View Full Version : Mystic Ranger: Blaster !?

2018-06-14, 12:51 AM
I have a strange request, what would be a good way to turn a spell focused Mystic Ranger into a "blaster" type character. The Ranger spell list itself is pretty limited when it comes to "blasting" spells, the only thing I could find that really does damage is Haboob, and 5d4 aint that impressive. My first thought was maybe trying a prestige class like the Entropomancer for its Shard of Entropy ability, but was wondering if there was anything else that could potentially work instead?

It doesn't have to be amazing, but I would like for it to be "decent" at dealing damage.

2018-06-14, 01:12 AM
Keep in mind that haboob inflicts 5d4 of no type, with no save, for multiple rounds. It's quite decent as damage-over-time, and the area is large.

In terms of blasting, how do you feel about faking it with a [Reserve] feat? You can get at least one [Cold] spell per level, which isn't the best damage type nor the worst, and with one [Cold] spell in your highest level slot you can "blast" a cone of damage at-will all day.

Alternately, you could "blast" with arrows through spells like arrowstorm + bane bow.

There are also spells that add magical damage to arrows, like darkflame arrow and bloodfreeze arrow. Those are possible single-target blast fakery.

2018-06-14, 01:37 AM
Maybe use one of the myriad spell-channeling tricks to apply weapon damage at the same time as spell damage?

Knowledge Devotion increases all damage dealt (not just weapon damage), so it's one of the few plug-and-play ways to get a nickel-and-dime increase to spell damage if you can spare the skill points.

I'm assuming you've already looked at Sword of the Arcane Order to just get Wizard spells, right?

Stapling on dragonborn to get a breath weapon is a class-neutral way to get some AoE damage on the majority of characters, if you aren't too attached to your race and if you don't mind being pushed towards being Good.

2018-06-14, 01:43 AM
Sword of Arcane order and Dragonborn are no goes, considered Reserve feats, but the best I could do would be 4d4 at will for the Cone, none of the 5th level spells have a descriptor. (unless you count summon nature's ally V, summoning something thats [cold], which I had a thread on awhile back, and it was a toss up whether you could use that to fuel a reserve feat, people on both sides, with more people on the No side) I'm actually a big fan of Reserve feats, in our campaign sometimes endurance plays a big factor, our DM is big on resource management and nickle and diming you to death (some of the time, not all the time)

Went back and re-read Entropomancer, it is alot better than I thought it was originally if I am reading it right, can hit someone with the Shard of Entry for Xd6 damage, then if they don't move on your next turn they take xd6 damage again for staying in same square, then you could just hit them with it again for another xd6 damage. Didn't think you could double up on the damage if they stayed in the same square. Although it only takes a 5ft step to get out of that.

2018-06-14, 02:14 AM
considered Reserve feats, but the best I could do would be 4d4 at will for the Cone, none of the 5th level spells have a descriptor. Conjure Ice Beast V ought to be on your list, even if it's not explicitly listed in the Mystic Ranger's write-up.

Heighten Spell can also give you a level 5 [Cold] spell... or a higher-level [Fire] spell, come to think of it. There's a decent level 3 [Fire] spell on the Sanctified list, too.

(unless you count summon nature's ally V, summoning something thats [cold], which I had a thread on awhile back, and it was a toss up whether you could use that to fuel a reserve feat, people on both sides, with more people on the No side) I'm also on the No side -- SNA has no descriptor until you cast it.

2018-06-14, 02:34 AM
Maybe not quite what you are looking for but, the ranger does get access to the SNA spells. Taking the Rashemi Elemental summoning feat would allow you to summon an orglash (or thomil for that matter) instead of a regular Air (or Earth) elemental.

The orglash gets cone of cold as a spell like 3/day (CL equal to its HD) meaning that with a level 5 SNA you could summon a large elemental (8HD) which could "blast" for 8d6 3/day.

2018-06-14, 07:46 AM
Conjure ice beast IV gets you four hippogriffs. Give each of them Cold Aura (Su): 1d6 cold damage in a 10' burst as a free action every round, no save. If you surround your target with them, they can overlap their cold auras for 4d6 cold damage, on top of any damage they are doing in melee. If you give them Frigid Touch (Su) instead, they get +1d6 cold damage on all their claw/claw/bite attacks.