, as well.
Personally, I hate this since it undermines the whole point of the Appraise skill.

Another excerpt (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ru/20051214a):

Sample Librarium Books

If the PCs investigate the less-interesting and less-valuable books and scrolls, allow them all a DC 12 Appraise check to determine that none of the other books will sell for more than about 4 gp and that trying to sell all the books at once will cause them all to sell for as little as 10 percent of that value. Also, these books and scrolls are large and unwieldy, so unless the PCs have a bag of holding or portable hole, it will take many trips through Undermountain to retrieve all the contents of the Librarium. On the other hand, should the PCs desire to keep the books in a home base, the impressive library could buy them considerable prestige. Alternatively, they could gift the books to a temple or noble house and earn respect and future favors in return.

Races of the Wild (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ub/20050217a) excerpt:

Of course, any reasonable PC will be suspicious of this offer. A DC 12 Appraise check confirms that the dagger is indeed masterwork -- no chicanery there.

...would indicate that this is the DC to identify a masterwork weapon. Seems to be inline with the core use of the skill for a "common" item.

2018-06-14, 03:48 AM
These were (at one point) all freely available online modules (I'll continue to add these as I get time):


Development: Any PC browsing these shelves may attempt a Knowledge (history) or Appraise check (DC 20) to realize that the books were probably stolen.

Treasure: The chunks of silver ore can be salvaged and are worth 200 gp. A character with the Appraise or Profession: Mining skill can appraise their value (DC 15). Furthermore, if the PCs discover and disarm the thunderstone trap above, they may take the stone as treasure as well.

There is nothing of value left in this pantry; everything has been destroyed by the golem’s fury. However, an Appraise or Profession (cook) check (DC 15) can ascertain that the ingredients stored here were of fine quality.

Treasure: Some of the fabric in here consists of fine silks and other rare cloth. Characters who can sort the good fabric from the commonplace with a successful Appraise check (DC 15) can find that there’s about 30 lbs. of high quality fabric here, worth 100 gp per lb.

Treasure: Some of the furs on the bed are valuable, though they are none too clean. A DC 15 Search or Appraise check reveals three salable furs, each worth 150 gp.

Globe 5: This globe contains eleven worthless glass gems (Appraise DC 10) and a false key.
Globe 6 (EL 4): A gray ooze fills the entire globe. Unlike the other globes, this one does not rattle, but it feels heavier than the rest if lifted. Floating amid the ooze are five pieces of jewelry (each apparently worth 50 gp, though a DC 10 Appraise check reveals all five as fakes) and a false key.

The various furnishings in the room are of good quality, but they have no special value except for one of the tapestries, which is worth 2,500 gp and weighs about 30 lbs. (DC 12 Appraise check to identify).

2018-06-14, 08:51 AM
Neat stuff, dare! A small contribution: an illumian with the Naen sigil gets a +2 bonus to, among many other things, Appraise (yada yada only +1 at level 1 yada yada). For that matter, you can likely throw illumians with the proper sigil into the race section of any of your skill guides. Maybe not Disguise if you don’t have Subtle Sigil, I guess.

Technically they can get up to +3 with Enhanced Power Sigils, but that feat is a pretty weaksauce feat 99% of the time and can probably be safely ignored unless you’re trying to put together literally every possible +1 in the game, in which case you might scour my Truenamer guide for arbitrary skill bonuses.

2018-06-14, 01:45 PM
I'm still cranking this one out. There's a number of guilds I need to add.

Here's some Thoughts that I want to get down before they abrupt jaunt out of harm's way in my head:

Build your own business Affiliation
Take Harvest and Trade executive powers
Rank 2 powers: +2 circumstance bonus on particular skill checks (appraise!) when working with other affiliation members or affiliation resources. Must donate 5% of treasure to affiliation
Rank 3 powers: Dreamwalker—if sleeping in affiliation headquarters and can prepare arcane spells, prepare one unknown spell per 8 hours sleep if it is known to another sleeper in the headquarters. Must donate 10% of treasure to affiliation
Rank 4 powers: Will-o-wisp advisers: Great judgment—make DC 20 Appraise check once per month; failure indicates affiliation loses 1 capital: +6 insight bonus to appraise.

Disciple of Mammon Build at CR 12. How much value can we get? How can we sell at 100% of value or more.

I'll edit in other wacky ideas later.

2018-06-14, 02:15 PM
Disciple of Mammon Build at CR 12. How much value can we get? How can we sell at 100% of value or more.

This is a good resource for exploiting buying and selling tricks: "Opulance, I has it"; A look into NPC wealth (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?206240)

Off the top of my head, I'm pretty sure there's an FR feat or PrC that vastly increases the amount you can sell things for.

