View Full Version : Oath of the inferno Paladin subclass.

2018-06-14, 07:19 AM
So were thinking a Paladin based around the concept of purification by fire/KILL IT WITH FIRE sounded quite cool but not sure what abilities it would have, aura feature at 7 that deals half proficiency fire damage when hit perhaps, channel divinity for Paladin level times two fire damage to the next enemy you hit could be neat too, spells like burning hands, scorching Ray, fireball, flame shield and wall of fire seems like a must.

What’s your suggestion for abilities for such a Paladin? :)

2018-06-14, 07:48 AM
So were thinking a Paladin based around the concept of purification by fire/KILL IT WITH FIRE sounded quite cool but not sure what abilities it would have, aura feature at 7 that deals half proficiency fire damage when hit perhaps, channel divinity for Paladin level times two fire damage to the next enemy you hit could be neat too, spells like burning hands, scorching Ray, fireball, flame shield and wall of fire seems like a must.

What’s your suggestion for abilities for such a Paladin? :)

I would recommend taking a close look at how the other paladic orders are structured, and building from the base up. You'll notice that the only abilities paladins get for their Channel Divinity control the battlefield or otherwise do something to encourage the enemy to change strategies, so try thinking of non-damaging ways to represent fire that might be in line with that.
Also, this isn't the homebrew thread, you'd have more luck over there.:smallsmile:

2018-06-14, 11:05 AM
Use the Oathbreaker tree as a skeleton, and with a bit of polish, you can get a half decent Inferno paladin.

Oath of Inferno Spells
Largely the same, except-
Swap Crown of Madness for Scorching Ray
Swap Animate Dead for Fireball
Swap Confusion for Wall of Fire
Swap Contagion for Immolation

Channel Divinity: Control Undead is Replaced by Channel Divinity: Flame Strike

Flame Strike: As a bonus action, you touch one weapon or piece of ammunition and conjure a mythical flame on it. The flame lasts for 1 minute. The next time you hit a target with an attack using that weapon or ammunition, the target takes fire damage immediately after the attack. The fire damage equals 2d10 + your paladin level, or 20 + your paladin level if you had advantage on the attack roll.

(this is precisely the same as Treachery Paladin's Poison Strike, but with the word "poison" is replaced with "fire")

Channel Divinity: Dreadful Aspect stays the same.

Aura of Hate is replaced with:
Backdraft Aura
Starting at 7th level, you constantly emanate an aura while you're not incapacitated. The aura extends 10 feet from you in every direction, but not through total cover. All other creatures in your aura take fire damage equal to the paladin's Charisma modifier (minimum of +1). You can also activate or deactivate your aura on your turn as a bonus action, or you can designate a creature with an action and the aura will ignore them.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

(This is a blend of the Aura of Conquest with something very close to the Barbarian's Desert Herald ability, but with some quality of life improvements stolen from rage and other spells)

Supernatural Resistance is still both supernatural and resistance, but now we're calling it

Inner Flame
At 15th level, you no longer need to breathe, and you gain resistance to fire damage and cold damage

(Lovingly stolen from Seeker Warlock's ribbon, and makes thematic sense for a walking wildfire)

Inferno Lord
At 20th level, the paladin can, as an action, surround themselves with an aura of fire that lasts for 1 minute. The aura expunges any darkness or dim light in a 30-foot radius around the paladin to bright light and flammable objects are magically ignited. Whenever an enemy that is frightened by the paladin starts its turn in the aura, it takes 4d10 psychic damage. Additionally, the paladin and creatures they choose in the aura are draped in a brighter blaze. Creatures that rely on sight or do not have immunity to fire damage have disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures draped in this blaze.

While the aura lasts, the paladin can use a bonus action on their turn to cause the flames in the aura to attack one creature. The paladin makes a melee spell attack against the target. If the attack hits, the target takes necrotic damage equal to 3d10 + the paladin's Charisma modifier.

After activating the aura, the paladin can't do so again until they finish a long rest.

(Exactly the same as Dread Lord, but with less dread and more fire. Exchanged the Darkness and Gloom effects to essentially be "painfully bright", with the exact same mechanical effect)

2018-06-14, 12:52 PM
Fire very much needs to breath. Maybe make them not effected by cold /hot weather instead. Maybe give them control flames cantrip/ produce flame as well.
Make their aura emit light. Look at the scourge aasimar for guidance

That's what I'd do.
Otherwise I like it!