2018-06-14, 02:44 PM
This is a good resource for exploiting buying and selling tricks: "Opulance, I has it"; A look into NPC wealth (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?206240)

Off the top of my head, I'm pretty sure there's an FR feat or PrC that vastly increases the amount you can sell things for.

I assume you're talking about mercantile background. This doesn't really help, since if you're fooling around with disciple of mammon, you should start with an art object as the base object, which sells for 100% of its value, unlike a magic item. Mercantile background just lets you get 75% of money back from magic items instead of 50

I imagine you can boost appraise arbitrarily high with standard jumplomancer stuff, so you ought to be able to get a check in the low triple digits and double or so the thing's original value.

2018-06-14, 02:56 PM
I assume you're talking about mercantile background. This doesn't really help, since if you're fooling around with disciple of mammon, you should start with an art object as the base object, which sells for 100% of its value, unlike a magic item. Mercantile background just lets you get 75% of money back from magic items instead of 50

You're probably right, in that is what I was thinking of, but isn't there also a PrC for this type of thing? Merchant Prince?

Actually, just had a read over that PrC, and it doesn't do what I thought it did...

2018-06-14, 03:01 PM
You're probably right, in that is what I was thinking of, but isn't there also a PrC for this type of thing? Merchant Prince?

Actually, just had a read over that PrC, and it doesn't do what I thought it did...

Closest thing I can think of is merchant prince, which as you said, doesn't seem to have a class feature like that.

2018-06-14, 03:12 PM
Menacing brute 2 to the rescue! 200gp + take 10 appraise +15 skill ranks and another +9 in random modifiers. That's like:

1/2 * 268 = 134 gp per day.

With mercantile background it's 201gp per day.

If you have room for the trophy collector feat, there's free money.

2018-06-14, 03:53 PM
A Disciple of Mammon can't make use of Ancestral Relic for alignment reasons, but it might be worth looking up other ways of directly turning valuable non-magic items into valuable magic items. All I can think of off the top of my head is the OA Samurai's Ancestral Daisho though.

2018-06-14, 04:11 PM
Menacing brute 2 to the rescue! 200gp + take 10 appraise +15 skill ranks and another +9 in random modifiers. That's like:

1/2 * 268 = 134 gp per day.

With mercantile background it's 201gp per day.

If you have room for the trophy collector feat, there's free money.

dip the necklace of severed ears in gold. it's now an art object.

well, in a non-cwar game, you can just change alignment after you get what you need from mammon and take ancestral relic.

as far as turning valuable non-magic items into valuable magic items, there's always magic weapon. either make the art object a very fancy sword or something, or just use the nice painting or statue to beat a ghost brute shrieker to death if your gm gives you any grief about that not really being a weapon before you enchant it.

rules for appraising slaves are on p 101 of lords of madness.

you could use sense motive to intuit their cr, and then use appraise to estimate their value.

2018-06-14, 04:41 PM
Great reference!

Under Races and creatures, FF 137 mentions planetouched Maeluths are descended from dwarves and receive Dwarf traits including the +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks that are related to stone or metal items.

Under Classes, Prestige Classes, and Alternative Class Features, you may want to mention that a Level 1 Examplar with 13 ranks in Appraise can choose to gain a +4 competence bonus on all Appraise checks (CAd45). Plus all of the other Exemplar skill goodies.

Under Feats, it's probably worth mentioning that Skill Focus can be taken for +3 Appraise.

2018-06-14, 04:55 PM
dip the necklace of severed ears in gold. it's now an art object.

Sounds like the kind of thing that’d show up on Etsy, sure. CF4L!

2018-06-14, 05:00 PM
Under Races and creatures, FF 137 mentions planetouched Maeluths are descended from dwarves and receive Dwarf traits including the +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks that are related to stone or metal items.

Good call. That also reminds me of another "planar dwarf" type: Midgard Dwarf (Frostburn); as well as being an outsider that's awesome at crafting magic items, it also has the usual dwarven traits). It has 8 RHD, but as an Outsider, that means a bucketload of skill points, including Appraise as a "class skill". Maybe you could bind one somehow and set it to work for you (can you bind native outsiders)?

2018-06-14, 05:01 PM
Not exactly a mechanical concern, but amusing nonetheless:

whether or not something is Art is not a matter of debate in D&D. the crafting cost and price are known quantities. If you find it can be sold (barring any manipulation like mammon) for its full value, then it's Art. If not, then it's just popular entertainment.

2018-06-15, 10:13 AM
Ok. All suggestions have been incorporated. If you find any others, feel free to post. From here on out, I'm gonna focus on optimizing a disciple of mammon build, because apparently, that is the only use of appraise that isn't completely overwritten by hiring an expert for 1 gp.

2018-06-15, 11:43 AM
Hey, I was pretty proud of that "Appraise enemy's gear in combat to tell if it's magical" trick.

2018-06-15, 12:02 PM
Hey, I was pretty proud of that "Appraise enemy's gear in combat to tell if it's magical" trick.

Oops. I missed that. (Forgive me, it's harder to juggle two skill guides at once) I'll combine that with the modal value trick and add them to the final post.

2018-06-15, 12:47 PM
Under Dragon Shaman you list the "Treasure Seeker (EX)" bonus but you may want to clarify that it comes with level 3s Draconic Adaption Class feature.

2018-06-16, 02:24 PM
I'm using this post as a scratchpad to make a generic skill check bonus guide.

Disciple of Darkness (Champions of Ruin p. 23), Scion of Sorrow (Champions of Ruin p. 23) Thrall to Demon (Champions of Ruin p. 23): Once per day, while performing an evil act, you can call upon your fiendish patron to add a +1 luck bonus to any one attack roll, saving throw, ability check, skill check, or level check. Must be lawful evil, neutral evil, or chaotic evil

Servant of the Heavens (BOED p. 46), Knight of Stars (BOED p. 44), Favored of the Companions (BOED p. 43) Once per day, while performing an act of good, you may call upon your Archon/eladrin/guardinal patron to gain a +1 luck bonus on any one roll or check.

Pious Soul (Complete Divine, p. 86) [Faith] Prerequisite Knowledge (religion) 2 ranks; You can spend a faith point to add 1d6 to your d20 roll on an attack, save, or check. You can choose to spend more than one faith point at a time in this way. Special When chosen, this feat gives you 4 faith points, and you may earn additional faith points as outlined in the Faith Feats section.

Complementary Insight (Races of Destiny p. 150) [Racial] Prerequisite Half-elf; Having 5 or more ranks in a skill gives you a +3 bonus on skill checks with each of its synergistic skills, as noted in the skill description.

Dream of Instinct (Secrets of Sarlona) [Dreamtouched] Prerequisite Dream Scion (SoS); While in a dreamtouched state, you gain a +1 insight bonus on skill checks and Will saves. These bonuses stack with the effect of the ability bonuses granted by the Dream Scion feat. Furthermore, you gain a +10 insight bonus on any single skill check or Will save you make while in a dreamtouched state. Using this ability immediately ends your dreamtouched state.

Focused Skill User (Complete Psionic p. 54) [Psionic] When you first take this feat, choose three skills in which you have ranks. While you are psionically focused, you gain a +2 competence bonus on skill checks when using any of these three skills.

Nightborn Dragonmark (Dragonmarked p. 143) [General] Prerequisite Any true or aberrant dragonmark; Provided you are not underground, you gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, ability checks, and level checks after sunset and before sunrise.

Psymbiot (Complete Psionic p. 57) [Psionic] Prerequisite Knowledge (psionics) 8 ranks, manifester level 3rd; When you are psionically focused and one or more psionic characters or creatures with a manifester level of 3rd or higher stands within 10 feet of you, you gain a +2 bonus on ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws. Psionic entities such as those described in any of the host feats in this book are not separate creatures for the purpose of gaining this feat's benefit, nor are astral constructs, or any psionic creatures crafted, projected, or summoned by you.

Iaijutsu Master (Oriental Adventures p. 63) [Ancestor] Clan: Crane; Once per day, you can make any one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check using your Iaijutsu Focus skill modifier in place of all other modifiers. You give up all your other modifiers and use your skill modifier instead.

Initiate of Tymora (Champions of Valor p. 32) [Initiate] Prerequisite Cleric or ranger 4th, patron deity Tymora; Once per day, you can add a +5 luck bonus on any attack roll, saving throw, skill check, or ability check you have just made before the DM declares whether the roll results in success or failure. If you have the Luck domain and you use that domain's power to reroll this attack, save, or check, the luck bonus applies to the reroll as well. In addition, you add the following spells to your cleric or ranger spell list. 1st--fleeting fortune. 2nd--favor of Tymora.

Heroic Destiny (Races of Destiny p. 152) [Racial] Prerequisite Human or half-human; Once per day, before you make an attack roll, ability check, skill check, saving throw, or caster level check, you may roll 1d6 and add it as a bonus on the roll, check, or save.

Divine Fervor (Dragon Compendium) [General] Prerequisite Patron deity; Once per day you can call upon your deity and gain a +2 bonus to any one ability score. The bonus lasts a number of rounds equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier (minimum 1 round).

Action Boost (Eberron Campaign Setting, p. 47) [General] When you spend an action point to alter the result of an attack roll, a skill check, an ability check, a level check, or a saving throw, you roll d8s instead of d6s and add the result to the d20 roll

2018-06-17, 01:02 AM
Well that'll be handy for a project I'm working on focused on the craft skill. Do you want/need suggestions for this list here, or will you be making another thread?

2018-06-17, 10:13 PM
Well that'll be handy for a project I'm working on focused on the craft skill. Do you want/need suggestions for this list here, or will you be making another thread?

I'll be making another thread in a few days/weeks. So save suggestions until then. Right now, I have my preliminary document that i need to paste over and format, so feeding it into here offers a bitch of scratch space so that I'm not dragging it out over the course of those few weeks.

2018-06-19, 11:42 PM
So, The best disciple of mammon build, focused entirely on appraise check optimization, that I can do is this

Elf: If you can snag a subrace with an int bonus, but still be cool taking aereni focus, get that!
18 intelligence
1:Factotum 1: Aereni Focus (+3) Cunning (+4) jewelers loupe (+1), merchant's scale (+2), focusing candle (+1), magnifying glass (+2)
2: Dragon Shaman (Red) 1
3: Dragon shaman 2 Skill focus appraise (+3), Disciple of Darkness (+1)
4: Dragon Shaman 3 Treasure seaker (+5)
5: Factotum 2
6: Factotum 3: Obtain Familiar (Parrot) (+3 and alertness) Appraising Touch (+10)
7: Disciple of Mammon 1
8: Disciple of Mammon 2 +1 from int increase
9: Disciple of Mammon 3: Minor utterance of evolving mind (+5)
10: Disciple of Mammon 4
11: Disciple of Mammon 5
12: Disciple of Mammon 6: Diligent (+2)
13: Disciple of Mammon 7
14: Inquisitor (dragonlance campaign setting)1: (+17)

17 ranks, +5 from int +37 random +17 concentration: 76

So, thats +86% using the enhance value if you take 10. If you buy cheap diamonds and upgrade them up to 5k resurrection diamonds...you can buy one at 2688 and sell them for 5000 at 2312 profit. Let's call that diamond 1, hour 1. Elves only need to sleep 4 hours a day. So there is 19 more hours.

You lose your 1/day appraising insight +10, and your disciple of darkness +1, and the minor utterance +5 (you could only succeed on a 19 anyhow...although you could cunning surge 2 extra times for a 25% for a +5, and a 15% chance at a +5%).
That's a +60, and a take ten score of +70%. So you can buy 19 diamonds at 3125 and sell them for 5000.

that's 2312+35625 = 37,937gp profit per day.

If you buy a 1/2 charged wand of apprasing touch every day, thats 2312 + 42222 -375 = 44,159gp

oops i forgot to calculate in 5 ranks of craft gemcutting and 8 hours of aid another bonuses from the familiar. Theres another 4% per diamond per day. A 1/2 charged wand of unity wine adds 1% per diamond, a quarter charged wand of extended share talents for another +2% per diamond (100 minutes! although that seems non cost effective 141 gp per diamond)

If you buy Whelm as a non legacy item, you get another +2 for 2,300gp.

If you hire four expert assistants with two shifts of two working there is another +4 for like 4 gp.

On top of that, if theres enough skill points to max out spellcraft, you have a continuous detect magic effect going. Consider the sense quintessence feat, if that is relevant.

16th level Stonghold builders with leadership, May I introduce you to your LE cohort?

That's where im starting. Let's see if we can tweak that some.

Found an amazing tweak: The shaper of Form (dragon compendium p.85)

Like Begets Like (Su): Once per day per three class levels, the shaper of form can change one nonmagic object of her size or smaller into a similar object of the same size. Similar items have the same or nearly the same shape and weight within 50% of each other. Similar items must also share a material in their construction that constitutes at least half of their form. For example, the shaper of form can transform a scimitar into a longsword, since both are swords that weight the same. She cannot change a dagger into a short sword, for example, because a short sword weighs twice as much as a dagger. The shaper of form could also change a set of leather armor into a set of studded leather but not a chain shirt (because the chain shirt is made of steel and not leather). Sometimes, overall improvements can be made, but the value of the item cannot increase by more than double its original worth.This change is permanent and cannot be dispelled or otherwise removed by any means short of a wish or miracle.

This effect requires a full-round action to use and the shaper of form must touch the item in question in order to affect it. She can attempt to change an item in another creature's possession, but the item gets a Fortitude save (DC 10 + shaper of form level) to resist the effect.

At 5th level, the shaper of form can use this ability on magic items. The magic qualities do not change. If used on a +1 flaming long sword to make it into a warhammer, it becomes a +1 flaming warhammer. The value of the finished item cannot exceed the value of the original, and the change lasts for only 24 hours.

At 8th level, the shaper of form can use this ability on any object up to three sizes larger than herself.

So, we can add that by level 15...and once per day we can make a gem worth 2500 be worth 10,000 gp.

2018-06-19, 11:58 PM
all looks pretty awesome

what is "cunning" at level 1? does that just represent your naked intelligence bonus w/ cunning knowledge?

elves need to trance for 4 hours/day, not 1.

otherwise, sounds hysterical. enter this in iron chef if mammon ever comes up, we'll all have a laugh.